10-15-2009, 11:44 PM
[Links Removed]

10-16-2009, 01:36 AM
Link? (Or am I just blind?)

10-16-2009, 01:48 AM
Link? (Or am I just blind?)

Yes, where's the link? o_O

10-16-2009, 02:03 AM
Link please, xD

10-16-2009, 02:19 AM
...This is a cruel and inhumane variation of torture.

10-16-2009, 02:29 AM
Sorry Guys, I'm in the middle of uploads right now.

The Soundtrack will be up shortly followed by the singles again I'm sorry about the delay

10-16-2009, 02:40 AM
I hope it will be MP3s followed by FLAC.

I don't want to spend forever downloading FLAC when I'll just convert them to MP3s.

10-16-2009, 02:46 AM
Doublehex right now, I'm uploading the Flac's I'll post mp3 links later. Right now, my priority is getting the flac's uploaded and posting the links.

10-16-2009, 03:00 AM
for those that can't wait, here are the OP/EDs.

01. Download (Thread 66187) - [Single] YUI - again [2009.06.03] (with FLAC)
02. Download (Thread 68392) - [Single] NICO Touches the Walls - Hologram [2009.08.12]
03. Download (Thread 70189) - [Single] Sukima Switch - Golden Time Lover [2009.10.14]

01. Download (Thread 65840) - [Single] SID - Uso [2009.04.29]
02. Download (Thread 69304) - [Single] Miho Fukuhara - LET IT OUT [2009.09.09] (with FLAC)

10-16-2009, 03:24 AM
Alright just downloaded the whole thing on torrent and Im pretty satisfied with it. Was missing 3 or 4 songs I would of loved to have. The song that plays right after Lin cuts Gluttony's head in half and the one where Envy transforms and the one where Lin and Envy fight and lastly the the song that plays in the begining of the episode where Lin and Edward fight Envy in his transformed state. OVerall I give it a 4/5. Just gonna have to probably wait a year to get those songs ; ;.

10-16-2009, 03:51 AM
Ahhh. I can't wait.

10-16-2009, 04:07 AM
I like the soundtrack its good its just that Akira Senju's score is nothing like Michiru Oshima. But speaking of Michiru Oshima I'm putting his Fullmetal score in this thread to have a complete collection.

* Update
- All Flac and Mp3 Editions of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood are Up

10-16-2009, 05:07 AM
Thanks for the uploads!

10-16-2009, 05:08 AM
You're Welcome

10-16-2009, 05:14 AM
Thank you!

10-16-2009, 05:39 AM
Thanks guys, appreciate it

Anyone know when the second one is scheduled (if it's been announced)?

10-16-2009, 05:42 AM
If a 2nd Soundtrack is to happen look for it to be announced either Spring or Fall 2010

10-16-2009, 06:01 AM
OMG, thanks for uploading the new one!!!! OMG, I just watched this for the first time today, and was impressed with the newer one!!!

10-16-2009, 06:09 AM
Thanks a lot!

10-16-2009, 06:11 AM
You're Welcome Roxas20 I'm Waiting for the Singles to the 3rd OP/ED to be released

10-16-2009, 08:15 AM
Thanks for uploading these. I'd heard of FMA Brotherhood but hadn't seen any episodes yet. Your uploads got me to check it out. Saw the first two episodes on Hulu and I'm already hooked, but then I loved the first FMA series. The OP and ED themes are magnificent.

10-16-2009, 09:25 AM
thank you very much for the soundtrack and the op/ed. The Pictures (Frontpages) are really great

10-16-2009, 11:55 AM
~130kbps encode for users on dialup

Hi folks,

I hope the original poster won't mind, but here is a low-birate MP3 version, minus scans, for the size-conscious. I know there are some people here still on dialup, or with restrictive download limits courtesy of their ISP - they will hopefully appreciate this...

It's encoded at -V6 in LAME 3.98.2 - VBR, with an average bitrate of ~130kbps. It sounds very good indeed - bearing in mind the bitrate. (This is what happens when the encode is undertaken by somebody who knows what they're doing and is using an excellent encoder.)

Scans have been omitted to save space - this is simply the music. The full album clocks in at 58.9mb.


10-16-2009, 02:42 PM
Have you a mp3 version for the original soundtrack from FMA Brotherhood?
Thanks in advance

10-16-2009, 02:48 PM
hellrasinbrasin could u upload track 18 of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Original Soundtrack 1,cuz i gt an eror wen unzipping it n i do nt wish to download the album again coz my internet speed sucks thx in advance :-)

10-16-2009, 04:00 PM
While I'm enjoying Brotherhood to a certain extent, let me just say that I think the new soundtrack is just bland and pedestrian compared to the masterpiece of an OST for the original series.

10-16-2009, 07:06 PM
While I'm enjoying Brotherhood to a certain extent, let me just say that I think the new soundtrack is just bland and pedestrian compared to the masterpiece of an OST for the original series.

Its a different composer so they'll take some getting used to

10-16-2009, 08:43 PM
I'm Waiting for the Singles to the 3rd OP/ED to be released

3rd OP is already released.
Thread 70189

3rd ED won't be out until 2009.11.11.

10-17-2009, 04:24 AM
Its a different composer so they'll take some getting used to

Yeah, I know it's someone different...there's a difference between stylistically different music and music that doesn't quite fit. This is the latter. I've tried to get used to it...but it's been a full season already, and I still think it sucks.

10-17-2009, 04:49 AM
mediaright You know how their are Composers whose Score work onscreen
but as a seperate piece its lacking. I like it its different I may not like the whole CD but the parts that worked work you know.

10-17-2009, 05:09 AM
dannyfrench is tooting his own horn again.

10-17-2009, 09:04 AM
Thanks for the soundtrack

10-17-2009, 09:08 AM
Thanks for the soundtrack

You're Welcome Gaiden

10-17-2009, 04:01 PM
nice collection!

10-18-2009, 06:43 PM
At this stage, I think a second soundtrack is a foregone conclusion, and I wouldn't bet against a third either. If FMA Brotherhood is going to run for 51 episodes as FMA did, combined with the massive budget and prestige of the composer, there's almost certainly going to be enough music to sustain a third soundtrack release. (And sufficient interest, too - at CDJapan, the first pressing is already almost sold out - seven copies remaining - so as long as people are buying it and there is music to release, there will be more. (He said, hopefully!)

As far as the music goes, well, I think it's superlative. It's sad to hear some people aren't enjoying it quite as much. As a fan both of Michiru Oshima and of Akira Senju (both superb, immensely talented musicians) I can say that, although stylistically they are chalk and cheese, I find Senju's music to be the equal of Oshima's in terms of quality. I haven't seen either series (and don't intend to) therefore I can't comment on how well I find the music to compliment the story - I can judge it only on musical terms.

I had hoped for Oshima to return for this series, as I imagine everybody did; however when I heard that she wouldn't be (and that Senju would be replacing her) it suddenly made a lot of sense to me. Oshima produced a masterpiece in her score for the TV series and upped the ante again for the follow-up theatrical feature Conqueror of Shamballa. What more could she possibly bring to the franchise? Let her work on the first series and movie stand alone as the masterworks they are. I don't doubt that had Oshima worked on Brotherhood, she would have written music up to her usual high standards... but ultimately there will always be the pressure to compete with your previous work, to somehow be bigger, better, louder, or whatever. Those pressures can distract from the task at hand - to write good music. After a five year gap, who wants to go back to a world they already gave their very best to, with all the expectations and pressures it encompasses? I wonder if Oshima was never asked, or if she said no - either way, I believe it to be a fair decision.

So, in comes Akira Senju - a man who is very choosy about his projects (I thought he'd given up on anime all together until FMA Brotherhood was announced) and is probably better known in classical music than in anime circles.

Rather than emulate Oshima's style, or incorporate her themes, he's been given seemingly free-reign to write his own music, which is really the only artistically sound way to go about it. Who wants an Oshima knockoff? Who wants to hear Senju pretending to be somebody else? If Senju is scoring it, let's have his music, his vision, his technique. Otherwise they may as well just track in Oshima's score for FMA and be done with it.

Luckily we did get the former.

Senju's music is certainly more mellow and introspective than Oshima's - that's his way. He doesn't often take the foreground as readily as Oshima, nor does he go in for big, flamboyant gestures. Outwardly, his music is more simple than that, but at the same time more complicated. The melodies and the harmonies do all the work internally. Superficially it's a less exciting listen than Oshima's, but what it lacks in straightforward bombast and physical impressiveness, it makes up in other areas.

I can see why people would have a hard time accepting this change of technique - but really, it's worth it. :)

10-19-2009, 04:58 AM
Thank you for uploading these collections. Can't wait to hear them ^-^

10-19-2009, 04:49 PM
What are your favorite songs?

10-19-2009, 07:39 PM
You fools realize you all are dissing the composer of Red Garden, which contains one of the finest (and most Westernized) soundtracks in recent anime?

. . .

Wait, no one knows what Red Garden is.

That will have to be remedied soon.

10-19-2009, 08:39 PM
You fools realize you all are dissing the composer of Red Garden, which contains one of the finest (and most Westernized) soundtracks in recent anime?

. . .

Wait, no one knows what Red Garden is.

That will have to be remedied soon.


(I do...) ;)

10-19-2009, 09:06 PM
You fools realize you all are dissing the composer of Red Garden, which contains one of the finest (and most Westernized) soundtracks in recent anime?

. . .

Wait, no one knows what Red Garden is.

That will have to be remedied soon.

Umm, so? Since when was Red Garden's music anything to write home about? And good lord, those godawful musical numbers. My ears, they are-a-bleedin'. XD

Meh, mediocre show, mediocre soundtrack. Sorry, but there really is nothing special about these tracks, and I'm not even gonna get into how poorly they're utilized in the show(some tracks are used way too often or just plain don't fit the scene.) I never really even bothered comparing any of it to Oshima, cause we all knew it wouldn't be anywhere close to as awesome as "Amestris" or "Brothers", so why not let it shine on it's own? So, judging it on it's own merits...we get a bunch of piddly orchestral muzak pieces that'd be more at home looping in the Olive Garden than backing a high-flying shounen series. I wonder why Bones even approached Senju for this; he's neither a big name nor particularly talented. Why not hire Yoshihisa Hirano for the job, the results couldn't possibly have been any worse.

Ah well, guess it's not worth bashing too much. The music isn't that bad, though the instrumentals in places are pretty badly done. IT's just soulless, lacking in heart or passion and just wholly unremarkable, much like the show. Biggest dissapointment of the year, I'd say. *shrugs*

10-19-2009, 09:21 PM
I wonder why Bones even approached Senju for this; he's neither a big name nor particularly talented.

Totally disagree! ;)

Senju is a fine composer - he's a big name in the classical music world, even if he's not in the anime world. I don't think you can claim he isn't particularly talented based on the fact that you dislike his work... But having said that, obviously completely understand that you don't like the guy. :)

Incidentally... there is MUCH music missing from this disc; almost all my favourite pieces as a matter of fact. When the second (and hopefully third) soundtracks are released, it will hold together so much better. Mark my words. Senju is no fool.

