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05-07-2018, 08:53 PM

First of all, without Sinus and Heidl ( you wouldn't read this text. Without Sinus I wouldn't have started this enormous endeavour, without Heidl I wouldn't have finished it. So neverending amounts of thanks go to both of them. EDIT: I forgot to credit phbart, Sinus tells me he was the one who shared the leaked version with him. BTW, the logo you can see above was designed by Heidl. Especially for me and this thread. Even though I sort of wiggled myself and Indy into his design-in-waiting. But I'll explain later. Let me start with the score you probably are most eager to listen to.

Ar(k)ival Sonic Raiders

People have asked me for years to do an Edition of Raiders Of The Lost Ark. And I wouldn't have thought about doing it wouldn't it be for Sinus. Both of us got into a discussion on Facebook about which version of this score is better, the one by DCC Classics (1995) or the one by Concorde (2008). But then Sinus talked about a non-official pre-release version that was apparently done by Concorde, containing the score in un-mastered form. I had never heard about it before (!) and so Sinus explained it to me. In the end Sinus sent me everything he had collected over the years (someone else had done something similar before - but sadly I have forgotten who it was, sorry) and I immediately went to work. It was as simple as that.

The not so blissful DCC version & The better but still flawed Concorde version

When I bought the DCC Classics version in 1995 I probably reacted like everyone else: I was stunned. The clarity was breathtaking. Back then I listened to music very differently compared to today, I wasn't analytical and simply unable to hear as much. Still, I noticed some very sharp treble on occasion. And I was constantly adjusting the volume. As the years went by, I became more and more aware that the DCC version mastered by Steve Hoffman was really a mediocre mastering job. Which became crystal clear when Concorde released their version in 2008. It has some glaring faults of its own but in many aspects it is the superior product. And I know that some fans of the score now want to slaughter me. But face it: the virtual stage of the DCC sucks. It sounds distant yet at the same time in your face.

It's all in the mix

You see, basically there exist three mixes of this score. The first mix was done by Eric Tomlinson in 1981 for the movie itself (Eric Tomlinson also recorded it in London). The second mix was done by John Neal for the OST, following the wishes by John Williams himself, also in 1981, using the multitrack tapes Tomlinson recorded. The third mix was done by Shawn Murphy in 2007 or 2008 for the Concorde set, again using the multitrack tapes engineered by Tomlinson at Abbey Road. The filmmix done by Tomlinson was used by Steve Hoffman for the DCC set (both CD & vinyl). You can hear it in its pure un-mastered form on the leaked pre-release Concorde set and it's clear it isn't fit for release on an OST. Subbass is way too strong, spatiality (virtual stage) is very compact and constricted, almost monaural. Several instrument groups fight for space at the center of the stage. Not to forget its muffled sound, surprising for a Tomlinson-engineered recording.

Shelfs and vinyl fakes

Steve Hoffman attempted to solve these problems by A) widening the stage and B) by equalizing it. He did the first with an increase of stereo seperation which has the advantage that it doesn't touch the mix. While it has the disadvantage of possibly amplifying problems a mix might have. Not to mention that it doesn't solve the cramped stage I was talking about. For B), he not only tamed subbass, he completely removed it with a Low Shelf filter! This is no joke, his version of Raiders doesn't contain any bass worth to talk about below 70 Hz. In addition to that he boosted treble starting at 7.000 Hz with a High Shelf filter by roughly 4 dB. All of this creates a sound that might sound crisp at first sight... which sadly reveals itself to sound slightly tinny, aggressive and a bit hollow on further inspection.
But this is the signature for the CD. The DCC vinyl version sounds completely different. Oh, it's because of the vinyl itself, you say? Well, Steve Hoffman fooled you there big time, people. I can tell you... it's just an EQ, faking the lush and warm vinyl sound. What did he do? He took the CD version, applied an inverse bell filter that lowers frequencies starting at 1.000 Hz by -6 dB. He then combined it with a High Shelf filter, boosting frequencies beyond 12.500 Hz by +15 dB (!). So if you think that the vinyl version sounds superior because it's not digital and because it's vinyl... it's not, you're listening to another effect only. One that will admittedly sound very warm and lush.

Wandering instrument groups and Helium

The Concorde as re-mixed by Shawn Murphy finally removed the EQ problem by keeping much of sound signature engineered by Tomlinson; linearizing bass and restoring treble to non-invasive levels. It also presents a major upgrade when it comes to low-level resolution and detail. Most importantly, Shawn Murphy successfully attempted to get rid of the cramped stage. Sadly, it introduced a new problem: now several instrument groups on occasion wander to the center of the stage. Just listen to "Miracle Of The Ark": Brass is standing right in the middle while it was standing on the right in the Tomlinson-mix. The same sometimes happens to strings or other groups. Then some pieces have changed their speed. Take "Map Room: Dawn": it now plays faster than before with changed tonality. This issue is pretty glaring, especially because of the tonality shift. I believe this to be demanded by the composer himself; the altered tonality is precisely what you would get if you would shift tonality by a minor third. Then of course there is the issue with brickwall limiting... of which I will talk again later.
As a side note: several people have claimed over the years that the Concorde version contains additional artificial reverb. First: it's not true. It might appear that way to inexperienced ears - but it's caused by good mixing and dynamic compression. Second: why would it be bad? You would trust an engineer like Shawn Murphy to know how to apply reverb, wouldn't you? After all, he does it all the time.

The version to end all others: my own Ultimate Edition

My version attempts to combine the strengths of all versions while eliminating their weaknesses. Well... I ignored Steve Hoffman's version. Essentially, I took the pre-release Concord, augmented it using the official Concord (Disc 1 & 5), the DCC CD... and the DCC vinyl (teh?P@?Kly�ANK�-?�, it happened, I used a vinyl!). The biggest problem was that I wanted to apply the stage of the Concorde to the old Tomlinson-mix. But how to do it without having access to the multitrack tapes? You use an ancient tool, M/S-stereo and play around with it (basically, it converts the information from a stereo file so that it will end up with the center information in the left channel and the side information (L & R) in the right channel; it was invented for FM radio). I rarely use it because usually it's not necessary. But here I didn't have a choice and the result fascinates even me. Stage and spatiality are perfectly wide, precise and organic, instruments mixed to the center are still there but they aren't as cramped as before. I'm also very proud of the low level resolution, I didn't expect it to end up sounding that detailed. Of course, I also did erase speed issues and little errors here and there. What I'm not so sure about is the chronology, "Indy Rides The Statue" and "Escaping The Pit" might be switched. When it comes to dynamic compression I basically copied the mastering Patricia Sullivan did for the Concorde. I didn't compress dynamics as much as her but I followed her general example (because she did such good work). Before I forget, the files you can download are true 24 bit quality (for the Audiophile Version). How? I can't tell. Another thing: I did not add anything. I don't like to add reverb or distortions (tubes, blegh) and I managed to get by without both. Why "Ultimate" instead of "Deluxe"? Because this score received "Deluxe Edition" treatment before by others and I just thought that I needed to top it. In my not-so-humble opinion, this is in fact the best version of this score so far.

And finally, here's a little quiz for you: how did I manage to keep the noise floor consistent throughout even though I compressed dynamics (making soft parts louder)? If you're able to guess you will get something from me (another score, of course) :)

Before I forget, there is a hidden track. It fits the time period well enough, it even fits thematically ;)


01. The Raiders March 3:03
02. In The Jungle (South America, 1936) 4:10
03. The Idol's Temple & Escape 5:26
04. Flight From Peru 2:21
05. Washington Men & Indy's Home 1:10
06. A Thought For Marion & To Nepal 2:11
07. The Medallion 2:53
08. Flight To Cairo 1:30
09. The Basket Game 5:02
10. Bad Dates 1:17
11. The Map Room: Dawn 3:54
12. Reunion & The Dig Begins 4:08
13. The Well Of The Souls 5:28
14. Uncovering The Ark 6:01
15. Indy Rides The Statue 2:07
16. Escaping The Pit 1:08
17. Fist Fight & Flying Wing 4:36
18. Desert Chase 8:15
19. Marion's Theme & The Crate 2:08
20. The German Sub 1:13
21. Ride To The Nazi Hideout 3:15
22. Ark Trek 1:37
23. The Miracle Of The Ark 6:04
24. Washington Ending & The Raiders March (End Credits) 6:49


(Missing) Rumble Of Doom

Temple Of Doom was less work than Raiders. Sort of. Well no, it wasn't. This score was the first Indy score I bought something like 25 years ago. I hated its sound even back then. The Concorde version improved upon it, sure... but it still sounded bad. All versions lack bass. And charm, lushness, colour. Oh, and the additional tracks? Very different sound. Reason: the pieces used for the first OST were remixed using the multitrack tapes by Bruce Botnick. The pieces added in 2008 contain - probably - the filmmix, they therefore place instrument groups differently. The Bruce-Botnick-mixed pieces also are problematic, their stereo seperation is too big, they are too wide which might be problematic for mono compatibility. They also tend to favour the left channel, tilting the complete stereo perspective to the left side. The filmmix however sounds very muffled (sometimes). It also sounds way more compact, sometimes whole instrument groups end up at the center of the stage (strings, for example). Then their equalization changes all the time. One track sounds muffled, the next sounds crisp, the next sounds boxy. What a mess. Oh, and just like for Raiders, some tracks apparently were too fast.

My version

My Deluxe Edition attempts to correct all this. While I was unable to remix the additional tracks I was nevertheless able to bring all tracks closer to each other when it comes to EQ and stageing. Some tracks still sound slightly odd but I'm nevertheless happy with the result. Temple Of Doom now has the sonic signature I desire when I think of Indiana Jones, something full of adventure, mysterious places and funny love affairs. It's almost reference quality now (which is surprising considering what I started with).


01. Anything Goes 2:51
02. Indy Negotiates 3:59
03. The Nightclub Brawl 2:32
04. Fast Streets of Shanghai 3:39
05. Map / Out of Fuel 3:22
06. Slalom on Mt. Humol 2:24
07. Indy and the Villagers 3:49
08. Short Round's Theme 2:29
09. The Scroll / To Pankot Palace 4:26
10. Nocturnal Activities 5:54
11. The Secret Passage 3:31
12. Bug Tunnel / Death Trap 3:31
13. The Temple of Doom 2:58
14. Approaching the Stones 2:39
15. Children in Chains 2:42
16. Short Round Escapes 2:22
17. Saving Willie 3:35
18. Slave Children's Crusade 3:23
19. Short Round Helps 4:49
20. The Mine Car Chase 3:41
21. Water! 1:53
22. The Sword Trick 1:04
23. The Broken Bridge / British Relief 4:45
24. Return to the Village / Raiders March 3:23
25. End Credits 6:19


The TV Crusade

This is the score where I'm fairly unsure if what I've ended up with sounds any good, it goes beyond my usual I'm-not-very-happy-with-the-result-mantra. Last Crusade was recorded by Dan Wallin and it is a particularly good example why Williams should have selected someone else. Instead of sounding like a John-Williams-score, this sounds like it was recorded for TV with a small orchestra. There is no sense of space, crispness or dynamics. Just like for Raiders, everything seems to be mixed to the center. Here it sounds like a big centered blob with two other disconnected sounding blobs on both stereo sides. The "violin blob" on the left sounds muffled as does the "brass blob" on the right (if it isn't mixed to the center). But the "center blob" sounds very crisp. I know what Wallin was trying to achieve: good compatibility for mono playback on cheap TVs. Yet mono compatibility is not really that good! Would you mix it down to mono, some of the reverb would vanish (because of phase distortions).

The Barbra Streisand / Lorimar love affair

What does she have to do with everything? Well, the recording venue where this was recorded, is called the "Barbra Streisand Stage" ( today. But over the decades it has been called many names, when Last Crusade was recorded it was called "Lorimar Studios". And when Temple Of Doom was recorded it was called "MGM Scoring Stage". Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull? "Sony Scoring Stage". Yes, you read that right: all three Indiana Jones scores after Raiders were recorded in exactly the same room. Yet all three sound very different. But... aren't people always saying "oh, this or that room is famous for its good sound, and you can hear it so well". Yes, people are saying it but it's bullshit. Because the sound of a recording is not determined by the room it was recorded it, it's "created" by the recording engineer. How he placed the microphones, the orchestra, what mics he chose, how he mixed it all. I mean... listen to Jurassic Park and compare it to Last Crusade. Why? Because Jurassic Park was recorded there as well. So I think the recording / mix Dan Wallin provided is a monumental failure, I'm sorry to say. Unless it is what Williams wanted - which would render Williams' intentions around that time a tad dubious.

