08-26-2005, 05:11 PM
Simple question. Which is better, Lunar: Silver Star Story....or Lunar 2: Eternal Blue?

I'm not very far in Lunar 2, but for now, I'd haveta say SSS.

06-30-2007, 06:30 AM
Lunar SSS. But my heart still plays to the tune of Lunar SS for the Sega CD. The soundtrack was so damn good... By the same guy but completely different in tone.

06-30-2007, 07:12 AM

07-12-2007, 03:35 AM
Both. It's hard to choose which one is better. It depends on your style. If you like the classic story of becoming a hero and rescuing the damsel in distress then its Lunar SSSC. But then again, Lunar EB has just as much to offer in story. They are different stories. But both are awesome. I really can't decide which one is better.

07-14-2007, 07:39 PM
I like SSS a lot more. I can't remember much but Luna's Boat Song is enough for me as well as all the nice anime cutscenes.

07-17-2007, 09:11 AM
I've played only the Lunar Silver Star Story Complete for PSX, I've never found the Eternal Blue (I live in Uruguay so.....)
I will find it someday haha

The Siver Star is very good and the FMV secuences are great!

07-21-2007, 05:44 AM
i have never plaved lunar 2 i have only played lunar silver star story witch was good i wanted to play 2 but never found it and i ehrd the one for the ds wasint vary good at all

08-10-2007, 04:33 PM
I love Lunar SSS, i just ordered Lunar 2 EB off of ebay, should have it tomorrow. The Lunar Series is amazing though.

07-18-2008, 12:28 AM
I cannot choose... I'm fanatic of lunar series and both of them are damn too good....
Soundtrack rocks, anime cutsceenes are awsome and stories are amazing. I just luv it :)

All Seeing Eye
07-18-2008, 12:56 AM
Eternal Blue is better in my opinion. It had the better story, soundtrack, characters, meaningful story concepts, gameplay, and the better ending. Both games are great however, and shouldn't be missed if you're a JRPG fan.

poptart fantastico
07-18-2008, 12:58 PM
I agree with All Seeing Eye.

07-24-2008, 06:41 PM
I like the SSS better, EB just moved to slow.

09-14-2008, 11:04 PM
They are both great on their way, but personally I prefer Lunar Silver Star Story.

09-14-2008, 11:06 PM
Why the hell are there three threads about the same games?

Will keep an eye out for it though.

04-15-2009, 10:44 AM
Because its the best rpg ever. U all are all wrong tho, the ORIGINAL Sega CD versions in every possible way ( besides graphics but um thats the least important thing on an rpg ) beat the lousy PSX remakes. Do yourselves a favor & get the originals for Sega CD or if thats not possible get the ROMS, i guarantee you'll agree with me after.

04-15-2009, 10:47 PM
Because its the best rpg ever. U all are all wrong tho, the ORIGINAL Sega CD versions in every possible way ( besides graphics but um thats the least important thing on an rpg ) beat the lousy PSX remakes. Do yourselves a favor & get the originals for Sega CD or if thats not possible get the ROMS, i guarantee you'll agree with me after.

People would do this, IF it was that important. Sorry kid, no one is going to go purchase a sega cd and track down the games to see if your right, so yes, the remakes will do. Also, your opinion is valued yes, but no its not the best rpg ever. Now,

The original version's had a lousy translation, even slower load times than the PSX as well, that right there puts it to rest dude. Slow = No one wants to play.

Good try though.

04-16-2009, 04:20 AM
No "trying" necessary fanboy, if u cant see the difference between the SEGA CD & Crap PSX remake of the Silver Star you never fully played both & your blatantly FF biased opinion isn't exactly irrelevant but just not factual or honestly worthwhile. Just because you value graphics & load times over story, character development, music & every other element that makes a quality rpg, a quality rpg means you are NOT a true fan of the rpg my friend & shouldn't voice your opinions with those that are. As for the kid comment, the fact you would even estimate my age being kid-worthy for lack of a better word when my whole post bases me growing up with a game from the early-mid 90s proves your level of ignorance & possible incompetence just like the swarm of trendy, unoriginal FF fanboys like yourself who are told what to like, rather than open there mind up & try/learn new things, truly a dime a dozen & why the rpg genre is in the sad state of affairs it is now....kinda like how corporations force feed the sheep of this country ( the US ) to like what music they say is good & spend millions promoting it & forcefeed it over the radio/tv/internet what have you, or how the actors/celebrities tell you how politics should be run & who to vote for ( that turned out great right? )