Why not hire Yoshihisa Hirano for the job.

Totally agree! ;)

Don't get me wrong - I really do love Senju's score, but just imagine the genius Hirano would've whipped up with the Warsaw Philharmonic for FMA... That would've been terrific.

10-19-2009, 09:35 PM
Totally disagree! ;)

Senju is a fine composer - he's a big name in the classical music world, even if he's not in the anime world. I don't think you can claim he isn't particularly talented based on the fact that you dislike his work... But having said that, obviously completely understand that you don't like the guy. :)

Incidentally... there is MUCH music missing from this disc; almost all my favourite pieces as a matter of fact. When the second (and hopefully third) soundtracks are released, it will hold together so much better. Mark my words. Senju is no fool.

Hmm, maybe I'll take your word for that, Slightly mannish, Ishinomori-esque anime lady. Admittedly, I haven't seen the show too much(it turned me off almost off the bat,) but what I heard didn't impress me terribly much.

.......Wait, you said you didn't watch this series. How would you know how much music they haven't included, or which ones were your favorites? Hmmmmmmmm? ;)

Totally agree! ;)

Don't get me wrong - I really do love Senju's score, but just imagine the genius Hirano would've whipped up with the Warsaw Philharmonic for FMA... That would've been terrific.

Oh, tottally! One of the many composers I learned of primarily from our...well, occaisionally heated little spats. *blushes* Mmmm, what could have been...

Have you heard of the new series Book of Bantorra? Hirano's composing for that one. The show itself is...meh; immediately overwhelms itself with too much made-up terminology(Terminology-Anime's answer to world-building!), infodumpage and a general sense of taking itself too seriously; but the music is classic Hirano-baroque, dripping with morbidity and layered with texture. And that's just what I can hear over the talking and sfx.

Also, going even further off topic, I assume you've already downloaded Iwasaki's Kuroshitsuji and heard of Kanno's Ring of Gundam project. Thoughts?

10-19-2009, 11:24 PM
Wait, you said you didn't watch this series. How would you know how much music they haven't included, or which ones were your favorites? Hmmmmmmmm?

I download every episode and skip through looking for score moments... :p

Does this make me a complete saddo? Probably... *hides in corner*

Oh, tottally! One of the many composers I learned of primarily from our...well, occaisionally heated little spats. *blushes* Mmmm, what could have been...

Blushes? Don't tell me you're a girl...! ;)

Have you heard of the new series Book of Bantorra? Hirano's composing for that one.

SORRY for off-topic... (It's kinda on-topic off-topic vaguely relevant but not really...)

Oh, yes... Been waiting for it for some time.

The show itself is...meh; immediately overwhelms itself with too much made-up terminology(Terminology-Anime's answer to world-building!), infodumpage and a general sense of taking itself too seriously;

Indeed... I did try to actually watch it, but aside from Hamutz and her magnificent cleavage, I didn't find much to stop my attention from wandering... I suppose I should give it another try though.

Hirano's score so far is magnificent - and ironically (and sadly) it seems to be dividing opinion even more than Senju's music for Brotherhood...

but the music is classic Hirano-baroque, dripping with morbidity and layered with texture. And that's just what I can hear over the talking and sfx.

Gorgeous stuff, eh? How he manages to channel seventeenth century baroque at the same time as crushing 21st century dissonance, mix in some late romantic melodrama, and have it all sound completely cohesive and unique... that gentleman is a genius.

10-19-2009, 11:46 PM
dannyfrench is tooting his own horn again.

Yes, because him providing a version of the soundtrack so that those with slow internet, small HDs, or a limit on how much they can download a month is the very definition of the phrase.

Grow up.

10-19-2009, 11:51 PM
Gorgeous stuff, eh? How he manages to channel seventeenth century baroque at the same time as crushing 21st century dissonance, mix in some late romantic melodrama, and have it all sound completely cohesive and unique... that gentleman is a genius.

Indeed. Even if the show went downhill faster than Shangri-La...or Brotherhood, this is one soundtrack I'll be waiting for with bated breath. I've been hurting for a good, full Hirano ost since my first taste with Death Note.

10-20-2009, 01:04 AM
I downloaded the soundtrack last week but still haven't listened to it. However, I do have a number of favorites I've picked up from watching the series on Hulu. Different composer, sure, but still a great soundtrack IMO.

10-20-2009, 03:44 AM
For those who are looking for this soundtrack in .mp3, I've converted the flac files to .mp3 since I can't play flac files on my computer. Unfortunately, my converter only allows me to convert music to 128 Kbps instead of my preferred 320 Kbps, so this will have to do until someone is able to make a better version of it in .mp3 format.


10-20-2009, 04:45 AM
Hi! I went ahead and downloaded OST 2 from the first series and it says a password is required to unzip the files. What is it?


10-20-2009, 06:02 AM
Lonestar22 I just downloaded Series 1 CD 2 there is no password encryption for any of the files in this thread

10-20-2009, 08:39 AM
I'm sure this guy is a big name in classical music...but A. I'm not judging him based on his previous work; I'm judging him based on this...and B. FMA isn't really...idk, fit for truly classical music. This isn't avant-garde, this is anime...and while there's art to be shown, this music is a pedestrian exercise in composition and string playing that lacks any kind of heart and soul.

The guy sounds talented...just not for this.

10-20-2009, 09:43 AM
I'm sure this guy is a big name in classical music...but A. I'm not judging him based on his previous work; I'm judging him based on this...and B. FMA isn't really...idk, fit for truly classical music. This isn't avant-garde, this is anime...and while there's art to be shown, this music is a pedestrian exercise in composition and string playing that lacks any kind of heart and soul.

The guy sounds talented...just not for this.

Point taken, but respectfully refuted. :)

I cited his classical aspirations as a challenge to a previous statement that he wasn't talented - I didn't intend it to mean "he writes classical music which is beyond your comprehension, morons!" - merely that his experience (and enduring popularity) in that field needed to be considered when evaluating his overall ability.

Incidentally, Michiru Oshima's score for the previous series was far more classical than this - indeed, in the liner notes she reveals that in her brief to write the score, she was asked for "classical music with a Russian influence" which she certainly delivered, in spades.

Senju's, by contrast, is less blatant and less florid - but I still believe it to be an excellent composition, and one which is entirely consistent with his style and technique. Oshima's score revelled in itself, but Senju's is more restrained; he makes you wait for the big moments, and as I said, I believe most of the standout music is conspicuously absent from this album...! :(

As I said before, the music may absolutely stink as a score to FMA - I can't comment because I haven't watched it. If that's the case, it's a great shame, and maybe Senju was the wrong man for the job...

But as pure music, I find it very emotional, very satisfying, dripping with heart and soul - all Senju trademarks - and whilst it's completely as far away from Oshima's score as humanly possible, its quality is equal.

(All IMHO of course.)

Lens of Truth
10-20-2009, 10:58 AM
I'm still working my way through Oshima's scores for the original FMA and this is my first encounter with Senju, so I can't really comment. Very interesting discussion though!

How he manages to channel seventeenth century baroque at the same time as crushing 21st century dissonance, mix in some late romantic melodrama, and have it all sound completely cohesive and unique... that gentleman is a genius.

Sorry to continue with the off-topic aside, and to be an absolute fusspot.. but.. wouldn't you say Hirano's stylings are more in the realms of 18th century Classicism? ;) From what I've heard so far his music screams Haydn and Mozart. Even later figures in that tradition like Brahms seem to echo through the broader sweeping gestures. 18th century High Baroque also seems to be an influence - Handel is the one who comes to mind - but I don't know about earlier stuff. This is why Hirano was such a find for me (again, muchas gracias). Classical music in the proper sense is probably my favourite thing in the world, and I'd venture that it's actually far more daring for a modern composer to locate themselves in that long lost tradition (aside from the odd kitsch, moribund revisitation, the 20th century completely destroyed it) than the Baroque which has always been a 'trendier' point of reference(?).. And for anime of all things, the postmodern excess of which is about as un-Classical as it gets!!

[apologies if the above reads as insufferable]

Back on-topic - Senju’s score seems to have a slow-building, cumulative power that’s starting to click with me the further I get into it. It’s really quite aching and melancholic, with limpid, undemonstrative orchestrations.

Thank you for posting! :)

10-20-2009, 12:13 PM
Sorry to go even further off topic, but I could never turn down an interesting discussion.

Sorry to continue with the off-topic aside, and to be an absolute fusspot.. but.. wouldn't you say Hirano's stylings are more in the realms of 18th century Classicism? ;)

Whoops, I got my centuries mixed up. ;)

(Bach was *born* in the 17th century, even if 99% of his music was written in the 18th - give me that one, at least.)

From what I've heard so far his music screams Haydn and Mozart. Even later figures in that tradition like Brahms seem to echo through the broader sweeping gestures. 18th century High Baroque also seems to be an influence - Handel is the one who comes to mind - but I don't know about earlier stuff.

There's a lot of Bach and Handel in Ouran High School Host Club, definitely. Haydn and Mozart as well. Those sensibilities seem to bleed through to absolutely every single piece of music he's ever written - even during the most brutally dissonant orchestral mayhem, the language is still principally classical. And it's baroque. And it's modernist. And it's late romantic.

I would definitely say I hear more outwardly classical stylings than baroque stylings, although it's sometimes hard to separate them because with Hirano, they're ingredients that have been baked up into the most magnificent cake; their unique features blended together to create something new, clearly greater than the sum of its parts.

At times, I'm hearing Bach, Mozart, Brahms, and Schoenberg - all at once.

Sometimes it's best to just switch off the part of your brain that tries to reconcile all this insanity, and go with the sound... :)

This is why Hirano was such a find for me (again, muchas gracias). Classical music in the proper sense is probably my favourite thing in the world, and I'd venture that it's actually far more daring for a modern composer to locate themselves in that long lost tradition

Isn't it! Everything is neo-something now; which seems to be a byword for taking something great, applying a modern sensibility to it, compromising the original artistry, and spewing out a piece of derivative crap; the only saving grace of which is that at least it's only half modern - because the rest of it is stolen from Haydn!

Hirano seems to neatly sidestep being neo-anything - at least as far as the connotations that term now conjures up. There's something very honest and personal about the way he's blended up basically the entire history of music all the way up to today, applied his own unique mindset, and arrived at a style of composition that often defies explanation.

[apologies if the above reads as insufferable]

Not to me, but I can name a few people (thankfully not in this thread) who would call you an elitist snob for comments like that, and then tell you to listen to some real music (Gladiator, POTC, Iron Man) - as evidentally your horizons aren't nearly broad enough and you need to stop getting tied up in knots over all these dead people... ;)

Back on-topic - Senju’s score seems to have a slow-building, cumulative power that’s starting to click with me the further I get into it. It’s really quite aching and melancholic, with limpid, undemonstrative orchestrations.

Aah! This is what I'm hearing too! Thank you again!

