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04-04-2015, 06:26 AM
Dedicated to Anthony Ghidra (Dragomir Bojanić Gidra 1933-1993)
Tequila Joe is my personal western hero.

Hi, I just started another thread for lossless fans.
I've always been fascinated with western movies and music from them.
This topic will be my little attempt to convince at least some of the beauty of this genre!!!
My point is collect the ALL spaghetti western soundtracks in one place.
I hope you'll be participate.


04-04-2015, 06:26 AM
Maestro deserves to be separately listed!!!

''Born November 10, 1928 is an Italian composer, orchestrator, conductor and former trumpet player, who has written music for more than 500 motion pictures and television series, as well as contemporary classical works. His career includes a wide range of composition genres, making him one of the most versatile, prolific and influential film composers of all time. Morricone's music has been used in more than 70 award-winning films.
Born in Rome, Morricone's absolute music production includes over 100 classical pieces composed since 1946. During the late 1950s he served as a successful studio arranger for RCA. He orchestrated over 500 songs with them and worked with musicians such as Paul Anka, Chet Baker and Mina. However, Morricone gained worldwide fame by composing (during the period 1960–75) the music for Italian westerns by directors such as Sergio Leone, Duccio Tessari and Sergio Corbucci, including the Dollars Trilogy, A Pistol for Ringo, The Big Gundown, Once Upon a Time in the West, The Great Silence, A Fistful of Dynamite and My Name is Nobody.'' - source Wiki

Ennio Morricone

C'era Una Volta Il West [GDM 2062, Expanded] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Che C'Entriamo Noi Con La Rivoluzione? -Extended- [GDM CD Club 7099] -sledge- ���� (Thread 187831)
Che C'Entriamo Noi Con La Rivoluzione? [Dagored, RED-4145] Petros ���� (Thread 187831)
Ci Risiamo, Vero Provvidenza? [GDM 4136] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)
Da Uomo a Uomo [GDM 2040] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Da Uomo a Uomo -Expanded- [GDM 4130] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Death Rides a Horse/A Pistol for Ringo/The Return of Ringo [RCA-OST 107] Petros ���� (Thread 187831)
Duello Nel Texas [Digitmovies DPDM005] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
E Per Tetto Cielo di Stelle [Hexacord HCD-16] klane137 ���� (Thread 187831)
Faccia a Faccia [ScreenTrax CDST 337] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Faccia a Faccia -Expanded- [Verita Note VQCD-10061] Neqaj ���� (Thread 187831)
Gi� la Testa [Cinevox CD MDF 612] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Gli Avvoltoi Hanno Fame/I Giorni Del Cielo [Legend CD16] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Guns for San Sebastian [FSM Vol.9 No.14] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
I Crudeli [Dagored, RED 176-2] jerocaspa ���� (Thread 187831)
I Crudeli [GDM 4332] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Il Buono, il Brutto, il Cattivo [GDM CD CLUB 7001] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Il Grande Silenzio/Un Bellissimo Novembre [Beat Records CDCR 27] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Il Mercenario [GDM CD Club 7010] Negaj ���� (Thread 187831)
Il Mio Nome � Nessuno [GDM/Edel 0159042] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)
I Western Compilation [Linea Tre - CD 74428] espm06 ���� (Thread 187831)
La Banda J. & S.: Cronaca Criminale Del Far West [Digitmovies CDDM120] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
La Resa Dei Conti [The Big Gundown] [GDM 2027] Petros ���� (Thread 187831)
La Resa Dei Conti -Extended- [GDM 4215] klane137 ���� (Thread 187831)
La Vita, A Volte, E Molto Dura, Vero Provvidenza? [GDM 4140] -sledge- ���� (Thread 187831)
Le Pistole Non Discutono [GDM 4138] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Mein Name Ist Nobody [Alhambra A 8918] aktivisten ���� (Thread 187831)
My Name is Nobody [ScreenTrax CDST 330] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Navajo Joe [FSM Vol.10 No.14] FulciLives ���� (Thread 187831)
Occhio Alla Penna [Digitmovies CDDM071] zvonko1510 ���� (
Once Upon a Time in the West [RCA Records 4736-2-R] vjy ���� (Thread 187831)
Per Qualche Dollaro in Pi� [GDM 2038] Negaj ���� (Thread 187831)
Per Un Pugno di Dollari [GDM 2066] woovie ���� (Thread 187831)
Selection of Western Film Music [Gold Sound DCD-741] Pidgeon ���� (Thread 187831)
Spaghetti Western Compilation [RCA 74321 26495 2] paperugo ���� (Thread 187831)
Tepepa [Verita Note VQCD-10049] Petros ���� (Thread 187831)
Tepepa -Expanded- [GDM 4220] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
The Legendary Italian Westerns [BMG ND 90526] espm06 ���� (Thread 187831)
Un Esercito di Cinque Uomini [FSM Vol.12 No.16] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Un Esercito di Cinque Uomini/Extrasensorial [Duse Records CDE 76] paperugo ���� (Thread 187831)
Un Fiume di Dollari [The Hills Run Red] [Quartet Records QRSCE007] aktivisten ���� (Thread 187831)
Un Genio, Due Compari, Un Pollo [Hexacord HCD-04] zvonko1510 ���� (
Un Genio, Due Compari, Un Pollo/Sonny & Jed [Quartet Records QR161] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Una Pistola per Ringo/Il Ritorno di Ringo [GDM 2044] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Una Pistola per Ringo/Il Ritorno di Ringo -Stereo Recording- [GDM 4134] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Vamos A Matar, Compa�eros [ScreenTrax CDST-327] paperugo1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Vamos A Matar, Compa�eros -Extended- [GDM 4330] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)

04-04-2015, 06:26 AM
INDEX [Alphabetical Order]

Alejandro Jodorowsky

El Topo [Apple Capitol SWAO 3388] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)

Alessandro Alessandroni

Di Tresette Ce N'e Uno, Tutti Gli Altri Son Nessuno [Hexacord HCD-09] paperugo ���� (Thread 187831)
Di Tresette Ce N'e Uno, Tutti Gli Altri Son Nessuno [GDM CD Club 7093] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
El Puro [Hexacord, HCD 9302] linetti ���� (Thread 187831)
Su Le Mani, Cadavere! Sei In Arresto [GDM 4114] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Trinity Goes East [Hexacord HCD-03] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)

Amedeo Tommasi

I Lunghi Giorni Dell'Odio [GDM CD Club 7047] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)

Angelo Francesco Lavagnino

5.000 Dollari Sull'Asso [LP - CAM Cms. 30-129] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
5.000 Dollari Sull'Asso [Beat Records BCM9530] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Dio Non Paga Il Sabato [GDM 4131] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)
Gli Specialisti [Beat Records CDCR 28] paperugo ���� (Thread 187831)
I Due Sergenti Del Generale Custer [Digitmovies CDDM156] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
L'Uomo Dalla Pistola D'Oro [GDM 4111] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Oggi A Me Domani A Te! [Digitmovies CDDM140] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)
Requiem Per Un Gringo [Tsunami TOS 0301] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Sfida A Rio Bravo [GDM CD CLUB 7081] klane137 ���� (Thread 187831)
T'ammazzo!... Raccomandati A Dio [GDM 4158] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
The Western Film Music of Angelo F. Lavagnino [Saimel 3997110] klinsmann2 ���� (Thread 187831)
Vendetta per Vendetta [GDM 4128] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)

Anton Garcia Abril

Texas, Addio [Quartet Records MS024] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)

Armando Sciascia

3 Colpi di Winchester per Ringo [Vedette VRM 36015-CD] paperugo ���� (Thread 187831)

Armando Trovajoli

I Lunghi Giorni Della Vendetta [SLCS 7248] paperugo ���� (Thread 187831)
I Lunghi Giorni Della Vendetta [GDM CD Club 7021] Kobayashi-Maru ���� (Thread 187831)

Augusto Martelli

La Collera Del Vento/Ancora Dollari Per I Mc Gregor/Sartana [Digit CDDM014] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)

Benedetto Ghiglia

4 Dollari Di Vendetta [GDM 4126] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Adios Gringo/Un Dollaro Tra I Denti [CAM 493271-2] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
El Rojo [GDM 4156] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Starblack [GDM 2050] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Un Dollaro Tra I Denti [KICP 2596] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)

Bixio, Frizzi & Tempera

Carambola/Carambola, Filotto... Tutti In Buca [Digitmovies CDDM054] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
I Quattro Dell'Apocalisse [Cinevox, CD MDF 316] FulciLives ���� (Thread 187831)
Sella D'Argento [Digitmovies CDDM023] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)

Bruno Nicolai

Anda Muchacho, Spara! [GDM 4150] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Bruciatelo Vivo! [Land Raiders, Extended] [Digitmovies CDDM190] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Buon Funerale Amigos Paga Sartana/Gli Fumavano... [Beat CDCR 39] Kobayashi-Maru ���� (Thread 187831)
Centomila Dollari Per Ringo [Edi-pan - PAN CDS 2501] paperugo ���� (Thread 187831)
Centomila Dollari Per Ringo [GDM CD Club 7009] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Corri, Uomo, Corri [CAM CSE 070] aktivisten ���� (Thread 187831)
Corri, Uomo, Corri -Expanded- [Digitmovies CDDM095] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Django Spara Per Primo -Expanded- [GDM 4149] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)
El Cisco [Digitmovies CDDM047] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)
Gentleman Jo... Uccidi [Digitmovies CDDM036] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
I Giorni Della Violenza [GDM CD Club 7016] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Il Mio Nome E Shangai Joe [GDM 4174] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Il Mio Nome Shangai Joe [Point Records PRCD 123] Kobayashi-Maru ���� (Thread 187831)
Indio Black [GDM 2025] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Land Raiders [Prometheus PCD 128] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Lo Chiamavano Tresette... Giocava Sempre Con Il Morto [Beat CDCR 117] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Un Uomo Chiamato Apocalisse Joe/Lo Chiamavano Tresette... [Beat CDCR 45] paperugo ���� (Thread 187831)
Un Uomo Chiamato Apocalisse Joe [B]jerocaspa ���� (Thread 187831)
Uomo Avvisato Mezzo Ammazzato... Parola Di Spirito Santo [Beat CDCR 127] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Western Film Music Vol.1 [Saimel 3995210] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)
Western Film Music Vol.2 [Saimel 3997910] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)
Western Film Music Vol.3 [Saimel 3998010] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)

Carlo Pes

Professionisti Per Un Massacro [Verita Note VQCD-10059] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)

Carlo Rustichelli

Bastardo... Vamos A Matar! [Digitmovies CDDM215] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)
Buffalo Bill, L'Eroe Del Far West [GDM 4116] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Dio Perdona... Io No! [Digitmovies CDDM051] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
I Quattro Dell'Ave Maria [2x Cd Digitmovies CDDM043] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
La Collina Degli Stivali [Digitmovies CDDM020] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)
La Grande Notte Di Ringo [Digitmovies CDDM238] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)
L'Uomo, L'Orgoglio, La Vendetta [CAM CSE 086] paperugo ���� (Thread 187831)
L'Uomo, L'Orgoglio, La Vendetta [Digitmovies CDDM218] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)
Tutti per Uno, Botte per Tutti [Beat Records CDCR 035] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Uccidi O Muori [GDM CD Club 7115] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Un Istante Per Morire, Un Minuto Per Pregare [Digitmovies CDDM151] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)
Un Treno per Durango [GDM 4129] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Vado, Vedo E Sparo [Saimel 3997310] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)

Carlo Savina

Anche Nel West C'Era Una Volta Dio [Digitmovies CDDM187] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Comin' At Ya! [GDM 4108] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Due Rrringos nel Texas [Verita Note VQCD-10053] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
E Dio Disse A Caino... [Beat Records CDCR 46] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Ehi Amigo... Sei Morto! [GDM 4163] paperugo ���� (Thread 187831)
I Senza Dio/...E Intorno A Lui Fu La Morte [Digitmovies CDDM196] klane137 ���� (Thread 187831)
I Tre Del Colorado [Beat Records CDCR 124] linetti ���� (Thread 187831)
Jesse E Lester Due Fratelli In Un Posto Chiamato Trinit� [GDM 4169] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Johnny Oro [GDM 4135] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Joko Invoca Dio... E Muori [GDM 4117] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
La Colt La Mia Legge [Digitmovies CDDM177] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Testa O Croce [Saimel 3998954] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Trinit� e Sartana Figli Di... [Digitmovies CDDM253] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Vivo Per La Tua Morte [Digitmovies CDDM115] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)

Claudio Tallino

Killer Adios [ScreenTrax CDST 329] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)

Daniele Patucchi

Black Killer [GDM 4161] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)
Lo Ammazzo Come Un Cane... Ma Lui Rideva Ancora [GDM 4172] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Los Amigos [CAM - CSE 075] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)

Egisto Macchi

Bandidos [MASK-MK704] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)

Enzo Milano

Hard Bounty [Prometheus - PCD 138] klane137 ���� (Thread 187831)

Enrico Ciacci & Marcello Marrocchi

Vendo Cara La Pelle [GDM CD Club 7085] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)

Enrico Simonetti

Kid Il Monello Del West [Digitmovies CDDM162] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)

Francesco De Masi

7 Dollari Sul Rosso [Beat Records CDCR 121] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
7 Winchester per un Massacro [Verita Note VQCD-10137] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
15 Forche Per Un Assassino [Beat Records CDCR 28] paperugo ���� (Thread 187831)]
Alla Conquista Dell'Arkansas [Beat Records CDCR 94] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Ammazzali Tutti E Torna Solo [Beat Records CDCR 92] aktivisten ���� (Thread 187831)
Arizona Colt [Beat Records CDCR 96] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Il Ranch Degli Spietati [Oklahoma John] [Beat Records CDCR 98] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Il Segno Del Coyote/C'e Sartana... [Beat CDCR 40] Kobayashi-Maru ���� (Thread 187831)
Man of the Cursed Valley/La Sfida Dei MacKenna/Tequila Joe [Beat CDCR 47] paperugo ���� (Thread 187831)
Lone Wolf McQuade [Colosseum VSD/CVS 5573] SORIDO ���� (Thread 187831)
Per Un Pugno Nell'Occhio [Digitmovies CDDM081] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Quanto Costa Morire [Digitmovies CDDM017] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Quella Sporca Storia Nel West [Beat Records CDCR 97] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Ringo Il Cavaliere Solitario [Beat Records CDCR 32] paperugo ���� (Thread 187831)
Ringo Il Volto Della Vendetta [GDM 2060] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Sartana Non Perdona [Beat Records CDCR 93] aktivisten ���� (Thread 187831)
Sartana/Vado L'Ammazzo E Torno/Ammazzali Tutti E Torna Solo [Beat CDCR 22] paperugo ���� (Thread 187831)
Una Bara Per Lo Sceriffo/Il Ranch Degli Spietati [Beat Records CDCR 44] paperugo ���� (Thread 187831)
Una Bara Per Lo Sceriffo [Beat Records CDCR 95] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Vado... L'Ammazzo E Torno [Beat Records CDCR 91] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)

Franco Micalizzi

E Alla Fine Lo Chiamarono Jerusalem L'Implacabile [Digitmovies CDDM229] Kobayashi-Maru ���� (Thread 187831)
Il Pistolero Dell'Ave Maria [GDM 4175] stan tom ���� (Thread 187831)
Il Pistolero Dell'Ave Maria/Lo Chiamavano Trinit� [Curci CU 006] Pidgeon ���� (Thread 187831)
Lo Chiamavano Trinit�... [Digitmovies DPDM009] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Sei Jellato Amico, Hai Incontrato Sacramento [Digitmovies CDDM088] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)
They Call Me Trinity [Vivi Musica VCDS 7029] paperugo ���� (Thread 187831)

Fred Bongusto & Berto Pisano

Uno Dopo L'Altro [GDM 2067] stan tom ���� (Thread 187831)

Giampiero Boneschi

West and Soda -ANIME- [Beat Records CDX 1010] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)

Gianfranco Di Stefano

Shango La Pistola Infallibile [Cinevox CD MDF 315] paperugo ���� (Thread 187831)

Gianfranco & Gian-Piero Reverberi

Preparati La Bara! [Digitmovies CDDM092] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Una Colt In Pugno Al Diavolo [Beat Records CDCR 32] paperugo ���� (Thread 187831)
Viva Django bundled with Un Minuto Per Pregare... [RCA 74321-63517-2] paperugo ���� (Thread 187831)

Gianfranco Plenizio

Django: Strikes Again [KRONCD053] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)

Gianni Ferrio

Amico, Stammi Lontano Almeno Un Palmo [Digitmovies CDDM027] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
California/Reverendo Colt [Digitmovies CDDM269] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)
Djurado [GDM 4143] jerocaspa ���� (Thread 187831)
...E Divenne Il Piu Spietato Bandito Del Sud [GDM 4159] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
El Desperado [GDM 4105] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Gli Eroi Del West [GDM 4153] FulciLives ���� (Thread 187831)
Gringo, Getta Il Fucile! [Beat Records BCM 9526] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Joe! Cercati Un Posto Per Morire [GDM 4104] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Massacro Al Grande Canyon [GDM CD CLUB 7053] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Mi Chiamavano 'Requiescat'... Ma Avevano Sbagliato [GDM 4146] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Per Pochi Dollari Ancora [GDM 4109] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Quei Disperati Che Puzzano Di Sudore E Di Morte [Digitmovies CDDM149] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)
Tex e Il Signore Degli Abissi [RAI Trade - CRT 305] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Vivi O, Preferibilmente, Morti [Digitmovies CDDM232] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Un Dollaro Bucato [Digitmovies CDDM245] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)
Un Dollaro Bucato/Sentenza Di Morte/Alive or Preferably Dead [CAM 494580] jerocaspa ���� (Thread 187831)

Gianni Marchetti

I Vigliacchi Non Pregano [GDM 2073] jerocaspa ���� (Thread 187831)
Zorro La Maschera Della Vendetta [GDM 4132] FulciLives ���� (Thread 187831)

Gino Peguri

El Zorro [GDM CD Club 7056] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)

Gioacchino Angelo

Le Maledette Pistole Di Dallas [GDM 4139] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Tre Dollari Di Piombo [GDM 4144] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)

Giorgio Fabor

Due Mafiosi Nel Far West [Digitmovies CDDM156] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)

Guido & Maurizio De Angelis

...Continuavano A Chiamarlo Trinit� [Digitmovies DPDM010] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
...E Poi Lo Chiamarono Il Magnifico [Digitmovies CDDM136] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Keoma [Cinedelic CH LP 1001] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Mannaja [Cometa CMT 10016] Kobayashi-Maru ���� (Thread 187831)
Te Deum [GDM 4142] Kobayashi-Maru ���� (Thread 187831)
Valdez, Il Mezzosangue [Legend CD 37 DLX] Kobayashi-Maru ���� (Thread 187831)
Zorro [CAM 493302-2] FulciLives ���� (Thread 187831)

John Ireson & Wayne L. Parham

Uccideva A Freddo [GDM CD Club 7102] linetti ���� (Thread 187831)

Lallo Gori

Buckaroo [Il Winchester Non Perdona] [Beat Records CDCR 42] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)
Inginocchiati Straniero.../Con Lui Cavalca La Morte [B]mallet ���� (Thread 187831)
Tequila!/Era Sam Wallash... Lo Chiamavano Cosi Sia! [Beat CDCR 50] paperugo ���� (Thread 187831)

Luis Bacalov

Django [GDM 4303] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)
Il Prezzo Del Potere [GDM 4152] stan tom ���� (Thread 187831)
Il Grande Duello/Lo Chiamavano Mezzogiorno [Quartet Records QRSCE042] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
I Quattro Del Pater Noster [Verita Note, VQCD-10057] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
La Piu' Grande Rapina Del West/L'Oro Dei Bravados [GDM 2008] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)
L'Oro Dei Bravados [Verita Note, VQCD-10045] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Lo Chiamavano King [ScreenTrax CDST 332] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Quin Sabe [GDM CD Club 7014] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Si Puo' Fare... Amigo [Digitmovies CDDM198] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Sugar Colt [King Record KICP 2592] linetti ���� (Thread 187831)
Sugar Colt [GDM CD Club 7017] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)

Marcello Gigante

Prega Dio E Scavati La Fossa [Saimel 3998912] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Wanted Johnny Texas [Saimel 3998912] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)

Marcello Giombini

Ballata Per Un Pistolero [GDM 2064] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Ehi Amico... C' Sabata, Hai Chiuso! [Verita Note VQCD-10076] jerocaspa ���� (Thread 187831)
Tornato Sabata... Hai Chiuso Un'Altra Volta [Verita Note VQCD-10077] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Sabata/The Return of Sabata [GDM 2024] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
The Sabata Trilogy [Quartet Records QR198] caledor ���� (Thread 187831)

Mario Migliardi

Il Venditore di Morte [GDM 2089] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Matalo! [GDM 2068] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Prega Il Morto E Ammazza Il Vivo [Beat Records CDCR 035] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)

Maurice Jarre

Soleil Rouge aka Red Sun jerocaspa ���� (Thread 187831)

[U]Michele Lacerenza

20.000 Dollari Sporchi Di Sangue [GDM 4113] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
L'Ira Di Dio [GDM 2069] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Mille Dollari Sul Nero [Beat Records BCM9527] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)

