05-18-2009, 01:22 AM
Anubis: Zone of the Enders 2 "Orbital Refrain" Fan Soundtrack

01. Beyond the Bounds (Japanese Trailer Mix)
02. Title
03. BAHRAM Battleship (Game Version)
04. BAHRAM Battleship (Cutscene)
05. BAHRAM Battleship (Before ALOIVIA)
06. ALOIVIA Ambush
07. Resonance Reaction
08. Anubis
09. Deimos Station
10. Deimos Station - Battle Arena
11. Deimos Station - Battle Arena (Outside)
12. Seek Taper (Fast)
13. Arriving at Mars
14. Leo! Leo! (Game Version)
15. Margaritifer
16. Attack on Vascillia City
17. Vascillia City (Before Train)
18. No Sign of the Enemy
19. Ardjet - ALOIVIA
20. Minefield
21. Minefield Battle
22. Jehuty (Outside Fortress)
23. Fortress
24. Lower Fortress
25. Fortress Bottom
26. Inhert (Game Version)
27. Inhert II
28. Aumaan Surface
29. ALOIVIA (Aumaan Surface)
30. Aumaan Surface Battle
31. The Final Blow
32. Survival Mode (Phobos)
33. Versus Mode

* Just giving this great gamerip some exposure. All credit goes to the ZOE:TUS Team for this.
* For track 34(Extra Voice Clips) head over to their site to get it. It's about a 4MB rar file.!jAZSSApL!Vh4hll8Wx8Ozjz8NC5HquVWJrahcxSg7xz03e3t dFqg

*I put the original cover art in the rar file, but not here cause it's wallpaper sized.

Tatsubei Yagyu
05-18-2009, 02:08 AM
I've wanted this so bad. You have my thanks. :D

05-18-2009, 02:50 AM
Already have this, but just bumping for a fantastic score.

05-18-2009, 02:51 PM
is this the Official ost or ....what?

05-18-2009, 02:59 PM
is this the Official ost or ....what?

Unofficial Soundtrack

Stack A. Brown
12-12-2010, 11:58 PM
Anubis: Zone of the Enders 2 "Orbital Refrain" Fan Soundtrack

01. Beyond the Bounds (Japanese Trailer Mix)
02. Title
03. BAHRAM Battleship (Game Version)
04. BAHRAM Battleship (Cutscene)
05. BAHRAM Battleship (Before ALOIVIA)
06. ALOIVIA Ambush
07. Resonance Reaction
08. Anubis
09. Deimos Station
10. Deimos Station - Battle Arena
11. Deimos Station - Battle Arena (Outside)
12. Seek Taper (Fast)
13. Arriving at Mars
14. Leo! Leo! (Game Version)
15. Margaritifer
16. Attack on Vascillia City
17. Vascillia City (Before Train)
18. No Sign of the Enemy
19. Ardjet - ALOIVIA
20. Minefield
21. Minefield Battle
22. Jehuty (Outside Fortress)
23. Fortress
24. Lower Fortress
25. Fortress Bottom
26. Inhert (Game Version)
27. Inhert II
28. Aumaan Surface
29. ALOIVIA (Aumaan Surface)
30. Aumaan Surface Battle
31. The Final Blow
32. Survival Mode (Phobos)
33. Versus Mode

* Just giving this great gamerip some exposure. All credit goes to the ZOE:TUS Team for this.
* Album Cover created by me. [ViLLaiN]

I made an alternate version of the BAHRAM Battleship track of the original soundtrack, a version of a "What if... BAHRAM Battleship was in Silent Hill?"

If anyone is interested can be dowload from here:

Or Here:

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

12-13-2010, 08:45 AM
thank you stack!

04-10-2012, 05:13 AM
Could you please post Anubis Zone of the Enders 2 OST in .FLAC format? I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks!

04-10-2012, 05:21 AM
links are dead, i want to check out your ver. of Bahram battleship tracks..........

04-14-2012, 01:24 AM
plz re up

06-19-2018, 11:59 PM
Greetings! could you reupload the Anubis: Zone of the Enders 2 "Orbital Refrain" Fan Soundtrack? many thanks from the white lotus Clan!

09-29-2019, 01:02 AM
Can reupload?