09-13-2014, 03:51 AM

Ah, Terra Battle. A lovely, but sadly mobile game. While I don't love it as much as I love Mistwalker's previous games, I still play it quite a lot and listen to its soundtrack. A few years after version 2 of the gamerip, which included new music by Kenji Ito, Yoko Shimomura and Yasunori Mitsuda, I present version 3, which comes with 42 new tracks, including two vocal themes, music by Hitoshi Sakimoto (of FFXII fame) and Keiichi Okabe (NieR), an unused track by Kenji Ito, and much more.
Terra Battle 2 was also released recently, with another lovely soundtrack by Nobuo Uematsu which I spent a lot of time and effort to rip. Check it out here (Thread 219725)!

On the game's server, most of this music was encoded as MP3 with a 128kbps bitrate and 48kHz sample rate. The actual music, however, is 32kHz, and the game seems to save the files on your device as 96kbps 32kHz MP3 files. In order to maintain the best possible quality, I made sure to get the files directly from the server and not re-encode them as 128kbps as I did with the first rip, but save them as relatively high-quality VBR files. In some tracks, the quality is much better - they are almost losslessly encoded. Can you find out which? :)

I did not include the high-quality music from the iTunes EP, which you can find here: purchase it if you can! :)

As you may have noticed, I have nothing but respect and admiration for Mistwalker. It is my favorite game studio at the moment, and I want to support them any way I can. That's why I posted this soundtrack, hoping that music this good would definitely get more people to play their game. Just a reminder: TERRA BATTLE is now available on Google Play ( and the App Store (!

If you download this, please support Mistwalker by downloading the game!
And who knows, you might even like the game and keep playing it! In fact, if you take your time to look at it, it's pretty likely that you will! :D


01 - Main Theme ~TERRA BATTLE~ (04:44)
02 - The Shattered Land (04:10)
03 - Beyond the Horizon ~The Maker's Beckoning~ (04:30)
04 - Fortune Favors the Valiant ~Sword, Spear and Bow~ (04:10)
05 - Victory Fanfare (01:48)
06 - Evening at the Tavern (05:06)
07 - A Pact of Fellowship (03:23)
08 - In the Heat of Battle (02:58)
09 - Lying in Wait (04:42)
10 - In the Halls of the Maker (03:45)
11 - Panic (05:17)
12 - Drifting in the Sea of Stars (05:34)
13 - Tears Floating in the Vacuum (03:13)
14 - Resolute Advancement (06:15)
15 - Day of Reckoning (10:00)
16 - Unfulfilled Desire (06:51)
17 - Another World (02:42)
18 - Battle in the New World (03:53)
19 - Battle in the New World (First Arrange) (03:34)
20 - Battle in the New World (Piano Arrange) (02:13)
21 - The Dance of the Waves (02:46)
22 - A Clash of Hearts (04:04)
23 - The Eidolons' Awakening (03:05)
24 - High Sky (05:41)
25 - (The Last Story) Prologue (03:02)
26 - (The Last Story) Order and Chaos (04:07)
27 - (The Last Story) Main Theme (00:57)
28 - (The Last Story) Crisis (01:44)
29 - (The Last Story) Calm (00:39)
30 - (The Last Story) Battle with General Asthar (01:02)
31 - Yumeguni no Gishi 1 (01:23)
32 - Yumeguni no Gishi 2 (02:49)
33 - Yumeguni no Gishi 3 (01:22)
34 - (Mobius Final Fantasy) Warrior of Light (03:43)
35 - (Mobius Final Fantasy) Chaosbringer (03:12)
36 - (Mobius Final Fantasy) Victory (01:24)
37 - (Mobius Final Fantasy) The Forsaken World (04:07)
38 - (Mobius Final Fantasy) The Howl of the Waste (04:30)
39 - (Battle Champs) Battle 1 (02:45)
40 - (Battle Champs) Battle 2 (02:45)
41 - A Clouded Heart (01:31)
42 - The Fires of Vengeance (02:05)
43 - Pandemonium (01:52)
44 - 4U for Terra Battle (07:19)
45 - Fortune Favors the Valiant (Anniversary Edition) (03:05)
46 - A New Challenge (03:29)
47 - The Dragon King's Descent (05:18)
48 - Bond for Final Fantasy XV (04:17)
49 - (Final Fantasy XV) Song of the Stars (04:20)
50 - (Final Fantasy XV) Stand Your Ground (03:18)
51 - (Final Fantasy XV) Relax and Reflect (03:17)
52 - (Final Fantasy XV) Day's End Fanfare (00:10)
53 - (Final Fantasy XV) Apocalypsis Noctis (04:37)
54 - (Final Fantasy XV) Main Theme from Final Fantasy (02:07)
55 - The Story of a Machine (Vocals) (04:09)
56 - The Story of a Machine (Instrumental) (04:09)
57 - Distorted Time (Vocals) (05:26)
58 - Distorted Time (Instrumental) (05:26)
59 - Distorted Time (Synth) (05:26)
60 - Laws of the Universe (Vocals) (04:20)
61 - Laws of the Universe (Instrumental) (04:20)
62 - Trapped in a Time Loop (03:56)
63 - The Death of Shay and Arionne (03:18)
64 - Bloodied Sword (03:14)
65 - Morgana (03:06)
66 - (Live) Main Theme ~TERRA BATTLE~ (04:42)
67 - (Live) Beyond the Horizon (07:12)
68 - (Live) Fortune Favors the Valiant (09:00)
69 - (Live) In the Heat of Battle (07:14)
70 - (Live) Day of Reckoning (08:04)
71 - (Live) High Sky (Orchestral) (06:00)
72 - (Jingle) Pact of Fellowship (00:08)
73 - (Jingle) Pact of Truth (00:09)
74 - (Jingle) Low-Class Job Upgrade (00:05)
75 - (Jingle) High-Class Job Upgrade (00:06)
76 - (Jingle) Omake 1 (00:05)
77 - (Jingle) Omake 2 (00:07)
78 - (Jingle) Guitar 1 (00:09)
79 - (Jingle) Guitar 2 (00:13)
80 - (Jingle) Opera 1 (00:12)
81 - (Jingle) Opera 2 (00:18)