Re-mixing. Or trying to.

What to do about it? Attempting to re-mix it using a 2-track source. Which is close to impossible. Essentially I used the same technique I so successfully applied to Raiders. Usually, a mix is too flat. In case of Last Crusade it was the other way around: center material was very close while the two side blobs sounded as if far away. I managed to make the mix flatter, wider and a bit more spacious. But now reverb sounds a little odd, like it was tacked on (which it probably was). I'm also insecure about EQ balance, for this I can never decide if it has too much or not enough bass. So that's why I think that I wasn't able to improve it sounds, I'm just offering another flavour. I re-ordered the pieces to mimic their placement in the movie. With one exception: "Marcus Is Captured & To Berlin". It's a typical Williams-combination of two pieces into one and I really didn't want to take it apart. So "Marcus Is Captured" is at the wrong place. On the other hand, I elongated the battle-piece by splicing in "On The Tank".


01. Indy's Very First Adventure 12:00
02. The Boat Scene 2:23
03. Father's Study 2:27
04. X Marks The Spot 3:12
05. Ah, Rats!!! 3:40
06. Escape From Venice 4:22
07. Journey To Austria 0:38
08. Father And Son Reunited 1:49
09. The Austrian Way 2:40
10. Alarm! 3:06
11. Scherzo For Motorcycle And Orchestra 3:53
12. Marcus Is Captured & To Berlin 1:55
13. To The Zeppelin 2:04
14. No Ticket 2:45
15. The Zeppelin Turns Around 1:30
16. Keeping Up With The Joneses 3:37
17. Brother Of The Cruciform Sword 1:57
18. Death Of Kazim 2:27
19. Belly Of The Steel Beast & On The Tank 9:02
20. The Canyon Of The Crescent Moon 4:17
21. The Penitent Man Will Pass 3:24
22. The Keeper Of The Grail 3:24
23. Wrong Choice, Right Choice 4:36
24. Finale & End Credits 10:40


10th Anniversary Skull

Not much to say about Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull. I don't see any need to change the Deluxe Edition I did in 2014 (don't bother looking for the thread, it's gone now), I like it the way it is. Alongside Raiders, this is my favourite Indiana Jones score. But what did I do? I linearized the frequency response just a bit, I also improved low level detail. 4 years ago I almost erased subbass but in the years since I realized that it works better when it's there... so it's back. That's basically it :)


01. Nevada, 1957 2:36
02. Irina Spalko 1:54
03. Area 51 Warehouse 4:23
04. Unpacking & Fighting Back 3:57
05. Indy's Great Escape 3:06
06. Giving the Russians the Slip 1:02
07. Nuclear Cloud & Indy a Commie? 2:00
08. Campus Resignation 2:01
09. The Legend of Akator 1:42
10. A Whirl through Academe 3:34
11. Trip to Peru 1:22
12. Oxley's Cell 2:22
13. Chauchilla Grave Robbers 2:15
14. Secret Doors and Scorpions 3:55
15. Into the Crypt 7:33
16. Not made by Human Hands 1:23
17. 'Return' 4:39
18. Ideograms 3:03
19. Quick Step in Quicksand 3:52
20. The Jungle Chase 9:19
21. Ants! 4:14
22. The Waterfall 2:19
23. Temple Ruins 3:42
24. The City of Gold 2:43
25. Sanctum Sanctorium 4:01
26. The Secret Revealed 6:12
27. The Departure 4:17
28. Finale 9:19
29. Homage a Maxie (Source) 1:56
30. 'Return' (Alternate) 2:20
31. The Jungle Chase (Alternate) 7:48
32. The Secret Revealed (Alternate) 3:34
33. Irina's Theme (Concert Arrangement) 2:27
34. The Adventures of Mutt (Concert Arrangement) 3:13
35. Call of the Crystal (Concert Arrangement) 3:50
36. Raiders March (Concert Arrangement) 5:06


The Doomed Kingdom Of The Last Ark (Covers)

All the pictures you can see in this post were done by Heidl ( I even replaced the covers I did in 2014 for Crystal Skull with the new ones he made. Without exception, his are superior. I sort of weazled myself into his workflow, I think he intended to do covers for all Indiana Jones scores at some later date. But one month ago, just when I had started to work on Raiders, I dreaded the prospect of doing covers. I looked at posters, didn't have any idea how to do them and how to offer something nice to look at. So I asked Heidl if he would be game to do the cover instead. At that point, I still wanted to have covers for Raiders "only". But when Raiders was finished, I wanted to complete the set. Luckily for me, he was already working on the rest, too. I only asked him in the first place because he said to me months ago that he was planning some Indy-covers at some point. And because I'm a lazy ass and because he's so much better than me... well, there you go. Especially for me, he did versions of his covers adding "Deluxe Edition" or "Ultimate Edition" and as usual his covers are a pure marvel.


(not done by Heidl)


From this point on, I won't do complete cover sets anymore. I made that decision sometime around last year and in fact I have done several Editions I never released that only contain one or several front covers (Gladiator, for example, a collaboration with Fink). For one, I really don't like doing cover sets. I started it so that my Editions wouldn't look bad alongside other, professionally produced CDs on the shelf. But for years, I haven't printed out covers, nor did I burn my Editions to CD, at one point I just stopped. And really, for what? Who, in this day and age, is still listening constantly to CDs? I have most of my music on either the PC (which I don't use for listening anymore), the smartphone or some HiRes player. I can connect the smartphone via bluetooth to almost any device equipped with it, why should I then bother with CDs? And if I don't bother with CDs anymore, why would I need a back cover? That's it in a nutshell; the reason to have a cover set has disappeared because of some form of technical obsolescence. No need to cling to the past, especially when I don't like to stress myself with something I'm not good at. For that reason, my Editions won't adhere to the format pre-determined by the limitations of the CD anymore. I can ignore running time and format restrictions. Pure bliss.


(not done by Heidl either, the giveaway is the hideous composition)

To War or not to War

Also, I'm sick of catering to just one crowd: Audiophiles. I cannot ignore other people who simply don't care about sound. I may not like that... but hey, who am I to be so high and mighty? Mastering is making compromises. The compromise is that something should play well anywhere. And if that means that it's as loud as possible, so be it. I became aware of it when someone wrote to me in private that he never hears a difference to the official versions, only that my Editions are softer. Meaning that people don't know that if something is softer it probably has more dynamic range. They may have heard about the Loudness War but only because other people mentioned it. The fact is that other people have better things to do than to bother themselves with things not important to them. That's how it should be, you know. For that reason I will from now on offer two versions: an Audiophile Version and a Loudness War version. The latter will encompass lossless and lossy releases, the former only lossless. The difference between them is bit depth, samplerate and brickwall limiting. The Audiophile version lacks it, the Loudness War version is limited. I have to say, even the sound of the Loudness War version is pretty good (I have the good stuff... erm, tools).

Which version should you take?

Simple: have you ever heard the expression Loudness War? No? Then take exactly that version, either FLAC or MP3. You don't really care about sound but you want something a little different, a little more modern? The same. If you can't stand something that's dynamically limited or if you believe in the superiority of HiRes, take the Audiophile version. Easy, no?


Audiophile FLAC (Raiders):

Audiophile FLAC (Temple Of Doom):

Audiophile FLAC (Last Crusade):

Audiophile FLAC (Crystal Skull):

Loudness War FLAC (Raiders):

Loudness War FLAC (Temple Of Doom):

Loudness War FLAC (Last Crusade):

Loudness War FLAC (Crystal Skull):

Loudness War MP3 (all 4 scores):

Password for all: Ah,Cairo/Pankot/Venice/Akator!

Whoop did a wonderful thing and provided (Thread 224399) the End Title track for 'Raiders' without the hidden track! Please give him congrats for this :)

Audiophile version:

Loudness War version:

05-07-2018, 09:11 PM
Wow, thank you very much.

05-07-2018, 09:19 PM
Thank you so much!!!!

05-07-2018, 09:26 PM
Thank you Sonic!

05-07-2018, 09:29 PM

05-07-2018, 09:29 PM
thank you

05-07-2018, 09:31 PM
Wow!!!! Amazing undertaking!

Lady Amalthea
05-07-2018, 09:32 PM
Amazing! Thanks so much for sharing your great collection! :love:

I don't want to think about how much time you spent on this.
Also the amount of hard work you put into it...

Very impressive. Thanks again SonicAdventure! <3

And thank you also Sinus and Heidl! :)

05-07-2018, 09:36 PM
EDIT4: jDownloader worked. That was very strange. Sorry, everyone!!

05-07-2018, 09:38 PM
Wow, very beautiful job!
Thank you very much and congratulations!
Reputation point added!

Bomba Fett
05-07-2018, 09:40 PM
Many thanks dude!

05-07-2018, 09:42 PM
...just wow!
I knew something big was coming when you had a thread of yours deleted...but I never expected THIS!

05-07-2018, 09:44 PM
Thanks for the shares and work.

05-07-2018, 09:44 PM
Thank you

05-07-2018, 09:46 PM
I'm getting a corruption error for the Raiders Audiophile rar file. Anyone else?

EDIT: And Temple of Doom Audiophile.

EDIT2: Tried zippyshare and dropjiffy and still corrupted. Can you please double-check these files?

EDIT3: Loud Cairo is corrupted also.

I downloaded Raiders myself and unpacked without problems. I'm sorry to say... but there seems to something amiss with your connection or your PC. Are you on a Mac? And are you using old or incompatible software? This would not be first time this happened.

05-07-2018, 09:46 PM
I'm getting a corruption error for the Raiders Audiophile rar file. Anyone else?

EDIT: And Temple of Doom Audiophile.

EDIT2: Tried zippyshare and dropjiffy and still corrupted. Can you please double-check these files?

EDIT3: Loud Cairo is corrupted also.

downloaded with problems

05-07-2018, 09:48 PM
I downloaded Raiders myself and unpacked without problems. I'm sorry to say... but there seems to something amiss with your connection or your PC. Are you on a Mac? And are you using old or incompatible software? This would not be first time this happened.

I've been downloading for two decades. I can't see how it would be me. I just grabbed files this morning. I'll try jDownloader or something.

05-07-2018, 09:49 PM
Interesting read -- can't wait to listen to these. Thanks so much!

05-07-2018, 09:56 PM
Wow. "The last Crusade" was always one of my favorite scores off all time.
I�m really excited how your version will sound.
Oh, and thank you of course. :)

05-07-2018, 09:58 PM
Just finished unpacking all the files -- I can confirm they all work correctly!

05-07-2018, 10:00 PM

05-07-2018, 10:03 PM
Wow. "The last Crusade" was always one of my favorite scores off all time.
I�m really excited how your version will sound.
Oh, and thank you of course. :)

Oooooh... you might not like it, the warmth people associate with it, is gone. I tried to match to the other scores and I'm not sure if that was a good thing. I mean it's still "warm", now it's also charming... but it's not muffled anymore.

05-07-2018, 10:06 PM
Ok, first I wanted to apologize for the corrupted file issue. I don't know what happened. It's never happened to me before and I always keep everything up to date.

In any case, I'm spot-checking this because I have to go out in a bit, but I wanted to say that Raiders sounds great. I've been meaning to do something like this myself for a while, but never got around to it.

Thanks, SonicAdventure!

05-07-2018, 10:12 PM
I need some help - getting a constant message that my 7Zip cannot unpack due to "Wrong Password." I am copying and pasting, what am I doing wrong?

05-07-2018, 10:14 PM
I need some help - getting a constant message that my 7Zip cannot unpack due to "Wrong Password." I am copying and pasting, what am I doing wrong?

Are you copy/pasting the WHOLE string that's in red?

05-07-2018, 10:14 PM
Thanks a million for all the great work and too bad about the lack of inlay covers - I do still burn CDs and actually listen to them! Nevertheless, many, many thanks!

05-07-2018, 10:17 PM
I need some help - getting a constant message that my 7Zip cannot unpack due to "Wrong Password." I am copying and pasting, what am I doing wrong?

You might have some program running that watches the Clipboard. Which cannot work with Unicode characters like "/". Have you tried writing it by hand?

