12-02-2014, 03:50 PM
I recently posted a custom soundtrack for the original Deus Ex (Thread 182615), and I'm well on my way to making one for DXHR Director's Cut. But I need suggestions.

I've uploaded 3 sample tracks that you can download (!20Fm2CaI!97Jt8PG5ykT1S8zaaF77CLPMmZdoUJX1P46BXQ_ ZxnU) and compare. What I want to do is crossfade between the different levels of intensity, which is pretty close to how it is in the game. The problem is this: if I play each level once, and then fade to the next at the end, a bit of each one never plays cleanly (see 'The Mole - 1x fade'; the fades are around 2:00 and 4:05). This is fixed if I double loop the levels, but then most tracks are rather long (see 'The Mole - 2x fade'; it's 12:54). I can split up the tracks into ambient/stress/combat, but the whole thing ends up being over 11 hours! Another possibility is to treat each level of intensity as a separate track, single loop it, and then fade out.

Suggestions about this and other parts of the soundtrack are welcome. 'The Mole - 1x nofade' is more of an accident than anything else, but I included it to show how jarring it is without any fading. It's not so bad on most tracks, but I don't like the sound as much as with a fade.

12-03-2014, 01:28 AM
If it were me, I'd figure out where the loops are of each track go, then layer them in Audacity to figure out where they match up/transition together, then play each loop once, per Level-Track.

As for them not looping cleanly, I don't seem to catch that as much from the track you uploaded. I barely even noticed a difference between the fade and nofade versions. I'd recommend doing a download for each version. Start with the 1x-nofade version, then do a 1x-fade version [Easiest first?]. After that, if you get a certain number of requests [and feel up to it! LOL!], do the 2x version.