Lens of Truth
10-20-2009, 03:28 PM
Whoops, I got my centuries mixed up.

(Bach was *born* in the 17th century, even if 99% of his music was written in the 18th - give me that one, at least.)
Easy mistake to make ;)

Anyway, I'm hardly the person to be pernickety over dates! Ouran is in turn all the things you say, and yet it coheres beautifully.

There's a lot more to be said, but for fear of derailment, perhaps a dedicated Hirano thread is in order?

Infernus Animositas
10-20-2009, 03:49 PM
Thanks for uploading the Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Soundtrack.

10-25-2009, 07:10 AM
Hey, I'm new here but this seems like the best place to ask for this;

Could someone please tell me the name of the piece that plays in episode 19, specifically when Mustang defeats Lust?

10-25-2009, 09:41 AM
Anyone know of a more full version of the ED3 single? The one I have fades out like, three minutes in.

10-25-2009, 10:17 PM
Anyone know of a more full version of the ED3 single? The one I have fades out like, three minutes in.

no, this single isn't out yet. Just wait a bit.

11-04-2009, 11:19 AM
Yes, because him providing a version of the soundtrack so that those with slow internet, small HDs, or a limit on how much they can download a month is the very definition of the phrase.

Grow up.

Has my comment, made in jest and towards someone else, offended you?

11-04-2009, 12:28 PM
Toot toot! ;)

11-05-2009, 07:00 PM
Ummm ok I don't know what's going on here but I DO know that I just downloaded the first album you've posted and they are all .flac files. How do I convert them to MP3s? Also the other links have been broken or at least removed by the Mega Upload website bastard.

Thanks for you help

11-05-2009, 07:05 PM
There are a few MP3 versions of the score scattered through this thread... page 2 I think.

kimary damacy
11-05-2009, 08:28 PM
Thanks I have been really looking forward to these.

I just managed to get the Brotherhood OST an now all the links including the one I just used are giving me Megaupload error.

11-05-2009, 11:04 PM
yeah guys the rides over Megaupload wiped out 99% of my files so I'm down to 1 REMAINING soundtrack and thats Brotherhood.

11-06-2009, 10:39 AM
anyone has a complete booklet of the ost?

11-06-2009, 04:43 PM

11-06-2009, 04:55 PM
If you're missing the singles from the 1st series you can get them from the main page of the site. I'll get around to posting things again e-v-e-n-t-u-a-l-l-y when I have the time to do so. Until then Megaupload as much as I like you I don't like my files being erased.

11-08-2009, 12:12 PM
I would greatly appreciate if someone could reupload the Brotherhood soundtrack. Ive been looking/waiting for awhile and now when I find it the links are dead. Please please someone upload them again.

11-08-2009, 12:20 PM

11-08-2009, 10:19 PM
Andrew go to bakabt you'll find the lossless Fullmetal Alchemist CD's you're looking for there

11-09-2009, 03:40 AM

11-09-2009, 04:05 AM

11-09-2009, 05:15 AM
Andrew here's the link:

11-24-2009, 12:48 AM
Hey thanks for uploading this! I was wondering when it was going to be released. Also, can't wait for the Eng dub! I met Vic over the weekend, and he is a pretty cool guy IMO.

12-17-2009, 04:59 AM
I'm workin on uploads right now so look for the links to return next year

12-22-2009, 01:56 PM
thanks for the brotherhood soundtrack in .mp3 format!

01-27-2010, 02:54 AM
i can't see download links. anyone tell me where are they, please. thanx

01-27-2010, 03:11 AM
they were removed :(

01-27-2010, 03:54 AM
Don't worry the Singles are going back up tomorrow sometime. The Soundtracks sometime later on can't say when but later on

02-12-2010, 03:17 AM
thanks a lot dude. this is my favorite anime.

02-26-2010, 11:34 PM
For whom it may concern:

OST 2's coming on March 24th. I'd expect a leak onto the Internet very soon thereafter. It'll probably contain a mixture of new music and passed-over tunes. I'd also expect an OST 3 after the series concludes, as there reportedly will be about 63 episodes in the series and that means Senju's gonna have to do another session.

I have all of Oshima's FMA scores, I'll upload them sometime next week if people are willing to wait (though they are all 192 KBPs with the exception of the movie score which is the magic 320 KBPs). If that is unacceptable for people I apologize.

And, as a long-awaited reply to tangotreat's post about whether the music suits the series or not, it actually does. It has a more militaristic feel than Oshima's score in spots and the melodies are more straightforward. In some aspects the score eerily parallels Oshima's score (like when Armstrong attacks McDougal in the 1st episode) in other aspects it takes its own direction. The music can also become really evil sounding when it wants to be.

03-24-2010, 01:04 PM
For whom it may concern:

OST 2's coming on March 24th. I'd expect a leak onto the Internet very soon thereafter. It'll probably contain a mixture of new music and passed-over tunes. I'd also expect an OST 3 after the series concludes, as there reportedly will be about 63 episodes in the series and that means Senju's gonna have to do another session.

Thank you - looking forward to the second album immensely. Due to sudden unexpected expense incurred last month, all CD purchases are on hold until May, so it'll be lovely to be able to hear it sooner rather than later.

I'd agree that OST 3 is something of a certainty, although I predicted a third Macross Frontier album and that never happened, so who knows? I do hope there is, anyway. You can never have enough Senju. I would imagine that they recorded everything in one shot; there's no way they'd fork out to send him to Poland for a second time for the same series. Not economical. I suspect they knew how long the series was going to be at the outset and therefore already have what they need. Unless you know differently and/or I am being a simpleton - if this is the case I apologise in advance.

As far as Senju vs Oshima (in the context of FMA)... I do still stand by my original sentiments. Oshima's score is certainly the more physically intensive, and is more to the forefront. Senju, in keeping with his usual style, is more direct, more personal, and therefore, in my eyes, more poignant at times. He doesn't go in much for extravagance - and whilst that arguably puts Oshima's score ahead in terms of sheer auditory spectacle, I still believe musically speaking, both scores are equals. They're a fascinating document of how two dramatically different, highly skilled, uniquely individual composers approach the same "world" in their own ways.

If the producers had wanted another Oshima score, they'd have called up Oshima. And, as I've said before, I would question what she could realistically bring to Brotherhood that hadn't already been stated in the first series. After scoring an entire series and a theatrical feature film, Oshima's contribution to FMA is certainly not left wanting. She wrote an absolute masterpiece and departed from the series with dignity. Her successor was a worthy one - and possibly one of only two or three other Japanese composers who could truly match her skill. (Yoshihisa Hirano, Yoshihiro Kanno, and Masamichi Amano come to mind.)

In short, somebody explicitly believed that Senju's style was absolutely a perfect fit for the series. I tend to concur with their opinion.


03-24-2010, 03:06 PM
It took me forever to get everything back up all thats left are the Soundtracks from series 1 + the new OST and the last 2 Singles for Series 2

03-24-2010, 03:19 PM
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Single ED5 Ray of Light [Shoko Nakagawa]
Release Date 4/28/2010

03-24-2010, 06:16 PM
is there any way you'll post links that arn not megaupload?
(not that i dont like it - its just that my PC hates megaupload for some reason... it won't let me use it!!!)

03-24-2010, 07:44 PM
I might might do a limited release time run for New Releases on Rapidshare but megaupload is here to stay

03-24-2010, 09:25 PM
* sits nervously rocking back and forth, quietly humming Senju's FMA theme, and occasionally muttering "Want OST 2... Want OST 2... My precious..." *

03-24-2010, 10:04 PM
* sits nervously rocking back and forth, quietly humming Senju's FMA theme, and occasionally muttering "Want OST 2... Want OST 2... My precious..." *

You're not the only one.

Erebus Wraith
03-24-2010, 11:42 PM
Damn I was hoping it would have been uploaded after I got off work. Wishful thinking I guess

03-25-2010, 12:14 AM
* sits nervously rocking back and forth, quietly humming Senju's FMA theme, and occasionally muttering "Want OST 2... Want OST 2... My precious..." *

*Begins to copies him as soon as he found out that OST 2 was released today*

03-25-2010, 12:29 AM
*Tears apart room from sheer anticipation*

03-25-2010, 12:45 AM
It was released today so the lossy/Lossless rips should online between Today and Sunday I guess.


03-25-2010, 01:17 AM
Sunday is too far away... Sunday is ninety six hours away. I think I will go and lie down now... I'm feeling slightly lightheaded. ;)

03-25-2010, 01:27 AM
LOL between today and sunday??
Man... that's a HUGE gap

03-25-2010, 01:41 AM
Ands its Up Out and about Link coming Shortly FMABOST2 in lossy. Keep checking OP for link

03-25-2010, 01:48 AM
Ands its Up Out and about Link coming Shortly FMABOST2 in lossy. Keep checking OP for link

What about lossless? :S

03-25-2010, 01:52 AM
I'm keeping an eye out on jp p2p servers right now when the Lossless rip is uploaded I'll swap the lossy version out for it. Till then enjoy.

Oh and the last OP/ED Singles will be released late April

03-25-2010, 01:58 AM
I'm keeping an eye out on jp p2p servers right now when the Lossless rip is uploaded I'll swap the lossy version out for it. Till then enjoy.

Oh and the last OP/ED Singles will be released late April

Thanks a lot from Italy! Downloading it now!!

Quiet G
03-25-2010, 02:04 AM
Awesome. You're the best.

03-25-2010, 02:22 AM
You're welcome

03-25-2010, 03:11 AM
I come bearing two gifts: a tracklist, and a temporary cover image.

I'll work on getting my retagged and re-named version uploaded by tonight, so that we don't need to worry about renaming and retagging a bunch of files.

Hopefully someone can supply us with a Hi-Res scan of the cover in a couple of days. :)

03-25-2010, 09:23 AM
Someone posted this on another forum, here's your second OST guys


Edit: Downloaded it, all the tracks are untagged. But damn, it's pretty good stuff.

Lens of Truth
03-25-2010, 11:12 AM
Well isn't this lovely :) Thank you!

A quick listen and I'm entranced by the little slow movements; the beautiful sequence of gem-like adagios, tracks 9-11, in particular. I thought 26 was almost English-folky until I read the tracklist - shows I have a one-track (Vaughan Williamsian) mind when it comes to pentatonics ;) 'Battle Scherzo' is a fabulous exciting action piece that makes my think a little of Goldsmith in Nemesis mode. It would be wrong to say Senju has that nonchalant feel that Jerry does, but I love his reserve and gentleness - it really adds an extra dimension when the confident action breaks out.

The only track I'm not warming to at all, apart from the songs, is no.20, 'In the Land of Ishvala'. Couldn't Senju have done better than those quotidian harmonic minor scales?

