12-14-2013, 02:01 AM
Jerry Goldsmith
Poltergeist (Mondo Deluxe Edition)
1982/2013 (Mondo Records)

4 tracks, TRT: 1:07:59, FLAC (96k/24b)

https://mega.co.nz/#!g0Uk3IZY!cvDmJWcLAnUmg36WjS3khjkfzrdLpUAYHdcEd80 FMos

Outer Gatefold

Inner Gatefold

Black *does not contain the swirl, that's merely a reflection; it's very shiny*


Glow in the Dark

Note: this rip was made from my own personal copy of the black version of the vinyl. I also have in my possession the glow in the dark version but it will not be played. For this rip, I opted not to clean it up and leave it as is to maintain full sonic quality so all pops, clicks and crackling are intact however those were far and few between but never distracting. Due to time constraints, I opted to just rip all 4 sides of the record into their own single file versus splitting the tracks up. To help you determine proper track splitting, you may refer to the markers I have encoded into the FLAC file to guide you. You may need Sony Sound Forge to view them however. Ripped at 96k/24b and mastered at same resolution. Enjoy!

12-14-2013, 02:11 AM
Good���� gracias���������

12-14-2013, 03:54 AM
thanks cody

12-14-2013, 07:25 AM
Thank you very much, Cody!

12-14-2013, 08:31 AM
Thank you very much!

12-14-2013, 11:24 AM
Thanks Cody. Like you, my clear and glow in the dark copies will remain unplayed. The black one plays absolutely fine.

12-14-2013, 01:21 PM
Thanks Cody. Like you, my clear and glow in the dark copies will remain unplayed. The black one plays absolutely fine.

Only 2 gripes about the set: the transition from It Knows What Scares You to Rebirth is rather strange; right as the choral section kicks in there is the sound like it drops off for a second before playing like normal. This set was mastered from the Rhino masters and I know the CD featured a track split right at the transition but it was not as noticeable as it is on this release. The second gripe comes in the form of the lone sharp cymbal crash as Carol Anne and Mrs. Freeling re-enter our plain of existence sounding not as defined as I remember hearing on both the Rhino and FSM sets but after subsequent playthroughs it does not bother me so bad.

Overall, I cannot pick and choose a particular cue I love on this score. It is so all-around top notch that once I get started, I am hooked to the end. Beautiful themes, thrilling action, spine-chilling suspense, it is all here. I simply cannot have imagined Williams composing a score this great so I am thankful that he was passed over for this. As much as I can imagine the chilling string/brass/percussion work he would have contributed (pre-War of the Worlds), Williams simply cannot replace Goldsmith. Not to forgot to mention that this score was my first introduction to Goldsmith. Months later after I bought the Rhino CD, Goldsmith died. Imagined how saddened I was even though I had only heard Poltergeist, imagine how saddening it is now that I have grown up and had time to expand my Goldsmith collection.

As a side note: in Canto V of Richard Band's score for Troll, traces of Goldsmith's Poltergeist exist. It's re-arranged but unmistakable.

12-14-2013, 01:22 PM
4 tracks, TRT: 1:07:59, FLAC (96k/24b)

Don't you mean 4 sides? This mirrors the 1997 Rhino release...

Well, thank you for this marvelous release. Goldsmith lives!!!

EDIT: sorry, it's indeed 4 tracks...

12-14-2013, 01:44 PM
wow own all releases of this nominated Score... (included the Original LP from 1982, Rhino, FSM)
great to have this Mondo LP in 24/96 a big THX!!!

12-14-2013, 03:13 PM
Superpost! Than you!

12-14-2013, 05:57 PM
Thanks for taking the time to put this up in high quality

12-14-2013, 07:28 PM
Don't you mean 4 sides? This mirrors the 1997 Rhino release...

Well, thank you for this marvelous release. Goldsmith lives!!!

EDIT: sorry, it's indeed 4 tracks...

4 tracks because he didn't split them up when ripping each side, hence 4 sides, 4 tracks. It's really a daunting task to split each track, then export and upload. It takes several hours, it's very time consuming. But it is fun :)

12-15-2013, 02:12 PM
thanks for the share.

12-15-2013, 02:39 PM
With the UTMOST gratitude to you, Codyap09, for posting and the greatest respect for his efforts...

Would you be offended if I moan about something? :)

12-15-2013, 11:20 PM
With the UTMOST gratitude to you, Codyap09, for posting and the greatest respect for his efforts...