I'm way off topic but YES it is in fact "that" important as this is a rpg website ( albeit a FF one, but a good one nonetheless) & as one true rpg fan to others, its worth going out & getting a sega cd or at least the emulator/roms ( sadly he's rite in one area as tracking down a sega cd, one that is operating well anyway is quite a challenge in itself ) but as a true rpg fan speaking to others it IS worth the challenge & rewarding enuff to a true fan multiple times over, I can guarantee if u have a mind of your own unlike this unoriginal follower & want a great rpging experience. The only thing put to rest is your credibility & status as a fan of true rpgs but um " good try "...

PS: And to show Im not as biased as my friend here, FFX was an incredible game, one of my top 5 rpgs & top 10 games ever.

04-16-2009, 04:33 AM
Lunar SSS. But my heart still plays to the tune of Lunar SS for the Sega CD. The soundtrack was so damn good... By the same guy but completely different in tone.

Incorrect. That WHY the music was so bad for SSS & not the original SEGA CD version. The composer wouldnt give up rights to the original Sega CD music so a new composer made a new terrible soundtrack....Not sure for the original composers motives ( his name rite now escapes me ) for this but he thankfully did release rights to the EB soundtrack, probably because the SSS PS remake was butchered in to many ways to count...

04-16-2009, 04:11 PM
I didn't say anything about FF did I?

Now listen carefully, the stories are exactly the same in the remakes, yes there were a few minor changes but didnt affect the story overall.

and like I said, its not important to general RPG fans. I dont mean that its not important to me or anything, i was just stating that its not important to a general rpg audience, all they care about is there pokemons and crap like that, that was the point i was trying to make on that.

So yea, I agree with everything you said on the sad state of rpg's and music so you dont need to start throwing words like 'fanboy' and shit around just because someone disagrees with you. I read your post and I agree with almost everything you said, why would we need to start name calling and shit?

The only remaining question i would have for you, is what all have you played? have you played all the FF's? (FFX will go way down in your ranks if you played all the ones before and FFXII) have you played the Suikoden's, Star Oceans? Seems like all you've played is Lunar

04-16-2009, 07:34 PM
Actually you started with the namecalling with the kid & all that, I just responded but after reading your last post the names I called u dont seem to apply as much so Im willing to call it even & move on. Yea I've played alot of classic rpgs, my reply to a post on the best ones I've played is rite here...

Thread 22600

I would agree that they didnt mess up Eternal Blue all that much but the story, plot, gameplay, music & even the freaking characters were all changed around & added in Silver Star Story from the much better Sega CD version & it was a "Complete" disgrace...on par with the godawful Nintendo DS versions & if u check my other posts, replys theres people that agree...if u dont I really doubt u ever completed either the Sega CD version or the PS version...As for the older Final Fantasies I never played the originals besides loading a few roms a few years back but when time permits I do plan on playing some of them as I've been told before about the same thing u case the link doesnt work tho here was my post on my faves....

- April 15,2009 -

NOTHING can compare to the ORIGINAL Lunar 1 & 2 on Sega rpg & gaming experience I've ever had hands down...The IMHO remakes on PSX did the series no justice & were huge steps back, not so much Eternal Blue Complete as it stayed mostly the same but the Silver Star Story Complete was a disgrace. The graphics driven rpgs of today dont even compare to the originals & are a disgrace in everyway. If u cant get yourself a Sega CD do yourself a favor & get the Roms, I promise u, it will be in your top 5 if your a true rpg fan.

Honorable mentions
FFX - Cant stand the FF Series, FF7 is the most overated game all time, any genre but really enjoyed 10. Sephiroth would get his ass handed to him by Lunars Ghaleon any day of the week & twice on Sunday. ( & cloud would also by Alex maybe even Hiro )
Elder Scolls Oblivion - Not my typical rpg but great game nonetheless
Tales of Vesperia - Got it a month ago for my bday & still havent found a chance to play but it looks great ( & I have great hope for it )
Star Ocean - I think it was 2 that was my fave but both 1 & 2 were decent rpgs
Shining the Holy Ark - Really good Sega CD rpg that gets no credit at all....ever
Shining Force CD & Growlanser Generations - Not true rpgs I know but were good games nonetheless
Suikoden - I believe 2 was my fave, 3 was good also tho
Baldurs Gate Icewind Dale - Decent enuff to be mentioned
Fallout 2 & 3 - 2 was good, 3 is really good altho not my style at all
Breath of Fire - 3 was ok
Lost Odyssey - Only a few hours into it but like most modern rpgs its letting me down but has potential to get ok maybe so Im not giving up on it yet

