11-08-2015, 12:16 AM
.Hack//Infection-Quarantine OST THE IN GAME OST
For years iv wanted the Official .Hack music ever since i'v heard it when I was....shoot I don't know 15? I am now 23 and nobody still bothered to get the music from the actual game.

We all know the so called "Perfect Music Collection" wasn't so perfect at all when they did nothing but mix music themes together for who knows what bad reason.

I am a gamer I love playing Game Music 24/7 .Hack is one of my favorites and since nobody ever bothered to get the music from its game i'v decided to do it my self (something that i'v planned to do for years actually)

And here it is people what you've all been waiting years on, bigger than!...ok maybe not Half Life 3
.Hack//Infection & Quarantine OST (https://mega.nz/#!IkkiBJpD!GHLdQeWmDLNEGdY9afg9N8ah0gE6YnSjbvs-YAimVr4)

Yet, these are not all the Tracks but it's good enough for me.

Also from perfect music collection iv done a little extended cut of normal field themes which i'm sure y'all will love.

11-08-2015, 10:24 AM
Doing god's work, thank you very much, will definetly sub to you on YT to keep a lookout

11-08-2015, 05:26 PM
Thanks i'll do my best.

I just hope this doesn't take forever and i'm still trying to decide if I should get every theme or not, pretty sure half the themes in this game people won't listen to.

Leon Scott Kennedy
11-08-2015, 06:06 PM
I'll keep an eye on this project of yours. Personally, I'm pleased with the official release, I think it provides a solid listening-experience, but I'm not about to say "No" to a more complete work. Have some reputation, you deserve it.

11-08-2015, 07:07 PM

11-08-2015, 11:33 PM
Updated Post.

11-09-2015, 05:58 AM
My god. The nostalgia is real! Keep this up, man! .hack had some GREAT music.

11-11-2015, 02:02 AM
Forgot to get the Noon field theme for Wasteland Field (without the rain effect) i'll add it later and make a reupload, swear I had it..

11-11-2015, 03:29 AM

11-13-2015, 09:18 PM

11-14-2015, 03:49 AM
Awesome! Thanks!

11-14-2015, 07:41 PM
Oh shit, thanks for this. I am gonna have a blast.

11-15-2015, 06:28 PM
I'll need a little help from you all. If anyone wants the game version of any music i'v missed please post them and where to find it, cannot be cutscenes tho that will be impossible for me to get.

12-15-2015, 01:29 AM
I'm still working on these, I had a little issue I had to deal with that wouldn't let me creator more audio but it's fixed now.

02-18-2016, 06:58 PM
Been a while but i'v updated the download. Added new themes and extended more music with Perfect Music Collection, had to fix some themes also.

And that's about it for now maybe later on i'll extend boss theme but who knows.

02-18-2016, 10:37 PM
Wow, how'd I manage to miss this thread when you originally posted it?

You do know there's a psf2 rip of this series, right? Actually, it looks like it's been removed from zophar's domain and joshw info, but it's still up here http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/

I'm curious how these are recorded however, and why you'd got them looped for 10 minutes each

02-19-2016, 11:21 PM
Looping cause now days people just love playing their favorite themes for hours all over youtube.

Recording them is pretty simple, i'v done the same thing with Sigma Star Saga years ago. Open fraps, turn game sound off, join random field, start recording, pause game. Tho for .Hack it was a little more difficult since I needed to have special start up music. From spawning on field monsters (non portals monsters) so the battle theme can kick on right away to locating afternoon field themes which was a nightmare for me since i'm not good at keywords. Had to study up on it in order to find those special field themes.

Lucky people at gamesfaq have save states that unlocked everything in game so yeah. Recorded half from the unlocked Desktop Menu Themes and the rest during gameplay.

03-21-2016, 11:36 PM
Bumping so more people can find this.

Think ill bump it each month if I remember.

03-25-2016, 12:10 AM
I have a question... Is the music from the .hack//GAME MUSIC Perfect Collection (http://vgmdb.net/album/1449) album all from one game? Because I noticed on that page that it lists .hack//Infection-Quarantine, but I'd like a way to separate the tracks game by game if possible.

