07-05-2008, 06:02 PM
Update: 2014.09.21

So here I am re-uploading a thread from 2008. :)
If I did no had so much special love for this box I wouldn't care much. But I do, in every ways. I sincerely hope you might enjoy all the music this box offer to all of you.

Extract files in root C:// in case you found problems with some files that are not extracted (it is the file names that are long and OS are bitches with long file names.).

Rurouni Kenshin -Meiji Kenkaku Romantan- Complete CD-Box


PART I (https://mega.co.nz/#!iVQ0FRCI!5EY4i4hfbK8NOzLaCYq8TbJz18unJgCYoLMG2I1 Au5s) / PART II (https://mega.co.nz/#!vVxWwSrL!GAvNxz-oAmO5QpX5wkq3GwhcyQjZ3I8a8rOL7dghVqs) / PART III (https://mega.co.nz/#!3ApWWZiZ!TgXxk1lEamWAM-geizZt3K0ggzyv8-q-bZUAIdwcgoY) / PART IV (https://mega.co.nz/#!HEBwHTCY!mU44C3EVWNExDYDn9LQclVy5WAmeFyxQ5_QotU0 k4Ps) / PART V (https://mega.co.nz/#!7dAEzQbb!VHwb_SvnfqJNzH5MfN1-NrHNRAmlxuVcHVWtIfACTEE) / PART VI (https://mega.co.nz/#!yVAR0YBZ!cTrxzqjnUsSawy0Zyoy-1d6Qv8cMiCsQJWQF6qCHWYQ)

Release date: 2002.09.19
Catalogue number: SVWC-1011~22
Label: SPE Visual Works

Music by: Noriyuki Asakura (Discs 04~09), Tarou Iwashiro (Disc 10), Taku Iwasaki (Disc 11 & 12)

Scene 01 - Opening & Ending Theme Song
01. Sobakasu
02. Tactics
03. Namida wa Shitteiru
04. HEART OF SWORD ~Before Daybreak~
05. 1/2
06. It's Gonna Rain!
07. 1/3 no Junjou na Kanjou
08. Kimi ni Furerudake de
09. Dame!
10. Itoshisa no Kate
11. Niji
12. Eien no Mirai

Scene 02 - Character Image Song I
01. Ai suru Hito wo Mamoru tame ni
02. Suki toka janakute...
03. Ippatsu Yarou (Arashi wo Yobu Otoko)
04. 1 / Sekai (Sekai bun no 1) no Boku
05. Shiroi Ichigo
06. 2 of a Kind!
07. Natsu no E
08. Innocence
09. Shukuteki Kenzan!
10. Animetal - The Juppontou
11. Eri Kawai - Nanairo no Kaze

Scene 03 - Character Image Song II
01. Natsu no E ~'98 Summer Version~
02. Kokoro no Hadaka
03. Ice Blue Eyes
04. Innocence (Drum'n Bass Mix)
05. Journey
06. Kanashimi ni Tamesarete mo
07. Sonomama
08. The End of The Day
09. Blast
10. Water Puzzle
11. Ashita no Kakera
12. Zanshou ~Venus and Mars~ (Instrumental)

Scene 04 - Original Soundtrack TV Series I
01 Who are You Protecting? -Strings Version-
02 Who are You Protecting? -Original Mix-
03 Kenshin Himura -Original Mix-
04 Kenshin Himura -Gut Guitar Version-
05 Hiten Mitsurugi Style [Kenshin's Battle Mode]
06 Battousai Again...
07 I Want to Become Strong [A Theme of Yahiko Myojin]
08 One Word: Evil [A Theme of Sanosuke Sagara]
09 Kamiya Kasshin Style [Kaoru's Battle Mode]
10 Kaoru Kamiya [Kaoru's Love Theme] -Gut Guitar Version-
11 Feelings [Undanceable Waltz] -Gut Guitar Version-
12 Evil #1 ~Reason to Believe~ [A Theme of The "Onmitsu Oniwabanshu"]
13 Evil #2 ~Another Ishin~ [A Theme of "Shishio"] 1:15
14 Evil #3 ~The Dark Side of a Killing Intent~ [A Theme of The Dark Side of Your Heart]
15 Battousai Again... -Director's Edition-
16 Who are You Protecting? -Hard Version-
17 Kamiya Dojo [A Theme of Kenshin's Family]
18 Satisfied with Sukiyaki... [The Theme of "Akabeko"]
19 Yahiko's Boogie
20 Ayame's Reggae
21 Suzume's Reggae
22 Ayame & Suzume [A Theme of The Kenshin's Family]
23 However! Really!...
24 Fencing Beauty [Kaoru's Theme]
25 Who are You Protecting? -Acoustic Version-
26 Feelings [Undanceable Waltz] -Strings Version-
27 Kaoru Kamiya [Kaoru's Love Theme] -Original Mix-
28 Who are You Protecting? -Electric Guitar Version-

