04-05-2005, 12:16 AM
(this thread might have been already done but it might have been really really old so i'll put this on...)

i was just wondering who's the most villanous villain in the whole ff series that you've played? put them here and why.

mine would be sephiroth cuz he killed aeris who's my most fave character in ff7. i'll never forgive him...

04-05-2005, 01:35 AM
The mos evil heartless satanic cruel sorrow-bearer evil poison-minded villian in every final fantasy is... Kefka!!! he killed a lot of people and he was so...(everything I put in the 1st line) he killed general leo and because of him the world was destroyed just as espers, poor terra.

Sephiroth's son
04-05-2005, 04:45 PM
gonna hafta agree there hefka was deffinatlly the meanest villain

04-05-2005, 08:41 PM
Kefka Or Sephy.

The Anti-Existence
04-05-2005, 10:54 PM
Kefka or Kuja. Sephiroth was a puppet and no more a villain than Edea.

04-09-2005, 07:35 PM
ah shit! how could i forget about kefka!

04-21-2005, 11:03 AM
I would have said Kefka, but the fact is that I often cracked up at his remarks, and I can't hate a villain who makes me laugh, so it would have to be Sephiroth

04-21-2005, 11:58 AM
Kefka was really evil but I found him to be more of a pain in the ass, so I'd have to say Sephiroth.

04-21-2005, 10:47 PM
both sephiroth and kefka are pure evil! sephiroth killed aeris and kefka destroyed the espers for terra!

04-21-2005, 11:14 PM
Anyone who puts Sephiroth in the same league as Kefka is an irredeemable fanboy/girl. Sephiroth was a whiny emo punk who threw a big tantrum when he found out he was a genetic gumbo. Kefka, on the other hand, was the personification of malice and a genocidal maniac.

It's like comparing one of those fucked-up Columbine brats to Adolf Hitler.

04-22-2005, 08:20 PM
Sephiroth because he killed Aeris and he looked mean!

04-22-2005, 08:27 PM
Caith Sith for a number of known reasons............

Kit Thespian
04-23-2005, 07:42 AM
Cait Sith, hmm? I'll have to think about that one...

Kefka would definitely be the most evil main villain. Unlike Sephiroth, Kefka actually managed to destroy and control the world in some part. Sephiroth was just a pawn of Jenova to start with. There's even talk that it wasn't technically him that killed Aeris, but a clone of him created by Hojo and being controlled by Jenova.

Now, if you want to say who the most evil villain in FFVII was, that award goes to Jenova or Hojo. Hojo was EVIL. Now, I don't think he was born evil, like some people have made him out to be, but by the point in the video game's timeline that we reach him, he is a horrid being.

04-23-2005, 09:08 AM
now sephiroth was evil but Kefka managed to kill the espers so it has to be Kefka

04-23-2005, 05:21 PM

To quote 8-Bit Theater:

"I don't believe it!! Garland is so increidibly evil he can actually afford to be good to us before he kills us!!" :laugh:

Just kidding!


Kefka, definetely. Unlike other villains, Kefka actually achieves what he desires! Compeltely re-arranging the very surface of the planet with the power of the Three Goddess Statues, turning the once-leafy green world into a sunken, broken wasteland, draining the powers of the Espers, obliterating any towns which managed to survive his intial apocalypse with fire and brimstone from above, breaking the hopes and dreams of those irratiting heroes and scattering them around what's left of the world, even remorselessly poisoning the town of Doma, he is absolute evil personified.

Not to mention his outlandish taste in fashion, even for a fantasy game, coupled with his brilliant one-liners ("Oh, please! You all sound like chapters in a self-help booklet!") make him the greatest villian ever! Every other villian in the FF series are just mere flunkies comapred to the evil, insane genius that is Kefka.

Kit Thespian
04-23-2005, 07:22 PM
Yes, that is so true! You took the words right out of my mouth. Kefka is the best villain.