---------- Post added at 11:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 PM ----------

Thanks a million for all the great work and too bad about the lack of inlay covers - I do still burn CDs and actually listen to them! Nevertheless, many, many thanks!

Oh, you're one of the few ;)

James (The Disney Guy)
05-07-2018, 10:29 PM

Me Likey!!!

Thankee So Muchy!

05-07-2018, 10:32 PM
Well I can still see myself making inlays and back covers etc for some of Sonic future releases.

Besides that, great release! Man, that original post of yours is fucking epic. You really know how to present things the right way, holy grail!

05-07-2018, 10:37 PM
I feel like I'm hearing these for the first time again.

05-07-2018, 10:42 PM
What a collection, another amazing share, very impressive Sonic, very impressive! :-) Thanks a lot!

capitan moscardon
05-07-2018, 10:44 PM
Amazing! Thanks a lot

05-07-2018, 11:13 PM
Thanks for the huge post, i ll read everything in the bed :) And i ve downloaded Last Crusade first cause i m very curious anout what you did with the sound. If it doesn't sound like "Murder she wrote" anywmore that s already a big improvement! ^^

And Heidl i m so glad you did covers they look soooo neat :)

05-07-2018, 11:26 PM
Many thanks for this great share.

05-07-2018, 11:37 PM
I feel like I'm hearing these for the first time again.

Really?? I'm glad :)

---------- Post added at 12:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:32 AM ----------

Thanks for the huge post, i ll read everything in the bed :) And i ve downloaded Last Crusade first cause i m very curious anout what you did with the sound. If it doesn't sound like "Murder she wrote" anywmore that s already a big improvement! ^^

And Heidl i m so glad you did covers they look soooo neat :)

Yes, you were very curious about Raiders three weeks ago when I sent you the first version ;) Heidl's covers are great, aren't they?

---------- Post added at 12:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 AM ----------

Well I can still see myself making inlays and back covers etc for some of Sonic future releases.

Besides that, great release! Man, that original post of yours is fucking epic. You really know how to present things the right way, holy grail!

A post by you would look even better, darlin'. Nice that you can still see yourself making complete cover sets. For Last Jedi for example, at one point I will start working on it ;) But I would be happy with a digital booklet, too.

---------- Post added at 12:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:34 AM ----------

...just wow!
I knew something big was coming when you had a thread of yours deleted...but I never expected THIS!

I had the old Indy 4 thread erased. A bit sad, because it contained some nice people and posts. But it would have been an anachronism with the stuff I planned to do (-> this thread) so I wanted it gone.

05-07-2018, 11:43 PM

Hooly moly! That's awesome! Thanks!

05-07-2018, 11:57 PM
I raise a glass to you, SonicAdventure. Thank you so much for this amazing collection.

05-08-2018, 12:12 AM
Wow, thank you soooooooo much!!!

05-08-2018, 12:14 AM
Brilliant, Fantastic, Awesome. Thanks for all the hard work you guys have done on this set.

05-08-2018, 12:23 AM
Amazing work Sonic!!! Thanks so much for another improved deluxe edition.

Dark Knight 86
05-08-2018, 12:34 AM

Thank You so much for sharing this, and all the hard work you put into making it. Now I can finally replace my old 4 disc collection. :)

My favorite score out of all four is still "The Last Crusade".

05-08-2018, 12:37 AM
carnt get the passwords to work

05-08-2018, 12:50 AM
Thank you

05-08-2018, 12:58 AM
sorry, got them working now. A brilliant share, thankyou

05-08-2018, 01:34 AM
I read everything you wrote about what you did to each soundtrack and have no idea what you really did. It sounds like a monumental undertaking though and these being some of my favorite scores I appreciate the work you did and can't wait to hear them again for the first time. :-)

Thank you for sharing!!!

05-08-2018, 01:42 AM
This belongs in a museum!

05-08-2018, 01:43 AM
This is perfection, thank you so much !!!!
If you lokk for some more work, there are the new release of star wars (remastered), that have some serious issues (especially the classic trilogy)... :)

05-08-2018, 01:52 AM
yep if you get a interruption or use older software you get the errors, I have it do that when they get interrupted :(

---------- Post added at 07:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:49 PM ----------

Thanks for sharing I really all your explanations of the how what tech talk , thank you very much for that .
I thought I was special when I got to buy the Concorde Boxset LOL, should have know better but well live and Learn.

05-08-2018, 02:13 AM
This sounds absolutely outstanding! Without hyperbole, your mastering work here is an inspiration [raises glass] Cheers!

05-08-2018, 02:32 AM
Thank you kindly for all of these. Great work.

web traveller
05-08-2018, 03:09 AM
Thanks so much for this Sonic adventure. And a thanks to Sinus and Heidl as well. I chose your Audiophile versions. I might try one of the others and compare. If I like them as well, I might download those too.
I am a CD guy myself. I still burn CD's, (someone else on the board does as well I read) not only to listen through my home system, but also for extra storage. Never got used to listening through headphones, but I do once in awhile.
Thanks again for the hard work and sharing this.

05-08-2018, 03:38 AM
Thanks so much for sharing. I have to admit I've never warmed to these scores (aside from the main theme). Perhaps these editions will change that for me.

05-08-2018, 03:40 AM
Thanks Sonic. Just one question - if you used the Concorde version of Raiders, does that mean you kept the micro-edits?

05-08-2018, 03:52 AM
Thank you very much! I love these films and John Williams can do no wrong.

As far as the films go, Raiders is great and I feel that Temple of Doom gets a lot of undeserved bashing (at least to me, I can't change people's opinions on this film), because it was really an ambitious dark film that was in the wrong place and wrong time, just like Timothy Dalton's interpretation of James Bond. Also, along with Gremlins, it did gave birth to the idea of a PG-13 rating, so there's that.

Still, thank you so much for these!

05-08-2018, 04:05 AM
Wow! great Job. You nailed It! Maybe you could do a film version edit of the Raiders end credits as icing on the cake?

05-08-2018, 04:09 AM
wait for COMPLETE DOOM surfaced

05-08-2018, 04:43 AM
Thank you

05-08-2018, 05:09 AM
Thank you so much for an awesome share. Always love your work.

05-08-2018, 06:17 AM
Thank you very much. Probably needs Treasure Box cover.

05-08-2018, 06:23 AM
Thank you.

05-08-2018, 06:37 AM

05-08-2018, 06:45 AM
Wow! Thanks for the amazing restoration work on these! Raiders was one of my childhood favourites. It's an absolute joy to hear it sounding so nice now.

Now, the big question is, dare we hope for a Star Wars series, now that episode 1 - 6 OST are released in HiRes?

the marvin
05-08-2018, 07:15 AM
Thanks so much once again, you guys are the best!

05-08-2018, 07:15 AM
This belongs in a museum!

So do you!

Thank you very much. Probably needs Treasure Box cover.

Hmm, you think so? I didn't see the need for such a thing as it's a purely digital collection this time.

05-08-2018, 07:16 AM
(someone else had done something similar before - but sadly I have forgotten who it was, sorry)

Might you perhaps be referring to phbart ( Because he's where I got most of my Raiders files from. Then again, since you did reply to one of his threads recently, maybe he's not it.

Congrats on doing this whole thing! I feel like now is rather good time to be listening to Williams msuc, with the recent release of the SW remasters, this, and me finally getting to my copy of the FSM Superman box set that I bought months ago. I was a bit confused as to why you didn't use the sessions for Raiders, but I suppose the rather archival nature of it prevented it from being used. In any case, I hope to extend my orchestral palette pretty soon.

05-08-2018, 07:18 AM
And finally, here's a little quiz for you: how did I manage to keep the noise floor consistent throughout even though I compressed dynamics (making soft parts louder)? If you're able to guess you will get something from me (another score, of course) :)

(Please tell me that I've won. I have a score that'd reeeeally need your healing hands!)

05-08-2018, 07:41 AM
Thank you for sharing this impressive set!

05-08-2018, 07:48 AM
Thank you so much for this great, great work!

05-08-2018, 08:55 AM
Thanks a lot for this amazing work.

05-08-2018, 09:10 AM
Many thanks for the shares. Great Work!.

05-08-2018, 09:10 AM
Impressive, thanks for your hard work on this.

05-08-2018, 09:37 AM
Thank you once more, Sonic! Definitely I'll go with the audiophile edition... Williams is not meant for Loudness War.

05-08-2018, 09:45 AM
Thank you very much for sharing!

05-08-2018, 09:48 AM
Thank you very much for this great work and for sharing it with us !

05-08-2018, 10:30 AM
I don�t post very often because of my poor English (I'm from Spain), but your work consistently fills my heart with joy. Thank you very, very much, Sonic.


05-08-2018, 11:06 AM
I read everything you wrote about what you did to each soundtrack and have no idea what you really did. It sounds like a monumental undertaking though and these being some of my favorite scores I appreciate the work you did and can't wait to hear them again for the first time. :-)

Well, I usually talk too much about these things. My fault :)

---------- Post added at 11:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:48 AM ----------

This belongs in a museum!

Cheeky :D

---------- Post added at 11:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 AM ----------

Thanks so much for this Sonic adventure. And a thanks to Sinus and Heidl as well. I chose your Audiophile versions. I might try one of the others and compare. If I like them as well, I might download those too.
I am a CD guy myself. I still burn CD's, (someone else on the board does as well I read) not only to listen through my home system, but also for extra storage. Never got used to listening through headphones, but I do once in awhile.
Thanks again for the hard work and sharing this.

I still buy CDs when they are official. I grab them to the harddrive, return them to the shelf, remaster them and from then on they spend their lives as data on the harddrive, only to be touched again in case I want to remaster them again. It's a shame that I have to remaster so many scores released by Intrada and LLL, I would love not to do it. And also, I do like to read booklets that are designed well. But I only read them once or twice...

---------- Post added at 11:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:52 AM ----------

Thanks Sonic. Just one question - if you used the Concorde version of Raiders, does that mean you kept the micro-edits?

If the pre-release Concorde already had the micro edits, then yes. But I don't think so. "Basket Game" is the long version. As is "Desert Chase". I didn't compare all those versions, I had a written list, telling me what material I needed.

---------- Post added at 11:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:54 AM ----------

Wow! great Job. You nailed It! Maybe you could do a film version edit of the Raiders end credits as icing on the cake?

They are different? I didn't know. Is it a shorter edit or a longer edit? If it's shorter, I don't see any reason to include it.

---------- Post added at 11:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:56 AM ----------

Wow! Thanks for the amazing restoration work on these! Raiders was one of my childhood favourites. It's an absolute joy to hear it sounding so nice now.

Now, the big question is, dare we hope for a Star Wars series, now that episode 1 - 6 OST are released in HiRes?

Well, I don't know how. The additional material that is NOT on the new remasters is still old and probably derived from some odd mixes. Besides, I very much doubt that Disney spent all this money remixing the Star Wars series using the film mix just to re-create the OST suites. I think, that we will have complete scores in fairly stunning audio quality in a few years anyway.

---------- Post added at 11:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:58 AM ----------

Hmm, you think so? I didn't see the need for such a thing as it's a purely digital collection this time.

I agree :)

---------- Post added at 12:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:59 AM ----------

Might you perhaps be referring to phbart ( Because he's where I got most of my Raiders files from. Then again, since you did reply to one of his threads recently, maybe he's not it.

Congrats on doing this whole thing! I feel like now is rather good time to be listening to Williams msuc, with the recent release of the SW remasters, this, and me finally getting to my copy of the FSM Superman box set that I bought months ago. I was a bit confused as to why you didn't use the sessions for Raiders, but I suppose the rather archival nature of it prevented it from being used. In any case, I hope to extend my orchestral palette pretty soon.

I don't know if he was the person, sorry. And I didn't use the sessions simply because they weren't sessions, they were fake. Assembled using the pre-release concorde, the Concorde and the DCC. Very much like I did it here. But with worse sound quality (a lot worse actually) and no mastering at all (aside from the Concorde-derived pieces which were much louder than the rest).

I'm curious what you think about the sound quality for the first Superman :)

---------- Post added at 12:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:05 PM ----------

(Please tell me that I've won. I have a score that'd reeeeally need your healing hands!)

Nope, Shia. You're not famous anymore (I like your unicorn though) ;)

But what score do you mean?

05-08-2018, 11:41 AM
Fantastico ���� gracias����

05-08-2018, 11:54 AM
Credits should also be given to phbart after I begged him to share the 2008 prototype leak again.

