06-07-2016, 11:00 AM
As a person who has spent a great deal of time during the last few months uploading lots and lots of material, I have to say that I truly, truly enjoy sharing this excellent music with other people who don't have the means to be able to acquire it otherwise, or who don't have the background I do in classical music to know what recordings are worth the trouble. It's very satisfying to be able to share it all.


I also have to say that, when I spend hours and hours extracting .iso images from SACDs of Surround Sound music and then spend more hours and hours ripping the .flac files from those .iso images, and then have to painstakingly edit them in Adobe Audition to make sure the gain is at the right level, or to convert it to a different kind of surround sound that most computer media players can make sense of, which takes a LONG time when dealing with .flac files that are commonly well over a gigabyte in size, and then I go to the trouble of uploading it and carefully write a post here at FF Shrine for everybody to see.............

and then NOBODY, or maybe only one or two people bother to get off their bew-tocks and take 10 seconds to say "Thanks" or to post some reputation, it's very, very frustrating. I have actually had multiple occasions in recent weeks where I have seriously considered closing my Mega account (which I have to pay a monthly fee for out of my own pocket, by the way, because I've uploaded so much stuff that I had to upgrade the account to a paid account), deleting all my posts and going somewhere else.

And I'm sure there are undoubtedly other uploaders here who would say something similar.

So for those of you freeloaders who are too LAZY to say thanks when you download the material that I and others here are taking the time out of our schedule to share with YOU, you might want to re-think that. It's not like it costs you money to just click on "Reply" and then to type 6-10 characters to say "thanks" - which, by the way, helps to keep that thread alive and close to the front of the lineup so that other people will be more likely to see that thread, instead of having it disappear down into the bowels of archive-dom.

--------------------------EDIT on Sep 15, 2006--------------------------

Before anybody posts any further replies to this, I would ask that you read this post of mine from Sep 14, 2016...

Thread 205664

...and also this post of mine from Sep 15, 2006...

Thread 205664

In short, I've made some small changes in how I'm doing things, and possibly as a result, things have actually gotten quite a bit better in recent weeks.

You are certainly welcome to post any comments you would like to make, however.

06-07-2016, 11:20 AM
I hope that i'm not in the 'lazy' or ungrateful camp. The efforts you mention to get the files ready are not slight. Many thanks for your efforts.

06-07-2016, 11:29 AM
I hope that i'm not in the 'lazy' or ungrateful camp.As long as you post something in the uploader's thread when you download something from them (and/or add some reputation), then no, you're not in the 'lazy' or ungrateful camp.

To those of you who I see (in my threads, at least) consistently saying something and/or adding reputation, I can only say that you make it worth all those hours to get these uploads ready. By posting something, you are letting us uploaders know that you are actually getting something out of what we are sharing, so that we know it's all worth the time & expense of getting it posted for you. So to you guys, I say "thanks" for saying thanks.

06-07-2016, 11:44 AM
As previously! Thanks for all your work! :)

06-07-2016, 11:58 AM
Thank you, khitomer.

I just did a little quick calculating, and found something very disheartening.

As of this moment, on all the threads on my Mahler Project uploads (all the Mahler symphonies in Surround Sound with Michael Tilson Thomas and the San Francisco Symphony), there has been a combined total of 1,829 views - and yet there have been only a combined, grand total of 33 replies! Five of those threads have ZERO replies! (Including the Sym # 3/Kindertotenlieder thread, which was the biggest single upload I've ever done in my entire life. That thread took me three days to get ready because the .flac files are so gigantic.)

Even if only 50% of those 1,829 views resulted in downloads, that would still mean there have been over 900 downloads on the Mahler Project, and yet only a combined total of 33 replies. And several of those replies are from the same people who very courteously post "thanks" in more than one thread (apparently with the exception of the five threads that have zero replies).

C'mon guys, this is just common courtesy to uploaders. I can guarantee you, the best, easiest way to get an uploader to stay active and to keep uploading material is to say thanks and/or add reputation. When nobody says anything, it looks as if nobody's interested, so the uploader is going to have a natural instinct to simply disappear.

And I know that somebody is inevitably going to suggest that I start making all my uploads via PM only, but the problem is that my job sometimes has me away from my computer for days at a time, so it would be impossible for me to PM any links. And besides, after my experience with the Harry Potter End Titles (since I had to do that one via PM because of Patrick Doyle music being included), it can really take a lot of time to be continually PM-ing links, which I would prefer to spend getting another upload ready.

06-07-2016, 12:03 PM
I try to say "Thank you" as frequently as I can, but once again, thanks for all of your hard work and uploads bobtheknob! I'm not much into the technical aspect of uploading, so I leave that to the guys that know what they're doing like yourself. However I try to give back by creating covers. I can't speak for everyone and it's always easier to just say "Thank you," but I guarantee there are a lot of folks here who, even though they haven't said it, are grateful to your hard work.

06-07-2016, 12:06 PM
I am sometimes guilty of being lazy although I do thank far more than not. I do appreciate all the time you and others take to compile and upload music, some very good and rare music for all to enjoy. I do understand though that a group exists that merely take and vanish and never reciprocate your effort. All I can say to you is only give the links to those who appreciate the immense effort involved in providing the works.

06-07-2016, 05:47 PM
I definitely say thanks or give reps whenever I take something. I make a point of doing that. And I've very much enjoyed your entire Tilson Thomas / Mahler project!!
Sym 6 is just as grand as you said it was, thanks for that. I also got Tilson Thomas' Carmina Burana conductment and, you were right again, it does sound the best I've heard (which is 3).


06-07-2016, 05:58 PM
First off, wrong section.

Second, you're completely right. This site is a garbage dump of Gollum-like leechers who crawl about and never even attempt to make any discussion at all. It wasn't always this way but that's the way it is now.

James (The Disney Guy)
06-07-2016, 06:09 PM
It Is Very Sad To Read This Thoughts People Have, I Thank For Every Thing I Take.

