10-12-2014, 04:16 AM
Does anyone have:
*The Happiness Patrol by Dominic Glynn
*The Two Doctors by Peter Howell
*Remembrance of the Daleks by Keff McCulloch
*The Twin Dilemma by Malcolm Clarke
*The Twin Dilemma audiobook read by Colin Baker

Thank you in advance!

10-13-2014, 03:00 AM
Have you looked in the Doctor Who soundtrack thread? You will find many a fun and rare item there.

Thread 72196

Best to start at the newest post and work your way backwards. The index on page one does not have working links. Reading through the thread is the only option.

10-13-2014, 03:53 AM
Found The Two Doctors, can't get Happiness Patrol to download, can't find Remembrance, Twin Dilemma doesn't exist, and I don't see the audiobook in there.

Is it possible for someone to re-up The Happiness Patrol, and does anyone have the Twin Dilemma audiobook?

The problem with the Happiness Patrol is that the Mega page keeps saying Temporary Error when I try to download.

EDIT: Finally got Happiness Patrol.