Would you be offended if I moan about something? :)
Offended? No. Getting offensive? Possibly haha.

12-15-2013, 11:42 PM
Thank you. The following is not intended to denigrate your effort or you...:

It can't be overstressed that this album is NOT a repressing of the 1982 master... Codyap09 has correctly observed that it's nothing more than the 1997 Rhino release (which was made from deteriorated elements inferior to the more recent FSM release, which is, in turn, inferior to the original 1982 vinyl). That's it. It's a fifteen year-old 44100hz digital master made from third or fourth generation poor quality tapes, pressed on disturbingly noisy vinyl. There is literally no auditory benefit of any kind in this set. If you've always wanted to hear the substandard Rhino release with added clicks, pops, distortion, wow, hiss, and a significantly reduced dynamic range, this is the album for you.

That also makes ludicrous bit depths and sampling rates (both way in excess of the human hearing capability) even more redundant than usual, since the master itself is 16-bit 44100hz.

This album is fantastic for the deluxe package, for the novelty, for the pleasure of having something unusual and a bit special, for that retro vinyl experience. From an auditory perspective, sadly, it represents the poorest quality presentation of Poltergeist to date.

The original vinyl is still relevant because it was pressed from the digital master, which was subsequently lost leading forcing the Rhino and FSM to use analogue backup copies. It also has a somewhat more airy mix and better captures the magical ambience at MGM on that rainy, humid January day.

This one, by comparison, presses a degraded and poor quality master to vinyl; so now it's degraded, poor quality and full of crackles... ;)

12-15-2013, 11:57 PM
Wow, Thanks!!

12-16-2013, 01:09 AM
Thank you. The following is not intended to denigrate your effort or you...:

It can't be overstressed that this album is NOT a repressing of the 1982 master... Codyap09 has correctly observed that it's nothing more than the 1997 Rhino release (which was made from deteriorated elements inferior to the more recent FSM release, which is, in turn, inferior to the original 1982 vinyl). That's it. It's a fifteen year-old 44100hz digital master made from third or fourth generation poor quality tapes, pressed on disturbingly noisy vinyl. There is literally no auditory benefit of any kind in this set. If you've always wanted to hear the substandard Rhino release with added clicks, pops, distortion, wow, hiss, and a significantly reduced dynamic range, this is the album for you.

That also makes ludicrous bit depths and sampling rates (both way in excess of the human hearing capability) even more redundant than usual, since the master itself is 16-bit 44100hz.

This album is fantastic for the deluxe package, for the novelty, for the pleasure of having something unusual and a bit special, for that retro vinyl experience. From an auditory perspective, sadly, it represents the poorest quality presentation of Poltergeist to date.

The original vinyl is still relevant because it was pressed from the digital master, which was subsequently lost leading forcing the Rhino and FSM to use analogue backup copies. It also has a somewhat more airy mix and better captures the magical ambience at MGM on that rainy, humid January day.

This one, by comparison, presses a degraded and poor quality master to vinyl; so now it's degraded, poor quality and full of crackles... ;)

Don't see anything offensive in this. Very informative. 1982 vinyl duly bought.

12-16-2013, 01:13 AM
Many thanks!

12-16-2013, 01:33 AM
Don't see anything offensive in this. Very informative. 1982 vinyl duly bought.

Well, one has to be careful around here... folk have a tendency to react very badly to even the slightest hint of negativity; cue a chorus of "IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT F*** OFF THEN!" / "My ears can hear all the way up to 2205000Hz! You are obviously deaf or possibly retarded." / "What the **** do you know, asshole? This is the greatest thing EVAR and if you don't think so you need to be shot through the head." / "I have an audiophile Hi-Fi system that cost �800,000; evidently you are some kind of hopeless peasant listening with cheap equipment and therefore your opinion on any subject should be invalidated." / "I am an AUDIO ENGINER! I think I know a little bit more about DIGGITEL AUDIOS than you, stupid Britfag with an Anime fetish!" / "Vinyl was invented by God himself; CDs are the work of Satan. You stupid kids will never understand! I don't care about your numbers, or your mathematics, or your proof, or your common sense - MY OWN EARS are infinitely more reliable than facts!"

One learns to keep one's mouth shut. ;)

Incidentally, a rather nice FLAC transfer of the 1982 LP can be found here: http://forums.ffshrine.org/f92/big-orchestral-action-music-thread-57893/548.html#post2505071

12-16-2013, 03:27 PM
Thanks codyap09, for your efforts to make this available, much appreciated! :)

Thanks tangotreats, for yet another insightful comment on the technical side of a score release, and thanks for your own LP rip, which I'm downloading right now! :)

12-17-2013, 04:58 AM
thank you codyap09!

