04-08-2014, 01:10 AM
Hey everyone!

I'm searching for the original soundtrack (OST or complete score) drom Life of Pi in MP3 320.

I don't find it....

Thanks in advance to those able to help me on that request :)

04-08-2014, 01:13 AM
Thread 128230


01 - Pi's Lullaby
02 - Piscine Molitor Patel
03 - Pondicherry
04 - Meeting Krishna
05 - Christ in the Mountains
06 - Thank you Vishnu for Introducing Me to Christ
07 - Richard Parker
08 - Appa's Lesson
09 - Anandi
10 - Leaving India
11 - The Deepest Spot on Earth
12 - Tsimtsum
13 - Death of the Zebra
14 - First Night, First Day
15 - Set Your House in Order
16 - Skinny Vegetarian Boy
17 - Pi and Richard Parker
18 - The Whale
19 - Flying Fish
20 - Tiger Training
21 - Orphans
22 - Tiger Vision
23 - God Storm
24 - I'm Ready Now
25 - The Island
26 - Back to the World
27 - The Second Story
28 - Which Story Do You Prefer

Partage-Facile : Fichier l_odyss__e_de_pi__2012_.rar.html (


04-08-2014, 01:27 AM
Merci beaucoup, tu g�res !: :)

04-08-2014, 04:38 AM
J'essaie, j'essaie, merci � toi et bonne �coute. ;-)