07-12-2005, 04:04 AM
I'm stuck on Necron. Levels are Zidane=52, Vivi and Steiner=50 and Eiko=44. Are these levels high enough and if not where is a good place to train? I'm trying to avoid having to go back because I only have eight ethers left and want to have them for the final bosses, but if that's all that I can do...


Hex Omega
07-12-2005, 04:56 AM
No, you should get all the Ultimate weapons and train until every member is a minimum of Lvl 60.Do the chocobo sidequest and you'll be strong enough to kick the shit out of Necron then.

07-12-2005, 05:03 AM
it might be a high enough level but what weapons do yuo have and what magic do you have?

07-12-2005, 09:44 AM
Necron can be an absolute pain the first time you face him (as a number of members have posted here requesting help fighting him in the past), but with themagic of a cut and paste from my reply to a simillar earlier thread (found at Thread 18600 ):

Necron can be a proverbial pain-in-the-rear the first time you encounter him, (especially if your party is at a low level), but once you know how to handle him, he is a walk in the park. Firstly, I wouldn't attempt to battle him at a level lower than 40 (which was the average level my party was at the first time I attempted the final battle.), as he'll cut you to ribbons otherwise.

Secondly, make sure you've equipped everyone with all status-protecting abilities as it's the status effects Necron uses which wreak havoc with your party's health. Thirdly, having Auto-Regen equipped is invaluable, as you don't have to worry so much about healing yourself constantly.

Equip everyone with their most powerful weapons (Zidane with the Ultima Weapon, Steiner with Ragnarok or, if you have it, Excalibur II, Vivi with the Mace of Zeus etc) and have your mages know their most powerful spells (Holy, Ark, Madeen, Flare, Doomsday etc). Protecting yourself against elemental spells would also be a wise move.

As for the party to use, although you don't have to include Zidane in the final battle, I normally include him anyway, especially if he's equipped with the Ultima Weapon, as his final Dyne Trance attack Grand Lethal is deadly against Necron.

For the remaining three characters, I normally use Steiner (equipped with the Ragnarok), Vivi (with the Mace of Zeus) and either Eiko or Garnet, depending on what mood I'm in. Either one works well, although Garnet is probably better as her summon spells are stronger than Eiko's, and with Auto-Regen equipped, you have less a need for a White Mage than you do a Summoner. But it's up to you.

In battle, have Zidane attack physically (don't bother stealing as all Necron has is an Elixir), Steiner alternating between using his Shock sword attack and Doomsday Sword/Flare Sword, Vivi casting Flare like there's no tommorrow, and Garnet summoning Ark and Bahamut, healing the party if neccessary (casting Shell and Protect is wise too).

Necron starts out using Kuja's Flare Star attack, which can really hurt you if you're not careful, as well as a nasty attack called Neutron Ring which drops a character's HP down to 1 instantly. This is where Auto-Regen really comes into play. Having Garnet summon Ark while equipped with Auto-Regen ensures that while the summon animation is playing out (assuming she has the Boost ability equipped) your HP is still recovering, and as Ark is a very long animation, even if it was 1HP at the start your HP will be fully restored by the end of the attack, meaning all you have to do is sit back and watch your HP climb!

Necron also uses several souped-up elemental spells like Thundaga, Firaga and Blizzaga, but protecting yourself against these elements makes the attacks useless. The only attack of Necron you really have to watch out for is Grand Cross.

Grand Cross does no physical damage, but instead afflicts your party with four or five random and very nasty negative status effects. Some you can protect against, like Poison, Petrify and Darkness, but some you can't. Mini is annoying, but the real deadly ones are Zombie (especially with Auto-Regen equipped), Stop and Doom. And although it's rare, it is a very unlucky occurance to have all four characters suffer Instant Death (it has happened to me once.).