Tagged & Looped gamerip (every looping track is looped once and then faded out)!QGhmzIiZ!jIijUvzPeHzkiwsvJl-rYW0RlwJF9LjB_0V9lnwvTk4

Untouched Gamerip (includes original, untouched files with my notes on the loop points, translations, etc.)!sfAQyCgT!ru7BWwdiQfP2vxjnoYi_kfJUW3MGBrJpWO8yKMDc1co

Check out my other uploads! (
And check out my gamerip for Terra Battle 2 (Thread 219725)!
Have fun everyone! :3

(... You'll download the game, won't you? <3)

Masta Moai
09-13-2014, 06:28 AM
Thanks for sharing :) I'll definitely keep an eye out for this game.

09-13-2014, 08:23 AM
Thanks a lot!

09-13-2014, 08:26 AM
:D yeaaah!!!!! :D thanks!

09-13-2014, 09:09 AM
This came out in Canada? I had no idea. Cool that it's getting a free mobile release. I'll check it out.


09-13-2014, 10:03 AM
thank you, Bar

09-13-2014, 11:59 PM
Thank you

09-14-2014, 04:58 AM
Curse my inferior phone. Thank you for the game rip though, it is much appreciated!

09-14-2014, 01:04 PM
Thanks for your work & for sharing :)

09-14-2014, 06:04 PM
Thank you :)

09-15-2014, 12:08 PM
You're welcome everyone and thank you all for keeping an eye out for the game. And special thanks to Tyrion Lannister for already getting it! :D

The Ultimate Koopa
09-15-2014, 06:05 PM
People, seriously still even think about using 128 kbps MP3s?

I think there should be an automatic system on these forums. If MP3s are lower than 256 kbps, then your topic is deleted. MP3s that are as low as 128 kbps should be cause for imprisonment for the murdering of our ears.