I Also Make A Point to Say Something As To Keep Threads Alive.

So Thank You For Your Efforts And Genorosity!

Leon Scott Kennedy
06-07-2016, 09:11 PM
Oh, look, OP seems sad because his/her effort isn't recognized; as someone who found himself in the same situation very often, allow me to give you two small tips:

1) Get over it;
2) Or close the file-hosting account when you had enough.

Voicing your thoughts? Frankly speaking, it might not be worth the hassle, leechers will keep leeching. Oh, generally speaking of them: they don't bother to write a "thank you," heh, so what, guys and girls? By downloading your files (which may be uploaded on FREE accounts), they're technically extending the links' lives (another thirty days/whatever will have to pass, before the file likely gets automatically removed from the server), even those who don't bother posting are technically "helpful," heck, I'd argue the very leechers some of you seem to despise are the main "reason" links use[d] to last years around the Shrine, but hey… Keep shitting on them. The nerve…

06-07-2016, 09:13 PM
Plus, it's not like many people here pour time into what they upload. There are a few who do, and they are recognized, but it's not as if many people put in a commendable amount of effort.

06-07-2016, 09:24 PM

(First day on the internet?)

06-07-2016, 09:51 PM
I understand you my friend and largely agree with you
I recognize your effort and I appreciate it greatly
I hope you don't give up and keep on rocking

06-07-2016, 10:21 PM
Welcome to the club... unfortunatley. The only thing you COULD do to force people to acknowledge your posts is not to post the links publicly. Make them ask for them in the thread or by PM. If that's too much hazzle for you, i guess you have to put up with not getting any gratitude :)

And a heads-up - get a new e-mail account when your 50 GB are up at MEGA. That way you can sign up for another free account with another 50 GB ;)

06-08-2016, 12:08 AM
Thanks, everybody, for your comments.

(Even Leon Scott Kennedy! )

06-08-2016, 01:35 AM
I am very grateful for everything I take from here and try to show gratitude whenever possible. If it doesn't feel worth your time you could perhaps do what some others do on here and put all your links through a double wall of adverts and viruses. XD

06-10-2016, 06:24 AM
Hi guys, the outpouring of comments/rep points during the last few days has really meant a lot to me, it's greatly appreciated.

But the main thing I wanted to say right now is that I hope you guys are equally generous with all the uploaders here. They all deserve feedback regarding what they share.

I'll be posting a few things this weekend, plus, in the next few days, I'll also be starting on a Surround Sound series of the Shostakovich Symphonies.

Happy listening. (And please let me know that you are having "happy listening"! )

06-10-2016, 01:07 PM
Hi guys, the outpouring of comments/rep points during the last few days has really meant a lot to me, it's greatly appreciated.

But the main thing I wanted to say right now is that I hope you guys are equally generous with all the uploaders here. They all deserve feedback regarding what they share.

I'll be posting a few things this weekend, plus, in the next few days, I'll also be starting on a Surround Sound series of the Shostakovich Symphonies.

Happy listening. (And please let me know that you are having "happy listening"! )

Hi! Even though I�ve never leeched any of your shares, I fully agree with you. I�m very very grateful to all the uploaders on this site and always make sure I thank them. A matter of good, proper and plite upbringin, I guess. So, thanks again, you and all uploaders.

06-10-2016, 01:23 PM
Yes, let's calm down.

06-10-2016, 03:04 PM
I always say thanks. Seems like basic politeness to me. Keep up the effort!

06-10-2016, 03:56 PM
Some times i just forget to say thanks to all the contributors here.

Please don't think that i laugh at you for doing all the work and i just reap the rewards.
Some times i just forget to rate, give rep and comment. No offense.

Thanks to all that legitimately post music and great scores so that we all may enjoy each others music.

06-10-2016, 03:58 PM
Plus, it's not like many people here pour time into what they upload. There are a few who do, and they are recognized, but it's not as if many people put in a commendable amount of effort.

Yeah.... hardly anyone makes much effort in their uploads.... thank you.

09-14-2016, 08:42 PM
Welcome to the club Bob! Most of the uploaders here have the same problem as you, so don't you think you're the only one, but life is a bitch isn't it?? :D.

Or you accept the fact or do like some of the others.... that is... pm for the link or write here in the thread for link.

Riping, uploading and keeping links takes time, effort and the majority of the users here does not care, others just want download, it's simple, quickier.

---------- Post added at 08:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:37 PM ----------

I have actually had multiple occasions in recent weeks where I have seriously considered closing my Mega account (which I have to pay a monthly fee for out of my own pocket, by the way, because I've uploaded so much stuff that I had to upgrade the account to a paid account),

you don't neeed to pay for mega :), you can open several accounts, just have to create several emails like I did.

09-14-2016, 10:18 PM
I, too, am guilty of not always saying "thanks," but I at least click rep points for things I do download.
I'll try to do better.

09-14-2016, 10:45 PM
Don't be discouraged, thank you for your dedication.

09-15-2016, 01:50 AM
Welcome to the club Bob! Most of the uploaders here have the same problem as you, so don't you think you're the only one, but life is a bitch isn't it?? :D.

Or you accept the fact or do like some of the others.... that is... pm for the link or write here in the thread for link.I've kind of hit on a compromise with myself. If I upload something that seems like it was an especially huge project that is very dear to me (like the Solti-Wagner operas), then for that post, I will use the PM method, like you suggested. For smaller/quicker/easier uploads, I'll just go ahead and publish the link(s).

You see, it's true that I could easily use the PM method for everything, but then I'd be so busy sending PMs all the time that I wouldn't have time for anything else. So I have to strike a balance. The last several weeks, I've been pretty satisfied with how it's been working out.
you don't neeed to pay for mega :), you can open several accounts, just have to create several emails like I did.I know, but it's too much trouble keeping track of all those email addresses, and let's see, which of those MEGA accounts did I upload that music to, and so forth. MEGA is really very inexpensive, and it's just a lot easier to keep everything in one place. (And besides, with a paid account, my links never expire.)
I, too, am guilty of not always saying "thanks," but I at least click rep points for things I do download.At least you're doing something, so thank you for that.
Don't be discouraged, thank you for your dedication.Thanks, corysun, I appreciate it.