Nico Fidenco

4 Western Scores [RCA Records OST 129] paperugo ���� (Thread 187831)
All'Ombra Di Una Colt [GDM 2086] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
All'Ultimo Sangue [GDM 4102] azzurriman ���� (Thread 187831)
Campa Carogna La Taglia Cresce [Beat Records CDCR 108] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)
Dinamite Jim [GDM 4141] azzurriman ���� (Thread 187831)
John Il Bastardo [GDM 2075] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Lo Voglio Morto [GDM 4101, The Hillside Series] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Per il Gusto di Uccidere [GDM 4137] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Ringo Il Texano [GDM 4121] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Uno Di Piu' All'Inferno [GDM 4103] azzurriman ���� (Thread 187831)

Nino Oliviero

Ringo Del Nebraska [GDM 2053] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)

Nora Orlandi

10.000 Dollari Per Un Massacro/Per 100.000 Dollari T'Ammazzo [GDM 4127] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Clint Il Solitario [GDM 2063] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Johnny Yuma bundled with Arizona Colt [RCA Records OST 124] paperugo ���� (Thread 187831)
Johnny Yuma -Expanded- [GDM CD Club 7063] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
La Morte Non Conta i Dolllari [GDM CD Club 7044] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)

Piero Piccioni

La Spina Dorsale Del Diavolo [Legend CD 32 DLX] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)
Minnesota Clay [CAM CSE 078] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Minnesota Clay -Expanded- [GDM CD Club 7112] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Quel Caldo Maledetto Giorno di Fuoco/Attento Gringo... [Beat CDCR 31] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Se Incontri Sartana Prega Per La Tua Morte [Point Records PRCD 124] paperugo ���� (Thread 187831)
Se Incontri Sartana Prega Per La Tua Morte [Verita Note VQCD-10056] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Western Quartet [GDM CD Club 7006] Kobayashi-Maru ���� (Thread 187831)

Piero Umiliani

Crisantemi Per Un Branco Di Carogne [Beat Records BCM9510] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Dieci Bianchi Uccisi Da Un Piccolo Indiano [Cometa CMT 10010] linetti ���� (Thread 187831)
Il Figlio Di Django [GDM 4124] paperugo ���� (Thread 187831)
Roy Colt E Winchester Jack [Cinevox CD MDF 331] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)

Pino Calvi

La Feccia [The Revengers] [ScreenTrax CDST 317] caledor ���� (Thread 187831)

Pino Donaggio

Amore Piombo e Furore [China 9, Liberty 37] [Prometheus PCD 117] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Botte di Natale [Epic, EPC 478431-2] Kobayashi-Maru ���� (Thread 187831)

Pippo Caruso

Uccidete Johnny Ringo [Digitmovies CDDM274] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)

Riz Ortolani

Al Di L� Della Legge [GDM 2085] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)
I Giorni Dell'Ira [GDM 2076] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Old Shatterhand [Cobra CR 002] Kobayashi-Maru ���� (Thread 187831)
Una Ragione Per Vivere E Una Per Morire/La Notte Dei Serpenti [Digit CDDM145] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)

Roberto Pregadio

Franco E Ciccio Sul Sentiero Di Guerra [Digitmovies CDDM185] klane137 ���� (Thread 187831)
I Quattro Pistoleri di Santa Trinit [GDM 4125] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
L'Ultimo Killer/Un Buco In Fronte [GDM 2020] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)

Robby Poitevin

Il Suo Nome Gridava Vendetta [GDM 4112] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
Killer Calibro 32 [GDM 4120] jerocaspa ���� (Thread 187831)
Little Rita Nel West [GDM 4110] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Odia Il Prossimo Tuo [GDM 2077] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)

Sante Maria Romitelli

Spara, Gringo, Spara [GDM 2074] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)

Stefano Mainetti

Trinit� & Bambino [Beat Records CDF 077] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)

Stelvio Cipriani

Blindman [CDDM044] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
La Belva/Se T'Incontro, T'Ammazzo [GDM 4122] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Legge Della Violenza - Tutti O Nessuno [GDM 4311] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Mi Chiamano Alleluja & Il West Ti Va Stretto, Amico... Arrivato Alleluja [GDM 4119] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)
Nevada, El Mas Fabuloso Golpe Del Far-West [GDM CD Club 7114] Kobayashi-Maru ���� (Thread 187831)
The Bounty Killer [GDM 4155] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Un Uomo, Un Cavallo, Una Pistola [GDM 4154] zardoz22 ���� (Thread 187831)

Vasco Vassil Kojucharov

Dio Perdoni La Mia Pistola/Anche Per Django... [Beat CDCR 109] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)
La Colt Era Il Suo Dio [GDM 4147] zvonko1510 ���� (Thread 187831)
Tre Croci Per Non Morire/Se Vuoi Vivere...Spara [Beat CDCR 53] paperugo ���� (Thread 187831)
Una Lunga di Croci [Beat Records CDCR 035] szatan67 ���� (Thread 187831)

Waldo de los Ros

A Town Called Hell/Savage Pampas [SINGSCE-0003] klane137 ���� (Thread 187831)

...and will continue to

04-04-2015, 06:26 AM

04-04-2015, 06:26 AM

04-04-2015, 07:50 AM
Wonderful Project! Many thanks ....

04-04-2015, 07:53 AM

04-04-2015, 08:29 AM
Wonderful Project! Many thanks ....

Then post something!!! In lossless format of course.

04-04-2015, 09:05 AM
many thanks

Uncle Bela
04-04-2015, 01:40 PM
Great idea!! Thanks in advance for all the future shares. :)

04-04-2015, 02:09 PM
as can you open the file tak?

04-04-2015, 08:31 PM
as can you open the file tak?

In the folder components you have plugin for WinAmp & Foobar.

- If you use foobar2000 as default player, just double click on foo_input_tak file
- For WinAmp users: just extract to winamp plugins folder
or extract wherever and follow instructions in Readme.html file

* For this explanation, paperugo you are obliged to post some cd (spaghhetti western) on this thread in losslless if you have.

04-05-2015, 03:35 AM
Hello, it's me again!!!
Do not be lazy, let's help to post the more off the below, in lossless of course.

Ennio Morricone 1981] Occhio Alla Penna [Digitmovies CDDM071]

[03:21] 01. Non Fare L'indiano
[02:58] 02. Estasi Del Miracolo
[03:20] 03. Alleluja Del Buon Raccolto
[02:16] 04. L'ultima Tromba
[01:36] 05. Sfida All'ultima Forchetta
[01:04] 06. Grandino E Piccolone
[01:18] 07. Dal Sarto
[02:25] 08. Occhio Alla Penna
[01:44] 09. Pantomima Del Letto
[01:22] 10. Passaggio Dal Male Al Bene
[00:36] 11. Voahanana Manit�
[00:55] 12. Solo Il Piccolone
[02:23] 13. Prima Dei Pugni
[01:47] 14. Due Simpatici Zozzoni
[03:16] 15. Tanti Pugni
[00:52] 16. Occhio Alla Penna [#2]
[01:12] 17. Passaggio Dal Male Al Bene [#2]
[01:44] 18. Due Simpatici Zozzoni [#2]
[01:37] 19. Prima Dei Pugni [#2]
[00:58] 20. Solo Il Piccolone [#2]
[00:36] 21. Voahanana Manit� [#2]
[01:40] 22. Tanti Pugni [#2]
[01:34] 23. Passaggio Dal Male Al Bene [#3]
[03:17] 24. Prima Dei Pugni [#3]
[01:20] 25. Due Simpatici Zozzoni [#3]
[01:11] 26. L'ultima Tromba [#2]
[01:44] 27. Occhio Alla Penna [#3]

� Digitmovies, 2006 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | Stereo | HQ Scans | CDRip by zvonko1510

04-07-2015, 09:03 AM

Ennio Morricone 1975] Un Genio, Due Compari, Un Pollo [HCD-04]

[03:52] 01. Un Genio, Due Compari, Un Pollo
[02:42] 02. Pepper Chewing-Gum
[03:16] 03. Cavalcata ... Per Elisa
[01:11] 04. Un Bacio Asfissiante
[03:15] 05. Il Pollo
[02:11] 06. Suspense Per Joe
[03:37] 07. Quando Arriva L'Amore
[02:30] 08. Ansia Del'Oro
[02:36] 09. Questa Pazza, Pazza Corsa
[02:46] 10. Glory, Glory, Glory [sung by Catherine Howe]
[01:15] 11. Partita A Poker
[01:27] 12. Dolore E Gioia
[01:20] 13. La Miccia

Bonus Track

[05:28] 14. Autostop Rosso Sangue - M23

� Hexacord, 2001 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | Stereo | Brought by zvonko1510

04-15-2015, 09:07 PM
Many thanks!

04-18-2015, 07:56 AM

04-18-2015, 10:03 AM
What an awesome thread. Thanks to all the posters, and of course thanks to zvonko1510 for starting it.

04-18-2015, 10:33 AM
Le Maledette Pistole Di Dallas - Soundtrack (GDM 2010) (By Gioacchino Angelo) (1965) ( 5).rar)

---------- Post added at 03:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:30 AM ----------

Please link the ballad of hogue wired and dual in sun

---------- Post added at 03:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:38 AM ----------

---------- Post added at 03:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 AM ----------

Gigante - Wanted Johnny Texas (

Here Is The Place for Lossless Soundtracks Only, NOT MP3!!!

04-18-2015, 03:51 PM

04-18-2015, 04:01 PM
thanks for all the great shares.

04-18-2015, 06:08 PM
Thank you zvonko1510 for starting another super Italian Superpost, and also to you silviosilva for surpporting it with '1965 Le Maledette Pistole Di Dallas', '1967 Wanted Johnny Texas' and also '1969 20.000 Dollari Sporchi di Sangue (Kidnapping)', (appreciated, whatever the format).
Great thread guys. Again many thanks.

04-18-2015, 08:47 PM
Thank you for Wanted Johnny Texas

04-19-2015, 02:02 AM

04-19-2015, 04:59 AM

Uncle Bela
04-19-2015, 09:51 AM
Thank you for these great shares.

04-19-2015, 10:19 AM
dear my friend silviosilva you continue to make mistakes the place to share your files
This place is reserved only to the sharing of spaghetti westerns in flac format and not mp3
So if you want to share your soundtracks in mp3 format you have to open another superpost
have you understand finally ?

04-19-2015, 12:51 PM
Not worth, paperugo. I don't know in which language to explain silviosilva
that does not share lossy format here.

04-19-2015, 01:23 PM

04-19-2015, 02:32 PM
yes I have 3 Dollari Di Piombo (Three Dollars of Lead) By Gioacchino Angelo

then post somewhere or send me link a PM

04-19-2015, 05:25 PM

04-20-2015, 04:50 PM
Franco Micalizzi 1971] Lo Chiamavano Trinit�... [Digitmovies DPDM009]

The Original Album

[03:04] 01. Trinity: Titoli
[02:22] 02. Un Cowboy E Due Ragazze
[02:01] 03. Di Fronte Ai Killers
[02:00] 04. Trinity: Con La Stella Di Vicesceriffo
[01:32] 05. In Due Contro Tutti
[01:56] 06. C'� Un Temp Per Vivere
[01:27] 07. Mescal, Ladrone Messicano
[02:05] 08. Trinity: A Cavallo Lungo Il Fiume
[01:09] 09. Lazy Cowboy
[02:35] 10. C'� Un Tempo Per Vivere: I Mormoni Alla Riscossa
[01:10] 11. Trinity: Sempre In Guardia
[01:22] 12. Trinity: A Mollo Nella Tinozza
[03:25] 13.

Bonus Tracks

[03:20] 14. Trinity: Titoli [Film version]
[02:15] 15. Trinity: Sempre In Guardia [Alternate version]
[01:03] 16. Trinity: A Cavallo Lungo Il Fiume [Alternate version]
[01:01] 17. Mescal, Ladrone Messicano [Alternate version]
[01:17] 18. Trinity: Con La Stella Di Vicesceriffo [Alternate version]
[00:46] 19. In Due Contro Tutti [Alternate version]
[01:12] 20. Trinity: A Cavallo Lungo Il Fiume [Alternate version #2]
[01:28] 21. In Due Contro Tutti [Alternate version #2]
[05:50] 22. C'� Un Tempo Per Vivere [Alternate version]

The Rejected Score

[02:16] 23. Trinity's Valley #1
[03:15] 24. Trinity's Valley #2
[01:18] 25. Trinity's Valley #3

* Tracks 01, 13 & 14 sung by Annibale with I Cantori Moderni di Alessandroni

� Digitmovies DPDM009, 2013 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | Stereo | CDRip by zvonko1510

Guido & Maurizio De Angelis 1971] ...Continuavano A Chiamarlo Trinit�

[00:32] 01. Continuavano A Chiamarlo Trinit� - Seq. 1
[03:20] 02. Trinity Stand Tall [sung by Gene Roman]
[00:50] 03. Trinity E Bambino A San Jos�
[00:37] 04. Assalto Alla Diligenza
[01:17] 05. Ranchi Di Parker
[02:13] 06. Trinity En Bambino A San Jos�
[02:14] 07. Trinity E Bambino In Citt� [#1]
[02:21] 08. Trinity E Bambino In Citt� [#2]
[02:05] 09. Trinity E Bambino Al Ristorante
[00:44] 10. Trinity Stand Tall [Instr.]
[01:32] 11. Assalto Alla Diligenza
[01:43] 12. Il Carro Del Fiume
[01:39] 13. Remember [Instr.]
[01:19] 14. Continuavano A Chiamarlo Trinit� - Seq. 2
[03:12] 15. Bambino Se Confessa
[01:57] 16. Remember [Instr.]
[05:31] 17. Pace Alla Missione
[01:00] 18. Titoli Finale [sung by Gene Roman]
[04:17] 19. Remember [sung by Gene Roman]
[01:42] 20. Trinity E Bambino A San Jos�
[01:13] 21. Bar Di Notte
[01:01] 22. Continuavano A Chiamarlo Trinit� - Seq. 3
[02:20] 23. Trinity E Bambino In Citt�
[02:31] 24. Pace Alla Missione
[05:15] 25. Remember [sung by Gene Roman]

� Digitmovies DPDM010, 2013 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | Stereo | CDRip by zvonko1510

04-20-2015, 08:09 PM
Thank you Zvonko for Ringo :)

04-20-2015, 11:09 PM

04-23-2015, 12:14 AM
Silviosilva, si entiendes el castellano : Este hilo es exclusivamente para musica en formato Lossless. Por lo demas, agradecidos por tus aportes.

04-23-2015, 12:33 AM

04-23-2015, 12:56 AM
Sozinho formato Flac aqui, faz favor

05-03-2015, 07:49 AM
Ciao, ragazzi!
This is another western soundtrack from my collection originaly cd's.
Lo voglio morto [I Want Him Dead, 1968] IMDB ( is great movie by Paolo Bianchini with amazing music score who signs Nico Fidenco.
G. Cassia wrote the lyrics for the title song and Lida Lu donated unforgettable experience.

[B]Nico Fidenco 1968] Lo Voglio Morto [GDM 4101, The Hillside Series]

[02:35] 01. Clayton ballade
[02:17] 02. Clayton guitar
[01:56] 03. Galoppata tragica
[02:51] 04. Clayton [english version] sung by Lida Lu
[02:51] 05. Clayton [italian version] sung by Lida Lu
[02:18] 06. Clayton guitar [II]
[01:53] 07. Clayton ballade [II]
[02:15] 08. Clayton a cavallo
[01:30] 09. Pastorale
[01:41] 10. Verso il tramonto
[01:39] 11. Funny saloon
[02:42] 12. Fuggendo via
[02:09] 13. Pastorale [II]
[01:58] 14. Galoppata tragica [II]
[01:16] 15. Cantina
[02:57] 16. Serenita' e mistero
[02:00] 17. Inseguimento
[02:49] 18. Clayton duello
[01:39] 19. Tensione
[01:07] 20. Tensione [II]
[01:31] 21. Clayton in azione
[03:07] 22. Clayton in azione [parte II]
[03:19] 23. Prima della sfida
[04:32] 24. La sfida

bonus tracks

[02:49] 25. Clayton [base musicale M1]
[01:55] 26. Clayton [base musicale M36]

* tracks 4-5 lyrics by G. Cassia

� GDM Music, 2007 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | Stereo | CDRip by zvonko1510

05-03-2015, 02:50 PM

05-03-2015, 05:26 PM
zvonko1510 this flag and Fistful Of Dollars artwork, lossless. flag I hope I hit now to have an exit sastifatoria...?

05-04-2015, 10:45 PM

05-04-2015, 11:13 PM
My contribution so you feel less alone Zvonko :)

Carlo-Rustichelli - L'Uomo, L'Orgoglio, La Vendetta (2012)

Digitmovies CDDM218 - Uomo, L'Orgoglio, La Vendetta, L'- Soundtrack details - (
FLAC + Scans.

05-05-2015, 03:12 AM

05-05-2015, 03:28 AM
to zardoz22


About loneliness, there are not many of us who share lossless, and which is thus better.


All the best

---------- Post added at 04:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:22 AM ----------

zvonko1510 then I'll post my Lo voglio dead I Want Him Dead (1968) because that asks to install my player program opens with any cpu program.. the lossless track and a track so flag... 24 fixed but 2 bonus.

Are you drunk? Which player you use?
In the archives exist folder components and in it plug-in for foobar2000 & winamp.

05-05-2015, 05:00 AM
Many thanks zardoz22 for 'L'Uomo, L'Orgoglio, La Vendetta'.

05-05-2015, 05:05 AM
And now some of Ferrio

Gianni Ferrio 1967] A Few Bullets More [GDM 4159, Edizione 2012]

The complete film score in stereo

[01:20] 01. E Divenne Il Piu Spietato Bandito Del Sud [Seq. 01]
[02:14] 02. E Divenne Il Piu Spietato Bandito Del Sud [Seq. 02]
[01:18] 03. E Divenne Il Piu Spietato Bandito Del Sud [Seq. 03]
[01:52] 04. E Divenne Il Piu Spietato Bandito Del Sud [Seq. 04]
[01:33] 05. E Divenne Il Piu Spietato Bandito Del Sud [Seq. 05]
[02:38] 06. E Divenne Il Piu Spietato Bandito Del Sud [Seq. 06]
[01:56] 07. E Divenne Il Piu Spietato Bandito Del Sud [Seq. 07]
[01:58] 08. E Divenne Il Piu Spietato Bandito Del Sud [Seq. 08]
[02:07] 09. E Divenne Il Piu Spietato Bandito Del Sud [Seq. 09]
[03:20] 10. E Divenne Il Piu Spietato Bandito Del Sud [Seq. 10]
[01:19] 11. E Divenne Il Piu Spietato Bandito Del Sud [Seq. 11]
[02:38] 12. E Divenne Il Piu Spietato Bandito Del Sud [Seq. 12]
[01:29] 13. E Divenne Il Piu Spietato Bandito Del Sud [Seq. 13]
[02:06] 14. E Divenne Il Piu Spietato Bandito Del Sud [Seq. 14]
[03:32] 15. E Divenne Il Piu Spietato Bandito Del Sud [Seq. 15]
[01:21] 16. E Divenne Il Piu Spietato Bandito Del Sud [Seq. 16]
[01:19] 17. E Divenne Il Piu Spietato Bandito Del Sud [Seq. 17]
[01:46] 18. E Divenne Il Piu Spietato Bandito Del Sud [Seq. 18]

The original C.A.M. single in mono

[02:06] 19. Billy
[02:17] 20. Un Ragazzo Solo

� GDM Music, 2012 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | Inc. HQ Scans | CDRip by zvonko1510

05-05-2015, 11:19 AM
What a brilliant idea! Thanks a million for all these soundtracks, highly appreciated =)

05-05-2015, 01:43 PM
Muchas gracias Zardoz, por: "L�uomo, l�orgoglio, la vendetta".

05-05-2015, 01:54 PM
to silviosilva

Whether you wavpack suits? Any problem with play ferrio?

05-05-2015, 10:20 PM
My second contribution, a classic :)

Luis Bacalov - Django

GDM Music 4303 - Django- Soundtrack details - (
FLAC + Scans.

05-05-2015, 10:39 PM
Thank you zardoz for Django.

05-06-2015, 02:12 AM
Miraculously, zardoz22. Feel free to continue with Bacalov, I'm the thinnest, especially if you have GDM edition ''Il Prezzo Del Potere'' or ''Sugar Colt''.


05-06-2015, 07:23 PM
My third contribution :

Riz Ortolani - Al Di L� Della Legge

GDM Music 2085 - Al Di L? Della Legge- Soundtrack details - (
FLAC + Scans.

will let other people participate a bit now before i possibly post more :)

05-06-2015, 08:40 PM
BRAVO for Ortolani!!!!

Today I am prevented for upload because I have guests. Today is big day for me -DJURDJEVDAN-
But tomorrow expect more. You may receive some reinforcements.

---------- Post added at 09:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:39 PM ----------

By the way zardoz22, you inbox is full?

05-06-2015, 08:43 PM
By the way zardoz22, you inbox is full?

no, i received your message :)

05-06-2015, 10:10 PM
Thank you, zardoz22 for Al Di L� Della Legge.

05-07-2015, 07:13 AM
All'Ultimo Sangue (GDM) by Nico Fidenco
(!UstkWLBL!hlG2BfpYOZABGtZ1mDHkSszF9rukba1gwN3qaXj MdlY



Uncle Bela
05-07-2015, 08:03 AM
Thank you, azzurriman, for "All'Ultimo Sangue".

05-07-2015, 08:29 AM
BRAVO azzurriman for All'Ultimo Sangue, as this should!!!
I hope we get slowly serious reinforcements on thread.

-Lossless Strikes Back-

05-07-2015, 08:45 AM
What a superb thread. Thank you all!!

05-07-2015, 11:39 AM
Thank you, azzurriman.