Anyway I didn't mean to end on a negative! Wonderful stuff. Ripe for one of Tango's expert suites perhaps? ;)

03-25-2010, 04:29 PM
I'd agree that OST 3 is something of a certainty, although I predicted a third Macross Frontier album and that never happened, so who knows? I do hope there is, anyway. You can never have enough Senju. I would imagine that they recorded everything in one shot; there's no way they'd fork out to send him to Poland for a second time for the same series. Not economical. I suspect they knew how long the series was going to be at the outset and therefore already have what they need. Unless you know differently and/or I am being a simpleton - if this is the case I apologise in advance.

As far as Senju vs Oshima (in the context of FMA)... I do still stand by my original sentiments. Oshima's score is certainly the more physically intensive, and is more to the forefront. Senju, in keeping with his usual style, is more direct, more personal, and therefore, in my eyes, more poignant at times. He doesn't go in much for extravagance - and whilst that arguably puts Oshima's score ahead in terms of sheer auditory spectacle, I still believe musically speaking, both scores are equals. They're a fascinating document of how two dramatically different, highly skilled, uniquely individual composers approach the same "world" in their own ways.

If the producers had wanted another Oshima score, they'd have called up Oshima. And, as I've said before, I would question what she could realistically bring to Brotherhood that hadn't already been stated in the first series. After scoring an entire series and a theatrical feature film, Oshima's contribution to FMA is certainly not left wanting. She wrote an absolute masterpiece and departed from the series with dignity. Her successor was a worthy one - and possibly one of only two or three other Japanese composers who could truly match her skill. (Yoshihisa Hirano, Yoshihiro Kanno, and Masamichi Amano come to mind.)

In short, somebody explicitly believed that Senju's style was absolutely a perfect fit for the series. I tend to concur with their opinion.


For your first point, in recordings made in Japan, there is often two or three sessions done to record a complete soundtrack (Gundam SEED and SEED Destiny both required three IIRC). However, for scores recorded overseas, I'll admit things may work differently. Wolf's Rain recorded a lot of sessions overseas, but each session was recorded in one shot. Warsaw was one session, Brazil was one session, the USA was one session for Conte's vocal and guitar songs . . . Brotherhood is being set for 63 episodes though. I don't know how much music would be needed for 63 considering most series of this nature are 50. There is a possibility that the amount of music needed was underestimated because of the increase in episodes.

I think Oshima's score is slightly superior thus far (I have NOT listened to Brotherhood's OST 2 yet, though). I think Oshima's emphasis on woodwinds carrying many of the melodies gave the score a unique sentiment that Brotherhood hasn't been able to compete with yet. Woodwinds are something frequently underutilized in modern scores, and Oshima's usage of not just the flute, but deeper woodwinds like the clarinet, are just stellar. Senju, to his credit, is using the mandolin as a way to make his score stand out, but the mandolin occasionally gets grating to my ears when I'm in a bad mood. Woodwinds never annoy me unless it's a shrill piccolo.

At the same time, I do think the producers were right to replace Oshima. She said all she needed to say, and Brotherhood as a series is significantly different from the original FMA. It needs different music to reflect the transformation from the first series to Brotherhood. At the same time, the music doesn't feel as unique. There seems to be a Germanic feel to the music this time which, while feeling Western, doesn't feel as unique as the Russian-influenced score of Oshima.

This does not mean I'm not looking forward to more from Senju. He's a special talent on the level of Oshima. I just don't think his score so far is as memorable. Oshima's tunes stick in your head. Senju's mostly haven't other than the mandolin tracks.

I do think an OST 3 is inevitable, though, because the final OP/ED are not included in TV-size versions for OST 2. This means that an OST 3 release will happen because they will need to advertise SID and Shoko Nakagawa.

03-25-2010, 06:42 PM
Okay guys, here is my copy of the OST with names being filed and properly tagged, as well as a cover image.


All of the ED and OP were removed, mostly due to their not being any translation of their titles.

03-25-2010, 07:03 PM
Okay guys, here is my copy of the OST with names being filed and properly tagged, as well as a cover image.


All of the ED and OP were removed, mostly due to their not being any translation of their titles.

OP 3 is "Golden Time Lover" by Sukima Switch.

ED 3 is "Tied Hands" by Lil'b.

OP 4 is "Period" by CHEMISTRY.

ED 4 is "Sentimental Moment" or "Shunkan Sentimental" by SCANDAL.

Now you have no reason to remove them.

03-25-2010, 07:32 PM
Is it possible to upload the 2nd OST on another website?

I can not access megaupload from Hong Kong.

03-25-2010, 09:10 PM
Here's the lowdown on OST 2:

There are a lot more Xing-related tracks this time. There's a distinct Oriental flavor to some numbers.

The "preview" track has been included.

The stupendously epic music from when Mustang fireballs Lust is included (track 25, "Battle Scherzo", specifically).

Quite a few tracks from early in the series are included in this soundtrack as well, "Pride", "The Plot Thickens" and "Stepping Along" being notable early numbers that were passed over until now.

Most of the cues are fairly short, most clock in under 2 minutes. Overall the soundtrack is about 52 minutes.

There are a lot more battle themes in this one. For those who like their action music, this soundtrack will be a notable step up from OST 1 where action numbers were few and far between.

There is a lot more piano in this soundtrack too, for those who like that versatile instrument. Usually it is used in support of the various melodies (both warm and eerie), but there is one full piano solo (of the Lapis Philsophurm theme) as well. For those who want frantic piano explosions though, stick with Final Fantasy XIII.

TV Size versions of the "Golden Time Lover", "Tied Hands", "Period", and "Sentimental Moment" are included. So for those hoping for full versions like what happened to the original series' OST 2 are out of luck. For those who just want a taste of the latest J-pop/J-Rock before moving onto more of Senju's orchestrations, however, the TV versions are well-mixed and appealing. "Period" is the most notable number here, with R&B masters CHEMISTRY transform into rock stars for a energetic, riff-heavy song with an earworm of a chorus.

Didn't like the opera music of OST 1? You'll be happy to know that it's not here. Choral elements are conspicuously absent except for softly complementing a number once in a long while.

Overall, it's a pretty strong OST that ends a little too soon. I think the short length, some other cues being withheld, and the absence of OP 5/ED 5 are definite hints they're going to release a 3rd OST after Brotherhood's conclusion this summer.

03-25-2010, 10:25 PM
LOL! I absolutely approve of your font revision in your description of Battle Scherzo.

Didn't like the opera music of OST 1?

What opera?

Why do folk think any music that has an orchestra and singing is opera? You should get yourself tickets to some Wagner, my friend. ;)

Anyway, I shall make further comments later... but just to follow up what Lens said about Goldsmith... particularly the aforementioned Scherzo, I strongly suspect it was temp-tracked with Nemesis. The opening is *very* reminiscent of Final Flight, virtually a verbatim quote in fact... and the rest of the cue is superficially reminiscent of Goldsmith's post 2000 action style (though harmonically the melodically, the cue is all Senju's.)

Senju has *never* been a composer of fast or busy music... but this really is some of his very best efforts. He's a melodist, and a romantic at heart - it's fascinating to hear those sensibilities poured into the wonderful genre of epic (the traditional meaning, not the X-Ray Dog "it's so f**king epic man" meaning) symphonic action. The only thing I would say is that when the full-blooded action comes in, so do some vaguely minimalistic tendencies, and sadly, the playful melodies disappear... I get the impression that he doesn't quite get it. The theme itself probably rates as one of the best ever... Imagine if he'd used it as thematic material for the action cues. Missed opportunties, maybe... But then again, that's not the way Senju works... and come to think of it, likewise most Asian composers...

I'm probably giving the impression that I'm complaining; I'm not, and I believe this to be a truly fine score, a worthy successor to Oshima's work, and a magnificent showcase of Senju's talents. I'm merely making observations about how a romantic, lyrical, pastoral composer approaches quick-paced action.

Come to think of it, even the action cues in FMA Brotherhood are very slow. Senju never tries to win with speed or virtuosity - there's more skill than meets the eye. The restraint, and tension building - whilst it is physically less impressive than Oshima's symphonic acrobatics, it makes Senju's score stimulate your mind in far more complex ways... This one works on you from the inside - perhaps that's why I like it so much; as a very introspective person, it fits my personality.

03-25-2010, 11:01 PM
OP 3 is "Golden Time Lover" by Sukima Switch.

ED 3 is "Tied Hands" by Lil'b.

OP 4 is "Period" by CHEMISTRY.

ED 4 is "Sentimental Moment" or "Shunkan Sentimental" by SCANDAL.

Now you have no reason to remove them.

The fact that stupid rock and pop has no place in a wonderful orchestra score is also another reason. :)

03-25-2010, 11:05 PM
The fact that stupid rock and pop has no place in a wonderful orchestra score is also another reason. :)


03-26-2010, 12:22 AM
I am immensely grateful to the stupid rock and pop... because its presence probably multiplies the sales of these albums (and by extension their continued marketability) by a factor of ten... ;)

03-26-2010, 12:43 AM
I am immensely grateful to the stupid rock and pop... because its presence probably multiplies the sales of these albums (and by extension their continued marketability) by a factor of ten... ;)

A very true statement fellow patriot. However, that does not mean I am compelled to include it in my upload, eh? :)


I feel the urge to post this in my sig so that I can further stroke my ego.

03-26-2010, 12:45 AM
A very true statement fellow patriot. However, that does not mean I am compelled to include it in my upload, eh? :)

Too true.

(Didn't say I liked it.) ;)

03-26-2010, 01:40 AM
No, you're not compelled to put anything in an upload you don't want. You're not even compelled to make an upload, let alone go through the trouble of running down all the track data (a task I've often had to endure.)
That said, it would be nice if we had the choice to evaluate what is and is not good music on the album and delete what we don't like.

Thank you very much for providing this to us.

03-26-2010, 02:05 AM
Thanks for the upload. As far as the possibility of a third OST goes, I....severely doubt that. Have any of you been actually watching this show? I imagine most of you are going on the fact that it's 62 episodes long alone to fuel this speculation, but anyone who doesn't OSTs and has only been watching would likely come to the understandable conlcusion that Senju must've written only ten, twelve tops, tracks for this thing. The same five or six replay constantly every single episode, some multiple times(Senju, you're talented and it's a nice OST, I admit that, but I never, EVER, want to hear Fifth Laboratory, Nightfall in Central, Clash of the Alchemists, Mortal Sin or Lurking again for as long as I live. Way to go.) I guess there's a very small chance they have enough music for another, but it's slim at best, maybe enough for an unreleased hunt. I'm not holding my breath.

All I know is, if Darker than Black got stuck with only one cd, Macross Frontier and Soul Eater only two, and this, a show that so abysmally spreads out and utilizes its soundtrack, winds up being the next Eva or Noir, I will personally fly to Japan and messily remove the testicles and ovaries of everyone at Bones and Aniplex responisble for this travesty against justice. ><

Ok, rant over. Nice stuff here.

03-26-2010, 03:00 AM
What opera?