Things have actually been going quite a bit better the last several weeks.

09-15-2016, 10:04 AM
I don't think I've downloaded anything of yours yet bobtheknob, though I expect I will at some point, but I agree its important to be respectful and thank people for giving you free or hard to find music.

I think one of the problems may be that if a PM is required for the link, sometimes it can be a faff to track down the original post once PM received to say thanks, so I've decided that I shall include thread link in all my PMs so I can find it again.

Thanks to you and to all the others who've taken the time to post great music here!

09-15-2016, 10:10 AM
Upload Primal Fear expanded scire from lalaland records and youll get a huge thanks 😆

09-15-2016, 10:25 AM
So for those of you freeloaders who are too LAZY to say thanks when you download the material that I and others here are taking the time out of our schedule to share with YOU, you might want to re-think that. It's not like it costs you money to just click on "Reply" and then to type 6-10 characters to say "thanks" - which, by the way, helps to keep that thread alive and close to the front of the lineup so that other people will be more likely to see that thread, instead of having it disappear down into the bowels of archive-dom.

Full d'accord. I've also spent many thousands of hours on my classical threads (and some film music ones), but although there have many thousands of downloads it's mostly the same 7 or 8 gentle souls who keep thanking me via the reputation button, plus several more who say thanks in the thread. Part of that of cause has to do with the fact that you can't repeatedly give reputation to the same provider within quick succession.

09-15-2016, 10:26 AM
A lot of great volunteers are leaving FF now ( I have several name) because the time we take to rip / upload / giving link etc are the mostly time not thanked and reped so , I understand all the leavers of FF but it's sad.

Leechers who never give something should be banish!

When all great volunteers will be away, FF will die.

09-15-2016, 10:30 AM
Nobody is forcing you to upload Stuff here.

So you're closing your Mega Account and stop sharing if nobody says thanks ?

Is it about getting more People to hear the Music, or is it about your Ego ?

Don't act like a Martyr.

09-15-2016, 10:32 AM
A lot of great volunteers are leaving FF now ( I have several name)

Who's leaving??

I'm pretty sure a big part of the problem is the absence of the like-system. Even if it's just a few more clicks to say thanks, it hardly ever happens.

09-15-2016, 10:44 AM
People could be altruistic and here just to share but do that too for ego I m sure and to feel important.

The aim to share music is to share a passion but the mostly time that's resume by " link please" so ....

I give link only by pm and I don't care if my threads die, I make contact in PM the mostly time and it's ok like that (for me)

Btw I have more than 100 rep power, that enough for me and I will continue to share even I get no thanks and rep, I have thanks in PM and good friends from FF outside FF that's the most important.

---------- Post added at 11:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 AM ----------

Who's leaving??

I'm pretty sure a big part of the problem is the absence of the like-system. Even if it's just a few more clicks to say thanks, it hardly ever happens.

Just check who are not active anymore now and were very active before.

---------- Post added at 11:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:37 AM ----------

This kind of onion could be a r�ponse why people leave , I can't understand this attitude.

09-15-2016, 12:10 PM
Personally, I don't care if someone doesn't say thank you after downloading a file that I've shared.

I'm most satisfied by those who do it, and, after all, isn't sharing the main purpose of sharing?

When you download a torrent, do you thank all the seeders that are sharing it in that moment?

Just my 2c.

09-15-2016, 12:14 PM
I agree ^^ but a thanks time to time is a motivation because we feel useful.

Personally I received enough thank / rep, and if even not, I don't care, I share that's all.

09-15-2016, 12:24 PM

At least that guy's nick is wholly appropriate. ;)

09-15-2016, 12:25 PM
Welcome to the club... unfortunatley. The only thing you COULD do to force people to acknowledge your posts is not to post the links publicly. Make them ask for them in the thread or by PM. If that's too much hazzle for you, i guess you have to put up with not getting any gratitude :)

And a heads-up - get a new e-mail account when your 50 GB are up at MEGA. That way you can sign up for another free account with another 50 GB ;)

I agree, I already use 6 x 50GB Mega account lol and I send only by pm so I get each time a thanks, for the rep it s another thing.

Direct link is a wrong way to manage link because like that I don't care if I move or delete folder on MEGA, just a re ask and it's ok.

@ bobtheknob, I got all your rip, great stuffs and I thank everytime as you know.

James (The Disney Guy)
09-15-2016, 12:25 PM
9 Posts Since 2011. And A Username Like "Pisspoop" yep what a fool.

09-15-2016, 12:29 PM
At least that guy's nick is wholly appropriate. ;)

lol totally

---------- Post added at 01:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 PM ----------

9 Posts Since 2011. And A Username Like "Pisspoop" yep what a fool.

Clear and in plus , I have mentioned lossy in the title and reuped just for him this old stuff, serious I can't understand.

I m a pro lossless but I have a lot of lossy for old stuffs , the sound is good too.

09-15-2016, 12:48 PM
Hey Bob, I thought I will voice my opinion, too. A fact many people have overlooked is that classical music isn't as popular as, for example, Hans Zimmer's latest creation. It's a simple truth. You have countless members who don't know classical music at all. Shostakovich & Tchaikovsky? "Dude, sounds gay. Won't listen to it."

When LaLaLand's version of 'Superman Returns' was released by someone here, one person commented about the tracklist. Track 09 is called "A Drop In The Bucket / Is It Rite?" Now a lot of us knew that Ottman (composer) simply used some bars out of 'Rite Of Spring', acknowledging it by making fun about it in the title. But the commenting person asked why they made a spelling error on the cover. He didn't know Stravinsky's Sacre, surprising given how complex 'Superman Returns' is. It's not simple RCP fare.

