09-07-2005, 03:12 AM
Who is the baddest out of the ur answer below.
Personally I think Sephiroth is evilest.

09-07-2005, 03:14 AM
Sephiroth? Evil? You're delusional. Sephiroth was nothing but a whiny confused guy with a mother complex.

If you want evil, look at Kefka.

Also, we've had tons of these threads.

09-07-2005, 11:47 AM
Kefka by a mile. You can call Seph the biggest badass if you want, but in terms of pure evil Kefka shits over him, and none of the others are even close.

09-07-2005, 01:27 PM
Kefka I say !!! Sephy wasn't really evil b/c he just went insane and destroying things..... he wasn't evil naturally.

09-07-2005, 01:47 PM
Yeah, Kefka is the antichrist ^.^

09-07-2005, 01:47 PM
...sorry, unintentioned double-post, just ignore this.

09-07-2005, 03:05 PM
The evilest character ever created in the history of computer gaming is Rikku, she calls Yuna "Yunie"...

09-07-2005, 03:44 PM
The evilest character ever created in the history of computer gaming is Rikku, she calls Yuna "Yunie"...

LOL.......that's funny...but kinda true

09-09-2005, 01:26 AM
I'd say Kefka.

09-11-2005, 06:42 PM
i would say the ff7 Sephiroth not the ac one

09-11-2005, 06:44 PM
Oh yay. Another silly fanboy who mistakes an emo fag with a mother complex for a villain.

09-11-2005, 09:01 PM
Kefka all teh way

hb smokey
09-12-2005, 12:33 AM

Don't make me explain why.

09-12-2005, 02:25 AM

09-12-2005, 03:07 AM
who the funk is kefka

09-12-2005, 03:34 AM
. . .

What final fantasies have youve played?

Galahad McCloud
09-12-2005, 08:33 AM
kefka was a badass, he would pwn sephiroth

"Edgar you pinhead, why do you have to live out in the middle of nowhere for" XD

09-12-2005, 09:03 AM
who the funk is kefka


Galahad McCloud
09-12-2005, 11:38 AM
who the funk is kefka

you dont belong here -.-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


Hex Omega
09-13-2005, 12:30 AM

09-13-2005, 12:33 AM
i haven't played all the ff,so in the ones that i have played with i would say Seymour

09-14-2005, 02:45 AM

09-14-2005, 01:16 PM
i say kuja he was cool

09-14-2005, 01:17 PM
and yes seymour

Galahad McCloud
09-14-2005, 11:42 PM
i give sephiroth some props, he was a badass, but thats pretty much all he had... the uber coolness

kefka had the evilness, he would kill just for fun

ff8 and ff9 had weak villains, although seifer from ff8 was pretty cool

seymour wasnt very evil methinks

now... if you guys want real evil, should look into some characters like Luca Blight (Suikoden 2), Judecca (Wild Arms 2), Albedo (Xenosaga), Alhazad (Wild Arms), Nightmare (Soul Calibur)

09-14-2005, 11:56 PM
Yeah..seymour wasn't the most evil but,you've gotta admit that he was crazy...

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
09-15-2005, 11:01 AM
Well Sephiroth is the coolest of the Final Fantasy villians, but evil? Nah he isn't, Kefka or Ultimecia wins this. But I wouldn't call those characters the 'anti-christ' either.

Galahad McCloud
09-16-2005, 07:56 AM
ultimecia was weak (although... griever = pwn)

anti-christ villain would be Judecca from WA2, he took pleasure in seeing other peoples pain, and played with the humans, laughing at them as they screamed and such... the same pretty much goes for Alhazad also from WA1/WAF

also, Luca Blight would be right up there from Suikoden 2, he would embaress you and then kill you, while smirking evily

in terms of final fantasy... i think some of the villains in FFT was pretty awesome

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
09-16-2005, 10:12 AM
ultimecia was weak (although... griever = pwn)

She may have been weak, but then again strength isn't the topic of this thread. She was pretty evil, and lived in a pretty evil-looking castle, also add the fact she's pretty mental and has strong magic powers and had pretty evil intentions. Then I think she definitely has a place amongst the most evil characters of Final Fantasy.

Galahad McCloud
09-16-2005, 10:50 AM
i wasnt talking about her strength -.-;;;;;;;;;;;

she might of been a little psychotic... but she was pretty lame IMO, her castle is cool though 8)

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
09-16-2005, 03:51 PM
i wasnt talking about her strength -.-;;;;;;;;;;;

Well, usually when people say;

ultimecia was weak (although... griever = pwn)

They mean that they aren't strong.

Also try and learn how to use grammar because quite frankly, your posts look like shit.

09-16-2005, 04:12 PM
I think sephiroth was the most evil....The way he manipulated Cloud and stuff...It's pure evil....

And Ultimecia was weak....

Galahad McCloud
09-17-2005, 03:34 AM
sephiroth was nothing more than a puppet, just like kadaj and cloud

jenova was the real evil in ff7

Taren the Immortal
09-17-2005, 03:50 AM
seymour is evil he killed off the ronso!!!!!!!

Kit Thespian
09-17-2005, 04:25 AM
I agree that Jenova was the real evil in FFVII, and Sephiroth was a puppet, just like Cloud was (how does Cloud get off being the "greatest hero" of the FF series, anyway?).

Kefka is the most evil. He is evil of his own accord, does horrendously evil things, has plausible evil goals (destroying the world with a Meteor to become a god? Please. Kefka didn't have to destroy the world; he just rearranged it). Kefka got a kick out of destroying whole towns and people. And when they tried to rebuild, he would destroy them again for the heck of it. The guy is evil, evil, evil. Sephy (bless his heart) is just crazy, crazy, crazy, with a teaspoon of gullible and a pinch of idiocy, even though he IS my favorite in FFVII.

Kefka, IMHBAO (In My Humble But Accurate Opinion), would kick Sephiroth up and down the block in the evil-ness department.

Swedish Fish
09-17-2005, 04:28 PM
Kefka takes my vote, but Sephiroth is pretty bad too.

Kit Thespian
09-18-2005, 06:24 AM
Didn't say he wasn't, but Kefka wins.

Tidus 66
09-18-2005, 12:07 PM
Kefka, Ultimecia and finally Seymour

09-19-2005, 04:17 PM

09-19-2005, 10:59 PM
Kefka all the way. And I qoute,

"You son of a Submariner!"

Not only his he evil, he is probably the most interesting Videogame villan in the history of time. 'Nough said.

09-19-2005, 11:06 PM
ultimecia was pretty fucked up, im not saying she was hard just i thought she was pure fuckin evil

Kit Thespian
09-24-2005, 12:32 AM
I agree that Ultimecia is underrated as a villain. The thought of Time Compression is spooky.

Auron: Spira's Guard
09-25-2005, 02:43 PM
Kefka by far

I would have chosen Seymour guado had it not been for the Battle in sin, which didn't make sense

09-25-2005, 06:20 PM
chaos from ff1 (or if you want that translated from FFish to earthish, satan)
kuja from ff9 also places near the top, because only the most evil of men would openly wear a thong

10-05-2005, 08:18 PM
i think quina waz the most evil i mean come on think of all the poor froggys

10-06-2005, 01:14 AM
im with that other dude who the hell is Kefka? what ff is he from? i only played 7 8 and 9

Swedish Fish
10-06-2005, 01:50 AM
Arent you a noob yourself:confused: ?