Other than that I'm nearly speechless.

Beautiful sound and images come together in a marvellous collection. Gotta invest some time to cherish that. :)

05-08-2018, 12:07 PM
I ve got to come out too as one who still burn CDs so i love to have a back cover at least cause it can be really tricky to do it by yourself :) Yes i m just lazy!

05-08-2018, 12:32 PM
I ve got to come out too as one who still burn CDs so i love to have a back cover at least cause it can be really tricky to do it by yourself :) Yes i m just lazy!

Yet you have a smartphone. And a bluetooth-equipped stereo. So you could get by without a CD. Besides, your CD shelf would look more neat ;)

Don't worry, I will configure your smartphone to connect with the stereo when I come :)

---------- Post added at 01:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:29 PM ----------

Credits should also be given to phbart after I begged him to share the 2008 prototype leak again.

Other than that I'm nearly speechless.

Beautiful sound and images come together in a marvellous collection. Gotta invest some time to cherish that. :)

Done. Credits I mean.

You like it? It didn't change that much from the two previews you got. I just linearized it a bit more.

05-08-2018, 12:33 PM
Just wondering if the pitch issues are fixed in this set. The concord version released in 2008 were the wrong pitch due to wrong transfer speed

05-08-2018, 12:42 PM
Just wondering if the pitch issues are fixed in this set. The concord version released in 2008 were the wrong pitch due to wrong transfer speed

Oh, that is a tricky comment! :D I racked my brain because of this.

Since I didn't use the Concorde except for a few select pieces, I doubt that there are speed issues. BUT: I don't really know. Before I used the version of "Map Room: Dawn" from the official Concorde (because the choir is mixed louder compared to Tomlinson's mix) I asked Sinus who determined that there were in fact speed issues? What if every version before was wrong and the Concorde was the first version to get it right? What was the reference? The first OST? I wouldn't put it beyond Williams to have faster speed as a 'feature' for that.

To my knowledge, I used just one track from the affected Concorde (the pre-release Concorde I used was not affected) that was too fast. And after comparing tonality to other pieces featuring similar music I slowed it down a minor third.

05-08-2018, 12:44 PM
I've only gotten through Raiders thus far (it was getting late), but thank you so much for your hard work! Will be checking out the sequels today.

05-08-2018, 12:59 PM
Sorry to be a bother but is there not back cover art for IJ 1-3 just front covers? I see 4 had back cover art if not NP really appreciate these and again thanks to all involved to make this possible have a Great Day!
I know what I will be listening to all day at work LOL

05-08-2018, 01:01 PM
Sorry to be a bother but is there not back cover art for IJ 1-3 just front covers? I see 4 had back cover art if not NP really appreciate these and again thanks to all involved to make this possible have a Great Day!
I know what I will be listening to all day at work LOL

The back cover for the 4th harks back to 2014 when I first released that Edition. But last year I decided I won't do back covers anymore. So I didn't do covers for 1-3.

05-08-2018, 01:13 PM
I would like to see what you could do to fix the unreleased Last Crusade music that has been floating around for over 20 years now.

05-08-2018, 01:20 PM
The back cover for the 4th harks back to 2014 when I first released that Edition. But last year I decided I won't do back covers anymore. So I didn't do covers for 1-3.

Me neither. I could have made some, but full cover sets are always very, very time-consuming and - especially for older films/scoers like these - kinda tricky because of the limited source material. Besides, I'm fully engaged in a commissional work right now and don't have any time left to invest in this collection, sorry. But I definitely see me making a full cover set for The Last Jedi, should it ever be turned into a Deluxe Edition.... ;)

---------- Post added at 06:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:13 AM ----------

But what score do you mean?

05-08-2018, 01:32 PM
Believe me i d love him to tackle more Giacchino scores, i m working on this for years now! :) So keep hope ^^

Bomba Fett
05-08-2018, 02:40 PM
What's the difference between Audiophile and Loudness War??

Yes, I am dumb and too lazy to search the internet...

05-08-2018, 02:41 PM
Maybe I'll rope him in with a bunch of custom covers. It worked in the past, it will work again :)

05-08-2018, 03:03 PM
I would like to see what you could do to fix the unreleased Last Crusade music that has been floating around for over 20 years now.

I can answer that: nothing. Because I tried. I listened to every bit of additional music out there. And the additional tracks for Last Crusade were beyond repair, the quality was just awful.

---------- Post added at 04:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:00 PM ----------

Believe me i d love him to tackle more Giacchino scores, i m working on this for years now! :) So keep hope ^^

Pet, you will fail. Just like all those years before ;) There are only two scores by Giacchino I want to do at some point: John Carter and Jupiter Ascending.

---------- Post added at 04:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:01 PM ----------

What's the difference between Audiophile and Loudness War??

Yes, I am dumb and too lazy to search the internet...

Loudness War: 4 dB too loud (achieved with brickwall limiting -> crushing dynamic peaks & transients without anyone noticing (hopefull)), 16 bit & 44.1 kHz
Audiophile: no brickwall limiting, 24 bit & 48 kHz (perfect for smartphones)

And I explained some differences in the first post ;)

---------- Post added at 04:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:03 PM ----------

Maybe I'll rope him in with a bunch of custom covers. It worked in the past, it will work again :)

Depends on the score :)

05-08-2018, 03:10 PM
Thanks very much.

05-08-2018, 03:14 PM
Me neither. I could have made some, but full cover sets are always very, very time-consuming and - especially for older films/scoers like these - kinda tricky because of the limited source material. Besides, I'm fully engaged in a commissional work right now and don't have any time left to invest in this collection, sorry. But I definitely see me making a full cover set for The Last Jedi, should it ever be turned into a Deluxe Edition.... ;)

I'm so happy that you did covers at all! I just got desperate when I saw the available material as I didn't have any idea.

Admittedly, that isn't a bad score. But wasn't it pretty much complete already? Aside from sound quality I wouldn't see a reason for me working on it.

05-08-2018, 04:39 PM
Thank You Very Much! BTW, Have you considered doing a deluxe edition of Desplat's Godzilla?

05-08-2018, 04:49 PM
There are only two scores by Giacchino I want to do at some point: John Carter and Jupiter Ascending.

oooh...yes please! :-))

05-08-2018, 04:56 PM
Thank You Very Much! BTW, Have you considered doing a deluxe edition of Desplat's Godzilla?

Yes, I have ;)

05-08-2018, 05:20 PM
Hehe Godzilla would have been my second choice

05-08-2018, 06:36 PM
Admittedly, that isn't a bad score. But wasn't it pretty much complete already? Aside from sound quality I wouldn't see a reason for me working on it.

I wouldn't ask for an expanded or complete score or anything. It's just, this soundtrack album sounds like a live performance at certain points. I know technically it is of course a live performance, but it sounds more like a concert recording. The venue is clearly audible and I just don't like it. I would really be interested what you're able to do with this score.

05-08-2018, 06:40 PM
Thank you very much.

05-08-2018, 06:41 PM
Very much thanks! Great job!!!

05-08-2018, 07:22 PM
WOW! Sonic, didn't you say once that you had no interest in remastering these scores? I could swear you did. In any event, I'm thrilled that you've taken them on nonetheless!

For Raiders, I too have dug up the DCC LP and CD, Concorde "prototype" and final Concorde release to Frankenstein my own edition. I followed other people's guides on how to correct the pitch on the Concorde tracks, but unlike you, I didn't know how to make the music from all these disparate sources sound the same. Now at last, my OCD can rest haha! Also, I don't know who Kate Bush is, but I will begrudgingly admit your hidden track on Raiders is fairly appropriate. :P

Temple of Doom is just icing on the cake and definitive enough for me, at least until Matessino finally gets around to this series. As for Last Crusade, don't ask me why, but it's always been my favorite movie and a beloved score. Thankfully, the 2008 Concorde had my 2 most wanted unreleased cues "The Boat Scene" and "Wrong Choice, Right Choice," so I won't be too upset if it's several more years before we get an official complete release. Based on your comments, I may have to live with your new mastering for a little while before I really know how I feel about it. For whatever reason, I never had a problem with the sound on the 2 existing releases. I'll probably just keep your audiophile version for listening and the official Concorde on my shelf. :) As for the assembly on this one, I quite like the album combination of "Marcus Is Captured" with "To Berlin," so I'm glad you've retained it here. As for "On the Tank" and "Belly of the Steel Beast," I don't know what it is about those cues, but try as I might, I've never managed to combine them seamlessly, so I'm glad to see that here too.

I suppose that's enough rambling for now, so I'll just finish by saying thanks yet again. :) I very much look forward to playing the hell out of these files!

05-08-2018, 07:26 PM
Thank you for this, you're a very benevolent god!! :)

05-08-2018, 07:30 PM
Many thanks.

05-08-2018, 07:45 PM
Thanks for sharing! :D

05-08-2018, 09:14 PM
Thanks to Sonic, Sinus, and Heidl for their hard work!!

05-08-2018, 09:19 PM
Thanks for the files. Also for those who might be having trouble opening the rar files, you need to copy to enter the entire red string.

05-08-2018, 10:49 PM
Impressive master!!!
Thanks a lot

05-08-2018, 10:59 PM
There are big problems concerning Giacchino's recordings, and mastering. Very dry sound, the instruments sound muffled and too far from the microphone idk it s always weird. It really prevented me from listening to most of them.

One day, at least John Carter will come for sure :)

05-08-2018, 10:59 PM
Now I can die in peace ;)
Thank you very much.

05-08-2018, 11:04 PM
Wow! Thank you thank you thank you :)

05-08-2018, 11:22 PM
Thanks for reply sonic I just thought I was missing some files or cover art. It was not a complaint I totally understand.
I really enjoyed Raiders today I could swear I heard tracks I never heard before, but that could just be my imagination, I now can hear all the difference in the tracks, WOW!

05-08-2018, 11:40 PM
I wouldn't ask for an expanded or complete score or anything. It's just, this soundtrack album sounds like a live performance at certain points. I know technically it is of course a live performance, but it sounds more like a concert recording. The venue is clearly audible and I just don't like it. I would really be interested what you're able to do with this score.

Last time I listened to it was... I don't know, 13 years ago? Back then I thought it sounded a bit warm, constricted but otherwise ok. I'll make sure to listen to it properly, maybe I can do something about it.

05-08-2018, 11:43 PM
Thank you! I love when there's some background on the source and creation of whats posted here.

05-09-2018, 12:00 AM
WOW! Sonic, didn't you say once that you had no interest in remastering these scores? I could swear you did. In any event, I'm thrilled that you've taken them on nonetheless!

For Raiders, I too have dug up the DCC LP and CD, Concorde "prototype" and final Concorde release to Frankenstein my own edition. I followed other people's guides on how to correct the pitch on the Concorde tracks, but unlike you, I didn't know how to make the music from all these disparate sources sound the same. Now at last, my OCD can rest haha! Also, I don't know who Kate Bush is, but I will begrudgingly admit your hidden track on Raiders is fairly appropriate. :P

You don't know who lovely Kate Bush is?? I'm shocked! But then you're from the States and she never was that successful over there :)

She's a bit mad at times. One reason I love her :D Also, she tends to simply 'disappear' for years. For example, between 1993 and 2005 she just went quiet. Notoriously reclusive. So as a fan one tends to wait a lot for something from her ;) And just like us, she's a movie buff. That's why you can find so often professional actors in her videos. And sometimes she writes lyrics containing movie quote or even titles connected to movies.

Temple of Doom is just icing on the cake and definitive enough for me, at least until Matessino finally gets around to this series. As for Last Crusade, don't ask me why, but it's always been my favorite movie and a beloved score. Thankfully, the 2008 Concorde had my 2 most wanted unreleased cues "The Boat Scene" and "Wrong Choice, Right Choice," so I won't be too upset if it's several more years before we get an official complete release. Based on your comments, I may have to live with your new mastering for a little while before I really know how I feel about it. For whatever reason, I never had a problem with the sound on the 2 existing releases. I'll probably just keep your audiophile version for listening and the official Concorde on my shelf. :) As for the assembly on this one, I quite like the album combination of "Marcus Is Captured" with "To Berlin," so I'm glad you've retained it here. As for "On the Tank" and "Belly of the Steel Beast," I don't know what it is about those cues, but try as I might, I've never managed to combine them seamlessly, so I'm glad to see that here too.