03-25-2016, 12:50 AM
title (Title) 0:46
02 desktop (Desktop) 1:41
03 toppage ("The World" Top Page) 1:31
04 rtown0 (Δ Server Aqua Capital Mac Anu) 2:14
05 rtown1 (Θ Server Highland City Dun Loireag) 2:24
09 puti_farm (Puchiguso Farm) 1:23
10 stage01 (Prairie Rain Field Normal ~ Battle) 2:22
11 stage04 (Humus Field Normal ~ Battle) 2:36
12 stage08 (Earth Field Normal ~ Battle) 2:08
13 stage12 (Wilderness Field Normal ~ Battle) 3:09
14 stage17 (Snowfield Night Field Normal ~ Battle) 2:36
15 stage19 (Desert Field Normal ~ Battle) 2:42
16 stage21 (Scorching Field Normal ~ Battle) 2:14
17 dgn03 (Forest Field Normal ~ Battle) 2:31
18 dgn00 (Stone Wall Dungeon Normal ~ Battle) 0:40
19 dgn01 (Cave Wall Dungeon Normal ~ Battle) 2:43
20 dgn10 (Castle Wall Dungeon Normal ~ Battle) 2:17
21 dgn02 (Flesh Wall Dungeon Battle) 1:37
22 ev05 (Phase #1 Skeith) 2:36
01 Loop1 (Vol. 1 Opening) 1:32
02 aura1 (Aura's Theme) 2:51
03 blackrose (BlackRose's Theme) 1:59
04 cathedral (Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground) 1:01
05 str9_1 (First Time at the Holy Ground With BlackRose) 1:50
06 str9_2 (Balmung's Entry and a Virus Bug) 2:11
07 mia (Mia's Theme) 1:09
08 piroshi (Piros's Theme) 1:31
09 str01 (Cubia's Birth) 1:27
10 staff1 Vol. 1 ~ Vol. 3 (Staff Roll) 4:03
11 ev07 (Airship Brigade) 1:32
12 bonus0 (800 Yojana Bonus Track: Panta-kun) 1:35
25 puti (Puchiguso's Theme) 1:31

06 rtown2 (Λ Server Cultural City Carmina Gadelica) 2:06
23 ev10 (Phase #2 Innis) 2:26
24 ev11 (Phase #3 Magus) 2:20
13 Loop2 (Vol. 2 Opening) 1:32
14 str10 (Vol.1 Recollection (Cubia's Birth)) 1:13
15 str11 (Lios ~ Helba) 2:32
16 ev00 (Net Slum) 1:41
17 aura2 (Aura and Cubia) 0:53
18 ev06 (Cubia Stage #1 ~ #3) 2:20
19 ev08 (The Inverted Castle) 1:30
20 dgn12_2 (The Inverted Castle -Angolmore-) 1:17
21 bonus1 (800 Yojana Bonus Track: TEMPEST) 1:38
26 puti_win2 (Puchiguso Race Victory Melody) 0:42

07 rtown5 (Σ Server Aerial City Fort Ouph) 2:10
25 ev13 (Phase #4 Fidchell) 2:28
26 ev14 (Phase #5 Gorre) 2:22
22 Loop3 (Vol. 3 Opening) 1:30
23 str17 (Kite and BlackRose in Λ Town) 1:36
24 str30 (Sora and Skeith) 0:56
27 ev09 (Flying Creature) 1:34
28 bonus2 (800 Yojana Bonus Track: Cyan & Princess Teria) 2:06