Why do folk think any music that has an orchestra and singing is opera? You should get yourself tickets to some Wagner, my friend. ;)

Well, like the probably mass majority of this forum, I have no formal music training. I can tell instruments apart but I can't always place styles of music (or, in this case, discern what is opera and what is merely choral) 100% on target. Then again the fact that I've said I've enjoyed some Hans Zimmer scores reveals my identity as a poser quite well. XD Though I will always say that The Last Samurai, Gladiator, and Black Hawk Down are in the top 50 film scores of all time.

But I like all kinds of music. Orchestral work makes me happy, but so can a purely electronic score. I can't picture anything other than Chemical Brothers behind Fight Club's score.

And I do like the "stupid rock and pop", personally. I find them unique to anime, and truly special fare like "Gravity" from Wolf's Rain can be just as beautiful as the most elegant and tender orchestration (it helps that the gifted Maaya Sakamoto is singing but still).

As for the score itself, I like this disc more than OST 1 even though it is significantly shorter. There's more that grabs your attention. The sad tracks are more tender and emotional, the action tracks more angry and desperate. There is just a heightened sense of drama here and that makes the whole package more effective. Even the more subtle tracks have more feeling and emotion to them. And Senju's knowledge of Western-style music really shines through, several numbers sound like something Horner or Giacchino could have constructed.

There is one track that is very fast, the Xin Overture number which brings to mind Genghis Khan leading a cavalry charge. Other than that, there is more of a sense of deliberation, more carefulness being employed. And there's nothing wrong with that and I think Senju's composed a spectacular score.

Lens of Truth
03-26-2010, 09:35 AM
Thanks for the great comments guys. I have no knowledge of this series whatsoever, apart from the scores, and as someone fairly new to Senju, I'm always hungry for views and insight :)

I strongly suspect it was temp-tracked with Nemesis. The opening is *very* reminiscent of Final Flight, virtually a verbatim quote in fact... and the rest of the cue is superficially reminiscent of Goldsmith's post 2000 action style (though harmonically the melodically, the cue is all Senju's.)
That's basically what I meant, but I decided to give Senju the benefit of the doubt. After all, the opening string figure almost has the quality of a 'stock' gesture, and I'm pretty sure Goldsmith used it before Nemesis. The Nemesis feel does carry over a little into the rest of the cue though, so I'm sure you're right. I was thinking the exact same thing about the minimalism thing as well.. Isn't it also there in several of the quieter tracks too?

03-27-2010, 03:11 PM
Thanks for posting these soundtracks! =D

My only qualm is with the translation of "Tsunaida Te." The verb (tsunagu) /can/ mean "to be tied," but it also carries the meaning of "to be connected." Thus, "Held Hands" would be a more accurate translation--maybe even "My Hand In Yours," if you permit some linguistic liberties.

03-27-2010, 07:10 PM
Interestingly enough, even though Yahoo translate and JDIC.com both produce the word "hand" in various awkward forms, Google translate comes out with the very colloquial result of "Get Connected," which makes be wonder if it isn't a specific slang expression.

03-28-2010, 10:55 AM
Huh? Wow, that's an even more liberal translation than I would have ever come up with, and I daresay it even strays too far from the actual title. It's not any sort of colloquial expression in anything that I've ever encountered, though. Just Google Image Search "つないだ手" and check the pictures that come up: people holding hands.

03-28-2010, 02:42 PM
What we really need is someone to post a high-res scan of the cover image. I am sick of my measly 240x240 cover, and I am sure most of you are as well.

03-29-2010, 02:08 PM
Found it on other forum.

03-29-2010, 04:13 PM
A Third OST would be a wonderful thing, the newer episodes contained new and very good themes and pieces (especially episode 50), and some choral pieces very still absend on the second ost so I believe there is enough material for a third release.
Battle Scherzo and To Be King are indeed really great.

03-29-2010, 05:21 PM

I've been waiting aeons to get the full track for this - easily one of the best pieces out of all of the Brotherhood Albums so far! Pity though that it couldn't have had a more dramatic name.

In series one I felt that Michiru Oshima's music was a modern revival of Beethoven's orchestrations (particular reference to the piece Dazzling, eerily familiar to Beethoven's style), and here I am hearing it again in the Brotherhood soundtrack.

Couldn't possibly have picked a better style for the FMA series!

03-29-2010, 07:17 PM
Got my Copy yesterday - And its Up enjoy

03-30-2010, 01:06 AM
Got my Copy yesterday - And its Up enjoy

Is it? o.O

03-30-2010, 01:29 AM
QUOTE=Ahytys;1456733]Is it? o.O[/QUOTE]

It is


03-30-2010, 09:44 AM
QUOTE=Ahytys;1456733]Is it? o.O

It is


XD great! thanks!

Richard Chaos
03-30-2010, 02:06 PM
Thanks SO much for this!

03-30-2010, 05:04 PM

03-31-2010, 11:07 PM
I think episode 50 confirms my theory on the music. There were some new tunes premiering in this one which means they saved a good chunk for the last episodes.

They probably recorded enough music for 50 episodes but when they realized they were going to make 63 instead they had to stretch the music out rather than send Senju out to Warsaw to make more music. That's why some tunes that surfaced early in this series suddenly stopped playing after episode 4 and didn't replay until the mid-20s, and the music consequently became quite repetitive for a stretch, with "Clash Of The Alchemists", "Lurking", and especially "Mortal Sin" getting played a LOT and often misused.

04-05-2010, 05:06 AM
Um, Brotherhood OST 1 is only up in FLAC files, are there any mp3s?

04-05-2010, 08:23 AM
Um, Brotherhood OST 1 is only up in FLAC files, are there any mp3s?

The Character Albums and Singles from Series 1 and The Character Albums from Series 2 are lossy

04-07-2010, 10:22 PM
Here is a link to download the full version of Ray of Light MP3

04-07-2010, 10:41 PM
thx The Single is being released on the 28th I'll have the link the following Week.

Fullmetal Alchemist Single OP5 Rain [SID]


04-11-2010, 08:01 PM
The Character Albums and Singles from Series 1 and The Character Albums from Series 2 are lossy

Ack I meant Mp3 version of Brotherhood OST 1

04-12-2010, 12:38 AM
Ack I meant Mp3 version of Brotherhood OST 1 If you're Looking for the Lossy rip for Brotherhood go here

04-17-2010, 06:39 AM
Could someone mind clearing up what available OSTs there are for FMA: Brotherhood?
I'm under the impression there's currently 5 Ops/Eds

04-25-2010, 12:49 AM
thx The Single is being released on the 28th I'll have the link the following Week.

Fullmetal Alchemist Single OP5 Rain [SID]


So far away...

05-31-2010, 10:04 AM
Okay, seriously. This thread is getting really cluttered. Can we just get a link to the Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Original Soundtrack 1 and 2 albums in one post?

Also, to add more fuel to the fire, according to CDJapan, Fullmetal Alchemist Original Soundtrack 3 will be out on July 7th, 2010. :P

06-27-2010, 04:41 PM
OST 3 is barely a week away. Anybody got a tracklist yet? It's a foregone conclusion that TV Size versions of "Rain" and "Ray Of Light" will be on the OST but nothing else is known.

06-27-2010, 07:18 PM
OST 3 is barely a week away. Anybody got a tracklist yet? It's a foregone conclusion that TV Size versions of "Rain" and "Ray Of Light" will be on the OST but nothing else is known.

Every website I have looked at lists 31 tracks, but has them all titled "未定" (undecided).

CDJapan says that the album features "three insert songs played by a violinist Eri Miyamoto and BGMs composed by Akira Senju."

Apart from that, there seems to be absolutely nothing. Bizzare that there should be so little information, less than two weeks before release... I wonder if this means that there will some delay?

06-28-2010, 11:00 PM
Violin solos are never a bad thing. Thanks for posting that, I'm definitely anticipating the new OST more than before!

I think BONES is still deciding what tracks are going to be put on disc and what will forever be sealed away. This means not all of Brotherhood's music is going to see release, much like other BONES productions like Darker than Black, Wolf's Rain, Soul Eater, etc. Hopefully BONES will release the best numbers possible and leave off the garbage cuts.

So, with the news of violin solos, that means we have 26 BGM tracks by Senju, two TV Size J-pop cuts, and three violin solos. Not a bad finale for Brotherhood but I definitely think four or five tracks are going to be left off. The new tracks that have been debuting in the final string of episodes seem to be pretty lengthy though so we might be getting decent bang for our buck out of the 29 orchestral numbers (this includes the violin solos).

Senju's crafted a masterpiece but is is truly unfortunate that the director has no idea how to deploy Senju's pieces competently. Many of Senju's numbers have been played to the ground and others have been used for the wrong situations, and it does not help that Brotherhood's whiplash-like switch from comedic to dead-serious and vice versa doesn't really match up with the morbid subtleties of Senju's soundtracks.

06-29-2010, 12:01 AM
Here's the album case and the track list.


06-29-2010, 12:34 AM
Here's the album case and the track list.


Holy crap that is epic album art.

Here's the tracklist for those who don't want to click on OH-SO-DANGEROUS-FOREIGN-SITE!

1. レイン -アニメ OP Ver.- (this would be "Rain")
2. Knives and Shadows
3. March of the Moving Dolls
4. Crime and Punishment
5. Ante Meridiem
6. Consonance
7. The Intrepid
8. Tribute to W.C. I
9. The Forbearer
10. Envy Revealed ~Adagio~
11. Laws of Alchemy ~Instrumental~
12. Heroic Bolero
13. A Soldier's Honor
14. Amestris Military March
15. Tribute to W.C. II
16. The Pendulum
17. The Day the Sun Disappeared
18. Dissident's Creed
19. In the Fray
20. Lapis Philosophorum ~Chant~
21. Violoncello's Lament
22. Sorrowful Stone
23. Main Theme ~The Alchemist~
24. The Awakening
25. Philosophorum Omega
26. Nightfall in Central City ~Fin~
27. Epilogue ~A New Journey~
28. Main Theme ~Homage to Alchemy~
29. Trisha's Lullaby ~A Reminiscence~
30. RAY OF LIGHT -TV Edit-
31. Resembool's Lullaby

Looks like for the most part the OST will feature new music introduced in episodes 51-64, with a couple of old tracks for good measure (track 29 should be the mandolin version of "Trisha's Lullaby" from OST 1).

07-05-2010, 07:44 PM
Tomorrow's the big day!

07-08-2010, 10:44 PM

07-08-2010, 11:11 PM
Is this going to be another case of OST 2 where it takes forever for it be leaked onto the internet?

07-08-2010, 11:17 PM
No offense or anything, but some of you guys need to chill the shit out, m'kay? Unless you're buying the album, you really have no right to complain because "OH GOD THE ALBUM ISN'T UPLOADED ON THE VERY FIRST DAY FUCKING RAAAGE I WANT MY FREE MUSIC RIGHT NOOOOOOOW".

On another note, it's only been out a full day. Unless you know someone from Japan who could do it, most import sites take at least a week or so to ship their wares. We should also make a new thread when OST 3 is officially uploaded.

07-08-2010, 11:20 PM
Hey, I will let you know that I am perfectly relaxed. The soundtrack will come when it comes.

I wouldn't mind having it now, though.

