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Exar Xan
12-06-2009, 07:01 PM
In this overhaul the soundtracks will be presented by Doctor and by episode for quick and easy searching. In case a soundtrack features more than 1 Doctor/Episode it can be listed both at the end under the heading 'Official releases' or with the appropriate Doctor or even both. Just use your CTRL-F and type the Episode name and you will find it.

This is based on a great Excel list that Recons gave me and with added information from Doctor Who Magazine.

Note: If you dont see an episode among the list it is either because it does not have a soundtrack release (fan, official or otherwise) or because we are still working on the list. Just let us know what you saw as missing and/or wrong and we will change it :)


First Doctor - William Hartnell

01 (A) – An Unearthly Child
TV Rip compilation (contains SFX)

02 (B) - The Mutants (aka The Daleks)
Adapted from a BBC album release

03 (C) - The Edge of Destruction
[link missing]

9 - 12 (J-M)- Planet of Giants, The Dalek Invasion of Earth & The Romans
TV Rip compilation (contains SFX), L - The Rescue is missing

13 (N) - The Web Planet & 18 (T) - Galaxy 4
Les Structures Sonores

14-17 (P-S) - The Crusade, The Space Museum, The Chase & The Time Meddler
TV Rip compilation (contains SFX)

19 & 20 (T/A & U) - Mission To The Unknown & The Myth Makers
TV Rip compilation (contains SFX)

21 (V) - The Dalek's Master Plan
Adapted from a BBC album release

22-24 (W-Y) - The Massacre, The Ark & The Celestial Toy Maker
TV Rip compilation (contains SFX)

25 (Z) - The Gunfighters
Adapted from a BBC release!download|475dt|269884991||2427 4
Contains song used in the serial. There was no incidental music

26 (AA) - The Savages
TV Rip compilation (contains sfx)

27 (BB) - The War Machines
Library music

28 (CC) - The Smugglers
No incidental music

29 (DD) - The Tenth Planet
Unofficial album release of library music

Official release (as Dr Who - Music From The Tenth Planet)

Second Doctor - Patrick Troughton

30 (EE) - The Power of the Daleks
No incidental music

31-36 (FF-LL) - The Highlanders, The Underwater Menace, The Moonbase, The Macra Terror, The Faceless Ones & The Evil of the Daleks
TV Rip compilation (contains SFX)

37 (MM) - The Tomb of the Cybermen
Unofficial album release of library music

38 (NN) - The Abominable Snowmen
Library source music not available

39-43 (OO-SS) - The Ice Warriors, The Enemy of the World, The Web of Fear, Fury From the Deep & The Wheel in Space
TV Rip compilation (contains SFX)

44-50 (TT-ZZ) - The Dominators, The Mind Robber, The Invasion, The Krotons, The Seeds of Death, The Space Pirates & The War Games
TV Rip compilation (contains SFX)

Third Doctor - Jon Pertwee

51 (AAA) - Spearhead From Space
TV Rip compilation (contains SFX)]

52 (BBB) - The Silurians
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)

53 & 54 (CCC & DDD) - The Ambassadors Of Death & Inferno
Library Music (Dalekdude and Recons)

55-61 (EEE-LLL) - Terror of the Autons, The Mind of Evil, The Claws of Axos, Colony in Space, The Daemons, Day of the Daleks &
The Curse of Peladon
TV Rip compilation (contains sfx)

62 (MMM) - The Sea Devils
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)

63 (NNN) - The Mutants
Adapted from a BBC release

64-71 (OOO-VVV) - The Time Monster, The Three Doctors, Carnival of Monsters, Frontier in Space, Planet of the Daleks, The Green Death, The Time Warrior & Invasion of the Dinosaurs
TV Rip compilation (contains sfx)

72 (WWW) - Death to the Daleks
Composer recordings

73 & 74 (YYY & ZZZ) - The Monster of Peladon & Planet of the Spiders
TV Rip compilation (contains sfx)

Fourth Doctor - Tom Baker

75-79 (4A-4E) - Robot, The Ark in Space, The Sontaran Experiment, Genesis of the Daleks & Revenge of the Cybermen
TV Rip compilation (contains SFX)

79 (4E) - Revenge of the Cybermen
Composer recordings

80 (4F) - Terror of the Zygons
Adapted from a BBC album release (DrMatt) Alternate link

81-84 (4G-4K) - Planet of Evil, Pyramids of Mars, The Android Invasion & The Brain of Morbius
TV Rip compilation (contains SFX)

85 (4M) - The Seeds of Doom
Adapted from a BBC album release (DrMatt)

86-108 (4N-5L) - The Masque of Mandragora, The Hand of Fear, The Deadly Assassin, The Face of Evil, The Robots of Death, The Talons of Weng-Chiang, Horror of Fang Rock, The Invisible Enemy, Image of the Fendahl, The Sun Makers, Underworld, The Invasion of Time, The Ribos Operation, The Pirate Planet, The Stones of Blood, The Androids of Tara, The Power of Kroll, The Armageddon Factor, Destiny of the Daleks, City of Death, The Creature of the Pit, Nightmare of Eden & The Horns of Nimon
TV Rip compilation (contains SFX)

109 (5N) - The Leisure Hive
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)

110 (5Q) - Meglos
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)
MP3 Unmixed:
FLAC Mixed:
FLAC Unmixed:

111 (5R) - Full Circle
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)

112 (5P) – State of Decay
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt) p

113 (5S) – Warriors Gate
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)

114 (5T) - The Keeper of Traken
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)

115 (5V) - Logopolis
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)

Pyramids of Mars - Classic Music from the Tom Baker Era
Official release with music from The Ark in Space, Genesis of the Daleks, Pyramids of Mars, Planet of Evil & The Brain of Morbius

Fifth Doctor - Peter Davison

116 & 125 (5Z &6F) - Castrovalva & Mawdrwyn Undead
San Diego ComicCon dual release - Note: They appear later in the list with a DVD isolated score
[link missing]

116 (5Z) - Castrovalva
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)

117 & 118 (5W & 5Y) - Four to Doomsday & Kinda
TV Rip compilation (contains SFX)
[Link missing]

119 (5Z) - The Visitation
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt) p

120 (6A) - Black Orchid
TV Rip compilation (contains SFX)
[Link missing]

121 (6B) - Earthshock
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)

122 (6C) - Time-Flight
Not available

123 (6E) - Arc of Infinity
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)

124 (6D)- Snakedance
TV Rip compilation (contains SFX)
[Link missing]

125 (6F) - Mawdryn Undead
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)

126 (6G) - Terminus
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)

127 (6H) - Enlightenment
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)

128 (6J) - The King's Demons
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)

129 (6K) - The Five Doctors
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)
Note: First one is the Televisied version, the second is an Extended version. Most likely based on the 2 different dvd versions of this story. The third one has the tag of it being from the 2010 remastered dvd set. Again I would appreciate it if someone could compare this for me with the other 2 versions

130 (6L) - Warriors of the Deep
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)
Note this is also a 2010 Remaster. Again I would appreciate if someone could compare versions and tell me the difference

131 (6M) - The Awakening
TV Rip compilation (contains SFX)

132 (6N) - Frontios
Not available

133 (6P) - Resurrection of the Daleks
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)

134 (6Q) - Planet of Fire
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)

135 (6R) - The Caves of Androzani
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)

Sixth Doctor - Colin Baker

136 (6S) - The Twin Dilemma
TV Rip compilation (contains SFX)

137 (6T) - Attack of the Cybermen
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)

138 (6V) - Vengeance on Varos
TV Rip compilation (contains SFX)

139 (6X)- Mark of the Rani
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)

140 (6W) - The Two Doctors
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)
MP3 Mixed:
MP3 Unmixed:
FLAC Mixed:
FLAC Unmixed:

141 (6Y) - Timelash
TV Rip compilation (contains SFX)

142 (6Z) - Revelation of the Daleks
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)

143A - The Mysterious Planet (Part 1 of The Trial of a Time Lord)
Commercially Released as 'Doctor Who: Black Light' for the 20th anniversary
Note: Also features the soundtrack to The Ultimate Foe & Dragonfire

143B (7B) - The Trial of a Time Lord: Mindwarp
TV Rip compilation (contains SFX)

143C (7C) – The Trial of a Time Lord: Terror of the Vervoids
TV Rip compilation (contains SFX)

143D (7C2) - The Trial of a Time Lord: The Ultimate Foe
Adapted from an album release (DrMatt) – see 143A (7A)

Seventh Doctor - Sylvester McCoy

144 (7D) - Time and the Rani
Composer recordings

145 (7E) - Paradise Towers
TV Rip compilation (contains SFX)

146 (7F) - Delta and the Bannermen
TV Rip compilation (contains SFX)

147 (7G) - Dragonfire
Commercially Released as 'Doctor Who: Black Light' for the 20th anniversary
Note: See 143 - The Mysterious Planet for the download link

148 (7H) - Remembrance of the Daleks
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)

149 (7L) - The Happiness Patrol
Composer recordings

150 (7K)- Silver Nemesis
Composer recordings

151 (7J) - The Greatest Show in the Galaxy
Adapted from composer album release (DrMatt)

152 (7N) - Battlefield
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)

153 (7Q) - Ghost Light
Adapted from composer album release (DrMatt)

154 (7M) - The Curse of Fenric
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)
Special Edition:

155 (7P) - Survival
DVD Isolated score (DrMatt)

Eighth Doctor - Paul McGann

156 (8A) - Doctor Who (TV Movie)
Adapted from an album release combined with DVD Rip clean score (DrMatt)

Ninth Doctor - Christopher Eccleston

160 - Aliens of London & World War Three
Contains sfx

165 - Boom Town
Contains sfx

Series 1 & 2
Part 1:
Part 2:

Tenth Doctor - David Tennant

Series 3
Expanded form original release
Part 1:
Part 2:

Series 4

Series 4 - Unreleased Score

197 - Turn Left
Contains sfx

Series 4 - The Specials - 2 CD] - Itunes bonus tracks

Series 4 - The Specials - Unreleased Score

Eleventh Doctor - Matt Smith

Series 5 "I Am The Doctor" fix

203 - The Eleventh Hour
Contains sfx

204 - The Beast Below
Contains sfx ar

205 - Victory of the Daleks
Contains sfx

206a - The Time of Angels
Contains sfx

206b - Flesh and Stone
Contains sfx

207 - The Vampires of Venice
Contains sfx c.rar

208 - Amy's Choice
Contains sfx

209a - The Hungry Earth
Contains sfx rar

209b - Cold Blood
Contains sfx

210 - Vincent and the Doctor
Contains sfx 20Music.rar

211 - The Lodger
Contains sfx

212a - The Pandorica Opens
Contains sfx

212b - The Big Bang
Contains sfx

213 - A Christmas Carol
Password: BOB

Official releases with multiple classic Doctors

Doctor Who - Black Light [20th Anniversary Edition]
With music from Delta and the Bannermen, Remembrance of the Daleks, Paradise Towers, Time and the Rani & The Trial of a Time Lord

Doctor Who - Devils' Planets
With music from The Daleks, The Daleks' Masterplan & The Mutants

The Worlds of Doctor Who
Tracklist to be read here

Dr Who and the Daleks
Note: This is the Peter Cushing film

Scream of the Shalka
Note: Not an official release, but placed here after the Peter Cushing Doctor due to them not quite being canon with the tv series

Radiophonic Workshop Related
All of them official releases without sfx

Music From The BBC Radiophonic Workshop

Doctor Who - The Music I (BBC Radiophonic Workshop)

Doctor Who - The Music II (BBC Radiophonic Workshop)

Doctor Who - Thirty Years at the Radiophonic Workshop

Doctor Who at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop - Volume 1: The Early Years

Doctor Who at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop - Volume 2: New Beginnings

Doctor Who at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop Volume 3: The Leisure Hive

Doctor Who at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop Volume 4: Meglos & Full Circle
Part 1:
Part 2:

BBC Sound Effects No. 26 - Sci-Fi Sound Effects
15 tracks of Doctor Who, also has tracks of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Blake's 7 and Earthsearch.

BBC Sound Effects No.19 - Doctor Who

Big Finish audiodramas related

Music from the 5th Doctor Audio Adventures

Music from the 6th Doctor Audio Adventures

Music from the 7th Doctor Audio Adventures

Music from the 8th Doctor Audio Adventures

Music from the Excelis Audio Adventures

Music from the New Audio Adventures - Volume 1

Music from the New Audio Adventures - Volume 2

Music from the New Audio Adventures - Volume 3

Remixes, fan-made compilations, un-official music and spin-offs etc, they all appear here

The Slaves of Kane: Abslom Daak Dalek Killer
Difficult one to place and for those who don't know what it is: It is a song based on the comic character Abslom Daak. As far as I know he is canon and this was I think an official release. A true oddity that I quite like myself.

Resistance is Futile: Doctor Who Remixed

Myths and Other Legends

Doctor Who: Variations on a Theme

Doctor in Distress

The Time Lords - Doctorin' The Tardis

Who is Dr Who

Cybertech I

Cybertech II: Pharos

Bullamakanka & Blitzkrieg: Dr Who is Gonna Fix It

And a BIG thanks to those who helped me compile this list:

and ofcourse to DrMatt, because without him we wouldnt have been able to enjoy so many scores!

ShinjiIkari reborn
12-06-2009, 10:55 PM
requestibg Doctor Who Tom Baker music please

12-06-2009, 11:09 PM
I love Doctor Who!!

Which ones do you have as actual Cds?

Exar Xan
12-07-2009, 06:28 PM
First edit made with download links! Including the requested music from the Tom Baker Era!

12-07-2009, 07:36 PM

You can find here the music from the Doctor Who concert that took place in Wales.
Owner of this site also seems to be in possesion of many unreleased BGMs from the new show, some of which he ripped himself.

Why not ask him about them?

Exar Xan
12-07-2009, 10:21 PM
I have the 2006 concert in my list (and to be added as download link since I have it), but I dont know how it compares to the version you linked me too. Regardless this seems like an interesting source to keep an eye out on for those other soundtracks :)

12-07-2009, 10:45 PM
I have the 2006 concert in my list (and to be added as download link since I have it), but I dont know how it compares to the version you linked me too. Regardless this seems like an interesting source to keep an eye out on for those other soundtracks :)

Damn, yeah. I missed it on the list.
Still, yeah. It's good to keep an eye on them. : >

Also, I would like to kindly request Revelation of the Daleks and Resurrection of the Daleks. It does not matter really which first, tough Revelation is preferred.


ShinjiIkari reborn
12-08-2009, 12:24 AM
thanks sorry for double messaging, just letting you know thier is apreciation for classic doctor who

Emperor ServingSpoon
12-08-2009, 02:31 AM
I'd love to hear the Silurians! That was one of the first stories where the music actually stood out to me.(For the record, I only started watching much around the start of the third Doctor. :P)

12-08-2009, 08:22 AM
An ambitious project. I look forward to it.

If there were one complete score I could have, I think it would be for the episode Utopia. It ain't gonna happen, of course.

12-08-2009, 10:25 AM

Exar Xan
12-08-2009, 08:00 PM
Kharaxel: Both Revelation of the Daleks and Resurrection of the Daleks have been uploaded for you, so now you only need to choise wich 1 to download first ;) :P

ShinjiIkari reborn: No need to be sorry. and the old Doctor should always be appreciated!

Emperor Servingspoon, the Silurians have made their way into my upload update too, hope you enjoy the soundtrack as much as when you first saw them!

Leeric: Link has been added, thanks!

Gururu: Yeah I have not been able to come across Utopia yet, but then again I havent come across everything yet and am still missing out on few soundtracks.

12-09-2009, 01:59 AM
I appreciate it. : >

12-09-2009, 02:54 AM
Thanks for these! I love the show, but haven't really listened to any of the soundtracks.

12-09-2009, 04:00 PM

12-09-2009, 04:27 PM
Doctor Who - Inferno
Various - 320 kbs - no pw

Exar Xan
12-11-2009, 09:17 AM
Thanks Leeric and Recons for the links, I just added them to the list! You 2 dont happen to have any more soundtracks that arent in the list yet?

I should be able to upload the rest that I have in the coming few days.

12-11-2009, 09:29 AM
Dr Matt's excellent and generally available stuff aside (can anyone find him and suggest this forum as a place for his work now that Demonoid is down and Mininova is gone?), I do have some more that I'll be putting together from hard to find library records as and when I can find the time (2 major projects on the go at the mo).

The next one will be The War Machines.


Exar Xan
12-11-2009, 10:07 AM
Problem with Dr Matt's stuff is that its all in 1 track and only avaible as such. But yes if someone could contact him, suggest this topic and the idea of making it multiple tracks then that would be awesome!

The War Machines next huh? Well sounds good :) You were also missing the music from the audio-drama's right?

12-11-2009, 04:10 PM
All in one track? I'm not sure what this means. Dr Matt certainly does concatonate tracks (otherwise we'd have dozens of small cues). The DM torrents that I have downloaded all have many tracks, and some come as two alternate CD releases (for example, Mawdryn Undead, above; 41 tracks in CD1 and 69 in CD2). I had a go at Terminus and got 70 odd little cues out of it. Much prefer DM's release!


Exar Xan
12-11-2009, 04:22 PM
The ones I have seen in torrents had per movie/episode just 1 mp3 track and lots of cover art.

12-11-2009, 05:05 PM
In this case, you haven't seen a proper release. Have a look at one and you'll get the idea. They're very well remixed and remastered.

Exar Xan
12-11-2009, 08:48 PM
I saw the ones I have uploaded in the first post, who were also done by him so I did saw those and those I love. But when it comes to Torrents from him I havent seen a proper one no.

12-15-2009, 03:14 PM
Thanks for all these!

The Best of Doctor Who Volume 2 is a compilation of music from Greatest Show in the Galaxy, Ghost Light, and Curse Fenric. The music for these three episodes was all composed by Mark Aryes. I own this one. As for the difference, I imagine its a shortened version of the stand alone soundtrack for the episode, but I'll need to listen to be for sure. I'll see if I can post mine.

I don't own The Best of Doctor Who Volume 1 , but a friend lent it to me years back and if I recall its also a compilation but from various episodes (Earthshock, Caves of Androzani, Warrior's Gate, etc.), not just the Five Doctors.

12-15-2009, 04:35 PM
Hi, my first post here.

Terror of the Zygons:

Also includes The Seeds of Doom, two of 70s Who's best soundtracks, by Geoffrey Burgon. Enjoy!

12-15-2009, 05:23 PM
Here too is an interesting release I picked up at the San Diego ComicCon a year or so back. It's a dual release of Castrovalva and Mawdrwyn Undead.

Exar Xan
12-16-2009, 07:58 AM
Grubbuts: Thanks! I will add the link to the list shortly! I did not know about that dual release at all.

Victor: Thanks for the information! I also have all the individual soundtracks of Greatest Show in the Galaxy, Ghost Light, and Curse Fenric so I guess that The Best of Doctor Who Volume 2 isnt such a big priority to get then.

The Best of Doctor Who Volume 1: Well I dont know for sure if I have all of the episodes you mentioned, but I have recently downloaded lot of new episode soundtracks, so who knows. I will update the list as soon as possible and will upload all I have left to upload, including the Music from the audio-drama's.

12-16-2009, 08:01 AM
including the Music from the audio-drama's.
Wait... you mean like 7th and 8th Doctor Audio Adventures? Is that what you mean?
If so then HOLY SHIT!
I'm waiting.

Exar Xan
12-16-2009, 09:39 PM
Kharaxel: Yes I just checked and I see those from the 7th and the 8th Doctors included. I hope you can have patience enough, it wont be till friday 1 o clock that I am back from work and entering my weekend break so :).

12-17-2009, 05:10 AM
Hell yes.
I will be patiently waiting.
Thank you.

12-17-2009, 04:38 PM
Merry Christmas everyone....

Doctor Who - The War Machines

(Source music used in The Inferno scenes + 1 incidental track)

no password


Mick L
12-19-2009, 01:14 PM

Exar Xan
12-20-2009, 12:07 AM
Enlightment is on my pc and will be uploaded tomorrow!

Mick L
12-20-2009, 12:24 PM

12-20-2009, 01:17 PM
Grubbuts: Thanks! I will add the link to the list shortly! I did not know about that dual release at all.

A pleasure. I'll have a dig through and see what else I may have that may be of interest, but I think that's all the unusual stuff I have. Thank you for compiling this great list! A great idea.

