gironimo appleton
10-21-2008, 06:44 AM
So lately I am playing the classics as I have yet to experience the glories of past yore, and astonishing in jokes that stem from these games. Currently ff II is my task at hand. I toy with C throughout the day. I read some jargon files, I read some TCP/IP,

I wrap it up by playing FFII and then I read some either Voltaire, man the dude who recommended this rocks, or I read some Orwell, or I read some Abagnale.. but FF II is definitely in the mix.

So within 2 days I am level 50. Most of the bosses were comical at best, and child's play at worse, but what I did notice from this game was the recycled concepts used over and over throughout the series. Concepts such as Sephiroth, Donald's Comet spell from KH 2, the Magus Sisters, Bizarro Seph with the half healer half attacker body formula? All of these things came from FF2 and I'm gonna post up some shots.

After FFII I will go on and go through 5, then 6, then Chrono Trigger and other classic SNES games until I've beaten them all.

I'll archive what I'm doing in this thread for the rest of this year, on into the next.

gironimo appleton
10-21-2008, 07:10 AM

Typical rpg intro "movie", if you will call it that.

Here's me, getting my study on.

Here is Sephiroth.

And here you have the Magus Sisters, personally I believe they looked better on this game. The tall figure grants her the stature of an amazon goddess.

I couldn't get Comet, sorry. But I did get this:

And this:
It says Attacker, and Defender. A fine CPU design I might add, and most difficult boss I have fought on my 2 day quest through this game.

and these:

Of whom seem to resemble almost unmistakingly, but this is most likely just a coincidence.. but I do believe Square should do something with these dwarves, as they can be like the polar opposite of the black mage, and be I dont know, masters of weapons with mad DMG points.

Alright! l8s

10-21-2008, 08:14 AM
That's IV, mang.

gironimo appleton
10-21-2008, 08:26 AM
Yeh? I never understood the timeline, I've always been one of the guys who went by what number showed up on the screen... k, cool thanks for the lookout. One day I'll download an NES emulator.

gironimo appleton
10-25-2008, 02:45 AM

FFIV review:

First impressions a bit scattered on this game when I first started it. The music is interesting, character design is par level, and the story was for the most part, typical to most games in this series. I expected to spend much more time building up characters but leveling was remarkably easy in this one. From the beginning it's typical Final Fantasy, you're in some castle / school / town doing something completely random for some low level character designed to help "push the story" along. It quickly unfolds into a fragmented love story.

Battles.. use attack, use magicks, use healz. Rinse wash repeat through the entire game, and most of the bosses are extremely laughable such as one particular henchman who happens to go by the name Milon of Earth. After a barrage of flame based attacks I was able to kill the man, and claim possesion to a great sword.

So you're a bad guy gone good at this point.

Oh and there's this awesome guy named Nomingway who is absolutely EVERYWHERE. This is maybe the most l337 NPC I've ever witnessed. You'd have to actually play the game to see what I mean about Nomingway.

The story unfolds with a melting pot of abstract characters which offer little or no base what so ever. Such as an old guy who cant remember his spells, and a failed bard who goes bed ridden for the entire game after being struck on the head by a small rock.

I seemed to confront a grand amount of random dialog, and seemingly spur of the moment ideas which gave the game a sort of middle english quest feel.

Finally you fly up to space on a big whale to save the world.

For what it's worth, I conquered it in about 2 days with level 55 characters and good weapons... but no matter what I did Edge kept dying.

I played this one for kicks, got bored. Good music to keep the game moving, but highly watered down story line presents feeling of being bogged down, and seems to feel forced. Game appears to be designed by rpg maker student from South Africa. The later battles can be very challenging if you haven't prepared throughout the game, and there were two or three bosses I had to fight twice. If you're new to the series it might just make a good introduction and get you used to the battle system, which is the best element this game has to offer. If you want an elaborate story with interesting plot development with creative character designs, then avoid this like the plague.

However I did particularly like the town design and homely NPC dialog, and the water affects were great.

gironimo appleton
10-25-2008, 03:04 AM
No idea what to play next any suggestion..? I got midway through V and VI and never finished Chrono Trigger. Since I never finished these I guess they're the best place to start and just roll on thru.

Gonna jump platforms and hit up Phantasy Star series for Sega.