04-16-2009, 10:26 PM

04-16-2009, 10:58 PM
I would agree that they didnt mess up Eternal Blue all that much but the story, plot, gameplay, music & even the freaking characters were all changed around & added in Silver Star Story from the much better Sega CD version & it was a "Complete" disgrace...on par with the godawful Nintendo DS versions & if u check my other posts, replys theres people that agree...if u dont I really doubt u ever completed either the Sega CD version or the PS version...

ACTUALLY....I did : )

Ya The PSX versions were to bland and simplified like most modern games are now ><
Hell even Lunar was ahead of tis time battle filed wise and is better designed than even FF12 >>

So did he & I 100% concur with that...

04-17-2009, 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by LunarFan

I would agree that they didnt mess up Eternal Blue all that much but the story, plot, gameplay, music & even the freaking characters were all changed around & added in Silver Star Story from the much better Sega CD version & it was a "Complete" disgrace...on par with the godawful Nintendo DS versions & if u check my other posts, replys theres people that agree...if u dont I really doubt u ever completed either the Sega CD version or the PS version...

[QUOTE=LunarFan;1227324]ACTUALLY....I did : )


Okay, there are no details in that post. Ask anyone, anyone with half a brain will tell you they still dont know the differences between the two versions your trying to convince us of.

04-17-2009, 07:57 PM
Anyone with 1/2 a brain would actually read what Im saying or if theyve played both themselves would be able to tell u themselves....Im not trying to convince anyone of anything, Im telling it how it is, your trying to convince people otherwise. Go to the various Lunar boards out there, we all didnt care for SSS remake compared to the Sega CD version & u being in the minority here are the one in the position of convincing....& all of this has convinced me u havent played/completed both & also that u may be a little closeminded, stubborn or sorry to say, slow...

Since u never played both Im all but sure of now, Ill break some of it down for u...

The ganeplay - On the maps u have Pokemon esque creatures who run after u & if they get u, ur in a fight were annoying...Ruined alot of the feel of Lunar. If I want kiddie graphics, simplified less deep storyline, dinsey esque trying to hard to be funny voiceovers id play pokemon. The battle system was ruined & the voice over acting during it was godawful, made everything seem & look so kiddy very much unlike Lunar for Sega CD. The puzzles etc introduced were kiddy & no brainish as u like to say...Overall this game was designed for children or simpleminded adults it felt like.

Characters - Much was changed & added to the character development & it made them alot less likeable & memorable & some downright not even a shadow of who they were in the original. Its been awhile since Ive played &Im certain Im leaving out alot but Nash was my fave in original, he was annoying etc in the remake. Luna also was made to be alot less likeable. Ghaleon I always thought was done well in the Sega CD but more should of been done to develop him or w/e & I liked some of what was done in SSS regarding him but not alot of it. The addition of Xenobias sisters were unecessary & ruined Xenobia completely. Again its been awhile since I played but I rememeber there was alot more here that bothered me also, just cant recall to much in detail

The music - Little known fact, the original composer wanted nothing to do with this ( what a suprise, it was awful ) & wouldnt giive up rights to the original soundtrack. The remake music was awful, altho there were 3 or 4 tracks I did like. Again very kiddy & simple. The composer ( cant remember his name ) did release rights to the EB music ( my assumption of all of this is he played the SSS & hated how much had been changed, added, ruined & didnt let them have his work but since EB wasnt ruined much at all in the same way, he did ) Just a resonable/probable theory.

The plot - I remember this getting changed around alot & alof of the original story was changed, added & just ruined it completely.

Graphics - Really didnt like much of the backgrounds for battles, areas & maps they used, the towns were ruined but they did a much better job on the anime scenes as better technology allowed.