05-08-2015, 12:01 AM
Riz Ortolani is missing in the list on the first page :)

stan tom
05-08-2015, 09:01 AM
Franco Micalizzi & Roberto Pregadio - Il Pistolero Dell'Ave Maria (1969) 2014 GDM

Download (!HV0lFCxZ!74oVaynMYrJ20GdNqN-gAg4q3arI0mc-PNa-OOIyHPY)

05-08-2015, 09:27 AM
Thank you stan tom for: "Il pistolero dell�Ave Maria".

05-08-2015, 10:56 AM
Thank you stan tom.

05-08-2015, 03:58 PM
Thank you azurriman and stan tom for your very welcome additions.

05-08-2015, 07:06 PM
-welcome to the club- stan tom
great & recently release

05-08-2015, 09:55 PM
Franco Micalizzi - Sei Jellato Amico, Hai Incontrato Sacramento - I due volti della paura

Digitmovies CDDM088 - Sei Jellato Amico, Hai Incontrato Sacramento- Soundtrack details - (
FLAC + Scans.

05-08-2015, 10:05 PM
to zardoz
Many thanks. I did not have this at all. (even the MP3 format)
You've asked me a difficult task. I'm coming tonight

more and more like this thread

stan tom
05-09-2015, 06:09 AM
Luis Bacalov - Il Prezzo Del Potere (1969) 2012 GDM (!DJ0ThQJD!EgHDzgg5Td0f4Cc08SPtk95P5ZuDrnUW-WLPDo9qTHw)

Fred Bongusto & Berto Pisano - Uno Dopo L'Altro (1968) 2006 GDM (!PR01CIba!J-ZI5Y9UenhybT9e1LTGx_zeYicWPwRsQ71tpcxUtGU)

05-09-2015, 11:22 AM
Once again, thank you all!

05-09-2015, 12:37 PM
I'm proud of you guys. No more normalized iTunes shit.
We can not nobody.

Carlo Savina 1966] Johnny Oro [GDM 4135]

[02:21] 01. Johnny Oro [Seq. 01 – Titoli Italian Vocal]
[02:55] 02. Johnny Oro [Seq. 02]
[02:23] 03. Johnny Oro [Seq. 03]
[02:21] 04. Johnny Oro [Seq. 04]
[01:12] 05. Johnny Oro [Seq. 05]
[02:12] 06. Johnny Oro [Seq. 06]
[02:13] 07. Johnny Oro [Seq. 07]
[04:27] 08. Johnny Oro [Seq. 08]
[04:15] 09. Johnny Oro [Seq. 09]
[02:26] 10. Johnny Oro [Seq. 10 – Titoli Instrumental]
[02:04] 11. Johnny Oro [Seq. 11]
[01:18] 12. Johnny Oro [Seq. 12]
[01:27] 13. Johnny Oro [Seq. 13]
[03:55] 14. Johnny Oro [Seq. 14]
[02:16] 15. Johnny Oro [Seq. 15]
[01:14] 16. Johnny Oro [Seq. 16]
[02:44] 17. Johnny Oro [Seq. 17]
[02:32] 18. Johnny Oro [Seq. 18]
[01:15] 19. Johnny Oro [Seq. 19]
[02:28] 20. Johnny Oro [Seq. 20 – Titoli English Vocal]
[02:24] 21. Johnny Oro [Seq. 21 – Titoli Karaoke]

� GDM Music, 2010 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | HQ Scans | CDRip by zvonko1510

05-09-2015, 01:41 PM
Muchas gracias Zvonko, por :"Death played the flute".

05-09-2015, 01:52 PM
Thanks. I didn't realize that there were so many spaghetti westerns made!

05-09-2015, 02:13 PM
we have barely scratched the surface of this so far drden :)

05-09-2015, 02:29 PM

For Exact Audio Copy or CueTools users, please leave extraction log in your archive.

All the best

05-10-2015, 02:25 AM
i am using Easy CD DA Extractor 12, don't think there is a logging option on that one.

05-10-2015, 11:57 AM
i am using Easy CD DA Extractor 12, don't think there is a logging option on that one.

I don't know. I can not use Easy CD DA Extractor because no support for my favourite format (tak).

---------- Post added at 12:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 PM ----------


Ennio Morricone 1969] C'era Una Volta Il West [GDM 2062]

[03:43] 01. C'era Una Volta Il West
[01:03] 02. L'Uomo
[02:40] 03. Il Grande Massacro
[00:55] 04. Arrivo Alla Stazione
[02:25] 05. L'Orchestraccia
[02:47] 06. L'America Di Jill
[02:27] 07. Armonica
[01:39] 08. La Posada N.1
[01:32] 09. Un Letto Troppo Grande
[01:47] 10. Jill
[01:52] 11. Frank
[01:16] 12. Cheyenne
[01:33] 13. La Posada N.2
[01:19] 14. La Posada N.3
[01:14] 15. Epilogo
[01:19] 16. Sul Tetto Del Treno
[03:30] 17. L'Uomo Dell'Armonica
[05:08] 18. In Una Stanza Con Poca Luce
[04:41] 19. L'Attentato
[00:57] 20. Ritorno Al Treno
[01:36] 21. Morton
[03:08] 22. Come Una Sentenza
[03:35] 23. Duello Finale
[01:44] 24. L'Ultimo Rantolo
[04:25] 25. Nascita Di Una Citta
[02:38] 26. Addio A Cheyenne
[04:08] 27. Finale

� GDM Music, 2005 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | Scans | CDRip by zvonko1510

05-10-2015, 02:36 PM

Ennio Morricone 1971] Gi� la Testa [Cinevox CD MDF 612, Edit 2006]

Cd1 [L'album originale]

[04:17] 01. Gi� la Testa
[01:43] 02. Amore
[01:42] 03. Mesa verde
[04:56] 04. Marcia degli accattoni
[06:06] 05. I figli morti
[00:55] 06. Addio Messico
[02:28] 07. Scherzi a parte
[05:00] 08. Messico e Irlanda
[09:07] 09. Invenzione per John
[06:45] 10. Rivoluzione contro
[03:23] 11. Dopo l'esplosione

Cd2 [Versioni film e takes alternativi]

[02:45] 01. Mesa verde #2
[03:07] 02. Gi� la Testa #2
[02:39] 03. Marcia degli accattoni #2
[01:44] 04. Mesa verde #3
[05:36] 05. Rivoluzione contro #2
[03:21] 06. Gi� la Testa #3
[03:04] 07. Dopo l'esplosione #2
[02:47] 08. Scherzi a parte #2
[04:33] 09. Messico e Irlanda #2
[07:53] 10. Invenzione per John #2
[01:44] 11. Gi� la Testa #4
[04:52] 12. Rivoluzione contro #3
[03:02] 13. Gi� la Testa #5
[04:21] 14. Dopo l'esplosione #3
[04:41] 15. Gi� la Testa #6

� Cinevox, 2006 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | Stereo | HQ Scans | CDRip by zvonko1510

Carlo Rustichelli 1968] Vado, Vedo E Sparo [Saimel 3997310]

previously issued on LP MDF 33/7

[01:56] 01. Vado, Vedo E Sparo
[02:42] 02. Galoppa Susanna
[02:05] 03. Una Borsa Preziosa
[01:53] 04. Dollari Al Sole
[01:02] 05. Una Strano Vecchietto
[02:04] 06. Non Viene, Non Vede Non Spara
[01:07] 07. Una Porta Pericolosa ...!
[01:29] 08. West, Fuoco E Fucili
[01:17] 09. Nostalgia Di Una Sera D'Agosto
[01:17] 10. I Tre Che Sconvolsero Il West
[01:00] 11. Una Dozzina Di Guai
[01:24] 12. In Attesa, Spariamo
[02:01] 13. Mexico Caliente
[01:36] 14. Corda Al Collo
[02:15] 15. Una Colt A Tre Fuochi
[02:02] 16. Il Segno Del Signore
[01:54] 17. Funerale D'Un Povero Negro!
[01:56] 18. Pianola Calibro 45

previously unreleased

[07:59] 19. Vado, Vedo E Sparo [suite #1]
[08:05] 20. Vado, Vedo E Sparo [suite #2]
[06:30] 21. Vado, Vedo E Sparo [suite #3]

� Saimel, 2006 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | Stereo | Scans | CDRip by zvonko1510

Please rate thread, press icon with THUMB UP (sign your comment) & send me PM!!!!
Don't ask more than one score at a time. Message with multiple request will be ignored

05-11-2015, 07:22 AM
Does anyone have a link to this as separate mp3 files instead of one massive recording for the following...

Gianni Ferrio ‎– ... E Divenne Il Pi� Spietato Bandito Del Sud (A Few Bullets More) (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack In Full Stereo)

05-11-2015, 12:21 PM
zvonko1510 the tracks was good so it lacked against the cover with names of tracks Daniele Patucchi 1972] Death Played the Flute

05-11-2015, 02:44 PM

Il Figlio Di Django Piero Umiliani GDM Music 4124 2009 Flac
1. Il Figlio Di Django (Titoli Base Strumenale) (01:28)
2. Triste Deguello (02:09)
3. La Sfida (03:09)
4. Verso La Citt� (03:14)
5. Il Sospetto (01:04)
6. Libero E Selvaggio (04:56)
7. They Called Him Django (03:05) sung by John Balfour
8. Tracy Il Pistolero (00:56)
9. Nella Valle (01:15)
10. Saloon (02:11)
11. Cavalcata (01:35)
12. Piano Saloon (00:43)
13. In Memoria Di Django (02:31)
14. Missione Segreta (02:20)
15. Falsa Tranquillit� (03:15)
16. Piano Saloon (Versione Alternativa) (00:52)
17. Attesa E Azione (01:23)
18. Un Eroe Nel Canyon (01:21)
19. Nostalgia Del Padre (00:58)
20. Cavalcata (Versione 2) (02:02)
21. They Called Him Django (Base Strumentale) (03:04)
22. They Called Him Django (Versione Album) (02:57) sung by John Balfour
PM for the link !

05-11-2015, 03:12 PM

05-11-2015, 03:38 PM
to paperugo
Wellcome on best thread my dearfriend!

05-11-2015, 07:43 PM
Does anyone have a link to this as separate mp3 files instead of one massive recording for the following...

Gianni Ferrio ‎� ... E Divenne Il Pi� Spietato Bandito Del Sud (A Few Bullets More) (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack In Full Stereo)

this is a lossless thread,
if you need mp3 you can get/Ask there :

05-11-2015, 09:48 PM
Guys, this is a goldmine.
So many hard-to-get scores in lossless quality.
Thank you all so very much for your shares !!!!
I'm truly grateful for all of your contributions.

05-11-2015, 09:53 PM
to Kobayashi-Maru

This is thread only for spaghetti western soundtracks!

05-12-2015, 02:37 AM
Nora Orlandi 1967] 10.000 Dollari Per Un Massacro/Per 100.000 Dollari T'Ammazzo

[02:19] 01. 10.000 Dollari Per Un Massacro-The Ten Thousand Dollars For A Massacre
[02:03] 02. Il Socio-The Partner
[01:19] 03. Tradimento-Betrayal
[00:59] 04. Criminali-Criminals
[01:48] 05. Rapimento-Kidnapping
[01:08] 06. La Figlia-The Daughter
[01:24] 07. Il Padre-The Father
[01:24] 08. La Promessa-The Promise
[01:38] 09. Django Per Diecimila Dollari-Django For The Ten Thousand Dollars
[01:36] 10. Denaro-Money
[00:52] 11. La Missione-The Mission
[01:10] 12. Pajarito
[02:08] 13. Il Massacro-The Massacre
[01:19] 14. Il Socio-The Partner [II]
[02:06] 15. La Ragazza-The Girl
[01:55] 16. Il Massacro-The Massacre [II]
[04:22] 17. Liberazione-Liberation
[02:11] 18. Oro Insanguinato
[01:45] 19. All'Ultimo Sangue-The Last Blood
[01:59] 20. Il Giorno Dell'Odio-The Hate Day
[02:39] 21. Il Cacciatore-Head Hunter
[02:32] 22. L'Accusa-The Accusation
[01:21] 23. Parricidio-Parricide
[01:07] 24. La Taglia-Teh Reward
[03:11] 25. Soldati-Sodiers
[01:01] 26. Caccia Al Fratello-Brother Hunt
[01:08] 27. Il Duello-The Duel
[01:21] 28. La Taglia-Teh Reward [II]
[01:18] 29. Parricidio-Parricide [II]
[01:41] 30. Il Duello-The Duel [II]
[01:23] 31. Infanzia-Childhood

* Tracks 01-18 from ''10.000 Dollari Per Un Massacro, 1967''
* Tracks 19-31 from ''Per 100.000 Dollari T'Ammazzo, 1967''

� GDM Music | GDM 4127, 2009 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | Stereo | CDRip by zvonko1510

05-12-2015, 05:12 PM
Ennio Morricone 2005] Il Grande Silenzio/Un Bellissimo Novembre [CDCR 27]

[02:31] 01. Il grande silenzio [restless]
[02:27] 02. Passaggi nel tempo
[02:02] 03. E l'amore verr�
[02:05] 04. Barbara e tagliente
[02:34] 05. Prima che volino i corvi
[03:31] 06. Immobile
[01:57] 07. Viaggio
[02:42] 08. Voci nel deserto
[03:23] 09. Gli assassini e la madre
[04:03] 10. Invito all'amore
[01:14] 11. Ne vecchio saloon [silent love]
[04:28] 12. L'ultimo gesto
[01:45] 13. Dopo il martirio
[02:40] 14. Nuddu
[02:47] 15. Sensi
[03:09] 16. Buio mattino
[02:47] 17. Ancora pi� dolcemente
[02:43] 18. Nuddu [vocal by Fausto Cigliano]

* Tracks 01-13 from "Il Grande Silenzio, 1968"
* Tracks 14-18 from "Un Bellissimo Novembre, 1969"

� Beat Records, 2005 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | Scans | CDRip by zvonko1510

05-12-2015, 09:35 PM
has someone of you to share in format LOSSLESS Un dollaro bucato by Gianni Ferrio Digitmovies 2013 ?
Many Thanks in advance

05-12-2015, 09:35 PM
you are going too fast Zvonko : i can't keep up !!! :)

---------- Post added at 02:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:35 PM ----------

has someone of you to share in format LOSSLESS Un dollaro bucato by Gianni Ferrio Digitmovies 2013 ?
Many Thanks in advance

i will. give me a couple days.

05-12-2015, 09:44 PM
Thanks Zvonko for Il Grande Silenzio/Un Bellissimo Novembre in lossless!!! :)

05-12-2015, 11:15 PM
Bah, why wait a couple of days :)

Gianni Ferrio - Un Dollaro Bucato

Digitmovies CDDM245 - Dollaro Bucato, Un- Soundtrack details - (
FLAC + Scans.

05-13-2015, 12:08 AM
Thank you, zardoz22, for Un Dollaro Bucato.

Uncle Bela
05-13-2015, 04:43 AM
zvonko1510 - Thank you for the two Nora Orlandi soundtracks.

zardoz22 - Thank you for Un Dollaro Bucato.

05-13-2015, 09:02 AM
Thank you Zardoz, for: "Un dollaro bucato".

05-13-2015, 09:41 AM
The Sabata Trilogy (3-CD SET) - Quartet Records

Here is the flac links of The Sabata Trilogy (3-CD SET) from Quartet Records

Adios Sabata!uxomDLxI!gmH3QUvMzjPtvvGnKiTmV0WdgeBIEusHNLYmfIC vbBg

Return Of Sabata!Lp5HFShR!tatdFor9QNXX0kSWDYYJ2HIqj2AKhRX0dlT-E9Za0AE

05-13-2015, 10:46 AM
The Sabata Trilogy (3-CD SET) - Quartet Records

Here is the flac links of The Sabata Trilogy (3-CD SET) from Quartet Records

Adios Sabata!uxomDLxI!gmH3QUvMzjPtvvGnKiTmV0WdgeBIEusHNLYmfIC vbBg

Return Of Sabata!Lp5HFShR!tatdFor9QNXX0kSWDYYJ2HIqj2AKhRX0dlT-E9Za0AE

Info about this release

Marcello Giombini, Bruno Nicolai - Sabata Trilogy [Quartet Records, Edit 2015]


01. Ehi amico... c�e� Sabata, hai Chiuso! [Titoli] [01:52]
02. Ehi amico... c�e� Sabata, hai Chiuso! [L�Attesa] [02:00]
03. Ehi amico... c�e� Sabata, hai Chiuso! [Nel covo di Sengel] [03:08]
04. Ehi amico... c�e� Sabata, hai Chiuso! [Verso Los Saloe] [01:37]
05. Ehi amico... c�e� Sabata, hai Chiuso! [Saloon] [01:42]
06. Ehi amico... c�e� Sabata, hai Chiuso! [Desolazione] [01:17]
07. Ehi amico... c�e� Sabata, hai Chiuso! [Banjo] [01:09]
08. Ehi amico... c�e� Sabata, hai Chiuso! [Vocal] [02:43]
09. Ehi amico... c�e� Sabata, hai Chiuso! [Morte di Stengel] [02:42]
10. Ehi amico... c�e� Sabata, hai Chiuso! [Auira Banjo] [02:37]
11. Ehi amico... c�e� Sabata, hai Chiuso! [L�Agguato] [01:05]
12. Ehi amico... c�e� Sabata, hai Chiuso! [Saloon 2] [01:55]
13. Ehi amico... c�e� Sabata, hai Chiuso! [La vendetta] [02:43]
14. Ehi amico... c�e� Sabata, hai Chiuso! [Suite 1] [07:26]
15. Ehi amico... c�e� Sabata, hai Chiuso! [Suite 2] [04:02]
16. Ehi amico... c�e� Sabata, hai Chiuso! [Suite 3] [04:53]
17. Ehi amico... c�e� Sabata, hai Chiuso! [Banjo - single version] [02:30]
18. Ehi amico... c�e� Sabata, hai Chiuso! [Alternate take 1] [01:50]
19. Ehi amico... c�e� Sabata, hai Chiuso! [Alternate take 2] [02:38]
20. Ehi amico... c�e� Sabata, hai Chiuso! [Alternate take 3] [01:51]
21. Ehi amico... c�e� Sabata, hai Chiuso! [Vocal - in tedesco] [02:36]


01. Indio Black [Main theme] [03:07]
02. Indio Black [The big fight] [03:43]
03. Indio Black [Main theme #2] [01:57]
04. Indio Black [Action sequence] [05:18]
05. Indio Black [Main theme #3] [01:27]
06. Indio Black [Suspence sequence] [01:38]
07. Indio Black [Main theme #4] [01:45]
08. Indio Black [Stompede] [01:43]
09. Indio Black [Main theme #5] [02:13]
10. Indio Black [Suspence sequence #2] [01:29]
11. Indio Black [Main theme #6] [02:16]
12. Indio Black [Suspence sequence #3] [05:06]
13. Indio Black [Main theme #7] [01:04]
14. Indio Black [Deguello] [03:35]
15. Indio Black [Pastorale] [02:04]
16. Indio Black [Suspence sequence #4] [04:41]
17. Indio Black [Action sequence #2] [02:12]
18. Indio Black [End theme] [01:36]
19. Indio Black [Theme - piano version] [02:31]
20. Indio Black [Mariachi] [01:22]
21. Indio Black [Mexican choir] [01:35]
22. Indio Black [Mariachi 2] [01:17]
23. Indio Black [Side A] [02:12]
24. Indio Black [Side B] [02:48]


01. E� Tornato Sabata... hai Chiuso un�altra volta [Titoli - Seq.01] [02:12]
02. E� Tornato Sabata... hai Chiuso un�altra volta [Seq.02] [02:10]
03. E� Tornato Sabata... hai Chiuso un�altra volta [Seq.03] [01:22]
04. E� Tornato Sabata... hai Chiuso un�altra volta [Seq.04] [01:25]
05. E� Tornato Sabata... hai Chiuso un�altra volta [Seq.05] [02:37]
06. E� Tornato Sabata... hai Chiuso un�altra volta [Seq.06] [01:25]
07. E� Tornato Sabata... hai Chiuso un�altra volta [Seq.07] [02:14]
08. E� Tornato Sabata... hai Chiuso un�altra volta [Seq.08] [01:12]
09. E� Tornato Sabata... hai Chiuso un�altra volta [Seq.09] [01:58]
10. E� Tornato Sabata... hai Chiuso un�altra volta [Seq.10] [01:28]
11. E� Tornato Sabata... hai Chiuso un�altra volta [Seq.11] [03:50]
12. E� Tornato Sabata... hai Chiuso un�altra volta [Seq.12] [02:44]
13. E� Tornato Sabata... hai Chiuso un�altra volta [Seq.13] [02:37]
14. E� Tornato Sabata... hai Chiuso un�altra volta [Seq.14] [00:54]
15. E� Tornato Sabata... hai Chiuso un�altra volta [Seq.15] [02:05]
16. E� Tornato Sabata... hai Chiuso un�altra volta [Seq.16] [02:26]
17. E� Tornato Sabata... hai Chiuso un�altra volta [Seq.17] [03:59]
18. E� Tornato Sabata... hai Chiuso un�altra volta [Finale - Seq.18] [04:23]

� Quartet Records QR198, 2015 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | 3x CD Box-Set

05-13-2015, 11:09 AM
many thanks zardoz22, for your quick response and sharing one of my favorite "spaghetti western "soundtrack
For case in your so extended collection do you have even Joe cercati un posto per morire by Gianni Ferrio GDM and I lunghi giorni della vendetta by Armando Trovajoli GDM or Verita Note ?
I thank you in advance

05-13-2015, 01:00 PM
Thanks for the Sabata stuff!!

