01-24-2014, 01:34 PM
SVWC-7984 | MAGI SOUNDTRACK ~To the kingdom of magic~ - VGMdb (http://vgmdb.net/album/42806)

Title:MAGI SOUNDTRACK ~To the kingdom of magic~
Type OST: Anime Soundtrack
Composers: Shiro SAGISU
No. of tracks: 26
Format: MP3 and ALAC
Bitrate: 320kbs and Loseless
Release Date: Jan 22, 2014
Size: MP3 179mb/ ALAC 457mb
Host: Zippy/MP3 Mega/ALAC

01 A Storm is Coming to Us All
02 L'Arabesque_Fantaisie
03 Make Your Move_playback
04 L'Arabesque_Folie
05 L'Arabesque_Complot
06 Scat Bizarre_La Terre
07 Scat Bizarre_Les Vents_01
08 Interlude des Vents
09 Scat Bizarre_Les Vents_02
10 Et �a pr�sage quoi?
11 MYM_Warm Opera
12 L'Arabesque_Danse Toujours
13 Daily Opera_01
14 Teachers Ship
15 Daily Opera_02
16 Scat Bizarre_Longtemps
17 Dragon's Battle
18 Eye of the Dragon
19 L'Arabesque_Sindria
20 Warriors Ship
21 MYM_Youthful Spirit
22 Exclamation de Triomphe
23 Notre Empire_D�vastation
24 Cast to Damnation
25 A Battle so Gallant_short version
26 Wasteland_short version

320 kbs MP3
Zippyshare.com - MAGI SOUNDTRACK ~To the kingdom of magic~.7z (http://www23.zippyshare.com/v/31915888/file.html)

ALAC (Loseless)

Scans included as always. Enjoy http://i455.photobucket.com/albums/qq271/leatherhead93/kucing_hi_zpsfcda57c4.gif (http://s455.photobucket.com/user/leatherhead93/media/kucing_hi_zpsfcda57c4.gif.html)

Download the first OST on our site here

Follow my future purchases here
Thread 126390

01-24-2014, 02:18 PM
Ah, lovely - thank you!

These are no left-overs... the Warsaw pieces are fantastic.

You are still mislabelling your uploads, my friend. ALAC is not FLAC. Call me anally retentive if you like, but it is what it is. ;)

01-24-2014, 02:23 PM
I know that. That's why i put the ALAC tag in the OP. I've been doing this for a while. The FLAC tag satisfies certain people that i won't mention on animeost who like to go ("OMG THERE ISN'T FLAC FOR THIS OST??? **** THIS ****TY SITE!"). Basically it keeps a couple stupid monkeys off my back. ^_^

01-24-2014, 02:52 PM
Haha! OK, I'll reign in my OCD. ;)

01-24-2014, 05:08 PM
Didn't notice it was already up Leatherhead, excellent score and thank you for your usual quality. You always work so fast :)

01-24-2014, 05:52 PM
Same Here :)

01-24-2014, 06:06 PM
Wow~! Big thx for sharing~!!!

01-24-2014, 07:09 PM
BITCHING!!! Thanks brother. I don't know what would I do without you.

01-24-2014, 07:25 PM
thank you once again

01-24-2014, 08:38 PM

---------- Post added at 02:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:29 PM ----------

24 - Cast to Damnation BEST TRACK EVER! OMG! TY SO MUCH! NERDGASM MODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-24-2014, 08:51 PM
Ah ! Thanks for the soundtrack !

01-24-2014, 10:17 PM
Thank you for sharing :)

01-25-2014, 01:29 AM
OMFG!!!!!!!!!! THANKS A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-25-2014, 02:47 AM
thank you very much

01-25-2014, 03:53 AM
Anyone know which track was played when Aladdin and Titus are fighting (when Titus uses combination magic)?

01-25-2014, 03:53 AM
anyone else noticed here that "Eye of the Dragon" come from?

I dare say. this was a surprisingly good music journey for me.

01-25-2014, 05:18 AM
OMG I have been looking for this OST ever since the release date.... I LOVE YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING THIS!!!!!!!!!

01-25-2014, 02:03 PM
thank you ^^

01-25-2014, 09:01 PM
True another great soundtrack by Shiro SAGISU but too bad that piece of music from season 1 episode 18 from the festival was not added only the dancing part one did i really looked forward to that since the first soundtrack never had it included but all in all another awesome start to the new year by Shiro SAGISU :)

01-27-2014, 03:59 AM
Thank you SO much for sharing this!

01-27-2014, 04:34 AM
True another great soundtrack by Shiro SAGISU but too bad that piece of music from season 1 episode 18 from the festival was not added only the dancing part one did i really looked forward to that since the first soundtrack never had it included but all in all another awesome start to the new year by Shiro SAGISU :)

Indeed, I was looking forward for this cue to be featured on this new score, but sadly it wasn't, as well as some other versions heard in the anime of the awesome Notre empire, let's hope someday all the unreleased cues get featured in an album, and I hope the same for all those other unreleased cues of BLEACH and those from the three films of BERSERK.

