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03-01-2009, 11:35 PM
Np. Mencoder is based off ffmpeg.

Marvel's been pushed back to the next update. It's proving more complicated than thought due to the sheer amount of music. I want to make a full rip of this, since it's by the godly Velasco and Dikiciyan. Can't mess up on this one.

Burning Crusade's halted in the middle of production. Cant find the patch.

03-02-2009, 04:51 AM

03-02-2009, 05:07 AM
That's great! You are very welcome.

A piece of news. The Burning Crusade rip is more complete than the old one was. The old one had 10 hrs 5 mins. Mine has 10 hrs 50 mins. Mine includes musical ambience as well.

03-03-2009, 12:22 AM

03-03-2009, 12:32 AM
LOL. Good one. Thanks for the upload. :)

03-03-2009, 10:02 AM
Thanks pietastesgood
Great new rips

03-18-2009, 06:40 PM
Please rip Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone. That game's music was really good, but it's impossible to find a rip of it. =(

03-18-2009, 11:24 PM
Please read the first page, requests are closed. Sorry, but you'll have to wait.

03-19-2009, 02:55 AM
Cant wait for your next big update.

03-19-2009, 02:59 AM
Yes, and it will be big alright.
20+ scores, many of the scores big. Probably near 10 gigs of music.

03-23-2009, 11:53 PM
Just a reminder, I would really love to have the OST for Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Please and thanks :)

03-24-2009, 02:22 AM
Yes, I'm finalizing the rip at the moment. It will definitely be in the next update, along with other requests long ago.

Bad news with Kasai, it seems that there's no music in the iso. The music's hidden somewhere but we dont know where.

03-24-2009, 02:33 AM
Thanks so much again dude.

03-24-2009, 02:54 AM
No problem, it was one hell of a game to rip though. Took me a few months to figure it out, changed platforms 4 times to finally get it right. Then another week or so to sift through all the damn repeats and probably another two to loop and edit, since I'm busy with other rips as well. BTW Lego Rock Raiders is also done. Good score, almost relaxing electronica.

03-28-2009, 07:27 AM
Would you be able to rip Spider-Man for PSX?

03-28-2009, 03:49 PM
Yes, it's been requested already. :) Anyways I plan on opening up requests soon, since I'm almost done with the requests, and I can finish the ones remaining easily after my break.

03-30-2009, 07:35 PM
Cool, that's one I'd love to have. The only music I could get from this game is an extract found on the website of composer Tommy Tallarico (who was supposed to post more, but the site hasn't been updated for a while, so I've lost hope)... It was a cue from a level where Spidey is chased by helicopters...

I'm very happy that MUA will be in your next update, pietastesgood, and I already thank you for having done it.

I'm thinking about doing some rips myself, does some kind of tutorial exist somewhere so that I can learn to do it, or may you explain the process to me?

03-30-2009, 11:28 PM
Here's a guide:

I'll send you a PM later with my tips.

03-31-2009, 11:26 PM
Yes, it's been requested already. :) Anyways I plan on opening up requests soon, since I'm almost done with the requests, and I can finish the ones remaining easily after my break.

Awesome! :)

03-31-2009, 11:30 PM
No problem, it probably won't be in this update though. I've been busy with the rips requested before the mass requests of December.

04-01-2009, 02:23 AM
Todd McFarlane's Evil Prophecy

Will be checking out Konami's greatness on this, thanks.

Good luck with Spider-Man.

04-01-2009, 02:58 AM
No problem. ;)

04-01-2009, 02:49 PM
Hey mate, sorry for not being on but computers broken,im using a temp pc until i can get my pc fixed.

Whens the expected ETA on your rip list?

04-01-2009, 03:23 PM
Hmm, I'll probably release it in a week or two, as there are still some rips I need to finalize.

04-04-2009, 02:47 AM
Thanks for ripping Dawn of war II.

04-04-2009, 03:14 AM
No problem, it was a terrific score, it'd be better if it didn't have those damn clicks.

04-05-2009, 07:00 PM
Bump, and I'd like to announce that...
Requests are open once again!!!!

I have finished pretty much every rip before the December cutoff date, when I announced I was going to close down. Well, I may not close down after all.

The only rip I haven't done from before then is Resident Evil 2, as I have no clue what the original poster meant by in videogame appearance, since I wouldn't know when the music played in the game since I don't have a Playstation 1 and it is not possible to find the order in which songs are played in the game if I merely have the audio files.

My rules have been updated. Read them here:

Read the rules or your requests will not be done. *muahahaha*

One important new rule is that I'd like you to thank me for a rip if you download it. I spend a lot of time on these rips and get pissed if I get 100 downloads on a rip and only get 5 thanks (which is often). For example, I've spent 5 months on Marvel Ultimate Alliance, and I've put everything into it. I predict I'm going to have a lot of downloads on that one. I really want thanks for rips like those. Come on guys, it doesn't take that much effort to say thanks.

My next update will be this week. It is very large, as my next update will not be until late May or June. This is because I will be very busy until then.

My updates will come monthly now. Each update will be bigger, however, than my old updates. At least 10 rips each, unless I have a busy month or something. There will still be a May update, but it'll be small and will be uploaded at the end of May or early June.

That's it for today, enjoy the thread.

04-05-2009, 07:24 PM
AWESOME! May I request Goosebumps Horrorland for PS2 if it hasn't been done already?

EDIT: Thanks for the Samurai Jack rip BTW!

04-05-2009, 07:29 PM
AWESOME! May I request Goosebumps Horrorland for PS2 if it hasn't been done already?

I've finished it already. In next update. I was surprised by this score, it's very good.

EDIT: Thanks for the Samurai Jack rip BTW!

Good thing people are getting the rules now. ;)

04-05-2009, 10:32 PM
Downloading the Starcraft Ghost Promo, didn't even know one was made...

Thanks, and nice collection of rips you have.

04-05-2009, 10:49 PM
Downloading the Starcraft Ghost Promo, didn't even know one was made...


No problem. It's has very good songs, Kevin Manthei's a great composer. I'm uploading the Kill.switch score by him in the next update. It's pretty tight.

and nice collection of rips you have.


04-06-2009, 01:00 AM
You already know my request so... yeah. XD I'm glad you re-opened again for new requests. As soon as you upload Spidey I'm all over it. :) (oh and don't worry I'm not rushing you or anything, lol.)

04-06-2009, 01:08 AM
All right, Arcade. ;)

04-06-2009, 01:15 AM
I've finished it already. In next update. I was surprised by this score, it's very good

I know.=) It reminds me of Carnevil. the soundtrack to which I can't find ANYWHERE!

04-06-2009, 01:46 AM
Afraid I can't help you with that one, since it's an arcade game.

Update: The next update will as of right now, have at least 84 rips. Yes, 84. I'm not kidding. I've been busy.