I suppose that's enough rambling for now, so I'll just finish by saying thanks yet again. :) I very much look forward to playing the hell out of these files!

Combining "On The Tank" and "Belly" was really very difficult. And I can still hear the first crossfade (as can you I assume). The second is almost inaudible. But compared to the first one it was easy. With Last Crusade... I'm afraid I've never understood the score. The themes are very beautiful, it works fantastically within the movie... but without it just doesn't work for me. Somehow, for me, Williams seems to have been in some sort of transitional stage during the late '80s, I can't explain it any other way. Something is missing with Last Crusade, I don't know what, I can't put my finger on it.

And you don't have to live with my remastering, if you don't like it, just return to the officially expanded version. It doesn't sound like an Indy score or a John Williams score but it's not bad sounding in general... well, yes, I think it's very mediocre sounding. Like TV music, can't help it :D

---------- Post added at 12:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 AM ----------

Thank you for this, you're a very benevolent god!! :)

I hope not! I don't want to be a God. But if I were, I'm quite sure I wouldn't be benevolent. I think I would hate myself.

---------- Post added at 12:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:58 AM ----------

Now I can die in peace ;)
Thank you very much.

Don't! At some point we will get complete Star Wars scores (not by me). Aren't those a good reason to wait? :)

---------- Post added at 01:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:59 AM ----------

There are big problems concerning Giacchino's recordings, and mastering. Very dry sound, the instruments sound muffled and too far from the microphone idk it s always weird. It really prevented me from listening to most of them.

One day, at least John Carter will come for sure :)

Yes, all true. And if John Carter is not as good as you promised (and you did!), I will personally fly over and kill you ;)

05-09-2018, 12:09 AM
Credits should also be given to phbart after I begged him to share the 2008 prototype leak again.

Other than that I'm nearly speechless.

Beautiful sound and images come together in a marvellous collection. Gotta invest some time to cherish that. :)

Done. Credits I mean.

Thanks for the consideration, fellows. I didn't even remember I've shared this before. Beautiful sound indeed, Sonic, as always! I'm practically rediscovering these scores. I hope Disney won't screw up even more the sound quality of a (possible) future release of "Temple of Doom" like they did with the recent remaster of "Empire Strikes Back". What a disappointment that was. On the good side, "A New Hope" and "Return of the Jedi" sound really great.

Edit: unfortunately, for those who are PMing me, I don't have the leaked version anymore. Not only my Mega account was deleted (some jackass here reported it), but I lost my external HDD where most of my goodies were stored. :(

05-09-2018, 12:28 AM
Thanks for the consideration, fellows. I didn't even remember I've shared this before. Beautiful sound indeed, Sonic, as always! I'm practically rediscovering these scores. I hope Disney won't screw up even more the sound quality of a (possible) future release of "Temple of Doom" like they did with the recent remaster of "Empire Strikes Back". What a disappointment that was. On the good side, "A New Hope" and "Return of the Jedi" sound really great.

You're very welcome!

And I have to defend Disney here a bit. They spent a comparably big amount of money to transfer those filmmixes anew using present day technology and then a bit more by having it mixed anew by Shawn Murphy. And for 'Empire Strikes Back' it's pretty clear that the filmmix is fairly dodgy at times. You can hear the same issues within the movie itself. So I think it's just some error happening during the original recording process (wouldn't surprise me one bit, with Tomlinson this might have happened more than once; see the recording of 'Supergirl'). I've already tried to alleviate the phase issues yesterday. Sadly to no avail. I assume it's the best they could do with the material they had. They could have used the old OST mixes of course. But then they wouldn't have been entirely truthful. So they took a compromise. I have a feeling that they wanted to get it right and proper for once, even if it included a sub-standard source.

05-09-2018, 12:34 AM
Excellent! Sonic, is the 'Finale & End Credits" of the Last Crusade the film version, or the album version?

05-09-2018, 12:44 AM
Excellent! Sonic, is the 'Finale & End Credits" of the Last Crusade the film version, or the album version?

Album version. Is the film version any different? I can't remember right now.

05-09-2018, 12:55 AM
Wow... what a work. Even the write-ups in this thread are super awesome! Thanks for this amazing effort!!!

05-09-2018, 01:09 AM
I'm trying to nail it down, exactly, but I'm pretty sure it differs after Indy gets on the horse.

05-09-2018, 01:26 AM
I'm trying to nail it down, exactly, but I'm pretty sure it differs after Indy gets on the horse.

As far as I am aware, this was an editorial decision that involved looping a section of the existing cue. No new music or alternate inserts. The "album version" is what was originally intended for the scene and probably a better listening experience. :-)

05-09-2018, 02:27 AM
Sonic, just downloading now, so will have to get back to you to a more-informed thanks. But for now: I notice that one of the downloads on one site that I chose has had 189 hits so far. Given that there are at least 10 working sites listed, I'd just like to say Thanks! to my favorite record label once again, and also Thanks from the other ~1769 people who haven't dropped by to say anything yet. This is an amazing piece of wonderfulness that you and your partners in magic have created here. Can hardly wait to listen to these. I'm going to take a chance and give you a rep now. If these sound really terrible, I can always take it back later. All the best!!

05-09-2018, 02:36 AM
Many thanks for your hard work on these remasters! I always enjoy listening to your remasters/deluxe editions! ;)

05-09-2018, 05:12 AM
Thanks a lot!!

05-09-2018, 10:20 AM

05-09-2018, 11:03 AM
I'm trying to nail it down, exactly, but I'm pretty sure it differs after Indy gets on the horse.

To me it sounds as if it was an endless loop ;) I think, this was done in post production. Not sure though. Besides, it is music and a theme we have heard countless times before and after ;)

05-09-2018, 11:10 AM
Looking forward to this. I will give it a go.
Ariel shared his raiders master with me some years back and it was great, would be nice to hear yours and compare them.

05-09-2018, 11:16 AM
Sonic, just downloading now, so will have to get back to you to a more-informed thanks. But for now: I notice that one of the downloads on one site that I chose has had 189 hits so far. Given that there are at least 10 working sites listed, I'd just like to say Thanks! to my favorite record label once again, and also Thanks from the other ~1769 people who haven't dropped by to say anything yet. This is an amazing piece of wonderfulness that you and your partners in magic have created here. Can hardly wait to listen to these. I'm going to take a chance and give you a rep now. If these sound really terrible, I can always take it back later. All the best!!

This site used to have a "like"-button. But for security reasons it was abandoned (because no one wanted to update the forum software). I always loved that button. And I can understand not writing "Thanks", I would behave the same way. After all, what are people supposed to do? They write "Thank you" then I write "Thank you very much for thanking me"... no :D

BUT: since I'm so negative, I would like to see people criticising me. Not just "This sucks, good day" but "This sounds odd on my headphone / stereo / car and I don't know, I think the Hoffman version sounds better there". That way we might have a discussion that pushes me forward. What I don't like is people saying nothing when they in fact have to say something. And people say nothing out of countless reasons, though I always assume it's cowardice. I mean, people always complain about something dear that was remastered. Recent example: 'Empire Strikes Back'. It was remixed and remastered - but people don't know the decisions that caused that or this track sound a particular way. And the engineers involved will never answer. Here it's different, I can answer questions and explain my reasoning behind decisions. And who knows, maybe my reasoning was faulty or not thought through?

Anyway, before I continue to ramble on, thank you very much for your kind words. I would also like to extend this to all others who have said "Thanks". I usually don't react to people saying "Thanks" simply because I don't want to clutter up a thread. Don't feel neglected :)

---------- Post added at 12:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:15 PM ----------

Looking forward to this. I will give it a go.
Ariel shared his raiders master with me some years back and it was great, would be nice to hear yours and compare them.

You know, I never knew he did a version. I used to talk to him quite a lot a few years ago and I wonder where he is now.

05-09-2018, 02:15 PM
I listened to Sonic's versions of the first two movies last night. They really are the best that I've ever heard, and I have quite a few retail and boot releases of each. Thanks very much for all the hard work, Sonic!

05-09-2018, 03:15 PM
You don't know who lovely Kate Bush is?? I'm shocked! But then you're from the States and she never was that successful over there :)

She's a bit mad at times. One reason I love her :D Also, she tends to simply 'disappear' for years. For example, between 1993 and 2005 she just went quiet. Notoriously reclusive. So as a fan one tends to wait a lot for something from her ;) And just like us, she's a movie buff. That's why you can find so often professional actors in her videos. And sometimes she writes lyrics containing movie quote or even titles connected to movies.


My personal favorite albums from her are Never For Ever, The Dreaming and Hounds of Love.

My problem? The Dreaming needs a better remaster. The original CD sounds very tiny and flat, draining the beauty of the album. Thankfully, a kind soul remastered it on YouTube and I've download it lossless via a YouTube music downloading program (I forgot the name...), and put it on my iPhone in ALAC.


Regarding the Empire Strikes Back 2018 remaster: so ABC's Imperial Audiophile Edition is not true to how the film sounds like at all?? Bummer...

It's one of the best fan remasters...

I guess I'll grab this one on CD. The recording sessions sounds like a nightmare back in 1979, haha!

05-09-2018, 03:47 PM
...just for completeness sake: anyone got a (flac) film version of the K�niggr�tzer March used in the 3rd movie?

05-09-2018, 04:03 PM

05-09-2018, 04:57 PM
Dear Sonic, again: Way, way back in the day,when CDs first started to appear of my favorite albums, there were certain CDs that made hearing my very favorite records suddenly seem like hearing them for the first time all over again. They were revelations - hearing some instruments not only clearly but sometimes for the first time, and the range of sounds, and the quiet bits quiet and the loud bits loud. And then a few years ago, there was a second stage in CDs, where remastered versions of my once relevatory CD favorites were released, like Conan (well, that was re-recorded, the original was so bad) and so many Goldsmiths and Williams and Morricone and Donnagio and..., just to stick with soundtracks.

And now into this mix of next generation CDs are are the CDs you've produced. Copied Raiders onto disks (yes, I'm one of those, too) and it is once again like hearing Raiders for the very first time. Same with Doom. This is the first time I've ever noticed that Kate Capshaw really can't sing. That whole soundtrack, too, again sounds utterly fresh and new to me. Not yet heard the last two but that could take a while. Have to listen to these a hundred times first.

And an unexpected bonus: hearing these like this transports me back into the '80s, when we were young and and summer was Summer and summer movies were just such Fun and often utterly new. Just makes me feel very young and happy to be alive again.

Sensual World: one of my favorite songs of all time. I've even got a VHS (don't think it's a dvd) of the video here someplace, one of the very few videos I ever Had To purchase. I checked your video links to see if it was there, and it was. Not only do I feel young again, my faith in humanity is somewhat restored. Stay mad, my friend, in that best mad way possible. Thanks again!

frafak (uz2b)
05-09-2018, 05:12 PM
Awesome work ! Thanks a lot !

05-09-2018, 06:47 PM
Downloaded it. Sounds wonderfully!!! Amazing work!!!

05-09-2018, 07:19 PM
You like it? It didn't change that much from the two previews you got. I just linearized it a bit more.

And you added a little seasoning with a little more bass. Or better: you tamed it a little less.
It really sounds perfect. :D

I won't spoil the enjoyment of the other scores by lengthy comparisons. I just trust you in this and listen to them in one glorious flow now.

Funnily, I saw Kate Bush three days ago when we watched a 1978 episode of Saturday Night Live. It was like a harbinger saying: SonicAdventure has done it. :)

05-09-2018, 10:02 PM
Really looking forward to hearing this but Iv'e tried a couple different download links so far and it can never open the .rars, saying they're 'incomplete'. I'm on a Mac. Any tips for sites to use?

05-09-2018, 11:10 PM
Really looking forward to hearing this but Iv'e tried a couple different download links so far and it can never open the .rars, saying they're 'incomplete'. I'm on a Mac. Any tips for sites to use?

Have you tried The Unarchiver?

05-09-2018, 11:12 PM
What a surprise and wonderful share. Thank you Sonic and everyone else who helped!

Please don't shame me but, I'm going to give the loudness war versions a try! Since I do most of my listening in a car, sometimes I prefer loudness.

05-09-2018, 11:47 PM
wonderful, many thanks! :)

05-10-2018, 01:19 AM

My personal favorite albums from her are Never For Ever, The Dreaming and Hounds of Love.

