08-31-2015, 04:30 PM
I am getting really sick and tired of people who post a soundtrack and say "PM me for the link". They only want to control which of the people on this site will get their link.

This is really a control issue, and needs to be stopped.

Turner6 just openly called me a liar, and put me on his ignore list, saying that he sent me the link to my email inbox, which is empty for over a week now. I sent him two PMs
and never got a reply. The soundtrack is not a big issue, it's just the underlying control issue over other people that is my main concern.

How do you feel about this situation?


08-31-2015, 04:31 PM
Some soundtracks aren't allowed to be shared in public. Releases by Var�se Sarabande is an example.

Thread 49829

08-31-2015, 04:41 PM
Just ask another member who received the link.

Leon Scott Kennedy
08-31-2015, 04:47 PM
This is really a control issue, and needs to be stopped.
No. One of the few good things about this place is that it leaves uploaders plenty of freedom in regards to sharing. In addition to what Azetlor already said to you, you forget to look at things from another perspective: though it isn't 100% guaranteed, sharing only through private messages might allow links to keep "working" a bit longer (surely I don't need to tell you this, but just to be safe: there may be DMCA-folks browsing this place and reporting download links).

In regards to private sharing of forbidden stuff, I've always found the whole thing laughable. If "X" is forbidden to be shared, shouldn't the thread get nuked? I do realize that technically nothing that happens through private messages is monitored, thus, there's plausible deniability, but come on…

08-31-2015, 04:50 PM
PM me for a response to this topic.

James (The Disney Guy)
08-31-2015, 05:18 PM
This Coming From Someone Who Has Yet to Even Share Any Albums?? Honestly "Latest Threads Started" 4 G/D Threads And A Lot Of Complaining About Other Members.

PM me for a response to this topic.


08-31-2015, 05:23 PM
I am getting really sick and tired of people who post a soundtrack and say "PM me for the link". They only want to control which of the people on this site will get their link.

This is really a control issue, and needs to be stopped.

Turner6 just openly called me a liar, and put me on his ignore list, saying that he sent me the link to my email inbox, which is empty for over a week now. I sent him two PMs
and never got a reply. The soundtrack is not a big issue, it's just the underlying control issue over other people that is my main concern.

How do you feel about this situation?



I rarely refuse to share a link with the users and when I ignore one of them, I have some good reasons.

You wrote that your email inbox is empty for over a week now, are you sure it is working ?

I still have your last request and an administrator may check that I sent you an answer including the link yesterday afternoon (Brussels time).

I am ready to make some tests with you if you want to.


08-31-2015, 05:50 PM
I do PM share only for a few reasons. One, because I do not want my links removed/mega account banned. Two, I've had people post my links outside the Shrine.
I have only never shared a link once and there was a very good reason for it.

08-31-2015, 06:11 PM
I do PM share only for a few reasons. One, because I do not want my links removed/mega account banned. Two, I've had people post my links outside the Shrine.
I have only never shared a link once and there was a very good reason for it.


I know some users who have a great reputation in here, particularly one of them is very friendly, he asks the link (PM of course), never leaves a single comment, thanks or rep and then he posts it outside the Shrine.

So even if you do PM, you still have users who will post your links outside this forum :(

08-31-2015, 06:16 PM

I know some users who have a great reputation in here, particularly one of them is very friendly, he asks the link (PM of course), never leaves a single comment, thanks or rep and then he posts it outside the Shrine.

So even if you do PM, you still have users who will post your links outside this forum :(

I know, but doing PM share cuts down on randoms without accounts just coming in and taking the link..
It's not a very good solution, but it helps. Since I started PM share, I haven't seen my links outside the Shrine.. :)

08-31-2015, 07:49 PM

I rarely refuse to share a link with the users and when I ignore one of them, I have some good reasons.

You wrote that your email inbox is empty for over a week now, are you sure it is working ?

I still have your last request and an administrator may check that I sent you an answer including the link yesterday afternoon (Brussels time).

I am ready to make some tests with you if you want to.


How can I do that, since I am on your "ignore" listing?

---------- Post added at 01:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:47 PM ----------

This Coming From Someone Who Has Yet to Even Share Any Albums?? Honestly "Latest Threads Started" 4 G/D Threads And A Lot Of Complaining About Other Members.


Mr. Gold. I have in fact shared a great deal of stuff with this group. You of all people will realize that people here are currently using more than one username.

