09-21-2017, 08:25 PM
Since it got released and the actual soundtrack won't be released anytime soon or even be complete can anyone make a rip of this?

10-05-2017, 03:04 AM
Good news - after nearly two weeks of madly deciphering Terra Battle 2's file format for hours on end every day, I've written a fully working program to decrypt(!) (and only rarely decompress - they need to put their priorities straight) Terra Battle 2's file format. It has also enabled me to get songs from the server that aren't in the game yet (as well as illustrations which pretty much spoil the entire story that they have planned, so I won't share them), which means you're in for a treat since a lot of the music I'll share can't be found anywhere else :)
I will prepare a music rip for this game in the next few days, and will share the program with the TB community afterwards. I'll also update my TB1 rip, seeing as there's a few new songs there too.

10-05-2017, 05:11 PM
God bless you mate

10-06-2017, 10:44 PM
Here you go: Thread 219725
I've only included new music from TB2 - so no music that was already in Terra Battle 1, even if that music isn't in my old rip yet. I'll update the TB1 rip soon enough, so then everything will be truly complete. :)