Static Veins
09-05-2013, 10:45 PM
Just wondering if anyone out there knows of/already has/is working on a game rip of FF14: A Realm Reborn. There was a rip of the beta which was absolutely fantastic but obviously did not have all the tracks from the final game. I've noticed a YouTube channel that had the beta rip has been uploading new tracks from the final game lately - is there a rip already floating around out there?

Many thanks in advance!

09-06-2013, 12:39 AM
I had a link to it, let me go through my chat logs and find it. I am on a crappy connection now and its over 1gb worth of music so me reuploading it would take days. Will edit when I find it.

EDIT: This includes all the music up to the release patch.!kERQQIpY!X7ekCHXJEm_bBAicN85WqRt2nT5prZSnuGHtmBY cjcc

According to the credits everything that was not reused from 1.0 was written by Masayoshi Soken. That man needs more exposure! His work is GODLY on this.

Static Veins
09-06-2013, 02:18 AM
Much obliged, thank you!

And I agree, Soken's work on this game is phenomenal. Great soundtrack.

12-30-2013, 10:35 PM
Reupload, please! Q___Q Theme of Ul'dah is so amazing! ^__^

01-01-2014, 03:33 AM
There's a new link found in this thread: Thread 161296