08-20-2015, 10:45 PM
Check out Jesper Kyd's "Additional soundtracks" (additions to the official releases with much more music) and a lot of Jesper Kyd's staff
==> here! <== (Thread 182964)

and not Jesper Kyd's various soundtracks and compilations
=> here! <= (Thread 185581)


Here is my
Unreleased Game Music Youtube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrn2KAOgK_VQIOca_00Aebg),
where I posting all this staff. Your likes or subscriptions will be much appreciated, it is your help to make the channel more known and to make
more people find, listen and download all this unreleased music!
Lots of thanks for your help =)

Do not hesitate to leave a comment, if you liked my work. Will appreciate it a lot!

This is a compilation of all in-game music, written by Olivier Deriviere for the "Remember Me" videogame. You will find here all the unreleased music from the game and even a few tracks, that did not get to the game. I used a gamerip from this post Thread 167828 by Infernus Animositas, so thank you very much for this, Infernus! Game's score is very interactive, so the gamerip is quite unlistenable, it consists of many pieces and samples, that are only beginnings, endings, middles and little parts of the whole tracks (a few main fight themes even consist of only 10 and less seconds pieces). So here I combined all of these to complete tracks (with complete walkthrough of the game by myself and on Youtube), cleaned some of them from noises (if it was necessary) and so on. I was very glad to finish it at last, so, please, enjoy this gorgeous soundtrack fully and uncutted!

The gamerip files are 100-160 kbps (it is the best we have), so in some tracks I used pieces from the released album tracks (such tracks have a 320 kbps bitrate in the compilation). But still not all music from the released album included here. Some themes were cutted in the album, so here they are extended, some of them play in the album in a way, they never play in the game, a few of them arranged very different from what they are here, and there are realy lots of music, that did not made it's way to the released album at all. So it is certain, that this compilation is intended to be listened togather with the released album, only then you will have a full experience of "Remember Me" music. So, please, support Olivier Deriviere and all, who have worked on this great music, and buy the released album.

Composed By: Olivier Deriviere
Year Released: 2013
Format: MP3, 128-320 kbps
Size: 423 MB
Runtime: 3h 28m (+ 1h 39m of alternative variations and a few demos)
Tracks: 64 (+ 17 alternative variations and 3 demos)

Playlist on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPH7oaGqSBY&list=PLiVSF2AAhkqdqoUY1FcgSrgRNy6EvsLjf

Download the compilation here! (https://dl.orangedox.com/kJuLfezTmAIy6kTbEs/Olivier%20Deriviere%20-%20Remember%20Me%20Full%20In-Game%20Soundtrack.rar)

Buy the official OST album here: iTunes us (https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/remember-me-feat.-philharmonia/id655683287), iTunes ru (https://itunes.apple.com/ru/album/remember-me-feat.-philharmonia/id655683287), Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/Remember-Philharmonia-Orchestra-Original-Soundtrack/dp/B00DJROANE), Google Play (https://play.google.com/store/music/album?id=B5at6fex4say7qi6l2bwbmiuxh4&tid=song-Tynajzhb2pm2zjpnldjmcclzgpa) (Google Play's price depends on a region, you live in).

Tracklist and tracks info:

Part 1: Full in-game soundtrack
(All tracks sorted by episodes, tracks descriptions may contain spoilers)

