12-18-2013, 04:57 AM
David Alexander Hess
The Last House on the Left
1972/2013 (One Way Static Records)

2 tracks, TRT: 31:26, FLAC (96k/24b)


Note: this is my rip of the newest re-release of this rather off-the-wall score from David A. Hess (Krug) for now-legendary director Wes Craven's first film, The Last House on the Left courtesy of One Way Static Records who helped pull this soundtrack out of obscurity once again. I opted to leave the sound untouched as I find the occasional pops, clicks and crackles to be more pleasant than normal and a welcome addition to the soundtrack. Not to forget to mention that it's the very first vinyl release ever so it's finally amazing to hear the noisy analog vinyl sound versus the too-clean digital sound that we have had available to us (through bootlegging circuits, naturally, due to its out of print status for many years). There is a nice sprinkling of pops, clicks and crackling throughout but personally, for the first time I can recall, it's not a hindrance to my enjoyment. It completes the experience for me. Now to find original UNCUT 35mm reels that weren't cut to bits by the projectionists at the time of its release.

A particular favorite song (of many) of mine is the song Now You're All Alone. It's definitely the downbeat cue of the soundtrack. Hess' voice is a marvel to listen to and the clarity offered as a result of this vinyl recording is astounding.

As like before, I ran out of time to split each track up so this is presented in 2 FLAC files covering both sides of the vinyl (properly labeled Side A or Side B) however I could not place the markers. My apologies in advance for any discomfort. You will survive. Unlike poor Mary Collingwood and Phyllis Stone.

This is a very interesting soundtrack and one I re-visit every so often just when I need a good cheering up. For a film so grim, the songs that accompany some of the more shocking scenes are scored with a humorous side to it. Ahhhh, the glorious 70's. Enjoy!

Track Listing:

1. Intro/Opening Credits
2. Little Cows Lookin' for Some Grass
3. Wait for the Rain
4. Baddies Theme (Instrumental)
5. Mari's Birthday Surprise
6. Water Music/Sadie and Krug
7. Phyllis Spills Her Guts
8. Now You're All Alone
9. Ada's Chickens
10. The Chase
11. Daddy, Put Your Coat of Many Colors On
12. Mayhem Montage
13. Ice Cream Song
14. Urban Snatch
15. Blow Your Brains Out
16. Etude for Chainsaw/Goodbye, Dick
17. Aftermath/End Credits

Front Cover (High-Res)
http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g158/HCsenior06/David_Hess_THE_LAST_HOUSE_ON_THE_LEFT__Original_19 72_Motion_Picture_Soundtrack__zps93e8f686.jpg

Additional Note: I'd have included images of the two variants that were made available for the vinyl re-issue but I cannot find any high-res images. This came in a standard black vinyl with a very limited run of 300 pink (or red, I will see when it gets here) copies. Images may be found on eBay.

12-18-2013, 12:24 PM
cody ... thanks for this however the link seems to be broken ... cheers

12-18-2013, 01:04 PM
I'd love to see the cut oral sex scene between the bad girl and one of the victims... ;)

Cody, I can't see any link. Is this Var�se, FSM?

12-18-2013, 03:11 PM
The link exists!
Thank you very much, Cody!

12-18-2013, 03:20 PM
My mistake. It's fixed now. :D

---------- Post added at 08:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:20 AM ----------

I'd love to see the cut oral sex scene between the bad girl and one of the victims... ;)

Cody, I can't see any link. Is this Var�se, FSM?

It's One Way Static Records. It's a new label.

On the subject of the oral sex scene, there is a DVD available from Anchor Bay that includes an original cut of the film which has a few new scenes/lines of dialogue here and there under the working title Krug and Company. The main difference is a short scene in which Sadie is seen performing oral sex on Mari, with Krug telling her, "Hurry up, because Weasel and I are very hungry." In that cut also, Mary's parents find her she's not dead. She has a moment with them before she dies in her mother's arms.

12-18-2013, 11:00 PM
According to Wikipedia, this scene is on the 2011 Blu-ray as well... I didn't know about the Anchor Bay release.

12-18-2013, 11:37 PM
thanks cody

12-19-2013, 12:21 AM
thanks cody

12-19-2013, 09:20 AM
Thank you!

12-19-2013, 06:16 PM
Thanks for this!

12-21-2013, 09:47 PM
thanks cody!

12-16-2014, 02:40 PM
thanks for the share.

12-16-2014, 10:37 PM
could please someone reup this one? thank you so much!!

Acid Rift
09-21-2015, 07:50 AM