04-06-2009, 12:16 PM
WOW in this update 84 rips?

04-06-2009, 03:06 PM
Yeah. I know, it's crazy.

04-06-2009, 08:02 PM
Thanks for Starcraft:Ghost and Half Life: Decay, I like your all Game RiPs :)

04-06-2009, 08:16 PM
Could I add "Hulk: Ultimate Destruction" to you list?

04-06-2009, 11:23 PM
Thanks for Starcraft:Ghost and Half Life: Decay, I like your all Game RiPs :)

No problem. Decay was great and so was Ghost. ;)

Could I add "Hulk: Ultimate Destruction" to you list?


04-09-2009, 01:55 AM
Bump, and also I think the update might be pushed back to next week when I have spring break because I am waiting for the release of Company of Heroes Tales of Valor and also the release of Demigod. I am also still in the process of obtaining the music from Still Life 2. Hopefully the sequel will have great music similar to the original. :)

Requests are still open so make your requests now!

04-09-2009, 03:20 PM

04-09-2009, 03:22 PM
Next week. Waiting for Company of Heroes Tales of Valor. Also still need to edit some rips.

04-09-2009, 05:38 PM
Hi pietastesgood!
When do you rip psi ops: mindgate conspiracy? :)

And do you know Mission Impossible: Operation Surma for ps2, xbox and cube?
This game has realy awesome music, espessialy the main theme.
So can you do please make a rip of this game?

So sorry for bad english.

04-09-2009, 11:30 PM
I have ripped both these games already. Psi Ops needs to be edited, will be uploaded next week, and Surma is already done, will be in the next update.

04-09-2009, 11:45 PM
Just a suggestion.

Why don't you release your updates in batches of 4 or 5 every week, it will certainly help keep the flow going.

04-09-2009, 11:45 PM
Thank you good sir. Downloading Silent Hill 5 and the Suffering. Me love the music of the dark.

04-09-2009, 11:55 PM
Thank you good sir. Downloading Silent Hill 5 and the Suffering. Me love the music of the dark.

No problem. I'm not sure if Silent Hill 5 had tags, I don't think I had the decency to tag back then. Pretty sure Suffering had tags though, it was an awesome score.

Just a suggestion.

Why don't you release your updates in batches of 4 or 5 every week, it will certainly help keep the flow going.

Sure Orange, I'll take that into consideration. Anyhow I'll be taking a break soon so I'll have to figure that out when I come back.

Fortis Nova
04-10-2009, 04:49 AM
I just wanted to say that I've been looking for the Marvel Ultimate Alliance soundtrack for quite some time. Thanks for getting it Pie!

04-10-2009, 06:08 AM
No problem. Great to know that you've decided to unlurk! ;)

04-10-2009, 12:28 PM
Downloading Brothers in Arms HH and Resistance Retribution. Thanks again.

04-10-2009, 03:01 PM
Sure no problem.

04-11-2009, 12:16 AM
This is not the all of the 80 some rips that I will be releasing, just a few of them. It's just something to sate your thirst.

All rips have been looped and faded, unless the tracks were unloopable, then I didn't bother editing because I had no time.

All rips are tagged. :)

10. Project Aftermath (Unknown) (PC)

Orchestral electronic score, alright score.

11. The Chronicles of Spellborn (Jesper Kyd, Matthew Florianz) (PC) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Orchestral/ambient/electronic. Great score by Kyd. Huge too.

12. Battle Rage (Patryk 'Revisq' Gegniewicz, Fractal Chaos) (PC)

Electronic/metal. Very good score.

13. Burn (Patryk 'Revisq' Gegniewicz) (PC)

Electronic. Very good score.

14. Minerva Metastasis (ZhayTee) (PC)

Orchestral/electronic. Great score. Only ripped the addon music, not the original HL2 music.

15. Men of War (Dmitry Kuzmenko, Maurice T. Anderson, Ekaterina Kuzmenko) (PC)

Orchestral/electronic. Alright score.

16. WWE Raw Ultimate Impact 2009 (Various Artists) (PC)

Rock/electronic. Good score.

17. NecroVisioN (Arkadiusz Reikowski, Globus) (PC)

Electronic/orchestral/ambient. AWESOME score.

This one actually I forgot to loop and edit so I will probably do a rerip of it later on...

18. World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade (Russell Brower, Derek Duke, Matt Uelmen, Brian David Farr, David Arkenstone) (PC)

Orchestral. Looooong great score.

19. Goosebumps: Horrorland (Unknown) (PS2)

Orchestral/electronic/ambient. Surprisingly good score.

20. PyroBlazer (Xtruist) (PC)

Rock/techno. Good score.

21. World of Warcraft: The Wrath of the Lich King (Russell Brower, Derek Duke, Glenn Stafford) (PC) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong score, and awesome. Think it contains all the music from the previous installments as well.

22. Stolen (Ian Livingstone) (PC)

Orchestral/electronic. Gotta love that main theme. A little bit of static, couldnt get rid of it, it was in the PCM files. Thanks to Kataah for help!

23. Perimeter 2: New Earth (Unknown) (PC)

Electronic/orchestral. Okay score.

24. Aeon Flux (�on Flux) (Kyle Richards, Matthew Piersall) (PS2)

Electronic/orchestral. GREAT score.

25. Kill.switch (Kevin Manthei) (PC)

Electronic/metal/orchestral. LEGENDARY score, you have to check this one out. It sounded better in the game though.

Damn forgot to edit this one too. Will rerip eventually.

26. World of Warcraft (Tracy W. Bush, Derek Duke, Jason Hayes, Glenn Stafford) (PC)

Orchestral. Good score.

27. Last Chaos (StudioEIM) (PC)

Orchestral/ambient. Okay score.

28. Alliance of Valiant Arms (Studio Steel) (PC)

Orchestral/electronic. Good score.

29. Lego Rock Raiders (John Saull, Jon Harrison, Joseph Harper) (PS1)

Electronic. Great score. Relaxing music.

30. Unreal Championship (Starsky Partridge) (XBOX)

Electronic/metal. GREAT score. Think the music was in Unreal Championship 2 though, not sure.

31. Final Armada (Unknown) (PSP)

Orchestral/rock. GREAT score. Thanks to OrangeC for help!

32. OrangeC's Suffering Ties that Bind Conversion to MP3 (Erik Aho) (PC)

ORANGEC'S RIP!!! NOT MINE! Electronic/ambient. Good score.

33. Marvel Ultimate Alliance (Cris Velasco, Sascha Dikiciyan, Mark Griskey, Chance Thomas) (PC)

Orchestral/electronic/metal. The one and only. Took 4-5 months to rip. Damn good score. Gotta check out the omega tracks.

34. Air Combat (Nobuhide Isayama, Masako Ogami) (PS1)

Rock. Good score.