08 rtown6 (Ω Server Relic City Lia Fail) 1:48
27 ev17 (Phase #6 Macha) 2:37
28 ev18 (Phase #7 Tarvos) 2:36
29 ev19_1 (Phase #8 Corbenik Stage #1 ~ #2) 2:53
30 ev19_2 (Phase #8 Corbenik Stage #3) 2:34
29 Loop4 (Vol. 4 Opening) 1:28
30 str19 (Macha's Appearance) 1:09
31 str20 (Mia's Death) 1:59
32 ev20 (Cubia Phase #4) 2:15
33 str21 (Drain Heart) 2:51
34 ending (Ending) 2:55
35 staff4 (Vol. 4 Staff Roll) 3:11
36 str32 (Mia's Resurrection - Recurring Illusions) 3:13
37 bonus3 (800 Yojana Bonus Track: Tail Concerto) 2:30
38 bonus4 (800 Yojana Bonus Track: .hack MIX)

Keep in mind that the album does not have all songs in the game, mostly field variants are missing, but also field (forest variation), the Σ and Ω breached server themes, the corrupted dungeon themes and harold's theme (used in volume 2 opening, but has dialogue over it). I also know for sure that the album version of Magus' battle is missing an interlude piece in the middle of the loop.

03-25-2016, 02:49 AM
Thank you for the list, I wasn't expecting anything that detailed. Such a shame that Chiyako thought it'd be a good idea to condense four games into one package. By the way, I noticed the link you posted above had more songs than the Perfect Collection album. Does that happen to be the complete set?

03-25-2016, 09:47 PM
I highly doubt Chikayo had a say in the matter. The 2 server breach themes eventually got released on discs that came with magazines.

And yes, that's all but 2? songs in the game because the psf2 rip was a little bugged. There's a few tracks that have messed up instruments, skeith's theme for example. But yeah that was the main point I was trying to make earlier in the thread: Everything is there in better quality than a line in rip offers, it just doesn't loop for 12 minutes since 2 loops are usually enough <_<

If you'd like them to loop longer, you can always cut & paste loops via audacity.

04-15-2016, 01:45 AM
If you'd like them to loop longer, you can always cut & paste loops via audacity.

Which is what I did to some haha.

05-26-2016, 09:01 PM
Bumping up for the Fans.

05-31-2016, 04:41 PM
Thanks for this awesome work. I was wondering if you are able to get the rest of the "Phase #~" boss songs such as Macha, Tarvos, etc.

05-31-2016, 05:07 PM
See: Thread 196408

05-31-2016, 06:11 PM
Thank you Despair.

07-01-2016, 03:29 PM
this is beautiful. thank you so much.
what tracks are missing?
I'd check the link provided by Despair, but it seems that of the IMOQ games only Outbreak is left there.

07-01-2016, 07:17 PM
Each game had all of the normal music, only cut scene music was added and those are all on the official soundtrack. The game rip mostly consists of the 50 songs you can assign as bgms on your desktop, as well as some of the cut scene music from infection mutation and obviously outbreak (although, I can't think of a single scene from outbreak that has its music in the rip. The only noteworthy event would probably be teaming up with Balmung in that first dungeon, but I don't remember the music used for it and it's not on the soundtrack either)

Read my earlier posts to see what specifically is missing due to the rip being bugged.7

08-21-2016, 10:40 PM
Hi, can you please post the Wasteland Rain Theme like you have on Youtube and the Battle theme to go with it? I'd really appreciate it. Also if you could include some of the others you've uploaded on youtube such as the evening desert and to add the evening desert battle too. Thank you so much for taking the time to upload and loop these to be longer. I always wanted the versions on the CD to be looped. :)

For everyone else:
Wasteland Rain Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VzM5mmOPRs
Desert Evening or Night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkycKBN81qY

Thanks again!

09-23-2016, 10:33 PM
Bumpin up.

12-09-2016, 06:17 PM
Bumpin this for the holiday seasons.

12-10-2016, 07:44 AM
Thank you! I can't believe I've missed this thread for so long.

But damn you for the misleading thread title! I saw 'Long Awaited .Hack' and my brain immediately leap to 'sequel'. DAMN YOU FOR REVIVING MY DEAD HOPES!

01-26-2017, 02:44 PM
Bumping this as I (at least try) to do every month for people who missed it.

09-18-2017, 02:47 AM
Removed the image cause Photobucket is now a P2P thing (stupid..) but the link still works.