08-16-2014, 10:23 PM
Hello :)
Anybody that can help me out? I'm looking for MP3 download links of the following Soundtracks:

Dragon Ball Z Complete Song Collection Box (2008) I've been looking for it for ages, so I won't be surprised if there is not any download links available.

Dragon Ball Kai Original Soundtrack Volume 2 (2009)

Dragon Ball Kai Soundtrack III & Songs (2010)

Dear Zarathustra (Single - 2014) Not sure if it has any available download links yet, I might buy the CD in the future though...

I searched on the forum and the web but alias no luck, I also don't (and rather not) use any torrents :(
Appreciate all your help! Thank you :D
Sorry for any grammar mistakes, English is not my native language ^_^'

08-17-2014, 06:36 AM
Kai Soundtracks 2 & 3: Thread 77785
Dear Zarathustra: Thread 172911
Not sure about Song Collection Box, but this may fulfill some of your needs: Thread 119052

08-17-2014, 12:17 PM
:D Thank you so much for the links of the Kai Soundtracks, I'm gonna check them out! :3
The Song Collection Box is really rare, I found links of it but all of them were torrents which I rather not use :$ I already got the Dragonball & Dragonball Z Daizenshuu album in my collection though n_n but thanks for the all the help! :)