Exar Xan
12-20-2009, 01:49 PM
Well good people, I have uploaded another round of soundtracks. Most of them are the hard to find music from the audio dramas and the soundtrack to the episode Enlightment as requested.

Ofcourse I could not do this alone and I have started to add a list of contributors who deserve their crdit as well.

12-20-2009, 05:45 PM
Thank you Exar Xan and all of the other contributors in this thread ! :)

Mick L
12-20-2009, 06:21 PM

Exar Xan
12-20-2009, 06:33 PM
You are welcome ZORAN :)

Mick L: you are welcome! I sitll need to play catch up when it comes to see the classic Doctors (in fact I only saw Ecclestone and Tennant so far) but it is good you have now some of your favorite episodes as scores. I wish there was a way to contact Dr Matt to tell him about this tread and maybe help him with addng more soundtracks based on those isolated scores.

12-20-2009, 07:03 PM
Jesus Christ, man. Thank you so much.
All of this was so worth the wait. : >

12-20-2009, 10:08 PM

BBC Sound Effects No. 26 - Sci-Fi Sound Effects
15 tracks of Doctor Who, also has tracks of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Blake's 7 and Earthsearch.

BBC Sound Effects No. 26 - Sci-Fi Sound Effects (1981)

MP3-320 | 81 Tracks | 00:44:21 | 95 MB | Sound Effects

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Mono effects by Dick Mills)

01. "The Book's Activation Code"
02. "Slartibartfast's Aircar: Takeoff"
03. "Slartibartfast's Aircar: Constant run
04. "Slartibartfast's Aircar: Lands
05. "Magrathea Alarm"
06. "Magrathea Police guns"
07. "Space car park outside The Restaurant at the End of the Universe"
08. "The End of the Universe"
09. "Black spaceship oscillates"
10. "Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal: Eats"
11. "Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal: Walks"
12. "Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal: Roars"
13. "Penargilon Kangaroo Relocation Drive engaged"
14. "Penargilon Kangaroo Relocation Drive arrival"
15. "Golgafrincham Ark Fleet, Ship 'B' Bridge Background"

Doctor Who (Stereo effects by Dick Mills)

16. "Earth Shuttle Arriving" (from "The Leisure Hive")
17. "Argolis Exterior Atmosphere" (from "The Leisure Hive")
18. "Flock Of Bats" (from "State of Decay")
19. "Laboratory Descends, Gaztak Spacechip Takes Off" (from "Meglos")
20. "Dodecahedron Energy Beams" (from "Meglos")
21. "Marshmen Emerge from the Mistfall" (from "Full Circle")
22. "Respirator Room background in Spaceship" (from "Warriors' Gate")
23. "Time Winds" (from "Warriors' Gate")
24. "Alarm" (from "The Keeper of Traken")
25. "Electronic Storm" (from "The Keeper of Traken")
26. "Cloister Bell In The TARDIS" (from "Logopolis")
27. "The Master's TARDIS Lands" (from "Logopolis")
28. "The Master's TARDIS Take Off" (from "Logopolis")
29. "TARDIS 'Out Of Time Slip'" (from "Logopolis")
30. "TARDIS 'Into Time Slip'" (from "Logopolis")

Blake's 7 Series D (Stereo effects by Elizabeth Parker)

31. "Dawn Of Emptiness"
32. "Space Bells Of Ceremonial Room"
33. "Scorpio Spaceship Lands"
34. "Dematerialisation"
35. "Rematerialisation"
36. "Scorpio Gun"

Blake's 7 Series A-C (Mono effects by Richard Yeoman-Clark & Elizabeth Parker)

37. "Orac Switch On"
38. "Orac Working"
39. "Orac Switch Off"
40. "Liberator Computer Mailfunction"
41. "Liberator Plasma Bolt Explosion"
42. "Liberator Laser"
43. "Federation Ship Laser Explosion"
44. "Liberator Life Capsule Ready to be Launched"
45. "Liberator Ship Background"
46. "Liberator Guns X3"
47. "Avon's Communicator Bracelet Transportation Sounds"
48. "Disappearance"
49. "Reappearance"
50. "Mysterious 'Being' Disappears in a Flame"
51. "Alien Gun"
52. "Appearance Of The Ovoid (A Stone Surrounded in Mystery and Magic)"
53. "Heavy Voltage Force"
54. "Glow From A Mysterious Ghost Who Haunts the Liberator"
55. "The Core, A Huge Evergrowing Pulsating Brain which Rules from the Center of Ultraworld" (see also: The Orb)
56. "Interior Of Federation Patrol Ship"
57. "Going Through A Black Hole in the Liberator"
58. "Space Centre Medical Unit Hum"
59. "Machine Monster with a Black Sense of Humour! (who Chases our Heroes Around, Winking)"
60. "Break Down Of Machine Monster"
61. "Extra-terrestrial Heavenly Choir"

Earthsearch (Stereo effects by Lloyd Silverthorne)

62. "UFO Landing"
63. "Computer Touch Panel Bleeps"
64. "Warbles"
65. "Alarm"
66. "Meteorite Alert Station"
67. "Rumbling Gurgle"
68. "Hand Held Ray Guns"
69. "Space Bombs"
70. "Space Police"
71. "Outer Airlock Door Open and Close"
72. "Inner Airlock Door Open and Close"
73. "Plasma Discharge Weapons"
74. "Underworld Animation Chamber"
75. "Bleeps for Suspended Animation Chamber"
76. "Electric Warning Gong"
77. "Three Harmonic Strings Followed by Explosion"
78. "Sharp Hum With Trail Out"
79. "Rapid Fire Laser Guns"
80. "Space Hurricane"
81. "Spacecraft Crash Into Sea"

12-21-2009, 04:31 PM

Doctor Who - 110 - The Leisure Hive (Soundtrack by Peter Howell)
Doctor Who - 130 - The Five Doctors (Soundtrack by Peter Howell) EXTENDED

I've got both of these. I'll sort you out as soon as I can get some more PC time. Am uploading Five Doctors now. Uncharacteristically, this release does not seem to have track names.


Exar Xan
12-22-2009, 08:01 AM
ZORAN: Thank you for filling that gap! It is sure fun to listen to those sound effects.

Recons: Looking forward to them!

12-22-2009, 07:04 PM
Ok here we go with the Leisure Hive

Will do the 5 Drs as soon as I can get it to upload. It keeps cutting out on me, but I'll keep trying.

Exar Xan
12-22-2009, 08:13 PM

Do you have Trial of a Timelord to? I only seem to find it in private torrents that I cannot get access to.

12-22-2009, 09:51 PM
Yes I do, but I'm away tomorrow, so after Christmas?

5 Doctors should only be a few minutes.

A request that would make a man who's feeling old very happy - does anyone have this:

I would very very much like to hear it and would be grateful for a link / upload.



12-22-2009, 09:52 PM
Not one, not two, not three, not four,


12-22-2009, 10:53 PM
Thanks for the shares recons. :)

12-23-2009, 05:51 PM
Just got this done before I go. Happy Holidays everyone

Black Light (Trial of A Timelord and Dragonfire)

Exar Xan
12-23-2009, 07:51 PM
Recons: Once again a big thank you to you! Especially for the Black Light one :D.

I will be here tomorrow, but I have already updated the first post with all the links so far and the single 2 requests that Recons and I are missing.

I do want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy Newyear!

Mick L
12-24-2009, 02:18 PM

Exar Xan
12-27-2009, 04:22 PM
I checked and I dont have it in my collection sorry. But lets hope Recons can help you with it when he returns from his holidays :).

And having said that I am logging off for the coming week to spend a holiday in Croatia with my gf. I will be back the 4th of january! Happy newyear all!

12-30-2009, 11:20 AM
I sure have Full Circle

Happy New Year!

Mick L
12-30-2009, 01:29 PM

12-31-2009, 02:31 PM
BBC Sound Effects No.19 - Doctor Who


01-01-2010, 01:53 AM
Murray Gold has hinted and practically confirmed that Febuary will see the release of the Doctor Who "Specials" soundtrack, which could also contain unreleased cues from the first 4 series aswell. So there's something for us all to look out for! :)

01-01-2010, 02:16 AM
Holy hell, really?

That would be sweet.

Also, HAPPY NEW YEAR... and stuff.

Mick L
01-01-2010, 11:24 AM

01-01-2010, 08:50 PM
February really? That would be awesome considering the fact that the specials box set is being released in Feb as well. I have the first four series soundtracks and have been waiting patiently for the specials score.

Tatsubei Yagyu
01-02-2010, 04:24 AM
For future reference, posting in this thread. :>

Exar Xan
01-04-2010, 09:08 PM
And I am back from a lovely holiday with the gf....anyway I have updated the first post with the new links from Recons (thank you again man! Couldnt have done this without you) and when I am back to feeling normal and not tired I will put some more downlaod links up. Any requests per chance?

And the news about the new upcoming soundtrack release is great :D

01-05-2010, 01:05 AM
February really? That would be awesome considering the fact that the specials box set is being released in Feb as well. I have the first four series soundtracks and have been waiting patiently for the specials score.

Is the boxset february for the US? Cause in the UK it's January 11th. I've pre-ordered the bluray boxset... hopefully the series boxsets wont get jealous :p

But yeah, although Silva are keeping quiet about it, Murray has said otherwise. Along with confirming commitments to Series 5, and a new reworking of the theme tune.

YouTube has a near perfect version of Tennant's regeneration music already that's been ripped off the HD version. Hopefully a 100% clean version will make its way to the OST.

01-05-2010, 02:33 PM
I think Region One is getting the specials box set in Feb as well...although i could be wrong about that. I'll be back here if the specials soundtrack is released next month.

01-05-2010, 03:59 PM
Here's Caves of Androzani:


01-06-2010, 02:59 AM
I think Region One is getting the specials box set in Feb as well...although i could be wrong about that. I'll be back here if the specials soundtrack is released next month.

I've made a conscious effort to purchase all the modern soundtracks so far... it's the only way to make sure they'll keep releasing them is to support them. The same goes for Merlin and Torchwood.

ShinjiIkari reborn
01-06-2010, 06:29 AM
the fan made collections which are tom baker?

01-06-2010, 09:34 AM
Yeah I've bought all the Gold and Foster scores for Doctor Who and Torchwood after downloading them first. Also just to confirm my earlier posting I have just seen a listing on Amazon Canada for the Specials Box Set so Region One is getting them on Feb 2 as well.