01 - Main Menu (1:34)
02 - E00 Rise to the Light (Extended) (4:33) - extended version of the released track with the same name
03 - E01 01 Leaper's Face (2:00)
04 - E01 02 Edge (1:43)
05 - E01 03 Lower Paris (2:46) - beginning of "Still Human" used here
06 - E01 04 Slum 404 (3:16)
07 - E01 05 Fragments 2 (1:37) - variation of released "Fragments" fight theme
08 - E01 06 Fish Market (2:57) - middle of "Still Human" used here
09 - E01 07 Shortcut To The Leaking Brain (2:02) - ending of "Still Human" used here
10 - E01 08 The Glove (2:38) - playing on the cutscene, when Nilin, Tommy and Olga meet
11 - E02 01 Neo Paris, Saint-Michel (2:08) - released "Neo Paris" track pieces play through the whole episode 2, but surely much more music of this in the game
12 - E02 02 S.A.B.R.E. (1:07) - unreleased enforcers fight theme
13 - E02 03 Neo Paris. Deeper to the Districts (1:14)
14 - E02 04 Enforcers 2 (1:54) - variation of released "Enforcers" fight theme
15 - E02 05 Neo Paris Districts (2:28)
16 - E02 06 Bad Request (1:33) - part of "Hope", playing on the first meeting with Bad Request
17 - E02 07 Neo Paris. Following the Remembrane (2:13)
18 - E02 08 Fight in the Alley (1:00) - unreleased fight theme
19 - E02 09 Neo Paris. The Balconies (2:37)
20 - E02 10 Neo Paris. Leaving to the Roofs (1:25)
21 - E02 11 Kid Christmas Show (Cut, Extended) (7:11) - Kid Christmas boss fight theme (why cut and extended, see in alternative variations descriptions)
22 - E02 12 End of the Show (1:31)
23 - E03 00 Intermission (1:38) - intermitions music, play before every mission in one or another way
24 - E03 01 Leapers Invasion (4:22) - contain's unreleased leapers fight theme in the middle (1:35-3:25)
25 - E03 02 The Bogeyman of Slum 404 (2:18)
26 - E03 03 Lights Out (1:38)
27 - E03 04 Suck It Up, Nilin! (1:31)
28 - E03 05 Switching the Bars (2:55)
29 - E03 06 Tommy's Rescue (1:02)
30 - E03 07 Sink Crown (4:05) - fight themes, plaing while closing the tunnel at Tommy's bar, with variation of "Hope" in the end
31 - E03 08 Johnny's Train (3:19)
32 - E03 09 Zorn (Extended) (2:42)
33 - E04 01 La Bastille Convoyeur (2:59)
34 - E04 02 Locker Room Fight (Enforcers 3) (2:43) - variation of released "Enforsers" fight theme
35 - E04 03 Vaughan's Remembrane (1:37)
36 - E04 04 Memory Eraser (2:00) - plays when hiding from the La Bastile memory eraser machine
37 - E04 05 The Fight 2 (3:19) - variation of the released "The Fight" theme
38 - E04 06 Seraphim (2:07) - fight theme, playing while Seraphim first appearance
39 - E04 07 Real Power of Memory Games (1:29) - Madame and Bad Request scene music
40 - E04 08 Nephilim (2:38) - fight theme, playing while Nephilim first appearance
41 - E04 09 Memory Loop (1:51) - fight theme, playing while fighting Sensen hallucinations
42 - E04 10 Madame (The Ego Room Alt.) (8:09) - Madame boss fight theme, alternative variation of released "The Ego Room" track
43 - E05 01 Fragments 3 (2:42) - another variation of released "Fragments" fight theme
44 - E05 02 Chase Through Montmartre (Extended) (6:47) - in-game variation of released "Chase Through Montmartre" track
45 - E05 03 Scars (5:05) - music, playing before remixing Scylla Cartier-Wells and immediately after it
46 - E06 01 La Bastille Basements (5:16)
47 - E06 02 Reconversion (Extended) (3:38) - unreleased reconverted leapers fight theme. Extended, coz the middle of the track is cycled. First appearance of the track is in episode 5 after the chase scene, but it fits much better after ending of previous "La Bastille Basements" track, after which it also plays in the game
48 - E06 03 Ok... I'm Coming, Bad (3:55)
49 - E06 04 Prison Labs (4:40) - plays while tracing Bad's remembrane
50 - E06 05 Dr. Quaid (2:41)
51 - E06 06 Johnny Greenteeth (6:17) - Johnny Greenteeth boss fight theme
52 - E07 01 Mnemopolis Guard (The Fight 3) (3:58) - another variation of released "The Fight" theme. It's last minute is very similar to released version's ending, but it arranged little bit differently.
53 - E07 02 Mnemopolis (Memorize Alt.) (8:24) - Music, playing while infiltrating Mnemopolis. The first minute of the track plays before previous "The Fight" track and "Zorn" theme in the game. Alternative and extended variation of released "Memorize" track
54 - E07 03 S.A.B.R.E. Force (2:27) - variation of unreleased enforcers fight theme (track 12 in this compilation)
55 - E07 04 Tracing Trace (3:13)
56 - E07 05 Leapers Fight (3:59) - unreleased leapers fight theme, variation of which also appeared in track 24 of this compilation
57 - E07 06 The Mourners (Extended) (4:27) - The Mourners boss fight theme. Extended, coz track's middle is cycled twice
58 - E07 07 M3morize Hominis Evolutio (3:59) - plays in the H3O pazzle room
59 - E07 08 The Conception Cube (6:14) - entering the Conception Cube music. First half is the released "Memory Reconstruction" track, second half - unreleased fight theme, that appears in game only here.
60 - E08 01 Father (1:53) - short variation of "Hope" track with different ending, plays on Nilin's meeting with her father scene
61 - E08 02 Our Parents (2:57) - the same released "Our Parents" track. Quarter of the track in it's middle is cutted in the game (see alternative versions)
62 - E08 03 Memoriel Servers (6:40) - part of released "Remember Your Childhood" track, that has a different ending, not presented in the game.
63 - E08 04 H3O (Cut) (13:37) - the H3O boss fight theme. Ends with cutted in the middle released "Hope" track (that is why it has a "Cut" in it's name). I intended to include here a full "Hope" track with the cutted part, but this cutted in-game version seems to me more climactic to be played in the end of this compilation. For version with full "Hope" part see alternative versions part of the compilation.
64 - Outro (0:12) - trailers ending short music sample, that I always wanted to hear in the released album :) Seems to me like a good end music for the whole thing.