07-08-2010, 11:21 PM
Hey, I will let you know that I am perfectly relaxed. The soundtrack will come when it comes.

I wouldn't mind having it now, though.

I was mainly pointing that out to the douche who posted in all caps before you. :P

07-08-2010, 11:31 PM

TAKE IT ALLL!!!!!!!!!!!

07-08-2010, 11:38 PM
The above is a perfect example of a parody of an all-caps douche. Though I think Scenro was doing the same too.

It IS taking a while to be leaked. Bleach OST 4 was leaked in the first hour.

07-09-2010, 12:03 AM
that wasn't a parody, i was being completely serious o.O

07-09-2010, 02:41 AM
I think we should all be patient about this. lol it is music after all. many other people are excited for this so when it comes out, the wait will be worth it.

PS. I don't know why they only posted up 9 songs out of 31 tracks... it seems like a really bad tease. lol but anywhoo guys we just gotta wait and let it be uploaded. do something else to consume your time until it comes out :D

07-09-2010, 05:54 AM
Cool, I totally forgot about OST 3. I still can't find OST 1 anywhere, lol.

Super Shadow
07-12-2010, 07:52 PM
Almost a week without the OST 3 being leaked D:

This is strange, as OSTs usually become avaliable to download in some hours after their release... But I hope somebody will upload this godlike OST soon... I heard all the 9 songs released as a teaser, and they are awesome... Can't wait to see what will come from the whole product!

07-12-2010, 11:19 PM
I'm in possession of OST 3. Please grant me the right to listen to it before I attempt to upload. As an aside, I graduated from college a short time ago, so I can't make an upload until I get access to my brother's laptop, and it's always a battle with him to take it. Unless, of course, you guys want 192KBPs iTunes-ripped files, but I know people want VBRs and 320KBPs, so . . .

I'll try to get it up this week. Just be patient.

07-12-2010, 11:49 PM
No rush, not at all. Post when you're ready to and not a moment before. I'm eternally grateful for *any* opportunity to hear this before September, which is when I'll be buying it, courtesy of cash flow misery...

*pants expectantly*

No rush.

*begins to hyperventilate*

None at all...


07-13-2010, 12:03 AM
It would be infinitely easier and quicker to upload if Japanese CDs would rip to PCs the way they play on our CD players. My college's PCs had the software to do it very easily, and so does my brother. On my normal PC, the only program that can do it is iTunes, and the rip will not be at the quality people desire.

I haven't had a chance to play the CD yet either, so you guys think you're suffering? It's right in my hand and I can't listen to it because my CD player is being borrowed at the moment. I'll get it back tonight but still.

The booklet is nice though, the track titles and information are in English. It really doesn't feel like I'm holding a foreign CD because almost everything's in decent English, other than "Rain" which is written in kanji.

07-13-2010, 12:06 AM
It would be infinitely easier and quicker to upload if Japanese CDs would rip to PCs the way they play on our CD players. My college's PCs had the software to do it very easily, and so does my brother. On my normal PC, the only program that can do it is iTunes.

I haven't had a chance to play the CD yet either, so you guys think you're suffering? It's right in my hand and I can't listen to it because my CD player is being borrowed at the moment. I'll get it back tonight but still.

My friend, if you were local, I'd drive to your house and give you a CD player.

At least you can caress the jewel case, and read the booklet... ;)

07-13-2010, 12:06 AM
At least I am comforted by the fact that both of us are suffering. Just to be sure to get to us as soon as possible before I turn into a zombie and eat you. Very slowly.

...What? If I turn into a zombie, I'm already dead, and I know no court that tries dead people.

07-13-2010, 12:08 AM
...What? If I turn into a zombie, I'm already dead, and I know no court that tries dead people.

Dead people can't listen to music, though...

07-13-2010, 01:13 AM
Dead people can't listen to music, though...

He's right; no circulation.

07-13-2010, 01:15 AM
He's right; no circulation.

Would a court try NotSpecial if one of us dies of asphixiation whilst waiting in a state of semi-euphoric panic for the upload? ;)

07-13-2010, 01:23 AM
Would a court try NotSpecial if one of us dies of asphixiation whilst waiting in a state of semi-euphoric panic for the upload? ;)

Can't say, but it would be sweet justice. I'm quickly turning blue waiting for Katanagatari, and my faculties aren't capable of speculaiajsdihdfjufj*collaspses onto keyboard

07-13-2010, 02:03 AM
I'm sorry for graduating, guys. College resources vanish once you graduate. Unfortunately this includes illegally uploading anime soundtracks. ^^;

You guys know I upload good stuff. FFshrine has the only Kobato OST with an English tracklist in existence (though there are probably mistakes galore in the translation), and that's because of me buying it and going through the effort of translating every single track before uploading. As there's no need to translate the tracks a lot of work will be gone, and once I can rip it uploading will come much faster.

07-13-2010, 02:11 AM
I'm sorry for graduating, guys. College resources vanish once you graduate. Unfortunately this includes illegally uploading anime soundtracks. ^^;.

You do realise this is all in good humour, right? Your efforts are massively appreciated whether you post now, next month, next year, or never again. From my perspective, I'm looking forward to your OST 3 upload because, as previously stated, my bank balance has forced me to cancel all my orders until at least September.

Nobody intends to rush you; we're all just looking forward to this one so much it's difficult to reign in the enthusiasm.

(Besides, if you said "I'll post OST 3 in a week" and everybody said "Meh, whatever..." you might think we didn't care!) ;)

07-13-2010, 03:11 AM
You do realise this is all in good humour, right? Your efforts are massively appreciated whether you post now, next month, next year, or never again. From my perspective, I'm looking forward to your OST 3 upload because, as previously stated, my bank balance has forced me to cancel all my orders until at least September.

Nobody intends to rush you; we're all just looking forward to this one so much it's difficult to reign in the enthusiasm.

(Besides, if you said "I'll post OST 3 in a week" and everybody said "Meh, whatever..." you might think we didn't care!) ;)

Everything that Tango said, minus the bank account stuff. Don't you dare go destitute on me! You have too many wonderful orchestra related stuff to upload!

With all due seriousness, take your time. Do what you need to do before you upload this. As anticipating we all are, we can wait. There are other things on the horizon to keep our time.

Congrats on graduation, by the way. Hopefully I'll be in that state too in four or so years.

07-13-2010, 08:05 PM
I've listened to about half of it so far. This is a tour de force of orchestration. It's like a grand cresendo is reaching its finale with all of the numbers. If OST 1 was the start, and OST 2 the buildup, OST 3 is the climax. Senju went all out with the compositions, and even existing themes that got re-arranged are redone beautifully through violin solos, mandolin plunking, or other variations.

And, if you've paid any attention to the cover art, the evolution of the tracks make sense. OST 1 has Edward struggling to come up with ideas. Incidentally, the more plain, generic numbers fill that CD. OST 2 has Edward, inspired, trying to compose his pieces, and OST 2 has been acclaimed for having more inspired numbers. OST 3 has Edward making his composition a grand reality, and OST 3 has some of the best tracks in the last ten years of anime, bar none.

And I'm not even done with the CD yet.

07-13-2010, 08:35 PM

07-13-2010, 08:36 PM
I want your babies.

I'm a man, so I don't know quite how it'd work... but I want them anyway.

Marshall Lee
07-13-2010, 08:54 PM
Thanks for the DL :D

07-13-2010, 09:37 PM

07-13-2010, 09:43 PM
You do realise this is all in good humour, right? Your efforts are massively appreciated whether you post now, next month, next year, or never again.

That, and I for one wasn't exactly waiting with bated breath for Brotherhood's brand of overblown, orchestral mediocrity. Jus' havin' a lil fun.

Oh wait, it's posted. Look at that.

07-13-2010, 09:56 PM




I've lost my chance at being a hero for all eternity at ffshrine.

God damn it. *breaks down and cries*

Anyone know why the download file (had to look) is so big? Is it a FLAC? Then I can take it better because I couldn't have done that.

07-13-2010, 10:01 PM
They're m4a files.

07-13-2010, 10:07 PM
Oh, I can do better than that, then. I still have a chance at being heroic! Just have to steal my brother's laptop for about 40 minutes, and you guys will have VBRs or 320Ks. I think I'll be able to do that . . . tomorrow, actually.

Congrats to the guy who managed to do it, though. Though I wish that if I had known eternal gratitude was that easy, I'd just have done the 192KBPs iTunes rips from the start and saved all of the drama.

07-13-2010, 10:36 PM
They're Apple Lossless. It's pointless uploading anything else, unless you want to do an MP3 mirror.

That, and I for one wasn't exactly waiting with bated breath for Brotherhood's brand of overblown, orchestral mediocrity. Jus' havin' a lil fun.

Are we listening to the same thing here? ;)

07-13-2010, 10:43 PM
Yeah, that's kinda what I want to do. I know 320KBPs is actually a step down from lossless but it's also a third the size of lossless so I want to give people with slower connections a chance to get in on it. Hell or high water I will get that CD ripped tomorrow and in .mp3 form. Please, I beg any would-be converters, grant me that much.

And no, I don't think NaotaM is listening to what we're listening to. Akira Senju's work is a masterpiece that was woefully misused because the director had no clue how to use the score. I am sure you're in audio bliss right now, tango, and as I give the CD a second spin, so am I. I really wish the director had used the score properly, because if he had, Brotherhood's score would be an unquestionable classic, instead of a contested one.

My early favorite is Consonance surprisingly, considering how much of an action music devourer I am. I like subtle atmospheric music nearly as much as action pieces, and the main theme is wonderfully subtle and poignant here.

Oh, and for those who don't know what the "W.C." tracks stand for, those are the (very quick) themes for the character Izumi Curtis, used mostly when she's about to give her knuckleheaded students (the Elric brothers) a knuckle sandwich . . . or anyone a knuckle sandwich, really.

There are reused numbers. "Laws of Alchemy ~Instrumental~" is basically the version from OST 1 without the choral elements. "Lapis Philosophurm ~Chant~" is basically the version from OST 1 too, only with a solo mandolin taking the place of the strings section.

07-13-2010, 10:43 PM
You are indeed an officer and a gentleman. :)

07-13-2010, 10:47 PM
Ante Meridiem definitely wins this soundtrack for me. My god.

07-13-2010, 10:56 PM
Oddly enough, I love the abbreviated version of "RAY OF LIGHT" as much as the orchestral numbers. When you understand what the song is about, especially in contrast to "Rain", it's basically a song of hope that closed out each episode, as opposed to "Rain" which was a song of hopelessness that would begin each episode. Though, oddly enough, "RAY OF LIGHT" was not used for the last two episodes, "Rain" was the ED theme for episode 63 and "Hologram" all the way back from OST 1 was used for the finale, episode 64.