11-25-2008, 04:36 AM
I would say the Tales series are worth checking out. I've been thinking of looking into some Sega Saturn RPGs lately and Dragon Quest. I'm getting pretty bored of straightforward rpgs though so I might check out a strategy rpg like the Breath of Fire series or Bahamut Lagoon.

Marshall Lee
11-26-2008, 12:38 AM

FFIV review:

First impressions a bit scattered on this game when I first started it. The music is interesting, character design is par level, and the story was for the most part, typical to most games in this series. I expected to spend much more time building up characters but leveling was remarkably easy in this one. From the beginning it's typical Final Fantasy, you're in some castle / school / town doing something completely random for some low level character designed to help "push the story" along. It quickly unfolds into a fragmented love story.

Battles.. use attack, use magicks, use healz. Rinse wash repeat through the entire game, and most of the bosses are extremely laughable such as one particular henchman who happens to go by the name Milon of Earth. After a barrage of flame based attacks I was able to kill the man, and claim possesion to a great sword.

So you're a bad guy gone good at this point.

Oh and there's this awesome guy named Nomingway who is absolutely EVERYWHERE. This is maybe the most l337 NPC I've ever witnessed. You'd have to actually play the game to see what I mean about Nomingway.

The story unfolds with a melting pot of abstract characters which offer little or no base what so ever. Such as an old guy who cant remember his spells, and a failed bard who goes bed ridden for the entire game after being struck on the head by a small rock.

I seemed to confront a grand amount of random dialog, and seemingly spur of the moment ideas which gave the game a sort of middle english quest feel.

Finally you fly up to space on a big whale to save the world.

For what it's worth, I conquered it in about 2 days with level 55 characters and good weapons... but no matter what I did Edge kept dying.

I played this one for kicks, got bored. Good music to keep the game moving, but highly watered down story line presents feeling of being bogged down, and seems to feel forced. Game appears to be designed by rpg maker student from South Africa. The later battles can be very challenging if you haven't prepared throughout the game, and there were two or three bosses I had to fight twice. If you're new to the series it might just make a good introduction and get you used to the battle system, which is the best element this game has to offer. If you want an elaborate story with interesting plot development with creative character designs, then avoid this like the plague.

However I did particularly like the town design and homely NPC dialog, and the water affects were great.


11-27-2008, 03:51 AM
Oh Cameron you get me hard :loldata:

11-28-2008, 05:42 AM
Cameron you made me LOL!

12-22-2008, 08:15 AM
Hi there. I myself have recently been going on an FF classics binge to see what all the hooplah is about lol.

I'll post where I stand as a Final Fantasy Fan, in a nice spoiler free post lol.

I've been a fan of FF since FFVII and FFVIII were out. I liked 7 a hell of a lot more than 8, which I thought was TOO dramatic and had TOO much story to it to the point where half of it makes no sense. I'm really into VII, so I've beaten it countless times and gotten everything twice. VIII I beat once, and then recently beat Ultimecia again just to see if I could spark my interest in it again to like it a little more... didn't help. The ending makes no sense when you haven't played it in forever... whatever little sense it made lol. I will give it some credit for being a lot better than VII graphically, and having good music (just not better than VII... just a little though lol)

I grabbed 9 and tactics one day, and I got to the last boss in 9, then stopped playing for lack of enthusiasm for leveling some more to beat him. I can't really remember the music, except the battle and winning themes, but I guess since they stick out that they're good lol. Tactics I still have yet to touch. Beat 10 when it came out, but didn't get all the good stuff like Magus Sisters (had a friend show me them though). It was damn good in the graphics department, as well as the battle system and music. The story was weird, but I dig it. The lack of the world map kinda made me upset... X-2 I own it, but haven't gotten very far in it... I think I'd be more inclined if the main characters weren't half naked; it feels too much like I'm playing nothing but a fanservice game... Speaking of which, I've beaten Crisis Core and watched Advent Children; nice additions in my opinion. Especially Crisis Core. Dirge of Cerberus however may not have been, because I'm not into the whole shooting style. I have it, but haven't gone past the first level. XI I played on a friends PS2 once long ago... All I have to say is, well... at least I've played it lol. I bought the Collector's Edition of 12, but still have yet to touch it as well lol. I'm subconsciously avoiding Ivalice lol. Just learned about Vagrant Story too, so I'm sure it'll take a while for me to play that lol.