35. Bounty Hounds (Ian Chen) (PSP)

Electronic/orchestral. Great score. Main theme sounds a bit like Gears of War with embellishments.

36. FireStarter (MoozE) (PC)

Electronic. By the guy who composed STALKER, but with a more upbeat score. Great score.

37. Prey (Jeremy Soule) (PC)

Orchestral/electronic. It's Jeremy Soule. What more to say? AWESOME SCORE!!!!!!

38. StormRise (Unknown) (PC)

Electronic/metal/orchestral. This score was AWESOME!!!!! The sick trailer music is included in the rip as well since it was used in the game.

39. Brothers in Arms: D-Day (Stephen Harwood Jr., David McGarry) (PSP)

Orchestral. Like the other Brothers in Arms titles, this one had a short and sweet score.

40. Mission Impossible: Operation Surma (Robert Daspit) (XBOX)

Metal/orchestral. Bob Daspit's a terrific composer. Terrific score!

41. Ace Combat Zero (Namco Sound Team) (PS2)

Electronic/rock/orchestral. GREAT score! Unedited as the tracks were unloopable. Damn forgot to fade, but I've listened to the official soundtracks and they dont have fadeouts so i'll just leave it like it is.

42. Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War (Namco Sound Team) (PS2)

Electronic/rock/orchestral. GREAT score! Unedited as the tracks were unloopable. Damn forgot to fade, but I've listened to the official soundtracks and they dont have fadeouts so i'll just leave it like it is.

43. Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies (Namco Sound Team) (PS2) Part 1 Part 2

Electronic/rock/orchestral. GREAT score! Unedited as the tracks were unloopable. Damn forgot to fade, but I've listened to the official soundtracks and they dont have fadeouts so i'll just leave it like it is.

44. Grand Ages Rome (Unknown) (PC)

Orchestral. Okay score.

45. Imperium Romanum (Unknown) (PC)

Orchestral. Okay score.

46. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Essentials (Guy Dubuc) (PSP)

Electronic/orchestral. GREAT score! Thanks to OrangeC for help!

47. M.A.C.H.: Modified Air Combat Heroes (Jam-Yu Chiang, Zingodude) (PSP)

Electronic/rock. Great score! Thanks for OrangeC for help!

48. Mytran Wars (Unknown) (PSP)

Electronic/ambient. Okay score. Thanks to OrangeC for help!

Enjoy! And remember the rest of the update is still to come!

I think I got all the people who helped me, speak up if I forgot you! ;)

04-11-2009, 12:23 AM
Thanks man.

04-11-2009, 12:31 AM
I got WWE Raw Ultimate Impact 2009. Thanks.

04-11-2009, 12:50 AM
Thanks bud.

04-11-2009, 01:01 AM
THANK YOU!!!!! Downloading goosebumps now!

04-11-2009, 01:14 AM
Likelyhood is ill download all your rips prior to this Message. so rather than say thanks each time i download one, ill say a BIG thanks now...Umm... THANKS ;)

04-11-2009, 01:30 AM
No problem guys.

@Jessie, the bitrate for WWE was really low, but it came with the game so there was nothing I could do about it.

Man lot of people posted before I could get all that artwork up lol.

@scoreman, the rips in Generation 1 were pretty bad in my standards now, no loops no fades no tags, I've gotten better now though in Gen 2. ;)

Gilcimar RB
04-11-2009, 01:34 AM
Man, you rock!!! By the way, can you rip the musics from SPEED POWER GUNBIKE. I have ISO, but I don't know rip the songs. Can you, please?

Mr Muay Thai
04-11-2009, 01:37 AM
Thanks for Marvel Ultimate Alliance.

04-11-2009, 01:41 AM
Thanks so much dude!

04-11-2009, 01:41 AM
Man, you rock!!! By the way, can you rip the musics from SPEED POWER GUNBIKE. I have ISO, but I don't know rip the songs. Can you, please?

Sure. Hopefully PSound won't let me down.

Thanks for Marvel Ultimate Alliance.

Thanks so much dude!

No prob. Great to know you like it, spent a long time on it.

04-11-2009, 01:53 AM
No problem guys.

@Jessie, the bitrate for WWE was really low, but it came with the game so there was nothing I could do about it.

I kinda expected it would be alright, it's the same for most WWE games and i just wanted to try it out anyway. Might get a few more later too ;)

04-11-2009, 02:01 AM
Yup. I also recommend trying out StormRise and Prey.

Fortis Nova
04-11-2009, 03:10 AM
This is awesome. Thanks!

I need to get back to my lurking hole now.

04-11-2009, 03:41 AM
Lol, no problem Fortis.

04-11-2009, 03:53 AM
i dled Aeon Flux soundtrack thanxs

04-11-2009, 03:58 AM
Finally someone uploads Marvel Ultimate Alliance! =) I would have waited an eternity for this, thanks pietastesgood.

04-11-2009, 04:43 AM
Ugh the Aeon Flux score's in mono, thanks to OrangeC for the discovery. Perhaps I will have time to rip the xbox version which may be stereo.

04-11-2009, 05:23 AM
Thanks pietastesgood for this amazing rips.

04-11-2009, 05:23 AM
Thank you so much, pietastesgood!
Finally someone ripped Mission Impossible: Operation Surma! Finally! :)

04-11-2009, 05:47 AM
No problem. More amazing rips in the next update!

04-11-2009, 07:03 AM
The World of Warcraft rips are realy big.
But better than the official soundtracks with 20 tracks or so!

04-11-2009, 02:50 PM
Thanks for the Suffering 2 ost

04-11-2009, 03:17 PM
Yeah sorry 089Julian if the rips are too large, I simply put together all the music in the game.

04-11-2009, 05:56 PM
Some nice albums, thanks

04-11-2009, 05:58 PM
You're welcome. :)

04-11-2009, 09:22 PM
No no pietastesgood!
You missunderstanding me.
I�ve been very happy about that.
Because the official soundtracks were sick about the little tracklist.
So I�m very happy about that you have ripped all the tracks from the game and this is truly amazing! :)

I hope you can read this because my english is not good.

04-11-2009, 09:24 PM
Truly amazing tread :D

but could you try to rip Lego Rock Raiders [PS1]?

Not the PC version because that one is different
from the ps1 version

04-11-2009, 09:27 PM
@comman15, I have ripped it and posted it. It's on the first page, is it not? Number 29, generation 2. AHHHHH Oops, I did rip the PS1 version, just labeled it wrong.

@089Julian, sorry if I was sounding pissed or anything, I wasn't mad at you, just saying that the rips were kind of unwieldy and you pointed it out as well.

04-11-2009, 09:30 PM
Oh many thanks :D

I completely overlooked it

04-11-2009, 09:31 PM
No problem. It had a very good score actually.