Leon Scott Kennedy
09-15-2014, 06:18 PM
Looking at that post, I'd rather have the likes of you "removed" from this place. Given that Bar, if I remember correctly, offered higher-quality encodes in the past... I'm going to guess that what's provided here is the audio in its original, official quality.

09-15-2014, 08:21 PM
People, seriously still even think about using 128 kbps MP3s?

I think there should be an automatic system on these forums. If MP3s are lower than 256 kbps, then your topic is deleted. MP3s that are as low as 128 kbps should be cause for imprisonment for the murdering of our ears.
This music is, as LSK said above, indeed in its original quality. For better quality, I guess we'll have to wait for Mistwalker to make the official soundtrack available online.
Using 128 kbps MP3s is a very logical decision though. As a developer, when your Android game downloads its data dynamically before starting a level, you usually can't afford much better quality than that. Besides, have you listened to the music? It doesn't sound bad at all. It's partly due to the decision the developers made to save their audio as joint stereo in order to improve the quality. :)

09-15-2014, 08:31 PM
Shortened my post...

128? Why even bother?

Leon Scott Kennedy
09-15-2014, 08:38 PM
Such greediness.... Damn, I miss the good ol' days. Now, even piracy is full of crap.

09-15-2014, 09:16 PM
Ugh, this obsession with bitrate... To be honest, I don't think anyone here would have notice it at all if I had just saved them as 256kbps MP3s.
Can't anyone enjoy great music without looking at the numbers?

If this can provide some comfort, a 128kbps joint stereo MP3 is in most cases better quality than a 160kbps normal stereo one. It's usually close to the quality you'd expect from 192kbps.
Besides, nobody that I know of has complained about the music quality in FFX HD, while that game used 192kbps (also joint stereo) MP3s. And that was on the PS3! You can expect these kinds of things from a mobile game, but not from a PS3 game. So why didn't people complain?

09-15-2014, 09:34 PM
I didn't complain about the quality of FFXHD because I didn't know about it.

Now I'm complaining about it.

Why didn't you just do blu-ray rips like the others?

Leon Scott Kennedy
09-15-2014, 09:38 PM
Don't bother with 'em. Keep calm and remind yourself that the Shrine doesn't have any... Err... Quality-requirement: you're free to post goodies in whatever quality you want, as long as you state such thing somewhere [Thread's title or first post].

Still, it's disheartening to see how logic doesn't often come into play, nowadays, in regards to piracy:

- Look at this particular case: You don't own this game? At the time of this post, you aren't supposed/entitled to enjoy its music, since it isn't available anywhere else.

- You don't own a goddamn CD? Then, even a lossy-to-lossy transcode is still a lot more than what you deserve to have. Folks seem to forget that even lossy files are, in most cases, sourced off the actual CD.

09-15-2014, 10:51 PM
Appreciate the rip Mr. Bar! It's also a great idea to promote the game like you've done, I'll be sure to give it a go when it sees release.

10-03-2014, 10:45 PM
Thanks a lot for the rip ! As a huge fan of Nobuo Uematsu, I was eager to hear this, regardless of the bitrate. People complaining about bitrate really don't understand the point of listening to music at all.

10-03-2014, 11:10 PM
128 or not, the audio sounds perfectly fine to me. Even if it's not up to par with, say, 320, this album still serves it's purpose of entertaining and tiding us over until an official release. And it also goes to show that Nobuo Uematsu still hasn't lost his touch, although it's a little disheartening that he seems to mainly be doing small-time excursions now (composing for game apps).

10-04-2014, 12:20 AM
I'm glad you are all enjoying it. :) I've been listening to this music a lot lately. A Battle of Teamwork really tends to get stuck in my head, and I'm sure it will be stuck in there all the time soon, as the game is releasing on October 9th worldwide! I hope you all check it out!