One question: Is it possible to tag the cds while ripping? For example: "Main theme" instead of "Track 1" etc.

That would be the icing on the cake for these already awesome posts!!!

05-13-2015, 02:40 PM
at paperugo request

Gianni Ferrio 1968] Joe! Cercati Un Posto Per Morire [GDM 4104]

The Original Album [In Mono]

[01:40] 01. Find A Place To Die
[01:42] 02. El Chato [Prateria]
[01:51] 03. Rio Verde
[03:10] 04. Era Un Cow-Boy [sung by Jula De Palma]
[02:43] 05. Find A Place To Die
[01:14] 06. El Chato
[01:44] 07. Joe Non Perdona
[02:15] 08. Rio Verde
[00:58] 09. Oro Amaro
[01:20] 10. El Chato [Canyon]
[00:53] 11. Il Ragno
[01:04] 12. El Chato [Suite]
[02:18] 13. Galoppa Cavallo
[03:05] 14. Find A Place To Die [sung by Jula De Palma]

The Film Score [In Full Stereo]

[02:39] 15. Un Cow-Boy Di Nome Joe
[04:02] 16. Proittili Infuocati
[05:14] 17. Uno Contro Tutti
[01:48] 18. Un Posto Per Morire
[02:18] 19. Nostalgia di Joe
[01:40] 20. Cavalcando Lontano
[03:56] 21. Ricordi
[03:08] 22. Tensione e Tenerezza
[02:14] 23. I Nemici
[01:30] 24. Triste Deguello
[02:05] 25. In Viaggio
[03:33] 26. Duello
[04:28] 27. Vendetta di Joe [Finale]

� GDM Music, 2007 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | Scans | CDRip by zvonko1510

05-13-2015, 08:20 PM
I thank you zvonko1510 for your rapid sharing
Unfortunately, the file " talk " does not open with program "cue" and I do not know how to do for opening of the file in another way
Can You give me advice ?

05-13-2015, 08:46 PM
paperugo utiliza otro programa para hacer este tipo de pista de un programa para usar y muy pr�ctico y que resutado su Quizer yo enviar� la descripci�n del progama ..

05-13-2015, 09:20 PM
I thank you zvonko1510 for your rapid sharing
Unfortunately, the file " talk " does not open with program "cue" and I do not know how to do for opening of the file in another way
Can You give me advice ?

The best way is to install one of the following players:

* foobar2000 (
tak plugin for foobar (

* aimp3 (

They have the full TAK & CUE support. With them you can and convert to another format.

My recommendation is foobar2000, currently the best free player for windows.

This all applies if you are using windows, other operating systems for now do not support tak, as far as I know.

Let me know what you've done.

05-13-2015, 09:28 PM
I'm sorry but I still do not understand your language

---------- Post added at 02:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:23 PM ----------

I'm not very practical in the use of these programs
Therefore I ask you to share this ost with flac format please
thank you

05-13-2015, 09:38 PM
Instruction for tak decompression to wav file

* Download this TAK_2.3.0 Final ~ 1 MB from HERE (])
* Extract
* In folder application is located Tak.exe. Copy this on folder where the file you want to decompress to wav.
* Double click on Tak.exe and follows the following image.

* Resulting .wav file is located in the same folder as well as .tak file.
* Finally open .cue file with WordPad or Notepad and replace .tak with .wav.


I suggest you do this, because I'm still post your CDs in tak.

05-13-2015, 10:53 PM
you can also use this program (free and far more complete),
TAudioConverter Audio Converter | (

open the tak file, chose output format (FLAC in your case)
press start and it is done.

05-14-2015, 08:14 AM
thank you very much for your kind patience: with your suggestions I managed to extract the tracks

05-14-2015, 03:29 PM
Nobody no share anything today?
Who, how and why killed azzurriman? Come in, man, at least we know you're alive.

05-14-2015, 04:38 PM
zvonko1510 tu trabajo y bueno y que ta conseguir la gente colobara��o medida de lo posible, por ejemplo, que tengo sobre 5.000 pista, pero s� tiene rastro que no pueden publicar deicho he puesto un par de d�as m�s tarde porque digo al colector pero mucho bien comunicado con su trabajo Espero que entiendas la spanhor.ate m�s ...

05-14-2015, 04:51 PM
Prize question for all: who is this language? Where he is in the use of?

05-14-2015, 04:54 PM
I Think it is Portuguese, machine-translated into Spanish.

He praises your work and hopes you'll continue.

He also says that he has in excess of 5000 tracks, but cannot publish them for some reason I do not understand. Maybe going back to the 'lossless' argument. And that he needs a few days to do whatever.

05-14-2015, 05:30 PM
Damn : and it takes a jamaican sherlock holmes to understand all that ! :)

---------- Post added at 10:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:03 AM ----------

Riz Ortolani - Una Ragione Per Vivere E Una Per Morire - La Notte Dei Serpenti

Digitmovies CDDM145 - Ragione Per Vivere E Una Per Morire, Una- Soundtrack details - (
FLAC + Scans.
Missing additional Scans :

05-14-2015, 06:48 PM
I Think it is Portuguese, machine-translated into Spanish.

He praises your work and hopes you'll continue.

He also says that he has in excess of 5000 tracks, but cannot publish them for some reason I do not understand. Maybe going back to the 'lossless' argument. And that he needs a few days to do whatever.

Brother, you do not just think you deserve a reward, but for the effort involved should get a special early retirement.
Your reward is coming.

---------- Post added at 07:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:44 PM ----------

Prize for HansJam. I hope you're satisfied.

Francesco De Masi 1965] Il Ranch Degli Spietati [Oklahoma John]

[01:59] 01. Oklahoma John [choir: I Cantori Moderni di Alessandroni]
[02:00] 02. Il ranch degli spietati - Seq. 01
[01:24] 03. Il ranch degli spietati - Seq. 02
[01:09] 04. Il ranch degli spietati - Seq. 03
[02:40] 05. Il ranch degli spietati - Seq. 04
[02:08] 06. Il ranch degli spietati - Seq. 05
[01:23] 07. Il ranch degli spietati - Seq. 06
[02:00] 08. Il ranch degli spietati - Seq. 07
[02:24] 09. Il ranch degli spietati - Seq. 08
[01:24] 10. Il ranch degli spietati - Seq. 09
[01:51] 11. Il ranch degli spietati - Seq. 10
[01:12] 12. Il ranch degli spietati - Seq. 11
[02:19] 13. Il ranch degli spietati - Seq. 12
[02:40] 14. Il ranch degli spietati - Seq. 13
[01:16] 15. Il ranch degli spietati - Seq. 14
[02:21] 16. Il ranch degli spietati - Seq. 15
[01:10] 17. Il ranch degli spietati - Seq. 16
[02:59] 18. Il ranch degli spietati - Seq. 17
[02:24] 19. Il ranch degli spietati - Seq. 18
[01:54] 20. Il ranch degli spietati - Seq. 19
[01:06] 21. Il ranch degli spietati - Seq. 20
[01:07] 22. Il ranch degli spietati - Seq. 21
[01:59] 23. Il ranch degli spietati - Seq. 22

� Beat Records, 2012 | Cat. CDCR 98 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | Scans | CDRip by zvonko1510

05-14-2015, 07:09 PM
i am satisfied too , i have almost no De Masi, so thanks for this one :)

05-14-2015, 08:30 PM
I appreciate the gesture, but - unfortunately - I've got it already. However, I cannot participate in this thread because my entire collection is based on mp3's. And I do not want to get into any arguments over lossless formats.

05-14-2015, 09:00 PM
As we say in french : a sin confessed is already half forgiven :)

05-14-2015, 09:03 PM
HansJam also do not want to argue and so I try to put the tracks in my firm so that goes from the original format until these expanded ...

05-14-2015, 09:25 PM
I appreciate the gesture, but - unfortunately - I've got it already. However, I cannot participate in this thread because my entire collection is based on mp3's. And I do not want to get into any arguments over lossless formats.

I'd sooner kill than to hear Bob Marley from mp3. Comes into consideration only VINYL and some oldtimer eg. TECHNICS SL 1210 mk2.
Acoustics is the science and not be subject to different opinions.

Best regards

05-14-2015, 09:42 PM

05-15-2015, 03:24 PM
Outstanding movie, even better soundtrack.

Luis Enriquez Bacalov 1966] Qui�n Sabe? [GDM CD Club 7014]

The Original Parade Album [stereo Mix]

[03:48] 01. Ya Me Voy
[02:04] 02. En La Sierra
[02:25] 03. La Fusilacion
[01:52] 04. Peones
[04:11] 05. Fiesta En San Miguel
[03:25] 06. Qui�n Sabe
[03:09] 07. Al Tren!
[02:32] 08. Qui�n Sabe [Guitar]
[03:43] 09. Ya Me Voy [Final]

The Orchestral Film Score [mono Mix]

[02:37] 10. Qui�n Sabe [alternate version #1]
[01:18] 11. Al Tren! [alternate version #1]
[03:52] 12. Qui�n Sabe [alternate version #2]
[02:09] 13. Qui�n Sabe [Funny Mexico]
[03:17] 14. Al Tren! [alternate version #2]
[02:47] 15. Qui�n Sabe [Riot Plans]
[02:10] 16. Ya Me Voy [Original Finale - Film Mix]
[03:08] 17. Qui�n Sabe [Short Takes Suite]

The Film Score: Source Music [mono Mix]

[01:31] 18. Qui�n Sabe [Mariachi #1]
[01:08] 19. Qui�n Sabe [Mariachi #2]
[01:17] 20. Qui�n Sabe [Mariachi #3]
[01:13] 21. Ya Me Voy [Mariachi #1]
[01:09] 22. Ya Me Voy [Mariachi #2]
[00:50] 23. Qui�n Sabe [Saloon Concertino]

Archives Bonus Tracks [mono Mix]

[03:44] 24. Ya Me Voy [Original Main Titles - Film Mix]
[02:02] 25. Ya Me Voy [Original Finale - Alt. Film Mix]

� GDM Music, 2002 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | Scans | CDRip by zvonko1510

05-16-2015, 04:28 PM
We still have more work ahead to up all italian western scores ! :)

05-17-2015, 11:51 AM
My Contribution: Armando Trovajoli: I Lunghi Giorni Della Vendetta [FLAC]

GDM CD Club 7021

Country Italy
Format CD
Release Date 2004

Track listing

1. I Lunghi Giorni Della Vendetta (01:08) Titoli
2. I Lunghi Giorni Della Vendetta (02:08)
3. Ombre Al Tromonto (01:05)
4. L'Imboscata (01:24)
5. La Prateria (01:08)
6. L'Attesa (01:12)
7. Duello Disperato (01:05)
8. Inseguendo Il Sole (01:42)
9. Sole Alto (01:57)
10. Dopo Il Duello (01:00)
11. Ennio, Prendi Il Fucile (01:34)
12. L'Attesa (02:46)
13. Vai, Cow-Boy, Vai (01:08)
14. I Lunghi Giorni Della Vendetta (03:09)
15. Deserto Infuocato (01:34)
16. Sfida Per Una Vendetta (01:53)
17. Amore Per Una Squaw (02:16)
18. Passi Nella Notte (01:12)
19. Sole Basso (01:42)
20. Dopo Il Duello (04:15)
21. La Prateria (02:42)
22. I Lunghi Giorni Della Vendetta (01:29)
23. Fatti Il Segno Della Croce (01:42)
24. Un Solo Colpo (02:44)
25. I Lunghi Giorni Della Vendetta (04:00)
26. I Lunghi Giorni (01:44)
27. I Lunghi Giorni (01:21)
28. Muori O Vivi (02:43)
29. Muori O Vivi (01:21)
30. Rabbia E Amore (01:08)
31. Tutto Finisce All'Alba (01:34)

Total Duration: 00:57:46

Pt.1 :
Pt.2 :
Pt.3 :

05-17-2015, 11:59 AM
Nice one Koba :)

05-17-2015, 01:08 PM
Many thanks to all who have shared in this thread. I will now be able to delete my mp3's.

05-17-2015, 01:58 PM
Bruno Nicolai - El Cisco

Digitmovies CDDM047 - Cisco, El- Soundtrack details - (
FLAC + Scans.

05-17-2015, 02:59 PM
.....dBpoweramp Batch Converter

05-17-2015, 03:39 PM
Silvio , voc� esqueceu o link ;)

voc� tamb�m pode especificar a edi��o ? Quartet Records QRSCE007 ?

uma pequena foto da capa tamb�m ser� apreciado.

05-17-2015, 04:01 PM
zardoz22 I was generating the link ta now posted

Unfortunately I can't post the coveres..

05-17-2015, 05:50 PM
zardoz22 I was generating the link ta now posted

Unfortunately I can't post the coveres..

The Hills Run Red is not CDRip, probably conversion mp3 to flac.
We do not need this here.

Why are you trying so hard to do something you do not understand?

---------- Post added at 06:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:40 PM ----------

to Kobayashi:
Nice start my friend. Keep it up.

to zardoz:
Great that you opened Nicolai.

Guys, I'm back with uploading 01. 06. 2015 when I get back from a business trip.
Until then I will follow you with pleasure if we work permit.

Greetings to all!!!

05-17-2015, 08:59 PM
if you don't have any CD to post, don't post, it's fine :)

converting mp3 to lossless is like puting a wig on a donkey and saying it is a woman : it is a very bad idea :)

05-19-2015, 12:58 AM

05-19-2015, 10:15 AM
Dinamite Jim (GDM) by Nico Fidenco!9QpHCSBK!T_wOvNsEYQtu3Ay1S9t9gQqvtAV7svfQguIeyRm Qtg4



05-19-2015, 07:44 PM
surprising password azzurriman ! ;)

05-20-2015, 08:27 PM
Angelo Francesco Lavagnino - Dio Non Paga Il Sabato

GDM 4131 - Dio Non Paga Il Sabato- Soundtrack details - (
FLAC + Scans.

05-20-2015, 08:42 PM
zardoz22 low cd ballad per un gunman analyzes the audio ...

05-21-2015, 01:13 AM
Excellent Project! Thanks a lot!

05-21-2015, 01:37 AM
espm06 heard Preparati La Bara..

05-21-2015, 02:01 AM
Hi! I dont't have them in lossless. Could I post by mp3 320@?

05-21-2015, 02:15 AM
ok can espm06

05-21-2015, 02:57 AM
Thanks and thanks! Great!

05-21-2015, 10:24 AM
Thanks zardoz22 for Dio Non Paga Il Sabato.

05-21-2015, 06:30 PM
Zardoz the cost for this issue can be divided. How we get the euro?
Just kidding. Case solved, Ortolani is closed.

Riz Ortolani 1967] I Giorni Dell'Ira [GDM 2076]

The original Italian album in mono

[02:50] 01. I Giorni Dell'Ira
[02:27] 02. Senza Piet�
[02:49] 03. Una Notte Serena
[01:30] 04. L'Arma Del Killer
[02:56] 05. Fino All'Ultimo Colpo
[01:22] 06. I Giorni Dell'Ira [#2]
[02:59] 07. Fino All'Ultimo Colpo [#2]
[01:35] 08. Violenza, Odio [#2]
[03:42] 09. Una Notte Serena [#2]
[02:30] 10. Un Uomo Forte
[01:25] 11. Fino All'Ultimo Colpo [#3]

The film score - world premiere recording in full stereo

[03:08] 12. I Giorni Dell'Ira [#3]
[02:52] 13. Una Notte Serena [#3]
[01:30] 14. L'Arma Del Killer [#2]
[01:45] 15. I Giorni Dell'Ira [#4]
[01:28] 16. Violenza, Odio [#2]
[02:56] 17. Fino All'Ultimo Colpo [#4]
[02:49] 18. Una Notte Serena [#4]
[03:01] 19. Fino All'Ultimo Colpo [#5]
[01:55] 20. I Giorni Dell'Ira [#5]
[02:29] 21. Un Uomo Forte [#2]
[01:13] 22. I Giorni Dell'Ira [#6]
[01:50] 23. Fino All'Ultimo Colpo [#6]
[01:21] 24. I Giorni Dell'Ira [#7]
[01:49] 25. Violenza, Odio [#3]
[01:19] 26. L'Arma Del Killer [#3]
[01:19] 27. I Giorni Dell'Ira [#8]

� GDM Music, 2006 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | Scans | CDRip by zvonko1510

05-21-2015, 06:57 PM
i have it but i have to do the scans : so you ll have to wait a few days :)

---------- Post added at 11:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:56 AM ----------

Hi! I dont't have them in lossless. Could I post by mp3 320@?

this is a lossless thread so please post mp3 on another thread (a new one or one of the superpost)

05-21-2015, 07:02 PM
i have it but i have to do the scans : so you ll have to wait a few days :)

---------- Post added at 11:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:56 AM ----------

this is a lossless thread so please post mp3 on another thread (a new one or one of the superpost)

Please post tonight (important to me) I have to get back to work in the morning. Scans you'll post later.
If you're with me tonight there will be more posts.


05-21-2015, 08:09 PM

05-21-2015, 08:49 PM
should be ready in 45 mns.

05-21-2015, 09:54 PM
Carlo Rustichelli - La Collina Degli Stivali

CDDM020 - Collina Degli Stivali, La- Soundtrack details - (
FLAC + Scans.

05-21-2015, 10:39 PM
Muchas gracias Zvonko, por: "I giorni dell�ira".

05-21-2015, 11:29 PM
Express thanks zardoz for this Rustichelli. This looks like team work, only to join us Kob or azzurriman.

---------- Post added at 12:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 AM ----------

This is at the request. Do not send me anymore your demands via PM if you wish to remain anonymous.
This edition exist on board.

Ennio Morricone 1968] Guns for San Sebastian [FSM Vol.9 No.14]

Original Soundtrack

[03:45] 01. The Overture
[02:48] 02. Prologue/The Chase
[01:46] 03. Church Music/Sneaking Away
[05:11] 04. The Long Trek
[01:29] 05. The Assault
[02:46] 06. The Bandit/Leon Tied/Bleeding Statue
[02:01] 07. Love Theme From Guns for San Sebastian [Kinita's Plea]
[01:08] 08. Restoring the Village
[02:04] 09. Teclo Shamed/Surveying the Fields
[01:27] 10. Building the Dam/Hymn for San Sebastian
[01:56] 11. Leon Fights Tecto
[02:37] 12. The Burning Village
[02:52] 13. Love Theme From Guns for San Sebastian [Leon Tells His Love]
[02:54] 14. Love Theme From Guns for San Sebastian [Leon Leaves Kinita]
[01:51] 15. Music at the Governor's Dinner
[01:41] 16. Army March/Yaqui Camp
[01:33] 17. The White Stallion
[03:24] 18. The Gift
[03:34] 19. Gift Returned/Leon's Mass/The Attack
[01:28] 20. The Villagers Prepare to Blow Up the Dam
[01:56] 21. Teclo's Death/Victory
[04:02] 22. End Title

Bonus Tracks

[01:54] 23. The Chase [alternate]
[02:51] 24. Love Theme From Guns for San Sebastian [Leon Tells His Love][album version]

� Film Score Montly, 2006 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | HQ Scans | CDRip by zvonko1510

05-22-2015, 12:29 AM
... never mind.

05-22-2015, 12:57 AM
Congratulations guys!!! Almost 9,000 views in just a month and a half.


05-22-2015, 01:48 AM
Thanks a lot!

---------- Post added at 09:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:24 PM ----------

Thank you very much!

---------- Post added at 09:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:42 PM ----------

Thank you very very very much!!! What a wonderful Links!

05-22-2015, 08:49 AM
Thanks zvonko1510 for Guns for San Sebastian in flac! :)

05-23-2015, 02:12 PM
Fabio Frizzi, Franco Bixio & Vince Tempera - Sella D'Argento

CDDM023 - Sella D'Argento- Soundtrack details - (
FLAC + Scans.

05-23-2015, 07:09 PM
I'm sorry but it has a lot of criticism ..

05-23-2015, 08:02 PM
Thanks to silviosilva for Tre Colpi Di Winchester Per Ringo.

Tracklist from
01 Tre Colpi Di Winchester Per Ringo 2:12
02 Pensieri Giovani 1:55
03 Attesa Tra Le Rocce 0:58
04 Una Notte Splendida (Tema D'Amore) 2:57
05 Barn Dance 2:16
06 Era Un Ragazzo 2:21
07 Un Gioco Facile 0:45
08 Vendetta Selvaggiab 1:09
09 Occhi Spenti 2:38
10 All'Attacco Degli Indiani 2:57
11 Il Segreto Di Ringo 1:45
12 Ormai E' Finita 2:25
13 Ambasciator Non Porta Pene 0:38
14 Macumba Desperada 2:40
15 Il Trionfo Del Fuoco 0:38
16 Il Trionfo Dei Forti 1:49

05-23-2015, 08:04 PM
Thanks silviosilva for Armando Sciascia - Tre Colpi Di Winchester Per Ringo.

05-23-2015, 08:37 PM
this lp it ripp from mp3

05-23-2015, 09:21 PM
to zardoz22

Congratulations, buddy, on your jubilee tenth release.
No matter what I had this, just continue with the Digitmovies edition.

Best regards!!!

---------- Post added at 10:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:48 PM ----------

Thanks silviosilva for Armando Sciascia - Tre Colpi Di Winchester Per Ringo.

Are you man like all regardless of what it is? To your notice this is a piece of garbage.




PERFORMER: auCDtect Task Manager, ver. 1.5.1RC6 build
Copyright (c) 2008-2010 y-soft. All rights reserved
y-soft freeware tools (

ANALYZER: auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.