All in all if it aint broke dont fix it really applies to SSS & they corrected alot of it with EB Complete thankully. All Lunar Silver Star needed was updated graphics, better looking anime scenes ( which it got ) & very small additions to the plot, not the complete & ruining overhaul it got. This game more than likely killed the Lunar series as for many people was there 1st try of Lunar & not a good one & I know many people personally who Ive let borrow my Sega CD who greatly preffered it to the remake. Eternal Blue wasnt messed with much but alot of people were probably turned off to Lunar by the Silver Star PS version & thought more of the same & thats a shame because they did a decent job with EB, altho the kiddie voice overs during battle & pokemon esque monsters chasing u around on the maps endured. The characters/plot/towns etc werent messed with much at all & it wasnt as good as the original but it wasnt bad either.

I could go on but time doesnt permit but thats more than enuff right there. Get a sega cd or the roms & play the original since u clearly havent.

04-17-2009, 08:16 PM
I haven't got Sega CD, and never played in original Lunar1 & Lunar2, but i played in both remakes. EBC was the first game, which i played, for me: EBC > SSSC )

I don't know, maybe that's cool, when you can say "I played in original games", because after that you can visit different forums and say to all "you dont' understand anything"...but I simply love both of this game, and that's not important for me "which version i've played", because i know, that i played in great games....

04-17-2009, 10:25 PM
Anyone with 1/2 a brain would actually read what Im saying or if theyve played both themselves would be able to tell u themselves....Im not trying to convince anyone of anything, Im telling it how it is, your trying to convince people otherwise. Go to the various Lunar boards out there, we all didnt care for SSS remake compared to the Sega CD version & u being in the minority here are the one in the position of convincing....& all of this has convinced me u havent played/completed both & also that u may be a little closeminded, stubborn or sorry to say, slow...

Since u never played both Im all but sure of now, Ill break some of it down for u...

The ganeplay - On the maps u have Pokemon esque creatures who run after u & if they get u, ur in a fight were annoying...Ruined alot of the feel of Lunar. If I want kiddie graphics, simplified less deep storyline, dinsey esque trying to hard to be funny voiceovers id play pokemon. The battle system was ruined & the voice over acting during it was godawful, made everything seem & look so kiddy very much unlike Lunar for Sega CD. The puzzles etc introduced were kiddy & no brainish as u like to say...Overall this game was designed for children or simpleminded adults it felt like.

Characters - Much was changed & added to the character development & it made them alot less likeable & memorable & some downright not even a shadow of who they were in the original. Its been awhile since Ive played &Im certain Im leaving out alot but Nash was my fave in original, he was annoying etc in the remake. Luna also was made to be alot less likeable. Ghaleon I always thought was done well in the Sega CD but more should of been done to develop him or w/e & I liked some of what was done in SSS regarding him but not alot of it. The addition of Xenobias sisters were unecessary & ruined Xenobia completely. Again its been awhile since I played but I rememeber there was alot more here that bothered me also, just cant recall to much in detail

The music - Little known fact, the original composer wanted nothing to do with this ( what a suprise, it was awful ) & wouldnt giive up rights to the original soundtrack. The remake music was awful, altho there were 3 or 4 tracks I did like. Again very kiddy & simple. The composer ( cant remember his name ) did release rights to the EB music ( my assumption of all of this is he played the SSS & hated how much had been changed, added, ruined & didnt let them have his work but since EB wasnt ruined much at all in the same way, he did ) Just a resonable/probable theory.

The plot - I remember this getting changed around alot & alof of the original story was changed, added & just ruined it completely.

Graphics - Really didnt like much of the backgrounds for battles, areas & maps they used, the towns were ruined but they did a much better job on the anime scenes as better technology allowed.

All in all if it aint broke dont fix it really applies to SSS & they corrected alot of it with EB Complete thankully. All Lunar Silver Star needed was updated graphics, better looking anime scenes ( which it got ) & very small additions to the plot, not the complete & ruining overhaul it got. This game more than likely killed the Lunar series as for many people was there 1st try of Lunar & not a good one & I know many people personally who Ive let borrow my Sega CD who greatly preffered it to the remake. Eternal Blue wasnt messed with much but alot of people were probably turned off to Lunar by the Silver Star PS version & thought more of the same & thats a shame because they did a decent job with EB, altho the kiddie voice overs during battle & pokemon esque monsters chasing u around on the maps endured. The characters/plot/towns etc werent messed with much at all & it wasnt as good as the original but it wasnt bad either.

