09-27-2005, 05:20 AM
If u all who have seen the movie already should know that they might come out with a final fantasy 7 another movie after AC comes out on DVD. Because at the end when the climactic battle between cloud and ??????? ( for all those who havent seen it) right at the end when he was about to change back. Cloud said " Quitly rest in my memories" Then ??????? says " I will not just become a memory". It think that they might make another ff7 movie based on what he said. We dont know. I think they might or else ????? would of said something different like " I will haunt your nightmares" or something like that based on what Cloud said.

We won't know until a few years because we need to see if they acyually try to make it.

Im sure that the remake of Final fantsy 7 will be a crazy game. That will be my first game for ps3. I am afraid that they might make major change that might screw up the whole ff7 experience. They might take out parts like cosmo canyon because it really didnt add to the story just that red 13's dad wasent a coward. I would like it if the entired ff7 game stayed the same or atleast not let them take anything out.

09-27-2005, 05:55 AM
they aren't making ff7 for ps3.

and despite liking AC, I sure hope they don't make another FF7 movie. not that I think they actually will, but hey !

09-27-2005, 10:22 AM
Why not! Have you seen the end of the credits? What was Aeris doing there in the fields!? It confuses me!!

Top Cat
09-27-2005, 07:29 PM
If u all who have seen the movie already should know that they might come out with a final fantasy 7 another movie after AC comes out on DVD. Because at the end when the climactic battle between cloud and ??????? ( for all those who havent seen it) right at the end when he was about to change back. Cloud said " Quitly rest in my memories" Then ??????? says " I will not just become a memory". It think that they might make another ff7 movie based on what he said. We dont know. I think they might or else ????? would of said something different like " I will haunt your nightmares" or something like that based on what Cloud said.

We won't know until a few years because we need to see if they acyually try to make it.
well i sure hope they don't make another film!

Im sure that the remake of Final fantsy 7 will be a crazy game. That will be my first game for ps3. I am afraid that they might make major change that might screw up the whole ff7 experience. They might take out parts like cosmo canyon because it really didnt add to the story just that red 13's dad wasent a coward. I would like it if the entired ff7 game stayed the same or atleast not let them take anything out.
there's not going to be a remake. even if there was, they wouldn't take anything out, partialy because of the massive backlash that'd happen if they did and partially because subplots in any story add to the story as a whole.

09-28-2005, 05:46 AM
It's inevitable that there will be a remake eventually. "It's not a matter of if, but when..."

09-28-2005, 05:56 AM
Let me call Tetsuya Namura and ask then I'll get back to you on that...

10-01-2005, 02:46 AM
Well I guess there would be good reasons and bad reasons if they actually did make a re-make of FF7 for PS3. One reason (that's good)... well let's face it, everyone loved FF7. It was great. Reason No. 2 instead of everyone looking like a computer generated pop-eye, they would actually look realistic, although in my opinion they would lose there charm. A bad reason.... errr.... well think of people who get trampled in the shopping malls from people trying to get to the bloody game (poor granny's).

I was in IT class when I saw the tech demo for FF7 on PS3. My heart literaly stopped for 3 seconds and I almost fainted (as I was told by my class mates). If they went to all that trouble to make a Tehc demo and not re-realse the game, then it would seem a bit silly to me....

As for the film... well I'll talk about it when I've actually seen it.

ok I'll shut up now...

10-01-2005, 04:31 AM
well at the beginning they had the 498 years later thing, pretty pointless, but it looks like the human civilization extincted on the planet 498 years after AC. i really have no idea but it will take a long long time to make another movie considering how long it took to make AC

10-01-2005, 09:36 AM
well at the beginning they had the 498 years later thing, pretty pointless, but it looks like the human civilization extincted on the planet 498 years after AC. i really have no idea but it will take a long long time to make another movie considering how long it took to make AC

As soon as I find the artical, I'll post it here. But in short, it's an interview with Tetsuya and one of the other directors. they discribed that part as there being no more human life.