James (The Disney Guy)
08-31-2015, 07:55 PM
You Have to Admit Tho This Whole Thread Was For Nothing Becuase One Person Upset You, People Ask Other Member to PM /Request Links Becuase That Is How "They" Want to Share.

One Person "Ignores" Your Request You Say (Not That I Dis Believe Either One, I Don't Know) And You Start This to Complain. (no Offence) Would It Of Not Been More Simple to PM Another Person In That Thread And Ask Them (As Skelly Said Previous) Openly Complaining In The Thread Is The Reason Turner Has You On Ignore.

Its Not Worth Getting All Upset Over One Link For Music, Just Relax I Am Sure It Will Appear Else Where In Same Or Didfferent Format (More Than One Person Owns Said CD)

Don't Get Upset, Just Move On.

08-31-2015, 09:20 PM
Mr. Gold: If you had read my original post all the way thru, I had said that the soundtrack itself was not the issue, I have run into this situation time and time again, constantly getting dissed by the poster, and I have had to PM some of the others to get the link. Yes, Skeletonman, I had thought of that, and I have done it in the past, but this was the one time that I just got really tired of the whole control freak issue, and I wanted to bring it up to the mass crowd here. Nice to know that I am alone in my fury.

James (The Disney Guy)
08-31-2015, 09:53 PM
I Did Read Your Comment, And From it You Seemed More Fixated On Your Issue With Turner. Now It Would Seem You Are Alone In the Fury As No one Else Seems to Have These Issues. Now No Offence But Perhaps The Reason No One Wants to Share Is Becuase Your Being Quite Rude Like The Comments Here..... And You Claim The Posters Are "Dissing" You Yet You Are Posting This Thread.

But As You Said You Have Another Account You "Share" On Perhaps Use That To Request Aswell??

08-31-2015, 09:58 PM
You are alone in your "fury" because, like Mr Gold said, you're the only one who has these issues. I mean, seriously, is it that much to send a message to someone asking for a link? Is it such a chore?

I once again repeat what Mr Gold said, you seem to be paying more attention to the fact that Turner added you to his ignore list than actually having to PM people.

08-31-2015, 10:29 PM
I agree with the original poster. It's one thing to request a PM for things which are forbidden. It's the other stuff that is troublesome.

If you want to share, share openly. Don't make people jump through hoops to request things privately. Your stuff isn't so special. You don't need the likes or reps. It's not a contest to see who is the most popular. I do agree also it's a control issue for some people to share only selectively with who they want to. Once you share something with somebody, you lose all control. I don't know how some people even have the time to respond to the hundreds/thousands of private requests they must receive.

08-31-2015, 10:31 PM

Some soundtracks aren't allowed to be shared in public. Releases by Var�se Sarabande is an example.

Thread 49829

James (The Disney Guy)
08-31-2015, 10:35 PM
Lets just face facts, people will share openly or not its up to them, its not worth getting upset about just move on. If you get upset about that then what will it acheive seeing one sad person won't make them change thier mind they will just ignore you.

And with that good day i am unsubscribing this thread is just gonna go round in circles. Pointless

08-31-2015, 10:40 PM
if you got a problem with the pm only sharing, well... write an email to varese sarabande or any other red flagged label/artist, tell them to fuck off and let us share in peace.

besides that, the sharer decides how he/she distributes the goodies. if they choose pm only, they have their reasons besides sharing a red flag album. accept it or don't bother asking. period.

Mr. Gold. I have in fact shared a great deal of stuff with this group. You of all people will realize that people here are currently using more than one username.

your own damn fault if folks think you're a leecher. just use one account and people will appreciate you much more. you don't, well, then don't complain.

08-31-2015, 10:44 PM
I will continue to PM share because it's how I prefer to ILLEGALLY DISTRIBUTE MUSIC.
I don't do it for control or to make myself seem cooler. I don't care for rep or likes.
I care about sharing. When I signed up I made it my duty to share as much rare stuff
as I could because I was infuriated with the industry for forcing these crap commercial
soundtracks on us. So in vengeance I started sharing sessions and fycs. Not to gain
repuataion, but to make sure no other film-music-loving person has to deal with incomplete

My reason for PM share is because it is illegal and because I prefer to share with people of the Shrine
only. In every DL mesage I send, I kindly ask people not to share it outside the Shrine. If they do, there's
nothing really I can do about it. But to me, trusting the site alone is better than just putting a DL link out
there for ANYONE to take..