I've got some pretty nice rips coming up, stay tuned. I'm ripping Quake Live, which has new tracks by Sonic Mayhem and Front Line Assembly, can't wait to finish that one.

04-11-2009, 09:36 PM
Hey pietastesgood!
I have a question:
Can you please rip Potc - At World End�s?
Because Orangec have started it but never finished it.

For personal interests:
Where do you come from?

04-11-2009, 09:55 PM
Ooh, thanks for the Goosebumps HorrorLand upload. I've been looking for that one myself. I always thought the music was the best part of that game. Here's to you. =)

04-11-2009, 10:04 PM
Sure Julian, but it'll have to come after my break.

On second thought, probably not. The game is unrippable due to its damn archives and I also can't do a line-in because my system doesnt meet the requirements. Sorry man.

I live in the U.S.

No problem for Goosebumps I enjoyed it myself.

04-11-2009, 11:53 PM
major props for the marvel ultimate alliance

04-12-2009, 12:00 AM
major props for the marvel ultimate alliance


04-12-2009, 06:57 AM
Very sad, but is not so baddly because your others rips are so amazing!
(Wow, Kill Switch has realy good music)

04-12-2009, 10:04 AM
Bump, and I'd like to announce that...
Requests are open once again!!!!

I have finished pretty much every rip before the December cutoff date, when I announced I was going to close down. Well, I may not close down after all.

The only rip I haven't done from before then is Resident Evil 2, as I have no clue what the original poster meant by in videogame appearance, since I wouldn't know when the music played in the game since I don't have a Playstation 1 and it is not possible to find the order in which songs are played in the game if I merely have the audio files.

My rules have been updated. Read them here:

Read the rules or your requests will not be done. *muahahaha*

One important new rule is that I'd like you to thank me for a rip if you download it. I spend a lot of time on these rips and get pissed if I get 100 downloads on a rip and only get 5 thanks (which is often). For example, I've spent 5 months on Marvel Ultimate Alliance, and I've put everything into it. I predict I'm going to have a lot of downloads on that one. I really want thanks for rips like those. Come on guys, it doesn't take that much effort to say thanks.

My next update will be this week. It is very large, as my next update will not be until late May or June. This is because I will be very busy until then.

My updates will come monthly now. Each update will be bigger, however, than my old updates. At least 10 rips each, unless I have a busy month or something. There will still be a May update, but it'll be small and will be uploaded at the end of May or early June.

That's it for today, enjoy the thread.

Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone, if you can please. :) Thanks :)

04-12-2009, 02:58 PM
Yes, Kill Switch was great. Sure, Demon stone will have to come after my break though.

04-12-2009, 06:38 PM
So I download all of your rips and i�m truly exciting about this many amazing music!

A few examples what are in your next big update, pietastesgood ?

04-12-2009, 07:11 PM

Alien Shooter series, few Half Life 2 mods, CellFactor, Death Track Resurrection, Halo, Battlestations Midway, Quake Live, the Socom games on PSP, others that I cant remember ATM.

04-12-2009, 07:23 PM
Wow very good! :)

04-12-2009, 07:25 PM
Can you do a rip of the game Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring?
I believe it is on the pc also!

04-12-2009, 07:54 PM
first of all: many thanks for Mission Impossible: Operation Surma ! Great Job !

second: i really love Jim DOOLEY's score for PS2 game Socom us navy seals COMBINED ASSAULT.
i've been looking it for years.
i know some people already have a 5cd set (sort of fake, all tracks are repeated), but i think they're keeping it like a treasure, cause i can't find it anywhere ! except 4 or 5 tracks on Dooley's official site.
sooooo....... could you rip this score ???? please ?

it would be great !

04-12-2009, 08:15 PM
Sure, but I'm gonna need OrangeC's help on that one because the iso is above 4 gigs and my FAT32 cant handle it.

Lotr I'll take a look at it after my break. ;)

04-12-2009, 08:17 PM
thank you very much for your help !

04-12-2009, 08:34 PM
It'll still have to come after my break though. :(

04-12-2009, 08:46 PM
Can you do a rip of the game Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring?
I believe it is on the pc also!

hey man i think your a little post happy too much, mind taking it down a notch and think before you post something so you don't have a bunch of random posts in the topic or in the whole forum.

Ive seen lots of threads bumped by you

04-12-2009, 09:01 PM
Potc - At World End

Already been ripped.

Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone, if you can please. :) Thanks :)

I ripped this myself awhile back. This is a big rip so I won't upload it to any site, but your more than welcome to grab it from my Private FTP.

04-12-2009, 09:08 PM
Great Russ! Saves me lots of time. :)

04-12-2009, 09:09 PM
Great Russ! Saves me lots of time. :)

Aye, Don't see the point in re-ripping something thats already been done ;) Unless you wanna rip it that is.

Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring has also been ripped..

04-12-2009, 09:22 PM
I hadnt had a chance to see if the game'd been ripped yet.

Of course if someones already ripped it there's no need to rip it again, just a waste of effort on my part. Anyways it would be a LOT of effort for POTC considering how difficult it was to rip.

04-12-2009, 10:01 PM
nvm lol

04-12-2009, 10:04 PM
BTW Company of Heroes won't be ripped as I cant get ahold of the game.

04-12-2009, 10:44 PM
Already been ripped.

I ripped this myself awhile back. This is a big rip so I won't upload it to any site, but your more than welcome to grab it from my Private FTP.

Well, I really would like that. :) How can I access your Private FTP?

04-12-2009, 10:46 PM

04-12-2009, 11:44 PM
No problem Steven.

@Tyrael, I'll try to grab the rip as soon as I can but I must finish my other rips first. Orange, if you want to grab it feel free to do so lol, but I must finish my rips before concentrating on anything else.

04-13-2009, 05:26 AM
Hey pietastesgood, Just want to thank u for all the kick ass rips. Truly amazing!! Took about 15-20 rips. Thanks again you ROCK!!!

04-13-2009, 06:35 AM
No prob alfrodo. ;)

04-13-2009, 08:47 AM
Many thanks for all your time, effort and consideration.

04-13-2009, 01:21 PM
Downloading Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Thanks.

04-13-2009, 02:03 PM
Just got all 3 WoW gamerips. Thank you

04-13-2009, 03:04 PM
My pleasure. :)

04-13-2009, 05:42 PM
Quick question for you. I just finished unzipping all the Wrath files. Are the BC and Vanilla WoW song files the same as in the Wrath or different? I noticed at least a few songs from BC and Vanilla and wanted to know if there was a point to me unzipping them.

04-13-2009, 05:48 PM
I'm pretty sure they're the same. Wrath has music from all the expansions, or at least most.

04-13-2009, 06:03 PM
Yeah I did a search on some of the files and it seems like if you just download the Wrath gamerip you get them all (maybe there are a few missing but probably not)

04-13-2009, 06:20 PM
Yup. I didnt have a chance to filter out all the old music so I just left it in.

