The Dimensioner
04-27-2012, 11:16 PM
Okay, so I already started a request for other Chronicles of Narnia stuff here: Thread 102376. But I thought this request would be different enough to warrant another thread. Now pay attention (and I'm not sure who I am directing a phrase like that toward), because there are actually two requests in this post.

FIRST: I seek this - The Chronicles Of Narnia - The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe (Expanded Score) ( in FLAC or other (hopefully true) lossless audio quality. The version I have came in a varying bit rate, and I have no idea if there are multiple versions out there with other levels of quality. I just figured, though, considering that it's something that's several years old, some people ought to have some stuff (if you know what I mean). No, I'm not asking for anything more than what has already been available for sometime (remember, I did that already); I'm just asking for a higher quality version of what we have already.

SECOND: I seek the DVD origins of this: Thread 90696. Like the Transformers recording sessions that KaFaraqGatri successfully got through here:, I'm seeking the original source files from the Prince Caspian DVD (which should, thereby, be in some sort of lossless quality), whose menus were designed by Warm Butter Design (

I'm borrowing his phrasing here, since the outcome of his request produced wonderful results:

Anyway so my question is this: does any kindhearted individual out there have the WBDVD and are willing to rip it to FLAC and share it with us? Of course, its AC3 (lossy) sourced but AC3 5.1 audio encoded at 448k is far better than MP3 and audibly pretty close to CD quality, so ripping it to FLAC would be better than encoding to MP3.

Issues with the existing version of the Caspian RS include: unadjusted volume levels, a few weird glitches in a couple tracks--such as the start of "Lucy's Dream" being attached onto the end of "Nighttime Campfire"--and, the biggest problem of all, the fact that the vast majority of the tracks cut off before they completely fade out. I don't recall where I downloaded this from, so please someone let me know if there already is another version with all those problems corrected. But still, having the actual original files would be really nice as well.

As usual, sorry if my descriptions are too wordy (and/or arrogant-sounding) and also thanks to anyone who can help me out in any way!

04-29-2012, 06:01 AM
Hear, hear, Dimensioner. I also felt that the PRINCE CASPIAN sessions sounded odd, not just what you mentioned, but also the background instruments and choral bits. They seemed very distant.This could have been due to an average mixdown from 5.1 to stereo if I am not mistaken or just mike issues. I personally feel that Kaf's mix of TRANSFORMERS sounds fantastic, so I for one hope you will be succesfull if this source appears.

The Dimensioner
05-03-2012, 02:13 PM
Did I ask it wrong? Or are the right people just not here who can help me out? I mean given the relative age of one or both of these sets of music, you would think that someone would have what I seek...

The Dimensioner
05-08-2012, 02:55 AM
Hear, hear, Dimensioner. I also felt that the PRINCE CASPIAN sessions sounded odd, not just what you mentioned, but also the background instruments and choral bits. They seemed very distant.This could have been due to an average mixdown from 5.1 to stereo if I am not mistaken or just mike issues. I personally feel that Kaf's mix of TRANSFORMERS sounds fantastic, so I for one hope you will be succesfull if this source appears.

Correct me if I'm wrong, anyone, but I'm not so sure that the KaFaraqGatri's share of Transformers came from a 5.1 sound source. It still came out sounding very good...but I'm not quite following what you're saying about the issues with the existing Prince Caspian set. If anything, I'd say it's the OST that sounds bad, but that could just be the fact that the version I downloaded is in 192kbps. It sounds static-y to me, which the recording sessions do not.

Well, I'm waiting around to hear back from someone who might be able to help me, or us. Otherwise, I'm just going to continue bumping this thread every time it disappears off the first page, lol.

05-08-2012, 03:44 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, anyone, but I'm not so sure that the KaFaraqGatri's share of Transformers came from a 5.1 sound source. It still came out sounding very good...but I'm not quite following what you're saying about the issues with the existing Prince Caspian set. If anything, I'd say it's the OST that sounds bad, but that could just be the fact that the version I downloaded is in 192kbps. It sounds static-y to me, which the recording sessions do not.

Well, I'm waiting around to hear back from someone who might be able to help me, or us. Otherwise, I'm just going to continue bumping this thread every time it disappears off the first page, lol.

He was saying, that he thought that maybe the RS had been been incorrectly downmixed to stereo?

05-08-2012, 04:43 AM
Yep. IMHO, the choir just doesn't stand out as much as on the OST, EG: RS version of 'Caspian Flees', even normalized to 90% or 100%.

The Dimensioner
05-08-2012, 03:10 PM
He was saying, that he thought that maybe the RS had been been incorrectly downmixed to stereo?

Yes...but I was saying that I'm not even sure that there was anything to be downmixed to stereo from, unless you're referring to whatever went on in the studio. Otherwise, I'm fairly positive that the Transformers WBDVD was only ever available in stereo. At the very least, KaFaraqGatri received it in two-channel form. But that's not to say that Prince Caspian could have some differences.

Maybe this discussion is getting vague because I'm not sure where I'm trying to get with it. Mostly, I want to keep conversation going so it remains high up on the list in the off-chance that some higher-up might come by and feel like helping us out.

The Dimensioner
05-12-2012, 08:57 PM
Still waiting for a response....Ahem!

The Dimensioner
05-22-2012, 03:02 AM
"Getting a Tad Bit Impatient" Bump.

The Dimensioner
06-05-2012, 11:45 PM
bump. Still waiting for a response; you know who you are. Even if you don't have anything to offer, a response saying so is still appreciated. Otherwise I feel like I'm being ignored.'s not like that is anything new to me on here.

The Dimensioner
06-26-2012, 03:22 PM
Another bump. I think with a lossless version of the "recording sessions" and new editing techniques that I've learned since my expanded edit of the first film, I could do a much better job. While a revision might not have much more new material, it would at least be of a higher quality and have considerably less sound effects.

This stuff has to exist somewhere and it's a shame that I've only come across one person who might be able to help me, but he keeps disappearing and never responds to my private messages. Can anyone else help me?