10-06-2005, 08:56 PM
Kefka by far

I would have chosen Seymour guado had it not been for the Battle in sin, which didn't make sense

I think seymour was tryin to kill sin so he could come back immortal as sin
I can't really remember. it's bin a while since i played it

10-07-2005, 05:16 AM
Kefka, although Sephiroth would definetly get my vote in the "Most badass looking FF Villain contest", if such a contest existed.

10-07-2005, 09:08 AM
Trying to decide who is the most "evil" villain in a RPG is like trying to decide who was the most evil person between Adolf Hitler, Stalin, Genghis Khan, Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden when it's clear that they were ALL evil... but just in slightly different ways. Some villains do "evil" things out of pure hatred, some do it for pleasure and some do it for their ideals. All evil but just in different ways... In other words, I really can't answer a subjective question like that...

10-07-2005, 03:32 PM
Its more like comparing Hitler(Kefka) to a lesser evil like oh I dunno, Chairface Chipendale(Sephiroth). There are variances in the degrees of Evil people content on taking over the world.

Kefka had a flare for evil in a dramatic sense, took personal pleasure in it. Most villians now are too humanized. So that we can understand the roots of evil can come from good people like ourselves.

Its alot like movies, in the 80's and early 90's, movie jerks where just plain old jerks. They loved being jerks, there was no sad story that molded them into the jerk they were. Now in movies, if someone is a jerk or a bad guy, there is some kinda emotional side story that explains how he fell into evil becuase of a bad situation, or a lost love.

Kefka is more evil becuase he does not have any humanizing sob stories for us to relate to. He's a jerk and he loves being a jerk.

10-07-2005, 06:26 PM
Trying to decide who is the most "evil" villain in a RPG is like trying to decide who was the most evil person between Adolf Hitler, Stalin, Genghis Khan, Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden when it's clear that they were ALL evil... but just in slightly different ways. Some villains do "evil" things out of pure hatred, some do it for pleasure and some do it for their ideals. All evil but just in different ways... In other words, I really can't answer a subjective question like that...

What a lump of shit. Seriously. Its a computer game not dictators of the world.

I would also say that ultemicia was the ultimate evil because she had the most radical Idea with her time compression. It is a pretty evil thing to do. Where as Sephiroth wanted 2 Damage the planet for his own power gain. Ultemicia just wanted 2 destroy all seeds and then everyone else

10-07-2005, 08:08 PM
Its more like comparing Hitler(Kefka) to a lesser evil like oh I dunno, Chairface Chipendale(Sephiroth). There are variances in the degrees of Evil people content on taking over the world.
You're comparing Hitler to a fictional character? If you want to make a comparison to Hitler at least use a real person to compare him to. As for "variances in the degrees of Evil", what could you be referring to? Who's more sadistic? Who's more dangerous? Who's more of a psycho? Who's capable of more destruction? There's so many aspects that could define an "evil" person that it's not possible to conclude who was the most evil person. Kefka was more evil in the sense that he had no feelings and gained pleasure from other people's pain, while Sephiroth was more evil in the sense that he was more dangerous and wanted to destroy the planet as a whole rather than just rule the world. The criteria that most people seem to use when judging who's more "evil" is usually "who can invoke the most hatred in the player" and in most cases, it's usually Kefka that's more hated due to his grotesque nature but it's also true that he wasn't as dangerous or ambitious as Sephiroth or Ultimecia.

What a lump of shit. Seriously. Its a computer game not dictators of the world.

I would also say that ultemicia was the ultimate evil because she had the most radical Idea with her time compression. It is a pretty evil thing to do. Where as Sephiroth wanted 2 Damage the planet for his own power gain. Ultemicia just wanted 2 destroy all seeds and then everyone else

Are you suggesting that fictional characters shouldn't be compared to real people? If so, then... what a lump of shit. Seriously. Most fictional characters were inspired by real people and most fictional villains were inspired by "evil" people in the real world. Whether a person is fictional or real, I absolutely don't see any reason why they should be given different rules for what defines "evil". As for Ultimecia being the most evil... well she was certainly the most dangerous, since she was probably the most ambitious FF villain... but I don't remember her gaining pleasure from what she was doing in the same way Kefka did. So is she really the most evil villain? Again, it depends on your definition of evil.

10-08-2005, 08:16 AM
Um yea, perhaps you forget that Kefka became a god, and wanted to destroy the world becuase of his nilihilisitic ideals that life has no meaning. Kefka, wanted to destroy the world, Sephiroth wanted to use the planet as a vessel to conquer other worlds. HE wanted to rule the world. Kefka was going to destroy simply for the sake of destroying things. Also saying Sephiroth was more evil is not really true, as he was mearly a puppet to the greater evil of jenova.

So lets recap. KEFKA became a living GOD. Sephiroth did no such thing. HE WANTED TO, but he failed. Therefore, KEFKA did a better job at being an evil bastard and posed more of a threat, also considering that KEFKA had a rule of about a year as master of the planet.

And lastly, if your gonna be a hypocrite, try to avoid doing it with in one post.

"You're comparing Hitler to a fictional character? If you want to make a comparison to Hitler at least use a real person to compare him to.

Are you suggesting that fictional characters shouldn't be compared to real people? If so, then... what a lump of shit."

10-08-2005, 09:09 AM
Kefka ruled the world for a whole year and yet he DIDN'T destroyed the world. If he did, then there wouldn't be any people left to torture. Again, Kefka needs to gain some kind of pleasure from other people's pain and that simply wouldn't be possible if he just destroyed the world. Kefka was NOT trying to destroy the world, he wanted to RULE it, and he succeeded in that goal. And about Sephiroth trying to destroy the planet, what I meant was that he wanted to destroy all life on the planet, not literally destroy the whole planet (that was a typo)... but he was going to destroy the majority of it. I know it's open to interpretation but from what I'm aware, he wanted to destroy all human life on the planet, seeing as how he much he hated them all... I don't see why he would spare any of them.

Kefka, wanted to destroy the world, Sephiroth wanted to use the planet as a vessel to conquer other worlds.
Now that you've brought that up, doesn't that just show that Sephiroth was more ambitious in his goals? That his goals were beyond just a single planet. I don't remember Kefka suggesting anything about going to other worlds or anything of the sort.

So lets recap. KEFKA became a living GOD. Sephiroth did no such thing. HE WANTED TO, but he failed. Therefore, KEFKA did a better job at being an evil bastard and posed more of a threat, also considering that KEFKA had a rule of about a year as master of the planet.
That's obviously because Terra & Co FAILED in preventing Kefka becoming a God. Had Cloud & Co failed in preventing Sephiroth from becoming a God, then I'm certain he would have done a lot more damage than Kefka did in his one year reign. This isn't about who succeeded and who didn't, it's about who would have been more dangerous had any of them succeeded. But yeah, he might have been blindly devoted to Jenova like a puppet (again, that's open to interpretation) but if that's the case, then why should blind devotion be considered a "lesser" evil than greed if it can be just as dangerous?

And lastly, if your gonna be a hypocrite, try to avoid doing it with in one post.

"You're comparing Hitler to a fictional character? If you want to make a comparison to Hitler at least use a real person to compare him to.

Are you suggesting that fictional characters shouldn't be compared to real people? If so, then... what a lump of shit."
Uh.. I always make some silly mistakes when typing in a hurry. I was trying to ask for a real example to compare Hitler to, just to clarify, but it just came out wrong. Well just ignore that first sentence... maybe I was on crack when typing it up?

