Abraham Link
03-28-2018, 04:54 PM
Alone in the Dark 2008

All music files found within the game. Special thanks to anyone involved in this thread (https://forum.xentax.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=6099&hilit=Alone+in+the+Dark+Alone+in+the+Dark+audio) for providing the tools I used to extract the .BIG files of the game. There is also sound files that are found in WAV format and don't need extraction found within the folder named "SOUND", one of whom was inside a BIK file that I had to extract. I also included a link below for the CD OST release which I properly tagged and gave a 1280X1280 cover.

Few things to note here in that the game uses a heavily sequential dynamic music which does not necessarily have all of its OST sorted out properly. You'll mostly find them in the form of several cues, many of which are unfortunately missing from the CD OST. They are most often tagged either b/cine/t/l. "b" refers to "begin" which likely means segments that only play once. Same applies with "cine" and "t", the former likely referring to "cinematic" and the latter referring to "transition". "l" is the exception in that it likely refers to "loop" judging by the way these files usually sound. I watched some playthrough videos to confirm this as it's been a really long time since I've played the game.

In some cases, entirely different tracks can transition into a track of a certain level such as tracks that are dedicated for the appearance of Humanz (the game's way of saying zombies) and the appearance of Fissures (A rather unique enemy type for this game for those of you who have played it). The CD OST provides full tracks for those two which contain most cues that are used in the game. Also keep in mind that aside from the vocals, the game uses synth and samples for its soundtrack, which means that more often than not, you'll find that the CD OST release sounds better, presumably because they used an actual orchestra for some tracks. Regardless, the Gamerip soundtrack still contains many tracks that are so good it baffles me that they left them out of the CD OST.

Even though this game was somewhat mediocre I still recommend checking out its OST. Olivier Deriviere did a really good job here and the Mystery of the Bulgarian Voices was a fine choice for vocals. I plan on making another collection soon where I put together as many of the unused soundtracks as well as possible while avoiding instances of repetition or usage of cues from different tracks. In some cases I'll just include a missing cue in a CD OST though so keep that in mind. Without further adieu, here are the links:

DOWNLOAD GAMERIP (https://mega.nz/#F!K9InRbZb!_6g4ZUg4IhHOPKDtvMp-3w)

DOWNLOAD CD OST (https://mega.nz/#F!S8Jwia4R!3lzYXAN8bJlJSW2EabwdMw)

Oh and lastly, if an expert at noise removal can tell me how I can remove the small noise in all files extracted from the .BIG files, that'd be great. In most cases the noise is inaudible but when a track ends it and the instrument sounds go out, you can hear the noise quite clearly during the ending of a track if you're using a good headphone and this annoys me a lot.

EDIT: I've finished working on the Expanded Soundtrack for this game. If you wanna check it out go to here's to this post: Alone in the Dark Expanded Soundtrack (Thread 223779)

03-28-2018, 09:46 PM
Thank you, I've been waiting for a Gamerip for a long time
I love the remix of Edward Carnby from DJ Ti�sto
this soundtrack has something unique, I love it

Abraham Link
04-03-2018, 06:09 AM
As stated in the post above, I worked (and now finished) a collection where I combined the dynamic tracks and such.
Took a while but it's worth it, here's the post for it: Alone in the Dark Expanded Soundtrack (Thread 223779)
Just thought you might be interested.