01-06-2010, 08:47 PM
here 3 soundtracks:

Doctor Who 25th Anniversary Album


01 - TARDIS - Doctor Who Theme (1963)
02 - Doctor Who Theme (1987 - Opening)
03 - Gavrok's Search
04 - A Child's Return
05 - Towers El Paradiso
06 - Burton's Escape
07 - Drinksmat Dawning
08 - Future Pleasure
09 - Newsreel Past
10 - The Sting
11 - Doctor Who Theme (1980)
12 - Doctor Who Theme (1986)
13 - 8891 Royale
14 - The White Flag
15 - Guards of Silence
16 - The Making of Pex
17 - Cemetery Chase
18 - The Brain
19 - Here's to the Future
20 - Goodbye Doctor
21 - Doctor Who Theme (1987 - Closing)

Delia Derbyshire, Peter Howell, Dominic Glynn and McCulloch
60 MB; mp3 192 kb/s


BBC Radiophonic Workshop
Doctor Who - 30 Years At The BBC Radiophonic Workshop
BBC Enterprises

88 tracks

91 MB; mp3 192 kb/s


Doctor Who - Devils' Planets
BBC Music

CD 1 83 Tracks
CD 2 46 Tracks

112 MB; mp3 160 kb/s
Tristram Cary

password for all files is xili

01-07-2010, 11:32 AM
Thanks a bunch xili. :D

01-08-2010, 04:23 PM
There's a whole load of unreleased music on Youtube. I was wondering if anyone could download it, and put it into an album? :D

01-09-2010, 05:40 PM
There's a whole load of unreleased music on Youtube. I was wondering if anyone could download it, and put it into an album? :D

I started doing that for myself a few nights back, so perhaps by tomorrow I can zip them up etc.

01-10-2010, 01:38 PM
The Slaves of Kane: Abslom Daak Dalek Killer

01-10-2010, 01:45 PM
Bullamakanka & Blitzkrieg: Dr Who is Gonna Fix It

01-10-2010, 02:14 PM
Doctor In Distress (includes video)

01-10-2010, 02:55 PM
Doctor Who: Time and the Rani

01-10-2010, 02:58 PM
Can anyone offer me a Demonoid and/or Tin Dog invite please? There are some files on both sites that I need.

Thanks in advance for a PM from anyone that can help.



01-10-2010, 03:00 PM
The Happiness Patrol will be up'ed shortly. Also I have a lead on the score for Silver Nemesis, but it might take me a while. Does anyone have Paradise Towers?


01-10-2010, 04:37 PM
Doctor Who: The Happiness Patrol

Exar Xan
01-11-2010, 05:29 PM
Recons: You still need that Demonoid invite? I can help you with that! Seems only fair after all your hard work :D.

Altough some files arent able to be downloaded from Megaupload, but I assume thats that site screwing it up.

Some interesting things you have added to...some single for charity I never heard about, some track of something I only knew as a comic (Dalek Killer) and then there is Dr Who is Gonna Fix It...

01-12-2010, 12:01 AM
Any chance of re-upping BBC Sound Effects No.19 - Doctor Who...? The Megaupload link is dead. They tend to delete stuff fast.

01-12-2010, 12:35 AM
I started doing that for myself a few nights back, so perhaps by tomorrow I can zip them up etc.

That would be great, thanks! :D

01-12-2010, 01:50 AM
I started doing that for myself a few nights back, so perhaps by tomorrow I can zip them up etc.

Excellent !

01-12-2010, 10:23 AM
Exar Xan: Yes please!

Happy to re-up Sound Effects, but MU deleteing fast is a pain. Does anyone have a better (free) and more permanent solution?


Exar Xan
01-12-2010, 11:19 AM
Would a Premium Rapidshare account work for it to be more permanent? Cause I am considering getting 1 this weekend to download a lot of audio-drama's from Doctor Who (and some Tomb Raider comics, but thats besides the point).

Recons: I am at work now, but as soon as I am at home I will send you the invite. I dont know what is needed but I guess an email of you? Can you send me that by pm?

littlesmegger: That would be great and very appreciated if you could do that!

01-12-2010, 11:32 AM
I've just tested the link for Sound Effects and it seems to be working. Here it is:


01-12-2010, 06:31 PM
The reason megaupload links sometimes die on this forum is because they can trace links on forums, so with the above as an example I'd put and state it's from megaupload.

Oh and I'll sort out the rips later tonight :)

Mick L
01-12-2010, 07:09 PM

01-12-2010, 07:40 PM
Time and the Rani is only 'temporarily unavailable'. It hasn't been deleted. All the other links are working fine, but I've edited to put them all in spoiler tags just in case.

Mick L
01-12-2010, 10:10 PM

01-12-2010, 11:24 PM
I know where you're coming from, but some of it was truly dreadful and dates very badly. Give me Musique Concrete or even Dudley Simpson or Carey Blyton any day.

'Temporarily unavailable' just means they can't cope with the numbers downloading this particular file. TatR was bound to be 'popular' because it's not a DVD rip. Scores like this came from 80s bootlegs which in turn came from HQ promos given out by the composers. The only one I have never managed to track down is Paradise Towers, so if anyone sees that anywhere, please upload.

I have found someone with Silver Nemesis, but it's going to be a while as they're out of the country for a bit.


01-13-2010, 10:57 PM
The reason megaupload links sometimes die on this forum is because they can trace links on forums, so with the above as an example I'd put and state it's from megaupload.

Oh and I'll sort out the rips later tonight :)

This is why it is better to post links that are "coded" in stead of live links. When you are prepairing a post in the "Reply to Thread" box, copy & paste your link, highlight the url and click the # symbol.


Gives you...

01-14-2010, 01:37 AM
Totally love the series and can't wait for the next new Dr.
I have a quick question: Is there a compilation of all the Opening Dr Who Themes for every series up to now or can someone put one together custom?

Exar Xan
01-14-2010, 11:17 AM
There is a compilation of themes yes...and I know I have it, but I dont know how complete it is. It is called Doctor Who: Variations on a theme and will be uploaded by me when I am back at home after work. Then i will also update the first post with the new links here.

01-14-2010, 12:29 PM
Variations... doesn't contain anything used in the series. It's a remix album. Try the 25th Anniversary album above - it has the three main versions from the Classic series plus a 70's cover (IIRC).

Other than that, I think I have something somewhere along these lines. When I have a chance, I'll have a look and report back.


01-14-2010, 11:25 PM
OK, here we go. Most of the versions of the theme music used in the series (including the new series but not the very latest) and some other versions and unreleased demos etc:



01-15-2010, 01:17 AM
Exactly what I was looking for! Stupendous! I must commend you on a job well done. I would never have expecting so thorough of this. Although I must ask, if the Time Lords version and Orbital techno version is included in this. If not, I can just paste it together. Thanks again!

01-15-2010, 11:15 AM
Neither is included, sorry. If you have them, why not upload them?


01-15-2010, 06:07 PM
Here's Doctor Who - Scream of the Shalka score:

01-15-2010, 11:02 PM
The reason megaupload links sometimes die on this forum is because they can trace links on forums, so with the above as an example I'd put and state it's from megaupload.

Oh and I'll sort out the rips later tonight :)

Any word on those rips, yet? :)

01-20-2010, 01:05 PM

Exar Xan
01-20-2010, 03:10 PM
Ok...where do you people find this stuff from Dr Matt, does he has a site or blog or something for this?

01-21-2010, 09:09 AM
DrMatt's on Demonoid, Exar Xan.


01-21-2010, 12:35 PM
Damn shame that more of Dudley Simpsons' work from Tom Baker's era (specifically: seasons 12-17) wasn't available in expanded format. I've been doing a Classic Who re-watch and found myself quite captured by the effectiveness of some of his scores. I don't much care for the wholesale electronic/bleepity-bloop approach introduced when JNT took the reigns.

01-21-2010, 01:42 PM
Ok...where do you people find this stuff from Dr Matt, does he has a site or blog or something for this?

and the man himself will simply rip them off the dvd's, seeing you can listen to a clean score rather than the broadcasted sound... so it's all fairly straightforward.

01-21-2010, 02:01 PM
Damn shame that more of Dudley Simpsons' work from Tom Baker's era (specifically: seasons 12-17) wasn't available in expanded format. I've been doing a Classic Who re-watch and found myself quite captured by the effectiveness of some of his scores. I don't much care for the wholesale electronic/bleepity-bloop approach introduced when JNT took the reigns.

I agree with this to a degree, especially about the music towards the end of the JNT era. Mark Ayres (curator of the Radiophonic Archive and friend of Simpson, not to mention an excellent composer and sound restorer in his own right) has stated categorically that the Simpson music masters are lost forever, sadly. I would have liked to hear his Blake's 7 music as well as more of his stuff for DW, but those tapes are gone too. The only hope is recreation such as Heathcliff Blair's efforts.


01-21-2010, 02:03 PM
Thanks for the updates recons & leeric. :D

Exar Xan
01-22-2010, 09:52 AM
Alright people, first of all I have to say sorry for not updating the first post earlier but my daily life caught up with me.

As of now I have updated it and now I am looking at those famade songs like Doctor in Distress (Yes I do realize it has origial Doctors singing on it so it might be a bit more then fan-made) I realised there is another annoyingly addictive song that I have lying around somewhere. It is from KLF (Timelords) and is called "Doctorin' The Tardis". I have just the video of it, but I can (and will) make a mp3 version out of it too and include both in the next update.

01-22-2010, 11:59 AM
Hi Exar Xan,

I now have a six track version of the KLF. I'll upload as soon as.


Exar Xan
01-22-2010, 03:28 PM
Alright! Then I will upload the vid to have a complete package of it :)

01-22-2010, 05:44 PM
Ok, here we go. The KLF and Doctorin' The TARDIS:


Exar Xan
01-23-2010, 10:09 PM
Thats weird, I had this version in mind:

Edit: Ah wait track 4 is the version I knew and was looking for it seems! Gonna rip this from Youtube now.

01-27-2010, 04:36 PM
Resistance is Futile
3-track sampler (from Panopticon 2003) from a proposed Doctor Who "remix" project. The eventual album never materialised, so we got the two tracks on here, plus the panopticon 4oth anniversary theme. Which is pretty good, as these Who theme rejigs go.