10-08-2005, 01:56 PM
During their final battle, Kefka reveals to the heroes that he has developed a nihilistic revelation, explaining that life is meaningless and his goal is now the destruction of everything. So Kefka, once becoming a God, and loosing interest in all things, deceides that its best to just get rid of everything. Also, Kefka did kinda go and fuck up the Esper world now didnt he?

Also, Kefka's world did not nescesscesarily have "other" worlds to conquer. Since there are only two meantioned, I would assume that the world of 6 is much smaller then the conceptual megaverse of 7.

The puppet is less evil becuase his actions are of another more evil person. Kefka, is evil on his own.

10-08-2005, 06:35 PM
Even if Sephiroth may have been blindly devoted to his "God" (like a religion), that doesn't changed the fact that he was still hell-bent on destruction, driven purely by hatred for the human race. Kefka wasn't driven by hatred but lost all emotion after an experiment-gone-wrong, from what I remember. It was his lack of emotion that made him cause much suffering. I don't see how that necessarily makes him a greater evil than Sephiroth, who was actually driven by his own emotions. According to Hironobu Sakaguchi (the creator of both FFVI and FFVII) in an interview, "Kefka just lost himself, not really a bad guy." Again, I don't see how Sephiroth can be a "lesser" evil when they were both clearly evil in their own ways.

10-08-2005, 11:19 PM
Ok, its reached the point of the day where I will agree to disagree. We can both go on forever eloborating what is essentially our own opinions.

Swedish Fish
10-09-2005, 03:37 AM
Even if Sephiroth may have been blindly devoted to his "God" (like a religion), that doesn't changed the fact that he was still hell-bent on destruction, driven purely by hatred for the human race. Kefka wasn't driven by hatred but lost all emotion after an experiment-gone-wrong, from what I remember. It was his lack of emotion that made him cause much suffering. I don't see how that necessarily makes him a greater evil than Sephiroth, who was actually driven by his own emotions. According to Hironobu Sakaguchi (the creator of both FFVI and FFVII) in an interview, "Kefka just lost himself, not really a bad guy." Again, I don't see how Sephiroth can be a "lesser" evil when they were both clearly evil in their own ways.

Kefka may have lost himself, but he was the sort of "person" who derives "fun" from maiming and killing living creatures. Sephiroth is like a little child who wants his mama, and is afraid of the dark. Destroying the world is all because he wants his mama.

Gentleman Ghost
10-18-2005, 05:29 AM
Kefka reminds me of Heidigger (i think thats how you spell his name) but yeah, Kefka is the evil one

10-21-2005, 02:10 PM
Sephiroth in a way, Kefka overall. Ultimecia wasn't worth my time, Shuyin can go to Hell, Kuja is in the top 3 of being the most evil.

It's a love hate situation for me and Kefka - the little bastard annoys me sometimes D:

10-24-2005, 05:35 PM
I haven't even lain hands on FFVII, but I've heard so much about Seprinoth or wotever he's called that I think he must be the most evil.

Swedish Fish
10-24-2005, 10:38 PM
Don't be fooled, he isn't very evil. Jenova is the evil one in FFVII. Sephiroth is just a bit "different". He doesn't do much other than attempts to kill you a few times.

10-25-2005, 09:23 AM
Lol, ur probably right.

10-25-2005, 09:50 AM
Erm, actually play the game first before deciding what you think about him from hearing what other people have said.

Makes more sense.

And if you want shit villains, go play FFX-2, and FFX - the last boss you fight is like totally awesome!11111 /sarcasm

10-25-2005, 10:00 AM
I know that. I'm just...different, that's all. Check my Biography, you'll see what I mean.

11-03-2005, 05:58 PM
The evilist character?
Dunno probably either Kefka or Sepiroith.

girlcock fantastic
11-03-2005, 07:27 PM
I'd have to agree with elvana cause I did'nt get to play all the fantasys either only 7 through ten so ya I'd have to say seymour.

Scarlet Rogue
11-08-2005, 08:04 PM
Kuja or Maester Seymour.

Sephiroth's son
11-09-2005, 08:20 PM
Its more like comparing Hitler(Kefka) to a lesser evil like oh I dunno, Chairface Chipendale(Sephiroth). There are variances in the degrees of Evil people content on taking over the world.

Kefka had a flare for evil in a dramatic sense, took personal pleasure in it. Most villians now are too humanized. So that we can understand the roots of evil can come from good people like ourselves.

Its alot like movies, in the 80's and early 90's, movie jerks where just plain old jerks. They loved being jerks, there was no sad story that molded them into the jerk they were. Now in movies, if someone is a jerk or a bad guy, there is some kinda emotional side story that explains how he fell into evil becuase of a bad situation, or a lost love.

Kefka is more evil becuase he does not have any humanizing sob stories for us to relate to. He's a jerk and he loves being a jerk.

couldnt have said it better myself

girlcock fantastic
11-09-2005, 09:12 PM
actually if you guys want to know who is more evil between sephiroth and kefka just put them in a ring and let em at eachother. who would win?

Swedish Fish
11-09-2005, 11:57 PM
I think Sephiroth won the ring battle. But that doesn't mean that he's more evil. Sephiroth is a baby. "You son of a submariner". At least Kefka has a sense of humor.

11-10-2005, 01:53 AM
I Know he was kinda insane at the time but Kuja was going to destroy the Crystal and therefore all existance so i think in the pointless destuctions stakes he wins even if he was an effiminate weirdo

Sephiroth's son
11-10-2005, 06:03 PM
sephiroth would kill kefka...but that doenst make kefka ne less evil

girlcock fantastic
11-10-2005, 07:12 PM
what ff was kefka in?

Tidus 66
11-10-2005, 07:16 PM
Vi, and also Kuja had a soft side and was just whacko, ephiroth is just a stupid long hair guy with a mother complex

11-11-2005, 02:59 AM
For those who dont know Kefka was the baddie in FFVI

P.S im totally wasted at the mo

girlcock fantastic
11-13-2005, 03:28 AM
Vi, and also Kuja had a soft side and was just whacko, ephiroth is just a stupid long hair guy with a mother complex

you take that back you tidus lover!!! sephiroth is way cooler than tidus that little fagget who get's dressed by his mommy thats why he looks like a fag and he crys through halve the damn game in ff10. at least sephiroth can dress himself

11-13-2005, 03:30 AM
Tidus was a much better character than Sephiroth. And he was marginally less whiny!

girlcock fantastic
11-13-2005, 04:40 AM
compare fighting abilities, weapons, clothes, and who whines more, I think you should play ff7 and 10 more thouroughly before you open your mouth and talk like an idiot would. dipshit. YOU SHOULD BE SHOT FOR THINKIN THAT WAY!

Swedish Fish
11-13-2005, 04:58 AM
It's true though. Tidus was better, and in more ways than one.

11-13-2005, 06:35 AM
compare fighting abilities, weapons, clothes, and who whines more, I think you should play ff7 and 10 more thouroughly before you open your mouth and talk like an idiot would. dipshit. YOU SHOULD BE SHOT FOR THINKIN THAT WAY!

....Yeah, good luck with that.

11-13-2005, 02:18 PM
compare fighting abilities, weapons, clothes, and who whines more, I think you should play ff7 and 10 more thouroughly before you open your mouth and talk like an idiot would. dipshit. YOU SHOULD BE SHOT FOR THINKIN THAT WAY!

Fighting abilities? Sephiroth's were inconsistently portrayed and Tidus' grew over the course of the game. No comparison to be made!

