11-16-2004, 06:30 PM
I'm currently on my first playthrough, and I got to the last boss of the game...At least I think he is. I beat 'Trance Kuja' and then I got up to this big guy Necron. I tried fighting him, then next thing I know, my party is annhialiated.

Can someone please give me a strategy for this boss? What characters should I use? Summons? Abilities?

Thanks in advance. This is urgent.

11-16-2004, 07:44 PM
Necron can be a proverbial pain-in-the-rear the first time you encounter him, (especially if your party is at a low level), but once you know how to handle him, he is a walk in the park. Firstly, I wouldn't attempt to battle him at a level lower than 40 (which was the average level my party was at the first time I attempted the final battle.), as he'll cut you to ribbons otherwise.

Secondly, make sure you've equipped everyone with all status-protecting abilities as it's the status effects Necron uses which wreak havoc with your party's health. Thirdly, having Auto-Regen equipped is invaluable, as you don't have to worry so much about healing yourself constantly.

Equip everyone with their most powerful weapons (Zidane with the Ultima Weapon, Steiner with Ragnarok or, if you have it, Excalibur II, Vivi with the Mace of Zeus etc) and have your mages know their most powerful spells (Holy, Ark, Madeen, Flare, Doomsday etc). Protecting yourself against elemental spells would also be a wise move.

As for the party to use, although you don't have to include Zidane in the final battle, I normally include him anyway, especially if he's equipped with the Ultima Weapon, as his final Dyne Trance attack Grand Lethal is deadly against Necron.

For the remaining three characters, I normally use Steiner (equipped with the Ragnarok), Vivi (with the Mace of Zeus) and either Eiko or Garnet, depending on what mood I'm in. Either one works well, although Garnet is probably better as her summon spells are stronger than Eiko's, and with Auto-Regen equipped, you have less a need for a White Mage than you do a Summoner. But it's up to you.

In battle, have Zidane attack physically (don't bother stealing as all Necron has is an Elixir), Steiner alternating between using his Shock sword attack and Doomsday Sword/Flare Sword, Vivi casting Flare like there's no tommorrow, and Garnet summoning Ark and Bahamut, healing the party if neccessary (casting Shell and Protect is wise too).

Necron starts out using Kuja's Flare Star attack, which can really hurt you if you're not careful, as well as a nasty attack called Neutron Ring which drops a character's HP down to 1 instantly. This is where Auto-Regen really comes into play. Having Garnet summon Ark while equipped with Auto-Regen ensures that while the summon animation is playing out (assuming she has the Boost ability equipped) your HP is still recovering, and as Ark is a very long animation, even if it was 1HP at the start your HP will be fully restored by the end of the attack, meaning all you have to do is sit back and watch your HP climb!

Necron also uses several souped-up elemental spells like Thundaga, Firaga and Blizzaga, but protecting yourself against these elements makes the attacks useless. The only attack of Necron you really have to watch out for is Grand Cross.

Grand Cross does no physical damage, but instead afflicts your party with four or five random and very nasty negative status effects. Some you can protect against, like Poison, Petrify and Darkness, but some you can't. Mini is annoying, but the real deadly ones are Zombie (especially with Auto-Regen equipped), Stop and Doom. And although it's rare, it is a very unlucky occurance to have all four characters suffer Instant Death (it has happened to me once.).

Have your characters immeidately remove the status effects with Remedies and abilities such as Esuna, then continue laying down the smack on Necron (by now you should be Tranced, so have Zidane finish off Necron with Grand Lethal and Vivi casting Double Flare. Believe me, by that point, Necron won't last long under that onslaught.) Just keep a cool head, and go into the battle properly prepared, and you'll win through!

11-17-2004, 08:47 AM
Oh my gosh...I can't thank you enough for your time and effort.

You are my savior.

11-17-2004, 06:29 PM
You're more than welcome! I'm pleased that I have been of help.