04-26-2005, 07:33 AM
If you want to make a distinction between being evil and doing evil things, I think the answer might be Ex-Death. I haven't played most of the classics, but isn't Ex-Death suppose to be literally evil incarnate? How much more evil can one be?

I might be thinking of some other villian. If so, disregard what I said.

As far as doing evil things, Kefka takes the cake... just does them cause he thinks its funny.

"Do I look like a waiter to you?"

04-29-2005, 09:29 PM
Kuja...because he wears ladies underwear. Or they just kinda look like it....

04-29-2005, 11:04 PM
Seperoth doent match up to Kefka. Nice way of putting it Prak:)
Seiroth..... he was just differnt from Kefka.
Now Kefka was evil.
Big Asshole+Lots of Power= Kefka

The Anti-Existence
04-30-2005, 06:09 AM
Unlike other villains, Kefka actually achieves what he desires!



Kuja wanted power. Power greater than Zidane. Power greater than Garland. He achieved this. All his plans were spoiled when Garland destroyed Alexander, but Kuja made the ultimate comeback and became an insanely powerful villain who actually managed to destroy a planet with his power.


Kuja is the most evil.

the guy watching you
04-30-2005, 08:03 AM


Kuja wanted power. Power greater than Zidane. Power greater than Garland. He achieved this. All his plans were spoiled when Garland destroyed Alexander, but Kuja made the ultimate comeback and became an insanely powerful villain who actually managed to destroy a planet with his power.


Kuja is the most evil.

oooo he has a very good point there.kuja is defitnetly the evilest

04-30-2005, 09:48 AM
Kuja is the most evil.
No. No, no, no, no NO!.........NO!!!!!!
Kuja was desperate, he had a valid (if crazy) goal.He did what he felt he had to and at the end your saw that he wasn't just evil.

04-30-2005, 10:15 AM
Kuja, obviously.

The Anti-Existence
04-30-2005, 01:38 PM
No. No, no, no, no NO!.........NO!!!!!!
Kuja was desperate, he had a valid (if crazy) goal.He did what he felt he had to and at the end your saw that he wasn't just evil.

That was at the end... He was going to die. Kuja wants people to die, so he can get power and rule the world. That's evil...... Well, I guess it's all in the perception....

04-30-2005, 03:30 PM
Im going to go for sephiroth cuz i liked the evil look he had, im goin to go for seymour too becuase he had that creepy evil voice...

05-01-2005, 06:12 AM
Hmm... Time for a history lesson, however this will not be in order of game but in order of relivance. first the most crappy and lamest villan, that loser from FF Mystic Quest, just that a loser. Next, FF 2/4... Zeromus, yes I brought him up for a reason. He is like Jenova, a puppet master. No true power, but an overall pain in the ass. FF 7, Sephiroth... He is more like the villan that is "I have a right to be evil 'cause im a bishi."
the proper way to deal with him is to say "Bad bishi, go to my room." FF 9, Kuja. Well I'll admit he was a pain and he bit(hed like a republican, but the angry ape thing was overdone by DBZ. FF 8, Ultimecia. She was more of a problem that Kuja and Sephiroth combined due to the fact that she had way too many forms. FF 3/6, Kefka. He is the ultmate villan. 1] He wouldn't die untill he sprouted his chicken wings in the end. 2] He resorted to bio-warfare. 3] After he rearranged the surface of the world, he erected a huge tower with an oversized laser on top. (He was defenlety was compensating for something.) 4] His idea of fashion, gah. (probly shoped the same place as Gogo.) and finaly 5] the Cheese Quotes. Especaly after he killed Gen. Leo.... *Pays homage to Leo's grave*

Kit Thespian
05-03-2005, 03:39 PM
I've never played FFIX, so I'll have to take all of you at your word. But in my experience, I'd have to stick with Kefka.

So, Kuja destroyed a world, hmm? (starts contemplating stealing FFIX out of her brother's room and playing it)

The only thing that attracted me to FFVII was everyone saying how cool the villain was. Now, Sephiroth is a great character, but Kefka beats him as a villain overall.