01-27-2010, 06:44 PM
Resistance is Futile
3-track sampler (from Panopticon 2003) from a proposed Doctor Who "remix" project. The eventual album never materialised, so we got the two tracks on here, plus the panopticon 4oth anniversary theme. Which is pretty good, as these Who theme rejigs go.


You, sir, are a scholar. Thank you very much. Another rarity crossed off the list.


The Doctor
01-27-2010, 08:47 PM
Thanks for sharing that, Grubbuts. Sort of reminds me of the 4 track Variations on a Theme CD.

I don't suppose you happen to know who arranged these three mixes, do you?

01-27-2010, 11:03 PM
1 Forty Years Of A Timelord - Theme From Panopticon 3:59
Remix, Arranged By - A. Lock* , A. Beech*
2 St Etienne* - There There My Brigadier 3:18
Remix, Arranged By - St Etienne*
3 808 State - The Master (Massey Mix) 5:24
Remix, Arranged By - Graham Massey
Written-By - Dudley Simpson


Exar Xan
01-29-2010, 08:10 PM
My lovely gf found this for me and ofcourse I had to share it with you all guys:

02-01-2010, 01:58 PM
Sorry about my late reply - been away. I see Recons supplied the info anyway on that 'Resistance is Futile' disc! Yeah, SpikeRevell, that's about all the info there is on it. I do remember somebody telling me at the time about the whole album - the three-track Panopticon freebie disc was supposed to be just a little taster for the eventual release. I was told that other tracks were in existence, all remixed by high-profile pop/DJ acts of the time but I don't know who they were or why the release was shelved. It's a shame it never saw the light of day.

Exar Xan, the Orbital version of the theme is, I feel, one of the very few cover versions that captures some of the spirit of the original. Much prefer it to many of Murray Gold's versions.

02-04-2010, 04:22 PM
Murray Gold has hinted and practically confirmed that Febuary will see the release of the Doctor Who "Specials" soundtrack, which could also contain unreleased cues from the first 4 series aswell. So there's something for us all to look out for! :)

Really?! When? Where?

02-06-2010, 06:59 AM
Murray Gold has hinted and practically confirmed that Febuary will see the release of the Doctor Who "Specials" soundtrack, which could also contain unreleased cues from the first 4 series aswell. So there's something for us all to look out for! :)

Link to this confirmation , please

The Doctor
02-06-2010, 10:14 AM
Really?! When? Where?

If you follow Murray's twitter (, he talks about it there. In January he said:

"There will be a *something*...maybe February time...:)"

However, according to the latest:

There might be a hitch...need to iron it out... :)

Whether or not there will be music from the first four series on this disc as well is speculation -- I think there's a good chance of it, personally -- but something is definitely coming.

02-06-2010, 11:43 AM
I can help with the following releases if you are still after them ....

Dr Who: The Music Vol 1 & 2

Worlds of Dr Who

Music from "The 10th Planet"

Variations of a Theme.

Can some one please re-up the San Deigio Comic con release of Castrovalva/Mawdryn undead please.

The links now dead.


02-06-2010, 11:47 AM
If you follow Murray's twitter (, he talks about it there. In January he said:

However, according to the latest:

Whether or not there will be music from the first four series on this disc as well is speculation -- I think there's a good chance of it, personally -- but something is definitely coming.

Ah! Thank you, that's the only news I've heard about it so far.

02-06-2010, 12:59 PM
Doctor Who: Time and the Rani

Thanks for this.

Is there any Covers for this, as they're not in the file like the others.

02-06-2010, 01:15 PM
Is the score "Black Light" the 20th Anniversary re-release.

It it isn't then i can help with this as the tracks have been remastered with a couple of new recordings added to it, making it a 2 CD release.

Let me know if you want me to upload it like other tracks i listed in a previous message.

02-06-2010, 04:34 PM
Thanks for this.

Is there any Covers for this, as they're not in the file like the others.

Nope. It's not a DVD-rip. It was a promo given out at the time (on cassette!) to fans who asked for them.


02-06-2010, 04:35 PM
Is the score "Black Light" the 20th Anniversary re-release.

Yes it is.


02-10-2010, 09:02 PM
Resistance is Futile
3-track sampler (from Panopticon 2003) from a proposed Doctor Who "remix" project. The eventual album never materialised, so we got the two tracks on here, plus the panopticon 4oth anniversary theme. Which is pretty good, as these Who theme rejigs go.

thanks for this - its great to find rare stuff

02-14-2010, 12:27 AM
Really awesome thread! I was wondering if anyone had a link to the music from End of Time Part 2? Specifically the scene where The Doctor is about to Regenerate and the Ood says, "We will sing to you Doctor."

If anyone can help that would be great. Cheers!

02-14-2010, 10:16 AM
Have patience, my friend. The OST for the Doctor Who specials (from "The Next Doctor" to "The End of Time - Part Two") will be out in March.

02-14-2010, 06:30 PM
Does anyone have the track that featured in the "Unit" recuritment film that was shown before Epsiode 6 of Planet of Daleks from back in the 90's.

I belive it also features in the Realtime Video "Wartime" and was composued by Mark Ayres.


02-16-2010, 08:21 AM
Does anyone have the track that featured in the "Unit" recuritment film that was shown before Epsiode 6 of Planet of Daleks from back in the 90's.

I belive it also features in the Realtime Video "Wartime" and was composued by Mark Ayres.


I don't have these to be able to listen to. If you post a rip, we might be able to identify it.


The Doctor
02-16-2010, 08:46 AM
Here is the UNIT Recruitment film (

02-16-2010, 10:32 AM
Fascinating stuff. Clearly some direct cues from, or at least similarities to, cues in Shakedown: Return of the Sontarans. Can't say for definite, but it doesn't sound like a piece that's been commercially released that I know of. Perhaps a listen to the aforementioned Shakedown together with Myths and Other Legends will confirm. Is it part of the incidental music for Wartime, or does it accompany something else?

If the former, then we have our answer: I don't think it's had a CD release and the track is unavailable. If the DVD has a 5.1 track perhaps we might be able to do something with it.


02-16-2010, 11:02 AM
After a bit of detective work, I found that this was an original and unreleased piece specially composed for the UNIT recruitment film. Mark's CV states:

"Doctor Who and the Daleks (BBCtv "Doctor Who" 30th Anniversary season, 1993). Stings and themes for introductory items. Arrangements of Doctor Who theme and original music for spoof U.N.I.T. "recruitment film". Executive Producer John Whiston, Producer John Bush, Directors Alexis Girardet and Kevin Davies. "

There is a separate entry that states that he composed the music for Wartime.

It's a nice piece - thanks for mentioning it. I haven't got Wartime here. Does this piece appear in the movie itself, or is it the background to something else on the DVD release?


02-17-2010, 08:20 AM
I don't think "Wartime" was released on DVD, but i did have on Video back in the 80's when it was released, but sadly i do not have it now.

If my memory servers me well, i seem to remember hearing it for a short while after the credits at the start while Benton is in the UNit jeep.

That is the only time it was ever heard in the mini film and then made an appearance on the Unit Recuritment film.

I also belive the UNIT film appeared on the DVD release of "Spearhead from Space", but in a slightly edited format as it didn't feature the telephone number.

02-17-2010, 10:08 AM
I don't think "Wartime" was released on DVD, but i did have on Video back in the 80's when it was released, but sadly i do not have it now.

If my memory servers me well, i seem to remember hearing it for a short while after the credits at the start while Benton is in the UNit jeep.

That is the only time it was ever heard in the mini film and then made an appearance on the Unit Recuritment film.

I also belive the UNIT film appeared on the DVD release of "Spearhead from Space", but in a slightly edited format as it didn't feature the telephone number.

Thanks for the info. Doesn't look like we can get this one :-(


Exar Xan
02-17-2010, 10:41 AM
We can still try to find the DVD of "Spearhead from Space" and try to rip it from there if it is only slightly altered :).

02-17-2010, 11:06 AM
There's speech and sfx all over it, and it's split up over the course of the film. Would take a better man than I :-)


02-17-2010, 11:09 AM
While we're in this territory, has anyone had a go at getting the music off Dimensions in Time - not the titles as that's on Cybertech - but the score? Or reassembling the score to The Curse of Fatal Death which I believe is extracted from other serials?


The Doctor
02-17-2010, 03:38 PM
Has the Curse of Fatal Death come out on DVD in the UK? I've been waiting for a region one release, but I don't know if it'll ever happen. I'm pretty sure that almost all the music used in it can be heard across various Doctor Who CD releases, but I've not sat down and listened to each cue to place them. If I can find my VHS, I might do that.

Incidentally, slightly off topic, but have a look-see here ( The BBC has released a promo image for the new series. Looks like we're getting a brand new vortex. :)

02-17-2010, 06:02 PM
Has the Curse of Fatal Death come out on DVD in the UK? I've been waiting for a region one release, but I don't know if it'll ever happen. I'm pretty sure that almost all the music used in it can be heard across various Doctor Who CD releases, but I've not sat down and listened to each cue to place them. If I can find my VHS, I might do that.

Incidentally, slightly off topic, but have a look-see here ( The BBC has released a promo image for the new series. Looks like we're getting a brand new vortex. :)

Thanks for the pic. I'm very optimistic about the new series.

No, no Curse on DVD over here, unfortunately. I hope it happens sometime. It would be great if a charity DVD were put together with all the sketches from the Curse VHS plus Dimensions in Time. The expense of the latter is a real stumbling block.


02-17-2010, 09:31 PM
I think the only way we might get the track from the UNIT film if it is redone by BBC dvd.

I know they are re-doing some of the earlier releases to give them better features, and a new clean up, so I can always hope that Spearhead is one of those DVDs that is re-issued, cleaned up and given better "Extras" and maybe, just maybe, the UNIT film migh get a clean up as well.

Has anyone spoken to Mark at a convention or anything and asked him about this track as i think it is one of his better works.

02-17-2010, 09:35 PM
There's speech and sfx all over it, and it's split up over the course of the film. Would take a better man than I :-)


This is very true.

Maybe if there is a good clean clear torrent of Wartime avalible, then maybe a sound recording could be made of the part where the tune is featured and then maybe it can be merged with the Unit film version.