04-14-2009, 11:51 PM
Bump. My next update is coming in a few days so grab the stuff you want from my previous updates now. And don't forget to say thanks. ;)

My next update will have about 40 rips as well I think.

04-15-2009, 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by 089julian View Post
Potc - At World End

Already been ripped.

where is the rip russ?

04-15-2009, 05:23 PM
On gamingforce. I'll provide a link for you next update.

04-15-2009, 07:14 PM
On gamingforce. I'll provide a link for you next update.


04-16-2009, 02:00 AM
Bump. Also news. I have just finished my last rip, and I just need to rar up the rips and upload them and they'll be posted. Expect the update tomorrow or the day after tomorrow depending on how my upload speed goes. Also I decided to drop Alien Shooter Vengeance because I discovered that Kataah already ripped it lol.

04-16-2009, 08:15 AM
Thanks for the M:UA upload.

04-16-2009, 09:24 AM
anyone got the Demigod ost?

04-16-2009, 09:59 AM
I'm now downloading the Marvel Ultimate Alliance one... Thank you very much for having ripped it, that is a score I've been wanting so much!

Since you're reopening the requests, I allow myself to recap the ones already asked:
Spider-Man 1 & 2 (PS1)
X-Men Legends 1 & 2 (PS2)

I'm also looking for an other score:
Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu (PS2)
But if I'm the only one to want it, this one can wait... you must already have so many requests from the other members!

04-16-2009, 03:16 PM
I ripped Demigod already.

I'm sorry Spider-Fan, I havent had any time to work on your requests yet so it'll have to be after my break.

04-16-2009, 04:27 PM
I believe Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu is already been ripped in another thread,
or not?

04-16-2009, 07:53 PM
This is not a problem to me, I understand, and the Marvel Ultimate Alliance is so great that I think I'll enjoy it for a looong time ;)

I hope this is true but, if it is, I haven't found it. I'll try my search again, though, so thanks for the info.

Hope my english is correct

04-16-2009, 08:04 PM
Nope I dont see it anywhere.

Your english is fine. ;)

04-17-2009, 07:48 PM
49. Alien Shooter (PC) (Alexander Shushkov, Denis Koobayev)

Great electronic score. 4/5

50. Alien Shooter: The Experiment (PC) (Alexander Shushkov, Denis Koobayev)

Great score. 4/5

51. Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 (PSP) (Unknown)

Great score, but it doesnt sound like Salta's stuff. Thanks to Orange for conversion assistance. 4/5

52. Black (XBOX) (Chris Tilton, Michael Giacchino)

Awesome score. 5/5 It's Giacchino and Tilton, what more to say? ;)

53. CellFactor: Combat Training (PC) (Unknown)

Awesome score. 5/5

54. CellFactor: Revolution (PC) (Unknown)

Awesome score. 5/5

55. Coded Arms: Contagion (PSP) (Tony Trippi)

Really intense awesome score. 5/5

56. Aeon Flux (XBOX) (Kyle Richards, Matthew Piersall)

Great score, same as my old ps2 rip only this one's in stereo. Thanks for orange for pointing that out. ;) 5/5

57. X-Blades (PC) (Michael Dees)

Metal percussion with little orchestra for a fantasy game. Still good though. 5/5

58. Portal (PC) (Kelly Bailey)

More tracks than in the OST. 5/5

59. HoverAce: Combat Racing Zone (PC) (Ilya, Mos Def)

Hated this score. Rap. 1/5 For those of you who like rap this one's for you lol, but it's just licensed songs.

60. Rock 24 (PC) (Henley David Bailey)

Great score. 4/5

61. Death Track Resurrection (PC) (Unknown)

AWESOME metal/electronic score. 6/5

62. FallOut 3 (PC) (Inon Zur)

Great score, but doesnt fit the post apocalyptic scene, oh well. 4/5

63. Half Life 2: The Awakening (PC) (Alex McGery)

Orchestral/electronic. Rather generic, but still good. 3/5

64. WarPath (PC) (Dustin Crenna)

Orchestral/electronic. Great score. 4/5

65. Universe at War: Earth Assault (PC) (Frank Klepacki)

It's Frank Klepacki! Metal/electronic/orchestral. 5/5

66. Sins of a Solar Empire: Entrenchment (PC) (Unknown)

Orchestral/electronic. Generic score. 3/5

67. Silent Hunter III (PC) (Patrick Giraudi)

Electronic/orchestral in a WWII game. Oh well. Good score. 4/5

68. Silent Hunter 4 (PC) (Jason Graves)

Yay it's Jason Graves. Great score. 5/5

69. Second Sight (PC) (Graeme Norgate, Christian Marcussen)

Awesome score. The game's pretty great too. Orchestral/electronic. 5/5

70. Halo: Combat Evolved (PC) (Martin O'Donnell, Michael Salvatori)

It's HALO! Think I didnt combine some segments right oh well. You should know the genre. :p Orchestral/electronic. 5/5

71. Battlestations: Midway (PC) (Richard Jacques)

Lots of ethnic stuff, real unique score. Orchestral/electronic. 5/5

72. Armed Forces Corp. (PC) (Keith Arem)

Great modern score. Rock/electronic/orchestral. 5/5

73. Battlestrike: The Road to Berlin (PC) (Unknown)

Rather generic orchestral. Too short too. 2/5

74. Empire: Total War (PC) (Richard Birdsall, Walter Mair, Simon Ravn, Lorenzo Piggici)

Okay. Not as good as the previous total war music. 3/5

75. Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction (PC) (Brandon Barski, John Hartman, Doug Kiklowicz

Unique score. Ambient/electronic. 4/5

76. Merchants of Brooklyn (PC) (Robert Atesalp)

Great score. Metal/electronic. 5/5

77. Huxley (PC) (Kevin Riepl)

Yep it's KEVIN RIEPL! He comes back with a stunning orchestral/electronic score. Main theme's in 5.1 surround. ;)

78. Psychotoxic (PC) (Frank Fitzner)

Unique score. Electronic and a bit of orchestra i think dont remember. Didnt fully listen to this one. 4/5

79. Quake Live (PC) (Front Line Assembly, Sonic Mayhem)

Metal/electronic. AWESOME. 6/5

80. Still Life 2 (PC) (Unknown)

Electronic. Great. 5/5

81. Still Life (PC) (Tom Salta)

Salta did well. Orchestal/electronic/ambient. 5/5

82. Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (PS2) (Cris Velasco, Sascha Dikiciyan, Ric Formosa, Danny Beckerman)

Orchestral with a little electronic. Did not include the tracks reused from Dawn of Fate and the other t3 games, go to orange's rip thread for them. Thanks to Orange for the files. ;) 4/5

83. Bionic Commando Rearmed (PC) (Simon Wilkund)

Good. Electronic. 4/5

84. Boiling Point: Road to Hell (PC) (Frischer Fisch Vermittlung)

Didnt have time to edit. 4/5 Jazzy/electronic score. Man I feel sorry for the composer having such a terrible name.