07-13-2010, 11:00 PM
I'm listening to a vastly overrated(here anyway; it seems rightfully snubbed everywhere else) pile of generic, overblown, uninspired orchestral cues utterly lacking in depth, subtlety or life, not a masterwork but a mess that was the biggest detriment of an already pale imitation of a show. Badly used, of course, but the music itself was no whoop anyway. There are occasional flashes of inspiration, like Ante Meridiem and Epilogue, a nice enough but not special(wink) turn on the pale, melodramatic imitation of Brothers that the original theme was, but everything else is either painfully repetitive(Laws of Alchemy, March of the Moving Shadows, Knives and Shadows, etc) or just sound like cues ripped out of a million other orchestral scores. Some crack me up how bad they are, from the Italian Bistro string noodling here and there to the cheeky male chorus in Amestris Military March. Just...wow.

The score never lacks for flash or bombast, but it's all so ordinary and clumsy. There isn't an ounce of heart or soul, the mark of music crafted by a living, breathing human artist, to be found across all three discs, and having heard Victory Gundam and Red Garden, I know Senju's capable of more than this dreck. Crushingly mediocre and dissapointing.

07-13-2010, 11:00 PM
I am sure you're in audio bliss right now, tango, and as I give the CD a second spin, so am I.

I am. I admit I'm biased because if Akira Senju farted I'd probably think it was a musical masterpiece... but turning on my objectivity mode, all I hear in this score is exquisitely composed, sensitive, intelligent music.

As has been discussed on many previous occasions, it perhaps lacks some of the glitz and showmanship of Oshima's previous scores, but I find it no less excellent.

To adopt a sexual analogy, Oshima's score is a breathtakingly beautiful woman, dressed in an almost-impossibly gorgeous gown - hand stitched by the finest tailors, from the highest quality, rarest materials in the world. Senju's score is that same woman, standing before you, wearing nothing at all. I find a powerful honesty in that sort of stark, simple beauty. There are no embellishments and no distractions.

I really wish the director had used the score properly, because if he had, Brotherhood's score would be an unquestionable classic, instead of a contested one.

I still haven't watched the show, nor do I intend to. I have approached Senju's scores from a strictly musical standpoint. Perhaps I would have been more negative had I seen the show...

I'm listening to a vastly overrated(here anyway; it seems rightfully snubbed everywhere else) pile of generic, overblown, uninspired orchestral cues utterly lacking in depth, subtlety or life, not a masterwork....... [snip]Some crack me up how bad they are, from the Italian Bistro string noodling here and there to the cheeky male chorus in Amestris Military March. Just...wow.

Wow indeed... Amestris Military March is probably my favourite cue out of the entire score (all three albums included) - and I categorically disagree with every single other one of your points!

As far as it being snubbed elsewhere, people are pissed off that Oshima hasn't come back and done a carbon copy of her original score. They cannot discern between "different" and "worse".

Of course, I entirely respect your opinion - I am fascinated by it, because I genuinely cannot comprehend it! ;)

07-13-2010, 11:08 PM
Double post - sorry folks!

07-13-2010, 11:17 PM
As far as it being snubbed elsewhere, people are pissed off that Oshima hasn't come back and done a carbon copy of her original score. They cannot discern between "different" and "worse".

Gotta disagree with that, as it seems like an easy out to discredit other snubs. For one, I've seen and talked to many series fans and forum posters who despise the mediocre music of Brotherhood and didn't think terribly high of Oshima's score either. Very few reviews of the original series even mention the ost, or hold as being that remarkable. People know clumsy, overwrought "FEEL SAD HERE" chorals and generic, repetetive orchestral scores when they hear it, just how they rejected Brotherhood's rushed exposition and terrible comedic timing and pacing. It's all being judged very much on its own merits, which makes it all the more pathetic when the show and score alike try to coast by on their connection to this wonderful, beloved thing they're imitating; soulless homunculi of something that came before.

07-13-2010, 11:22 PM
Oshima is an incredible composer, but I think the reason her score came off better is because Seiji Mizushima (the director for the first series) knew how to use it. And he used it masterfully. Oshima's style thrives on being the hidden emotions the characters do not show but is bubbling underneath. And that's how Mizushima directed the show. Another thing Mizushima had, though, was experience. He had directed Slayers NEXT, Shaman King, and Dai-Guard before touching FMA.

Yasuhiro Irie (the director for Brotherhood) had never directed a production of this scale before. He has Kurau: Phantom Memory under his belt (which also has received criticism for poorly placed music), but nothing else noteworthy. Basically, his job was to transplant the original manga into anime form and got a big budget to do it. Unfortunately, he took the orders too literally, and as a result the atmosphere of the show flips between comedic and dramatic without rhyme or reason. This made the show consistently clash with Senju's score. It did not help that Irie overplayed a lot of the numbers in OST 1 and 2, also seemingly without rhyme or reason. Most memorably, "Clash of the Alchemists", an action track, played in a scene where there is no action in it.

07-13-2010, 11:25 PM
there are 2 songs called "tribute to w.c."
does anybody know who or that w.c. is?
its apparently not a character from the series

07-13-2010, 11:33 PM
Oshima is an incredible composer, but I think the reason her score came off better is because Seiji Mizushima (the director for the first series) knew how to use it. And he used it masterfully. Oshima's style thrives on being the hidden emotions the characters do not show but is bubbling underneath. And that's how Mizushima directed the show. Another thing Mizushima had, though, was experience. He had directed Slayers NEXT, Shaman King, and Dai-Guard before touching FMA.

Yasuhiro Irie (the director for Brotherhood) had never directed a production of this scale before. He has Kurau: Phantom Memory under his belt (which also has received criticism for poorly placed music), but nothing else noteworthy. Basically, his job was to transplant the original manga into anime form and got a big budget to do it. Unfortunately, he took the orders too literally, and as a result the atmosphere of the show flips between comedic and dramatic without rhyme or reason. This made the show consistently clash with Senju's score. It did not help that Irie overplayed a lot of the numbers in OST 1 and 2, also seemingly without rhyme or reason. Most memorably, "Clash of the Alchemists", an action track, played in a scene where there is no action in it.

All of which I was aware of well before even going into the show, but it's still not an excuse. I see tons of terrible shows with soundtracks of actual quality, or that use good music badly, whether they overuse tracks or drown them out with noise or whathaveyou. Hellsing, Noir, Darker than Black, the aforementioned Kurau, etc. Key difference is that that music is still (usually) good, and most of those soundtracks are still widely regarded as classics, despite their poor use in the source material. Senju's score...doesn't fit that bill and it's painfully obvious from the first hackneyed swell to the last. Thus, blaming the score's (well-deserved) poor reception solely on that is a little cheap and empty.

Granted, nothing on this third disc is anywhere near as pathetic as the first, but some praise that is.

07-13-2010, 11:54 PM
All of which I was aware of well before even going into the show, but it's still not an excuse. I see tons of terrible shows with soundtracks of actual quality, or that use good music badly, whether they overuse tracks or drown them out with noise or whathaveyou. Hellsing, Noir, Darker than Black, the aforementioned Kurau, etc. That music is still usually wonderful, the key difference. Senju's score...doesn't fit that bill and it's painfully obvious from the first hackneyed swell to the last. Granted, nothing on this third disc is anywhere near as pathetic as the first, but some praise that is.

Did Senju personally rape you as a child?

07-13-2010, 11:58 PM
Did Senju personally rape you as a child?

Does your avatar reflect a possible lack of eyes? I've stated I love Victory Gundam and Red Garden's scores and that Senju's done much, much better, so your fanboy attempt at painting me as biased is pretty sad. ;)

07-14-2010, 12:08 AM
Does your avatar reflect a possible lack of eyes? I've stated I love Victory Gundam and Red Garden's scores and that Senju's done much, much better, so your fanboy attempt at painting me as biased is pretty sad. ;)

TAKE IT ALL!!!!!!!!

07-14-2010, 12:13 AM
TAKE IT ALL!!!!!!!!

I'll take this post...*dramatic Hirano music plays* and CONSUME IT WITH MY TOOTH-FILLED MOUTHHOLE

07-14-2010, 12:14 AM
I'll take this post...*dramatic Hirano music plays* and CONSUME IT WITH MY TOOTH-FILLED MOUTHHOLE

*gets very confused and just a little frightened... so retires to bed*

07-14-2010, 12:43 AM
OST 3 is out, SWEET, finally ... and wow, it's freaking fantastic


I don't comprehend if you say Brotherhood, especially the Amestris Military March is generic mediocre bullshit.
It would be the same as to put Mozart on the same level as Hans Zimmer.
I've listened to V Gundam but it didn't impress me as much as this score.
The work of a concert composer is always recognizable when I listen to Brotherhood and it is a beautiful and powerful score.
Lapis Philosophorum, Battle Scherzo, Nightfall in Central City, Amestris Military March and Ante Meridiem made it even better than Oshima's approach.

07-14-2010, 12:48 AM
I don't comprehend if you say Brotherhood, especially the Amestris Military March is generic mediocre bullshit.
It would be the same as to put Mozart on the same level as Hans Zimmer.
I've listened to V Gundam but it didn't impress me as much as this score.
The work of a concert composer is always recognizable when I listen to Brotherhood and it is a beautiful and powerful score.
Lapis Philosophorum, Battle Scherzo, Nightfall in Central City, Amestris Military March and Ante Meridiem made it even better than Oshima's approach.

Well, sorry, dude, but yeah, it's all pretty bad; just loud, cliched and forced and I didn't care for any of it. Sorry you think otherwise, I guess. *shrugs*

But wow, woooooow. This stuff is equivocal to Mozart? Really? That's...*chuckles*

07-14-2010, 01:24 AM
Well, sorry, dude, but yeah, it's all pretty bad; just loud, cliched and forced and I didn't care for any of it. Sorry you think otherwise, I guess. *shrugs*

In your opinion, it sucks.

In mine, k1nerfan's, NotSpecial's, and others opinions, it is great.

Your attitude - "The score DOES suck; sorry you think otherwise!" is not particularly in keeping with our "understanding" that all opinions are equal. You seem to be saying - like you did in the Kanno thread, but let's not go THERE again! - that only opinions that coincide with yours are valid. Isn't that what your sentence above is really saying? "Think what you like, but the score is unquestionably crap."

Anybody can use words like loud, cliched, forced, dreck, uninspired, etc... but application of the words is not proof of your concept; it is just the way you feel.

Please stop confusing indisputable fact with personal belief.

The truth is, a lot of people have given good reasons why the score isn't as bad as you say it is, and you've really just repeated your dislike for it - citing as justification the fact that "other people hate it too!"

For what it's worth, I don't consider myself defending a piece of dreck as "not quite as bad as you say" or that I'm making any sort of excuses; I find Senju's score to be of exceptionally high quality.

As for the Mozart comment... I don't like Mozart, but I do respect him. The majority of Mozart's music bores me to death. I don't think anybody is suggesting that Senju has Mozart's genius - merely that your interpretation of the score is akin to comparing Mozart to Hans Zimmer. You are putting words in people's mouths again, distorting their meaning, then using the distortion against them as evidence of their colossal wrongness.