But i think this might be very challenging as the tracks may not link together to get a perfect smooth sound.

Where is the software when we need it to remove the speech and SFX when we need it.

02-19-2010, 11:13 PM
These are amazing! Thank you!

02-20-2010, 10:40 PM
This is very tr

Where is the software when we need it to remove the speech and SFX when we need it.

Audacity & DVD Audio Extracter are great for removing voices

02-22-2010, 07:26 AM
Unfortunately, with the UNIT example we have a mono recording with speech and sfx all over it, and not from a DVD source. The best Audacity could do is to cut around the offending dialogue and effects and we'd end up with a mess.


02-22-2010, 01:46 PM
While I haven't anything to offer in terms of uploading, I just want to say thanks for all this stuff - it's great!

02-23-2010, 09:14 PM
Unfortunately, with the UNIT example we have a mono recording with speech and sfx all over it, and not from a DVD source. The best Audacity could do is to cut around the offending dialogue and effects and we'd end up with a mess.


Never mind.

I always live in hope that one day it will show up, b ut with Mark working on the DVD releases doing the sound reconstructions on the old epsiodes, a CD release of his music may be a long way off.

02-24-2010, 12:39 PM
Here is the UNIT Recruitment film (

Has the Curse of Fatal Death come out on DVD in the UK? I've been waiting for a region one release, but I don't know if it'll ever happen. I'm pretty sure that almost all the music used in it can be heard across various Doctor Who CD releases, but I've not sat down and listened to each cue to place them. If I can find my VHS, I might do that.

Incidentally, slightly off topic, but have a look-see here ( The BBC has released a promo image for the new series. Looks like we're getting a brand new vortex. :)

Niiiiice. :D

02-26-2010, 10:56 PM
Have patience, my friend. The OST for the Doctor Who specials (from "The Next Doctor" to "The End of Time - Part Two") will be out in March.

Is that official? I emailed Silvascreen and they replied saying they had no plans to release a soundtrack for the specials.


The Doctor
02-27-2010, 03:27 AM
Is that official?

There's nothing official yet, only what Murray Gold has said on his Twitter account. According to him, there were plans to have a new OST out by the end of February, but early in the month those plans hit a snag. It's been quiet since then. Speculation is going round that it's a branding issue. We'll just have to wait and see.

In the meantime, a new Doctor Who Prom is planned for July. Could be our best chance to hear some of the music from the Specials until a CD is released.

02-27-2010, 07:39 AM
[QUOTE=Grubbuts;1388435]Hi, my first post here.

Terror of the Zygons:

Thanks for the share.

02-28-2010, 12:53 AM
Which one is for the david tennent and the doctor before him...chistopher whatever. Im a new Doctor Who in like 1 week new and would like assistance in getting the albums for the shows from those doctors

03-03-2010, 02:17 AM
i have "Earthshock" MP3s, can someone link me directions to get them somewhere so i can share?

03-03-2010, 02:30 AM
Has the Curse of Fatal Death come out on DVD in the UK?

It was on iTunes for some time as part of last year's Comic Relief section, but has now been taken down. But was there in full and restored.

Exar Xan
03-03-2010, 08:05 AM
Which one is for the david tennent and the doctor before him...chistopher whatever. Im a new Doctor Who in like 1 week new and would like assistance in getting the albums for the shows from those doctors

David Tennant (Doctor 10) and Christopher Eccleston (Doctor 9) music would be:

Series 1 & 2
Series 3
Series 4

I see the 4th isnt uploaded, so when I get home I will do that for you.

i have "Earthshock" MP3s, can someone link me directions to get them somewhere so i can share?

Winzip/winrar them in an archive, then either upload them at or email them to me ([email protected]). Thanks.

Exar Xan
03-03-2010, 07:27 PM
Series 4:

03-07-2010, 04:53 PM
OMG OMG!! This is amazing! I've been looking for some of these for months now!! Thank You So Much! This page is now at the top of my Bookmarks!! Thank You!

Btw i also noticed a few missing from your list, i'll search for some download links for these and i also have a few custom made soundtracks that i'll upload.

Here's One of Them:

Doctor Who Aliens Of London & World War Three Soundtrack:

It's a mixture of cues taken from various sources. Enjoy!

And Once again Thanks so much!!

03-07-2010, 07:19 PM
WOOT i figured it out. Here's "Earthshock". I hope it works :-P

03-07-2010, 07:21 PM
Here's One of Them:

Doctor Who Aliens Of London & World War Three Soundtrack

This is great. Any more of these??


03-07-2010, 11:29 PM
This is great. Any more of these??

Here's Boom Town:

Sorry for the dodgy editing on track 2 but my editing skills aren't too good.
But Enjoy it anyway!

There should be more to come. I've started work on a soundtrack for Bad Wolf & The Parting Of The Ways and I have almost finished work on a soundtrack for Turn Left, The Stolen Earth & Journey's End.

I'm also gonna look for a link for The Series 1 Bootleg Soundtrack which is where i got quite a few of the cues on The Aliens Of London/World War Three and Boom Town Soundtracks. But if i can't find a link, I'll upload it myself in a few days.

Exar Xan
03-08-2010, 05:07 PM
Dalekdude: BIG thank you for those scores! I am listening to Aliens of London & World War Three as we speak and it sounds like a great job of editing! Would love to see more of your work :).

Roycommi: Thanks for your contribution as well! Always nice to see new soundtracks and while I am not yet at that episode (still catching up, working my my trough the Docters) I cannot wait to hear it!

03-08-2010, 07:03 PM
What Exar Xan said! Thanks guys.


03-08-2010, 07:53 PM
Thank You!!

03-21-2010, 06:52 AM
I realised people have probably already asked/posted something like this, but I don't recall whether there's a "complete" soundtrack on here for the 1996 telemovie. I watched it for the first time last night, and discovered two things: the music's not bad, and there's an "audio-only" track on the BBC DVD release with the music and only the music playing as you watch. I'd be making a complete soundtrack for it right now myself if the DVD drive on my computer wasn't shot, so does anyone know of one, or shall I do it when we get our drive replaced?

Mick L
03-21-2010, 11:00 AM

03-21-2010, 02:37 PM
Would it be possible for "Doctor Who at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop Volume 1: The Early Years 1963�1969" to be uploaded please??

Mick L
03-21-2010, 09:27 PM

Exar Xan
03-22-2010, 03:49 PM
Is the Doctor Who tv movie version of Dr Matt one with 54 tracks? Cause thats the one I do own.

Aj2008, here is the "Doctor Who at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop Volume 1: The Early Years 1963–1969" for you:

03-22-2010, 11:06 PM
I am guessing as well that there were branding issues regarding the release of the Specials Soundtrack and we will probably see it sometime after series five airs. I'm hoping as a double disc set with Series Five similar to how they released the first two series together (well it wasn't double disc but you know what I mean).

03-23-2010, 11:20 AM
Aj2008, here is the "Doctor Who at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop Volume 1: The Early Years 1963�1969" for you:

Thanks a lot!

Mick L
03-23-2010, 11:57 AM

Exar Xan
03-23-2010, 02:58 PM
You are welcome AJ2008!

MickL: Want me to upload the 8th Doctor tv movie soundtrack then so that someone can have a look at the mix? I mean I cannot change audiomixes at all...heck I even have trouble with editing some audio and making it run along a second audiotrack when I edit some of my movies (personal holidays and all that kind of movies).

Mick L
03-23-2010, 09:03 PM

The Doctor
03-31-2010, 04:08 PM
I am guessing as well that there were branding issues regarding the release of the Specials Soundtrack and we will probably see it sometime after series five airs. I'm hoping as a double disc set with Series Five similar to how they released the first two series together (well it wasn't double disc but you know what I mean).

I'm hoping for more-or-less the same thing.

Murray seemed to be pretty sure a Specials soundtrack was forthcoming back in January, but now that it's fallen into limbo, I think the best we can hope for is some specials suites on a Series 5 CD.

I really hope they bite the bullet and release a 2 disc set.

03-31-2010, 09:28 PM
hasnt anyone tried ripping the music specials from the dvd, i know sometimes you can get a pretty good audio from it with some sounds in it here and there but it still would be good.

03-31-2010, 11:11 PM
I'm hoping for more-or-less the same thing.

Murray seemed to be pretty sure a Specials soundtrack was forthcoming back in January, but now that it's fallen into limbo, I @murraygold AWESOME! such a good variety of sounds makes for a fascinating listen! can't wait to have the music from EoT especially :Dthink the best we can hope for is some specials suites on a Series 5 CD.

I really hope they bite the bullet and release a 2 disc set.

There's an update (I hope).

@murraygold AWESOME! such a good variety of sounds makes for a fascinating listen! can't wait to have the music from EoT especially :D

# @andytlc Yeah, I guess that one doesn't need much tinkering- just put it out in's a decent listen :) 2:09 PM Mar 29th via web in reply to andytlc

Exar Xan
04-01-2010, 08:21 AM
Zappa: All the fanmade scores that are mentioned in the first post are made this way by someone great called Dr Matt :).

And yeah I hope they will release it as a double disc also so that we can have the specials, but we shall see. I am hopefull

The Doctor
04-01-2010, 03:04 PM
Dr. Matt tends to rip isolated scores, which is something they don't include on the box sets for the new series -- probably because they know people can rip them, and that would hurt interest in commercially released soundtracks -- and although you can find some isolated cues taken from the 5.1 mix of The End of Time on YouTube, they're not the best quality in the world.

04-01-2010, 07:20 PM
I doubt they'll put the specials music in with Series 5, as that wouldn't be good marketing. The last Tennant episodes will be branded seperately with his logo and so on on the cover.

Matt's series will need it's own soundtrack anyway, with the new insignia etc on the cover.

Mick L
04-02-2010, 06:16 PM

Mick L
04-02-2010, 09:47 PM

04-03-2010, 09:57 AM
I have managed to sort out the Dr Who TV Movie music. Here is the 54 track Dr Matt version with his covers etc. I have added a 55th track which is The Chase sequence off the promo CD. Hopefully now you can choose which version is best for yourselves. I personally find the 54 track acceptable as it is.

Awesome - thanks for this! Saves me a job, too! :P

balboa 007
04-03-2010, 09:41 PM
ok... who has a rip of the new dr who theme music..!!