Top Cat
10-01-2005, 09:08 PM
Well I guess there would be good reasons and bad reasons if they actually did make a re-make of FF7 for PS3. One reason (that's good)... well let's face it, everyone loved FF7. It was great. Reason No. 2 instead of everyone looking like a computer generated pop-eye, they would actually look realistic, although in my opinion they would lose there charm. A bad reason.... errr.... well think of people who get trampled in the shopping malls from people trying to get to the bloody game (poor granny's).
They shouldn't remake it because it'd be cash-whoring as well as pointless. Plus there would be pointless extra features added and it'd probably slow down the release of other FF games. Seriously, FFVII was good and all, but I'd rather have a completely new FF game than FFVII remade.

I was in IT class when I saw the tech demo for FF7 on PS3. My heart literaly stopped for 3 seconds and I almost fainted (as I was told by my class mates). If they went to all that trouble to make a Tehc demo and not re-realse the game, then it would seem a bit silly to me....

As for the film... well I'll talk about it when I've actually seen it.

ok I'll shut up now...
i didn't think the ffvii tech demo was particularly impressive, actually. maybe it's just me but the graphics didn't seem distinctly different to ffx, for example.

10-10-2005, 07:29 PM
AC has only been released in Japan right?

Top Cat
10-10-2005, 07:36 PM

10-10-2005, 08:44 PM
sorry if this is redundant or the wrong forum, but for the noob:

has a us release date been...released?

matt damon
10-10-2005, 08:56 PM
advent children was good, but not another movie. leave it alone.

also, square has hinted at a possibility of them remaking seven, such as putting the demo in a series of trailers that they showed at some convention. but, i don't think they will.

the demo was good, but cloud looked a little weird at the end. his eyes were all big. it made me think that he had gone crazy, lol.

10-10-2005, 10:29 PM
Well there making Dirge of Cerberus, and that takes place one year after Advent Children. So some of your questions might be answerd in it.

Top Cat
10-11-2005, 06:34 PM
sorry if this is redundant or the wrong forum, but for the noob:

has a us release date been...released?
Thread 25351 that's all we have atm.

Gentleman Ghost
10-15-2005, 07:47 AM
GRRRAAHH! Top Cat Has Eaten Your Brain?

Top Cat has eaten 399 brains??

Wats up with that top cat?

............Sorry guys for sliding off the subject.....

10-15-2005, 08:43 AM
Why not! Have you seen the end of the credits? What was Aeris doing there in the fields!? It confuses me!!
It's just a video clip for the main song "calling" that shows the cast in a way more viewtiful, if you watch it carefully you can see that the field is real life film while the only CG are the characters.

It's inevitable that there will be a remake eventually. "It's not a matter of if, but when..."
NOOO! please no more FF7!!! FF7 is saturated, 4 games, 1 movie, 1 OVA... don't make a disaster what is already a masterpiece.
Or who knows? maybe would be a remake for my grandchildren

Gentleman Ghost
10-18-2005, 04:41 AM
NOOO! please no more FF7!!! FF7 is saturated, 4 games, 1 movie, 1 OVA... don't make a disaster what is already a masterpiece.
Or who knows? maybe would be a remake for my grandchildren

Wow! I didn't know there are 4 FF7 games :-D

Atom Narmor
10-18-2005, 05:05 AM
Yah, I personaly feel FF:7 is a done deal. If anything, they should make an FF on ps3 that explains how the human race was wiped off the planet. If all the forestry n such was still there some real apocolyptic shit had to happen to destroy a whole race! Perhaps they could make that game reflect our times. As far as a remake, I'd rather see an anime of the original FF:7 story to fill in some gaps in the fans minds as to what the hell actualy happened on some fronts; but i'm sure it's too late for all that.