Incidentally, Necron is actually quite easy compared with some end bosses I've gone up against (Griever/Ultimecia I'm looking in your direction), but it is still deadly to an unprepared and ususpecting player.

Once again, I'm glad to have been of assistance!

11-19-2004, 02:24 PM
Now that is what I call assistance.
But in general the difficulty of the final bosses disappointed me. Especially Osma (is that right?), who I find quite easy. I was hoping for an Emeral Weapon type enemy, but nope.

Silver Wolf
11-23-2004, 02:15 AM
I beat Necron on my first try. I mean, I just hit him with a Trance and POOF! He is dead. Course that ain't saying how many hits it took to get me to trance....

11-25-2004, 11:03 AM
I always found his status changing things rather irritating, but I still beat him on my first try. 8-)

11-25-2004, 07:46 PM
LOL here' how I did it:

Freya LV 52
Steiner : LV 50
Dagger: LV 60
Zidane LV:62

Equip ALL with Auto regen , Auto Life & HP + 20%
High HP is essential 4000 + to survive Neutron Ring.
Summon Ark as much as possible. MAKE sure Zidane is near his trance.
Have Steiner us Stock Break , Shock OR Climhazzard.
Have Freya JUMP Every turn OR Use Cherry Blossom. (JUmp is safer tho :) )
If zidane gets his Trance USE GRAND LETHAL......

Thats how it is done.

11-26-2004, 04:39 AM
I can beat Ozma at Level 1.

Furious Rose
11-26-2004, 10:10 AM
I can beat Ozma at Level 1.

Yes I've attempted that also. How did you do it Chorns?? I've been trying for days and I just can't seem to get him!

Oh and for Ozma seriously all I had to do was equip all the status protection skills (is that what they're called??). He couldn't touch me. Madeen+Max Frog Drop+ Zidanes physical attacks (meh...-_-)+Throwing weapons=death for Necron.

11-26-2004, 04:03 PM
Ahem, I would suggest da best party members are Zidane, Dagger, Vivi and Eiko. Be at a minimum lv of 60,the battle is easy, ya know da ability that strengthens summons?Attach it to Dagger, then attach BAHAMUT on her too. Attach regen for everyone, as it heals life gradually according to time, not turns. The ability that strengthens summons will show a long time animation for Bahamut, wasting about 30 secs. By da time it finishes, you will regenarate about 2500 hp, so u need not 2 waste party members turn, just keep attacking. Summon it everytime on Dagger's turn, and mark it, EVERYTIME! When her mp is low, just use ether or max ether, and have Zidane equip Orichalcon. The point is, use regen to its max, by wasting time. While your hp remains balanced, u can slowly chip off its hp. When it DIES, witness it happy ending.
Good luck, and glad 2 help.
Zidane and Dagger makes a good couple, isn't it? :)

11-26-2004, 09:41 PM
LOL I love it when Necron died

11-27-2004, 06:39 PM
I also forgot to mention that it would be also desirable to stock a good number of Ethers in your inventory, just in case you party runs out MP halfway through the battle (you can synth Ethers from Hades in Memoria, assuming you've already beaten him and gotten the Pumice to learn Ark, that is...) :)

11-29-2004, 05:10 AM
Yes I've attempted that also. How did you do it Chorns?? I've been trying for days and I just can't seem to get him!

Oh and for Ozma seriously all I had to do was equip all the status protection skills (is that what they're called??). He couldn't touch me. Madeen+Max Frog Drop+ Zidanes physical attacks (meh...-_-)+Throwing weapons=death for Necron.
OK, I'll try to explain it, first of all, find a friendly Yan and give him a diamond. Next, equip Egoist's Armlet, Ninja Gear, Demon's Mail, Pumice Piece. Then, have someone learn Reflect. Flare Star only does 50 damage and you're gonna want Auto Life when Ozma casts Meteor. Now, just have Zidane use Thievery at least 5 times @ 9999 damage and you should be good to go. PM me for any questions.