85. Jade Empire (PC) (Jack Wall)

Warning, there are huge silences after each track. Have no damn clue why microsoft wanted to do that. It's still a great score, but i had no time to cut off the excess silence so it'll stay that way till i can rerip.

86. Socom: U.S. Navy SEALs: FireTeam Bravo 2 (PSP) (Justin Burnett)

AWESOME SCORE!!!!!!!!!!! Rock/orchestral/electronic with ethnic Middle Eastern stuff. 7/5

87. Demigod (PC) (Howard Mostrom)

Heavily percussive score with orchestra. Great. 5/5

88. SpyHunter: Nowhere to Run (XBOX) (Cris Velasco, Sascha Dikiciyan)

AWESOME SCORE!!! 7/5 There were looping glitches unfortunately on some tracks, Orange is working on a rerip.

89. Psi Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy (PC) (Vincent Pontarelli) (MUSIC RERIP)

Finally this great score. 5/5. Metal/orchestral.

90. Socom: U.S. Navy SEALs: FireTeam Bravo (PSP) (Chuck Doud)

AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Orchestral/electronic/rock. 7/5

91. Tom Clancy's EndWar (PC) (Ben Houge)

Gay score. 2100 stingers. YES. STINGERS. That was the music approach for this game. STINGERS. No music whatsoever besides the credits track. Stick with my PSP rip, but this does have new music. 2/5, too unwieldy.

92. Socom: U.S. Navy SEALs: Tactical Strike (PSP) (Justin Burnett)

AWESOME SCORE!!!! Spent 20 hours on this rip, it was like Logan's Shadow and needed combining and editing badly. 7/5

93. Vivisector: The Beast Within (PC) (Ivan Pogodichev)

Great score. Metal/electronic/ambient/orchestral. 5/5

94. The Last Remnant (PC) (Tsuyoshi Sekito, Yasuhiro Yamanaka)

Awesome. Cant get tired of the credits track. Orchestral/metal/electronic. 6/5

95. ShadowRun (PC) (Tobin Buttram)

Great score!!!! Electronic/orchestral. 6/5 Man I feel sorry for the composer's name, he must have been teased at school a lot.

96. Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault (PC) (Christopher Lennertz)

Lennertz. What more to say? 6/5. Orchestral.

97. Night Watch (PC) (Andrey Fedorenko, Alexander Pushnoy)

Generic metal/orchestral. 3/5

98. SPECnaz 2 (PC) (Various Artists, Unknown)

Damn stay away from the licensed songs if you aren't Russian. The music SUCKS if you cant understand anything. The score pieces are great though. 2/5

99. The Lord of the Rings: Conquest (PC) (Howard Shore, Chris Tilton)

Uses Shore's score from the movies. Edited by Chris Tilton for stingers and stuff. 4/5

100. Rogue Trooper (PC) (Tom Bible, Jordan Pedder)

Electronic/orchestral score. Great one. 5/5

101. Dark Messiah of Might and Magic (Cris Velasco, Sascha Dikiciyan)

Good score. 5/5 Orchestral.

102. Battlestrike: Shadow of Stalingrad (PC) (Unknown)

Orchestral/electronic. 5/5

103. Elven Legacy (PC) (Unknown)

Generic fantasy score. Orchestral. 3/5

104. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (Kataah's Rip)

If I forgot anybody's credits speak up. Oh yeah there was the xentax team with Still Life 2. :)

04-17-2009, 07:54 PM
Nice one thanks.

04-17-2009, 08:19 PM
think i just cum in my pants

04-17-2009, 08:46 PM
Fantastic update bud. Many thanks to ya ;)

04-17-2009, 08:55 PM
Thank you!

04-17-2009, 09:24 PM
wheres Pirates of the Caribbean: at worlds end link?

04-17-2009, 09:27 PM
Sorry forgot to post it.

Edit: Okay got it up.

04-17-2009, 10:39 PM

04-17-2009, 10:40 PM
No problem. Will post commentary on the rips soon.

04-18-2009, 12:18 AM
wow...... what a great job !!!!
(it's Socom fiesta ! can't wait for Socom Combined Assault)

Thank you so much !

04-18-2009, 12:36 AM
OMG guys, some Russian coders finally figured out XMA! Expect a software rip of Too Human and hopefully Condemned 2 in the next update!

04-18-2009, 12:43 AM
can't wait for Socom Combined Assault

Combined Assault has already been ripped. I'll try and get this uploaded sometime next week for ya ;)

OMG guys, some Russian coders finally figured out XMA! Expect a software rip of Too Human and hopefully Condemned 2 in the next update!

That's great news pietastesgood :)

04-18-2009, 01:01 AM
Its awesome news.

So russ expect a full quality darkness rip on your server soon man.

04-18-2009, 01:05 AM
Yup and Orange is gonna help me obtain the Too Human xma's.

Oh yeah, I remember Russ. But didn't DVDRick rip Combined Assault? And he doesnt like his rips shared, unless that's changed.

04-18-2009, 01:12 AM
Thank you for your help Russ

04-18-2009, 01:24 AM
Yup and Orange is gonna help me obtain the Too Human xma's.

Oh yeah, I remember Russ. But didn't DVDRick rip Combined Assault? And he doesnt like his rips shared, unless that's changed.

I'll try speaking to Rick about it. But maybe you could try ripping it for everyone? just incase he's not cool with it being shared.

04-18-2009, 01:35 AM
I am planning to do that. ;) Wonder where you're gonna contact Rick, for all I know he's disappeared from the face of the earth lol.

04-18-2009, 05:38 AM
A big thanks for all your rips!
And thanks again to your Pirates of the Carribbean 3!

04-18-2009, 05:44 AM
No problem. Some X360 games will be in the next update. Too Human, Dark Messiah Elements, and hopefully Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe.

04-18-2009, 05:46 AM
I'm grabbing Shadowrun, Lord of the Rings Conquest and Dark Messiah Might and Magic. Thanks man.

04-18-2009, 05:49 AM
Now I have all the soundtracks and scores and gamerips that i searching for many years and i finding it all on the final fantasy shrine forum! I�m finished!
It�s a realy happy time with all you guys! :)

04-18-2009, 06:19 AM
My pleasure Jessie. By the way Lotr Conquest has a 58 minute suite because I couldnt find the endpoints of some music as the game utilized a really stupid archive that I couldnt extract files out of and I had to use GoldWave. Dark Messiah only had its music looped, not the ambience, had no time to loop 150 tracks of ambience. Shadowrun was perfect. ;)

Great to know you've achieved your destiny Julian. ;)

I'm never gonna find all the OST's I want, always something pops up.