Doing so will help Mistwalker, Uematsu-san and yourself, because at 2 million downloads we get a console version. Hironobu Sakaguchi has said that the console version wouldn't be a port but something new entirely, placing the strategic element of Terra Battle in a 3D world. This will definitely require new music, so do everyone a favor and start preparing your smartphones and tablets for Thursday! :D

10-08-2014, 02:20 AM

10-11-2014, 09:16 AM
Thanks for posting this, I ripped the audio from the game as well, then I found your rips with actual loops. May I ask how you managed to get the names of the songs? I just opened up the obb and found all the nameless assets, changed them all to mp3 and tried them until I found the music. Most just had names like "0a3d4e26472af472ab1101bc6ef90c06" though

Anyway, the new battle song with the 100k download starter is in the game now. I'll upload it here so you don't have to go digging through the game files again. Taken straight from the game without a loop!AYci0SYD!kx-Il8f8T0fCRwNvkvpma1G93sanR_jBr58dP-ie5Ho

After listening through your rip, I found that you're missing 3 files. A song and 2 jingles!JIVCmYZZ!KopRe7p51TONS2dE6IKgz2E6PKMx7AwqkfZiQ8u R8Eg

10-11-2014, 12:18 PM
Thanks for posting this, I ripped the audio from the game as well, then I found your rips with actual loops. May I ask how you managed to get the names of the songs? I just opened up the obb and found all the nameless assets, changed them all to mp3 and tried them until I found the music. Most just had names like "0a3d4e26472af472ab1101bc6ef90c06" though

Anyway, the new battle song with the 100k download starter is in the game now. I'll upload it here so you don't have to go digging through the game files again. Taken straight from the game without a loop!AYci0SYD!kx-Il8f8T0fCRwNvkvpma1G93sanR_jBr58dP-ie5Ho

After listening through your rip, I found that you're missing 3 files. A song and 2 jingles!JIVCmYZZ!KopRe7p51TONS2dE6IKgz2E6PKMx7AwqkfZiQ8u R8Eg

For some reason I can't get the new track link to work. Is anyone else having any issues? The page loads fine but when I click download it just sticks on "starting" and never starts. I tried importing it to my mega acct and it moved over there just fine, but still wont download. Ive tried Chrome/IE on 2 separate PCs to try to rule out issues on my end with no luck. The other link works just fine though. Odd. Thanks for uploading them though!

EDIT: In the time it took me to write this post it seems to have fixed itself. Even more odd!

10-11-2014, 04:07 PM
Thanks for posting this, I ripped the audio from the game as well, then I found your rips with actual loops. May I ask how you managed to get the names of the songs? I just opened up the obb and found all the nameless assets, changed them all to mp3 and tried them until I found the music. Most just had names like "0a3d4e26472af472ab1101bc6ef90c06" though

Anyway, the new battle song with the 100k download starter is in the game now. I'll upload it here so you don't have to go digging through the game files again. Taken straight from the game without a loop!AYci0SYD!kx-Il8f8T0fCRwNvkvpma1G93sanR_jBr58dP-ie5Ho

After listening through your rip, I found that you're missing 3 files. A song and 2 jingles!JIVCmYZZ!KopRe7p51TONS2dE6IKgz2E6PKMx7AwqkfZiQ8u R8Eg
You're welcome! As for your question, the game downloads all of its assets from a server. You can find its base address hard-coded in a DLL file somewhere. It uses that base address and appends something like "/data/android/BGM/BGM01.bin" to it to get a URL for every asset it needs. The game is made with Unity, so with that in mind you should be able to find a program that decrypts the *.bin files exactly like the game does, before it stores the decrypted data in the OBB cache you extracted. The *.bin files also contain the loop data. :)

As expected, the first "new" track by Uematsu was included in the game from the beginning. It's track 8 - "Braving the Battle" in my rip, and the song I didn't include is just a segment of the main theme, so it's a duplicate. The jingles are a nice find though! I'll search for them on the server a bit before adding them to my rip, as your files seem to be of lower quality (96kbps and 32kHz). Strange. I wonder if the game actually scales the music quality down even further after downloading, as the files on the server are in 128kbps and 48kHz.