Naota, old friend - I know the way you work. You'll have to do better than that. ;)

07-14-2010, 02:03 AM
The truth is, a lot of people have given good reasons why the score isn't as bad as you say it is, and you've really just repeated your dislike for it - citing as justification the fact that "other people hate it too!"

Wrong again. Noone has done an adequete job giving good reasons why they like the score, least of all you. Quite the opposite; you've just been applying terms like tour de force, powerful, poignant, etc. Emptily applied adjectives that only differ of what you accuse of me in that they're positive rathen than negative. You've merely been repeating your like of it, pointing as justification that "well, we like it" and excuses for why "of course those philistines don't like it."

Tango, once again, you're in desperate need of self-awareness.

And thus my attitude. In fairness, I say "sorry you think otherwise" because, well, what am I supposed to say when people reply solely to take issue that I don't like something because they do. *shrugs* I'm certainly not going to apologise for what I think. ;) But, also in fairness, you may be right. I'll let you in on a little, maybe not-so-secret secret;

I don't give a shit what other people think. You don't give a shit what I think. Noone gives a shit what anyone thinks. As a paid critic and reviewer, I can tell you right now that's the first basic tenet you need to learn. What's important is why people think what they think, to get some idea of where people come from and perhaps connect with them. That's why all these comments and replies from you, Kwhat'shisname, and others that pretty much amount to "You're crazy, it DOESN'T suck" and "Well, I thought it was good" get the dismissive brushoffs. They're useless to me. Good for you that you enjoyed the score, but nothing you've said have articulated why it's so good and why I'm just not seeing the profound beauty of this "masterwork."

It's not that I think the score is indisputably crap(though I do) and that everyone else is wrong, but that you've done a terrible job convincing anyone who doesn't already agree with you that it isn't, and until then, I couldn't be bothered to care about your differing opinion. Why should I? This is not Livejournal, I am not your friend. Opinions are nothing but just that, and I have more important things to worry about with my time. And if you don't care about mine, fair enough, though all this response sort of suggests otherwise. I kinda feel how you must whenever you express something against the general tone of any given thread, like about Zimmer, perhaps. And speaking of which...

As for the Mozart comment... I don't like Mozart, but I do respect him. The majority of Mozart's music bores me to death. I don't think anybody is suggesting that Senju has Mozart's genius - merely that your interpretation of the score is akin to comparing Mozart to Hans Zimmer. You are putting words in people's mouths again, distorting their meaning, then using the distortion against them as evidence of their colossal wrongness.

That's an...interesting way of reading that comment. I'm not sure how you could possibly read that as anything other than "OMG I can't believe you'd think such a thing about this GENIUS!?! That's like putting a glorious diamond on the same level as mud! HOW DAAAAARE YOU?"

Naota, old friend - I know the way you work. You'll have to do better than that.

Not neccesary. If I wasn't doing good enough already, you wouldn't be resorting to all this BS like in the good old days. ;p

07-14-2010, 02:38 AM
Tango, is he always like this ? (He scares me)

07-14-2010, 02:39 AM
Tango, is this guy always like this ?

Hell. Yes. I be keepin' it real.

07-14-2010, 02:41 AM
Tango, is this guy always like this ?

He's a film score lover. Most of us are like this, I'm afraid. Passion usually does turn to dickery.

07-14-2010, 02:52 AM
Oh don't get me wrong, I'm very passionate about film scores myself and scores for any medium in general.
But such a pessimistic, unfriendly and agressive attitude towards a person who shares the same passion is a bit extreme.
I don't say this because I am offended or angry, it just bothers me why a person needs to be so offensive against an opinion that doesn't match his own.

07-14-2010, 03:09 AM
Oh don't get me wrong, I'm very passionate about film scores myself and scores for any medium in general.
But such a pessimistic, unfriendly and agressive attitude towards a person who shares the same passion is a bit extreme.
I don't say this because I am offended or angry, it just bothers me why a person needs to be so offensive against an opinion that doesn't match his own.

I'm curious why you apperantly find someone saying things you don't agree with about music of all things so offensive. I've been agressive toward noone save maybe that one fanboy and your hero Tango when he tries and fails to press me. I'm brutally honest when adressing points like "They only hate it cause it's used poorly, or it isn't Oshima", but I've been keeping the mean, naughty words to the music, not about the people who like it. It honestly bothers me that it bothers you to such an extent, but it's bothered me long enough in the past that I've learned to just not care either way. Plus, you seem like the easily offended type.

07-14-2010, 03:48 AM
I don't profess to be a orchestral music snob, I've posted about how much I've enjoyed certain Hans Zimmer scores (namely Gladiator, The Last Samurai, Black Hawk Down) in the past. *promptly gets pelted with tomatoes*

Everyone has an opinion, and I can see what NaotaM is talking about when he criticizes the score. Now, I disagree with him, but I see his point. If you look at the music a certain way, it may seem generic. I personally see subtle emotions tugging away underneath the music, but if Naota doesn't see that, fine, then he doesn't see it, and I'm just delusional.

We have every right to agree and disagree, and the minority's opinion should still be respected, just like the majority opinion.

07-14-2010, 03:53 AM
Indeed, it's exactly as you say, the quality of the music matters, personal opinions not so much.
I love Brotherhood and you hate it (despise it maybe) and I respect your opinion.
However I still don't understand why. You must have ridiculously high standards if you call it mediocre when most people on this board (even people who are not easy to please) seem to love it.
Well, one last thing, the Mozart & Zimmer argument was used to illusrate my own perception of mediocrity.

Goodnight Sir

07-14-2010, 09:28 AM
Just for the sake of clarity, I have repeatedly asserted that however alien and unreconcilable I find Mr Naota's opinion, I have the utmost respect for it; and I feel that if I could understand it then my knowledge would increase.

My earlier statements weren't intended to repress, as I'm sure everybody here can see.

I don't understand why Naota thinks - as usual - that I'm attacking at him, lacking self awareness, attempting to be snobbish, all because I advocated equality of opinion.

As usual, he lambasts me for my failure (or, as he likes to put it in order to give my comments a veneer of stupidity, "inability") to provide evidence of the score's greatness and at the same time launches attacks upon it based on nothing but personal opinion... but still asserts that, in fact, the score is rubbish and that is gospel; all other viewpoints are flawed, invalid, and biased because they do not provide a mathematical proof Senju is in fact the second coming of Jesus.

I repeat: You hate it, we don't hate it. We can't both be right. Maybe it's a great score and you hate it anyway. Maybe it's a shitty score and we love it anyway. All fair enough. That is *all* I have ever tried to put forward.

I can see this conversation going down hill very quickly, and past experience in the Kanno thread (where a simple statement like "Kanno plagiarised Goldenthal in Aquarion and here is proof" launched an epic three week row incorporating just about every personal insult imagineable) has taught me to gracefully withdraw: for my own sanity, and for the good of the thread and the fine gentlemen posting in it.

I'll finish up by saying, I do genuinely love this score - I think it's a unique entry in the anime genre, and a triumph for Senju. What it lacks in glamour and extravagance, it makes up for in personality, honesty, beauty, and above all, quality. I can certainly appreciate that it isn't everybody's cup of tea, but from my own perspective, it suits my tastes just so.

Thank you, gentlemen! :)


07-14-2010, 12:36 PM
I don't understand why Naota thinks - as usual - that I'm attacking at him, lacking self awareness, attempting to be snobbish, all because I advocated equality of opinion.

Perhaps because you're guilty of the exact same faults you try to press me for, while trying to assert you and all the other fine gentlemen were in the right when you were doing nothing but heaping cheap praise onto the score. Seriously, the irony in all your posts is astounding. And, per usual, it's endlessly entertaining how you don't even attempt to realize or justify that hypocrisy and instead try to play the befuddled victim simply trying to keep things civil and do good alla long, and that it's better you be the better man, and forgive this poor creature, my fine fellows, for he knows not what he has done.

*golf claps* You're just a class act. Grow a spine.

Look, I hate the score, you all don't. Our opinions differ. I knew that. I knew the second I said something directly opposed to what you did. I know it's fair. Thus why I kept the mean words about the music, not anyone else. When counterpoints were brought up, I adrssed them and defended my own. Also fair. I only get snippy when people like klnerfan feel the need to challenge my opinion with nothing but "You're crazy, I liked it." We know we disagree, so why adress me directly if you didn't clearly take issue with that? How am I supposed to react? More importantly, why should I care? When you can't bother to explain or justify your opinion or stance, not with mathmetical proof, you know that's not what I mean, but with some rationale for where you're coming from, why you developed your personal reaction, something that reflects analysis and careful thought(and at least one person saw where I came from) it does nothing to combat or affect mine. So, it's not that other viewpoints are wrong, it's just that why should I care about those viewpoints when they seem shallow and gut-reactionary from what I can glean, despite that I can still respect that those people have them? And why try to grab my attention just to say that you disagree? Just generally expressing yourself in the thread is fine, but these replies strike me more as insecure flailing at a differing opinion, honestly. Some of them, anyway.

07-14-2010, 12:48 PM

my stupid PC hates MEGAVIDEO!!!!!!!!! could somebody give me other links??? i can't download from MU!!!

07-14-2010, 06:25 PM
Blah blah blah

OK, you've just proven yourself to be the same old lunatic you always were. I have nothing further to say (to you, anyway) on the subject and would advise others in this thread to do the same.

To answer the question somebody asked earlier, "Is he always like this?" the answer, sadly, is "Yes - always."

07-14-2010, 06:30 PM
OK, you've just proven yourself to be the same old lunatic you always were. I have nothing further to say (to you, anyway) on the subject and would advise others in this thread to do the same.

Lol Ironically, notspecial, klnerfan and I have long come to civil ends on the issue. It's just you, old pal. The same insufferable douche you. ;)

07-14-2010, 06:32 PM
Lol Ironically, notspecial, klnerfan and I have long come to civil ends on the issue. It's just you, old pal. The same insufferable douche you. ;)

If by "civil ends" you mean "realised what sort of a person you were and had the good sense not to argue any more" then certainly, I agree. Stop trying to make me look like a daft imbecile. It works - but not on me. ;)

07-14-2010, 06:37 PM
If by "civil ends" you mean "realised what sort of a person you were and had the good sense not to argue any more" then certainly, I agree. Stop trying to make me look like a daft imbecile. It works - but not on me. ;)

Your insults are as tepid as your music. Just stop derailing the thread in your attempt to look like the graceful undeserving victim, unless that healthy ego can't resist another shot at the last word.

07-14-2010, 06:44 PM
both of you stop shitting this thread up with your pissfight. thanks.

07-14-2010, 06:45 PM
[edit: sleepy tiem :)]

07-14-2010, 07:21 PM
both of you stop shitting this thread up with your pissfight. thanks.

This is what we call epic modding.

02-04-2011, 02:53 AM
where the heck are the links?

02-04-2011, 05:53 AM
Links are gone...good riddance. Better off spending your time listening to the first one.

02-02-2014, 07:29 PM
Reup please?

07-19-2014, 08:53 PM
Megaupload is dead sadly :(