Mystic Sapphyre
11-29-2004, 05:40 PM
I always thought Phoenix was a helpful summon when Necron got the best of my team.

11-29-2004, 08:45 PM
impossible is an opinion not a fact.........ive done it its hard very hard but not impossible

Prof. DumbleSnape
11-29-2004, 11:26 PM
Well, I don't know if it will be any help, but when you're fighting him, it helps to have your strongest character equiped with an accessory that gives them auto-life.
Somehow I got my steiner double auto-life. o_O Steiner is specially helpful if he has the Shock ability.

Arc works good also.

If you loose, go back and fight him again. The first time I fought him, I won, the second time I fought him, he hardly did anything at all and I whooped him badly.

12-02-2004, 10:22 AM
Necron is hard..?

All I needed was doomsday sword, And I can beat him easily!

12-02-2004, 05:22 PM
Damn, I would like to thank everybody for the help they all gave...

First chance I get, I'm going to attempt Necron. Thanks again.

(I have another question...Is the Summon Ark really THAT good?)

12-02-2004, 08:33 PM
In a (kupo)nut shell, yes, Ark is good. Firstly, it's the most powerful Eidolon in the game, and an added advantage is that it's summon animation is extremely long, as long as Garnet has the Boost ability equipped. Although this can get boring with the 100th or so summon of it, with Auto-regen equipped to your party, this can be an absolute life saver, for reasons already mentioned.

As for Ark's default rate of damage, depending on Garnet's current stats (magic and magic attack), it should do around 5000-6000HP damage on it's own, but as Garnet levels up, the damage rate should increase significantly. Besides this, increasing the amount of Lapis Lazulis in your inventory also increases the damage Ark deals out (in my current playthrough of FFIX, Garnet is currently around level 90, and she is dealing out 9999HP damage with Ark most times).

Ark's sole drawback, is that it is Shadow elemental. This is normally beneficial, however, it's useless against undead monsters or enemies which absorb Shadow, such as Ozma if you haven't completed the Friendly Monster quest before hand. However, in most cases though, Ark is still very useful, and I gurrantee, by the end of the game, you'll be using Ark quite a lot in battle.

12-02-2004, 08:39 PM
I agree, but I used Bahamut more in the final battle....

12-09-2004, 05:34 AM
I used thievery and shock the most. I also used the Trance jump command, and it worked very well...

12-12-2004, 11:30 PM
Re: Level 1 Ozma --- there's a guide at GameFAQs about beating Ozma on Level One. So if anyone wants to know more about it, that's the ticket.

dyne trance
12-13-2004, 01:26 AM
OMG, Necron is the EASIEST LAST BOSS EVER!!!!!! I think the hardest is Ultimecia on 8, but that's just me.

Use Madeen on Necron, it does good damage to him =) And have Freya use Dragon's crest, cuz that is also a good move. make sure everyone is over lv. 60


12-13-2004, 09:51 AM
We know how this will end. Kuja will cast Ultima and you know the rest. We will see Zidane at a place called "Hill of Despair." After he wakes up, Zidane hears a voice that tells him about Kuja and Garland. Zidane gets mad and decides that he will go to nothing to stop it. Then you will be able to choose four party members again. Choose whoever is the best of the best. All your HP and MP will be cured, so don't worry about that. Then we see the other four party members give energy to the ones you choice. Then we fight the final boss.

Boss Name: Necron (Final Boss)
HP: 55000
Steal: Elixir, Elixir
Party: Zidane, Steiner, Freya, Eiko
Difficulty: Semi-Hard

Preparation: * Zidane should have good physical attacks.
------------ * Steiner should have Shock.
* Freya should have Dragon's Crest.
* Eiko should have Curaga and Silence.
* Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen is a must. Auto-Haste and Auto-Life are
* No one is to be at a level divisible by 5.
* "I suggest that you equip Auto-Potion and Auto-Regen. I also
recommend that you equip Auto-Haste, Auto-Life and as many
anti-status effects as possible. The most important ones out
of the bunch are Antibody, Clear Headed, and Body Temp. Turn
off all those useless abilities like Level Up and Ability Up
or anything else that isn't that great."