04-04-2010, 12:55 AM
ok... who has a rip of the new dr who theme music..!!


balboa 007
04-04-2010, 09:17 AM
perfect alera2....thank you..:)

04-04-2010, 09:46 AM
Thank you for the new theme...its been growing on me since I heard the full version of it yesterday!

04-04-2010, 11:29 AM
The BBC Dr WHo web site has the clean version withiout the sound effects of Lightining which can be heard on the TV version.

You's need a Iplayer ripper to get it, or if you search for it on UTube (like I did), you fund a kind sole who has not only ripped it via Iplayer but converted it to an MP3 file as well.

Hearing it as a stand alone track has proved that it is starting to slowly grow on me.

balboa 007
04-04-2010, 12:16 PM
can someone please get the full version from the DW website..

loving the new theme..;)

04-04-2010, 02:45 PM
I'd like the new theme as well.......

Night Terror
04-04-2010, 04:25 PM
Uhm... Does anyone know then if the Specials music is getting released at last or not? It was just so great... It's a crime to not have a release for that. Otherwise, we can start a petition, can't we? (It worked with the Transformers movie score)

04-04-2010, 07:55 PM
This is the link of the tune that was ripped from the BBC Official site and changed into an MP3 file.

Thanks to "apolicebox" at youtube for doing this

It's clean without any effects and is complete.

This will the only version we will get (me thinks), until we get a Series 5 CD release (hopefully at the end of year).

04-04-2010, 10:28 PM
I noticed on youtube a unleashed cd of music from Doctor Who anyone have this??


and btw the new theme is Awsome!!

It looks like from the cover its called BBC Doctor Who Unreleased Music, then toward the bottom in the middle of the cover it says Unleashed.

Night Terror
04-04-2010, 11:28 PM
Moontrekker... It's fanmade. They took the 5.1 Audio files from the DVD/Blu-Ray and took the Music clean tracks. In the Vale Decem song you can actually hear the TARDIS breaking and the regenrating sound.

That's why I asked if anyone knew of an official release/do a petition.

04-04-2010, 11:45 PM
Moontrekker... It's fanmade. They took the 5.1 Audio files from the DVD/Blu-Ray and took the Music clean tracks. In the Vale Decem song you can actually hear the TARDIS breaking and the regenrating sound.

That's why I asked if anyone knew of an official release/do a petition.

Thanks I thought as much. :)

04-04-2010, 11:48 PM

this is what I put together from youtube, its not great but it will do until we get something better :)

if someone else wants to tackle it be my guest, you go to youtube and type in Doctor Who Unleashed soundtrack, you will get it.

balboa 007
04-05-2010, 11:15 AM
thanks for the link moontrekker
i think im in DW overload at the moment..

04-05-2010, 12:26 PM
thanks for the link moontrekker
i think im in DW overload at the moment..

Oh Im going Nuts , I love this music all of it so I want it all, hehe. I added some more youtube stuff , let me know if you want it.

04-05-2010, 12:47 PM

disclaimer first , this isnt perfect, some really good quality some not, it repeats itself , and so on.

Lets hope the bbc and Mr Gold will release it.

balboa 007
04-05-2010, 12:54 PM
downloading now...

also have just watched the eleventh hour for the 2nd time
i think matt will a great doctor

04-05-2010, 12:56 PM
It is unknown when the specials soundtrack will be released...Murray Gold twittered a couple of months ago that he thought it would be released last month but that hit a snag and there has been speculation among the Doctor Who fandom that snag is a branding problem due to the new era of the series. I wouldn't be surprised if we got a release of both the specials soundtrack and series five after the airing of series five. Traditionally the soundtracks have been released in the UK sometime around Nov and in North America a couple months later. I for one wouldn't mind a double disc set the first disc containing music from Doctor Who Specials and then of course the second disk with series five. I hope they don't decide to combine them into one disc like they did with the first new series soundtrack. Either way I think we'll get a soundtrack of some sort later this year.

04-05-2010, 12:57 PM
downloading now...

also have just watched the eleventh hour for the 2nd time
i think matt will a great doctor

I cant wait , I can watch it on youtube but Ill wait for BBC America this weekend so my wife can watch it with me, Im so excited for this new Doctor and the Music.
I did watch the first part of it, I loved it when he was trying all the different food to see what he liked.

04-05-2010, 12:58 PM
It is unknown when the specials soundtrack will be released...Murray Gold twittered a couple of months ago that he thought it would be released last month but that hit a snag and there has been speculation among the Doctor Who fandom that snag is a branding problem due to the new era of the series. I wouldn't be surprised if we got a release of both the specials soundtrack and series five after the airing of series five. Traditionally the soundtracks have been released in the UK sometime around Nov and in North America a couple months later. I for one wouldn't mind a double disc set the first disc containing music from Doctor Who Specials and then of course the second disk with series five. I hope they don't decide to combine them into one disc like they did with the first new series soundtrack. Either way I think we'll get a soundtrack of some sort later this year.

Thanks for the info I was wondering, cant wait I love this music.

balboa 007
04-05-2010, 01:12 PM
believe me moontrekker YOU WILL LOVE IT...he did a amazing job as the doctor

just played your music... great job.

im covered in bloody goosebumps nows..;

04-05-2010, 02:17 PM
believe me moontrekker YOU WILL LOVE IT...he did a amazing job as the doctor

just played your music... great job.

im covered in bloody goosebumps nows..;

lol thanks, Im really getting ready to piss on myself now just found out that a Godzilla Perfect Collection Box 6 is coming soon.

Night Terror
04-05-2010, 03:14 PM
It is unknown when the specials soundtrack will be released...Murray Gold twittered a couple of months ago that he thought it would be released last month but that hit a snag and there has been speculation among the Doctor Who fandom that snag is a branding problem due to the new era of the series. I wouldn't be surprised if we got a release of both the specials soundtrack and series five after the airing of series five. Traditionally the soundtracks have been released in the UK sometime around Nov and in North America a couple months later. I for one wouldn't mind a double disc set the first disc containing music from Doctor Who Specials and then of course the second disk with series five. I hope they don't decide to combine them into one disc like they did with the first new series soundtrack. Either way I think we'll get a soundtrack of some sort later this year.

I still don't get what was the problem on doing a digital release on Feb/March with the box art for of the SPecials DVD/Blu-Ray :P

04-05-2010, 07:41 PM
Great music - Thank you! I've been downloading all weekend (thanks again to Sander).

I would love Dr Who music 1 & 2 too.

No 11 was great last night, and I'm enjoying the new music rips - great job moontrekker!

Thanks everyone!

04-05-2010, 09:08 PM
Here's an attempt i've made at a soundtrack for The Eleventh Hour:

It's essentially a few cues that have been ripped from YouTube, however there aren't many available at the moment, so i'll reupload it if more do become available. I've also made some Album Art to go with it. Enjoy!

Also as i promised a few weeks ago here's a link to the Series 1 Bootleg Soundtrack:

I'm also still working on a soundtrack from Bad Wolf & The Parting Of The Ways, but i haven't had much time lately because of things like school coursework etc. but it's the holidays now!! (YAY!) so i should get that done this week. Also i'm working on a soundtrack for Turn Left, The Stolen Earth & Journey's End, i nearly completed it, but one of the files became corrupt and now i can't access the entire folder, so i'm gonna pull together the files i had backed up and start again, so that soundtrack will take a while yet. Sorry for such a rant, and i hope you enjoy the soundtracks!


I'll keep an eye out for even more cues over the week and if i find more i'll upload another improved link at the end of the week. I apologize to those who have already downloaded the soundtrack I uploaded earlier and I will deactivate that link tomorrow. Sorry for any inconvenience.

04-06-2010, 04:11 AM
Thanks for both of the links dalakdude!

04-06-2010, 04:19 AM
Dude the Eleventh Hour score rip is fantastic! I love the covers you did as well...I'd imagine the actual cover might be something similar.

Exar Xan
04-06-2010, 07:36 AM
Strax: Glad to be of help for you. I do hope the last email with The Music I and II did arrived as well? Anyway it is good to see you found your way to the boards, welcome!

Dalekdude: Already a big thank you and I cannot wait to get off from work now and listen to your new soundtracks!

04-06-2010, 01:15 PM

04-06-2010, 04:58 PM
Thanks guys for the great comments about The Eleventh Hour Soundtrack! Just to let you know i was looking through the list on the first page and noticed you had a few of the DrMatt isolated dvd soundtracks missing from the list. I have these, would you like me to upload them?

04-06-2010, 06:02 PM
Thanks guys for the great comments about The Eleventh Hour Soundtrack! Just to let you know i was looking through the list on the first page and noticed you had a few of the DrMatt isolated dvd soundtracks missing from the list. I have these, would you like me to upload them?

You Go :)

04-06-2010, 10:18 PM
I only had chance to upload 2 of the DrMatt soundtracks so far, but i'll upload more throughout the week.

Doctor Who - 124 - Arc of Infinity (Soundtrack by Roger Limb):

Doctor Who - 116 - Logopolis (Soundtrack by Paddy Kingsland):

Also i have found some more tracks for the Eleventh Hour Soundtrack so i'll upload a final version of that on Friday.

04-06-2010, 11:19 PM
I only had chance to upload 2 of the DrMatt soundtracks so far, but i'll upload more throughout the week.

Doctor Who - 124 - Arc of Infinity (Soundtrack by Roger Limb):

Doctor Who - 116 - Logopolis (Soundtrack by Paddy Kingsland):

Also i have found some more tracks for the Eleventh Hour Soundtrack so i'll upload a final version of that on Friday.


Exar Xan
04-07-2010, 04:07 PM
Very cool indeed!

Edit: Weird, I do seem to own those 2 you just uploaded (Arc of Infinity and Logopolis)...weird if they arent in the list then...anyway looking forward to see what else of Dr Matt I might have missed and on your final version for Eleventh Hour!

04-07-2010, 04:19 PM
The main theme is god damn classic, love it!

04-08-2010, 05:34 PM
Strax: Glad to be of help for you. I do hope the last email with The Music I and II did arrived as well? Anyway it is good to see you found your way to the boards, welcome!


Yes - Thank you! Those two albums have very special memories for me, it's great to hear them again!

And Dalekdude - thanks for Logopolis & Arc as well, more wonderful music!


04-08-2010, 08:10 PM
I love everything about the new main theme with the TARDIS spiraling down the vortex and the new logo, very well done!!