Well that's my experience with the newest fantasies. Here's my story so far for the classics.

First I started where everyone should start, FFI. I grabbed FFI for PSP (because the emulated version bothered me... I know... for shame. I dunno, just something about them fighting in a black box with green and blue textures at the top for landscape was just overly irritating.). Anyways, I really liked FFI after I beat it, and went and beat the extra dungeons (except that time one for PSP, that was frustrating). So then, I grabbed II for PSP. Fucking hated it. I can't stand to see how anyone could like it... no depth... it was just stupid half of the time... I can see how it was ground breaking for RPG's at the time, but compared to other stuff out there now and how far stories in games have come... it's just complete crap...

Played III recently on NES emulator. Awesome Stuff. Loved the job system, loved how the almost nameless characters were involved in the story. And it really defined the whole Light vs. Darkness thing. Good game. Makes me want a DS just for the remake. Though beating the extra dungeons in FF1 probably helped my liking for III, because half of the bosses from the remake of 1 were from 3. The music is amazing stuff too. The ones that stick out most are the battle theme, the boss battle theme, and the final boss battle.

Currently stuck on FF Chronicles' IV. Not really stuck, just extremely pissed off at how much you have to level. I'm like around level 51-55. Need to be like 59-64 to stand half a chance in the next area. So far easily the hardest of the FF's. Also really over dramatic. Not as serious as VIII (or as confusing). Just something about everyone dying then coming back from no where is just kinda... lame. I didn't want to do this, but I'm gonna. In FFVII you had one good death, that meant something and was the backing for the entire rest of the story; in IV however, it seems like they're just killing off someone just so they could throw Kain back into your party again.

I'll add some final thoughts for IV as soon as I beat it. And I'm getting FF Anthology for Christmas, so I'll be able to pick up after that. And then after I'm done with VI, I'll beat Tactics and Vagrant Story. Then I'll start a fresh game of 9. Then I'll finally beat XII. And then finish up X-2 and DoC. And by then the English version of Dissidia will be out for me appreciate a lot more after beating every FF. :)

01-25-2009, 05:35 PM
Still that confusing that FFII (SNES) is FFII, even I thought that until I taled to a friend who had Dawn of Souls. It's then that I figured out the correct numbering

I have to play FFV and FFVI again. I got so close to the end of the games and then the computer crashed or I accidentally deleted them (I was at Exdeath too >.>)

04-19-2009, 07:40 AM
Beat IV (finally!!) and about 3 hours into V now.

IV needed WAAAAYYYY too much god damn leveling at the end. And it seemed rather anticlimactic because I maybe overleveled and whipped his ass lol. Really nice long ending though. The longest I think so far. Story was pretty good, not really mind-blowing though. And it was a it ridiculous with everyone sacrificing and dying just to switch people in and out of your party, only to have everyone alive again at the end. At least they gave some explanation for the dead people coming back to life in III lol. The music is pretty damn good in IV, some weird stuff though, like the Moon's music. Final boss music was meh...

V is cool so far. I like this battle system. I'm not in love with it, but it's still better than II and IV's systems. It's a lot like III and XI in the sense that you get jobs, but it leans more towards XI because you can level the individual job, but then it leans towards any other FF game and that your character levels as well. Story is average crystal bs so far, but it has a nice feel to it. Faris is easily my favorite part so far. Crazy pirate cross dressing chick, it's kinda kinky lol. O_o

Also, can anyone tell me if I missed something? Is the hero nameless? Or did I just accidentally erase his name before I got to see it or something? I know it doesn't really matter, but I feel kinda dumb for naming him Sammich (I wanted a Sammich at the time lol).

So far, I rate the FF's in this order. VII, X, III, I, IV, VIII, IX (even though I got stuck at the end), II. I'm expecting V to at least be better than VIII. I don't know what it is people see in VIII, but to each their own. VI, after reading pretty much all of the internet, you're either one of two FF fans. One who holds VII at the top, or one who holds VI at the top. I have a lot of expectations for VI, and I just hope that I'm not expecting too much for it to be a disappointment. Oh well, V first. I have to say though, I'm beginning to get really tired of all of this leveling! V is shaping up to be difficult already, but I hope it won't be as bad as IV or II.

And that's part two to my stupid FF Classics novel lol.