12-17-2013, 09:38 AM
Thanks to codyap09 for the share, and to Tangotreats for the informative history.

ultimately, I'll skip this release and seek out a high quality FLAC of the 1982 LP.

12-17-2013, 03:14 PM
Thank you. The following is not intended to denigrate your effort or you...:

It can't be overstressed that this album is NOT a repressing of the 1982 master... Codyap09 has correctly observed that it's nothing more than the 1997 Rhino release (which was made from deteriorated elements inferior to the more recent FSM release, which is, in turn, inferior to the original 1982 vinyl). That's it. It's a fifteen year-old 44100hz digital master made from third or fourth generation poor quality tapes, pressed on disturbingly noisy vinyl. There is literally no auditory benefit of any kind in this set. If you've always wanted to hear the substandard Rhino release with added clicks, pops, distortion, wow, hiss, and a significantly reduced dynamic range, this is the album for you.

That also makes ludicrous bit depths and sampling rates (both way in excess of the human hearing capability) even more redundant than usual, since the master itself is 16-bit 44100hz.

This album is fantastic for the deluxe package, for the novelty, for the pleasure of having something unusual and a bit special, for that retro vinyl experience. From an auditory perspective, sadly, it represents the poorest quality presentation of Poltergeist to date.

The original vinyl is still relevant because it was pressed from the digital master, which was subsequently lost leading forcing the Rhino and FSM to use analogue backup copies. It also has a somewhat more airy mix and better captures the magical ambience at MGM on that rainy, humid January day.

This one, by comparison, presses a degraded and poor quality master to vinyl; so now it's degraded, poor quality and full of crackles... ;)

This confirmed my worst fear. Too bad we don't get enough vinyl reviews before we're forced to buy and find out the hard truth for ourselves. This was as huge of a disappointment than ending up with 5 copies of the Halloween vinyl (in 2 variants) only to find that upon my first playthrough, it's just a re-print of the Varese 20th Anniversary album which I can deal with since the complete score isn't long enough to accomodate a 2 LP format but is most definitely NOT my favorite version. The first half of Halloween 1963 isn't even the film version but instead a partial re-recording. The orchestrations are noticeably different until the track fades into the clip obviously ripped directly from the film's soundtrack, complete with dialogue snippets. The only album to include a proper representation of the film version is the original soundtrack from Varese.

12-17-2013, 03:52 PM
Actually, according to what I saw in the spectral view of adobe audition, this goes slightly higher than 22.050 kHz per channel, but nothing close to what a vinyl quality can reach (or a 96kHz/24bit transfer, for that matter). Here, anything above 25.000 kHz is completely nonexistent.

I'm not in my computer right now, so I can't post a printscreen of it. But I will as soon as I can...

12-17-2013, 04:04 PM
I will be posting the remastered score for the 1974 Last House on the Left score composed by David Hess later tonight. Keep an eye out! Hopefully it will be true vinyl quality from a quality analog source.

12-17-2013, 04:59 PM
What is your source/equipment by the way Cody?

12-18-2013, 01:25 AM
What is your source/equipment by the way Cody?

My turntable is an Audio Technica AT-PL60 that was connected line-to my Creative HD sound card where it was streamed at 96k/24b from Sony Sound Forge where I completed the rest of the work.

12-18-2013, 05:44 AM
Last House on the Left vinyl rip posted: Thread 165957. Enjoy!

12-18-2013, 06:05 AM
Thanks, cody!

12-18-2013, 11:17 PM

12-20-2013, 01:40 PM
I’ve disliked the cover artwork of the Mondo release, so, I had this custom-cover made. I hired an artist in Norway to perform the design based on my instructions on how I wanted the layout to look.

Note that in the back cover design, I had Steven Spielberg's statement from the 1982 MGM LP release reproduced there.

After the artist was finished, he sent me a PDF of the final design and I had to send that to a print shop in my area (New York City) to do the printing on a laminated sheet. The other side of the sheet is an adhesive that was placed on to 80 lb card stock.

Despite the fact that this procedure is not the traditional way to do an album cover, the final result looks and holds-up pretty well.

Here is a JPEG version of the front/back cover art for your MP3 player. You would have to separate the image apart yourself:

12-27-2013, 05:20 PM
Thanks cody !