Scene 05 - Original Soundtrack TV Series II
01 The Cogs of Fate ~Prologue to Kyoto~
02 The Last Wolf Suite ~A Suite for Makoto Shishio~
03 Miburou Revived [A Theme of Hajime Saitou]
04 Departure -Piano+Acoustic Guitar Version-
05 Japan Roaming ~Darkness of the Ishin~
06 March of Ghost
07 Run To You [A Theme of Sanosuke Sagara]
08 Frozen Flare [The Seal of Fighting]
09 Welcome To My Nightmare
10 Dancing with Devils [The Last Weapon 1996]
11 Starless [Without Moon, Without Stars] -Acoustic Guitar Version-
12 Departure -Master Mix-
13 Starless [Without Moon, Without Stars] -Master Mix-
14 Miburou Revived [A Theme of Hajime Saitou] -Director's Mix-
15 The Cogs of Fate ~Prologue to Kyoto~ -Director's Mix-
16 Japan Roaming ~Darkness of the Ishin~ -Director's Mix-
17 March of Ghost -Instrumental Mix-
18 Run To You [A Theme of Sanosuke Sagara] -Director's Mix-
19 Frozen Flare [The Seal of Fighting] -Pizzicato Tracks-
20 Starless [Without Moon, Without Stars] -Orgel Solo-
21 Starless [Without Moon, Without Stars] -Orgel & Guitar-
22 Starless [Without Moon, Without Stars] -Director's Mix-
23 Departure -Piano Solo-
24 The Last Wolf Suite ~A Suite for Makoto Shishio~ -Director's Mix-
25 Departure -Director's Mix-

Scene 06 - Original Soundtrack TV Series III
01 The Ishin Overthrowing Plan
02 Fallen Angel [The Grey Angel]
03 Kaoru & Misao <I> -Gut Guitar Version-
04 Under the Leaves of Cherry Trees [A Poem for the Dead] 3:41
05 Gale [A Theme of Seijuurou Hiko]
06 Warriors Blue [A Theme of Aoshi Shinomori]
07 Warriors Suite
09 Kaoru & Misao <III> -Full Mix Version-
10 Oniwabanshu � Kyoto Investigators
11 Kaoru & Misao <II> -Pf Version-
12 Hiten Mitsurugi Style � Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki [A Theme of Seijuurou Hiko]
13 Elegy of Massacre [A Theme of "Sekihoutai"]
14 Fallen Angel [The Grey Angel] -Shinta's Mix-
15 Warriors Blue [A Theme of Aoshi Shinomori] -Frozen Mix-
16 Hiten Mitsurugi Style � Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki [A Theme of Seijuurou Hiko] -Director's Mix-
17 NA�GO�MI -Extended Version-

Scene 07 - Original Soundtrack TV Series IV
01 Recollection ~in the Past~
02 Jungle of Massacre -Drum'n Bass Mix-
03 Stratagem of Massacre -Drum'n Bass Mix-
04 Omen of Massacre
05 Jungle of Massacre -Master Mix-
06 Over the Horizon
07 welcome to my nightmare
08 curved air
09 dancing madly backwards
10 Wild Cat -A Theme of Misao Makimachi-
11 lunatic
12 preacher
13 Sorrow I -Strings Version-
14 Sorrow II -Church Version-
15 Sorrow III -Voice Version-
16 justice
17 let it burn
18 shades of cloud
19 lightning
20 typhoon
21 Over the Horizon [promenade of "SONGS"] -Ichiro Nakai Solo Version-
22 let it rain
23 little wing

Scene 08 - Original Soundtrack Game I
01 Who are You Protecting? (PS Quena Version)
02 Restaurant "Shueiya"
03 Conclusion
04 River Beach
05 Great Corridor
06 Decisive Battle
07 Kamiya Dojo's Garden
08 Forest of a Shinto Deity
09 Stairs
10 Forest Path
11 Kamiya Dojo
12 Dance Hall
13 Hajime Saitou
14 Ending (Version 2)
15 Ending (Version 1)
16 Kenshin Defeat
17 Kenshin Victory
18 Sanosuke Victory
19 Sanosuke Appears
20 Sanosuke
21 Parting
22 Departure
23 Who are You Protecting? (PS Guitar Version)