04-18-2009, 06:29 AM
You�re right! There is always something forgotten!

04-18-2009, 06:34 AM
Yep, and I'm giving this thread one last bump before I go to bed.

04-18-2009, 04:50 PM
thanks for the Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End link

04-18-2009, 07:36 PM
No prob.

Remember guys I'm gonna go on break now, so no rips for a month unless I get some special game that I want to rip.

04-18-2009, 07:46 PM

04-18-2009, 08:01 PM
Halo 3 probably, don't know Halo 2, as the archives used in both the PC and xbox version are crap to get files out of. I'll ask kataah for some advice. But it still comes after my break. Halo 3 might be special enough to be ripped while I'm on my break. ;) I need to get my 360 ripping skills into place.

04-18-2009, 08:14 PM
Hi and big thanks for Demigod OST, I just can't imagine how much work you have done for us.

04-18-2009, 08:42 PM
Thanks for all your uploads pietastesgood - really really cool :)

04-18-2009, 08:47 PM
I snatched HL: Decay and Logan's Shadow, some tracks of which had weird short pauses in the middle... Thanks anyhow :)

04-18-2009, 09:55 PM
Yes that's because Logan's Shadow had short segments and I didnt have a chance to filter the silences out.

04-19-2009, 03:25 AM

04-19-2009, 08:20 PM
BUMP. Come on guys, I'm getting downloads and views and no thanks... :(

04-19-2009, 08:50 PM
Thanks x7 from me! No specific requests as such :)

04-19-2009, 08:52 PM
Thanks for saying thanks. ;)

04-19-2009, 10:43 PM
No probs - I would have said thanks earlier but it took me 3 weeks to get an activation email for my account on ffs :)

04-20-2009, 12:44 AM

04-20-2009, 02:47 AM
The Socom soundtracks were terrific. The next update will not be for a while unless I manage to get some 360 games ripped.

04-20-2009, 04:29 AM
Thanks so much again, for the Mike Reagan tracks.

04-20-2009, 04:52 AM
No problem. ;)

04-20-2009, 06:15 AM
jesus christ!! marvel ultimate alliance is 586mbs!!! dear god!!! i guess thank you is good, but damn!!! are theyre short songs or what? thank you anyway downloading now.

04-20-2009, 06:18 AM
Most songs are a bit over 1 min. Some are longer like the credits which is 9 mins.

04-20-2009, 10:07 AM
Wholly Crap!!! Thanks 4 the latest updates!!! I took about 98% of your latest update!!! Truly amazing!!! Thank you so much!!!

04-20-2009, 03:00 PM
Thanks for this amazing rips.
Especially Huxley, I'm waiting for this one until long time.

04-20-2009, 03:15 PM
Kevin Riepl didn't disappoint us.

04-20-2009, 03:22 PM
Yes he always done good job.

04-20-2009, 03:26 PM
Wonder what score he's doing next.

04-20-2009, 09:41 PM
Grabbing Huxley, Demigod, Shadowrun, and the Socom stuff. I really like how you include commentary on the rips including style of music. Also grabbed Burning Point for a friend :)
I posted the full 3cd soundtrack of The Last Remnant in my Lossless Game Soundtracks thread if you are interested (Flac ver 6).

04-20-2009, 09:44 PM
Stupid edit isn't working, forgot to say Thanks a lot for all this music!

04-20-2009, 11:34 PM
No problem Sirius. Awesome, I may take a look at that Last Remnant OST, it certainly kicked ass.

04-21-2009, 12:00 AM
I'm totally not getting into Huxley and Demigod, going to give Psi Ops a listen :) Something about that electronic stuff over orchestral just puts me off. I'll have to check out Lennertz' COD stuff.

04-21-2009, 01:21 AM
Yes, I don't think I looped MoHPA, I'm gonna have to rerip that. Huxley I looped, not Demigod.

Psi Ops was pretty electronic.

04-22-2009, 02:49 AM
I was just looking at your Elven Legacy rip and noticed it listed as BattleStrike, is this correct and it's just named incorrectly? Thanks for sharing all your rips either way!

04-22-2009, 03:09 AM
Whoooops. Got the wrong link. Thanks for pointing it out. ;)

Ranged Weapon
04-22-2009, 08:06 AM
This thread stands accused of being Awesome.
The verdict is GUILTY!!

Thanks Pie :)

04-22-2009, 03:03 PM
No problem. ;)

04-23-2009, 10:50 AM
Thanks so much for great rips. :)

I requested Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone, but it isn't in the last update, is it possible to see it within your fantastic work soon? :)

04-23-2009, 03:34 PM
It's been ripped already by someone else. I'm going to download and upload here.

04-28-2009, 11:58 AM
I've been looking for the Rascal PS1 soundtrack for many years now, even made a thread about it very long ago on the requests forum.

No luck.

Please tell me you have it. x.x

Yes, it was a truly terrible game, but I've been wanting the soundtrack more than anything. Iunno if this is a Western or European game, because I played it more than 8 years ago when I still lived in Germany.

Prime Time
04-28-2009, 02:24 PM
Ok so we finally got a rip of Marvel Ultimate Alliance does this mean it's possible to rip X Men Legends in the same way?

t0m s3rvo
04-28-2009, 02:56 PM
Any possibility of getting good rips of Star Trek Armada, and Armada II ?

04-28-2009, 02:58 PM
Yes X Men Legends is in my rip list along with Wolverine.

As for your other requests guys, I'll try my best.

04-28-2009, 03:49 PM
Do you have the alone in the dark 5 soundtrack?

04-28-2009, 03:51 PM
No, but it is on the forum. Use the search function.

04-28-2009, 04:09 PM
Which "Wolverine" game are you are ripping?

Prime Time
04-28-2009, 06:36 PM
Yes X Men Legends is in my rip list along with Wolverine.

As for your other requests guys, I'll try my best.

Cheers. I've been requesting that shit on forums for over 4 years now.

04-28-2009, 11:51 PM
I am ripping the PS2 version first, then the PC version. Already got the PS2 version ripped, not edited yet. Game was leaked onto the scene yesterday.

Edit: PS2 version has been ripped. Working on PSP version, it has different music. PC version has not been leaked yet.

04-29-2009, 04:39 AM
You mean "Wolverine: Origins"?

04-29-2009, 04:44 AM
X Men Origins Wolverine, the game set to come out on Friday, same day the movie comes out. Scored by Paul Haslinger.

04-29-2009, 04:47 AM
The "Far Cry" & "Vegas" composer? WoW. Can you still do "Wolverine's Revenge" & "24"?

04-29-2009, 05:32 AM

Actually haslinger didn't score Far Cry, but he did score Instincts and Evolution and Predator.