12-30-2013, 12:31 AM

12-30-2013, 12:51 AM
Full marks for substantially keeping the style of the original 1982 album... Minus 1000 points for misspelling Arthur Morton. Hope you didn't pay this graphic designer too much...!

12-30-2013, 09:53 PM

12-31-2013, 04:33 AM
WOW thank you!!!

Doctor Go
12-31-2013, 05:53 PM
Great recording and grate share. Exceptionally clean for an LP! Thanks again!

09-23-2014, 12:11 AM
Please reupload :)

09-23-2014, 04:30 AM
Asking for a reup too if possible!

10-18-2014, 03:31 AM
I, too, would love to have this. Thanks.

10-18-2014, 04:27 AM
Likewise. Please re-up!

10-18-2014, 04:55 AM
Trust me, it isn't worth re-ripping to me. The mastering is terrible, especially towards the end with the more dynamic action cues. You're better off sticking to the FSM edition. Highest quality source, best sound, best presentation. This vinyl was sourced from the same master as the Rhino edition which was fairly sub-quality to start with. Sorry but I won't be re-upping this.

HOWEVER, because it is the Halloween season and I am feeling like a giver lately, I do have another score that just made its debut on vinyl that I'm happy to be posting. Keep your eyes peeled or else someone might come along and do it for you. Mwahahaha.

10-18-2014, 11:52 AM
Bad news but ok.
I liked the Sound of the Rhino CD much more then the FSM CD.

DR of Rhino CD:

foobar2000 1.3.1 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2014-10-18 12:47:55

Analyzed: Jerry Goldsmith / Poltergeist (1-10)
Night Visitor / Poltergeist (11)
The Calling / Poltergeist (12)
The Clown / Poltergeist (13)

DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR10 -0.21 dB -12.99 dB 1:30 01-The Star Spangled Banner
DR12 -7.57 dB -23.76 dB 2:27 03-The Tree
DR11 -0.14 dB -16.56 dB 6:58 05-Twisted Abduction
DR13 -0.16 dB -20.29 dB 5:12 06-Contacting The Other Side
DR11 -6.71 dB -22.95 dB 2:07 07-The Light
DR15 -1.71 dB -24.58 dB 7:37 09-It Knows What Scares You
DR12 -0.20 dB -17.08 dB 8:26 10-Rebirth
DR13 -0.18 dB -18.62 dB 3:52 11-Night Of The Beast
DR13 -0.19 dB -17.48 dB 7:13 12-Escape From Suburbia
DR11 -2.33 dB -17.96 dB 4:19 13-Carol Anne's Theme (End Title)
DR15 -0.20 dB -21.12 dB 9:06 08-No Complaints
DR14 -2.21 dB -23.05 dB 4:08 02-The Neighborhood (Main Title)
DR17 0.00 dB -24.13 dB 5:15 04-They're Here / Broken Glass / The Hole / TV People

Number of tracks: 13
Official DR value: DR13

Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16
Bitrate: 632 kbps
Codec: FLAC
================================================== ==============================


foobar2000 1.3.1 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2014-10-18 12:50:45

Analyzed: Jerry Goldsmith / Poltergeist (Disc One: The Film Score)

DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR10 -0.98 dB -13.55 dB 1:36 01-The Star-Spangled Banner
DR10 -3.65 dB -22.21 dB 2:02 02-The Calling
DR13 -1.37 dB -18.21 dB 2:16 03-The Neighborhood -- Day
DR11 -4.18 dB -18.88 dB 2:28 04-The Tree
DR14 -1.13 dB -21.29 dB 3:55 05-The Clown-They're Here-Broken Glass
DR11 -8.11 dB -25.49 dB 1:29 06-The Hole-TV People
DR12 -0.98 dB -17.85 dB 7:01 07-Twisted Abduction
DR14 -0.98 dB -20.33 dB 5:14 08-The Jewelry
DR11 -4.89 dB -20.09 dB 2:08 09-The Light
DR13 -0.98 dB -19.05 dB 8:03 10-Night Visitor
DR10 -3.85 dB -21.29 dB 1:07 11-No Complaints
DR13 -0.98 dB -18.15 dB 16:04 12-Let's Get Her-Rebirth
DR13 -1.21 dB -19.16 dB 3:56 13-Night of the Beast
DR13 -0.98 dB -18.16 dB 7:32 14-Escape from Suburbia
DR10 -2.70 dB -17.46 dB 4:23 15-No TV-End Credits (Carol Anne's Theme)

Number of tracks: 15
Official DR value: DR12

Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16
Bitrate: 790 kbps
Codec: FLAC
================================================== ==============================

10-18-2014, 08:09 PM
Someone got a link to the FSM edition? I'd like to have this digitally. I recently bought the glow in the dark Mondo LP.