I could go on but time doesnt permit but thats more than enuff right there. Get a sega cd or the roms & play the original since u clearly havent.

Yes I had a Sega CD and a 32X back in the day, and I've played both versions of each game. Your still wrong. And yes i've read your entire posts, you still dont give any direct detail, do you revise your posts after you type them? Or do you just not know how to interact with people and discuss things?

04-18-2009, 12:03 AM
No, u just can't comprehend english, that was about as detailed as it gets...I give up, you clearly didn't play the original & thats fine, no more wasted time/energy on you. Whole Lunar/rpg boards agree with this, people who Ive personally let borrow my sega cd/ps lunars do as well. I'm convinced you have a learning disability & I'm no longer in a charitable mood w/ my time.

04-18-2009, 01:33 AM
No, u just can't comprehend english, that was about as detailed as it gets...I give up, you clearly didn't play the original & thats fine, no more wasted time/energy on you. Whole Lunar/rpg boards agree with this, people who Ive personally let borrow my sega cd/ps lunars do as well. I'm convinced you have a learning disability & I'm no longer in a charitable mood w/ my time.

Oh you know EVERYTHING. I did play the originals, they were great, the remakes were just as good except for the damn loading times. You, are going further into something that is unimportant to a vast majority of the gaming world. So yes i agree, no more wasting time on a 'lunar' topic. Great games, but will never accomplish what Final Fantasy or Chrono Trigger has.

Your not charitable, you have no idea how to get your point across, you are a jackass.

04-18-2009, 01:36 AM
As detailed as it gets?

All you did was point out your GENERAL dislikes of the PSX version and tell us how DIFFERENT they were from the AWESOME ORIGINAL game.

04-18-2009, 08:22 AM
You, are going further into something that is unimportant to a vast majority of the gaming world. So yes i agree, no more wasting time on a 'lunar' topic. Great games, but will never accomplish what Final Fantasy or Chrono Trigger has.

Oh...I'm sorry, I thought this was a thread on LUNAR, not the generic, carbon copy "majority" modern trash rpgs out there. ( Ok some respect to Chrono ). & you are right on one point, a CLASSIC game like Lunar will never accomplish much as it was put out 15 YEARS AGO & the techonology to play them is dead/illegal. ( rare to find operational sega cds/Roms ) And with crap remakes for the PSX like SSSC, it never will accomplish much & the series is dead along with the best rpg company of all time, Working Designs. But FF7 managed to accomplish to begin the movement in ruining the rpg genre & is responsible for its sorry rpgs of today so yay @ accomplishments...

As far as the "majority" concept, Im going to give u a life lesson friend. Rarely is being in the majority good. Look at the state of hip-hop because of what the industry decides the majority of people will like ( or be told they like...U may or may not be a fan but an example ). Look at the movies put out that are geared toward the "majority"...Look at the majority of crap cars the majority of people drive....look at who the majority elected president...I could go on but u get the point, don't conform to the the majority because being in the majority in this country is a thing not to be proud of/bragged about.

Hey man if your into generic, graphics first, story, plot, character development etc all a very, very distant second Rpgs then your part of the "majority" thats whats wrong with the rpg genre right now & we can all thank people like yourself that buy "most" of square's give yourself a hand for having poor taste/weak willpower & the inability to stand out from the crowd & not be told what to like...*applause*...way to contribute to the problem.

& is what u just posted not confirming what I just said in the previous post. U basically just told me I told u every reason I liked the originals over the remakes & that I was...wrong?!?! huh? Wasnt that EXACTLY what I was asked to do? Please tell me your not serious by that...I reread it again, still confused, I may of just lost IQ points by your reading your moving on....

I got my point off in 8 or 9 different ways & all you said in your last post that there was awful loading times & that was the only difference? Um no...sadly I doubt many people here have played both the original & remakes but if u have, u cant honestly say SSSC wasnt changed in many drastic ways from the original & better Silver Star for Sega CD....& if u cant say that, you havent played both, its that simple

PS. This is a bit off topic but my joining this board the other day has had me in an rpg mood & I put about 3 hours into Tales of Vesperia FINALLY last nite ( g/f bought it for me for xmas lol ) & the first 15-30 mins will turn MOST people off to this game & its a shame because its really starting to get good & I must admit, Im shocked by it...Probably the best battle system Ive ever seen in an rpg ( & I havent gotten far enuff to unlock even 1/1000 of it ) & the graphics are in a different style then the generic garbage most modern rpgs have nowadays ( thanks square ). One complaint is that the camera is fixed & its a minor complain but u WILL get the urge to pan the camera at times...also its a bit kiddish at times & certain scenes are just static heads & some voice over acting ( hard to explain but really budget & takes alot away from the game ) but really its turning into & has the potential to be a classic...we'll see....