We might be in for the best season of Doctor Who yet :)

04-09-2010, 02:15 AM
The new theme has grown on me...the start of it reminds me of the Eighth Doctor movie theme a little with the more darker tones at the start. Dalakdude I was wondering if it would be possible to make a rip of the End of Time Parts One and Two score? I know that's asking a lot but would really appreciate it!

04-09-2010, 07:13 AM
The new theme has grown on me...the start of it reminds me of the Eighth Doctor movie theme a little with the more darker tones at the start. Dalakdude I was wondering if it would be possible to make a rip of the End of Time Parts One and Two score? I know that's asking a lot but would really appreciate it!

There's been a few attempts already by fans to rip the score from the DVD/Blu-Ray release and these have appeared on Youtube with Mixed results.

Most of them have some sort of SFX in the background, and the most popular one and common one (Davids Regeneration) you can still hear some explosions.

Also the music tends to go up and down.

I am looking for a rip of the New Season's Trailer Music. Again I have found a fan made rip that loops about 30 seconds of it on the begining and this getts annoying.

I am also looking for the Master's Regeneration Music from "Utopia".

I'm not up to the challaenge to rip any music as i don't have the know how, but if anyone can do a clean rip of any of the music that has not been released, it is always welcome.

04-09-2010, 08:48 AM
I've seen some of the stuff on youtube or listened to it...the best one that I heard was the Doctor's regeneration scene I love that piece of music and I agree with you that I have been looking for the Master's regeneration music from "Utopia" I don't know how to rip stuff like that either, find it complicated.

04-09-2010, 02:20 PM
there wont be a clean version until they release it, so these audio rips are the best we can get for now. those on youtube of end of time isnt that bad.

04-09-2010, 08:12 PM
Has anyone actually been able to rip music from "the Sarah Jane Adventures".

Again Youtube have some fan made rips, but not many, and since we've had 3 series so far, I am amazed that the BBC haven't atleast put a combo CD together, unless they think that people won't be interested in the music.

04-09-2010, 09:35 PM
there was a SJA cd releases not long ago. I think i might have it on my hard drive somewhere.


ok found it, it has 26 tracks and is 1 hour and 30 minutes worth of music. and its at 32 kbps, I downloaded it from demoniod and thats all the info I have about it.

04-10-2010, 12:43 AM
As promised here's the final version of The Eleventh Hour Soundtrack:

I'll do a soundtrack for the rest of the episodes in season 5 as well.
Also here's a link for another of the DrMatt Soundtracks:

Doctor Who - 159 - Survival (Soundtrack by Dominic Glynn):

There are a few other DrMatt soundtracks which I'll upload over the next week

Dalakdude I was wondering if it would be possible to make a rip of the End of Time Parts One and Two score? I know that's asking a lot but would really appreciate it!

I don't actually rip the soundtracks from the episodes themselves, i just scavange around on youtube etc and convert, improve and compile the best i can find. But i'd be glad to do a soundtrack for The End Of Time, i've been meaning to do one for some time now, but never got round to it. But i'll be sure to put it at the top of my list to do as well as soundtracks for season 5 :D

04-10-2010, 01:13 AM
As promised here's the final version of The Eleventh Hour Soundtrack:

I'll do a soundtrack for the rest of the episodes in season 5 as well.
Also here's a link for another of the DrMatt Soundtracks:

Doctor Who - 159 - Survival (Soundtrack by Dominic Glynn):

There are a few other DrMatt soundtracks which I'll upload over the next week

I don't actually rip the soundtracks from the episodes themselves, i just scavange around on youtube etc and convert, improve and compile the best i can find. But i'd be glad to do a soundtrack for The End Of Time, i've been meaning to do one for some time now, but never got round to it. But i'll be sure to put it at the top of my list to do as well as soundtracks for season 5 :D

Thanks these are great, I get too see The Eleventh Hour tomorrow evening on BBC America, cant wait!!

04-10-2010, 03:37 AM
11th hour score is awesome, nice job mate. looking forward to the next episode it looks to be good! cant wait to watch episode 2 tomorrow live!

04-10-2010, 07:48 AM
Thanks for the 11th Hour soundtrack.

I just love the 11th Doctor's Theme, that featured while he was changing clothes before Amy.

It should be worth continuing to look at youtube for the scores, as I'm sure some poeple whill continue to try and tidy up the tracvks by removing the sound effects, especially if the section of track is repeated again clean.

04-10-2010, 07:59 AM
Dalekdude thanks! Your amazing!

04-11-2010, 12:22 PM
Sadly it looks like the BBC are starting to crack down on people doing YouTube scores now, as the 2 best people who did it have had their profiles completely removed from the site. :/

04-11-2010, 01:59 PM
^ Maybe this means that they're getting ready to announce a release date for the specials soundtrack? Dalakdude I've listened to both scores and I think the first one you did is way better than the second one for some reason but again thanks for your efforts.

04-11-2010, 04:13 PM
Sadly it looks like the BBC are starting to crack down on people doing YouTube scores now, as the 2 best people who did it have had their profiles completely removed from the site. :/

It's a shamde that the BBC must resort to this.

It's Fans trying to Give Fan's something in return until an offical release, but as Admiral says, maybe they are heading for an offical release.

Dr Who is a massive money spinner for the BBC, and they must be blind if they don't act soon, especially with a lot of people asking for the track that features Tennants last visits to his companions.

What the BBC should do is take a note of what "Network" are doing with the complete scores to ITV 60's programmes and start doing something along that line or what Fanderson do for Gerry Anderson's shows.

Murry gold deserves this treatment as there is a lot of his work missing from the releases so far

I also seem to remember that the BBC realized that when CIC did Star Trek as Individual episodes on Video in the 80's, they changed there approach to there video releases and instead of editing them together as one feature they started to release them as Single episodes in each storyline.

04-11-2010, 08:22 PM
I am looking for a rip of the New Season's Trailer Music. Again I have found a fan made rip that loops about 30 seconds of it on the begining and this getts annoying.

The trailer music for the 2010 series is "Destiny of Mankind" by Two Steps From Hell. If you can track down their album "Legend", you'll find it on there.

EDIT: Or just download Dalekdude's Eleventh Hour soundtrack above. :S

04-11-2010, 09:17 PM
Right well probably as a result of people on forums saying the levels for the Doctor Who theme during "The Eleventh Hour" sounded a bit off, the theme was corrected come "The Beast Below".

So I've leveled it very similar to how the Beeb have now, and I've also added the ending on which wasn't on the online version... see for yourself, I think it sounds a lot better personally:

04-12-2010, 06:45 AM
The trailer music for the 2010 series is "Destiny of Mankind" by Two Steps From Hell. If you can track down their album "Legend", you'll find it on there.

THank you for this.

Found the 2 miniute file as an FLV on utube, so I've ripped it from there and will convert to Mp3 later.

All i need now is a stable version of the "New Doctors" theme, that featured while he was changing his clothes in front of Amy.

I like what everyone has done, but it gets on my nerves at times as these go up and down, and this is because of trying to Isolate the sfx AND speech.

Maybe, i'll have to wait for the CD release.

04-12-2010, 01:01 PM
Hello! Newbie here. I've downloaded some great stuff in this thread (thank you all!), and I wanted to give back with a few more DrMatt releases:

The Keeper of Traken -

Castrovalva -

The Mark of the Rani -

Remembrance of the Daleks -

And his two most recent releases:

The Five Doctors (Remastered) -

Warriors of the Deep (2xCD Remastered) -

Happy downloading!

The Doctor
04-13-2010, 09:01 AM
As promised here's the final version of The Eleventh Hour Soundtrack:

Thanks, Dalekdude. That'll work a treat until an official release.

So I've leveled it very similar to how the Beeb have now, and I've also added the ending on which wasn't on the online version... see for yourself, I think it sounds a lot better personally...

That does sound better, smegger. Thanks a bundle. :)

04-17-2010, 08:29 AM
Warriors of the Deep (2xCD Remastered) -

Happy downloading!

Thank you for this.

Does anyone have the 2cd Dr Matt re-release of Logopolis.

According to Kicka$$torrents

This CD has been remastered and features additional tracks


04-19-2010, 05:45 AM
Dalekdude any updates on scores for episode 2 and 3?

04-19-2010, 07:55 PM
Dalekdude any updates on scores for episode 2 and 3?

Baring in mind they were ripped off YouTube, the place the BBC is now monitoring... don't hold your breath.

04-19-2010, 09:46 PM
Dalekdude any updates on scores for episode 2 and 3?

Hey, sorry it's been such a long while but my laptop has broke so i'm having to use another at the moment so it doesn't have any of my latest files on it so i'll need to recreate The Beast Below soundtrack when i have time as my laptop might take a while to fix, i've started work on a soundtrack for Victory Of The Daleks but I won't upload it till nearer the end of the week as I don't have the programs i normally use on this laptop so it'll take more time to convert files etc. Also i started Work Experience today so i'm expecting to be quite busy over the next 2 weeks, but i'll find the time and upload soon. :D

04-19-2010, 11:02 PM
ah better get ready for the next two episodes, the music should be awesome in those. weeping angels!!! oh my! :p

Exar Xan
04-20-2010, 07:37 AM
And since we have the return of the weeping angels (and River): Can you have a look at the episode Blink to make an individual soundtrack out of it? It is 1 of my fav episodes after all.

04-21-2010, 05:56 AM
Thanks for the update about your computer breaking, I know how that feels. Yes the upcoming two parter featuring River Song should feature some incredible music.

04-21-2010, 10:46 PM
The clip shown in your US special before The Eleventh Hour, showing River land the TARDIS using the "blue buttons", is fantastic... The Doctor trying to make the noise the TARDIS makes when landing, very funny.

04-22-2010, 06:16 AM
The clip shown in your US special before The Eleventh Hour, showing River land the TARDIS using the "blue buttons", is fantastic... The Doctor trying to make the noise the TARDIS makes when landing, very funny.

Is the US special avalible to download?

04-26-2010, 09:03 AM

Thank you! I have been looking everywhere! All I could find was Torrent's which are annoying and take forever.

04-26-2010, 09:16 AM
Does anybody have the Castrovalva soundtrack? Zip files? (Non torrent) (Mp3) If you do that's a great help. I have the Logopolis sound track because I'm making a 10th Regeneration Rescore.