Weapons? Sephiroth had a stupidly-designed sword that would break if it were ever used in real battle and only served to make fanboys drool over it. Tidus had weapons that looked like they might actually be usable. Tidus wins!

Clothes? Tidus had some originality, at least. Sephiroth dressed like a stereotypical emo fag with a couple fantasy touches. Maybe it endeared him to emo fags, but it was a sucky design. Tidus wins!

Sephiroth was the loser who went apeshit and ripped off Kefka's master plan because he found out his mommy was a headless monster. On the other hand, Tidus was a well-written character who fought against his natural proclivities and faced his fears. Tidus wins!

On almost every criteria you named, Tidus comes up superior. And FYI, I played both games quite thoroughly and actually cared about FFX enough to play it again for a while. Now you silly whiny dipshit fanboy, would you like to concede defeat and slink back in shame to the pond of primordial ooze you barely evolved from?

11-13-2005, 02:29 PM
Well i'd say Dr Hojo in FF7 was the most twisted character i've come across so far, although I've yet to complete all the games.

girlcock fantastic
11-14-2005, 07:24 PM
Fighting abilities? Sephiroth's were inconsistently portrayed and Tidus' grew over the course of the game. No comparison to be made!

Weapons? Sephiroth had a stupidly-designed sword that would break if it were ever used in real battle and only served to make fanboys drool over it. Tidus had weapons that looked like they might actually be usable. Tidus wins!

Clothes? Tidus had some originality, at least. Sephiroth dressed like a stereotypical emo fag with a couple fantasy touches. Maybe it endeared him to emo fags, but it was a sucky design. Tidus wins!

Sephiroth was the loser who went apeshit and ripped off Kefka's master plan because he found out his mommy was a headless monster. On the other hand, Tidus was a well-written character who fought against his natural proclivities and faced his fears. Tidus wins!

On almost every criteria you named, Tidus comes up superior. And FYI, I played both games quite thoroughly and actually cared about FFX enough to play it again for a while. Now you silly whiny dipshit fanboy, would you like to concede defeat and slink back in shame to the pond of primordial ooze you barely evolved from?

but sephiroth is evil! ha ha one for seph four for tidus...damn! shut up you.

11-16-2005, 03:05 PM
….So, does this mean Tidus wins the ‘most evil FF character’ award?

11-16-2005, 03:18 PM
I don't get how Tidus could be pereceived as an evil character lol.

Still each to their own ;-)

11-16-2005, 04:00 PM
KEFKA!!! Kuja was just a camp man wearing a thong, and sephiroth needed a haircut and therapy, although, I have to agree, he is one of the best characters. btw, I hate Tidus. His trousers don't match.

I rest my case.

girlcock fantastic
11-17-2005, 12:55 AM
he wears a 4 year olds shirt under his uneven overalls plus his left arm guard looks messed up. he was dressed by his mother.

11-17-2005, 09:23 PM
I agree!

He (tidus) didn't look cold when he was in macalania. He should have been, his top hardly even reached his ribs!

girlcock fantastic
11-17-2005, 10:21 PM
thank you! finally someone with a sense for clothing.

Kit Thespian
12-31-2005, 01:41 AM
...I guess clothes make the villain in this topic.

Anyway, I say the most evil award goes to Kefka. Sephiroth was just insane; more of a tragic hero than a villain.

Now, I haven't finished playing FFIX, but I'd say that, so far, Kuja has shown more signs of evil than Sephiroth did. You may say that Kuja looks too girly, but by the standards of appearance in FFIX, he's actually pretty intimidating. He's also the first FF villain that I've seen that shows any sign of liking the beautiful heroine, although "my canary" isn't all that sinister. Perhaps it's a translation thing. My favorite line is, "I, too, will welcome you with open arms!" It's so sick and befitting a FF villain.

12-31-2005, 05:42 AM
Kit Thespian --- since you haven't finished yet, I won't give details, but keep playing and you'll find some stuff out about Kuja.

I agree that Kefka is the most openly evil. Seymour's pretty damn evil too, although maybe he's just twisted because of what happened with his mother.

01-01-2006, 09:44 AM
This may be my obsession with FFX talking, but I'd have to say overall, Yevon.


Not Yu Yevon, where you go inside Sin, kill off your aeons, and once its true form is revealed, it's nothing but a scared little bug that keeps casting Curaga on itself - instead of decimating your entire party like any self-respecting god would...

But the entire religion of Yevon. Its teachings, and how hideous the hypocrisy and irony are that Yevon not only created Sin, but lurks inside it. And that its followers have created a whole system of martyrdom by summoners to sacrifice themselves and one of their guardians so that Yevon can refresh itself and be born anew in another Sin.

And he did this for ONE THOUSAND YEARS, completely corrupting an entire world made up of the very people that followed his teachings.

Pure evil.

01-01-2006, 05:02 PM
Again, I wouldn't say evil, just misguided/deluded. I believe the people of Yevon had truly come to believe that the Final Summoning was their only hope. They had been confused and brainwashed and weren't ready to believe that there might be another way. And you certainly can't say most of the individual people within Yevon were evil. Even Grand Maester Mika wasn't evil. He truly believed the Final Summoning was the only way and when he heard that Yuna and co. had defeated it, he was crushed.

06-13-2006, 07:17 PM
Kefka. Hr had controled the world. Sephiroth an Kuja didnt make it to controle it ;)

06-13-2006, 07:35 PM
Alas, the whole Kuja/Kefka debate has been lost. Pity.

Desert Wolf
06-13-2006, 08:31 PM
A lot of good debates were lost too....shame.

06-13-2006, 11:47 PM
Who is the baddest out of the ur answer below.
Personally I think Sephiroth is evilest.

Sephiroth is not evil i dont think try kefka lol

06-14-2006, 01:36 AM
Alas, the whole Kuja/Kefka debate has been lost. Pity.

A lot of good debates were lost too....shame.
LOL, it's weird to see this thread with only four pages --- it had really filled up.

06-14-2006, 01:43 AM
Kefka Kefka Kefka Kefka Kefka listen to his laugh!!

Kit Thespian
06-15-2006, 01:02 AM
Dang that data loss! The debates are gone. *sob*

Ah well.

My opinion stays firm.

Kefka is the most evil.

06-15-2006, 08:34 PM
Dang that data loss! The debates are gone. *sob*

Ah well.

My opinion stays firm.

Kefka is the most evil.
Yeah, there were some good posts back in the most evil ever thread. Still, for the record, Kefka, but there isn't any debates going on in here so it's useless.

Cloud On A Stick
06-15-2006, 09:26 PM
sephiroth is evil but kefka is im not a fanboy

Swedish Fish
06-15-2006, 09:49 PM
Still, for the record, Kefka, but there isn't any debates going on in here so it's useless.

We covered just about anything that could be said about the villains already before the data loss. Unless someone starts talking about ExDeath or Chaos, the Thread is gone.

06-15-2006, 09:56 PM
We covered just about anything that could be said about the villains already before the data loss. Unless someone starts talking about ExDeath or Chaos, the Thread is gone.
Yeah, exactly.

The Anti-Existence
07-10-2006, 07:57 PM
My own opinion stays strong. Kuja was the most evil and definitely the most interesting and insightful.

07-10-2006, 10:41 PM
We all ended up in Kefka. A fight between Kefka and Kuja was made before the loss of data, but Kefka won.