So there you have it: this simply isn't a classical music minded forum. You would have a lot more reactions if you would post your (marvellous) releases on a classical music centered forum. Before you ask: I haven't thanked you because I simply do not download your stuff ;) One of my shelfs is dedicated to classical music and contains 180 CDs (and SACDs) so I just don't need to.

09-15-2016, 01:10 PM
I am so happy when I get a new LLL , Int , Var***** so I share for that, make people happy.

When I reshare, I don't care but when is my own rip / scans I effectively attempt a minimum of grateful because : I buy the CD, I rip the CD, I scan and finally I share.

So I understand bob, but we can't force people to be grateful.

Maybe try to change your way and use PM, first you will see if your rip is a success or not and second, they are forced to thank you to received the link ;-)

09-15-2016, 01:57 PM
Upload Primal Fear expanded scire from lalaland records and youll get a huge thanks ��

very funny, you can buy it or can wait several years to buy a cheap cd :D, Or wait till someone buy it and is kind enough sharing here :D, yes that`s true if you post something from lalaland, intrada, quartet or others rare scores, soon you will have your thread with a lot of pages saying thanks. Not everyone gives a damn for thanking classic, contemporary music, .

---------- Post added at 01:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:54 PM ----------

As a matter of fact there is only few users that writes something on threads and I think this is kind of frustating for someone that loses his time in sharing,

09-15-2016, 02:03 PM
Hello bobtheknob,

I understand your point of view completely.
I think, it's not too much to write one or two words to express some gratitude or something like that.
But hey, it's just how it is... In return, you get here also a lot of rarities. ^^ So please cheer up, kind sir.
I love this forum very much and I'm looking forward every day to new posts (for which I'm always very grateful). :D

Unfortunately, I'm not a big fan of classical music... I loved your "Phantom of the Opera" for example!!
Otherwise, there's not much that I enjoy on this area, but I really appreciate your great effort and time that you spend on your posts!
I wish you the very best, bobtheknob! :)

So, thanks again to everyone for their shares and have a wonderful day!!!

09-15-2016, 02:07 PM
You can check others forums and happens the same ...... ....

09-15-2016, 02:25 PM
i always say thank you !!! my momma didnt raise no ignorant slouch! :) so in advance just in case i ever download anything from bobtheknob hmmmm love the name , THANK YOU , THANK YOU and many many THANK YOU'S :)

09-15-2016, 04:27 PM
Hey bobtheknob I understand your frustration. I know the hours it takes to extract and prep each share thread. I try my hardest to say "thanks" as much as possible and READ each HOSTS thread in what they want. And what I have discovered is just by saying "thanks" it goes a long way and maybe give a personal statement of your own thanks on the thread. I want to give more Reps but the system only provides so much in a days time until it resets itself 24 hours later and so by saying "thanks" it helps support all the hard work everyone does here.

bobtheknob, please don't shut down your accounts, what you are sharing is most valuable. For me, I have come to respect your collection and time even efforts into sharing what you have. You have a unique classical collection that no one is bringing to the table here. I want you to keep up the good work and keep sharing. I will miss you dearly if you decide to close your accounts. I cannot complete my classical collection anywhere but here.

I give you a 5 STAR solute on everything thus far you have shared and more to come. THANK YOU MY FRIEND.

09-15-2016, 09:31 PM
I'm so happy to see your beautiful sharing classical music! Even if I don't take very often, I tell you a thousand times "thank you " for myself and for those who are silent!

09-15-2016, 11:48 PM
I really do appreciate everybody's encouragement and kind words, they mean a great deal.

I'm only guessing, but based on the comments I just read from today, it appears that some of you might not have seen my post from yesterday.

Just to summarize, I've sort of reached a compromise with myself where, if I have a particularly large/time-consuming project that's especially dear to me (like the Solti-Wagner operas), then in that instance, I'll go ahead and ask for PMs before sending out any links.

On my other, smaller posts, however, if I start asking for PMs on everything I post, then I'm afraid I'd be sending out so many PMs that I wouldn't have time for anything else.

I have noticed in recent weeks that there's been a very noticeable improvement. I'm not sure if it's because of asking for PMs for the Solti-Wagner links, or if it's just working out that way, but it's definitely gotten better (in my perception, at least).

I do realize that every forum in the world is going to be pretty much the same regarding upload acknowledgements, so I have no intention at this point of going anywhere else. That would be like people who keep on changing jobs to get away from some problem that they don't like, only to discover on the new job that it has its own set of problems. That's part of living in a human world.

(And don't worry, reppa35, I won't be shutting down my account (singular) anytime soon. I've got a whole new slew of SACDs that I need to get .iso rips from, and then I'll be posting a whole new round of Surround Sound uploads.)

See you guys around the forum.

09-16-2016, 08:16 PM
A thank you really costs nothing at all.Everybody should do it as a respect to the uploaders!

09-16-2016, 08:18 PM
Thanks for this thread

09-16-2016, 08:25 PM
I am extremely grateful to anyone who kindly shares any music on here and happily reply 'thanks for sharing'.

09-17-2016, 07:19 AM
if I cold give yo even more rep points, I would. You do an awesome job. Thank yo so much!

09-17-2016, 12:03 PM
When you download a torrent, do you thank all the seeders that are sharing it in that moment?

Nop. You thank the uploader (has a place to say thanks, hasn't??? and then your obligation is to seed the torrent.

09-17-2016, 12:44 PM
Without wanting to get into the whole morality of what goes on here, you are sharing with people who have no intention of buying the product. If those people aren't prepared to express their appreciation for those who created the content by actually financially rewarding them what makes you think they'll thank you either? It's a mindset.