Part 2: Demos and Alternative Versions

So, while editing all of this, I had to decide, in which form the track would sound better (although I edited everything strictly by music appearance order in the game, surely I did not avoided this issue). Some tracks could be cycled, and if so, which one would be better to include to the final compilation? So I made two versions of some tracks, that could be cycled, and decided, which one will be better to include to the compilation by my own taste, but I did include the alternatives here for you to decide the same thing by your own taste (for some tracks, "Sink Crown" and "The Conception Cube" I found another solution - I cycled them one and a half times, coz these track's endings fitted to these tracks samples middles much better, then to the samples ends. If you Know, what I mean. You will listen and maibe you will know, what I mean :D). Another problem is that this is an In-Game Soundtrack, so if I include a track or it's part, as it was arranged on the released album instead of how it was arranged and played in the game, it contradicts the "in-game" part of the compilation's name. But I did include some album arrangements instead of ingame arrangements, coz I personally did like them better. These are realy small issues, but they are. So if you do not want it this way and you want strict in-game version of the score, you will fing alternatives here. There are also another tracks with another issues, and you will find a discription for every each of them. All the alternatives are numbered exactly as they whould be, if they were included to the compilation, so if you will find the alternative better for you, just replace one trck with another, simple as that.

But part 2 starts with tracks, that were found in the gamerip, but were not used in the game. I think, that these are some demos, that did not find their ways to the final release. But they were left in the game files, with names, corresponding to St. Michel game level, so here they are:

01 - St. Michel 1 (1:36) - Saint Michel is a district in Paris from the second episode of the game
02 - St. Michel 2 (1:37)
03 - The Fight (Demo) (3:31) - this is the demo of released "The Fight" track, but it arranged differently, more poorly, I would say. All track's samples were found in one audio file, where the samples were separated one from another with a few seconds of silence. Have no idea, why it was left in game's files, but thanks goodness, it was :)

Alternative versions:

E02 01 Neo Paris Suite (12:01) - all Neo Paris samples, combined into single track (not including fight themes and "Bad Request" track, of cource)

E02 10 Kid Christmas Show (Cut) (5:48)
E02 10 Kid Christmas Show (Extended) (7:27)
E02 10 Kid Christmas Show (6:06) - 4 (!) versions of this here (4th one is in the main part of the compilation). Lets start with the "Extended": the part that starts on 2:12 (on the "uncut" versions, 1:56 - on "cut" versions) is cycled twice in the "Extended" versions. Now the "Cut": the part, that starts from 1:21 (and continues till 2:01 on the "uncuts") is firstly, overextended, and secondly, it is not fit the tracks count musically (don't know how to explain it another way; you will understand, when you will listen to it, I guess). So I cutted it from 7 fours to 4 fours, but left the uncutted "7 fours" versions, extended and not, coz it is a FULL in-game soundtrack. So here are 4 versions of it: "Extended, Cut" in the main part, and these 3 ones here. Choose, what you like the most.