04-30-2009, 06:05 AM
Sorry for double post, but we have an update today! Small update, but the rips are better than before, I spent a lot of time on these.

New rules. 200 meg split rar, 500 kb/s ogg, looped, faded, everything.

This is Generation 3.

1. Fracture (Michael Giacchino, Chris Tilton, Chad Seiter) - XBOX 360 - 67 TRACKS Part 1 Part 2

Terrific orchestral score by Giacchino and Tilton. 6/5

2. X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Paul Haslinger) - PSP - 26 TRACKS Part 1 Part 2

This is different from the PS2 version, different developer, less tracks, higher quality. Industrial/metal/electronic/orchestral. AWESOME score!!! 7/5

3. X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Paul Haslinger) - PS2 - 72 TRACKS Part 1 Part 2

This is different from the PSP version, different developer, more tracks, lower quality unfortunately. Industrial/metal/electronic/orchestral. AWESOME score!!! 7/5

OrangeC is working on a Wii version, which has more/different/better quality compared to the PS2 version, I thought I'd just throw it in for those of you who couldn't wait.

I am ripping the PC version once it hits the scene.

04-30-2009, 08:51 AM
Cool thanks! grabbing the psp version of wolverine!

04-30-2009, 03:10 PM

04-30-2009, 03:14 PM
Can you rip Growlanser III: The Dual Darkness? I can never find the gamerip of it anywhere and even if i do the file is protected by the user and wont let me dl it cuz they need to unprivate it, anyway if you can rip that ill thank you so much. It's for the PS2

04-30-2009, 03:21 PM
No problem. Sure, I'll try it.


04-30-2009, 03:26 PM
Wow seriously thanks i'm not joking, ever since the game came out ive been searching everywhere for it, galbadia only has the remixed versions of it bleh.

04-30-2009, 03:36 PM
Sure no problem.

04-30-2009, 05:57 PM
Thank you for the wolverine scores, pie!

04-30-2009, 11:03 PM
Thank you so much for Huxley, pietastesgood !
Kevin Riepl's quickly becoming one of my favourite composers.

04-30-2009, 11:35 PM
No problem. Bump.

04-30-2009, 11:53 PM
Hey pie theres no need to put bump in every post you make.

04-30-2009, 11:55 PM
Okay sorry.

05-01-2009, 07:19 AM
10 billion thanks for the gamerip to Fracture! You rock!

05-01-2009, 03:09 PM
No problem.

05-01-2009, 05:25 PM
Is the game's music smiler to the movie's?

05-01-2009, 11:16 PM
Hello pietastesgood,
here is a suggestion that will be worth to do a game rip of:

Garry Schyman's score for "DESTROY ALL HUMANS! - Path Of The Furon".
Full orchestral score in 70's music style, with Wah Wah guitars and
great action-orientated music passages !

Once again Garry Schyman proofed that he's one of the very best
Video Game Composers - he composes in a very cinematic way
(like Christopher Lennertz and Chris Tilton do).

As kataah already did a complete game rip of DESTROY ALL HUMANS! 2
some time ago that is superb I think a game rip of "DESTROY ALL HUMANS! - Path Of The Furon" would make a great companion.

You do really great work - Thank you so much for the FRACTURE Game rip.
Greetings, Klaus

05-01-2009, 11:22 PM
Kataah has ripped path of the furon, he should upload it in his next update.


No, it's MUCH better.

05-01-2009, 11:36 PM
Is the Wolverine score any good ?

Thanks for Fracture... even if it's not a great score...

05-01-2009, 11:39 PM
Yes, it's terrific. PS2 quality sucks though, try the PSP version first.

05-01-2009, 11:57 PM
OK, we will. Thanks again for the gamerips.

05-01-2009, 11:59 PM
Yeah Path Of The Furon is a nice score.
There is a fight track who has a bioshock fight rhythm ;)
Score will be released with a few other scores in the next update

05-02-2009, 12:13 AM

I'm not going to be releasing any more rips in this thread, for later rips go to the VGM Legacy thread. :)

05-02-2009, 08:24 PM
Can you fix the link for the Tiberian Sun Firestorm Music in Page 3? I need to replace it again, thanks for your time!

05-02-2009, 10:02 PM
Here's Firestorm and original Tiberian Sun.

Thanks to comman15.

05-03-2009, 08:04 AM
Great work pietastesgood.


05-03-2009, 03:43 PM
You're welcome. ;)

05-04-2009, 03:39 AM
thank you for Demigod: this music reminds me Paul Ruskay`s Homeworld

05-04-2009, 03:49 AM
No problem.

05-06-2009, 03:10 AM
Could you please rip the I-Ninja soundtrack from either the Xbox, PC, or PS2? I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

05-06-2009, 04:07 AM

05-06-2009, 09:28 AM
Thank you very much for socom upload

05-06-2009, 11:37 AM
thanks so much for Socom

05-06-2009, 11:27 PM

05-06-2009, 11:58 PM
I hate being one of those requesting types but can you do do a rip of the PSP version of Rainbow Six Vegas?

05-07-2009, 12:14 AM
Hmm, good idea. Does it have different or more music?

05-07-2009, 12:17 AM
Rainbow six vegas has little music, its ubisoft format, not atrac.

05-07-2009, 12:38 AM
It doesn't seem like it has much music, but it the music it does has is different much like the Ghost Recon PSP version.

05-07-2009, 01:01 AM
I'll take a look at it, thanks for the pointer Orange ;).

05-07-2009, 03:34 AM
Thanks. Really looking forward to it.

Iron Devil
05-08-2009, 11:49 AM
Thanx for Shadowru & HL Decay!

05-24-2009, 10:14 AM
thanks ! you're great !

Sri Krishna
05-25-2009, 10:35 AM
Thanks for posting the Fallout 3 music.

05-26-2009, 11:03 PM
Hey, this is my first post on here (never knew a site with free soundtracks existed in the magnitude of this, but since I don't have the time to sift through everything in this site I was wondering if you could rip the music for the series "Planetside" one of my fav-old games before Sony killed it, and the other two episodes for Half Life 2 (1 and 2).

Thanks in advance.


Oh and after reviewing your rip for Half Life 2, I found it be severely lacking as it only has 10 entries when there are over 30 in the official soundtrack and I wondered if you could rip all the music for HL2 EP 1 and EP 2, instead of what you have uploaded already since it doesn't match.

05-26-2009, 11:28 PM
Uh, I don't remember making a rip for Half Life 2. That was probably one of the mods.

Sure, I'll take a look at Planetside.

05-27-2009, 02:51 PM

05-28-2009, 12:01 AM
Thanks for all of this pie i would have asked for planetside myself but bag beat me to it

05-28-2009, 12:03 AM
My name isn't bag... <_<.