04-18-2009, 09:16 PM
Oh...I'm sorry, I thought this was a thread on LUNAR, not the generic, carbon copy "majority" modern trash rpgs out there. ( Ok some respect to Chrono ). & you are right on one point, a CLASSIC game like Lunar will never accomplish much as it was put out 15 YEARS AGO & the techonology to play them is dead/illegal. ( rare to find operational sega cds/Roms ) And with crap remakes for the PSX like SSSC, it never will accomplish much & the series is dead along with the best rpg company of all time, Working Designs. But FF7 managed to accomplish to begin the movement in ruining the rpg genre & is responsible for its sorry rpgs of today so yay @ accomplishments...

As far as the "majority" concept, Im going to give u a life lesson friend. Rarely is being in the majority good. Look at the state of hip-hop because of what the industry decides the majority of people will like ( or be told they like...U may or may not be a fan but an example ). Look at the movies put out that are geared toward the "majority"...Look at the majority of crap cars the majority of people drive....look at who the majority elected president...I could go on but u get the point, don't conform to the the majority because being in the majority in this country is a thing not to be proud of/bragged about.

Hey man if your into generic, graphics first, story, plot, character development etc all a very, very distant second Rpgs then your part of the "majority" thats whats wrong with the rpg genre right now & we can all thank people like yourself that buy "most" of square's give yourself a hand for having poor taste/weak willpower & the inability to stand out from the crowd & not be told what to like...*applause*...way to contribute to the problem.

& is what u just posted not confirming what I just said in the previous post. U basically just told me I told u every reason I liked the originals over the remakes & that I was...wrong?!?! huh? Wasnt that EXACTLY what I was asked to do? Please tell me your not serious by that...I reread it again, still confused, I may of just lost IQ points by your reading your moving on....

I got my point off in 8 or 9 different ways & all you said in your last post that there was awful loading times & that was the only difference? Um no...sadly I doubt many people here have played both the original & remakes but if u have, u cant honestly say SSSC wasnt changed in many drastic ways from the original & better Silver Star for Sega CD....& if u cant say that, you havent played both, its that simple

PS. This is a bit off topic but my joining this board the other day has had me in an rpg mood & I put about 3 hours into Tales of Vesperia FINALLY last nite ( g/f bought it for me for xmas lol ) & the first 15-30 mins will turn MOST people off to this game & its a shame because its really starting to get good & I must admit, Im shocked by it...Probably the best battle system Ive ever seen in an rpg ( & I havent gotten far enuff to unlock even 1/1000 of it ) & the graphics are in a different style then the generic garbage most modern rpgs have nowadays ( thanks square ). One complaint is that the camera is fixed & its a minor complain but u WILL get the urge to pan the camera at times...also its a bit kiddish at times & certain scenes are just static heads & some voice over acting ( hard to explain but really budget & takes alot away from the game ) but really its turning into & has the potential to be a classic...we'll see....

You sure do ramble a lot. Its funny, our opinions arent that different, I just want to know in detail, what the difference between the 2 versions of these games are so I know, Yes I've played both, but the Sega CD versions were many years ago, And i've only played through the PSX remakes once. You don't really give any details, any important details anyway. The whole point I was trying to make is your not going to convince anyone to hunt a Sega CD and then hunt the games down spending a WAD on all of it just to play these when the can find it at a used game store or off ebay for 30 - 40$ for the PSX. I bought Lunar SSS for 25$ complete at a game store, and Lunar 2 EB for 35$ off ebay a long time ago complete. That was my whole point, no one is going to care enough. And thats not your fault, it's just your argument isnt convincing enough for one to play the originals. I win

04-19-2009, 02:25 AM
Wow...I frequent an image board for video games, and yet I've NEVER seen this level of fanboyism when defending the Sega CD versions.

