09-28-2010, 02:52 AM

Pt 1: SPARKSTER.part1.rar (
Pt 2: SPARKSTER.part2.rar (
Pt 3: SPARKSTER.part3.rar (

2 Disc set
320 bit rate

Composed by:

Masanori Oouchi
Masanori Adachi
Hiroshi Kobayoshi
Aki Hata
Michiru Yamane
Kazuhiko Uehara
M. Matsuhira
Y. Yamane
Akira Yamaoka

--Disc 1--

01. Interlude
02. Stage Intro
03. Stage 1-1
04. Stage 1-2
05. Mini Boss
06. Stage 2-1
07. Stage 2-2
08. Stage 3
09. Stage 4
10. Stage 5-1
11. Stage 5-2
12. Stage 5-2 (No Intro)
13. Stage 6
14. Stage 7
15. Boss
16. Boss (Fast Version)
17. Stage Clear
18. Game Over
19. Continue
20. Final Boss Intro
21. Final Boss
22. Congratulations!
23. Ending
24. Staff Roll
25. Title
26. Intro
27. Meeting with Evil
28. Splash
29. Stage Start
30. Stage 1-1 & 1-3
31. Stage 1-2
32. Stage 2
33. Stage 3
34. Stage 4
35. Stage 5
36. Mid-Boss Theme
37. Boss Theme
38. Boss Defeated
39. Stage Complete
40. Fight with Axel
41. Fight with King Gedol
42. Death of King Gedol
43. Normal Ending
44. Return of the Sword
45. Credits
46. Game Over
47. Continue
48. Password

Length 01:07:05

01~24 "Rocket Knight Adventures" GENESIS
25~48 "Sparkster: Rocket Knight Adventures 2" GENESIS

--Disc 2: "Sparkster" SNES--

01. Title
02. Setup
03. Intro
04. Lakeside
05. Steel Works
06. Bird
07. Submarine
08. Pyramid
09. Musical Town
10. Shooting
11. Fortress
12. Stage Complete
13. Boss Battle 1
14. Boss Intro
15. Boss Battle 2
16. Final Battle
17. Game Over
18. Continue
19. Password
20. Ending (pt. 1)
21. Ending (pt. 2)

Length 00:29:48

I doubt the music from Rocket Knight Adventure (which is also present in this collection) needs much of an introduction, but I feel the music from Sparkster does, as it seems to be even lesser known than it's predecessor. While Sparkster appeared on both the Genesis and SNES, both games were done by different teams at Konami and as a result, they each have a different feel to them. Both games however do have incredible soundtracks. They mostly use the same themes, but with obvious differences between the SNES and Genesis versions.

YouTube Samples

Sparkster SNES Lakeside (
Sparkster Genesis Stage 1-2 (
Sparkster SNES Boss Battle 2 (
Sparkster Genesis Fight with King Gedol (

09-28-2010, 04:00 AM
Already had them but not at 320 bit rate

09-28-2010, 09:25 AM
The file "SPARKSTER.part3.rar" doesn't work.

09-28-2010, 09:14 PM
The file "SPARKSTER.part3.rar" doesn't work.

Works fine for me. You probably just clicked it when medidfire was messing up.

The Overmatt
05-09-2012, 10:40 PM
Any chance of a reupload of these? They all seem to have been taken down.

05-11-2012, 02:45 AM
Same here, the links aren't working.

Magma Dragoon
05-11-2012, 02:44 PM
Invalid or deleted file.

08-08-2012, 04:20 PM
Seem To Be Having Problem

10-21-2012, 06:32 AM
Wish someone would reupload this.

11-05-2012, 05:15 AM
Hopefully they will...

11-21-2012, 03:39 AM
If you could re-upload this I would highly appreciate it! :)