Abraham Link
04-02-2018, 11:13 PM
Alone in the Dark 2008

Special thanks to anyone involved in this thread (https://forum.xentax.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=6099&hilit=Alone+in+the+Dark+Alone+in+the+Dark+audio) for providing the tools I used to extract the .BIG files of the game. After ripping the game files, I used the cues arranged within the folders to construct an accurate collection based on the arrangements in which these tracks play in the game. The game uses dynamic music and in few cases I had to take some liberties with arrangements though I still followed the game's arrangements as closely as possible.

In some cases, entirely different tracks can transition into a track of a certain level such as tracks that are dedicated for the appearance of Humanz (the game's way of saying zombies) and the appearance of Fissures (A rather unique enemy type for this game for those of you who have played it). The CD OST provides full tracks for those two which contain most cues that are used in the game. Also keep in mind that aside from the vocals, the game uses synth and samples for its soundtrack, which means that more often than not, you'll find that the CD OST release sounds better, presumably because they used an actual orchestra for some tracks. Regardless, the Gamerip soundtrack still contains many tracks that are so good it baffles me that they left them out of the CD OST. In some cases I spliced-in missing cues into their CD Soundtrack in four particular cases (namely the following four tracks: Edward Carnby, The Facade, Bethesda Fight, Truth). Everything else that is present in the CD OST I left as is, and the rest are gamerip-only soundtracks.

Even though this game was somewhat mediocre I still recommend checking out its OST. Olivier Deriviere did a really good job here and the Mystery of the Bulgarian Voices was a fine choice for vocals. There are few tracks that I left out because they were free roaming tracks with mediocre sounding synth violins and stuff like that, which just aren't as good as the rest of the gamerip OST. If you wanna check them out I'd suggest checking out my gamerip collection here (Thread 223660). Without further adieu, here is the link for the Expanded Soundtrack:

DOWNLOAD EXPANDED OST (https://mega.nz/#F!rxAzmSZS!UgSAKytlQ2PC6OsGkbx2yQ)

05-31-2018, 03:39 AM
Hey, I just want to offer congratulations on putting together an expanded soundtrack for this score. Alone in the Dark is another of those examples that the worst a piece of media is, the better the music tends to be. The Gothic texture and the Bulgarian choir adds such a unique element to the music. Olivier Derivere really knows how to make a chorus sound unique.

Looking forward to listening to this.