For its time, the SCD ones were great. They showed off higher levels of FMV than had been achieved at the time, told an epic story, and had a number of campy bits of humor. The difficulty was insane at times(Ghaleon was actually slightly TOUGHER in the SCD than on PSX), but nothing off-putting.

However, the facts remain that the PSX remakes are better. The sound/music is better, random battles are gone(granted, there was no other way of doing things back then, and people weren't sick of them yet, either), graphics are crisper, and most spells are awesome instead of yawn-worthy. Admittedly, some people don't like anime(why not?, I ask), the campy humor has gotten campier(sometimes horribly so), and much of the difficulty has vanished(Borgan, we're looking at you!)...but despite its negatives, the remakes have aged well. The originals have not.

Oh, and before one complains about the era of release being a factor, let me point out a couple of things: one, I never said the originals weren't good...just not AS good as the remakes. Two, I grew up with a Colecovision as my first system, so don't try using my age. Three, Snatcher for the SCD was also released in the same era, and yet it is still practically worshipped today...a testament to just how dang good it is. And finally, my two final points, which are the biggest pluses(IMO) for the remakes: BATH SCENES AND BROMIDES!!!

04-19-2009, 08:07 AM
I found Lunar 1 and 2 CDs in flac off the torrents I have not checked them yet probably normal US stuff. I can post them on my site when I have the time or are torrent allowed here?

I can admit the remakes have a more polished story but everything else was gutted for it and that was part the trend that made JRPGs go down the tubes...not to mention bad dubbing/localizations and crappy story/characters.

I did enjoy Grandia have grandia 2 PS2 not got into it but it looked solid enough, DQ8 kinda disappointed me, FFX and FF12 disappointments, FF8 was lsd laced, I managed to get shadow hearts 1-3 PS2 but not had the heart to try them after I tried the Wild Arms remake that utterly disappointed me.
I wonder how bad manga carta is.... I have Xeno saga 1-2 but its more cut screen than game.

It seems most RPGs are either very limited(mostly US) or MMO like in balances dragging the game down(mostly JP) and FPSs are rushed and under my 2 fav gerens shot all to hell...

I miss fun RPGs like FF4,FF6 ,Lunar even Vay and the more quirky SNES/Genisis/Sega CD RPGs... *sigh* mabye I am just old and less OCD and more grumpy.... LOL

---- TOP 50 RPGS ALL TIME ----

While I dont agree with some of these, the author of this list is right on about ALOT & u could learn a thing or two from it

#9. - Lunar: The Silver Star
Developer: Game Arts
Platform: Sega CD, Playstation
Lunar: The Silver Star Story Complete Full Review

There are very few instances when anyone will admit this, but Lunar The Silver Star really touches the player's heart, and this is it's main appeal. Sadly enough, I made the big mistake of buying this game's direct sequel first, and after playing through it almost every single plot twist in this game was ruined for me. This game has one of the best, most enjoyable stories ever featured in any game ever created, but don't think that this game lacks proper gameplay, as Lunar is also very strong in that area. Take this little tip though, do not pick up the GBA version.

#4. - Lunar 2: Eternal Blue
Developer: Game Arts
Platform: Sega CD, Playstation
Lunar Eternal Blue Complete Full Review

Most people will tell you that the original Lunar is the best, but I enjoyed part 2 a whole lot more. Lunar 2 just completely owned me there for a while, I love it so much that I bought a Sega CD off of Ebay just to play the original version. Lunar 2 has the most loveable cast of characters that you'll ever see. There are few RPGs that can truly take over your life, if only for a few hours at a time. Lunar 2 also has one of the best battle systems, which is standard fare for Game Arts games. Nobody should miss out on the Lunar experience.

I'm to tired to further prove my point but if u dont agree that there is a vast & ruining difference between the original sega cd & the playstation then your just plain wrong ( its that simple ) & I ( and others ) will have to further my/our point another time...As for winning, clearly in fact have lost, in multiple opinions from multiple people/sources...

Game, Set, Match....Anyone still reading this thread, coming from a true rpg fan just do yourself a favor & track down the original Lunars for Sega CD ( there emulators & roms can be easily found as the sega cd & itself are not )...the 1st 30 mins or so of both are very slow & downright anooyingly kiddy at times but I promise u some of the deepest, best characters, a great plot/storyline, decent 2D sprite graphics & some anime cutscenes, the best music of any rpg I've played & I've played alot & the best overall true rpg experience there is....