The Anti-Existence
07-10-2006, 11:37 PM
Good for you. I disagree. Psychosis and madness does makes evil an impossibility. They can't grasp our perception of reality and thus, what is evil to them? Kuja was totally coherent with all his actions. He just didn't care about all the death he caused. That's why he is far above Kuja and always will be.

Not to mention his character was far more intriguing.

Valerie Valens
07-11-2006, 12:00 AM
In your world maybe. Kefka does recognize the suffering he has brought and enjoys it. That takes the cake in terms of evil.

The Anti-Existence
07-11-2006, 12:08 AM
No, it's in my world and your world unless you don't believe in objective reality. We do have a thing called the "insanity defense" that is in place in our legal system because you can't try those suffering from insanity as the same as you would try normal people.

fastidious percolator
07-11-2006, 12:19 AM
We already celebrated and ate the cake of Kefka's victory in being the most evil FF character. :p

Valerie Valens
07-11-2006, 12:27 AM
No, it's in my world and your world unless you don't believe in objective reality. We do have a thing called the "insanity defense" that is in place in our legal system because you can't try those suffering from insanity as the same as you would try normal people.

That's because there's the possibility if said insane person not to be conscious of their crimes whent hey comitted it by accident. Kefka was perfectly conscious of the suffering he's brought and enjoyes everymoment of it. That is in essence, the nature of his insanity.

Insanity doesn't automatically rule out the possibility of said person being evil.

The Anti-Existence
07-11-2006, 01:23 AM
Well, if someone does not live within the bounds of your reality and their mind is as fragmented as Kefka's was, then evil means really nothing to them. Evil is a concept we dreamt up in our own sane version of what existence is. This is all philosophical and I won't go into detail but I can't truly see an insane person as being evil.

Hex Omega
07-11-2006, 01:55 AM
Hahaha, I remember having this exact debate before the hack.

07-11-2006, 06:43 AM
Hahaha, I remember having this exact debate before the hack.

Likewise. If I remember, the 'insanity point' wound up becoming a circular mess, as two debaters were bringing up valid reasons why both characers might be considered insane?

Hex Omega
07-11-2006, 07:12 AM
One of whom was me! Yes, I argued that Kuja goes mad after he learns his life-span is limited. Until then, I believe he is sane. Only after he 'loses' his insanity, does he go beyond what he was created to do. Also, I disagree that insanity by default means a person cannot be evil. After all, Kefka knew what he was doing when he poisoned Doma Castle, which was a horrendously evil act.

07-11-2006, 08:54 AM
Kefka knew what he was doing, dont think he didnt.

The Anti-Existence
07-11-2006, 10:31 AM
Did I ever say I didn't think he knew what he was doing? I know I didn't. I said Kefka, having lost his mind and sanity thanks to the experiment, can not be evil. I do not suggest he was unaware of the harm he was causing. I said he could not be evil because evil is a reality-based concept, firmly locked in objective reality. Kefka committed many evil acts but when you come down to it, how can a person who does not share your perception of evil and live within the bonds of good, evil and our objective reality be evil?

Kuja only suffered temporary madness. The shock of his learning he would die probably caused a bit of madness for when he destroyed Terra but let's look at the facts. Kuja is an enormous narcissist. He is, in his mind, the center of the world and it should revolve around him. Should he die, no other life deserves to live.

Hex Omega
07-11-2006, 10:37 AM
Did I ever say I didn't think he knew what he was doing? I know I didn't. I said Kefka, having lost his mind and sanity thanks to the experiment, can not be evil. I do not suggest he was unaware of the harm he was causing. I said he could not be evil because evil is a reality-based concept, firmly locked in objective reality. Kefka committed many evil acts but when you come down to it, how can a person who does not share your perception of evil and live within the bonds of good, evil and our objective reality be evil?

I've been over this with you before pal, I truly believe that he IS evil. Do you think Hitler wasn't evil? How about Himmler? Stalin? Milosevic? Hussein? Because someone is insane, doesn't mean they cannot be said to be good or evil, imho.

Kuja only suffered temporary madness. The shock of his learning he would die probably caused a bit of madness for when he destroyed Terra but let's look at the facts. Kuja is an enormous narcissist. He is, in his mind, the center of the world and it should revolve around him. Should he die, no other life deserves to live.

Do you really think that someone with such a belief could possibly be sane?

07-11-2006, 11:03 AM
I've heard a lot about kefka...sadly i can't get my hands around a copy of FFVI around here *sadly*

Sephiroth was a tragic character who just wanted to find his place in the world and wanted to know about his past, nothing more, nothing less...JENOVA was the villain in VII in my eyes.

I'd say Ultimecia was the most evil one of the FF's I've played...she was so evil she was locked away in a cell in outer space, so i couldn't imagine why they would use a massive amount of resources if she wasn't the most evil thing ever in the universe...also, with the time compression and such would make her not only a god, but an immortal mistress of time...

Hex Omega
07-11-2006, 11:12 AM
I really don't think you can comment on this subject entirely until you play FFVI, to be quite honest. As for Ultimecia, we do not know enough about her to be able to comment on her suffciently imo.

07-11-2006, 11:47 AM
I really don't think you can comment on this subject entirely until you play FFVI, to be quite honest. As for Ultimecia, we do not know enough about her to be able to comment on her suffciently imo.

Maybe so

Btw I can't play ff VI you can't get it in belgium anymore, and i don't know anyone with a creditcard for an internet purchase

fastidious percolator
07-11-2006, 11:53 AM
Maybe so

Btw I can't play ff VI you can't get it in belgium anymore, and i don't know anyone with a creditcard for an internet purchase

Really? I really think you can find FFVI (not Anthology, just FFVI only) in a store like Game Mania. =/

Hex Omega
07-11-2006, 11:54 AM
Maybe so

Btw I can't play ff VI you can't get it in belgium anymore, and i don't know anyone with a creditcard for an internet purchase

That's most unfortunate, FFVI is probally the best of the series.

07-11-2006, 11:54 AM
nope, checked three of them already

also, i used to work in a gamestore, and it wasn't in the directory anymore

I'd hate to resort to illegal means, i love FF too much for that

The Anti-Existence
07-11-2006, 02:27 PM
I've been over this with you before pal, I truly believe that he IS evil. Do you think Hitler wasn't evil? How about Himmler? Stalin? Milosevic? Hussein? Because someone is insane, doesn't mean they cannot be said to be good or evil, imho.

Actually only really Stalin and Hussein out of that list were any type of insane. If you wanted a truly insane ruler try Pol Pot. Anyway, Stalin was a paranoiac. Everyone was out to get him and the atrocities he committed would certainly not be pardoned. I do not pardon him or Kefka or anyone who caused the level of death they did. It comes down to belief and perception. Your perception differs from my own. I won't ever consider a man who is not fully within the realms of reality and our vision of wickedness truly evil. A man totally aware of what he is doing, who is very much sound in the head as Kuja was just strikes me as more malicious.

Hex Omega
07-11-2006, 02:43 PM
You're quite right there. Except to call Kuja 'very much sound in the head' is pushing it a little bit.

The Anti-Existence
07-11-2006, 03:55 PM
Perhaps he was a bit loopy towards the end, but even that is within question. I would say firmly that Kuja was perfectly sane up until the point when Garland revealed his lifespan limitations.

07-11-2006, 09:17 PM
We already celebrated and ate the cake of Kefka's victory in being the most evil FF character. :p
Exactly, no point in repeating ourselves unless for the sake of a good debate. The Anti-Existence posted in here before the hack so it's just what he said before really.