Also, I have to admit I'm a bit let down that Mistwalker decided that a "wordwide" release meant a release in Japan, the US, Canada, the UK, Germany, France, and Spain. They didn't even say anything about that beforehand. I'm sure it will be released in my country in the future but I just don't understand why they didn't release it everywhere at the same time.

10-11-2014, 07:14 PM
You're welcome! As for your question, the game downloads all of its assets from a server. You can find its base address hard-coded in a DLL file somewhere. It uses that base address and appends something like "/data/android/BGM/BGM01.bin" to it to get a URL for every asset it needs. The game is made with Unity, so with that in mind you should be able to find a program that decrypts the *.bin files exactly like the game does, before it stores the decrypted data in the OBB cache you extracted. The *.bin files also contain the loop data. :)

As expected, the first "new" track by Uematsu was included in the game from the beginning. It's track 8 - "Braving the Battle" in my rip, and the song I didn't include is just a segment of the main theme, so it's a duplicate. The jingles are a nice find though! I'll search for them on the server a bit before adding them to my rip, as your files seem to be of lower quality (96kbps and 32kHz). Strange. I wonder if the game actually scales the music quality down even further after downloading, as the files on the server are in 128kbps and 48kHz.

Also, I have to admit I'm a bit let down that Mistwalker decided that a "wordwide" release meant a release in Japan, the US, Canada, the UK, Germany, France, and Spain. They didn't even say anything about that beforehand. I'm sure it will be released in my country in the future but I just don't understand why they didn't release it everywhere at the same time.

Ah, good to know, thanks! I was kind of wondering why the new battle song sounded familiar to me, I already ripped it and forgot about it.
That also explains why my files were lower quality, I didn't know there was any way of finding their server.

One more question, you mention a DLL file with the address. Is that a dll file in the game's apk or somewhere else on the system?

10-11-2014, 08:58 PM
Ah, good to know, thanks! I was kind of wondering why the new battle song sounded familiar to me, I already ripped it and forgot about it.
That also explains why my files were lower quality, I didn't know there was any way of finding their server.

One more question, you mention a DLL file with the address. Is that a dll file in the game's apk or somewhere else on the system?
I don't really like making that info public, so I've sent you a PM with it. :)

On another note, I haven't been able to find the jingles yet on the server. Perhaps they're stored among the sound files in the apk. I'll take a look as soon as I have time.

10-11-2014, 10:30 PM
Thanks for bringing my attention to this game :)

10-11-2014, 11:18 PM
Thanks :)

10-12-2014, 03:08 AM
Shortened my post...

128? Why even bother?
Unless you have enhanced hearing, most humans cannot detect the difference between 128 and 320. That's not an opinion, it's a fact.
People just THINK because it's bigger that it's better. That isn't always the case. Just saying.
It's music for a mobile game. Are you expecting FLAC? Cause if you are, that's kinda silly.

10-12-2014, 04:10 AM
I'm sorry to say, as I know people routinely disparage MP3 unfairly, but to suggest people can't hear the difference between 128 and 320 is getting pretty far out there. If you were to go over to HydrogenAudio and say that they'd tell you the same thing. In this rip, it's pretty easy to hear compression artifacts right from the beginning of the "Teamwork" battle theme, kyoryokubat_lp, particularly in the cymbals. MP3 can do a surprisingly good job at a bitrate like that, but usually when using VBR. These are CBR and even with LAME that tends not to get transparent until about 160 kbps or more unless it's simple music.

@Bar, did you rip this from the Android or iOS version of the game? And thanks too!

10-12-2014, 09:23 AM
Thanks so much for your work. I love this music ;).

10-12-2014, 12:49 PM
I'm sorry to say, as I know people routinely disparage MP3 unfairly, but to suggest people can't hear the difference between 128 and 320 is getting pretty far out there. If you were to go over to HydrogenAudio and say that they'd tell you the same thing. In this rip, it's pretty easy to hear compression artifacts right from the beginning of the "Teamwork" battle theme, kyoryokubat_lp, particularly in the cymbals. MP3 can do a surprisingly good job at a bitrate like that, but usually when using VBR. These are CBR and even with LAME that tends not to get transparent until about 160 kbps or more unless it's simple music.