08-31-2015, 11:52 PM
If you want to share, share openly. Don't make people jump through hoops to request things privately. Your stuff isn't so special. You don't need the likes or reps. It's not a contest to see who is the most popular. I do agree also it's a control issue for some people to share only selectively with who they want to. Once you share something with somebody, you lose all control. I don't know how some people even have the time to respond to the hundreds/thousands of private requests they must receive.

Man, your definition of "jumping through hoops" must be extremely different from mine. For my shares, I recently started doing PM-only. Why? Go to my profile and take a look. Have a look at what I've posted. You'll see a recent batch of custom film mixes. So yeah, newsflash: my stuff IS special. I work hard on these. Now, is the music mine? Do I own it? Nope. But I spend hours on those edits and pour all my effort into them. I lose sleep over them. I strive for the best and take pride in what I do. I don't give a single flipping fuck about likes and reputation, and I've stated that before. I've been very vocal about it. That's not why I'm here. Anyways, I'm not going to openly post my hard work for all to take for themselves. All I'd like is maybe a "thank you" here and there, and so far it's worked beautifully. Plus, it also draws all the trolls out from their caves and into the daylight. Makes them see things that maybe they're missing out on. That's why I don't openly post my links anymore, you dig?

Oh, and I also don't openly post them so some jackhole won't go and upload it on their YouTube account. I've seen it happen before. That's a major reason why I have some custom-made things that I flat out will not post.

And it's not that hard keeping up with the PMs. You know you can do 5 at a time, right? You just go in order and send the link to those who requested it.

09-01-2015, 12:19 AM
I wasn't being specific on anybody, but there's on particular user who asks to like posts and send PMs (even though their folder is full) for common/officially released albums. My issue is that this particular person denied my request, said he didn't like me and chose not to send a link. That's what I consider jumping through hoops and selective sharing. I think the original poster experienced a similar situation. I'm sure he's not the only one.

I don't see any problems with people requesting private messages for custom mixes/edits or other unique material. I applaud the people like yourself who make the effort to share original stuff like that. I know it's a labor of love for some people.

I see the PM request thing being more of a trend. I think it's hurting the community in general when thread after thread is PM only. You are at their mercy on whether they want to send you a link or not. That's why I would question somebody making most of their threads that way.

Sharing privately isn't going to totally prevent your stuff from being shared elsewhere, either.

09-01-2015, 12:53 AM
I'll be honest though, there is one person who's annoyed me and I will not send my links to. Now, they can always get it from someone else, but I'm gonna try my best to make them jump through hoops for it. I will not give in and simply give it to the person.

It is very much a labor of love for me, doing film mixes. Now that you mention it, I can understand the obnoxiousness of a PM-only when it's a commercially-available release that is not Varese (or any of the other labels not to be publicly posted). That is ridiculous and it ticks me off when people do it, but whatever.

I didn't mention this in my first post, but I should have: another reason why I do PM-only for my threads now is that it keeps the thread alive, for the most part. But what I have the people do is post in the thread that they would like the link. Therefore, it stays somewhat popular and doesn't disappear into obscurity. That's happened with other threads of mine - and then I realized it's because I simply posted the link for all to take. When a thread stays popular, people see it. If it "falls off the charts" so to speak, people will not see it and then they'll miss out.

I know sharing privately won't prevent it from ending up somewhere else, but at least some asswipe can't just come along, take it and post it somewhere else. I know it'd be nearly impossible, but at least with a PM-only thread you can narrow it down as to who the "rat" is.

09-01-2015, 12:57 AM
perhaps this thread should be closed.

09-01-2015, 01:01 AM
perhaps this thread should be closed.

Perhaps you shouldn't have made it to begin with? I always speak my mind: honestly, it feels like you started this cause you were annoyed and you needed to bitch about something.

09-01-2015, 06:40 AM
perhaps this thread should be closed.

Steve: maybe another user sent you the link. If you are still waiting for the link, please PM me and I'll send you the link again, you'll confirm in this thread if you get it.


Also if you have an email address (hotmail), I can send you the links just to be sure you get them, that's the best I can do.

09-01-2015, 04:13 PM
No, it's a dead issue, seems to be interesting only by the biggest offenders of this situation, and this thread should really be closed now, no more posts, please