07-11-2006, 09:32 PM

07-11-2006, 09:35 PM

The Anti-Existence
07-11-2006, 10:09 PM
That's not worth countering.

07-11-2006, 10:51 PM
Sephiroth IMO

07-11-2006, 10:55 PM
Why do people insist on saying Sephiroth when it's been conclusively proven in this very thread that he isn't even a contender?

07-11-2006, 11:09 PM
Why do people insist on saying Sephiroth when it's been conclusively proven in this very thread that he isn't even a contender?

You didn't prove shit. it's all opinion, get over it.

07-11-2006, 11:28 PM
*Insert my usual line about red velvet cake here*

Now everyone laugh at PompousPilate for walking into that one.

07-11-2006, 11:32 PM
Prak swings and misses. Everyone laughs at Prak's failure

Only idiots, try to pass off opinions as facts.

*waiting for Prak to make another clever remark*

07-11-2006, 11:53 PM
Why do people insist on saying Sephiroth when it's been conclusively proven in this very thread that he isn't even a contender?

I read through this and you really didn't prove anything.

It was more like you saying something stupid and cocky and Pilate calling you out on it.

07-12-2006, 02:21 AM
Pompous, I'm not even going to bother at this point. I don't have anything to prove to you, in case you've forgotten.

Blixel, perhaps you are unaware of the fact that the forums recently experienced a major rollback and nearly 6 months of posts were lost. In that time, there was a tremendous debate on the issue. However, now that I look back at it, all those posts are lost. The only thing left that I can call upon at the moment is the overwhelming popular opinion presented in this thread that says Kefka is far more evil.

I'll attempt to put together a post that captures the strongest points against Sephiroth and put an end to this idiocy once and for all.

Also, Blixel, you're talking out your ass about a community you don't understand yet. I have quite a solid reputation for backing up anything I say. Nothing against you at this point, but try to learn a bit more about the place.

The Anti-Existence
07-12-2006, 02:39 AM
Sephiroth- Killed villagers and burned down town.
Kuja- Wiped out an entire fleet.

Sephiroth- Made Cloud give him the Black Materia.
Kuja- Cleverly manipulated a greedy woman into plunging an entire continent into warfare and ruin, eventually leaving everything devastated, thousands dead and smiled at all of it.

Sephiroth- Needed Meteor to even attempt at destroying the Planet.
Kuja- Used his own cunning to achieve the power to blow up a whole planet on his own along with all the souls resting on it for a resurrection now never to come thanks to Kuja.

Kuja >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sephiroth.

Valerie Valens
07-12-2006, 02:47 AM
Sephiroth can be likened to an angry child throwing a tantrum. Schadenfreude is about the extent of his enjoyment of other's suffering, and even then, it only applies to those who personally crossed him, otherwise Seph is indifferent to the suffering he's caused. Kefka, on the other hand, truely enjoys the suffering he's caused, he practically feeds off of it.

Kefka and Kuja are about the same level of evil.

07-12-2006, 04:12 AM
Pompous, I'm not even going to bother at this point. I don't have anything to prove to you, in case you've forgotten.

Why do people insist on saying Sephiroth when it's been conclusively proven in this very thread that he isn't even a contender?

Right then i'd suggest not challenging my posts right after i write them. I even added the IMO at the end to show that it was in my opinion. But here comes Prak with his high and mighty attitude thinking opinions are facts again. If you don't want to get in an arguement, don't start one. I suggest we ignore each other's posts to prevent future arguements. Good day.

07-12-2006, 04:20 AM
ok the hyper fan boys need to take a chill pill (this is a poll more or less, only you get reasoning) so just cry a river cuz your blabbering doesnt change a thing
and im gonna have to say kuja because he was the most realistic (he wasn't super evil he was just a badguy)

07-12-2006, 04:33 AM
ok the hyper fan boys need to take a chill pill (this is a poll more or less, only you get reasoning) so just cry a river cuz your blabbering doesnt change a thing
and im gonna have to say kuja because he was the most realistic (he wasn't super evil he was just a badguy)

yeah simmer down homies

Hex Omega
07-12-2006, 05:20 AM
Pontius, this is a debate. Debates work with facts, not opinion.

07-12-2006, 01:19 PM
I agree with you on that, but something like this topic can only use facts to back up opinions, but people here confuse opinions with facts.

07-12-2006, 01:30 PM
Well there is 1 fact. Kefka took over the world. All the others died trying ;)

07-12-2006, 02:35 PM
Pompous, I'm afraid you're the one who doesn't understand the difference between facts and opinions.

Facts are the verifiable things that do not change according to circumstance and interpretation. Opinions are merely the distorted versions of facts that people hold in their own minds. There is a truth to everything that can be found through reasonable discussion and objective analysis. You should try it sometime. You'd be amazed how it affects your outlook on the world.

Case in point: If a person says, "I like cheese," that is a statement of fact, not opinion. If a person says, "Cheese is bad," that is a statement of opinion, owing to the fact that it is obviously a distortion of the truth. If that person had simply said, "I don't like cheese," it would have been a statement of fact.

07-12-2006, 04:03 PM
Pompous, you have proven your vindictive attitude by starting the argument again. Even worse your statement was wrong as the previous thread had shown Kefka to be the more evil. You haven't said anything to back up your opinion either.
Blixel, I advise you to settle in a bit more before you even start to think about saying something against experienced members.

07-12-2006, 05:54 PM
Pompous, I'm afraid you're the one who doesn't understand the difference between facts and opinions.

Facts are the verifiable things that do not change according to circumstance and interpretation. Opinions are merely the distorted versions of facts that people hold in their own minds. There is a truth to everything that can be found through reasonable discussion and objective analysis. You should try it sometime. You'd be amazed how it affects your outlook on the world.

Case in point: If a person says, "I like cheese," that is a statement of fact, not opinion. If a person says, "Cheese is bad," that is a statement of opinion, owing to the fact that it is obviously a distortion of the truth. If that person had simply said, "I don't like cheese," it would have been a statement of fact.

Very nice statemnt. Too bad i didn't read it. I'm putting you on my ignore list and i suggest you do the same.

07-12-2006, 05:57 PM
Pompous, you have proven your vindictive attitude by starting the argument again. Even worse your statement was wrong as the previous thread had shown Kefka to be the more evil. You haven't said anything to back up your opinion either.
Blixel, I advise you to settle in a bit more before you even start to think about saying something against experienced members.

Considering you don't know how expierenced I am in forums, I don't think your in the position to make a statement like that. I have been on other forums, such as EoFF and Advent Children. From what I read, this forum seems to be the exact opposite as EoFF. EoFF is strict, allowing even the stupidest of fanboys to enter without being sworn off. Half the conversations that go on in FFS are stupid and inane. The few who are intelligent here, are cocky self absorbed dicks. I think I'll stick with the Advent Children Forum.

07-12-2006, 06:33 PM
Who is the most evil out of the evil characters in all FF games?

Whoever the player is in control of at the moment.

07-12-2006, 06:40 PM
I think I'll stick with the Advent Children Forum.


07-12-2006, 06:48 PM

07-12-2006, 07:00 PM
Considering you don't know how expierenced I am in forums, I don't think your in the position to make a statement like that. I have been on other forums, such as EoFF and Advent Children. From what I read, this forum seems to be the exact opposite as EoFF. EoFF is strict, allowing even the stupidest of fanboys to enter without being sworn off. Half the conversations that go on in FFS are stupid and inane. The few who are intelligent here, are cocky self absorbed dicks. I think I'll stick with the Advent Children Forum.
Good, I was afraid we'd have to deal with your retarded comments in the future too.