@Bar, did you rip this from the Android or iOS version of the game? And thanks too!
You're welcome! :) I ripped this from the Android version of the game, although I checked the iOS version as well. It uses exactly the same assets.
You're right that people can hear the difference between 128kbps and 320kbps, but I have to agree with TL that a lot of people would think it's better if I had just saved the files as 320kbps.

10-16-2014, 07:32 AM
The game's been getting like 100k downloads a day, it shouldn't be long before 1.2 mil! 580k as of this post, reached 400k yesterday.

10-16-2014, 11:40 AM
The game's been getting like 100k downloads a day, it shouldn't be long before 1.2 mil! 580k as of this post, reached 400k yesterday.
It's 650k at the moment, so it seems to be slowing down a little. I'm pretty sure it would speed up again if they released it in the other countries though. Maybe they're waiting for downloads to slow down more to release it to the rest of the world, giving them more time to complete the download starter features.

10-30-2014, 11:37 PM
They've reached their first million downloads!

10-31-2014, 09:00 AM
Where is the official soundtrack? I can't find it on the website...

10-31-2014, 09:33 AM
This came out in Canada? I had no idea. Cool that it's getting a free mobile release. I'll check it out.


That kik notification is killing me.

11-01-2014, 01:47 PM
Thank for the rip, Bar ^^ Really appreciate !

11-08-2014, 04:16 PM
Where is the official soundtrack? I can't find it on the website...

Same Q here: after 900k downloads there is an official release somewhere?

BTW: thanks Bar for publicising this to us :D

12-02-2014, 12:20 AM

12-02-2014, 03:08 PM
thank you!

12-03-2014, 01:08 AM
After playing a bit of the game, (It barely plays on my phone) I have to say that's it's very good!

03-14-2015, 10:27 AM
Thanks a lot, a great OST of Uematsu Sama !

03-14-2015, 02:16 PM
Unless you have enhanced hearing, most humans cannot detect the difference between 128 and 320. That's not an opinion, it's a fact.
People just THINK because it's bigger that it's better. That isn't always the case. Just saying.

Maybe if you're using Fisher Price speakers you can't tell the difference.

03-14-2015, 02:27 PM
Awesome, thanks. I've been looking for the music!

I know the game is on course for 1.8mil downloads, but it is still typically unreleased in most countries. I don't get how they're bringing attention this way. I had to manually install the .apk from an external source in order to be able to play it as it's not on my google play.
Hope they port this to PC at some point, the game has potential.

04-07-2015, 10:05 PM
New music of Terra battle!!! of Yasunori Mitsuda!

04-07-2015, 11:11 PM
...And a mini soundtrack ( has been released on itunes with 5 tracks.

04-08-2015, 06:08 AM
If possible, would you mind re-upload this? The link seems to be broken.

Thanks in advance.

04-11-2015, 01:23 AM
If possible, would you mind re-upload this? The link seems to be broken.

Thanks in advance.
There you go.

DL:!B1lzzLAY!kHw04rKcIPqZpwPNcJq0lgrG1infkpWz8N1qFes Ei0k
Pass: terrarip128

This is the looped version. Properly re-tagged/re-named where necessary (but kept all of Bar's custom titles). Included the extra jingles from apples23's post.
Note: If Bar requests it, I will remove my link.

04-14-2015, 01:48 AM
Thank you very much! :)

04-18-2015, 02:33 AM
Version 2 of the gamerip is now here! :) Additions include:

the new music by Kenji Ito, Yoko Shimomura and Yasunori Mitsuda - including an old arrangement that I managed to grab from the server before it was replaced
live versions of the Terra Battle music from the AROUNDERS -TERRA BATTLE- concert in Japan
music from The Last Story, to be used in an upcoming TLS-themed event (I love Mistwalker for this)
the jingles that I somehow missed in version 1 - thanks again for pointing that out to me, apples23!
First post is where it's at! (|128%5D-terra-battle-gamerip-nobuo-uematsu-2014-a-179684/)

Also: Thanks for reuploading that, CroiX-SaN! My MEGA account got deleted (even though the only files that got flagged were perfectly legal) so that's why all my uploads disappeared. :)
I'd like to prevent something like this from happening again without having to upload everything to 10 sites every time I post something, so if it's not too much trouble, could anyone mirror this new version too? I'd be very grateful!