My problem? The Dreaming needs a better remaster. The original CD sounds very tiny and flat, draining the beauty of the album. Thankfully, a kind soul remastered it on YouTube and I've download it lossless via a YouTube music downloading program (I forgot the name...), and put it on my iPhone in ALAC.

Would you provide a link for that remaster? I would like to compare it to mine ;)

Regarding the Empire Strikes Back 2018 remaster: so ABC's Imperial Audiophile Edition is not true to how the film sounds like at all?? Bummer...

It's one of the best fan remasters...

I guess I'll grab this one on CD. The recording sessions sounds like a nightmare back in 1979, haha!

The Imperial Edition by ABC used different files. So they are not really comparable. I'm quite sure, ABC did the best with the material that was available at the time. I'm also quite sure that it's the first time we actually hear the filmmix properly mixed on the newest remaster.

---------- Post added at 01:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:20 AM ----------

...just for completeness sake: anyone got a (flac) film version of the K�niggr�tzer March used in the 3rd movie?

I actually thought about including it as a hidden track. But then I read that it was Hitler's favourite march. And that was when I decided against it.

---------- Post added at 02:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 AM ----------

Dear Sonic, again: Way, way back in the day,when CDs first started to appear of my favorite albums, there were certain CDs that made hearing my very favorite records suddenly seem like hearing them for the first time all over again. They were revelations - hearing some instruments not only clearly but sometimes for the first time, and the range of sounds, and the quiet bits quiet and the loud bits loud. And then a few years ago, there was a second stage in CDs, where remastered versions of my once relevatory CD favorites were released, like Conan (well, that was re-recorded, the original was so bad) and so many Goldsmiths and Williams and Morricone and Donnagio and..., just to stick with soundtracks.

And now into this mix of next generation CDs are are the CDs you've produced. Copied Raiders onto disks (yes, I'm one of those, too) and it is once again like hearing Raiders for the very first time. Same with Doom. This is the first time I've ever noticed that Kate Capshaw really can't sing. That whole soundtrack, too, again sounds utterly fresh and new to me. Not yet heard the last two but that could take a while. Have to listen to these a hundred times first.

Really?? Wow, thank you! I'm always hoping that people rediscover their love for certain soundtracks through my remastering (yes, it's a bit of an arrogant hope)... but your appreciation takes the cake. I think the last time I had a feeling like this was when I was listening to the remaster of 'Final Conflict'. Since then I can't remember a remastering that was a revelation the way you were describing. So I'm really extremely glad, that my work is able to create feelings like these, to present something old in a fresh way.

And an unexpected bonus: hearing these like this transports me back into the '80s, when we were young and and summer was Summer and summer movies were just such Fun and often utterly new. Just makes me feel very young and happy to be alive again.

This is the "perfume-effect", holy crap. I refer to the scene in the movie 'Perfume' when Grenouille refines a perfume and Dustin Hoffman's character feels himself remembering his youth. I always thought that I have never smelled a perfume that can do that. And that music can do that through sound... is simply stunning.

Sensual World: one of my favorite songs of all time. I've even got a VHS (don't think it's a dvd) of the video here someplace, one of the very few videos I ever Had To purchase. I checked your video links to see if it was there, and it was. Not only do I feel young again, my faith in humanity is somewhat restored. Stay mad, my friend, in that best mad way possible. Thanks again!

Aw, thank you. And the Sensual World... I think it's the first video of her I ever saw. I was fascinated from the first second. Everything was so much unlike everything else. So different yet so completely rounded. I knew who Kate was since my mum recorded a tape in 1978 from radio. The song was "Wuthering Heights" and as a child I often listened to this tape (I also listened to ELO and others). I never forgot it and I also never forgot Sensual World. And then I bought the album 1991 or so. Don't know if I bought it before Dreaming or after... aaah, lovely Kate.

---------- Post added at 02:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:16 AM ----------

And you added a little seasoning with a little more bass. Or better: you tamed it a little less.
It really sounds perfect. :D

I won't spoil the enjoyment of the other scores by lengthy comparisons. I just trust you in this and listen to them in one glorious flow now.

Funnily, I saw Kate Bush three days ago when we watched a 1978 episode of Saturday Night Live. It was like a harbinger saying: SonicAdventure has done it. :)

Her SNL performance is legendary. And often mocked, rightfully so ;). But I didn't really change much, I only linearized the bass a little :)

---------- Post added at 02:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:18 AM ----------

Please don't shame me but, I'm going to give the loudness war versions a try! Since I do most of my listening in a car, sometimes I prefer loudness.

By all means! I really needed this question why my releases are softer, a kick in the butt if you want. That's why I offer two version, that way everyone can be happy :)

05-10-2018, 01:26 AM
What a great upload- thanks for your hard work! They sound amazing.

Any chance the the rope bridge drums could be added? I'm going to add the Nazi Berlin march into the Last Crusade playlist :)

05-10-2018, 01:33 AM
What a great upload- thanks for your hard work! They sound amazing.

Any chance the the rope bridge drums could be added? I'm going to add the Nazi Berlin march into the Last Crusade playlist :)

Well, I listened to everything that wasn't on the Concorde... and after that I decided against it. Believe me, I would have loved to include more. But all the bootleg-derived stuff... I couldn't do anything about the sound. We have to wait for a better source I fear.

05-10-2018, 02:03 AM
Have you tried The Unarchiver?

Yep, it's my default unzipp-er.

05-10-2018, 03:30 AM
Many Thanks!

05-10-2018, 08:22 AM
Thank you!

05-10-2018, 10:26 AM
Thanks for all your hard work- much appreciated

05-10-2018, 01:06 PM
Regarding Kate Bush.

If you're into recommendations ... I'm usually not the type to give a shit about sounds-like recommendations but the following two ladies may be of interest in their own right, apart from their voices which sometimes remind me of Kate Bush's ...

Ane Brun — You might know her.
Anna von Hausswolff — You might not know her. Her album Ceremony is the shit and superbly produced, too, I think.

05-10-2018, 01:42 PM
Woah! This is really huge! I have problems to keep my mouth closed;-) The Indiana Jones Scores are one of my allt time favourites, so I am very happy to hear a version of it by the master of sound, named SonicAdventure!

Thank you very much for this opportunity!

05-10-2018, 05:57 PM
Would you provide a link for that remaster? I would like to compare it to mine ;)

Here's "The Dreaming" remastered by YouTube user zararity (this is the entire playlist):


Now I'm tempted to get that Empire remaster, along with the remasters for "Revenge of the Sith" and "Star Wars" (since I love those scores, though honestly, anything by Williams is gold and he's one of my favorites along with John Barry, Alex North, Elmer Bernstein, and Miklos Rosza to name a few). Hopefully Target has them or Barnes & Noble. (yes, I'm also the rare ones that loves and uses the compact disc, though I love using MP3, FLAC and ALAC files too)

05-10-2018, 09:11 PM
Thanks so much for these, its really appreciated :)

05-10-2018, 09:43 PM

05-10-2018, 10:46 PM
Here's "The Dreaming" remastered by YouTube user zararity (this is the entire playlist):

Thank you for the link :)

I've compared the sound to my own remaster and... well, what can I say, I think the YouTube remaster is pretty treble-friendly. That sounds good on the first listen but it gets unnerving soon. The precision is great, I like the clarity but overall it's overly crisp. Too crisp. It sounds like a Loudness-maximized remaster, very modern and not very true to what the artist would probably like. And if 'Dreaming' needs one thing, it's bass (but not the title track and some other itty bitty parts). The problematic area responsible for the harsh sound is the frequency area around 5,500 Hz or so. At the same time frequencies beyond 10 kHz are lacking. This goes for most of her early albums (Never For Ever is a bit different though). Besides, if the newer, more recent albums of Kate are any indication, it's very probable that she herself would go towards warmer (less treble), not crisper (more treble).

Now I'm tempted to get that Empire remaster, along with the remasters for "Revenge of the Sith" and "Star Wars" (since I love those scores, though honestly, anything by Williams is gold and he's one of my favorites along with John Barry, Alex North, Elmer Bernstein, and Miklos Rosza to name a few). Hopefully Target has them or Barnes & Noble. (yes, I'm also the rare ones that loves and uses the compact disc, though I love using MP3, FLAC and ALAC files too)

You know, you could buy the HiRes download, it's available on HDTracks or Qobuz. Apparently, the quality is good. Though the prequel scores could do with less treble and bass, the sound was modernized a little. Or (even more likely) the original OSTs were altered to sound a bit more mellow.

05-10-2018, 10:49 PM
Temple is a definite improvement!

Slave Children's Crusade is my jam

05-11-2018, 07:57 AM
Thank you very much for your effort. Looking forward to listening to this... :D

05-11-2018, 10:53 AM
Great work. Thank you very much.

Arch Stanton
05-11-2018, 08:11 PM
These sound fantastic! Thank you :)

05-12-2018, 12:23 AM
Thanks, as always!

05-12-2018, 04:49 AM
Formerly Krafty--Awesome work Sonic and Heidl. Thanks. Long live the .WAV Yep, I'm one of the CD folks too. :)

05-12-2018, 04:50 AM
There's still music missing from Last Crusade. Can't remember why I've heard the music that immediately precedes "Ah, Rats!!!" and why I thought it was in the Concorde box set.

05-12-2018, 07:20 PM
I'm always hoping that people rediscover their love for certain soundtracks through my remastering (yes, it's a bit of an arrogant hope)...

It's not arrogance when the results sound like this. I have indeed rediscovered these scores� these audiophile versions are so much easier on the ears than any of the official versions.

05-12-2018, 10:17 PM
This is absolutely amazing! Thank you so much for your hard work,as always!

05-13-2018, 12:57 AM
Many thanks good sir. :)

Peter Schattenparker
05-13-2018, 10:08 AM
Thank you all for your hard work. This is going to be a good year along with the remasters of the STAR WARS franchise.

05-13-2018, 11:30 AM
Wow - as a long-time fan of SonicAdventure's outstanding works I'm speechless! - Thanks a loooooot for this!!! And thanks to Heidl 2 - greetings from the illustrator... ;)

05-14-2018, 11:00 PM
You know, I never knew he did a version. I used to talk to him quite a lot a few years ago and I wonder where he is now.

i got a few versions of his mate. He also shared with me his batman 89 remaster which is incredible! His raiders has a completely different sound signature to yours. i dont know which i prefer but id probably use his for headphone listening and yours on my hifi. Yours seems to be a bit more open, especially with the brass. I know he wasn't fairly fond of bright brass but his raiders master is really good. Its a bit more laid back keeping the brass bit more recessed but maintaining all its glory and keeping it powerful. ill share it with you if you like.
Anyway after listening to the first 3 of yours i gotta say its phenomenal! it definitely wipes the floor over the OSTs in every way! you've manage to keep the space with the orchestra and in a way make it sound fuller taking away that airy loudness war of the original releases. well done mate! I'm yet to listen to kingdom as I've never really gave it a standalone listen, i think parts of me never really cared for it but i may give yours a go.

05-15-2018, 07:06 AM

05-15-2018, 10:34 AM
i got a few versions of his mate. He also shared with me his batman 89 remaster which is incredible! His raiders has a completely different sound signature to yours. i dont know which i prefer but id probably use his for headphone listening and yours on my hifi. Yours seems to be a bit more open, especially with the brass. I know he wasn't fairly fond of bright brass but his raiders master is really good. Its a bit more laid back keeping the brass bit more recessed but maintaining all its glory and keeping it powerful. ill share it with you if you like.
Anyway after listening to the first 3 of yours i gotta say its phenomenal! it definitely wipes the floor over the OSTs in every way! you've manage to keep the space with the orchestra and in a way make it sound fuller taking away that airy loudness war of the original releases. well done mate! I'm yet to listen to kingdom as I've never really gave it a standalone listen, i think parts of me never really cared for it but i may give yours a go.

Well, he never uses an EQ or spatial tools so his Raiders should sound very much like the leak. I always tried to educate him to use them but then he never trusted himself enough to do it. The leak sounds very compact which might be good for headphone listening (since correct stereo separation sounds too wide on headphones; a constricted stereo field might sound better).

And batman 89? You obviously never listened to my remaster ;)

05-15-2018, 07:56 PM
Many thanks!

05-16-2018, 02:31 PM
Thanks a billion for sharing with us this epic work!!!

05-19-2018, 03:02 PM
thanks for your effort and time!

