Siren's Song
01-23-2005, 05:47 PM
hehe!! finally finished disk one... so long as Aeris(_th - take your pick!) doesn't pull a Cait Sith (grrrr!) I don't particularly care. anyone who laughed at one of the additional flash movies on The Legendary Lilypad (All About Random Battles) ( will understand my thoughts and feelings about Aeris.

I s'pose the almighty beings at Square (!!!) decided some sort of completely obvious, plot "twist" was needed to ensure Cloud & Co. go after Sephiroth, but surely they'd do that even if Aeris hadn't just got skewered (hee!!!) simply because he's made off with the Black Materia(TM)

I'dve thought Aeris would've got a bit more of a send off surely, rather than Tifa pretending to cry (yeah, cause she'll be HEARTBROKEN now Aeris' gone!!) I was expecting to feel at least a little emotional that one of the main characters' has just been killed.... no, wait a sec... this IS the most disappointed I've been with any game in the series, so I'm not too surprised I guess!!

01-23-2005, 06:55 PM
yea that random battles movie is hilarious. best part, "maybe we'll take yuffie and cait sith. just kidding guys, nobody likes you."

01-23-2005, 07:07 PM
what exactly are we getting at here?

01-23-2005, 07:49 PM

Siren's Song
01-24-2005, 12:43 AM
what exactly are we getting at here?

Personally, Aeris, and FFVII in general for being nowhere near as good as the other games in the series I've played. well... maybe it's MARGINALLY better than IX, but only 'cause it's reasonably challenging.

Neo Xzhan
01-24-2005, 02:05 PM
Thread 17681 The this is for you.