01-27-2014, 10:53 AM
I don't think we need to worry. Although this is called "to the kingdom of magic" it's actually not (all of) the music from the second season. It's from the Sindria Arc up to the Magnostadt arc. Most of the orchestral pieces from season 2 are not released either. The Kou Empire Theme, a new battle theme, two new tension cues as well as all the Magnostadt synth have yet to be released. I hope it won't take another year. I want all of Amano's contribution (mostly just the orchestral tracks) as fast as possible. This is just purely fantastic music.

01-27-2014, 01:37 PM
Well considering that Aniplex is the publisher i wouldn't be to sure.................i mean just look at what they've done to Naruto x(.

01-27-2014, 07:11 PM
Nah, they've done two discs already. This thing is obviously making money. There will be a third. It might be slow... but I doubt it'll be THAT slow. They could afford to dither with OST 2 because the second season is still airing. That'll be off in a few months so they can't wait *too* long.

I don't know about this Sagisu fellow everybody keeps talking about, but Masamichi Amano's score is superb... ;)

01-27-2014, 09:08 PM
Is this a case of a composer being uncredited? Because the scans basically just scream SHIRO SAGISU.

I know arrangers deserve just as much if not more credit than composers sometimes but there are definitely songs in this album that have that Shiro Sagisu flare with the way the chorus and guitars are presented. (the first track is the best example).

01-27-2014, 09:26 PM
I was being facetious. ;)

Amano is credited as "orchestrator" but it seems obvious to me that the orchestral music in Magi is almost if not completely written by Masamichi Amano, perhaps based on melodies by Sagisu.

Just listen to them. It's Giant Robo of Arabia. Daisaku Kusama And The Forty Thieves. Atragon And The Magic Lamp. :D

(I don't deny for a moment that the rest of the music in Magi is literally dripping with Sagisu's trademarks... but I'm not at all interested in those. The star of Magi is, for me, the Warsaw cues.) :)

Herr Salat
01-27-2014, 10:33 PM
tango, what do you think of the mixing of the Warsaw tracks? I think it's the softness from older recordings I'm missing.

01-28-2014, 12:19 AM
Tango is selling Sagisu short, I think. This is very much in line with his prior orchestral work. As conductor (and one of five arrangers), I'm sure Amano played his part, but saying the strings are "completely written" by him is over the top. There's just no reason to think it couldn't be Sagisu.

Thanks to LeatherHead333 for the awesome share!

01-28-2014, 12:46 AM
I didn't say the strings are completely written by him.

I said the orchestral cues were "almost if not completely" written by him, and that they were perhaps "based on melodies by Sagisu".

Can you point me in the direction of any substantial orchestral Sagisu scores that weren't "orchestrated" by Amano? I'm only familiar with his work on Bleach (Amano), Berserk (Amano), and Evangelion (Amano) and I'd be interested to hear what symphonic Sagisu sounded like without Amano's contribution.

The orchestral music in Magi is, in terms of style, harmony, construction, development, technique, and orchestration... pretty much completely Amano.

By comparison, I find virtually nothing at all to link, say, Exclamation de Triomphe, with "A Storm Is Coming To Us All" which is very very much Sagisu - gratuitous guitars, simplistic, repetitive melody, and a finger or two in Carl Orff's oft-stirred pie... THIS is Sagisu. "Blood And Guts" and "Cometh The Hour" (not from Magi; Bleach if memory serves) sound like Sagisu with Amano's orchestrations...

A good example is "Snakes Of Despair" from Bleach; the first thirty seconds clearly Amano all the way, thereafter Amano switches into orchestrator mode and the rest, with the exception of the brass flourishes from 2:08, is clearly Sagisu all the way. The change in styles is palpable and obvious. Discerning the Sagisu from the Amano is not difficult.

I think the reasons to think it's not Sagisu are as follows:
a) The music sounds like Masamichi Amano - not just in terms of orchestration but in terms of composition.
b) Shiro Sagisu has never written an orchestral score (TO MY KNOWLEDGE) without Amano's involvement. If he has, please please tell me what it is so I can listen. :)
c) Shiro Sagisu has a very particular style which is absolutely nowhere to be found in 99.9% of the orchestral cues in Magi.
d) I believe Sagisu has never (and, I suspect, lacks the technical ability to) orchestrate himself for large ensemble.

tango, what do you think of the mixing of the Warsaw tracks? I think it's the softness from older recordings I'm missing.