FILE: 02. Pensieri Giovani.flac
Size: 11717566 Hash: 133E116DC39769260B3F5FF2E93805B4 Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: MPEG 95%
Signature: 11035BF6009D77E2C6719F87AF155CA0A7812716
FILE: 01. Tre Colpi Di Winchester.flac
Size: 14666467 Hash: A829D29C199B1CC7C8D4144F28FEC8A4 Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: MPEG 95%
Signature: E0C9D09924CDA2B792D3258FDA28273E5E21D41B

A word of advice to you. Here is not a matter of ''applause'' but in the quality and teamwork.
We looked like a team, should all give some contribution. Share something with us finally, man.

05-23-2015, 09:34 PM
Bruno Nicolai: Buon Funerale Amigos!... Paga Sartana - Gli Fumavano Le Colt... Lo Chiamavano Camposanto [FLAC]

My own rip. Enjoy.

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

05-23-2015, 09:41 PM
Great Koba, now I begin downloading.

05-23-2015, 10:14 PM
Lallo Gori
Inginocchiati Straniero (1970)
Con Lui Cavalca La Morte (1967)

Beat 2000

Link: MEGA (
Password: Gori2000

05-23-2015, 11:02 PM
Luis Bacalov - Sugar Colt

GDM CD Club 7017 - Sugar Colt- Soundtrack details - (
FLAC + Scans.

05-23-2015, 11:31 PM
Now you hit in the center!!! Thanks once more zardoz.
For this I wanted to give and your ass.


05-23-2015, 11:54 PM
Giampiero Reverberi, Gianfranco Reverberi- “Preparati la bara” (aka “Django, Prepare a Coffin)
download link:!iBNBGSbL!9Ak158nMtXF5H2m8EzNEkw

05-24-2015, 12:08 AM
Giampiero Reverberi, Gianfranco Reverberi- �Preparati la bara� (aka �Django, Prepare a Coffin)
download link:!iBNBGSbL!9Ak158nMtXF5H2m8EzNEkw

INFO for this edition

Gianfranco & Gian-piero Reverberi
1968] Preparati La Bara! [� Digitmovies CDDM092, 2007]

Stereo Tracks

[02:15] 01. You'd Better Smile [vocal by Nicola Di Bari]
[02:23] 02. David e Django
[01:54] 03. Nel Saloon
[02:14] 04. Lucas
[02:41] 05. Il Carico d'Oro
[03:13] 06. Nella Sierra
[02:21] 07. Django Nella Trappola
[02:14] 08. Canto di Morte
[02:19] 09. Nel Cimitero di Tucson
[02:23] 10. La Mitragliatrice
[01:14] 11. Cosa Vale un Uomo [vocal by Nicola Di Bari]

Mono Film Version And Alternate Takes

[00:37] 12. Preparati la Bara
[01:30] 13. Preparati la Bara [# 2]
[01:02] 14. Nel Saloon [# 2]
[01:05] 15. Nel Saloon [# 3]
[01:48] 16. Django Nella Trappola [# 2]
[02:12] 17. Nel Saloon [# 4]
[02:20] 18. Nel Cimitero di Tucson [# 2]
[02:32] 19. La Mitragliatrice [# 2]
[01:11] 20. Preparati la Bara [# 3]
[00:58] 21. Preparati la Bara [# 4]
[00:51] 22. Preparati la Bara [# 5]
[02:14] 23. Canto di Morte [# 2]
[02:15] 24. Canto di Morte [# 3]
[02:17] 25. You'd Better Smile [Alternate Main Titles][vocal by Nicola Di Bari]
[02:17] 26. Cosa Vale un Uomo [Alternate End Titles][vocal by Nicola Di Bari]
[02:32] 27. You'd Better Smile [Alternate Main Titles - Off Vocal]
************************************************** *********

Thanks for your first. It would be nice to put a picture or tracklist for your uploads.
If you have a problem with that come in for instructions.

BTW If anybody have scans for this please post them.

05-24-2015, 04:00 AM
I'm sorry but it has a lot of criticism ..

05-24-2015, 07:17 AM
I really like Tre Colpi Di Winchester Per Ringo. Thanks, silviosilva.

05-24-2015, 07:49 AM
Thank you all again and again for your fantastic shares, my friends.

Riz Ortolani: Old Shatterhand (1964) [FLAC]

Cobra records 002

Release Date

Track listing

1. Einleitung Und Titelmusik 1. Teil (02:37)
2. Uberfall Auf Die Northern Ranch / Tom Versteckt Sich Vor Den Banditen (01:50)
3. Titelmusik 2. Teil (01:29)
4. Old Shatterhand Kommt Zur Missionsstation / Old Shatterhand Un Paloma Treffen Sam Hawkens (01:52)
5. Treck Der Siedler (Siedler-Thema) / Nachtlager Der Siedler (02:51)
6. Siedlertanz (02:25)
7. Komantschen Uberfallen Den Treck / Die Regimentskasse Wird Geraubt / Old Shatterhand Wird Erkannt (02:49)
8. In Golden Hill / Der Treck Kommt / Old Shatterhand Trifft Auf Rosemary Un Gibt Paloma Un Tom (06:18)
in Deren Obhut / Timpe Im Saloon / Winnetou Am Ort Des Oberfalls
9. Im Lager Der Apatschen / Bradley Und Seine Soldaten Erreichen Fort Grand (02:04)
10. Die Geschishte Von Sams Skalp / Das Grosse Preisschiessen / Toms Tod (03:45)
11. General Taylor Verlasst Das Fort / Old Shatterhand Auf Burkers Ranche/ (02:27)
Paloma Belauscht Die Banditen Und Informiert Sam
12. Kampf Auf Burkers Ranch / Sam Hawkens Und Paloma Kommen Zu Hilfe/ (01:42)
Burker Wird Gefangengenommen
13. Tujungas Mutprobe / Tanz Der Apatschen (02:14)
14. Burkers Ranch Wird In Brand Gesteckt / Soldaten Werden Zur Ranch Geschickt (02:48)
15. Winnetou Und Old Shatterhand Kommen Zum Fort / Winnetou Und Bradley / Der Tote Colonel Hunter / (02:41)
Fries Geleit
16. Paloma Badet Am Wasserfall / Tujunga Kampft Mit Dem Soldaten / Paloma Reitet Zu Den Apatschen (04:57)
17. Old Shatterhand Schleicht In Das Fort (02:33)
18. Die Stunde Kam
19. Angriff Der Apatschen Auf Fort Grand / Kampf Um Das Fort / (05:05)
Tujunga Sprengt Sich Mit Dem Pulvermagazin In Die Luft
20. General Taylo Kehrt Zuruck / Finale / Schlussmusik (04:58)
21. Nothing To Say (01:22)

Total Duration: 00:58:47
Mono, sorry to say.

05-24-2015, 08:50 AM

Luis Bacalov-L'Oro dei Bravados (veritĂ* note ed.) - 1970
Track listing

1. L'oro dei bravados (Titoli) (02:11)
2. L'oro dei bravados (Seq. #2) (01:23)
3. L'oro dei bravados (Seq. #3) (01:56)
4. L'oro dei bravados (Seq. #4) (02:31)
5. L'oro dei bravados (Seq. #5) (01:06)
6. Adios, tierra mia (01:14)
7. L'oro dei bravados (Seq. #6) (01:40)
8. L'oro dei bravados (Seq. #7) (03:24)
9. L'oro dei bravados (Seq. #8) (01:03)
10. L'oro dei bravados (Seq. #9) (01:18)
11. L'oro dei bravados (Seq. #10) (00:56)
12. L'oro dei bravados (Seq. #11) (01:04)
13. Adios, tierra mia (Seq. #2) (01:21)
14. L'oro dei bravados (Seq. #12) (01:38)
15. L'oro dei bravados (Seq. #13) (01:13)
16. L'oro dei bravados (Seq. #14) (03:15)
17. L'oro dei bravados (Seq. #15) (04:22)
Choir: I Cantori Moderni di Alessandroni
18. L'oro dei bravados (Seq. #16) (02:19)
19. L'oro dei bravados (Finale) (01:52)
20. Adios, tierra mia (Original "Paesaggi" Album Edi
download link:!OMF2yQRA!_i_0XF-rVoNXdURbKfNQrg

Uncle Bela
05-24-2015, 10:21 AM
Thanks to silviosilva for Tre Colpi Di Winchester Per Ringo.

---------- Post added at 04:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:03 AM ----------

Thanks to silviosilva for Bandidos.

---------- Post added at 04:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:08 AM ----------

Thanks to Kobayashi-Maru for the Bruno Nicolai.

05-24-2015, 10:25 AM
I really like Tre Colpi Di Winchester Per Ringo. Thanks, silviosilva.

Why are you doing this? Do not encourage the boy to us backfilled this follies.
Who needs repacked mp3? The same goes for all the others (eg Uncle Bela...)
that he so warmly thanks to this ''ingenious'' shits.

Uncle Bela
05-24-2015, 10:34 AM
zvonko1510: Please do not include my name in any grievance you have with other members of this forum.

05-24-2015, 11:01 AM
zvonko1510: Please do not include my name in any grievance you have with other members of this forum.
No problem, but I just wanted to ask you to let's save this unique thread. For that purpose I wanted to ask you not liking anything, because it will overwhelm us here with this lossy nonsense. I tried to explain it silviosilva but do not know which is the language used.


---------- Post added at 12:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:58 AM ----------

Great work Kobayashi-Maru!!!

05-24-2015, 12:01 PM
it needed a bit of reworking (no tags), but i think Bandidos was genuine Flac for once.

05-24-2015, 01:48 PM

Finally, and I fetch optics (I love Sunday).

What do I do when I'm fascinated maestro. Morricone classics.

Ennio Morricone 1966] Il Buono, il Brutto, il Cattivo [GDM CD CLUB 7001]

[02:42] 01. Titoli
[01:18] 02. Il tramonto
[01:44] 03. Sentenza
[01:09] 04. Fuga a cavallo
[01:55] 05. Il ponte di corde
[02:24] 06. Il forte
[02:27] 07. Inseguimento
[05:19] 08. Il deserto
[02:12] 09. La carrozza dei fantasmi
[02:19] 10. La missione San Antonio
[02:40] 11. Padre Ramirez
[02:52] 12. Marcetta
[05:34] 13. La storia di un soldato
[01:25] 14. Il treno militare
[01:17] 15. Fine di una spia
[02:46] 16. Il bandito Monco
[03:47] 17. Due contro cinque
[01:50] 18. Marcetta senza speranza
[03:10] 19. Morte di un soldato
[03:23] 20. L'estasi dell'oro
[07:14] 21. Il triello

� GDM Music, 2001 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | Scans | CDRip by zvonko1510

Uncle Bela
05-24-2015, 01:53 PM
No problem, but I just wanted to ask you to let's save this unique thread. For that purpose I wanted to ask you not liking anything, because it will overwhelm us here with this lossy nonsense. I tried to explain it silviosilva but do not know which is the language used.


---------- Post added at 12:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:58 AM ----------

Great work Kobayashi-Maru!!!

Here is scans for Old Shatterhand!oQwVBbIa!7pSbEujIizzMPEutZMf9_Kzaq0r_k8nG9LGEDwj Ywaw

Okay. Greetings.

05-24-2015, 01:54 PM
From me for now so insomuch. Speaking of Bacalov, you should try to solve this task:

Luis Bacalov - Il Grande Duello/Lo Chiamavano Mezzogiorno [Quartet QRSCE042]

Best regards.

05-24-2015, 03:10 PM
zvonko1510 querida zvonko parec�a sobre todo que no es mi manera de que no quiere causar problemas, pero por lo que se preguntaba si su trabajo no se hace en la parte superior de un mp3 o usted compra a Amazon a la versi�n flac y ya estableci�, adem�s, que debe tomar una foto cd tuyo y ver�s que no llega a 100% por lo que algunas pistas llega a 22kHz ... voy a quitar todos estos archivos y dejar� he publicado THE WAY YOU FREE hacer una !!!!!!!!! BENEFICIO BUENO !!!

---------- Post added at 11:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:04 AM ----------

zvonko1510 querida zvonko parec�a sobre todo que no es mi manera de que no quiere causar problemas, pero por lo que se preguntaba si su trabajo no se hace en la parte superior de un mp3 o usted compra a Amazon a la versi�n flac y ya estableci�, adem�s, que debe tomar una foto cd tuyo y ver�s que no llega a 100% por lo que algunas pistas llega a 22kHz ... voy a quitar todos estos archivos y dejar� he publicado THE WAY YOU FREE hacer una !!!!!!!!! BENEFICIO BUENO !!!

05-24-2015, 09:01 PM

Francesco De Masi L'uomo della valle maledetta /La sfida dei MacKenna / ....E venne il tempo di uccidere
Beat Records CDCR 47 1998 FLAC + Scans
1. L'uomo della valle maledetta - Seq. 1 (01:36)
2. L'uomo della valle maledetta - Seq. 2 (02:01)
3. L'uomo della valle maledetta - Seq. 3 (02:14)
4. L'uomo della valle maledetta - Seq. 4 (03:21)
5. L'uomo della valle maledetta - Seq. 5 (00:51)
6. L'uomo della valle maledetta - Seq. 6 (01:37)
7. L'uomo della valle maledetta - Seq. 7 (02:30)
8. L'uomo della valle maledetta - Seq. 8 (02:24)
9. L'uomo della valle maledetta - Seq. 9 (02:09)
10. L'uomo della valle maledetta - Seq. 10 (02:14)
11. L'uomo della valle maledetta - Seq. 11 (01:51)
12. L'uomo della valle maledetta - Seq. 12 (02:36)
13. L'uomo della valle maledetta - Seq. 13 (02:01)
14. L'uomo della valle maledetta - Seq. 14 (01:16)
15. L'uomo della valle maledetta - Seq. 15 (01:34)
16. La sfida dei MacKenna - Seq. 1 (01:35)
17. La sfida dei MacKenna - Seq. 2 (01:42)
18. La sfida dei MacKenna - Seq. 3 (01:32)
19. La sfida dei MacKenna - Seq. 4 (01:55)
20. La sfida dei MacKenna - Seq. 5 (02:47)
21. La sfida dei MacKenna - Seq. 6 (03:07)
22. La sfida dei MacKenna - Seq. 7 (02:39)
23. La sfida dei MacKenna - Seq. 8 (02:23)
24. La sfida dei MacKenna - Seq. 9 (02:08)
25. La sfida dei MacKenna - Seq. 10 (02:31)
26. ...e venne il tempo di uccidere - Seq. 1 (02:29) AKA "A Man Alone", sung by Raoul
27. ...e venne il tempo di uccidere - Seq. 2 (01:28)
28. ...e venne il tempo di uccidere - Seq. 3 (02:28)
29. ...e venne il tempo di uccidere - Seq. 4 (01:34)
30. ...e venne il tempo di uccidere - Seq. 5 (02:16)
31. ...e venne il tempo di uccidere - Seq. 6 (03:05)
32. ...e venne il tempo di uccidere - Seq. 7 (02:06)
33. ...e venne il tempo di uccidere - Seq. 8 (02:27) AKA "A Man Alone", sung by Raoul

PM for the link !

05-24-2015, 09:08 PM
What a pleasant surprise. Thanks paperugo.

05-24-2015, 11:45 PM
nice :)

05-25-2015, 12:28 AM
Thanks for sharing these in lossless.

05-25-2015, 01:19 AM
Uno Di Piu' All'Inferno - Nico Fidenco!sQwRTYzL!Wx_zQQvSrSgZBHzUWu7oLF0BXs1rxvtk3kHWt15 9850



05-25-2015, 08:42 AM
"Why are you doing this? Do not encourage the boy to us backfilled this follies.
Who needs repacked mp3? The same goes for all the others (eg Uncle Bela...)
that he so warmly thanks to this ''ingenious'' shits. "

I really do like the music and I wanted to be polite and give thanks. I didn't realize he was posting repacked mp3's. Obviously I don't condone repacking mp3's as FLACs as it not only defeats the purpose of this forum thread, it's stupid and wrong under any circumstance.

05-25-2015, 09:53 AM
Luis Bacalov- I Quattro Del Pater Noster (verita note) - 1969

Track listing
1. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.1 - Titoli Vocal) (01:37)
2. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.2) (02:24)
3. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.3) (03:35)
4. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.4) (02:47)
5. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.5) (01:34)
6. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.6) (02:05)
7. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.7) (00:58)
8. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.8) (01:37)
9. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.9) (01:49)
10. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.10) (02:17)
11. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.11) (01:34)
12. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.12) (00:55)
13. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.13) (02:22)
14. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.14) (01:09)
15. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.15) (04:57)
16. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.16) (01:31)
17. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.17) (00:39)
18. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.18) (02:46)
19. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.19) (01:35)
20. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.20) (01:58)
21. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.21) (01:17)
22. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.22) (01:26)
23. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.23) (01:56)
24. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.24) (00:41)
25. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.25) (04:44)
26. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.26 - Finale) (00:41)
27. I Quattro Del Pater Noster (seq.27 - Titoli Karaoke Version) (01:38)
Download link:!bMsWHR5T!hA6R6OfK_ohcRiVjbAzgmw

05-25-2015, 10:34 AM
i think azzurriman likes Nico Fidenco ! ;)

05-25-2015, 10:55 AM
..and i so. I stole a bit of time on the job, so you are now collating the first side (new look) and checking all the links.

05-25-2015, 11:04 AM
Luis Bacalov - Il Grande Duello ( Storm Rider )

Track listing

1. Il Grande Duello Parte I (03:24)
2. Il Grande Duello Parte II (02:36)
3. Il Grande Duello Parte III (01:26)
4. Il Grande Duello Parte IV (03:38)
5. Il Grande Duello Parte V (01:56)
6. Il Grande Duello Parte VI (02:23)
7. Il Grande Duello Parte VII (02:25)
8. Il Grande Duello Parte VIII (01:52)
9. Il Grande Duello Parte IX (02:41)
10. Il Grande Duello Parte X (03:56)
11. Il Grande Duello Parte IV (#2) (01:20)
12. Il Grande Duello Parte VI (#2) (00:47)
13. Il Grande Duello Parte VIII (#2) (02:02)
14. Il Grande Duello Parte I (mix 2) (03:23)
Download link:!LNV0RZQQ!cdCD0Wtw4QqZT7yxBNDvaw

05-25-2015, 12:21 PM
Kickass work, guys!!! Highly appreciated. Thanks!

05-25-2015, 12:24 PM
Who is the publisher of this Il Grande Duello disk?
If this part of Quartet Records release from 2012 we miss 13 tracks of Lo Chiamavano Mezzogiorno.
Here we set only complete disks because the only way we have secure copy.
If it comes to another edition, forgive my ignorance, although I have not heard of another with 14 tracks.

05-25-2015, 02:42 PM
Luis Bacalov - Man Called Moon( next part to Il Grande Duello)
5. The Man Called Noon (03:26)
16. Prologue (02:48)
17. Highlands (02:40)
18. Mr. Rubble Noon (01:34)
19. Quietness (03:23)
20. In the Fortress (01:48)
21. Rimes (01:57)
22. Following the Horse (02:03)
23. Fan (02:47)
24. Discovering (02:02)
25. Fire and Guns (02:29)
26. Warning (02:03)
27. The Man Called Noon (#2) (01:54)
Download link:!CR1ikCJA!NNeghMWF7m2nH5cd0u6Obw

05-25-2015, 03:21 PM

Francesco de Masi: Il Segno Del Coyote - C'� Sartana... Vendi La Pistola E Comprati La Bara [FLAC]

Beat Records CDCR 40

Release Date

Track listing

1. Il segno del coyote - seq. 1 (02:53)
2. Il segno del coyote - seq. 2 (02:01)
3. Il segno del coyote - seq. 3 (01:55)
4. Il segno del coyote - seq. 4 (01:57)
5. Il segno del coyote - seq. 5 (01:29)
6. Il segno del coyote - seq. 6 (02:22)
7. Il segno del coyote - seq. 7 (02:03)
8. Il segno del coyote - seq. 8 (03:18)
9. Il segno del coyote - seq. 9 (02:30)
10. Il segno del coyote - seq. 10 (01:44)
11. Il segno del coyote - seq. 11 (02:06)
12. Il segno del coyote - seq. 12 (02:15)
13. Il segno del coyote - seq. 13 (02:57)
14. C'� Sartana ... - seq. 1 (03:49)
15. C'� Sartana ... - seq. 2 (03:29)
16. C'� Sartana ... - seq. 3 (02:54)
17. C'� Sartana ... - seq. 4 (02:06)
18. C'� Sartana ... - seq. 5 (01:58)
19. C'� Sartana ... - seq. 6 (02:08)
20. C'� Sartana ... - seq. 7 (02:53)
21. Sigla PEA (00:24)
Bonus track -- jingle composed by Francesco de Masi

Total Duration: 00:49:11

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

05-25-2015, 03:43 PM
Thanks for these shares, Any chance of Los Amigos. Cheers

05-25-2015, 04:05 PM
Thanks szatan67. The task is solved.
Here are full scans of amazing Quartet release Il Grande Duello/Lo Chiamavano Mezzogiorno.

---------- Post added at 05:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:01 PM ----------
If you have a missing scans for any edition posted here, please share them with us!
You can post them up at any time just specify the disk -related.


05-25-2015, 05:47 PM
First index page finally arranged. Now has a new look and easier access to your posts.
Links checked and everyone is still in operation. Now remains for us to keep them alive.

Thanks you for your attention!!!