Overview: Necron is the final boss of the game! He is actually pretty diffi-
--------- cult, but still doesn't compare to any of the great optional bosses
that Final Fantasy IX has to offer. Necron's best attack is Grand
Cross, which will do random status effects on everyone. This is com-
pletely random. Sometimes you might get all the bad ones, sometimes
the good ones, and sometimes nothing at all! It really is about the
roll of the dice. Anyway, Necron is really fast and he will most
likely follow up Grand Cross with Neutron Ring. This will do 2000
damage to the party and completely sucks. He will do these attacks
at the beginning of battle, so it is almost unavoidable. Also,
Necron has an arsenal of regular attacks along with stuff that will
make the damage on him look funny. The worst part, however, is the
Grand Cross/Neutron Ring spell. Once you get passed that, this fight
is a lot easier. Focus on attack power and hold nothing back. If you
have a Dark Matter or two do not hesitate to throw it at Necron for
an easy 9999 damage. This is the final boss in the game so don't
hold back one bit. Elixir's should be used, and everything that you
have should be thrown. Overall this is one great fight.

Attacks: * Grand Cross is by far the most deadly attack in the game. It also
-------- holds the title as the most random. It will do various status eff-
ects on all characters. Sometimes you get the not-so-bad status
effects, sometimes you get the good ones, and sometimes you don't
get any status effects at all! This is one mean attack, but you
will only see him use this once at the beginning of the fight. You
should be able to dispose of him before he has the chance to use
it again.

* Neutron Ring is the second most deadly attack in this game, not
counting optional boss attacks of course. It will do around 2000
damage to all characters. He uses this right after he uses Grand
Cross, so you will be very weak after he does both of those
spells! This is one very deadly attack that might kill all the
magicians of your party and severely weaken the fighters. It's one
attack that kills all.

* Blue Shockwave is an attack that will reduce one characters HP to
1. This really is not that bad, considering we have had worse done
to us over the course of this game. I remember when Antlion was
using an attack that gave the whole party 1 HP! Blue Shockwave is
still a deadly attack that should not be laughed at, but I still
think it is the third most deadly attack Necron has to offer.

* Meteor does random damage, but in this fight it usually goes to-
wards the higher side of things. You might find this destroying
your party and then barely scratching it. In the final battle it
usually doesn't do 50 damage to all characters, or anything. This
attack is not that bad, overall.

* Flare is one of the best attacks you will see in this fight. It
will do around 1500 damage to one character. This is nothing to
fear and Auto-Potion/Auto-Regen can heal it right back up. It is
still a powerful attack, but nothing considering what they could
of done. Which brings me to my next sentence... Why didn't they
change "Flare" to "Flare Stare." It would have made a lot more
sense, this being the final boss and all. I just don't get it. Re-
flect will knock this one right back at Necron.

* Protect and Shell are attacks that he will cast at the beginning
of the fight. From that point further you won't do as much damage
to him. This is pretty bad, but not unbearable.

* Firaga, Blizzaga, and Thundaga are attacks that you will want to
see all throughout this fight. They don't do as much damage as the
other attacks! Still, they do a copious amount of damage. Of
course, these are elemental type damages, and you might get healed
if you have the proper equipment on. You might find these attacks
healing you every turn if you got all your equipment in order.

Character Duties:

Zidane: Stealing is not an option because Necron doesn't have anything good to
steal. Zidane should either be physically attacking or using Thievery.
Whichever one is better. If you have been stealing "regularly"
throughout the entire game it should do around 3000 damage, which is
not bad. You have to consider Shell and Protect when you physically
attack Necron. Thievery will ALWAYS do the listed amount of damage.
So, play with both attacks and see which one does more damage. Also,
you might want Zidane to be the Dark Matter thrower.