E04 06 Seraphim (Extended) (3:50) - middle cycled twice (part 1 version is uncycled)
E04 08 Nephilim (Extended) (4:20) - middle cycled twice (part 1 version is uncycled)
E05 02 Chase Through Montmartre (Extended, Cut) (6:24) - "Extended", because it is extended relatively to the released version. "Cut" is another thing: the ingame version of it starts without the first 20 seconds of the released version. This "Extended, Cut" version is how the track plays in the game. So, track #44 of the compilation actually combines the released and in-game versions.
E05 03 Scars (No Ending) (3:13) - ending of this track on part 1 edited not very good, but it is how it was found on the gamerip. So if you won't like that, replase it with this one.
E06 02 Reconversion (2:00) - uncycled version of track #47
E07 06 The Mourners (2:54) - uncycled version of track #57
E07 06 The Mourners (Edit) (4:27) - !!! this is not, how the track was written by the composer! So, I tried to edit this track's beginning and make it sound, as I personally felt and wanted it to sound for me. Only little part of the track, 0:16-0:21, was changed, I personally like better what I did with it, then how it sound originally, but surely I coud not put it to the main part of the album :D But maibe you will like it too.
E07 08 Entering The Conception Cube (Memory Reconstruction) (3:14) - just the released "Memory Reconstruction" track, for case if you want this one and the fight part to be separately.
E07 09 The Conception Cube Fight (2:48) - the fight part of "The Conception Cube", separated from the "Memory Reconstruction" part of it.
E07 08 The Conception Cube (Cut) (5:18) - and again, the "Memory Reconstruction" music plays differently in the game, then in the released album, but I putted a version with full "Memory Reconstruction" to the main part of this compilation, coz I do not like, how it is cutted in the game (and in this version of the track). So, this is the exact in-game version of the track.
E07 08 The Conception Cube (Alt. Cut) (5:54) - another cutted version of the "Memory Reconstruction" track was found in the gamerip, so I edited this version of "The Conception Cube" too. (Don't know, why the fuck I did it)
E08 02 Our Parents (Cut) (2:25) - the track, as it plays in the game. Part of the released version (1:30-2:03) is cutted from the in-game version, and here it is, the In-Game veriation. Putted the full version to the main part of this compilation, coz it is better.
E08 04 H3O (14:26) - cutted version, actually the In-Game version, included to the main part of the compilation, and I explained, why, on track #63 description. This one, although, contains the full "Hope" version, taken from the released album.

08-21-2015, 07:51 PM
Thanks you

08-22-2015, 12:40 AM

08-25-2015, 12:04 AM

08-25-2015, 07:08 AM
Excellent work!

Love the music to the game.

08-26-2015, 05:06 PM
UPDATE: I just figured out, that 3 songs from the demo part (01 - Egoroom Music, 02 - Egoroom Music E01, 03 - Egoroom Music Fight) are Amon Tobyn's music, and not Deriviere's. Don't know, what did they do in Remember Me music files, but they're there. So the link is updated, Tobyn's tracks deleted from the archive.

03-10-2016, 09:15 AM
Hello. These 3 tracks exist in the album? Thanks. =D

03-10-2016, 09:35 AM
Hi. Yes, sure. First one is "E07 02 Mnemopolis (Memorize Alt.) (8:24)" (longer, then on the youtube, complete edit), second one - "E02 01 Neo Paris, Saint-Michel (2:08)" and "E02 02 S.A.B.R.E. (1:07)", third one - "E01 04 Slum 404 (3:16)" and "07 - E01 05 Fragments 2 (1:37)". You can find all these on the Youtube playlist on the link, I gave on the top post.

03-11-2016, 12:46 PM
Thank you so much Igor. =3
I like so much the "Outro" track. My favourite. Also you can hear it when the Conception Cube show up in the end of the trailer. I like the animation. ^^
I wondering, if you want of course, you'll release the in-game tracks from Life Is Strange?
I like the rewind sounds. And if exist of course in the ost, the "Outro" track. -> That "noise" (https://youtu.be/AukgNY6Uxww?t=1m40s). Sounds to me that is one of the rewind tracks, I think.
Thanks. =D

PS: I hope really DONTИOD make a sequel. =3

03-11-2016, 12:59 PM
Thanx for appretiation, enjoy)

About the Life Is Strange: well, I really thought about that after playing it. To make something kinda like a 2CD album with all the score music pieces in different variations togather with all the licensed music mixed similarly to how the music appears in the game. But still I don't know, if I will do that or not. Maibe, someday.

And the Outro track from the trailer, yeah, I was a little disappointed, that this sound did not appear in the released album, a littile. Well, it is just 10 seconds, nothing important, but still quite cool.

03-13-2016, 02:17 PM
DO IT JUST DO IT!!! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXsQAXx_ao0) XD
I don't care how long'll take. I'll waiting. All of DONTИOD games is awesome. And would be nice if exist a collection of them. =3

As for the Outro, I hope really exist in the in-game ost. Is really so cool and awesome. =3

Thanks. =D

03-13-2016, 03:02 PM
Can confirm. Dontnod are awesome developers. Hoping for a Life is Strange 2 next year.

03-13-2016, 03:11 PM
No amigo. Next year we have VAMPYR. =3
I hope Square Enix and Capcom give the green light for the sequels of Remember Me and Life Is Strange. ^^
Thanks. =D

08-23-2016, 01:10 AM
Thanks a lot for this! Deriviere is amazing.

08-23-2016, 08:09 AM
Thanks a lot!

05-04-2017, 05:31 PM
Thank you!