08-30-2015, 05:52 PM
The Quatermass Experiment (

Track listing:

01. Mars, the Bringer of War – BBC Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Sir Adrian Boult [1-6]
02. Pictures in a Fog 2: Backstreet - Trevor Duncan [1,2]
03. Transitional Scenes Pt 2 (c): Lost in Space - Trevor Duncan [1,3]
04. Faust on the Clouds - M�ty�s Seiber (episode rip) [1,2,4,5]
05. Pillars of Hercules - Francis Chagrin (episode rip) [2,3]
06. The Sword Of Damocles - Jack Beaver [2-4]
07. Pictures in a Fog 3: Shrouded Trees - Trevor Duncan [3,5]
08. Transitional Scenes Pt 2 (a): Anguish - Trevor Duncan [3,6]
09. BBC TV Start Up (Fantasy On National Airs) - BBC Television Orchestra [5]
10. Inhumanity [TV edit] - New Concert Orchestra (Trevor Duncan) [1-5]
11. Smile My Love - Hans May [6]

I’ve cross-checked the surviving episodes against the details from the production paperwork, while for the missing episodes we only have the paperwork to go on. Whether these details are actually correct is anyone’s guess – the score for episodes three to six could have been performed by Nigel Kneale on a banjo for all anyone knows.

However, while we cannot rule out Kneale and his banjo, one thing we definitely can rule out is the version of "Mars, the Bringer of War" that’s listed on the BBC paperwork: a 1926 performance by Albert Coates. That's definitely wrong. The version actually used as the opening theme is a 1945 recording by Sir Adrian Boult, which, at the time the serial was made, was the most recent. The track was played extremely fast on the first episode but drops back to its correct speed in time for episode 2; I’ve included edits of both of these versions and the full length original too. And I’ve even included the erroneously-listed (and terrible) Coates version. (If you don’t like “Mars, the Bringer of War” this download is probably not for you.)

Pictures in a Fog – time has not been kind to the archive masters of these classic Trevor Duncan tracks. By which I mean they’ve probably been binned, as these versions appear to have been taken from disc.

Pillars of Hercules and Faust on the Clouds are presented as episode rips. Full copies of these cues are unavailable and the titles remain unconfirmed. “Faust on the Clouds” I’ve compiled from various appearances but there are still a few unavoidable lines of dialogue.

[EDIT - a complete copy of Pillars of Hercules has now turned up (Thread 193341).]

Smile My Love is listed as appearing in the final episode and was probably used as the closing theme to the serial. Unfortunately, the track has not been issued in any form since the original library 78 was released in the early 1950s. This snippet has been pieced together from appearances in a couple of contemporary Swedish language films (the Swedish dialogue probably gives this away!) A second snippet might be a later excerpt of the same track, it might be not. Thanks to Recons for pointing me in their direction.

[EDIT - Ignore all that, a complete copy of Smile My Love has also turned up (Thread 193341).]

Tracks 3,6,7 & 8 are website rips and will be in mp3 quality. The remainder are lossless rips from CD, DVD and original library discs.

EDIT: To download, just click on the big blue words “The Quatermass Experiment” at the top of the post. (Someone PM'd me asking how to do it!)

EDIT 2: The Quatermass II soundtrack is here (Thread 191161)

EDIT 3: And Quatermass and the Pit here (

09-06-2015, 09:02 AM

09-18-2015, 02:21 PM
With fantastic timing, a full copy of Pillars of Hercules turned up on eBay the other night, and with equally fantastic timing I was browsing eBay when it did:

The disc says "Played by The New Century Orchestra", but that's been crossed out and "L'Orchestre Devereaux" handwritten on both sides. A typed label on the sleeve adds that it's by "L'Orchestre Devereaux conducted by Georges Devereaux".*

Right, Smile, My Love, I'm coming for you...


10-19-2015, 12:52 PM
Sorry, what with one thing and another, I haven't been around for a while. Back now, though!

This was a fantastic find, F1&2. I have a search saved on Ebay for this, but didn't spot it at all. Thank you for doing this!

Is your last comment about Smile, My Love humourous, or do you have a lead...?

10-22-2015, 01:25 AM
It was all thanks to some really flukey timing. I was killing time by scanning newly listed library 78s (as you do) and there it was, more or less at the top of the list. (I actually recognised the catalogue number… Am I a sad man?) It was listed as a buy-it-now so I bought-it-then. It had probably only been online for 20 minutes or so, so I probably snapped it up before eBay’s automated searches noticed it.

It arrived two days later and I had it online within the hour. As of today it’s had a colossal 12 downloads! (Thank you, the Quatermass Hardcore!)

No, no sign of Smile, My Love. If I ever find it I’ll have in online here ASAP, fear not!

10-22-2015, 05:09 PM
. (I actually recognised the catalogue number… Am I a sad man?)

If you are, that makes me one too! That's how I've had some of my finds. Pillars... is actually quite a cool track in itself; really enjoyed it.

10-30-2015, 10:26 PM
Thank you

04-29-2016, 04:16 AM

Smile My Love - Hans May

I've been after the holy grail Quatermass tracks, on and off, for about 15 years. I've no idea why they should all drop from the heavens within 6 months of each other, but I'm very pleased they have!

"Smile My Love" is listed as appearing in part 6 of The Quatermass Experiment and, although we'll never know for certain, it would be hard to argue this was anything other than the closing theme to that final episode. It was described in the Harmonic Library catalogue as evoking the style and moods of "Barcarolle; longing; nostalgia". (Yes, had to google that myself.)

It's from a shellac 78 - at least 63 years old; as thick and heavy as a dinner plate - and I think it sounds astonishing. Big thanks this time to Gwylock1 who sprinkled his magic restoration dust all over it.

07-21-2016, 08:59 PM

Darth Sphincter
04-22-2017, 07:07 PM
Wow, I'm blown away by the combined body of work in your 3 Quatermass threads, Funky1.

My only regret is that I'm just now becoming aware of these threads and this genre. I've never watched Quatermass, only heard of it. Same with the Doctor Who phenomenon.

Thank you for your introduction to the Quatermass music and this labor of love stretched over three threads.

04-22-2017, 09:54 PM
Thanks Darth, you're very kind. Thanks too for your lovely PM - I will reply when I have a moment!

Uncle Bela
04-23-2017, 01:03 AM
Thank you!! :)