05-25-2015, 06:43 PM
Has someone all the covers of I 4 del Pater Nostro e Uno in piu' all'inferno ?
Many thanks

05-26-2015, 05:00 PM
Carlo Savina 1968] Vivo Per La Tua Morte &
Luis De Pablo 1966] Il Misterioso Signor Van Eyck

[02:28] 01. Go West Young Man [Titoli vocal - Seq. 01][feat. Don Powell]
[01:45] 02. Vivo Per La Tua Morte [Seq. 02]
[01:56] 03. Vivo Per La Tua Morte [Seq. 03]
[01:41] 04. Vivo Per La Tua Morte [Seq. 04]
[02:26] 05. Vivo Per La Tua Morte [Seq. 05]
[01:25] 06. Vivo Per La Tua Morte [Seq. 06]
[03:06] 07. Vivo Per La Tua Morte [Seq. 07]
[01:35] 08. Vivo Per La Tua Morte [Seq. 08]
[02:03] 09. Vivo Per La Tua Morte [Seq. 09]
[01:35] 10. Vivo Per La Tua Morte [Seq. 10]
[03:21] 11. Vivo Per La Tua Morte [Seq. 11]
[01:33] 12. Vivo Per La Tua Morte [Seq. 12]
[01:34] 13. Vivo Per La Tua Morte [Seq. 13]
[01:26] 14. Vivo Per La Tua Morte [Seq. 14]
[02:02] 15. Vivo Per La Tua Morte [Seq. 15]
[01:55] 16. Vivo Per La Tua Morte [Seq. 16]
[02:02] 17. Vivo Per La Tua Morte [Seq. 17 - Finale]
[02:29] 18. Go West Young Man [Titoli ripresa strumentale - Seq. 18]
[01:51] 19. Il Misterioso Signor Van Eyck [Titoli - Seq. 01]
[01:25] 20. Il Misterioso Signor Van Eyck [Seq. 02]
[02:06] 21. Il Misterioso Signor Van Eyck [Seq. 03]
[03:05] 22. Il Misterioso Signor Van Eyck [Seq. 04]
[02:32] 23. Il Misterioso Signor Van Eyck [Seq. 05]
[01:42] 24. Il Misterioso Signor Van Eyck [Seq. 06]
[04:52] 25. Il Misterioso Signor Van Eyck [Seq. 07]
[01:45] 26. Il Misterioso Signor Van Eyck [Seq. 08]
[00:53] 27. Il Misterioso Signor Van Eyck [Seq. 09]
[01:43] 28. Il Misterioso Signor Van Eyck [Seq. 10]
[06:13] 29. Il Misterioso Signor Van Eyck [Seq. 11]
[01:20] 30. Il Misterioso Signor Van Eyck [Seq. 12]
[01:40] 31. Il Misterioso Signor Van Eyck [Seq. 13]
[01:31] 32. Il Misterioso Signor Van Eyck [Finale - Seq. 14]

Tracks 01-18 taken from ''Vivo Per La Tua Morte, 1968''
Tracks 19-32 taken from ''Il Misterioso Signor Van Eyck, 1966''

� Digitmovies CDDM115, 2008 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | Scans | CDRip by zvonko1510

05-26-2015, 05:08 PM
THANKS, THANKS, THANKS... to all people who posts here!!!

05-26-2015, 06:24 PM
...and quite naturally, another genius!!!

Ennio Morricone 1964] Per Un Pugno di Dollari [GDM 2066]

[02:58] 01. Titoli
[01:42] 02. Quasi morto
[01:02] 03. Musica sospesa
[01:36] 04. Square dance
[01:05] 05. Ramon
[01:18] 06. Consuelo Baxter
[01:41] 07. Doppi giochi
[01:26] 08. Per un pugno di dollari [#1]
[00:55] 09. Scambio di prigionieri
[03:29] 10. Cavalcata
[02:25] 11. L'inseguimento
[09:31] 12. Tortura
[01:22] 13. Alla ricerca dell'evaso
[02:08] 14. Senza pieta'
[02:36] 15. La reazione
[01:49] 16. Per un pugno di dollari [#2]
[01:09] 17. Per un pugno di dollari [finale]
************************************************** ****
� GDM Music, 2006 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | Scans | CDRip by zvonko1510

05-26-2015, 07:56 PM
Carlo Rustichelli - Un Minuto Per Pregare, Un Istante Per Morire

Digitmovies CDDM151 - Minuto Per Pregare, Un Istante Per Morire, Un- Soundtrack details - (
FLAC + Scans.

05-26-2015, 08:03 PM
Again I bet correctly. Many thanks my friend.

05-27-2015, 02:28 AM

I Quattro dell Apocalisse (1975) aka Four Of The Apocalypse
Music by Franco Bixio - Fabio Frizzi - Vince Tempera

Cinevox CD MDF 316

Country: Italy
Format: CD
Release Date: 1998

Track listing:

01. Movin' On (03:39)
performed by Benjamin Franklin Group
02. Death's Song (02:35)
03. Serene Moments (02:59)
04. Bunny (Let's Stay Together) (03:54)
performed by Benjamin Franklin Group
05. Farewell To The Friends (02:12)
06. On The Traces Of Chaco (01:26)
07. Slow Violence (02:11)
08. Was It All In The Vain (02:33)
performed by Benjamin Franklin Group
09. The Swindler Of The Saloon (02:54)
10. Let Us Pray (02:56)
performed by Benjamin Franklin Group
11. Chaco (01:51)
12. Stubby (You're Down And Out) (03:12)
performed by Benjamin Franklin Group
13. Bunny Love Song (01:21)
14. Reawaken From The Trip (01:32)
15. I Quattro Dell Apocallise (Outtakes Suite) (21:47)

Total Duration: 00:57:02

EAC / FLAC / LOG / CUE / M3U PlayList / Artwork Scans!nMtxwBJA!3twF6pa8n6eg8LYS4jmD2DbsvBcMQsyiS64I0o_ Y96E

This is a password protected ZIP file. Password: FulciLives

05-27-2015, 08:47 AM
Brilliant comeback Fulci :)
Have you finally arranged your new hard drive?

05-27-2015, 09:06 AM
I'm slowly getting back to where I was before the HDD crash. I was able to save some but not all so I lost a lot of stuff but not this one so I thought I would share :)

Don't be me people. Make sure you have a back-up !!!

By the way I talked to a friend who claims to have a fan made CD-R of FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE that he says is pretty much complete and with sound quality that is far superior to the one released by GDM in 2003

He also told me that very recently a "well known" label had tracked down the master for this score and was all set to release it (although they hadn't made this knowledge public) but then the news got to Morricone and for some reason I don't understand he threw a fit and it had to be shelved. Word is the label in question could most likely release it legally without Morricone's consent but they will wait "out of respect" and only release it after he passes. Go figure.

05-27-2015, 10:13 AM
Ennio Morricone 1969] The 5-Man Army [FSM Vol.12 No.16]

[02:55] 01. Un Esercito Di Cinque Uomini [Main Title, stereo]
[02:06] 02. Un Esercito Di Cinque Uomini [The Chicken Farm/The Mining Colony]
[02:43] 03. Un Esercito Di Cinque Uomini [The Circus/To Morales]
[02:34] 04. Muerte Donde Vas? [The Execution]
[01:19] 05. I Bambini e I Fiori [Flowers and Food]
[02:20] 06. Cinque Amici, Cinque Eroi [Introductions]
[02:51] 07. Muerte Donde Vas? [The Journey]
[01:49] 08. Cinque Amici, Cinque Eroi [Interrogation]/Muerte Donde Vas? [Captured]
[03:32] 09. Tension Theme [Escape]
[02:15] 10. Un Esercito Di Cinque Uomini [Maria's Goodbye/Pursuit]
[01:25] 11. Muerte Donde Vas? [Rebel Aid]
[00:35] 12. Heroic Theme [The Train]
[00:14] 13. Comic Theme [Ambushing The Truck]
[00:45] 14. Harmonica Source [To The Station House]
[02:20] 15. A Cinque Amici, Cinque Eroi [Already Dead]
[02:00] 16. Un Esercito Di Cinque Uomini [Departure/Army in Disguise/Underneath the Train]
[02:54] 17. Comic Theme [Close Call]/Tension Theme [The First Move]/Tension Theme [The Next Move]
[04:16] 18. Una Corsa Disperata [Samurai Runs]
[01:01] 19. Contro Il Tempo [Surprise Guests]/Contro Il Tempo [Mesito Prepares]
[04:27] 20. Contro Il Tempo [Out of Time]
[01:04] 21. Un Esercito Di Cinque Uomini [Success]
[02:47] 22. Muerte Donde Vas? [The Dutchman's Cause]
[05:06] 23. Tension Theme and Muerte Donde Vas? [New Recruits]

Bonus Tracks

[02:56] 24. Un Esercito Di Cinque Uomini [Main Title, mono]
[04:11] 25. Muerte Donde Vas? [Album Track]

� Film Score Monthly, 2009 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | Scans | CDRip by zvonko1510

05-27-2015, 10:35 AM

Navajo Joe (1966)
Music by Ennio Morricone

Film Score Monthly FSMCD Vol. 10 No. 14
Limited edition of 3,000 copies

Country: United States
Format: CD
Release Date: 2007
UPN: 6-3855-80244-2-3

Track listing:

01. Navajo Joe (Main Title) (02:50)
02. A Silhouette Of Doom (02:54)
03. Duncan's Plan (00:31)
04. The Peyote Saloon (02:32)
05. Wiping Out The Town (00:41)
06. The Road To Esperanza (Main Title - Navajo Joe) (01:54)
07. The Engineer's Harmonica (00:09)
08. Duncan's Wild Bunch (Goodbye To Brother Jeffrey) (00:27)
09. Train Massacre (00:42)
10. Fear And Silence (01:49)
11. A Dollar A Head (02:20)
12. Joe's Departure (End Title - Navajo Joe) (02:14)
13. An Indian Story (Healing The Wound) (02:01)
14. Ride Into Town (01:49)
15. But Joe Say No (01:20)
16. To Intermission (00:38)
17. Torture (The Bandit Gets The Train) (02:01)
18. Navajo Harmonica, Pt. 1 (00:40)
19. Navajo Harmonica, Pt. 2 (00:48)
20. The Navajo Escapes (01:38)
21. A Bad Childhood (00:26)
22. Joe And His Woman (01:07)
23. The Horses Set Free (00:48)
24. The Demise Of Father Rattigan (The Demise Of Barbara) (02:56)
25. From Esperanza (To Esperanza) (01:47)
26. Over The Mountain (01:13)
27. The Search For Joe (01:05)
28. The Confrontation / The Return of Joe (01:53)
29. After The End (02:16)


30. Main Title (Film Version) (03:01)
31. Raw Hides And Dead Hides (01:20)
32. Fear And Silence (01:49)
33. The Navajo's A Prisoner (01:40)
34. Navajo Joe Medley (02:06)
35. Sadness (00:33)

Total Duration: 00:53:58

XLD / FLAC / LOG / CUE / M3U PlayList / Full Artwork Scans

Download Link: FSM Release. Cannot post link. You must send me a PM.

Please Note: This is NOT my rip but it is a proper XLD made CD rip.
Full artwork scans are included!

X Lossless Decoder version 20110821 (136.1)

XLD extraction logfile from 2011-08-28 07:15:08 +0200

Ennio Morricone / Navajo Joe

Used drive : MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-898 (revision HC10)

Ripper mode : CDParanoia III 10.2
Disable audio cache : OK for the drive with a cache less than 2750KiB
Make use of C2 pointers : NO
Read offset correction : 102
Max retry count : 100
Gap status : Analyzed, Appended (except HTOA)

TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 00:00:00 | 02:51:72 | 0 | 12896
2 | 02:51:72 | 02:55:42 | 12897 | 26063
3 | 05:47:39 | 00:32:38 | 26064 | 28501
4 | 06:20:02 | 02:33:63 | 28502 | 40039
5 | 08:53:65 | 00:43:37 | 40040 | 43301
6 | 09:37:27 | 01:55:41 | 43302 | 51967
7 | 11:32:68 | 00:10:07 | 51968 | 52724
8 | 11:43:00 | 00:29:23 | 52725 | 54922
9 | 12:12:23 | 00:44:71 | 54923 | 58293
10 | 12:57:19 | 01:50:27 | 58294 | 66570
11 | 14:47:46 | 02:23:17 | 66571 | 77312
12 | 17:10:63 | 02:16:05 | 77313 | 87517
13 | 19:26:68 | 02:02:65 | 87518 | 96732
14 | 21:29:58 | 01:52:50 | 96733 | 105182
15 | 23:22:33 | 01:21:28 | 105183 | 111285
16 | 24:43:61 | 00:40:34 | 111286 | 114319
17 | 25:24:20 | 02:04:24 | 114320 | 123643
18 | 27:28:44 | 00:42:06 | 123644 | 126799
19 | 28:10:50 | 00:51:37 | 126800 | 130661
20 | 29:02:12 | 01:40:27 | 130662 | 138188
21 | 30:42:39 | 00:28:65 | 138189 | 140353
22 | 31:11:29 | 01:08:50 | 140354 | 145503
23 | 32:20:04 | 00:50:33 | 145504 | 149286
24 | 33:10:37 | 03:00:61 | 149287 | 162847
25 | 36:11:23 | 01:48:72 | 162848 | 171019
26 | 38:00:20 | 01:15:39 | 171020 | 176683
27 | 39:15:59 | 01:07:33 | 176684 | 181741
28 | 40:23:17 | 01:56:40 | 181742 | 190481
29 | 42:19:57 | 02:22:25 | 190482 | 201156
30 | 44:42:07 | 03:03:52 | 201157 | 214933
31 | 47:45:59 | 01:23:01 | 214934 | 221159
32 | 49:08:60 | 01:51:64 | 221160 | 229548
33 | 51:00:49 | 01:42:40 | 229549 | 237238
34 | 52:43:14 | 02:09:24 | 237239 | 246937
35 | 54:52:38 | 00:33:48 | 246938 | 249460

List of alternate offset correction values
# | Absolute | Relative | Confidence
1 | 66 | -36 | 2

AccurateRip Summary
Track 01 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 02 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 03 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 04 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 05 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 06 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 07 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 08 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 09 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 10 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 11 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 12 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 13 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 14 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 15 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 16 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 17 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 18 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 19 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 20 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 21 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 22 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 23 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 24 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 25 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 26 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 27 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 28 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 29 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 30 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 31 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 32 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 33 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 34 : OK (confidence 2)
Track 35 : OK (confidence 2)
->All tracks accurately ripped.

All Tracks
Album gain : -5.24 dB
Peak : 0.976807
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 4
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 2
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 3

Track 01
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/01 - Main Title (Navajo Joe).flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/01 - Main Title (Navajo Joe).mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:02:00

Track gain : -6.64 dB
Peak : 0.820160
CRC32 hash (test run) : 8FC1377B
CRC32 hash : 8FC1377B
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 19206B12
AccurateRip signature : B4C70672
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 02
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/02 - A Silhouette of Doom.flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/02 - A Silhouette of Doom.mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:01:28

Track gain : -7.48 dB
Peak : 0.948090
CRC32 hash (test run) : 9FB25218
CRC32 hash : 9FB25218
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 13D75D7C
AccurateRip signature : EE33228D
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 03
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/03 - Duncan's Plan.flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/03 - Duncan's Plan.mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:01:20

Track gain : -2.51 dB
Peak : 0.666534
CRC32 hash (test run) : 4442CF32
CRC32 hash : 4442CF32
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 3A89ACD7
AccurateRip signature : 8D46E3B0
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 04
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/04 - The Peyote Saloon.flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/04 - The Peyote Saloon.mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:01:22

Track gain : -5.58 dB
Peak : 0.747223
CRC32 hash (test run) : C8AA0B1C
CRC32 hash : 7FE5DFD6
->Rip may not be accurate.
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : D6B4E7D4
AccurateRip signature : 4D807E16
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 05
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/05 - Wiping Out the Town.flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/05 - Wiping Out the Town.mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:01:28

Track gain : -1.21 dB
Peak : 0.503296
CRC32 hash (test run) : 8DC86AE4
CRC32 hash : 8DC86AE4
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 34C175D3
AccurateRip signature : 8485BAD8
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 06
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/06 - The Road to Esperanza (Main Title - Navajo Joe).flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/06 - The Road to Esperanza (Main Title - Navajo Joe).mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:01:64

Track gain : -5.87 dB
Peak : 0.975586
CRC32 hash (test run) : 7F540EE0
CRC32 hash : 7F540EE0
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 274A7484
AccurateRip signature : 31C1F89A
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 07
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/07 - The Engineer's Harmonica.flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/07 - The Engineer's Harmonica.mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:01:45

Track gain : 7.80 dB
Peak : 0.186584
CRC32 hash (test run) : 13E10E5E
CRC32 hash : 13E10E5E
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 727A6BC8
AccurateRip signature : 4570D2CD
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 08
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/08 - Duncan's Wild Bunch (Goodbye to Brother Jeffrey).flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/08 - Duncan's Wild Bunch (Goodbye to Brother Jeffrey).mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:01:06

Track gain : -9.00 dB
Peak : 0.976807
CRC32 hash (test run) : 7A7771C6
CRC32 hash : 7A7771C6
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 734A1870
AccurateRip signature : 3C202CA9
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 09
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/09 - Train Massacre.flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/09 - Train Massacre.mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:01:38

Track gain : -6.66 dB
Peak : 0.897736
CRC32 hash (test run) : CB12EFDA
CRC32 hash : CB12EFDA
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 7216E544
AccurateRip signature : 35C3164B
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 10
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/10 - Fear and Silence.flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/10 - Fear and Silence.mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:02:22

Track gain : -0.44 dB
Peak : 0.660583
CRC32 hash (test run) : C9B26E7D
CRC32 hash : C9B26E7D
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : EC21F3D4
AccurateRip signature : 7047E935
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 11
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/11 - A Dollar a Head.flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/11 - A Dollar a Head.mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:00:65

Track gain : -2.39 dB
Peak : 0.653137
CRC32 hash (test run) : 55E943E4
CRC32 hash : 55E943E4
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 98AFD49F
AccurateRip signature : 2C1A4D66
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 12
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/12 - Joe's Departure (End Title - Navajo Joe).flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/12 - Joe's Departure (End Title - Navajo Joe).mp3

Track gain : -4.95 dB
Peak : 0.959167
CRC32 hash (test run) : 72CD1B31
CRC32 hash : 72CD1B31
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 1249E160
AccurateRip signature : 227EFD7B
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 13
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/13 - An Indian Story (Healing the Wound).flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/13 - An Indian Story (Healing the Wound).mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:01:22

Track gain : -1.04 dB
Peak : 0.744659
CRC32 hash (test run) : 033A2CA5
CRC32 hash : 033A2CA5
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 9F7F83BB
AccurateRip signature : 2CDB571A
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 1
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 1
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 1
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 14
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/14 - Ride Into Town.flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/14 - Ride Into Town.mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:01:11

Track gain : -4.07 dB
Peak : 0.771423
CRC32 hash (test run) : 561834A8
CRC32 hash : 561834A8
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 66F83EE9
AccurateRip signature : DBCEDD4D
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 15
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/15 - But Joe Say No.flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/15 - But Joe Say No.mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:02:58

Track gain : -5.91 dB
Peak : 0.924133
CRC32 hash (test run) : F3E6FA85
CRC32 hash : F3E6FA85
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 109519AE
AccurateRip signature : 20053FF2
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 16
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/16 - To Intermission.flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/16 - To Intermission.mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:01:12

Track gain : -3.88 dB
Peak : 0.628143
CRC32 hash (test run) : 09E1FA18
CRC32 hash : 09E1FA18
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : B1BB8128
AccurateRip signature : EEF67BD8
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 17
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/17 - Torture.flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/17 - Torture.mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:01:41

Track gain : -5.80 dB
Peak : 0.865997
CRC32 hash (test run) : 79964212
CRC32 hash : 79964212
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : E6C6D183
AccurateRip signature : 1868EC45
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 18
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/18 - Navajo Harmonica Pt. 1.flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/18 - Navajo Harmonica Pt. 1.mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:02:32

Track gain : 0.38 dB
Peak : 0.324951
CRC32 hash (test run) : 7EF132DC
CRC32 hash : 7EF132DC
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : FDB9C950
AccurateRip signature : DDE7B3AA
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 19
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/19 - Navajo Harmonica Pt. 2.flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/19 - Navajo Harmonica Pt. 2.mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:01:47

Track gain : 3.60 dB
Peak : 0.256744
CRC32 hash (test run) : 05BD5A4E
CRC32 hash : 05BD5A4E
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : CF584837
AccurateRip signature : FC27B9CD
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 1
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 1
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 1
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 20
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/20 - The Navajo Escapes.flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/20 - The Navajo Escapes.mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:03:24

Track gain : 2.42 dB
Peak : 0.505737
CRC32 hash (test run) : BC8DFF5D
CRC32 hash : BC8DFF5D
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : C79D0721
AccurateRip signature : 9E1FEE8D
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 21
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/21 - A Bad Childhood.flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/21 - A Bad Childhood.mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:02:18

Track gain : 3.49 dB
Peak : 0.322174
CRC32 hash (test run) : B58DAD63
CRC32 hash : B58DAD63
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 7330E7BE
AccurateRip signature : D35A44F1
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 22
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/22 - Joe and His Woman.flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/22 - Joe and His Woman.mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:02:12

Track gain : -1.17 dB
Peak : 0.585327
CRC32 hash (test run) : E127851D
CRC32 hash : E127851D
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 32A82610
AccurateRip signature : 385DC014
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 23
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/23 - The Horses Set Free.flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/23 - The Horses Set Free.mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:00:63