Hex Omega
07-12-2006, 07:13 PM
Pompous, you have proven your vindictive attitude by starting the argument again. Even worse your statement was wrong as the previous thread had shown Kefka to be the more evil. You haven't said anything to back up your opinion either.
Blixel, I advise you to settle in a bit more before you even start to think about saying something against experienced members.

I think it's quite clear that Pompous is nothing but a shit-stirring troll.

Considering you don't know how expierenced I am in forums, I don't think your in the position to make a statement like that. I have been on other forums, such as EoFF and Advent Children. From what I read, this forum seems to be the exact opposite as EoFF. EoFF is strict, allowing even the stupidest of fanboys to enter without being sworn off. Half the conversations that go on in FFS are stupid and inane. The few who are intelligent here, are cocky self absorbed dicks. I think I'll stick with the Advent Children Forum.

Awww look, the little child has spat out his dummy because we aren't being nice and kind to everyone. The world doesn't work that way, you poor deluded child.

07-12-2006, 07:17 PM

07-13-2006, 12:19 PM
Very nice statement. Too bad i didn't read it. I'm putting you on my ignore list and i suggest you do the same.

I can only describe this as weakness...and o yeah, PWND by prak! :p

07-13-2006, 01:17 PM
I can only describe this as weakness...and o yeah, PWND by prak! :p

My god you are a dumbass. I say that because it usually just ends up in page long arguements ending up in someone getting banned. Now go home, the grown ups are trying to have a talk.:p

07-13-2006, 01:20 PM
My god you are a dumbass. I say that because it usually just ends up in page long arguements ending up in someone getting banned. Now go home, the grown ups are trying to have a talk.

Running away from an argument is even more haven't said an intelligent thing in this whole thread...and oh, yeah, keep this up and it will be YOU who is going to be banned.

wow, I'm a dumbass? coming from the one-celled lifeform that is your brain i'm really insulted :p

Hex Omega
07-13-2006, 02:14 PM
My god you are a dumbass. I say that because it usually just ends up in page long arguements ending up in someone getting banned. Now go home, the grown ups are trying to have a talk.:p

He isn't the one saying he's going to ignore someone, just because you cannot respond adequately to a counter-post, without resorting to insults about said persons post count.

07-13-2006, 02:47 PM
Isnt this topic about the most evil ff character?!?!

Hex Omega
07-13-2006, 03:05 PM
Very good! Would you like to point out the grass is green and the girls are pretty also?!

07-13-2006, 06:18 PM
He isn't the one saying he's going to ignore someone, just because you cannot respond adequately to a counter-post, without resorting to insults about said persons post count.

Funny, because I remember you saying the exact same thing to me after you got banned. Thanks for that.

Running away from an argument is even more haven't said an intelligent thing in this whole thread...and oh, yeah, keep this up and it will be YOU who is going to be banned.

wow, I'm a dumbass? coming from the one-celled lifeform that is your brain i'm really insulted :p

Maybe you should take that dick out of your mouth before you say stupid shit. I wasn't running from the arguement you re re, I already had this arguement with the exact same people before and it went on for pages.

"coming from the one-celled lifeform that is your brain i'm really insulted"

Is that suppose to insult me? I make shits with smarter comebacks then you.

Now be a good boy and go play with this.

Hex Omega
07-13-2006, 06:27 PM
You're on my ignore list, as you are nothing but a shit-stirrer, so don't waste your time responding to my posts.

07-13-2006, 06:35 PM
You're on my ignore list, as you are nothing but a shit-stirrer, so don't waste your time responding to my posts.

I'm not the one saying I'm going to ignore you, just because you cannot respond adequately to a counter-post, without resorting to insults about said persons post count.

Sound familiar?

07-13-2006, 06:38 PM
I'm not the one saying I'm going to ignore you, just because you cannot respond adequately to a counter-post, without resorting to insults about said persons post count.

Sound familiar?
WTF? Can you please stop shitting up the forums with your worthless posts and fucking immature responses.
P.S. Just out of interest, how old are you?

Hex Omega
07-13-2006, 06:40 PM
I was referring to you ftr Pompous.

Very nice statemnt. Too bad i didn't read it. I'm putting you on my ignore list and i suggest you do the same.

I've had enough of decipering your drivel, meet my ignore list.

07-13-2006, 06:43 PM
WTF? Can you please stop shitting up the forums with your worthless posts and fucking immature responses.
P.S. Just out of interest, how old are you?

Cmon, lemme here you bitch some more? It entertains me.

meet my ignore list.

good ridance

07-13-2006, 06:44 PM
Thank you for validating my statement.

Valerie Valens
07-13-2006, 07:36 PM
Pontius, I've noticed that you tend to escalate things needlessly. Please, cut back on it, I'd really appreciate it if you do.

07-15-2006, 11:20 AM
Very good! Would you like to point out the grass is green and the girls are pretty also?!

I said that because the only thing i see is fights. It would be better to let the topic die!

Btw not all girls are pretty ;)

The Anti-Existence
10-27-2006, 06:50 PM
I've been over this with you before pal, I truly believe that he IS evil. Do you think Hitler wasn't evil? How about Himmler? Stalin? Milosevic? Hussein? Because someone is insane, doesn't mean they cannot be said to be good or evil, imho.

I don't think any of them were evil. I think they were awful human beings. Same for Kefka. And you said it best "imho" - in my honest opinion. We have a different opinion.

Do you really think that someone with such a belief could possibly be sane?

If they are pragmatists, then yes. they are sane. Kuja believed himself superior to all life in the world for a majority of his life and it was simply a motivation. he did not go around screaming "I'm better than you!!" He simply aimed at proving his worth and superiority through power. Killing Garland and establishing an eternal kingdom would sate his ego. That's all that it really was. Kuja had a desire to prove his existence. It's nothing insane at all. He simply concluded on a different course than more morally sound persons.

11-10-2006, 01:44 AM
Kefka was sooo EVIL! next comes Sephirot and last Mr. cute... Kuja xD

11-10-2006, 03:08 AM
I'm not familiar with "Sephirot." Is he some sort of new FF villain that rots out your characters? I'd certainly like to know more about him.

11-10-2006, 05:53 PM
I'm not familiar with "Sephirot." Is he some sort of new FF villain that rots out your characters? I'd certainly like to know more about him.

My friend who is an ff freak says in japan the pronounce Sephiroth Sephirot
but I'm not sure he probably forgot the "h"

11-10-2006, 06:12 PM
I'm not familiar with "Sephirot." Is he some sort of new FF villain that rots out your characters? I'd certainly like to know more about him.
Funnily enough, 'Sephirot' is an accepted alternate spelling of the name's origin (

11-10-2006, 06:41 PM
Boy, don't I feel sheepish...

And the sad thing is, I knew that too. Now that I stop to think about it, I remember reading that before.

11-16-2006, 10:09 PM
haha @ the ffvii fantwat

The Anti-Existence
11-16-2006, 10:12 PM
It's called a tactical retreat, numbnuts. And it's a smart thing to do when you might be killed. You must have missed the last...50% of the game where he was the god of the planet? Did he run then?

Why do I bother...probably the same reason i look on every FF board in existence to argue and batter the other Sephiroth noobs who are dumb enough to think he's better than Kuja.