05-20-2018, 08:27 AM
Interesting... I'm still getting corrupted file/wrong password errors... using pw: "Ah,Cairo" or "Ah,Cairo!" for Raiders... tried the downloads from multiple mirrors, used jdownloader, nothing, didn't use jdownloader, no joy... using winrar to extract... anyone got any hints? or better, a Mega link?


05-20-2018, 08:33 AM
.. using pw: "Ah,Cairo" or "Ah,Cairo!" for Raiders...

you have to use the COMPLETE password for ALL 4 scores...


these are NOT 4 seperate passwords....

05-20-2018, 10:04 AM
you have to use the COMPLETE password for ALL 4 scores...


these are NOT 4 seperate passwords....

Hihi, at first I was falling for that too and thought that SonicAdventure was very creative..! ;)

05-20-2018, 10:27 AM
Interesting... I'm still getting corrupted file/wrong password errors... using pw: "Ah,Cairo" or "Ah,Cairo!" for Raiders... tried the downloads from multiple mirrors, used jdownloader, nothing, didn't use jdownloader, no joy... using winrar to extract... anyone got any hints? or better, a Mega link?


Oh, I didn't think about that! In this case, be less creative and out-of-the-box thinking ;)

05-20-2018, 12:49 PM
Amazing! Thanks so much!

05-20-2018, 05:01 PM
I tried my own attempt to correct one of the unreleased tracks from Last Crusade and did a comparison

05-20-2018, 05:24 PM
I tried my own attempt to correct one of the unreleased tracks from Last Crusade and did a comparison

Is there a download link available for your version?

05-20-2018, 05:26 PM
Not yet

05-20-2018, 09:05 PM
you have to use the COMPLETE password for ALL 4 scores...


these are NOT 4 seperate passwords....

Ah, thanks, appreciate the hint!!

And thanks again, Sonic!

05-20-2018, 10:41 PM
Fantastic work as always!! THANKS!!

05-20-2018, 10:59 PM
Thank you for the link :)

I've compared the sound to my own remaster and... well, what can I say, I think the YouTube remaster is pretty treble-friendly. That sounds good on the first listen but it gets unnerving soon. The precision is great, I like the clarity but overall it's overly crisp. Too crisp. It sounds like a Loudness-maximized remaster, very modern and not very true to what the artist would probably like. And if 'Dreaming' needs one thing, it's bass (but not the title track and some other itty bitty parts). The problematic area responsible for the harsh sound is the frequency area around 5,500 Hz or so. At the same time frequencies beyond 10 kHz are lacking. This goes for most of her early albums (Never For Ever is a bit different though). Besides, if the newer, more recent albums of Kate are any indication, it's very probable that she herself would go towards warmer (less treble), not crisper (more treble).

You're welcome :)

Now that's a lot of technical stuff for me to handle, hahaha! However, I do agree with you: it just needs to be warmer, like Kate's officially supervised 2011 remaster of her 1993 album, "The Red Shoes" (I believe she was scouring for the best master tapes to present on CD). That remaster really rocked and I was just listening to the remaster the other day. I wished "The Sensual World" was given the same treatment in that 2011 Director's Cut box set.

You know, you could buy the HiRes download, it's available on HDTracks or Qobuz. Apparently, the quality is good. Though the prequel scores could do with less treble and bass, the sound was modernized a little. Or (even more likely) the original OSTs were altered to sound a bit more mellow.

I'll go to those sites. It's nice to own physically (I'm too old fashioned, haha), but I've checked every store and they didn't have them, aside from one in Barnes and Noble and that's my personal favorite Prequel score, "Revenge of the Sith".

05-20-2018, 11:27 PM
You're welcome :)

Now that's a lot of technical stuff for me to handle, hahaha! However, I do agree with you: it just needs to be warmer, like Kate's officially supervised 2011 remaster of her 1993 album, "The Red Shoes" (I believe she was scouring for the best master tapes to present on CD). That remaster really rocked and I was just listening to the remaster the other day. I wished "The Sensual World" was given the same treatment in that 2011 Director's Cut box set.

The Red Shoes was indeed much better in its 2011-form. Though I managed to improve it further ;) I couldn't get Sensual World quite right, I don't seem to know what to do with it, even though it's one of my favourite albums by her.

I'll go to those sites. It's nice to own physically (I'm too old fashioned, haha), but I've checked every store and they didn't have them, aside from one in Barnes and Noble and that's my personal favorite Prequel score, "Revenge of the Sith".

Have you tried ordering it online? Amazon for example?

05-21-2018, 12:48 AM
The Red Shoes was indeed much better in its 2011-form. Though I managed to improve it further ;)

Ohh you are awesome. ;)

Have you tried ordering it online? Amazon for example?

It's on my wishlist. :) I'll definitely go the online route because in my area, there's not a lot of good CD stores here and that seems to be dying in my area.

So Amazon it is! :D (though I'm mostly using Amazon and eBay to finish off my 2003 Remastered Bond collection)

05-21-2018, 04:46 AM
Many, many thanks for these treasures !!!!!!!!

05-21-2018, 10:14 AM
Ohh you are awesome. ;)

LOL! Yeah, sometimes I am. But not as often as I would like :D

It's on my wishlist. :) I'll definitely go the online route because in my area, there's not a lot of good CD stores here and that seems to be dying in my area.

So Amazon it is! :D (though I'm mostly using Amazon and eBay to finish off my 2003 Remastered Bond collection)

I found all of them at the local retailer. But then, in this country CDs are not yet rare. And even if you are a CD listener I really recommend the Qobuz or HD Tracks downloads, they are of good quality and not frequency limited, in short, they are true HiRes (if that's important to you... to be fair, beyond 20 kHz there is mostly noise).

05-25-2018, 10:19 AM
Thanks a lot

05-26-2018, 04:31 PM
Great thread! And rep added! Thank you very much!

05-29-2018, 11:43 PM
For those who prefer the main poster artwork


05-31-2018, 03:59 AM
Hi Sonic, what about the ending of track 24. Washington Ending & The Raiders March (End Credits) 6:49? :rolleyes:

05-31-2018, 05:38 AM
Thank You!!!

05-31-2018, 07:41 AM
For those who prefer the main poster artwork


It's squeezed tho.

Here's the version from my blog:

Hi Sonic, what about the ending of track 24. Washington Ending & The Raiders March (End Credits) 6:49? :rolleyes:

I can't hear anything wrong with it.

05-31-2018, 08:14 AM
MOAR SONIC! As usual, great reading material too. Thanks :)

05-31-2018, 09:22 AM
Thanks man, great work

05-31-2018, 10:31 AM
Hi Sonic, what about the ending of track 24. Washington Ending & The Raiders March (End Credits) 6:49? :rolleyes:

What is there? Do you mean the transition from Washington Ending to the March or what? Be more specific, please :)

05-31-2018, 01:18 PM
For 34 years I'd always thought that The Temple of Doom soundtrack had been performed by the LSO!

You learn something different every day.

Great work, BTW


05-31-2018, 02:28 PM
What is there? Do you mean the transition from Washington Ending to the March or what? Be more specific, please :)

I was referring to the length mismatch related to track 24, 11:31 real against 6:49 declared... I was curious to know more about the "extra" bit, given that I was expecting the album to finish in a different way, but I got a surprise instead :D.

---------- Post added at 03:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:54 PM ----------

For those who prefer the main poster artwork


Great artwork, but I'm also having some difficulties with grabbing the full res version :).

05-31-2018, 02:45 PM
I was referring to the length mismatch related to track 24, 11:31 real against 6:49 declared... I was curious to know more about the "extra" bit, given that I was expecting the album to finish in a different way, but I got a surprise instead :D.

Aaaah, the hidden track. Well, not everyone liked it ;) So I will upload a revised version of this particular piece (without the hidden track) soon.

06-01-2018, 01:55 PM
Aaaah, the hidden track. Well, not everyone liked it ;) So I will upload a revised version of this particular piece (without the hidden track) soon.

To tell the truth, I was very curious about your choice. In particular, I didn't remember any song in Raiders (not even source music), so listening to that piece just at the end of the Raiders march gave me a weird feeling :D. I don't know, as if something was in the wrong place. Maybe it could have worked better with Temple of Doom (given the presence of "Anything Goes")? But! I would anyway love to know more about the song itself: why do you think it would thematically fit Raiders (even regarding the time period), and... what song is that? :D

06-01-2018, 05:33 PM
The song was released in 1980 (though Kate performed it live on her first tour in 1979, albeit with different orchestrations with a middle eastern vibe and lyrics in some places). "Raiders" came out in 1981. :) The main bulk of the movie took place in Egypt. ;) (though the ark opening scene took place where Luke was ambushed by Sandpeople before Obi-Wan shooed them away)


Now to the uploads themselves: I love them! :D Probably the best sounding recordings of the Indy films. I didn't touch "Crystal Skull" yet, but I shouldn't let a polarizing film take me away from good music (kinda like the Prequel Star Wars scores having good music but the Prequels and the Sequels of Star Wars are so polarizing, one wouldn't go near those properties with a ten foot pole, but that's a story for another time, haha).

I noticed you've fixed the order of "Escaping the Pit" and "Indy Rides the Statue" on the first post. ;)

06-02-2018, 11:57 AM
To tell the truth, I was very curious about your choice. In particular, I didn't remember any song in Raiders (not even source music), so listening to that piece just at the end of the Raiders march gave me a weird feeling :D. I don't know, as if something was in the wrong place. Maybe it could have worked better with Temple of Doom (given the presence of "Anything Goes")? But! I would anyway love to know more about the song itself: why do you think it would thematically fit Raiders (even regarding the time period), and... what song is that? :D

suteki_da_ne0087 said it perfectly :)

---------- Post added at 12:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:54 PM ----------

Now to the uploads themselves: I love them! :D Probably the best sounding recordings of the Indy films. I didn't touch "Crystal Skull" yet, but I shouldn't let a polarizing film take me away from good music (kinda like the Prequel Star Wars scores having good music but the Prequels and the Sequels of Star Wars are so polarizing, one wouldn't go near those properties with a ten foot pole, but that's a story for another time, haha).

First, thanks a bunch for the explanation. That's exactly why I chose the song :)

And I can really recommend Kingdom. The complete score is a lot better than the OST which has a weird flow. Regarding the SW scores: I will take the prequel scores any day. The music is better (to my ears), the sound is (a lot) better.

I noticed you've fixed the order of "Escaping the Pit" and "Indy Rides the Statue" on the first post. ;)

Did I? I wasn't sure.

06-02-2018, 11:59 AM
Is there any chance of providing a Mega link alongside the Mirrorcreator url?

I'll give you a pony! :D



06-02-2018, 12:10 PM
Is there any chance of providing a Mega link alongside the Mirrorcreator url?

I'll give you a pony! :D



Sorry, no Mega links from me. I'm not in the mood to constantly create new accounts because the old ones have been deleted (breach of copyright reported by some people here).

And I really don't want a pony. Can I have a bunny instead? :)

06-02-2018, 12:24 PM
You can totally have a bunny (! :D

(Provided direct URL as I can't seem to upload the image of the carrot cart bunny. It's so adorable it hurts.)

---------- Post added at 02:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:22 PM ----------

Am guessing Mediafire is out of the question as well?

My browser and anti-virus scanners alike dislike Mirror Creator (no fault of yours, obviously!).

Well hopefully an album like this will be available somewhere eventually.

06-02-2018, 01:31 PM
Am guessing Mediafire is out of the question as well?

My browser and anti-virus scanners alike dislike Mirror Creator (no fault of yours, obviously!).

Well hopefully an album like this will be available somewhere eventually.

I suggest JDownloader, that way you can completely avoid the browser for downloading. Besides, if you use it for stuff like movies as well, it makes downloading more comfortable in general.

06-03-2018, 08:15 PM
Thank you! :-)

06-04-2018, 10:49 AM
Thank you!

06-06-2018, 08:56 PM
many thanks for this, Sonic! Can't wait to listen.

06-16-2018, 08:49 PM
Could it be that the Crystal Skull FLAC links are down? If so, could someone please re-up? Pleeease...

06-16-2018, 10:28 PM
Wow, thank you so much!

07-05-2018, 01:15 PM
Thank you very much for this amazing collection.

07-05-2018, 08:56 PM
thanks very much!!

Tarma Roving
07-12-2018, 03:37 AM
Thank You Very Much!
Great Work with art of the Covers!