Utterly, utterly shameful. The mastering engineer should be tarred and feathered for this disgrace. One of the world's finest symphony orchestras, mastered like death metal. :(

01-28-2014, 08:06 PM
So what you're saying is, the parts of Sagisu's work you dislike are 100% Shiro, but elements you like are mostly (or wholly) Amano. You're assuming that Amano takes over for Sagisu when the music becomes worthwhile (even mid-track!). That Sagisu couldn't possibly contribute to the highlights of the orchestration. That he has zero ability to compose in different styles. I think these are leaps, to say the least.

I don't mean to minimize Amano and have no doubt he contributed to the score. Still, the man is one of FIVE credited arrangers. What you're describing is more like a co-composer (or pseudo-ghostwriter) for a large chunk of the record. If he's as responsible as you say, I think an artist of Amano's caliber would want his name on the album's front. As it stands, he's lost among a wall of technical credits. If "the orchestral music in Magi is, in terms of style, harmony, construction, development, technique, and orchestration" is "pretty much completely Amano", he ought to stand up for himself.

01-28-2014, 09:28 PM
This is a pretty interesting question. Why is he not given the credit as co-composer?
For example take Berserk: The brass writing in "New Horizons", "The Sound of Tortured Souls", "The Wrath of God" and "Avant la Tempete" is pretty much identical to Exclamation de Triomphe which is identical to all of Amano's major scores (Giant Robo, Super Atragon, Umi no Aurora) where he was the sole composer, arranger and orchestrator. I cannot spot any other arranger by this style of orchestration.

The other arrangers must be on the choral rock parts because the purely orchestral tracks of Berserk, Evangelion and Magi sound nothing like Sagisu's orchestral scores (Nadia and old Evangelion). Granted, much was lifted from other works (James Bond) but Amano ripped of almost all of Hollywood with Giant Robo and Battle Royale and it still sounded like him regardless.

I have listened to dozens of Japanese composers who can compose in many styles and do a full blown symphonc tour de force as well as a powerful rock anthem all in the same track (Kohei Tanaka, Kosuke Yamashita and Toshihiko Sahashi being kings in this field) and not once have the rock, pop and disco tracks felt disjointed with the orchestral tracks in terms of composition and identity. The problem with Sagisu is that all of the full blown Symphonic tracks sound nothing like his choral rock tracks at all. They sound straight out of one of Amano's solo projects.

Another major fact is the french titles. This is important because guess who worked with the "Orchestre de Chambre Versailles" in the past and wrote many works for wind ensemble with french titles. Also notice how in Magi most of the orchestral tracks have french names and Sagisu's tracks are in english. Same with Berserk, Evangelion and Bleach. Amano also arranged many symphonic and wind pieces from Evangelion, also with french titles.

Perhaps it's not even Sagisu's fault. Perhaps Amano is only miscredited by accident or he actually does not want the spotlight. We may never know but I think it's pretty evident that the orchestral tracks in Magi are all Masamichi Amano and no Sagisu. Sad fact is most will only see Sagisu and no Amano and perhaps never discover him because of that. He and Yoko Kanno are as good as it gets when it comes to orchestral scores for anime series. A shame the next project of Amano is another collaboration. He really needs a new solo project with a big enough budget for Warsaw to really demonstrate it's been him all along.

01-28-2014, 11:11 PM
Regardless of who is credited or who's not is not the give all or take all here because these composers have come together to create something new as well as give us a whole CD sample of music that fits together is highly unique in it's self of course many tracks can be differentiate to other anime series these composers have done due to there style or genres they specialise in.

01-29-2014, 12:56 AM

01-29-2014, 01:38 AM
Surely Amano's Saint Seiya (http://www.scoringsessions.com/sessions/29831) will be released one day...

01-29-2014, 01:44 AM
Surely Amano's Saint Seiya (http://www.scoringsessions.com/sessions/29831) will be released one day...

That'd be amazing! I look forward to it!!

And concerning to Masamichi Amano being uncredit maybe it's a marketing tactic, maybe it's like what happens with Hans Zimmer, in most of all his score he gets all the credit even when the score has several cues composed by other of his ghost-writers; let's be honest gentlemen, in the end what matters is if the album sells. And who knows, maybe it's like one of you remarked, maybe Mr. Amano doesn't want to be on the spotlight, maybe he's like Nick Glennie-Smith, he just feel good staying in low-profile, orchestrating and directing the orchestra and if so, that's good for him, let's not forget that the team composed by Sagisu and Amano, as well as the others arrangers like CHOKKAKU and Teho have brought us epic and beautiful cues, so it's a team work for me... and what a team! What do you think?

Herr Salat
05-31-2014, 01:09 AM
Two-Mix - Summer Planet No. 1 (orchestral arrangement by Masamichi Amano) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXbr-D6c-XE)
I knew I heard this somewhere...in the beginning of track 4 "L'Arabesque_Folie".