Steiner: Steiner's main job in this fight is to cast Shock, or anything better
he might have up his sleeve. Climhazzard, Stock Break, and Minus
Strike are just to name a few of the other ones. If you find yourself
low on HP with Steiner, you have the option to use Minus Strike or
Darkside. Minus Strike will do Steiner's maximum HP minus his current
HP, while Darkside will restore nearly all of his HP in a physical
attack on Necron. You decide which one is better in the situation. I
would use Minus Strike at the end of the fight and Darkside at the
beginning of the fights.

Freya: Freya's role in this battle is Dragon's Crest. This attack is decided
by how many dragons you have killed thus far in the game. It is a
really good attack that should do around 2500 damage at least. If she
runs out of MP then you can give her an Ether or Elixir. Then she can
proceed to using Dragon's Crest. Optionally, you can have her use the
High Jump ability and see if it does more damage to Necron. In some
cases it will, and in some it won't.

Eiko: Eiko's duty in this fight is simple. She is to heal the whole party
throughout the fight and NEVER ATTACK. This is because Necron will
probably get an attack in before Eiko can attack and thus cause havoc.
You have to keep Eiko on hold until you need her. When Grand Cross and
Neutron Ring roll around she will be almost invaluable with her Dispel
and Esuna abilities. Curaga is also pretty awesome. If you keep track
of Necron's HP, you might want Eiko to finish him off with a Holy or
something to end the fight.

Vivi: Strongest magic please.

Dagger: See: Eiko.

Amarant: Amarant is to throw everything you have. The chairs, the sofa, every-
thing he can get his greedy hands on.

Quina: Only use s/he if you have Frog Drop and it does a decent amount of

Thank you to "TestaALT" and "Gamefaqs".
�04/24/2004. All rights reserved.

Zidane Tribal Omega
12-13-2004, 04:13 PM
hmhmhmhm necron....hmhmhmhmhm piece of cake i beat him at lvl 57 i took out hades first of course because he has the legendary synthesis shop but if you can manage to take out hades kuja and necron are a sinch easy guide to beating necron i keep it simple and clean like kingdom hearts baby. heres the deal...if you can defeat hades use his shop to synthesize some ethers i'd say get enough for vivi. if you've learned all vivi's attacks then you have flare you'll need that. later on before you go up the ladder to fight lich look over to the upper left corner of the platform to recieve the mace of zeus for vivi i recommend you equip it lich is easy but anyway have zidane's ultima weapon and after your fight with kuja have eiko Zidane Garnet and vivi. have then with the abilities antibody,locomotion,brighteyes,and jelly for the grand cross, make sure zidane is near trance so you can use the grand lethal if you have it. use vivi's flare all the time and becarful flare is just one spell away from doomsday which can attack everyone. i've had that done to me it sucks.. any have eiko use haste on zidane and have zidane to normal attacks have garnet use ethers on vivi or use ark or bahamut which ever one. then when grand cross comes if any one dies and not eiko use phoenix to revive them. if you get trance with zidane use grandlethal everytime no matter what you should be able to use it like 6 times before necron dies. and thats it sounds easy right well it is.

12-26-2004, 01:13 AM
i defeated necron using my bro... technichally... i needed his help... he told me to equip reflect ring to everyone in my party.. then make Vivi attack water to your party... it will reflect and make 9999 damage. I remember my first try... everyone died except zidane... i almost jumped on my seat when atlast after zidane's attack i got to kill the jerk...

The Ricky
12-26-2004, 06:16 PM
My Levels
Zidane - 82
Vivi - 71
Garnet - 78
Steiner - 80 (Isn't the level up ability great?)

I gave Zidane and Stiener MP Attack. Zidane had The Tower, and Stiener had the Excalibur I. I only had 6 ethers, and Zidane and Steiner went into trance in 2 hits. Garnet just healed. It's quite simple for me.