11-16-2006, 10:17 PM
why do you think drag queens who run away screaming are really evil?

Read the thread. Maybe then you'll get it.

The Anti-Existence
11-16-2006, 10:19 PM
"Life. Dreams. Hope. Where did they come from and where are they headed? These things I will destroy!"

That plus he pretty much did all that to everyone in the world is the reason. None of which Sephiroth came close to doing.

11-16-2006, 10:24 PM
How so?

11-16-2006, 10:29 PM
whatever, there isnt any point in getting into a bit of an argument about it, because theres lots of evil people in final fantasy, its not exactly defined whos the most evil

Quoted so you can't change it later. Now...

LOL at the dumb noob trying to back away and say that there isn't an answer after having it pointed out that his answer is retarded.

11-16-2006, 10:34 PM
Who's arguing? I'm just mocking you.

11-16-2006, 10:45 PM
Wanton unnecessary use of caps lock. Check.
Double post. Check.
Idiotic opinions. Check
Failure to understand nature of community. Check

You fit the noob profile perfectly. Also, you do not understand the context it is used in on this forum. You also have no skill whatsoever in countering the mockery of your betters. In short, you fail at life.

11-16-2006, 10:47 PM
Wanton unnecessary use of caps lock. Check.
Double post. Check.
Idiotic opinions. Check
Failure to understand nature of community. Check

You fit the noob profile perfectly. Also, you do not understand the context it is used in on this forum. You also have no skill whatsoever in countering the mockery of your betters. In short, you fail at life.

WOW... burn to the tenth degree.

11-16-2006, 10:53 PM
ive used a billion forums, im not a "noob" you friggen geek. im new to this site is all. i did all of those things on purpose. my god you sound like the biggest geek on earth. doing everything by the book. you little nerd. ooohhh, i musnt double post must i? that would be evil! hahahaha! i cant beleive how much of a prat you are. you think your good at mocking, when you come out with stuff about being a noob? hahaha! anyway, you cant mock anyone, your the biggest mockery around

It's you're and not your. Grammar noob FTW!

11-16-2006, 10:58 PM
ive used a billion forums, im not a "noob" you friggen geek. im new to this site is all. i did all of those things on purpose. my god you sound like the biggest geek on earth. doing everything by the book. you little nerd. ooohhh, i musnt double post must i? that would be evil! hahahaha! i cant beleive how much of a prat you are. you think your good at mocking, when you come out with stuff about being a noob? hahaha! anyway, you cant mock anyone, your the biggest mockery around

don't're using this post to justify your mistakes and turn them into something they're not

besides...if you've frequented many forums...why do you start pointless threads like these?

Thread 33367
Thread 33369


11-16-2006, 10:58 PM
And it's mustn't and not mustnt while we're at it.

Also --- Kefka wanted to destroy all existence --- but last I checked, I think Sephiroth was happy merely with taking over the world and settling a personal vendetta with Cloud.

Oh, and LUKEJAKE --- maybe you were born without an innate ability to recognize your surroundings, but you'll notice that pretty much nobody but you here types like a cunt who can't spell or use proper grammar.

11-16-2006, 11:00 PM
there pointless? no, over used threads like this are pointless

threads that just about everyone ignores are pointless
and it's they're (a conjunction of "they" and "are")

11-16-2006, 11:03 PM
oh, right, no.2 geek insult, a slight mis-type insult. your making me sick

Your is not a contraction for you are.

11-16-2006, 11:03 PM
Righhhht. A "slight" mistype like pretty other word pretty much, asswipe.

11-16-2006, 11:03 PM
oh, right, no.2 geek insult, a slight mis-type insult. your making me sick

it's not a slight mistype...there's a big difference between "your" and "you're", you need to know which ones to use so you don't make a fool of yourself

11-16-2006, 11:05 PM
Yeah, you've pretty much been pwned (and that's not a mistype), so you may-as-well just admit it and save yourself a lot of trouble.

Desert Wolf
11-16-2006, 11:10 PM
I find it pretty pathetic how people get worked up when someone spells "your" rather than "you're". I usually spell it the first way yet I dont get any shit for it. Do you really have to insult noobs all the time?

11-16-2006, 11:10 PM
Yeah, you've pretty much been pwned (and that's not a mistype), so you may-as-well just admit it and save yourself a lot of trouble.

but back to the topic at hand

Kefka > Sephiroth

I find it pretty pathetic how people get worked up when someone spells "your" rather than "you're". I usually spell it the first way yet I dont get any shit for it. Do you really have to insult noobs all the time?

not usually...just when they piss me off

Desert Wolf
11-16-2006, 11:13 PM
Not a great excuse but back to the topic at hand.

Kefka < sliced bread. lol

11-16-2006, 11:14 PM
Kefka < sliced bread.

i'm gonna digress here out of sheer curiosity...what was the greatest thing before sliced bread? =P

hahaha! i cant beleive you think your winning an argument! its so embarassing all this stuff your coming out with, your retards if you dont understand what someone says because they dont put a little line next to a letter or something like that.

nah...we don't quite understand what you're saying because you've got a dick in your mouth

11-16-2006, 11:15 PM
hahaha! i cant beleive you think your winning an argument! its so embarassing all this stuff your coming out with, your retards if you dont understand what someone says because they dont put a little line next to a letter or something like that.


11-16-2006, 11:17 PM
That's not talking sense. That's defending mediocrity in the face of perfection (me) and varying degrees of near-perfection.

Desert Wolf
11-16-2006, 11:18 PM
i'm gonna digress here out of sheer curiosity...what was the greatest thing before sliced bread? =P

Broken bread. Just like they did it in the bible of course.

11-16-2006, 11:20 PM
Broken bread. Just like they did it in the bible of course.

You forgot supposed.

Desert Wolf
11-16-2006, 11:21 PM
You forgot supposed.

If anything I forgot exactly. YOU PAGAN!

11-16-2006, 11:22 PM
If anything I forgot exactly. YOU PAGAN!


11-17-2006, 09:46 AM
Is it just me, or does this LUKEJAKE positively reek of a joke account? Seriously, troll to the nth degree.

11-17-2006, 09:48 AM
Is it just me, or does this LUKEJAKE positively reek of a joke account? Seriously, troll to the nth degree.

he does to a certain degree...but the threads he started didn't seem like the typical joke account i guess he's just a fool

11-17-2006, 11:22 AM
Is it just me, or does this LUKEJAKE positively reek of a joke account? Seriously, troll to the nth degree.

QFT. But if we get back to the topic, Kefka is definitely the most evil, Sephiroth is more dramatic/righteous imho. They're both trying to destroy the world, but Sephiroth believed he was freeing his planet of his ancestors from usurpers, while Kefka just killed for no reason.

11-17-2006, 11:38 AM
Is it just me, or does this LUKEJAKE positively reek of a joke account? Seriously, troll to the nth degree.
No, he's appeared on other forums ( as well. It seems that this really is his posting style.

11-17-2006, 01:47 PM
QFT. But if we get back to the topic, Kefka is definitely the most evil, Sephiroth is more dramatic/righteous imho. They're both trying to destroy the world, but Sephiroth believed he was freeing his planet of his ancestors from usurpers, while Kefka just killed for no reason.
May I stress again that Kefka was interested in creating a monument to non-existence. Sephiroth, I think, was satisfied with just the world. But in honor of the film coming out this weekend, I think it would be fair to say that for Kefka, The World is Not Enough.