09-17-2016, 02:12 PM
Nop. You thank the uploader (has a place to say thanks, hasn't??? and then your obligation is to seed the torrent.I don't get into torrenting anymore anyway. Too many viruses and corrupt files from what I saw. (And I'm only speaking in general terms there, I'm not referring to any individual(s).)

09-17-2016, 02:26 PM
Me too, only direct link, I never use torrent!

09-17-2016, 03:19 PM
Hate to say it...refrained as long as I could but I'm totally speechless for once in my life...(well almost).
effing rep points...sick and tired of hearing about that crap !

don't want to share then don't share...don't pussy foot around it.
sure I and others appreciate sharing at any level...if they don't thank me then I'll deal with it...
I appreciate and understand that many hours can be contributed to the preparation and sharing
of your latest purchase but I for one am not doing it for the 'Thanks'
I'm just part of a collective group that at some point discover new and meaningful music
from other like-minded members who are willing to share and perhaps introduce others
to new variances of music.

I choose to operate on a PM only system and my 'Thanks' are nearly always received in a likewise manner...
if however I feel that my services are being abused somewhat then I will just add that particular user to the 'Ignore List'
I'm in control of who does or doesn't receive and a simple thanks via PM is more than enough for me.
to date I can't say that anyone has chosen not to thank me even though it isn't a necessity.

nuff said !

09-17-2016, 03:47 PM
As I said earlier, between my job and the number of uploads that I tend to post around here, I'm concerned that if I start using a PM system for everything I post, then I won't have time for anything else (like posting more uploads).

As for people saying "thanks", it's not just the proverbial pat-on-the-back that is so important. People saying "thanks" (or something similar, or even something hateful, which has happened once or twice!) keeps the thread "alive" and bumps it to the front of the line so that it doesn't disappear just yet into the bowels of archivedom. As incredibly busy as this forum is, that aspect is absolutely crucially important. With this in mind, I actually prefer a "thanks" (or whatever) in the thread even more than I do any rep points. Rep points are certainly nice, but they don't bump the thread to the front of the line.

But regardless, I certainly do appreciate your input, Mike1959, thanks very much.

09-17-2016, 03:50 PM
I appreciate your efforts and shares. Thanks again, as always.

09-18-2016, 03:02 PM
speaking of me, no sharing no more by PM cause i haven't time to check and sending links, even asking links on the threads. I prefer sharing through open link and don't give a damn who's downloading or not.

I hope other labels don' follow varese or some composers, if so, we can't share anymore.
09-18-2016, 04:54 PM
Bob, I understand your views and how you feel. I haven't say thanks on any of your threads, because you see, my wife loves Classical Music and has an incredible Collection of CDs, not only Classical, but Operas, Musicals, Ballets, she was a ballerina, so you can imagine. But I'll take a closer look at your threads to see if we're missing something.

I for my part am an avid soundtrack collector and enthusiast for 32 years now. When I discovered this board and saw that other people have the same interest, I was so happy, that I started to share my CDs and feelings on film music. I had always have the value in owning the real, physical thing; so I have a lot of respect for dedicated people like yourself that shares rips out of their own CDs. I don't care about the "lossless" rips without owning the real disc, they are very doubtful to say the least.

So again, I'm very grateful for what you are doing and I'm sure a lot of people are too; I hope you don't quit, continue doing what you are doing my friend. I just received a message from a very important member letting me know that he's leaving the forum for good, for the lack of gratitude that you are commenting, it's very sad, because he is one of those persons that was sharing rips from his own CDs; I'll hate to witness this one more time.

09-18-2016, 07:49 PM
I hope you don't quit, continue doing what you are doing my friend. I just received a message from a very important member letting me know that he's leaving the forum for good, for the lack of gratitude that you are commenting, it's very sad, because he is one of those persons that was sharing rips from his own CDs; I'll hate to witness this one more time.That is indeed very sad to lose a contributing member like that.

I can assure you, however, that as for me, I have no intention of going anywhere. In fact, I've got a whole new stack of SACDs that I need to share. The delay is that I don't have a Sony Playstation 3 to rip the .iso images from them, so I have to ship them to another person out of state who does it professionally [for a small, very reasonable fee that's even less than the cost of a hamburger], and then he sends them back to me with the .iso images. I've just been waiting until my last new SACD in this batch arrives from Amazon so that I can send them all to my ripper. The last SACD showed up in the mail yesterday, so I'll be sending them all off to be ripped first thing this week. It'll probably take a week or so to get them all back, and then after that it's just a matter of having the time between my job and the process of extracting Surround Sound .flac files and then finally getting them uploaded.

I'm not telling you about all that to impress anybody, but rather to let you know I've got some things I want to get done around here, so I ain't leavin' 'cause I want 'em done!

So, like I said, I have no intention of going anywhere.

And in case you or anybody else is interested, those new SACDs that I'll be sharing here in the coming weeks (all in Surround Sound, Hi-Res Stereo, and standard CD Redbook Audio, I'll upload them in all three formats) are Orff's Carmina Burana with Donald Runnicles and the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra on Telarc (that one should be really spectacular!), Tchaikovsky's complete & uncut Swan Lake Ballet, complete & uncut Sleeping Beauty Ballet, and complete & uncut Nutcracker Ballet, all with Neeme Jarvi and the Bergen Philharmonic on Chandos, an SACD trilogy that has been highly praised by Gramophone Magazine as well as other publications (and I can tell you from just already listening to the standard CD layer on them, they really are excellent recordings!), all four of Charles Ives' Symphonies with Andrew Litton and the Dallas Symphony Orchestra on Hyperion, Julia Fischer playing Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto and another SACD of Ms. Fischer doing the Khatchaturian and Glazunov Violin Concerti plus Prokofiev's 1st Violin Concerto, all on Pentatone...but the real pi�ce de r�sistance is all of Richard Hickox's Vaughan Williams Symphonies recordings that he made with the London Symphony Orchestra for Chandos. Unfortunately and tragically, he died before he was able to record the 7th ("Sinfonia Antartica") and the 9th Symphonies, but he got all the others recorded, so I'll be sharing them as well.