Track gain : -2.31 dB
Peak : 0.573425
CRC32 hash (test run) : BDD596EB
CRC32 hash : BDD596EB
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : DD2F2C05
AccurateRip signature : 8C1EF040
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 24
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/24 - The Demise of Father Rattigan (The Demise of Barbara).flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/24 - The Demise of Father Rattigan (The Demise of Barbara).mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:02:09

Track gain : -0.19 dB
Peak : 0.734222
CRC32 hash (test run) : 263B6C4E
CRC32 hash : 263B6C4E
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : CD174F69
AccurateRip signature : 22477553
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 25
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/25 - From Esperanza (To Esperanza).flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/25 - From Esperanza (To Esperanza).mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:03:34

Track gain : -3.29 dB
Peak : 0.630035
CRC32 hash (test run) : 8057D361
CRC32 hash : 8057D361
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : A896701A
AccurateRip signature : E28C380A
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 26
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/26 - Over the Mountain.flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/26 - Over the Mountain.mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:01:35

Track gain : -3.79 dB
Peak : 0.633118
CRC32 hash (test run) : 80C74EB0
CRC32 hash : 80C74EB0
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 00C001EA
AccurateRip signature : 066CE8C0
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 27
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/27 - The Search for Joe.flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/27 - The Search for Joe.mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:02:03

Track gain : -3.20 dB
Peak : 0.657532
CRC32 hash (test run) : 53D8F74B
CRC32 hash : 53D8F74B
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : F5FE4208
AccurateRip signature : 2592D7ED
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 28
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/28 - The Confrontation/The Return of Joe.flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/28 - The Confrontation/The Return of Joe.mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:01:57

Track gain : -6.03 dB
Peak : 0.919983
CRC32 hash (test run) : 69F3E87B
CRC32 hash : 69F3E87B
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : C6AAC43F
AccurateRip signature : CA3331B5
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 29
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/29 - After the End.flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/29 - After the End.mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:03:39

Track gain : -5.38 dB
Peak : 0.884369
CRC32 hash (test run) : F5FBD633
CRC32 hash : F5FBD633
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 2E215E69
AccurateRip signature : 228DE102
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 30
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/30 - Main Title (Film Version).flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/30 - Main Title (Film Version).mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:06:04

Track gain : -5.11 dB
Peak : 0.843201
CRC32 hash (test run) : E2A1C6D9
CRC32 hash : E2A1C6D9
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 71FE4F79
AccurateRip signature : 549D36C4
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 31
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/31 - Raw Hides and Dead Hides.flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/31 - Raw Hides and Dead Hides.mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:01:68

Track gain : -2.84 dB
Peak : 0.725830
CRC32 hash (test run) : 6475CCF0
CRC32 hash : 6475CCF0
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : C2493498
AccurateRip signature : BD09D4E8
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 1
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 32
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/32 - Fear and Silence (Album Version).flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/32 - Fear and Silence (Album Version).mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:02:39

Track gain : 5.20 dB
Peak : 0.565765
CRC32 hash (test run) : 12032867
CRC32 hash : 12032867
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 92E3CB9B
AccurateRip signature : 5D1FDF2F
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 33
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/33 - The Navajo's a Prisoner.flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/33 - The Navajo's a Prisoner.mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:02:10

Track gain : -2.16 dB
Peak : 0.565918
CRC32 hash (test run) : 1C47E5EE
CRC32 hash : 1C47E5EE
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 6398A2A2
AccurateRip signature : EE5B2A1C
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 34
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/34 - Navajo Joe Medley.flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/34 - Navajo Joe Medley.mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:02:01

Track gain : -5.05 dB
Peak : 0.706146
CRC32 hash (test run) : ED64DE27
CRC32 hash : ED64DE27
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 7B1A5809
AccurateRip signature : FAD0AEB6
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Track 35
Filename : /Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/35 - Sadness.flac
/Users/ormenlange/Music/Navajo Joe/35 - Sadness.mp3
Pre-gap length : 00:02:31

Track gain : -3.90 dB
Peak : 0.833801
CRC32 hash (test run) : 8DDCFA8F
CRC32 hash : 8DDCFA8F
CRC32 hash (skip zero) : 18AD507E
AccurateRip signature : AFB045EE
->Accurately ripped! (confidence 2)
Read error : 0
Skipped (treated as error) : 0
Edge jitter error (maybe fixed) : 1
Atom jitter error (maybe fixed) : 0
Drift error (maybe fixed) : 0
Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed) : 0
Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 1
Inconsistency in error sectors : 0

Some inconsistencies found

End of status report

AccurateRip LOG
[CUETools log; Date: 5/27/2015 4:30:16 AM; Version: 2.1.5]
[CTDB TOCID: ptBCLo9a.IemO9oVFmZQVn3ZL_Y-] found.
Track | CTDB Status
1 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
2 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
3 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
4 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
5 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
6 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
7 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
8 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
9 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
10 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
11 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
12 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
13 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
14 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
15 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
16 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
17 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
18 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
19 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
20 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
21 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
22 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
23 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
24 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
25 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
26 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
27 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
28 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
29 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
30 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
31 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
32 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
33 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
34 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
35 | (10/10) Accurately ripped
[AccurateRip ID: 0044228d-0680c4d0-1a0cfe23] found.
Track [ CRC | V2 ] Status
01 [b4c70672|799ede24] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
02 [ee33228d|629a8ce7] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
03 [8d46e3b0|3c0e9c49] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
04 [4d807e16|98bb3f59] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
05 [8485bad8|98fd8ae3] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
06 [31c1f89a|f394a18d] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
07 [4570d2cd|e5181c5e] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
08 [3c202ca9|6e4a072c] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
09 [35c3164b|881a8671] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
10 [7047e935|7ecf7fa5] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
11 [2c1a4d66|529115d4] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
12 [227efd7b|7ab28eff] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
13 [2cdb571a|060de9d8] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
14 [dbcedd4d|ae1235f8] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
15 [20053ff2|3538abb3] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
16 [eef67bd8|48e6acef] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
17 [1868ec45|117c548c] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
18 [dde7b3aa|508078d0] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
19 [fc27b9cd|042b05ea] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
20 [9e1fee8d|ca4f1857] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
21 [d35a44f1|259ea6cc] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
22 [385dc014|c38ec52b] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
23 [8c1ef040|02490d46] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
24 [22477553|91e3a17d] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
25 [e28c380a|14664595] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
26 [066ce8c0|527e7517] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
27 [2592d7ed|50a94799] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
28 [ca3331b5|f1527db9] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
29 [228de102|880da158] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
30 [549d36c4|a472958d] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
31 [bd09d4e8|41ffd695] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
32 [5d1fdf2f|edd4d6d6] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
33 [ee5b2a1c|09e4d9d5] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
34 [fad0aeb6|286ac2b3] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
35 [afb045ee|55961416] (02+03/10) Accurately ripped
Offsetted by -36:
01 [73656b5e] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
02 [c69e487d] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
03 [50e887d8] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
04 [a374cb7e] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
05 [593f57bc] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
06 [b6bbff32] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
07 [29618b41] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
08 [3573d139] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
09 [f1e76b33] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
10 [fd305f5d] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
11 [f2efb8ce] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
12 [87c5f403] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
13 [a3e4113a] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
14 [5a05a825] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
15 [3b807b42] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
16 [197f6720] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
17 [fe99b585] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
18 [44890e0a] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
19 [713b1215] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
20 [9183034d] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
21 [690ebe21] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
22 [abf3ca0c] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
23 [62d0a8d0] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
24 [2a35722b] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
25 [3ede72a6] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
26 [14e1fbd8] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
27 [d564f959] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
28 [af8e7ce1] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
29 [06a381d6] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
30 [12fed128] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
31 [d009047c] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
32 [e166c0b3] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
33 [1d30bd3c] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
34 [5a0c555e] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)
35 [595dae6a] (00/10) No match (V2 was not tested)

Track Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL]
-- 97.6 [B3134FA9] [F996C00D]
01 82.0 [8FC1377B] [19206B12]
02 94.8 [9FB25218] [13D75D7C]
03 66.6 [4442CF32] [3A89ACD7]
04 74.7 [7FE5DFD6] [D6B4E7D4]
05 50.3 [8DC86AE4] [34C175D3]
06 97.5 [7F540EE0] [274A7484]
07 18.6 [13E10E5E] [727A6BC8]
08 97.6 [7A7771C6] [734A1870]
09 89.7 [CB12EFDA] [7216E544]
10 66.0 [C9B26E7D] [EC21F3D4]
11 65.3 [55E943E4] [98AFD49F]
12 95.9 [72CD1B31] [1249E160]
13 74.4 [033A2CA5] [9F7F83BB]
14 77.1 [561834A8] [66F83EE9]
15 92.4 [F3E6FA85] [109519AE]
16 62.8 [09E1FA18] [B1BB8128]
17 86.6 [79964212] [E6C6D183]
18 32.4 [7EF132DC] [FDB9C950]
19 25.6 [05BD5A4E] [CF584837]
20 50.5 [BC8DFF5D] [C79D0721]
21 32.2 [B58DAD63] [7330E7BE]
22 58.5 [E127851D] [32A82610]
23 57.3 [BDD596EB] [DD2F2C05]
24 73.4 [263B6C4E] [CD174F69]
25 63.0 [8057D361] [A896701A]
26 63.3 [80C74EB0] [00C001EA]
27 65.7 [53D8F74B] [F5FE4208]
28 91.9 [69F3E87B] [C6AAC43F]
29 88.4 [F5FBD633] [2E215E69]
30 84.3 [E2A1C6D9] [71FE4F79]
31 72.5 [6475CCF0] [C2493498]
32 56.5 [12032867] [92E3CB9B]
33 56.5 [1C47E5EE] [6398A2A2]
34 70.6 [ED64DE27] [7B1A5809]
35 83.3 [8DDCFA8F] [18AD507E]

AudioChecker LOG
AUDIOCHECKER v2.0 beta (build 457) - by Dester - [email protected]

Path: ...\Ennio Morricone - 1966 - Navajo Joe (FSM) [FLAC]

01 -=- 01. Main Title (Navajo Joe).flac -=- CDDA (100%)
02 -=- 02. A Silhouette of Doom.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
03 -=- 03. Duncan's Plan.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
04 -=- 04. The Peyote Saloon.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
05 -=- 05. Wiping Out the Town.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
06 -=- 06. The Road to Esperanza (Main Title - Navajo Joe).flac -=- CDDA (100%)
07 -=- 07. The Engineer's Harmonica.flac -=- CDDA (92%)
08 -=- 08. Duncan's Wild Bunch (Goodbye to Brother Jeffrey).flac -=- CDDA (100%)
09 -=- 09. Train Massacre.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
10 -=- 10. Fear and Silence.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
11 -=- 11. A Dollar a Head.flac -=- CDDA (99%)
12 -=- 12. Joe's Departure (End Title - Navajo Joe).flac -=- CDDA (99%)
13 -=- 13. An Indian Story (Healing the Wound).flac -=- CDDA (100%)
14 -=- 14. Ride Into Town.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
15 -=- 15. But Joe Say No.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
16 -=- 16. To Intermission.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
17 -=- 17. Torture.flac -=- CDDA (99%)
18 -=- 18. Navajo Harmonica Pt. 1.flac -=- CDDA (43%)
19 -=- 19. Navajo Harmonica Pt. 2.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
20 -=- 20. The Navajo Escapes.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
21 -=- 21. A Bad Childhood.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
22 -=- 22. Joe and His Woman.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
23 -=- 23. The Horses Set Free.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
24 -=- 24. The Demise of Father Rattigan (The Demise of Barbara).flac -=- CDDA (100%)
25 -=- 25. From Esperanza (To Esperanza).flac -=- CDDA (100%)
26 -=- 26. Over the Mountain.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
27 -=- 27. The Search for Joe.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
28 -=- 28. The ConfrontationThe Return of Joe.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
29 -=- 29. After the End.flac -=- CDDA (99%)
30 -=- 30. Main Title (Film Version).flac -=- CDDA (100%)
31 -=- 31. Raw Hides and Dead Hides.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
32 -=- 32. Fear and Silence (Album Version).flac -=- CDDA (100%)
33 -=- 33. The Navajo's a Prisoner.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
34 -=- 34. Navajo Joe Medley.flac -=- CDDA (99%)
35 -=- 35. Sadness.flac -=- CDDA (100%)

Summary 98.00% CDDA


Spek Spectrum Analysis
Track 1 of 35

Track 35 of 35

05-27-2015, 11:17 AM
Francesco De Masi 1966] Ringo Il Volto Della Vendetta [GDM 2060, Lossless]

[00:57] 01. Ringo Il Volto Della Vendetta [Titoli]
[02:11] 02. Ringo Il Volto Della Vendetta [Seq.n.02]
[02:08] 03. Ringo Il Volto Della Vendetta [Seq.n.03]
[01:31] 04. Ringo Il Volto Della Vendetta [Seq.n.04]
[02:05] 05. Ringo Il Volto Della Vendetta [Seq.n.05]
[03:00] 06. Ringo Il Volto Della Vendetta [Seq.n.06]
[01:52] 07. Ringo Il Volto Della Vendetta [Seq.n.07]
[01:02] 08. Ringo Il Volto Della Vendetta [Seq.n.08]
[01:24] 09. Ringo Il Volto Della Vendetta [Seq.n.09]
[01:37] 10. Ringo Il Volto Della Vendetta [Seq.n.10]
[01:54] 11. Ringo Il Volto Della Vendetta [Seq.n.11]
[01:23] 12. Ringo Il Volto Della Vendetta [Seq.n.12]
[02:17] 13. Ringo Il Volto Della Vendetta [Seq.n.13]
[02:22] 14. Ringo Il Volto Della Vendetta [Seq.n.14]
[01:51] 15. Ringo Il Volto Della Vendetta [Seq.n.15]
[02:25] 16. Ringo Il Volto Della Vendetta [Seq.n.16]
[01:50] 17. Ringo Il Volto Della Vendetta [Seq.n.17]
[01:50] 18. Ringo Il Volto Della Vendetta [Seq.n.18]
[01:43] 19. Ringo Il Volto Della Vendetta [Seq.n.19]
[03:16] 20. Ringo Il Volto Della Vendetta [Seq.n.20]
[03:14] 21. Ringo Il Volto Della Vendetta [Finale]

� GDM Music, 2005 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | Scans | CDRip by zvonko1510

05-27-2015, 02:55 PM

I Crudeli (1966)
Composer: Ennio Morricone
Released in: 1966
Country: Italy, Spain
As known as: "The Cruel Ones", "Los Despiadados", "The Hellbenders".

1. I Crudeli (02:36)
2. Prima Dell'Assalto (01:55)
3. Un Monumento (02:30)
4. Minacciosamente Lontano (02:42)
5. La Congiura (03:36)
6. Dopo La Congiura (01:54)
7. I Crudeli 2 (01:18)
8. Attesa Del Nulla (04:00)
9. Monumento 2 (02:18)
10. Seconda Congiura (02:12)
11. I Crudeli (The Widow) (02:03)
12. La Congiura (02:47)
13. Un Monumento (01:54)
14. I Crudeli (01:48)
15. La Congiura (03:10)
16. I Crudeli (02:23)
17. Un Monumento (01:54)

Total Duration: 00:41:00

EAC / FLAC / LOG / CUE / M3U PlayList

I Crudeli (
This is not my rip but it is a proper rip.

Hello everyone. This seems to me a great spaghetti lossless soundtracks thread. So here is my first little contribution.

05-27-2015, 03:20 PM
Ennio Morricone 1964] Per Un Pugno di Dollari [GDM 2066]

realmente esse e verdadeiramente origanal de produtora!!!!!!!

05-27-2015, 03:42 PM
Ennio Morricone 1964] Per Un Pugno di Dollari [GDM 2066]

realmente esse e verdadeiramente origanal de produtora!!!!!!!

Producer is Gianni Dell'Orso, I 'm not for sure. What is your problem?
''Brought by'' is not the same as well as ''CDRip by''. Do you see the difference?
However you're drunk mainly.

---------- Post added at 04:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:30 PM ----------

I ask you, please, to show your links. There is no private messaging except for:

Film Score Monthly
Varese Sarabande

They give us enough no longer concern, because they do not have spaghetti series except this 3 Morricone edition from FSM.

Best regards

05-27-2015, 03:58 PM
nenhum problema eu tenho este poster a muito tempo so isso conhe�o as procedencia do album...

05-27-2015, 04:13 PM
Thanks Zvonko1510 for The 5-Men Army!!!

05-28-2015, 02:43 AM
Ennio Morricone - Il Mio Nome E' Nessuno

GDM/Edel Italy 0159042 - Mio Nome ? Nessuno, Il- Soundtrack details - (
FLAC + Scans.

05-28-2015, 03:02 AM
obrigado zardoz22

05-28-2015, 08:36 AM
This movie is so good it deserves to have both versions here.

Ennio Morricone 1973] My Name Is Nobody [CDST 330]

[03:14] 01. Il Mio Nome � Nessuno
[05:12] 02. Buona Fortuna Jack
[02:42] 03. Mucchio Selvaggio
[04:50] 04. Se Sei Qualcuno � Colpa Mia
[02:08] 05. Con I Migliori Auguri
[07:01] 06. Uno Strano Barbiere
[02:23] 07. Pi� Delle Valchirie
[02:07] 08. Una Insolita Attesa
[01:34] 09. Balletto Degli Specchi
[01:49] 10. La Favola Dell 'Uccellino
[03:16] 11. Il Mio Nome � Nessuno
[01:54] 12. Buona Fortuna Jack
[01:20] 13. Mucchio Selvaggio
[03:06] 14. Uno Strano Barbiere
[02:23] 15. Il Mio Nome � Nessuno
[07:22] 16. Se Sei Qualcuno � Colpa Mia
[05:29] 17. Buona Fortuna Jack
[01:17] 18. Mucchio Selvaggio
[03:10] 19. Uno Strano Barbiere
[03:36] 20. Mucchio Selvaggio
[01:33] 21. Il Mio Nome � Nessuno
[02:35] 22. Mucchio Selvaggio
[04:32] 23. Se Sei Qualcuno � Colpa Mia

� Screen Trax, 2000 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | Scans | CDRip by zvonko1510

05-28-2015, 11:57 AM
Speaking of morriconne, can somebody post this edition:

Da Uomo a Uomo [GDM 4130, Edizione 2010]

or Le Pistole Non Discutono [GDM 4138, Edizione 2010] in lossless


05-28-2015, 06:01 PM
Thank you Zvonko. for:Vivo per la tua morte".

---------- Post added at 11:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 AM ----------

Muchas gracias Fulci, por: " I quattro dell�Apocalisse".

05-28-2015, 06:03 PM
Ennio Morricone - Per qualche dollaro in pi� (1965) [GDM 2038, 2003]

[CTDB TOCID: 71tmg4MWCSaWFewlFRzGncaZMQc-] found.
Track | CTDB Status
1 | (8/8) Accurately ripped
2 | (8/8) Accurately ripped
3 | (8/8) Accurately ripped
4 | (8/8) Accurately ripped
5 | (8/8) Accurately ripped
6 | (8/8) Accurately ripped
7 | (8/8) Accurately ripped
8 | (8/8) Accurately ripped
9 | (8/8) Accurately ripped
10 | (7/8) Accurately ripped
11 | (7/8) Accurately ripped
12 | (8/8) Accurately ripped
13 | (8/8) Accurately ripped
14 | (8/8) Accurately ripped
15 | (8/8) Accurately ripped
16 | (8/8) Accurately ripped
17 | (7/8) Accurately ripped
18 | (8/8) Accurately ripped
19 | (8/8) Accurately ripped
20 | (8/8) Accurately ripped
21 | (8/8) Accurately ripped
22 | (8/8) Accurately ripped
[AccurateRip ID: 0024842d-023e1ae1-390aab16] found.
Track [ CRC | V2 ] Status
01 [2c19593d|7a1923ee] (2+5/7) Accurately ripped
02 [2ac5bba5|a27eb0fa] (2+5/7) Accurately ripped
03 [25515195|60695c98] (2+5/7) Accurately ripped
04 [c0de83b1|1b746671] (2+5/7) Accurately ripped
05 [8422f4ae|62cbbfca] (2+5/7) Accurately ripped
06 [03e465ed|70464095] (2+5/7) Accurately ripped
07 [29046057|35f947ae] (2+5/7) Accurately ripped
08 [56bd6444|e4f13be1] (2+5/7) Accurately ripped
09 [f73cf7a5|cc3ed205] (0+5/5) Accurately ripped
10 [9d53ccce|6c40c646] (0+5/5) Accurately ripped
11 [68268ac8|7fa858aa] (2+4/6) Accurately ripped
12 [b9367622|3f500672] (2+5/7) Accurately ripped
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Track Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL]
-- 100,0 [18EC4C1E] [A5280BC6]
01 100,0 [6ED5BD09] [F116CB3B]
02 100,0 [1145980D] [A41658A8]
03 100,0 [72CC2CD4] [A0952F6C]
04 100,0 [CBAEDA6B] [FAE5DB66]
05 100,0 [3A7179A9] [B1D05EB0]
06 100,0 [2CCA0C26] [FC985E53]
07 100,0 [BE87C86F] [C1E5033F]
08 100,0 [478FD6A3] [8354E9AD]
09 100,0 [A85854CF] [F275A4FF]
10 100,0 [B37FFF8F] [A9E7BC30]
11 100,0 [B3C71EE1] [D36954B3]
12 100,0 [810E8780] [2B77FD6D]
13 100,0 [5B989E47] [573FAA67]
14 100,0 [0186A951] [89F528BA]
15 100,0 [EBCD7C66] [66A16C7A]
16 26,8 [96146AF6] [D43F8DB3]
17 100,0 [0B79239D] [8F5726BD]
18 100,0 [D5E9CC46] [AE6E04C2]
19 100,0 [8E1AC468] [483C78A3]
20 100,0 [B020019C] [FE9B8A42]
21 100,0 [4B85B8C4] [BE2CD617]
22 100,0 [DE21F338] [5CC3A5F0]!P0VG2IKS!8Zdz_d6c1abialKyDycEIoWQMPPw8i9qvjtDkKK a-FU

05-28-2015, 06:04 PM
Ennio Morricone - La Resa Dei Conti (The Big Gundown) (1966) (GDM 2007) [FLAC]

Track list

01. Run Man Run (Titoli Di Testa) (2:49)
02. Dopo La Condanna (1:42)
03. La Resa Dei Conti (Square Dance Nuziale) (5:08)
04. Arriva Cuchillo (1:50)
05. Coro Dei Mormoni (1:40)
06. La Resa Dei Conti (Titoli - Ripresa) (2:01)
07. Primo Deserto (Jonathan Corbett) (1:48)
08. La Vedova (Il Ranch) (2:04)
09. La Corrida (1:50)
10. La Vedova (1:12)
11. Primo Deserto (Arriva Corbett) (1:48)
12. Corri Uomo Corri (2:48)
13. Primo Deserto (2:30)
14. Secondo Deserto (1:23)
15. Primo Deserto (Il Morso Del Serpente) (4:25)
16. La Resa Dei Conti (Rosita) (2:22)
17. La Resa Dei Conti (Mariachi) (0:41)
18. La Resa Dei Conti (La Caccia) (2:37)
19. La Resa Dei Conti (Seconda Caccia) (2:20)
20. Primo Deserto (Preso Nell'Imboscata) (0:54)
21. La Resa Dei Conti (1:01)
22. La Condanna (1:12)
23. La Resa (2:47)
24. Run Man Run (Titoli Finale) (2:46)

Total Duration 51:37

Scans Included

Download Link:!StBGybwZ!ZhWFsHsamyBvkPmSNLYquPt3zQNkoy0QsQjdYoi 0LLE

05-28-2015, 07:46 PM
This guy seems smarter.