Gentleman Ghost
10-19-2005, 10:54 AM
Yah, I personaly feel FF:7 is a done deal. If anything, they should make an FF on ps3 that explains how the human race was wiped off the planet. If all the forestry n such was still there some real apocolyptic shit had to happen to destroy a whole race! Perhaps they could make that game reflect our times. As far as a remake, I'd rather see an anime of the original FF:7 story to fill in some gaps in the fans minds as to what the hell actualy happened on some fronts; but i'm sure it's too late for all that.

What an awesome game concept.

Atom Narmor
10-20-2005, 09:01 PM

01-01-2007, 08:29 AM
Although I think it's an interesting thought, I really don't think they'll make another FFVII movie. Then again, I didnt think they would come out with as many different "add-ons" to the original game anyway.
Despite the fact - They probably won't, but if they do, I'd probably be suckered in to buying it...

01-01-2007, 01:36 PM
Congratulations, you have revived a thread that's been dead for over a year :)

Top Cat
01-01-2007, 08:09 PM
yeah, please don't do that again.

01-01-2007, 08:57 PM
Sry... I haven't been here in awhile... just wanted to comment. O.o

01-08-2007, 12:23 AM
Dont worry redmartyr its all good.

I hope they make another movie, simply because i suck at video games, haha. I'd personally like to see what happened to sephiroth between the time he was born to the time he was in soldier. Also it'd be cool to see more details on the Wutai war. Just a thought, not asking anyone to agree

01-08-2007, 12:40 AM
You deserve to die for wanting more horrible movies.

01-08-2007, 12:55 AM
thats not, harsh at all.

good lord.

well you deserve to be punched in the face for being a jerk


01-08-2007, 02:50 AM
I take what I said back.
After what you posted, you deserve to be verbally raped by Prak.

01-08-2007, 04:00 AM
haha, oh no! not prak! Somebody help me!

01-08-2007, 06:13 AM
Yikes people, chill out... Don't call Prak unless someone needs to be burned at the stake... FF7 did leave a lot of open ground to be filled in... I think it would be kinda cool if they'd touch more on 'the Ancients' that they speak so heavily of.

If you've played Dirge of Cerberus, Cid mentions that his new airship, the Shera (named after his wife and former assistant that brought Cloud and co. his "goddamned tea"), was dug up a few years back. One of the crewmen manning the engine room says that he, nor does Cid, know how to make this kind of machinery, but that they do know how to operate it, as well as some other jargon that it's one of the Ancients lost technology or something.

I think it would be cooler if Crisis Core was focused on the ancient war with Jenova and the Ancients. Jenova's story ('the calamity from the sky') sounds like an excerpt from Chrono Trigger when Lavos fell to the planet a ba-jillion years ago... If Nomura ties CT with FF7, I might hang myself...

01-08-2007, 09:18 AM
Prak is not called upon...he only posts when he deems it necessary.

01-08-2007, 09:29 AM
Ah, then in that case, I hope he doesn't see any of the above posts as flaming material...

01-08-2007, 12:59 PM
thats an interesting bit about the sherra, i knew it was named after cids wife, but had no idea it was an ancient technology. Nice. I like your jenova/ancient war concept, thats pretty cool.

01-08-2007, 02:03 PM
Thanks. ^_^ I just wish Square-Enix would see it, too... -_-

Popo hater
01-14-2007, 07:26 PM
So far the only thing I'm looking forward to is Advent Children complete, simply for that one scene that shows Sephiroth hoisting Cloud up into the air with his sword. I'm a little worried about it though yo.. since I haven't heard a thing about it anymore.

01-14-2007, 09:56 PM
Oh man, I hear that... I was thoroughly disappointed when I saw the anime, FFVII: The Last Order, and Sephiroth only stabbed Cloud with his sword and held him over the edge with the pool of mako below him at the Nibelheim reactor. Instead of what you said above, Cloud pulled the blade into himself and threw Sephiroth from his blade handle and that was as epic as that got...