12-16-2014, 02:37 PM
Someone got a link to the FSM edition? I'd like to have this digitally. I recently bought the glow in the dark Mondo LP.


12-16-2014, 03:43 PM
Someone got a link to the FSM edition? I'd like to have this digitally. I recently bought the glow in the dark Mondo LP.


p.m. me.

12-16-2014, 06:41 PM
Someone got a link to the FSM edition? I'd like to have this digitally. I recently bought the glow in the dark Mondo LP.
Can you send me the link? Please, please, please...

12-16-2014, 06:49 PM
Can you send me the link? Please, please, please...

??? Which link do you request from MaxwellHauser? He clearly states he's looking for a FSM edition link himself. And if you want a link for the Mondo LP he bought, he first would have to digitize it before he can send you a link for that edition. However, as far as I can see, he didn't offer to do that so far...

12-16-2014, 07:21 PM
??? Which link do you request from MaxwellHauser?
Link for Vinyl, 96k/24b in the first page (4 tracks, TRT: 1:07:59, FLAC)


12-17-2014, 04:33 PM
p.m. me.

Thanks for the share.

03-17-2015, 10:02 AM
Possible for re up ?

03-17-2015, 10:16 AM
can you reup this please? thx

06-09-2015, 03:47 PM
Thank you, cody and soundtrekker.

01-04-2016, 05:12 AM
Is it possible for someone to re up load this, the J. Goldsmith - Poltergeist (Mondo Deluxe Edition) (Vinyl, 96k/24b)? I would really appreciate it. thanks

02-22-2016, 03:54 AM

02-22-2016, 09:39 AM
can you reup this please? thx

02-23-2016, 01:10 PM
For FSM edition, p.m. me.

05-06-2017, 09:15 PM
Luck has it that I was able to find this rip on an old hard drive and was kind enough to re-upload it for everyone. UPDATE: I'm working on re-upping it now but Mega is giving me some issues. I'll report back later with it so keep an eye out. I'll be Lyfting for the Kentucky Derby tonight so don't expect an update quickly until tomorrow afternoon.

I must re-iterate that this sounds WORSE than both the Rhino disc (which this derives from) and the FSM edition so it could be something to do with my recording equipment or the pressing process but unless someone comes forth whom owns this edition that can vouch for whether it sounds as messy on their end as it does mine, I'm going to assume it's one or the either that's the problem. I cannot afford new equipment at this time so I re-uploaded this purely and simply AS IS. The cymbal crash during the cue "Rebirth" is the messy part I'm referring to. On both the Rhino and FSM, the cymbal crash as Carol Anne and Diane descend back into our world is perfectly defined and sharp, however on the LP it's a undefined muddled mess. The LP as a whole sounds decent apart from that one section I mentioned but I've gotten used to FSM's mixing so this LP still feels lacking to me.

There is one small difference that ultimately became an irk to me between Rhino & FSM's mixing and it occurs around the 0:37-0:42 mark of the cue "Night Visitor". In FSM's edition the horn trills fade out momentarily before fading back in again towards the end of the section, whereas in Rhino's edition the horn trills play all the way to the end of the section. I later corrected that irk by simply overlaying that small section of the Rhino edition on top of the FSM version and now I'm satisfied with it. That's another irk about these re-issues of classic scores: the set could be 99.9% perfect but one tiny little missing piece can throw the whole thing off for me. LaLaLand Records is notorious for that sometimes. I grew up listening to the Rhino edition pretty heavily in my youth so when comparing it to the FSM edition more thoroughly, that one tiny section threw things off for me. I liked how FSM included the version of "Twisted Abduction" but I can admit that their mixing may not be as strong/powerful as Rhino's although that thick layer of noise on Rhino's edition is a major detractor for me. FSM cleaned theirs up quite nicely.

05-10-2017, 06:45 PM
Here's the new link: https://mega.nz/#!9pkW3RjD!_VrvEh0Tc5KbGXSYZNooviVLMOk4Us7z3jChhP9OioA

05-10-2017, 06:57 PM
Here's the new link: https://mega.nz/#!9pkW3RjD!_VrvEh0Tc5KbGXSYZNooviVLMOk4Us7z3jChhP9OioA

Brilliant! Thanks :)