The Anti-Existence
05-05-2005, 09:16 PM
I agree with everything you just said.

Now, Kuja looks like a woman, but I assure you he's a guy. He's got good looks, nice hips and some great hair, but he is a great example of not to judge someone by their looks.

"Farewell my sweet, lovable morons."

The Sage
05-05-2005, 09:18 PM
yu yevon cos he MUST have killed the most people and caused the most suffering

05-09-2005, 10:24 AM
ive only played ffx so i have to say seymour cos hes really the only villian on ffx (sept yu yevon but i havent fought him yet so i wouldnt really know) but i know about sephiroth cos i played kingdom hearts and he was a secret baddie in that and ive read reviews and stuff for ffVII... i saw pictures of sephiroth on the net and he looks pretty pissweak but on kindgom hearts he was so mad! he looked totally different than on ff but i think he looked tons betta! i never beat him on kingdom hearts cos hes sooo hard! i LOVE his sword and his movemnet (he dissapears and feathers go everywhere then when he reapears more feathers go everywhere) and on kingdom hearts hes wearin dif clothes and hes got one wing

05-09-2005, 08:11 PM
OMG the only ff gaem iv played was ff9 and i only played it for 30 minutes!!1! That means steiner was the most evil villan evar! [/mockery]

05-09-2005, 08:56 PM
Definitely Garland (from FFI for you nubs who haven't played it). I mean, not only was he a boss MORE THAN ONCE in the game, he had 2000 HP the second time you fought him!!!!! That's so much!!!

05-11-2005, 07:19 AM
ive played 1-5 as well but i dont count thyem cos i played like half an hour on each one... CHOCOBOS ROCK!!! but LLAMAS ROCK MORE!!!

05-14-2005, 01:46 PM
Kefka is by far the worst, he destroyed the world, killied general leo and killed the whole of cyans home town by poison

05-14-2005, 02:42 PM
I didnt like kefka.

I am going to say that the most evil villain of all time is scarlett cause of that damn slutty dress she always wore.

And her klunky shoes. Shes the tome of all evil.

05-14-2005, 04:58 PM
Either Seph or Kefka.

05-18-2005, 06:37 PM
Humm... Let me see... I would have to say Garlend or Kefka... I would state the reasons but they have been already covered. Or Kuja..... Or Seifer, Because he's a traitor! But then I haven't finished playing VIII yet... O:]
Though I noticed some thing....
Sephiroth is the hottest male villan... You can not forget that...
So Sephiroth for reasons of Bishiness...
*Fangirl squees*:eye:

Fear the fangirl... :angel:

Kit Thespian
05-22-2005, 05:19 AM
Sephiroth is by far the handsomest one. In the CG sequences that they made when they re-released FFVI, Kefka looked like a transvestite. Now, he was still creepy, don't get me wrong. (shudders)

Seifer strikes me as a little bratty.

Final Heaven
05-22-2005, 11:36 PM
I say Kefka, he was damn evil, killed so many people and just used to laugh about it all the time too!

Nanaki XIII
05-23-2005, 01:29 AM

umm kefka poisoned a castle full of people, killed general leo, betayaryed his emperor and killed him, ruined the entire world and became ruler. i mean where everyone else tried to destry the world, he actually suceeded.

how does any villian compare to that, kefka wins the psycho award.

Chaos And Fist
05-24-2005, 03:10 PM
Yeah... Seph and Kuju where good villians, yes, but they were more like whinny kids. Haven't seen this Kefka guy, but he sounds evil...