For the more eagle-eyed among you, you might notice that the Hickox-LSO Vaughan Williams' "London" Symphony is missing from that photo. That's because it's sitting in my PO Box at the post office, having just arrived yesterday (the one I mentioned earlier), so I'll be getting it tomorrow and will then ship them all off to my ripper-guy for the .iso images.

In addition, just last night I discovered an SACD .iso upload on the internet of Mozart's Syms 38-41 with Charles Mackerras and the Scottish Chamber Orchestra, so I'll be extracting the .flac files and getting that uploaded during the next few days.

And at this very moment, I'm right in the middle of processing the complete symphonies of Carl Nielsen with Sakari Oramo conducting the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra on BIS SACD, a set that has been universally praised, and I'll hopefully have those uploaded/posted about 20 hours from the "edited" time below.

So anyway, as you can see, I've got a lot to do around here, so this dude ain't goin' anywhere anytime soon.

(And by the way, if any of you are knowledgeable about such things, I would absolutely LOVE to get my own Sony Playstation 3 for ripping SACDs so that I can do it right here in my own place instead of having to ship them all out of state for the .iso images. I know there is some expense involved (obviously) in getting the PS3, but it would be well worth it, if only I could get with somebody who knows what they're doing and can walk me through the process.)

09-18-2016, 08:00 PM
I hope you don't quit, continue doing what you are doing my friend. I just received a message from a very important member letting me know that he's leaving the forum for good, for the lack of gratitude that you are commenting, it's very sad, because he is one of those persons that was sharing rips from his own CDs; I'll hate to witness this one more time.

I know who he is and it's very sad, the worst it is other great volunteers will follow, guys who share their owns CD are leaving and continue their passion far from FF.

09-18-2016, 08:02 PM
One other little side note as a caution to everybody: There's an SACD .ISO upload that's floating around the internet of the Runnicles-Atlanta recording of Orff's Carmina Burana. I saw it and actually tried to use it to go ahead and extract the Surround Sound .flac files so I could go ahead and get it uploaded without having to wait to send my physical disk off to my ripper guy. Unfortunately, there's a flaw in the .iso file where Track 09 gets cut off about half a second before it ends. Surprisingly (or maybe not really too surprisingly) I found multiple copies around the internet of SACD .ISOs of the same recording - and every single one of them have exactly the same flaw! So apparently, somebody out there on the internet has been doing some leeching and thereby unwittingly spreading this defect around.

I can tell you that my physical copy which I'll be basing my upload on is fine. I have already heard the standard CD Audio layer (which was really spectacular, by the way, it's my new favorite Carmina Burana), and Track 09 plays perfectly. So I'm quite certain that when I get my .iso image back from my ripper guy, it'll be perfectly flawless. (I will certainly be checking it very closely, however.)

So anyway, I'm only mentioning this so that if anybody decides they want to jump the gun, download an SACD .ISO file, and get Carmina Burana uploaded in Surround before I can get my copy uploaded, then you better watch out for Track 09!

09-18-2016, 08:22 PM

09-18-2016, 09:03 PM
Even if I'm not much into classic music, I want to say: Thank you very much, bobtheknob !!
And all the members who put so much efforts in their uploads : THANK YOU ! :) can I ask who is that important member who is unfortunately leaving ?

09-18-2016, 09:08 PM
I don't know if he wants that we talk about, I known that by PM too.

But as I have already said, just check who is not sharing anymore, if you know great volunteers it's easy to know who is no more here.

09-18-2016, 09:25 PM
i completely agree with you Bob, a little "thanks" cost nothing. thanks for remind that to all.

09-18-2016, 09:28 PM
I'd just like to point out that I saw please *and* thank you on every single thing I post:

09-18-2016, 09:29 PM
Sharing by PM is the solution to have always a thank but thread could die quickly too, it's a choice, but I choose PM because it's more easy to manage links than asking in threads, and for cloud management reason, I want not to let direct link in threads.

James (The Disney Guy)
09-18-2016, 10:02 PM
I Used To Share Alot. I Take Alot. I Always Say Thanks Even If I Decide To Not Take It.

09-19-2016, 01:23 AM
I always says thanks when I request the link, especially if its a posted reply in the thread as desired by the OP, or in the PM to the OP, always say thanks when I ask "Please?"

09-19-2016, 08:56 AM
And by the way, if any of you are knowledgeable about such things, I would absolutely LOVE to get my own Sony Playstation 3 for ripping SACDs so that I can do it right here in my own place instead of having to ship them all out of state for the .iso images. I know there is some expense involved (obviously) in getting the PS3, but it would be well worth it, if only I could get with somebody who knows what they're doing and can walk me through the process.

Since i haven't done it, i can't say much about the process itself. I can just tell you that any old PS3 will not do. I have a PS3 and thought about doing these rips, but it turns out it has to be a specific PS3. It's not the hardware itself, it's the firmware. After a certain point, Sony removed the possibilities to do such a rip so if the firmware is too new, that PS3 cannot do the rip. Talk to your friend, i am sure he can explain that better. I just read about it at a forum and when i discovered that my PS3 was a lost case, i stopped investigating.

09-19-2016, 09:29 AM
Since i haven't done it, i can't say much about the process itself. I can just tell you that any old PS3 will not do. I have a PS3 and thought about doing these rips, but it turns out it has to be a specific PS3. It's not the hardware itself, it's the firmware. After a certain point, Sony removed the possibilities to do such a rip so if the firmware is too new, that PS3 cannot do the rip. Talk to your friend, i am sure he can explain that better. I just read about it at a forum and when i discovered that my PS3 was a lost case, i stopped investigating.Right, I knew about that part, it has to be a PS3 with 1.0 firmware (or whatever the original manufacturing version # was), never updated. A PS3 with updated firmware no longer has the ability to read the SACD format.