05-28-2015, 08:08 PM
it is not a guy, it is a bot.
designed to take one random message from a thread and add his silly image advert links.

05-28-2015, 09:01 PM
Have a pleasant welcome of fans fraternal club, Petros!!!

---------- Post added at 10:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:48 PM ----------

Bixio-Frizzi-Tempera - Carambola/Carambola, Filotto... Tutti In Buca

[02:39] 01. You Can Fly [Vocal version][performed by Dreambags]
[01:55] 02. Carambola [deguello #1]
[01:46] 03. Carambola [Mexico!]
[02:01] 04. Carambola [!]
[02:18] 05. You Can Fly [inst.]
[03:17] 06. Carambola [Western Bamba]
[03:23] 07. Carambola [Blues for Trinity & Carambola]
[02:04] 08. You Can Fly [inst. variation]
[03:13] 09. Carambola [Western Jazz]
[02:07] 10. Carambola [Mariachi]
[04:21] 11. Milk Serenade
[01:55] 12. Carambola [deguello #2]
[02:43] 13. You Can Fly [inst. reprise]
[03:07] 14. Sky's Motor-Bike [Vocal version][performed by Dreambags]
[04:17] 15. Carambola Filotto... Tutti In Buca [Deguello]
[02:34] 16. Carambola Filotto... Tutti In Buca [Chase]
[02:16] 17. Sky's Motor-Bike [inst. reprise]
[02:56] 18. Carambola Filotto... Tutti In Buca [Marcetta]
[02:22] 19. Carambola Filotto... Tutti In Buca [Samba]
[02:04] 20. Carambola Filotto... Tutti In Buca [Fiesta!]
[02:00] 21. Sky's Motor-Bike [inst. reprise #2]
[02:36] 22. Carambola Filotto... Tutti In Buca [Saloon]
[02:30] 23. Carambola Filotto... Tutti In Buca [Mariachi]
[03:32] 24. Carambola Filotto... Tutti In Buca [Funny Chase]
[03:39] 25. Coby And Len [performed by Dreambags]
[02:36] 26. Coby And Len [pt. 2]
[02:51] 27. Sky's Motor-Bike [inst. reprise #3]

* Tracks 01-13 from "Carambola, 1973"
* Tracks 14-27 from "Carambola, Filotto... Tutti In Buca, 1974"

� Digitmovies CDDM054, 2006 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | Scans | CDRip by zvonko1510

05-28-2015, 09:55 PM
We are still missing a few great italian composers, time to add them :)

Stelvio Cipriani - Un Uomo, Un Cavallo, Una Pistola

GDM Music 4154 - Uomo, Un Cavallo, Una Pistola, Un- Soundtrack details - (
FLAC + Scans.

05-28-2015, 10:19 PM
to zardoz

Great OST, i know!!! Can you tell me, whether it's a good movie, I don't watched it?

05-28-2015, 10:47 PM
I am a big fan of italian composers movie music, but i will gladly admit i don't know much about 80% of the movies :)

next missing composer :

Piero Piccioni - La Spina Dorsale Del Diavolo

Legend CD 32 DLX - Spina Dorsale Del Diavolo, La- Soundtrack details - (
FLAC + Scans.

05-28-2015, 11:05 PM
Ennio Morricone - Il Mercenario (1968) [GDM 7010, 2002]

[CTDB TOCID: Va46Rom1nQNMnsM9wzdEoPgsKd0-] found.
Track | CTDB Status
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[AccurateRip ID: 0014dbe0-00fbf80d-cc08fa10] found.
Track [ CRC | V2 ] Status
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Track Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL]
-- 99,9 [CE00AE58] [9D4FDE11]
01 99,9 [BB2B44F7] [9C02DA7B]
02 98,0 [DA4BC679] [DA9FC237]
03 61,9 [9CBBD1F4] [7B81E217]
04 87,9 [F4DC6281] [63F68E5A]
05 98,0 [1210EA78] [377F47F6]
06 64,9 [988557D9] [AFDB3CC9]
07 98,0 [D9E03A1F] [D1FDAFFA]
08 98,0 [203BDA29] [04E83F6E]
09 64,9 [F99A4623] [C08257C9]
10 77,9 [64332064] [5D26276B]
11 67,9 [0081E4CF] [4FC572AD]
12 79,9 [D908900F] [252FA07E]
13 84,9 [77E95617] [D2B15C8B]
14 98,0 [E64CEDC1] [89ACA90F]
15 98,0 [5F2BBCB6] [B45848D3]
16 98,0 [9237DAE2] [8F154B0F]!H5UHnSAI!YuBo0oNPJEqcBmgiulDzOA0Bj_E-q9nfVXlTXhrnrlA

05-28-2015, 11:08 PM
Welcome to club, Negaj!!!

05-29-2015, 05:36 AM
Ennio Morricone - Once Upon a Time in the West (C'era Una Volta Il West) (1968/RCA 1989)

Another edition by RCA if you don't mind.


1. Once Upon A Time In The West (03:43)
2. As A Judgment (03:05)
3. Farewell To Cheyenne (02:37)
4. The Transgression (04:40)
5. The First Tavern (01:38)
6. The Second Tavern (01:31)
7. Man With A Harmonica (03:28)
8. A Dimly Lit Room (05:06)
9. Bad Orchestra (02:22)
10. The Man (01:00)
11. Jill's America (02:45)
12. Death Rattle (01:42)
13. Finale (04:10)

Total Duration: 00:37:47

Download link (FLAC w/ scan, 180.1 MB):!9xsyyC4Z!UGNvzKTfCCU9KGT2xSVrv6dBAOcjIrzCSC8O8kg-DMo

05-29-2015, 08:22 AM

Bruno Nicolai - Centomila Dollari Per Ringo 1965 [GDM CD Club, 2002]
Track listing

1. Ringo came to fight* (*Previously unreleased track) (02:21)
sung by Bobby Solo. Written by Cassia-Nicolai
2. Sfida eroica* (02:23)
3. Cadenza funebre (01:23)
4. Repressione violenta* (01:23)
5. Tumulti (02:25)
6. Ballata per Ringo (02:22)
7. Sfida eroica (Version 2) (03:32)
8. Ballata per Ringo* (03:57)
9. Colt in agguato (03:05)
10. Ballata per Ringo* (version 2) (00:37)
11. Il volto nascosto (02:18)
12. 100.000 dollari per Ringo* (02:02)
13. Dramatico incontro (02:05)
14. Repressione violenta (version 2) (01:38)
15. Tumulti* (version 2) (01:54)
16. Paura di morire (02:44)
17. Ballata per Ringo (version 3) (01:53)
18. Incontro di fuoco (02:35)
19. Attessa inutile (01:35)
20. Minaccia di vendetta* (01:48)
21. Ballata per Ringo*(Version 4) (01:28)
22. Invovazione drammatica (03:25)
23. Il volo nascosto* (version 2) (04:05)
24. Minaccia di vendetta (version 2) (04:33)
25. Paura di uccidere(version 2) (01:53)
26. All' ultimo sangue (02:13)
27. 100.000 dollari per Ringo(Piano saloon) (01:00)
bonus track
28. Ringo dove vai? *single - Italian version (02:21)
sung by Bobby Solo. Written by Cassia-Nicolai
29. Ringo dove vai?* alternate Italian vocal (02:25)
sung by Dan Powell. Written by Cassia-Nicolai
30. Ringo dove vai? *(off vocal karaoke version) (02:22)
Download link:!TQEHEJiA!aQUfmdOQzpXqYZUMn9ND6K5Eim3Pg86q-jtPRhmWA_Q

05-29-2015, 08:29 AM
to szatan67

I have no words. You left me speechless!!!


05-29-2015, 08:31 AM
you write me what search,maybe i have it

05-29-2015, 09:08 AM
Gentlemen, it is coming slowly to a 100 disc.
Whom more should i-tunes normalized shit?


05-29-2015, 12:51 PM
This movie is so good it deserves to have both versions here.

Ennio Morricone 1973] My Name Is Nobody [CDST 330]

� Screen Trax, 2000 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | Full Scans | CDRip by zvonko1510

Here's one more:
Ennio Morricone - Il Mio Nome E' Nessuno (aka 'My Name Is Nobody') (Alhambra Edition) [FLAC]

Mio Nome ? Nessuno, Il- Soundtrack details - (

Alhambra A 8918

English Track Names:
01 - My Name Is Nobody (03:14)
02 - Good Luck, Jack (05:08)
03 - The Wild Horde (02:42)
04 - My Fault? (04:50)
05 - With Best Wishes (02:05)
06 - A Dangerous Barber (07:01)
07 - Valkyries (02:21)
08 - An Unusual Welcome (02:05)
09 - Duel In The Mirror-Cabinet (01:32)
10 - The Bird's Tale (01:45)

German Track Names:
01 - Mein Name Ist Nobody (03:14)
02 - Viel Gluck, Jack (05:08)
03 - Wilder Haufen (02:42)
04 - Meine Schuld? (04:50)
05 - Mit Den Besten Gluckwunschen (02:05)
06 - Ein Gefahrlicher Barbier (07:01)
07 - Walkuren (02:21)
08 - Ein Ungewohnlicher Empfang (02:05)
09 - Duell Im Spiegelkabinett (01:32)
10 - Die Fabel Vom Vogel (01:45)!jRUEiRhD!xUP37e9mikJlaAbNO5IobNweVx7mzF4vDuy2oFV ASIU

05-29-2015, 01:59 PM
Muchas gracias Zardoz, por : "Un uomo, un cavallo, una pistola".

05-29-2015, 02:18 PM
Have a pleasant welcome of fans fraternal club, Petros!!!

Thank you, my friend.
Our teams are regarded "brother-teams" since 1996!

05-29-2015, 02:37 PM
On my avatar for your information, is Dragan Mance (1962-1985) a legend.

Partizan~Π.Α.Ο.Κ. brothers forever.

BTW I 'm color blind. I distinguish only two colors: black and white :)

05-29-2015, 02:45 PM
Are there any other colors?

It's a pity that Dragan Mance was lost so early.

05-29-2015, 02:52 PM
Are there any other colors?

It's a pity that Dragan Mance was lost so early.
Yes. Knock with a some furious machine in the concrete wall at a speed of 200 per hour.
But we have a little bit of music, rather we have usurped thread today.

05-29-2015, 03:17 PM
thanks a lot

05-29-2015, 03:31 PM
Ennio Morricone - Tepepa (1968) (Verita Note 2007) [FLAC]

Track list

01. Viva la Revolucion (Tepepa) (04:21)
02. Tepepa e Price (00:59)
03. Tradimento Primo (02:18)
04. A Meta' Strada (01:54)
05. Al Messico Che Vorrei (sung by Christy) (04:53)
06. Una Rosa (01:49)
07. Consegna delle Armi (01:20)
08. Un Povera Casa (01:05)
09. Tradimento Secondo (02:55)
10. Viva la Revolucion (Tepepa) (#2) (05:33)
11. Tepepa (Tema d'Amore) (02:25)
12. Tepepa (Marcetta) (02:02)
13. Viva la Revolucion (Tepepa) (#3) (02:32)
14. Tepepa (Ondas de Amor) (03:09)
15. Tepepa (Tradimento Terzo) (01:12)
16. Tepepa (Banda) (01:57)
17. Tepepa (Fragrante Melodia) (01:31)
18. Al Messico Che Vorrei (karaoke version) (04:45)

Total Duration 46:40

Scans Included

Download Link:!DoZw0A7Z!anI1Ii1nFD9WQ7gswDvjxeo5yMWgG-8jhzPZiVNe7rc

05-29-2015, 05:06 PM
Francesco De Masi - Ammazzali Tutti E Torna Solo (1968, Beat Records 2011) [FLAC]

Label:Beat Records Company ‎– CDCR92
Released:25 Jul 2011 y(96)/discogs-images/R-3640533-1338482119-6189.jpeg.jpg

Product Description:

The second release in the series dedicated to the Western scores of Francesco de Masi is another classic in Beat Records' catalog: AMMAZZALI TUTTI E TORNA SOLO (1968, KILL THEM ALL AND COME BACK ALONE), directed by Enzo G. Castellari. The wonderful score composed by the popular Maestro Francesco de Masi will keep your ears glued to the stereo for nearly 60 minutes of great music in this complete, definitive edition!
The CD comes with an 8-page booklet full of original artwork and features liner notes (in Italian and English) by Filippo de Masi, son and biographer of the Maestro.
Featuring vocals by Raoul and M� Alessandro Alessandroni's Cantori Moderni, it's a must-have for lovers of orchestral Western scores!

1. Gold again 3'01''
2. Deadly Mission 2'22''
3. Tre trap is laid 3'41''
4. The union powder magazine 2'39''
5. Union lines 2'27''
6. Deadly mission 1'43''
7. Back to mind 4'11''
8. Gold flitting 2'23''
9. Be careful 2'26''
10. A nice scramble 1'12''
11. A challenge to death 2'15''
12. Come mai* 1'59''
13. One by one 3'20''
14. Ruthlessly 2'32''
15. Violence must pay 2'45''
16. The confederate captain 2'42''
17. One by one again 2'50''
18. Tracking Clyde 2'04''
19. Gold lament 2'33''
20. Clyde's final trick 1'41''
21. Lonely return 2'03''
22. Gold end 0‘44''
23 Gold * 1'57''

*Singer Raoul

DOWNLOAD LINK (!uZN2VSCZ!Eh31GPfY91LlidGHh506crBTuWge3yHluKzLWaY 6hzo)

Password: ak

05-29-2015, 05:56 PM y(96)/discogs-images/R-1986202-1256835254.jpeg.jpg
Gianfranco Di Stefano ‎– Shango La Pistola Infallibile Cinevox ‎– CD MDF 315 format FLAC + Covers
1 Shango, La Pistola Infallibile 1:31
2 Alba Pericolosa 1:23
3 Pista Di Fuoco 1:42
4 Verso Il Messico 2:33
5 Counterblow 2:43
6 Chitarra Triste E Sola 1:50
7 Siesta Siesta 2:54
8 Prateria Sconfinata 2:08
9 Jeff Bloom 1:34
10 Pistole Che Scottano 1:43
11 Sguardi Violenti 1:25
12 Dreamy Guitar 1:12
13 To Welcome 2:54
14 Citta' Morta 2:59
15 E' Passata La Morte 1:34
16 Shango La Pistola Infallibile (Outtakes Suite) 11:51
PM for the link !

05-29-2015, 05:57 PM
Thank you Neqaj, for: "Il mercenario".

05-29-2015, 06:08 PM
Thank you paperugo for a new composer on a list.

---------- Post added at 07:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:06 PM ----------

Which I new composer to post today?
I was in a dilemma.

05-29-2015, 08:07 PM
Here we go. This is 73. edition and counting.

Benedetto Ghiglia 1966] 4 Dollari Di Vendetta [GDM 4126]

[02:01] 01. Let Him Go
[02:20] 02. Fuorilegge
[02:43] 03. Let Him Go [Versione 2]
[01:55] 04. Fuorilegge [Versione 2]
[02:18] 05. Let Him Go [Versione 3]
[01:42] 06. Deguello Per Una Vendetta
[01:40] 07. Fuorilegge [Versione 3]
[01:58] 08. Valzer Dei Ricordi
[01:42] 09. Fuorilegge [Versione 4]
[01:35] 10. Valzer Grazioso
[02:59] 11. Let Him Go [Versione 4]
[01:14] 12. Fuorilegge [Versione 5]
[01:02] 13. Valzer Grazioso [Versione 2]
[03:04] 14. Buffo Saloon
[01:18] 15. Allegro Pianino
[01:11] 16. Let Him Go [Versione 5]
[02:47] 17. Fuorilegge [Versione 6]
[01:29] 18. Let Him Go [Versione 6]
[02:05] 19. Valzer Dei Ricordi [Versione 2]
[01:52] 20. Fuorilegge [Versione 7]
[02:09] 21. Valzer Grazioso [Versione 3]
[02:00] 22. Fuorilegge [Versione 8]
[01:26] 23. Let Him Go [Versione 7]
[02:37] 24. Deguello Per Una Vendetta [Versione 2]
[05:13] 25. Buffo Saloon [Versione 2]
[01:08] 26. Valzer Grazioso [Versione 4]
[03:14] 27. Let Him Go [Finale]

� GDM Music, 2009 | FLAC | 44100 Hz | Scans | CDRip by zvonko1510

05-30-2015, 03:00 AM
Hi zvonko1510! Could you please send me the link? Many Thanks!

---------- Post added at 11:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 PM ----------

Hi FulciLives! Could you please send me the link? Many thanks advance!

05-30-2015, 10:47 AM
Ennio Morricone - Death Rides a Horse/A Pistol for Ringo/The Return of Ringo (1965-1967) (RCA Italy 107-1991) [FLAC]

Track list

Death Rides a Horse (1967)
01. A Man And A Whistle (3:20)
02. Anger And Sorrow (2:54)
03. Alone In The Night (3:24)
04. Mystic And Severe (3:04)
05. Monody For Guitar (2:36)
06. Guitar Nocturne (2:48)
07. Ghost (0:44)
08. Death Rides A Horse (3:20)

A Gun for Ringo (1965)
09. Angel Face (2:18)
10. Honk Tonky (0:41)
11. Grotesque Suspense (1:41)
12. Hesitating Rag (1:35)
13. Heroic Mexico (1:30)
14. Bamba Bambina (1:30)
15. The Wait (2:34)
16. The Clash (1:28)
17. The Slaughter (1:56)
18. A Pistol For Ringo (2:17)

The Return of Ringo (1965)
19. The Return Of Ringo (2:15)
20. The Disguise (2:23)
21. Sheriff Carson (1:18)
22. The Fuentes (1:07)
23. The Funeral (2:02)
24. Barnaba's Bamba (2:32)
25. The Wedding And The Revenge (1:27)
26. Peace Comes Back In Mimbres (2:19)

Total Duration 57:02

Covers Included

Download Link:!aoIUjI7B!WKcX0CRCttCxLtJbWo24EE8B09WeJVb3g68nPae CHYM

05-30-2015, 11:19 AM
Mieszko seems to be the biggest fan of Morricone :)

05-30-2015, 01:06 PM

Bruno Nicolai-Lo Chiamavano Tresette...
Track listing

1. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto - Seq. 1 (04:39)
2. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto - Seq. 2 (01:07)
3. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto - Seq. 3 (02:37)
4. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto - Seq. 4 (01:48)
5. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto - Seq. 5 (02:02)
6. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto - Seq. 6 (01:58)
7. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto - Seq. 7 (02:57)
8. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto - Seq. 8 (01:36)
9. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto - Seq. 9 (04:12)
10. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto - Seq. 10 (01:39)
11. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto - Seq. 11 (01:27)
12. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto - Seq. 12 (01:17)
13. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto - Seq. 13 (01:33)
14. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto - Seq. 14 (02:05)
15. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto - Seq. 15 (02:26)
16. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto - Seq. 16 (02:51)
17. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto - Seq. 17 (01:30)
18. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto - Seq. 18 (01:55)
19. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto - Seq. 19 (03:03)
20. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto - Seq. 20 (01:32)
21. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto - Seq. 21 (04:07)
22. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto - Seq. 22 (01:29)
23. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto - Seq. 23 (01:43)
24. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto - Seq. 24 (03:13)
25. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto - Seq. 25 (01:56)
26. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto - Seq. 26 (01:59)
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