04-30-2015, 02:47 PM
Thank you, Bar!

06-22-2015, 09:15 PM
I just learned of this game from a list of Nobuo Uematsu's works, and I thank you for your work on getting us a copy of the soundtrack! Hopefully they will release more tracks officially and on better stores than iTunes! :D

07-30-2015, 07:41 PM
Bar-dono you're the best thing ever in the history of everything.

09-02-2015, 07:10 PM
Thanks for the share, I think I will check this game out !!

09-07-2015, 07:40 AM
YOU are amazing. Thank you. Thank you so much.

Deis Cross
09-07-2015, 03:39 PM
Many thanks

09-09-2015, 08:05 AM
Many,many,many thanks for this!I've played the game,a year ago on the smartphone of a friend.Then earlier this year,I got a smartphone myself,and damn I love the game!The music is really,really great.So yet again,thanks for sharing this!

10-01-2015, 01:18 PM

10-14-2015, 10:19 AM
you're the best man, i've actually been looking for this for quite a while

10-16-2015, 10:03 AM
Just checking to see if any new songs were added :)

11-01-2015, 07:54 AM
Thanks OP!

Just checking in to see when you might be able to get your hand on the new tracks added since your last update, primarily:
-High Sky (new main menu theme)
-Mobius Final Fantasy music set

Big thanks, again!

12-25-2015, 07:47 PM
Bar any chance you could add the new tracks that were added?

02-15-2016, 07:02 AM
Just checking to see if the new tracks were added :)

05-10-2016, 12:06 PM
dude, legendary

02-28-2017, 04:43 PM
Thanks, Bar and apples23.

02-28-2017, 08:45 PM

10-14-2017, 05:55 PM
Hey everyone, I updated this gamerip to include all tracks currently in Terra Battle. This update comes with 42 new tracks, including two vocal themes, music by Hitoshi Sakimoto (of FFXII fame) and Keiichi Okabe (NieR), an unused track by Kenji Ito, and much more. Links are in the first post! :)

Also, check out my rip for Terra Battle 2 (Thread 219725)!

10-14-2017, 07:59 PM

10-14-2017, 11:50 PM
Hey everyone, I updated this gamerip to include all tracks currently in Terra Battle. This update comes with 42 new tracks, including two vocal themes, music by Hitoshi Sakimoto (of FFXII fame) and Keiichi Okabe (NieR), an unused track by Kenji Ito, and much more. Links are in the first post! :)

Also, check out my rip for Terra Battle 2 (Thread 219725)!

Thank you! :)

10-15-2017, 01:23 AM
Thank you for the updated list! :)

11-13-2017, 01:40 AM
[edited] new tracks, including music by Hitoshi Sakimoto, Keiichi Okabe, Kenji Ito

What?! 8-O How come these guys are in this?

Mr Muay Thai
12-06-2017, 04:44 AM
thank you

03-01-2018, 10:25 PM
I have made GENH-ed version for the loopable tracks. Here (!Zto3nIiJ!9_21A52NwB3_VDiV6KhdgWLL3AOR064OOVnoOT4FO-4). You need winamp/fb2k + vgmstream plugin to play them.

07-02-2018, 03:07 AM
The itunes EP appears to have been delisted from both the Japanese and American itunes stores. I'd appreciate an upload if anyone managed to get it when it was still available.

01-21-2019, 09:04 PM
I have made GENH-ed version for the loopable tracks. Here (!Zto3nIiJ!9_21A52NwB3_VDiV6KhdgWLL3AOR064OOVnoOT4FO-4). You need winamp/fb2k + vgmstream plugin to play them.

Please explain. What's GENH-ed? Why is the vgmstream plugin needed? What format are your tracks in?