01-23-2007, 03:48 AM
i still dont see why these ppl keep saying bad things about ff. apparently they cant see any deeper than the open tray button

01-23-2007, 09:30 AM
i still dont see why these ppl keep saying bad things about ff. apparently they cant see any deeper than the open tray button

Then tell us, oh wise one, how much deeper do the games get than the open tray button?

01-25-2007, 02:28 AM
how about go play the games and listen and watch. that may sound corny but open your mind and "listen" to the game

01-25-2007, 03:48 AM

Popo hater
01-25-2007, 04:40 AM
..........No.. -Lifts his hand up and the topic stops dead in mid air-

01-25-2007, 08:03 AM
how about go play the games and listen and watch. that may sound corny but open your mind and "listen" to the game

This does nothing to solidify your argument. In fact it makes you look like a total moron.
I don't know about everyone else, but I sure don't like communicating with inanimate objects.

01-25-2007, 08:58 AM
I don't know about everyone else, but I sure don't like communicating with inanimate objects.

I dunno... The plastic plant in the corner of my living room puts up a good debate if I drink enough cognac... ^_^;;

Judge Bergan
02-02-2007, 09:05 PM
how about go play the games and listen and watch. that may sound corny but open your mind and "listen" to the game



People say bad things about FF..because..not everyone likes FF as much as the other..fans..do?

03-04-2007, 03:35 PM
I loved the movie, it was beautiful and inspiring, and at times, very sad aswell.
I really hope they'll make another movie of FF 7, the storyline is fantastic, no matter what people say, it rocks.

03-10-2007, 07:58 AM

There's no use in beating a dead horse. There are three spin-offs by my count and then there's Advent Children. The stories have been told, and the saga has been fulfilled.

EDIT: Oh and I forgot about Last Order, Final Fantasy Snowboarding, and Dirge of Cerberus Lost Episode. So that's five spin-offs, an anime, and a movie. Yeah it's done.

On the same note Square has announced on numerous occasions that they have no intentions of remaking Final Fantasy VII. As it stands there would be no use. I've come to the conclusion Square should have NEVER shown that tech demo. The rumors just won't stop flying.

03-11-2007, 01:40 AM

There's no use in beating a dead horse. There are three spin-offs by my count and then there's Advent Children. The stories have been told, and the saga has been fulfilled.

EDIT: Oh and I forgot about Last Order, Final Fantasy Snowboarding, and Dirge of Cerberus Lost Episode. So that's five spin-offs, an anime, and a movie. Yeah it's done.

On the same note Square has announced on numerous occasions that they have no intentions of remaking Final Fantasy VII. As it stands there would be no use. I've come to the conclusion Square should have NEVER shown that tech demo. The rumors just won't stop flying.
To some, it might seem as a dead horse, but to me, there's so much more potential and energy in FF7, it simply has the best storyline of all the FF series, and I wouldn't mind at all to see another FF7 movie, you might sigh and think it's just another way for square enix to earn cheap money, but heck, I don't care, if you love the franchise, you really wouldn't care about all the extra's and nonsense, you just play it and enjoy it.

03-11-2007, 06:22 AM
JoSephiroth > ShinraPK

03-11-2007, 06:27 AM
For once, I agree with zetsumai on this subject... Another movie is completely pointless, and the first one wasn't even that great..

03-11-2007, 03:47 PM
To some, it might seem as a dead horse, but to me, there's so much more potential and energy in FF7, it simply has the best storyline of all the FF series, and I wouldn't mind at all to see another FF7 movie, you might sigh and think it's just another way for square enix to earn cheap money, but heck, I don't care, if you love the franchise, you really wouldn't care about all the extra's and nonsense, you just play it and enjoy it.

So you're saying you wouldn't mind Square pilfering around in your wallet? Square is milking Final Fantasy VII for all it's worth, and no offense, but it's mindless fanboys such as yourself who're supporting Squares every move. It's time for Square to move on.