09-19-2016, 11:49 AM
Perhaps this will help. There are some Blueray Players that can rip SACD too, with the help of some scripts on an USB-Stick. Much too read, but very interesting:

09-19-2016, 06:24 PM
I wanna speak my mind and say a few words about this matter (which, knowing me, may be more than a few, but hey, you are free to ignore as most people here do when I write something very long and ramble on about nothing).

You see, even though I haven't uploaded as much as you all, I'm pretty sure I qualify to understand what you guys "go through", the uploaders, that share music just for the sake of sharing (some say they do, won't give names at all, but share and want the world in exchange for it..) that's really good, and all, it's really bad, that you pour your heart out or whatever to share music in a place and your shares don't get much attention and not many people say thanks. Yeah, it does sucks, specially, when you do a massive project that took a lot of the time. It is truth that this place is filled with leechers that just download and never say anything except when they have to comment to get a thing, or to raise their comment number to be able to PM someone to get something.

The only way out to solve this issue, is, as many here have said it, sharing by PM/comment only. That makes people have to forcefully comment, and gives your post the attention you want, that we all do, I did too. But is it really worth it, all the chore of sending people the PMs? What's really the point? I used to do it, too, to get the attention and thanks I wanted when I uploaded something. Not only you have to do the chore of sending everyone the thing, that at least for me it got really annoying as time went on and only accumulated loads of people to send the thing to, and delays. Sure, it does give me the attention I want when I make a thread or share something. But is it really worth it, having to send all the messages, and most importantly, knowing all the thanks are gonna be super fake and just to get the damn thing.

All of the reasons I expose here, and those that you guys have also said in this thread, may have been why all the good people that shared for a good reason, may have left. It's reasonable. It really kinda does suck to upload something out of kindness in the best quality possible, and have people never say a thing about it, have loads of people grab it rudely like nothing. But me, personally in my latest shares.. after seeing so many people in this forum bloat it with shares, with either stupid ads or having to PM, I just decided I was tired of it, I wanted to be better than them, I simply wanted to share, not to win money with my shares, not to bother people with ad-links that just fuck up their computers. That's why my last shares have been the link and just all. Sure, because of that, my last shares have gotten zero attention and barely any thanks, I know more people have grabbed it and run more than saying thanks for my kind share, but.. hey, it may be annoying at first, but to me it feels so good to be much better than those bastards who share with money ad-links or anything like that. I just give out the links and done, it's how it should be, really.

09-19-2016, 08:11 PM
I try to say "thank you" to most forums most of the time when the right music or movies I find are here at least. I did kinda forget in one or two a couple of times back when I first joined. But I've always made sure I try to say thank you for the effort those people go through.

09-19-2016, 11:29 PM
Perhaps this will help. There are some Blueray Players that can rip SACD too, with the help of some scripts on an USB-Stick. Much too read, but very interesting: will definitely check it out! Thanks very much!

09-19-2016, 11:43 PM
I would like to say thanks to all the uploaders for their time, effort, and kindness! :)

10-09-2016, 11:36 AM
I'm really sorry guys, somebody at Universal Music filed a copyright claim against my MEGA account, so I have been forced to delete all my links and close my account. I'm going to have to go under the radar.

Those of you who were able to download my shares previously, if you would like to help out others who had not been able to download them, you are welcome to do so, but I'm going to have to become incognito.

It was fun while it lasted.

10-18-2016, 12:10 PM
As always appreciate your and for that matter everyone's here efforts and shares.

10-18-2016, 02:43 PM
I'm kind of new here but I think I haven't downloaded anything without giving thanks or adding reputation points. I think to do that is simply beeing polite and thankful which should be the least that we can be!

10-18-2016, 03:09 PM
Thanks for pointing this out, no pun intended. Appreciate all the links you've put up!

10-18-2016, 03:11 PM
I, too, am guilty of not always saying "thanks," but I at least click rep points for things I do download.
I'll try to do better.

Thank you for your efforts.

10-18-2016, 03:18 PM
Thank you for all your uploads i appreciate all the hard work you put in im hoping in the next few weeks i will be able to upload some items.


10-18-2016, 03:21 PM
Bob, I have listened both the stereo and surround of Carmina, just amazing, a reel pleasure to hear this quality of stuff, so continue to offer us beautiful music.

03-17-2018, 01:26 PM
I'm not here for classical music (which I love) but I do share your concern - the lack of manner is widespread and a thick skin is sometimes the best option to stay sane... Not everyone has Petros's attitude to thank for every threat. I think more than a few people here stick to their appalling leacher attitude. If they knew [from their own experience] how time-consuming creating a new thread could be, maybe they would cut short this counter-productive hit-and-run "contribution".
I'll send You something to cheer You up a little.

03-18-2018, 03:17 AM
I really appreciate that, DICEY69, thanks. One thing that has helped a great deal, however, has been my switch from using MEGA for my file-hosting to MediaFire. One of the things I like most about MediaFire (besides my links not getting taken down!) is that they give the uploader a count on how many times all my files have been downloaded. So even if nobody were to ever say anything whatsoever here at FF Shrine to acknowledge a share, the activity will nevertheless show up on MediaFire - so in this way, I get a pretty definitive indicator of how much response each thread is actually generating. It actually works out quite nicely.

Your kind concern is very much appreciated, however.

03-21-2018, 03:47 PM
Yeah, MediaFire has this helping feature, so does 1Fichier, not only the count option, but one can see a map with the countries your files were downloaded to.

03-21-2018, 10:52 PM
Yeah, MediaFire has this helping feature, so does 1Fichier, not only the count option, but one can see a map with the countries your files were downloaded to.Huh, nice. I might have to check into it sometime.

03-22-2018, 12:24 AM
I have just read all this discussion, I can assure you BobtheKnob that the crazy job you are doing and that to the fact, is highly appreciated by myself, I met some music that otherwise I would not have had the opportunity to listen.