07-12-2018, 07:03 PM
Outstanding! Thank you!

07-12-2018, 11:15 PM

07-15-2018, 12:16 AM
Thank you.

07-17-2018, 07:05 PM
You're a goddamned treasure SonicAdventure. Thanks so much for the care and attention you put into these. They sound great.

07-17-2018, 07:31 PM
Great. Now someone utilize the spiffed-up Raiders cues and assemble the film mix :p

07-19-2018, 08:44 PM
What a terrific post, loads of great work! Thanks a lot, Sonic and Heidl, for sharing again your masteries; to phbart for your material; and in particular to jedi Sinus, for triggering all this by saying the right words. That must feel good... ;D

You said "enormous", Sonic, and that's what it looks like, simply by looking at the first post, so big and cool with its graphics that I needed to keep it as image. After trying a few image hosters that modified the file, I uploaded it here (12.6 MiB PNG) (!TzoU6FaCEtIA/postcapture-png), should anyone want it.

Now, time to read all the info and enjoy the release, curious about what that hidden track is like.

Fantastic. \o/

07-19-2018, 11:20 PM
What a terrific post, loads of great work! Thanks a lot, Sonic and Heidl, for sharing again your masteries; to phbart for your material; and in particular to jedi Sinus, for triggering all this by saying the right words. That must feel good... ;D

You said "enormous", Sonic, and that's what it looks like, simply by looking at the first post, so big and cool with its graphics that I needed to keep it as image. After trying a few image hosters that modified the file, I uploaded it here (12.6 MiB PNG) (!TzoU6FaCEtIA/postcapture-png), should anyone want it.

Now, time to read all the info and enjoy the release, curious about what that hidden track is like.

Fantastic. \o/

I knew it. I write too much :/

But how did you do the colour? And how did you change the font? This looks better than the site I see :)

Oh, and thanks for the praise :)

07-20-2018, 01:58 AM
I knew it. I write too much :/

Oh, not at all, not for us. Au contraire, sharing is caring, right? Or, translated to the words of some spanish gipsy in relation to wealth, "Money was brought by God for it to travel and see the world. The one who has a cent and saves it is a bastard and a pig!". The basic idea may be applied to information too.

Yes, the forum posts look different in my Firefox by default. Not sure about typefaces, but the real text size is smaller than in the image. For ease of read, I marked in Firefox the checkbox "View/Zoom/Zoom Text Only", zoomed in and made the capture with the tool that the browser includes for that.

Imported it to the image editor for trimming and thought I'd give the message background some tint with the filler-bucket tool.

The only problem was that at that zoom level your username got splitted in two lines. I pasted the userinfo area from a less zoomed capture, and realized it was perfect that way, as the new ratio of sizes reflects the increasing trascendence of your work even beyond yourself. ;)

Thanks again. I'm enjoying this. :)

07-21-2018, 11:43 PM
Oh, not at all, not for us. Au contraire, sharing is caring, right? Or, translated to the words of some spanish gipsy in relation to wealth, "Money was brought by God for it to travel and see the world. The one who has a cent and saves it is a bastard and a pig!". The basic idea may be applied to information too.

Yes, the forum posts look different in my Firefox by default. Not sure about typefaces, but the real text size is smaller than in the image. For ease of read, I marked in Firefox the checkbox "View/Zoom/Zoom Text Only", zoomed in and made the capture with the tool that the browser includes for that.

Imported it to the image editor for trimming and thought I'd give the message background some tint with the filler-bucket tool.

The only problem was that at that zoom level your username got splitted in two lines. I pasted the userinfo area from a less zoomed capture, and realized it was perfect that way, as the new ratio of sizes reflects the increasing trascendence of your work even beyond yourself. ;)

Thanks again. I'm enjoying this. :)


Transcendence of my work? Now please... come down from your cloud. To the ground. Where the fun is. Food, drink, women, men... in short, fun. Clouds up in the sky are boring ;)

So... Photoshop. I could have guessed :D

07-22-2018, 02:03 AM
No deal, sorry. All these shriners levitating near me like floating minions say they're in cloud nine with your editions.

07-23-2018, 04:56 PM
With SonicAdventure's blessing and approval, here's something some people might be interested in: Treasure Box Raiders without the hidden track! Actually, it's just the last track without the "hidden" part. :) I went ahead and did both lossless versions, which you can get here:

Audiophile version:

Loudness War version:

If anyone wants to mirror these to a more permanent hosting account, by all means go for it! These links will eventually expire due to lack of traffic and that will give future potential downloaders a sad. So, thanks in advance from all those people and me! :)

Lacking SonicA's Special Compression Sauce™, these files are a little bigger than it seems they should be considering the size of the originals (and how much I cut off them), but I'm assured that the audio is spot on, and that's the important part! As a visual nicety, the timestamps are the same as the originals, so they won't look like weird afterthoughts if you happen to see them on disk. (Of course if you want to keep the original hidden track versions, too, this could lead to some confusion, but no system is perfect, and since you have to rename them anyway, I'm sure people can work that out on their own.)

Thanks very much to SonicAdventure for taking the time to tune up one of the greatest scores of all time!


07-25-2018, 09:07 PM
With SonicAdventure's blessing and approval, here's something some people might be interested in: Treasure Box Raiders without the hidden track! Actually, it's just the last track without the "hidden" part. :) I went ahead and did both lossless versions, which you can get here:

Audiophile version:

Loudness War version:

If anyone wants to mirror these to a more permanent hosting account, by all means go for it! These links will eventually expire due to lack of traffic and that will give future potential downloaders a sad. So, thanks in advance from all those people and me! :)

Lacking SonicA's Special Compression Sauce™, these files are a little bigger than it seems they should be considering the size of the originals (and how much I cut off them), but I'm assured that the audio is spot on, and that's the important part! As a visual nicety, the timestamps are the same as the originals, so they won't look like weird afterthoughts if you happen to see them on disk. (Of course if you want to keep the original hidden track versions, too, this could lead to some confusion, but no system is perfect, and since you have to rename them anyway, I'm sure people can work that out on their own.)

Thanks very much to SonicAdventure for taking the time to tune up one of the greatest scores of all time!


This is so great! Thanks a lot :)

I've included your posts within the first post, I'm sure, many people will love what you did.

General Trelane
08-13-2018, 01:09 PM
Thanks, SonicAdventure (and to your compatriots), for this tremendous task, and for making it available for free!

08-29-2018, 10:53 AM
Thanks for the effort and sharing SonicAdventure! Much appreciated!

09-05-2018, 05:14 AM
One more time... Thank you very much :)

09-09-2018, 09:22 PM
I need to thank you so much for all the effort that went into this.

From this point on, I won't do complete cover sets anymore.

I completely support and understand your reasoning. Doing cover art work is a chore and a bother. So far 50% of the fun of your releases were the artwork associated with them, but that's just from the downloader's perspective. Working on them isn't nearly as fun as you'd expect. What I don't agree with is the statement you're not good at it. There's no discernible difference with "professional" album covers and your versions. At least as far as I can tell.

But yeah you've certainly only gotta do what you want to do. If it's a negative prospect I'm definitely not going to force you.

But yeah thanks again.

09-10-2018, 09:55 AM
If it helps, I'll still keep making complete sets for Sonic every now and then.

I still enjoy creating a "complete package", especially for scores that I love. They offer certain design possibilites a single front cover doesn't. And they provide me with the chance to ulitize one of my 100s of mockups that I've gathered over the years.

09-11-2018, 03:12 PM
This is just amazing! Thank you for all your hard work.

09-11-2018, 11:26 PM
Wow, just discovered now you posted this monumental effort Sonic! Again, these are scores I know super well, so I could concentrate on your mix. For Raiders and Temple of Doom, hands down, it's the best I ever heard, including some little details that come better to the surface now. It's spacious, big and warm at the same time. Even with my so-so Bose AE2 headphones, it sounds great, so I can only imagine with true audiophile equipment how orgasmic it must be!

Now for Last Crusade, going through it right now, and as good as it sounds, I feel the levels of treble a bit to high, a tad too punchy, aggressive, at least in comparison to Indy 1 and 2. But I read your analysis, so you've done the best you could with the source material.

In any case, bravo Maestro!

09-12-2018, 12:39 AM
Wow, just discovered now you posted this monumental effort Sonic! Again, these are scores I know super well, so I could concentrate on your mix. For Raiders and Temple of Doom, hands down, it's the best I ever heard, including some little details that come better to the surface now. It's spacious, big and warm at the same time. Even with my so-so Bose AE2 headphones, it sounds great, so I can only imagine with true audiophile equipment how orgasmic it must be!

Now for Last Crusade, going through it right now, and as good as it sounds, I feel the levels of treble a bit to high, a tad too punchy, aggressive, at least in comparison to Indy 1 and 2. But I read your analysis, so you've done the best you could with the source material.

In any case, bravo Maestro!

Thank you a lot. But you won't need true audiophile equipment. Would you use it, I think that Raiders would sound a tad too brittle combined with slightly too much bass. I actually always have "normal" equipment in mind.

And I fully agree with you for Last Crusade, I can never decide if it's too much bass, not enough bass or if treble is too piercing or just right. That score is still a problematic one for me. Its sound I mean.

---------- Post added at 01:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:38 AM ----------

If it helps, I'll still keep making complete sets for Sonic every now and then.

I still enjoy creating a "complete package", especially for scores that I love. They offer certain design possibilites a single front cover doesn't. And they provide me with the chance to ulitize one of my 100s of mockups that I've gathered over the years.

While I do just adore your complete package covers, I always feel you work too much for them. And I always fear you might be overworked at one point.

09-12-2018, 04:06 AM
How are you downloading this? Zippyshare looks to be the only one that doesn't actively say it isn't available anymore. There are 4 "download" buttons on Zippyshare and none of them download the file (and a good reason why I use a Chromebook for sites like that).

09-12-2018, 02:29 PM
How are you downloading this? Zippyshare looks to be the only one that doesn't actively say it isn't available anymore. There are 4 "download" buttons on Zippyshare and none of them download the file (and a good reason why I use a Chromebook for sites like that).

I recommend JDownloader, it's open platform so it'll run on a Chromebook as well.

Bomba Fett
09-21-2018, 03:25 PM
Did some back covers for these versions.

( Back ( by Girimum Alado (, no Flickr

( Back ( by Girimum Alado (, no Flickr

( Back ( by Girimum Alado (, no Flickr

( Back ( by Girimum Alado (, no Flickr

09-21-2018, 04:58 PM
Thanks for the great works, Bomba Fett and Heidl. With them we have our backs covered!

Bomba Fett
09-21-2018, 07:52 PM
Thanks for the great works, Bomba Fett and Heidl. With them we have our backs covered!


10-26-2018, 01:30 PM
Is there any download version of the "Raiders" OST which has the original album tracks Marion's Theme (3:10) and Raiders of the Lost Ark (6:04)? I tend to get every version of Indy music that comes along, and I have 20 hours of Indy music in iTunes (before getting this one!) but I'll be damned if I can find them anywhere in that lot. :-(

10-27-2018, 12:22 AM
Thanks for making these available

01-12-2019, 03:07 PM
None of the links for this appear to work anymore, does anyone have a re-up as I'd be very grateful to have the chance to hear this please! [UPDATE: I'M AN IDIOT ITS ALL FINE] Thanks so much!

01-12-2019, 05:49 PM

web traveller
01-13-2019, 01:35 AM
Great work on the back covers Bomba Fett. Thanks!!

01-13-2019, 04:21 PM
very nice!

01-28-2019, 04:51 PM
Played 'Raiders' today and got totally confused about the Kate Bush track at the end, so glad that this is explained upthread!

03-14-2019, 05:27 PM
An absolute pleasure listen to these score on the daily commute. Thank you very much for the fantastic work.

05-14-2019, 05:22 PM
It seems that none of these files are available anymore, can someone re-up please? Thanks!

George IV
05-26-2019, 08:21 PM
All links are dead...

Looks fantastic, but can't download it.

05-27-2019, 02:21 AM
Thanks, SonicAdventure! Not sure how I missed this previously as I always enjoy your efforts. Thanks so much for sharing. I downloaded all the Audiophile versions via ZippyFile. Those links all still work!

05-27-2019, 08:06 AM

[QUOTE=Bomba Fett;3824092]Did some back covers for these versions.