Have your characters immeidately remove the status effects with Remedies and abilities such as Esuna, then continue laying down the smack on Necron (by now you should be Tranced, so have Zidane finish off Necron with Grand Lethal and Vivi casting Double Flare. Believe me, by that point, Necron won't last long under that onslaught.) Just keep a cool head, and go into the battle properly prepared, and you'll win through!

Finally, as far as ethers go, defeating Hades in Memoria opens up his Synthesis Shop which allows you to synth ethers. So I strongly suggest you get a healthy supply before facing Necron, as nothing is worse than running low on MP.

07-12-2005, 05:37 PM
Get above level 60 and just hit him with every thing you got, personaly I found quite easy.

P.S- you should get the ability regan if you dont already have it, it makes it alot easyier.

07-13-2005, 12:19 AM
I've heard of people beating Necron in their 20s. Level seems to be the least imporant factor in that battle.

07-17-2005, 07:56 PM
I've heard of people beating Necron in their 20s. Level seems to be the least imporant factor in that battle.

That does happen other times to. It depends on the game (ie. the other factors) such as matiera. Your HP rises with level but if you had 5 mastered HP pluses equipped in FF7, then you would go to 9999 anyway.

Necron wasnt to hard for me, as on my first time around I was in my 60's (level, not age :p).

07-18-2005, 11:05 AM
Best way to deafet Necron are:
1.Zidane,Garnet(Arch summon),Steiner(Exalibur2)and Vivi(Flare)
2.Ribon and Protection Ring are quite usefull
3.If you have Quina try to have LimitedGlove and Autolife
4.Cover Vivi for Focus and Last Youse Float(You will understand why when you use it);)

07-19-2005, 03:38 AM
Heh. The FASTEST way to beat him works if you have Frog Drop doing 9999 like I did. Only about five or six Frog Drops, and Necron's toast. Seriously, Quina has the potential to be pretty much the strongest attacker, because FFIX won't let you do over 9999. My guess, however, is that you were lazy and didn't bother to eat things and catch frogs for more than twenty total hours (like I did) and that means you'll have to stick with conventional means, like the people above listed.

07-19-2005, 03:59 AM
not really because if you have three of your people doing 9999 damage or even four of them doing it then you will win quicker then having quina useing frog drop
it took you twenty hours to do that, thats a long time man

07-19-2005, 04:09 AM
on my first playthrough of ff9 i simply got most of my characters around level 50-60 by fighting Grand dragon and had these people in my team


at that point all bar dagger attacked for over 4000, then dagger used curaga and after a few minutes of physical pummeling he dies. He only has 70,000 hp or so.
Eiko is probably better than Dagger if you use her in your team but i never did.

07-21-2005, 01:49 AM
what i did was i trained all my charecters to around 69, my first time that is. I barley won with that. made sure all my charecters new float and all the right abillties, like atou potion. The i took zidane, garnet, vivi, and i think the red head. i had garnet on a constant healing patrol, i bought, powerful weapons for the red guy to throguh, had vivi, use effective magic and zidane do what he does best, arrack. it took a while but he finally went down, just so you know the ending is worth going back and training a while, trust me

08-10-2005, 07:39 PM
I have defeated Necron with two characters... Zidane (lvl. 69) and Steiner (lvl.60). Zidane was invincible because he had auto-regen and auto-potion and I used Steiner to give ellixirs if it was needed. I used grand lethal about 5 times... It wasn't that hard, but he surprised me for killing the other two characters in my party in the first turn...

Desert Wolf
08-17-2005, 01:11 PM
Steiners shock did 9999 so I got everyone else to keep healing him and try to keep alive.

08-19-2005, 08:41 PM

Look at this:

low level game challenge

08-19-2005, 10:30 PM
I found that Necron can sometimes be a pain and other times just be plain easy. Its all a question on how effective Grand Cross is. I once won him and he casted Grand Cross on my party about 5 times and there was no effect at all.

Desert Wolf
08-19-2005, 11:21 PM

Look at this:

low level game challenge

Crazy Basterd!!!! =)

08-20-2005, 12:30 AM
I salute you sir Mistail!