03-22-2018, 12:31 AM
get a blog, nobody cares

if you are only here to seek attention and not for the sharing of music, you're definitely in the wrong place

03-22-2018, 06:14 AM
"get a blog, nobody cares

if you are only here to seek attention and not for the sharing of music, you're definitely in the wrong place"

Not helpful.

---------- Post added at 11:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:12 PM ----------

"I'm really sorry guys, somebody at Universal Music filed a copyright claim against my MEGA account, so I have been forced to delete all my links and close my account. I'm going to have to go under the radar."

If you want somewhere to hide from the Universal helicopters and sniffer dogs, I have a spare bedroom. :)

03-22-2018, 06:22 AM
"get a blog, nobody cares

if you are only here to seek attention and not for the sharing of music, you're definitely in the wrong place"

Not helpful.

---------- Post added at 11:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:12 PM ----------

"I'm really sorry guys, somebody at Universal Music filed a copyright claim against my MEGA account, so I have been forced to delete all my links and close my account. I'm going to have to go under the radar."

If you want somewhere to hide from the Universal helicopters and sniffer dogs, I have a spare bedroom. :)

Yeah, neither is this thread, and it was posted in the wrong section.

03-22-2018, 06:25 AM
get a blog, nobody cares
Yeah, neither is this thread, and it was posted in the wrong section.For a thread that “nobody cares” about, you sure are spending wasting a whole lot of time and energy here. But I do thank you for repeatedly bumping it back to the front of the line so that more people see it.

03-22-2018, 06:41 AM
Hey, I know, let's start a flame war; that'll keep the thread to the head of the line. Having spent years on certain toxic newsgroups, I'm quite good at them. :)

Keep up the good work, Bob. Personally I've found you to be one of nature's true gentlemen, and I'm surprised at the snideness of some of the comments here. Give the guy his due, folks. He's sharing, and that's rare enough in any arena these days.

03-22-2018, 07:53 AM
I wanna add some words here too.

I have downloaded much more than uploaded, always giving thanks or writing some comment. The most important thing here, from my point of view, besides personal gratification, is keeping the thread alive.

One solution is asking users to write some comment in the post in order to get the links. It's a good way of guessing the ratio of downloads/thanks. While a post can easily get 100+ comments if they are mandatory to get the link, don't expect more than 10 if the link is directly reachable. This makes the thread less visible, with more people missing what would otherwise be available. Also, this reduces the unnecessary downloads (those from people who won't download anything if more than a single click is needed) to a minimum, which is nice to avoid becoming a "suspect" with cloud servers and so...

Unfortunately, with this approach the uploader must waste a lot of his/her time sending links and, from my experience, that's a bunch of time you need to add to that needed for ripping, uploading, writing the post and so on...

To be honest, I have always wondered how most top-level uploaders manage to get the required time for doing all the work. My best sincere admiration and thanks, since most of my collection comes from their work and time.

So please guys, write some thanks and make our live easier, is the best way for keeping alive the sharing spirit of we, soundtrack freaks!

03-22-2018, 12:11 PM
You just hit the proverbial nail right on the head, javigoca, thank you very much for your perceptiveness.

03-22-2018, 01:00 PM
"One solution is asking users to write some comment in the post in order to get the links. "

Er, I'm a little hazy on this one. I've commented, but on the music; I'm not sure what I would have to comment on before I'd got the music. Bob's hairstyle? I can't see it, so that's out. Maybe you could clarify what you mean.

03-22-2018, 01:13 PM
Good to know about MediaFire Bob.

And yes, its just common decency to say thanks. And if you don't do that, at least leave a reputation comment. :)

Burke Waldron
03-22-2018, 11:20 PM
I always say thanks!

03-23-2018, 02:14 AM
Bob's got a straight-up point. Thank you, Bob.

03-23-2018, 02:28 AM
For a thread that “nobody cares” about, you sure are spending wasting a whole lot of time and energy here. But I do thank you for repeatedly bumping it back to the front of the line so that more people see it.

Yeah I wasted the five seconds it took to write the post, good one!

I don't care if it gets bumped. I want everyone can see the type of top-tier talent FFShrine is producing these days.

not enough people say thanks in my threads, so im not going to post anymore unless everyone says thank you right now and collectively begs me not to leave to another forum!

03-23-2018, 02:59 AM

03-23-2018, 11:01 AM
When your Discord is so dead you are desperate for Human Interaction. :D

Shame the only Way YFM knows how is by being an Asshat.

03-23-2018, 11:56 AM
Thank you so much Bob. I've never been much for online interaction, but if not for you and the many wonderful uploaders over the years here on FFShrine and GB I'd still be desperately ripping low quality scores onto cassette tape. Your efforts are much appreciated.

03-23-2018, 05:58 PM
I have to say, thanks to this site, I'm able to find albums that I thought I could never find on my own (especially considering I'm always broke at the start of every month). However, these users really came through and I'm glad they are being generous to the ones who need these most. So I try my best to thank them after every download I could get.

03-24-2018, 04:21 PM
When your Discord is so dead you are desperate for Human Interaction. :D

except my servers "CC" and "TRS" and any subsequent spin-offs were/are some of the most active servers ever on discord.
users from shrine are shy and won't speak (especially in voice, god help them) unless someone is teasing download links or freebies. If you want discussion, forget it.

Apparently reprimanding the community and begging for thank-yous or "else" is a thing now

03-25-2018, 12:29 AM
Is this a flame war yet? I'm not quite sure when to come in.

I do know that someone's sticking his bare bum in the air waiting for it to get kicked. Should be fun. :)

03-25-2018, 02:55 AM
except my servers "CC" and "TRS" and any subsequent spin-offs were/are some of the most active servers ever on discord.



If you're not a Nazi, or actually racist, sure have some colorful hobbies and interests that have a lot of crossover with that sort of thing. Easily confuse the two is all.