02-27-2016, 03:23 PM
Requesting the full soundtrack for this game (MP3 is preferred, but other formats are good... just not exclusively FLAC) which was released in Japan two days ago.


01 Entrusted Wing
02 Quiet Resonance
03 Richromatic
04 Fatal Omen
05 Unknown Pollution
06 Dive to Atrocity
07 One Step Closer
08 Secret Cave
09 Disquieting Pulsation
10 Apostle's Maraud
11 Intellect and Intelligence
12 Its Name Valbarossa
13 Death Throes
14 Catastrophe
15 War Council
16 Time For Decision
17 Fortress of Philosophy
18 Far Journey
19 Crystal of Abyss
20 The Phenomenon
21 Returnee
22 The War That Never Ends

Thank you in advance.

Simon B
03-02-2016, 06:35 PM
Thread 40557 the best that we have... for the moment :)
MediaFire link available at YouTube's link.
courtesy of Furry Fox Jet Pilot at YT, link shared by the shmuper here.

03-03-2016, 12:22 PM
More info on this release, to complement the original post: VGMdb link (http://vgmdb.net/album/56146). Released Feb 25, 2016; composed by Yoshimi Kudo.

03-05-2016, 12:54 PM
To the cowardly person who called me a moron in an anonymous reputation comment for my posting info in the above post: I knew the original poster was looking for a download of this release, I posted to provide more information about the release. People's motivations aren't always what you first think. Think a little before you speak/post and make a moron out of yourself. And have the decency of doing it publicly and under your name.

03-10-2016, 04:12 AM
it's available on sonix's page