05-24-2005, 05:56 PM
Garland/chaos: He is evil, and betrayed the corneria kingdom and his darkness comes from nowhere so he is really evil, but on evil enought
Emperor Palamekia: this guy wants to conquer the world but nothing more, he is bad but not so bad.
Cloud of Darkness: ...I hadn't finished FFIII but as far as i've played this cloud is some mix of chaos with palamekia that means: he is a bad guy but not a heartless monster.
Zemus/Zeromus: OMG this creature is the responsable of the destruccion of many towns, he blinded a complete city (baron) using their armies to bring destruccion, a lot of terror, an ungly body but nothing more...
X-Death: This guys is more evil that the previous monsters, he was borned to bring death, he killed galuf and changed two worlds into a new one. Still he is just like the same but this time the villain wears a more evil look in each one of his forms.
Kefka: Everyone (including me) has already said everything of this gay
Sephiroth: The reasons of his madness are clear compared with the first 5 villains, he killed aeris, he almos destroyes the world, but he doesn't desss like the most scarry villain ever.
Ultimecia: She is like the old villains: domain the wilrd with pain the only new feature is that ULTIMECIA IS THE FIRST FINAL BOSS WOMAN in a final fantasy game. But not the mos evil one.
Kuja: This guy is gay, and that makes a villain look more evil. His goals were pathetics, he wanted power but at the end of the game he regrests. His fighting stile is evil, the way he talks too, and his personality, but watching he regret of everything was the mos pathetic thing ever. Not so bad, not so good.
Seymour Guado: This guy has personality, his voice is the best in an evil character but he was not a bad guy, he was just crazy, he wanted everyone to die cuz he tried to "protect" them from Sin. Bad guy? Maybe.
YuYevon: Ok, this guy may be a great villain too, I mean he made everyone in Spira believe he was their only hope... and he was their only problem. He trixed everyone, he was the lie, he was the spiral of fear and vane sacrifice... but yu yevon himself stinks, he looks like ultros!!! his phisic form is litle, even Shelinda cound kill him with a kick.
Final Fantasy XI has no final boss or villain so it is the worse Final Fantasy... or one of the.
Final Fantasy XII's seems to be the guy of the logo but we cannot say anithing yet because nobody is even sure he is going to be the bad guy

The Anti-Existence
10-27-2006, 05:39 AM
Kuja: This guy is gay, and that makes a villain look more evil. His goals were pathetics, he wanted power but at the end of the game he regrests. His fighting stile is evil, the way he talks too, and his personality, but watching he regret of everything was the mos pathetic thing ever. Not so bad, not so good.

From what I know, none of the other villains had time to think about dying. Kuja did. He had to lay there, unable to do anything and ponder over his entire life. Many people change their minds on their deathbeds. It's more natural and intelligent to regret things in your life when you're on the brink of death then to look backa nd say "well, that was good." Then you're being blind. kuja is the farthest thing from stupid. He looked backa nd contemplated his life and was unsatisfied with it. No different than most any other human being.

umm kefka poisoned a castle full of people, killed general leo, betayaryed his emperor and killed him, ruined the entire world and became ruler. i mean where everyone else tried to destry the world, he actually suceeded.

Kuja had a an entire fleet incinerated first by his Mistodons and then by Bahamut.
Kuja killed Queen Brahne, Garland (technically) and the entire party.
Kuja destroyed all of Terra then started the Iifa Tree's assimiilation, ripping the roots of the iifa Tree from deep within the ground to the surface which resulted in many deaths and worldwide panic at teh re-appearance of the Mist.
Whereas Kefka drained the Espars, Kuja made his own race for warfare. He spawned a people for the purpose of murder and when they had a consciousness awaken inside them, he would enlist them to come back to him by lying and using their fear of death.
At the end, Kuja stands with one planet obliterated, four kingdoms devastated (one wiped off the map) and thousands dead.

10-27-2006, 05:56 AM
On my own decision, I'll put Kuja and Kefka in equal first place of the evil villains scale. Other villains can't beats that, not even the dull looking Sephipants.

10-27-2006, 06:56 AM
Kefka.. he.. destroyed the world much like what's his face did in IX.

Hex Omega
10-27-2006, 07:01 AM
Thread 25089