Nocturnal Risk
11-01-2008, 02:34 PM
Cindy, I wanted to tell you that you ARE an artist. True artist emote through there work and from what I've heard you have definetly been through some pain and hardship. There are 2 kinds of creationist, those that create art for the accolades and approval of others to measure their own self worth, and those that put themselves in their work as a type of cathatik therapy, giving of themselves in the process. In my view you are the later. I wanted to thank you for sharing what you did with your FF remakes, even though I never got to hear anything past the samples you posted. I am very sorry people that don't understand what it takes to truelly make art pissed you off. I understand and respect your decision to withhold it from the greedy public, it was a simple decision because you were never doing it just for them. I wanted to let you know that there are those that wish you well with whatever hardships you are dealing with right now in your life, and although it may be hard to see right now, this will eventually make you an even stronger artist, better than you are now. Believe that, take it from someone who's been there. You are talented.You are going places, as long as you can not let the a-holes of the world who never appreciate art, they just jump from the new to the newer, get to you.They have their reward. Yours will be much greater. Thank You again for sharing a glimpse into your future, and I wish you well.

------------------------------------------------------My Thanks, Nocturnal Risk

P.S. Those that agree with this message post a reply please.Kinda like signing an open letter.

Leon Scott Kennedy
11-01-2008, 02:59 PM
I completely agree with what Nocturnal Risk said. And I'd like to thank you, CinFox, for allowing me to witness your skill with music... and of course, for being my friend (I know, we didn't talk much, but I do think you're a great person). I wish you the best of luck with your life, I'm sorry I can't say much more.

11-01-2008, 03:03 PM
I totally agree with you although, she did do the music for everyone, not just herself.
Cindy is a great talent and a special person and i'm happy knowing she's my friend.

Nocturnal Risk
11-03-2008, 03:24 AM

11-03-2008, 05:06 AM
Even though i never spoke to her personally, i agree with you 100%, and i agree on the music as well.
On that what i heard was beautiful, sad people didn't appreciate it.

11-03-2008, 07:07 AM
Never got the chance to experience the whole album but from all the singles she kept us up to date with...great when people continue to post their work up...appreciate all that you did

11-03-2008, 09:31 PM
Wow, never expected to run into this. I'm sorry for "blowing up" in my recently deleted forum thread (I requested the deletion if you must know), I just got labeled a prick and I didnt like it one bit, I was never called that but that reached my boiling point but thanks. Thanks for all your support, with that being said. I "might" reconsider posting it up to the open public. Until then, I just want to say once again. Thank you for the kind words It means alot, even if many cant live to'em.

Nocturnal Risk
11-03-2008, 11:35 PM
WOW, I knew it was a long shot for you ever to see this, please understand this wasn't a way to convince you to post the music again, I understand and respect your decision either way, as do SOME people,lol. But the fact you read the post and see others feel the same is more than I hoped, Thanks for reading Cindy and whether we get to hear it or not, just keep going, because you do have talent.Think of all the bands that start out by covering someone elses work.You have to start somewhere and the day you stop hearing other peoples music and being in awe of it, instead thinking "why didn't they do this" or "wouldn't this sound much better than what they did in this part" is the day you start coming into your own. Do us a favor though and should you be the composer of FF15 or God of War 5, put HybridKazuyaMishima or CinFoxSnake in the liner notes so those of us in the know can have a laugh.:)

P.S. And as far as blowing up......we all have our "diva" days, it comes with greatness, or at least that's what I tell myself when I get snippy after feeling mis-understood and un-appreciated.

11-17-2008, 01:51 PM
Well, as i'm writing this it's been like 5 minutes from the time i clicked the track "Day of Judgement" on youtube, then rushed to find the rest of this album, ended up here, registered so i could use the search function, and got to know the story surrounding this remix and it's current fate. Now i'm gonna have to scour the net to try and find it.

Before i do that though, i thought i'd say this one thing, so it won't go to total waste with me.

I'm a design student (by accident mostly, i'm actually trying to make it as some sort of artist). The teacher i got his year for the core class is pretty cool. He told us this story not too long ago, goes sort of like this:

Some people with money had just purchased a recently abandoned butcher's shop and wanted to turn it into a night club or something. They called up a designer to do the remodelling. The guy goes there, enters the place, sees all the butcher setup, with all the hooks dangling from the ceiling and whatnot. Goes back to the client and says "Change nothing. Set up a couple tables here, a counter there, some lights here and there, and you're set. Call the place The Butcher's."

The club's turned a major hit, my teacher said.
Point of his story is, a designer's not meant go around changing everything he sees. The ability to resist the urge to go around altering things that are fine as they are is one of the points that separates a real designer from an amateur.
And it's what separates you from every composer out there who thinks a worthy remix is the J-trance thechno-hip-pop rap version of Still More Fighting (quoting my youtube comment here, i know), as far as i can tell.
The guys at OCR laugh at this, it's their loss. I'd take your work over VOTL any day.

And on that note, i'm gonna go start my scouring.

11-17-2008, 06:45 PM
Um...OCR didnt laugh at this. I knew some people from OCR and they told me its quite by the way. You wont find it anywhere. I gave this to a certain amount of people. and I told them not to give it out and respect my wishes. Due to my trust being broken. but yeah. That is all I'm going to say on this matter. If you wanna hear the album? Go ahead. It'll be on youtube, I'll be uploading samples from time to time.

11-17-2008, 07:24 PM
I have missed the argument, so I have no idea what happened, but I will say this:

I am a composer, and I completely understand what a hugely personal thing it is to allow other people to hear your creation. Regardless of why you create (for yourself, for others, or anywhere between) when the time comes to allow other people into your world, it is a spectacularly terrifying exercise. When you show somebody a picture you painted, or play them some music you composed, or read them a story you wrote, you're inviting them into the inner depths of your psyche. It is *not* an invitation that should be taken lightly.

Whether or not they *like* what they have seen, read, or heard - that's another matter, and of course people may like it and they may not. But of the greatest importance is that you respect the fact that you are critiquing somebody's *personal creation* - and make your comments with the necessary sensitivity that would dictate. Part of being an artist is being able to take criticism... BUT, part of being an art *appreciator* is treating the artist with reverence and respect.

Peace, all. :)