Scene 09 - Original Soundtrack Game II
01 Tokyo
02 Kamiya Dojo
03 Akabeko
04 Tension
05 Highway
06 Forest
07 Battle 1
08 Town
09 Peace
10 Ravine
11 Hideout
12 Swamps
13 Cavern
14 Underground Garden
15 Dream ~ Leader's Theme
16 Battle 2
17 Mountain Pass
18 Factory
19 Sadness
20 Ruins
21 Memories
22 Dream ~ Dagger's Theme
23 Temple
24 Monastery
25 Fear
26 On a Ship
27 Palpitation
28 Underground Waterway
29 Place of Tragedy
30 Between Prayers
31 Ten More Heroes
32 Yukimura Sanada
33 Departure ~ Sacred
34 Departure ~ Brillant
35 Ending Theme

Scene 10 - Original Soundtrack Movie
01 Until We Meet Again
02 Twist of Time
03 Troubled Memories
04 Painful Memories
05 Endlessly Dark Sky
06 Her Most Beautiful Smile
07 Power of Revolution
08 Her Most Beautiful Eyes
09 Futility
10 A Parting Eternal
11 No Way Out
12 Epitaph ~Hidden Shadow~
13 Light Shaded Dream
14 Days to Remember

Scene 11 - Original Soundtrack OVA I
01 In Memories "A Boy Meets The Man"
02 One of These Nights
03 Alone Again
04 Blood
05 Day After Day
06 In The Rain
07 Quiet Life -Pf Solo Version-
08 The Will -Pf Solo Version-
09 The Wars of The Last Wolves
10 The Will
11 Testament
12 Talk to The Moon
13 Sound of Snow Falling
14 Shades of Revolution
15 In Memories "KO�TO�WA�RI"
16 Quiet Life

Scene 12 - Original Soundtrack OVA II
01 On The Pier
02 An Old Patriot
03 Regret
04 In The Sunset Glow
05 Indigo
06 Revenge of The Ghost
07 Labyrinth
08 Your Way
09 Living Sin
10 The Duel (in the name of love)
11 You By My Side
12 Faraway
13 Eclipse
14 One More Red Nightmare
15 Heart of The Sunrise
16 And You And I
17 Cord of Life
18 Pie Jesu
19 You By My Side -Extended Version-
20 Eternal

07-06-2008, 03:10 PM
Nice collection! Arigato!

07-26-2008, 12:40 AM
Such a huge share!

07-26-2008, 03:01 AM
Thank you. I had been looking for the Samurai X OVA soundtrack for a long time, and I am glad someone had finally gotten their hands on it. Thanks a bunch! :)

07-26-2008, 09:26 PM
I think there are 3 posts with this 12 cd BOX....:-D
crazy, no?

09-12-2012, 01:31 AM
re-uploaded with new links and pretty layout :)

09-12-2012, 01:36 AM
Thanks a lot ! Looking forward to see this and the anime

09-12-2012, 01:40 AM
There is one ova I do not recommend.... because it is just stupid.
But series.... are just marking , in a way
:) The ova music is wonderfull. "The Wars of The Last Wolves", which is waht I am hearing now, is just one of my most adorable compositions of the ovas. :)

09-12-2012, 12:43 PM
Excelent music, excelent post.... please... more music of Samurai X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-12-2012, 12:48 PM
the only more music you will have is just the live action ost.
With 3 threads you get everything of music from kenshin. This box covers pretty much everything we might want :)

09-12-2012, 10:58 PM
Sorry, but do anyone have all those cues separated individually that form part of the Warriors Suite? And the mix of The Ishin Overthrowing Plan as heard in the first episode of the Kenshin and Shishio fight in the anime, speaking of which it could be heard in a short version the next episode at the beginning?

09-12-2012, 11:05 PM
no. There is not split cues for it (the warrior suite), but I can work it out for you, later.
About Ishin Track, I also wondered about that version, but there was never out that version. There I cant help :/

I just ask of you to send a pm to me tomorrow so I can work on it. :)

09-12-2012, 11:18 PM
Ok, thank you very much :) As a matter of fact, because I really loved the mix of The Ishin Overthrowing Plan I ripped the short version, which I'm going to send you ;D Ok, I look forward to see your awesome work splitting and arranging the different cues that are part of the Warriors Suite.

01-07-2013, 02:19 AM
Could you Re-up, as the links are dead

03-23-2013, 09:12 AM
Can someone please reupload this..

03-23-2013, 09:16 AM
Can someone please reupload this..

Download Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan ~ Complete CD-Box torrent - BakaBT (http://bakabt.me/130898-rurouni-kenshin-meiji-kenkaku-romantan-complete-cd-box.html)

03-24-2013, 04:02 AM
Gracias en un gran box set, este si lo tenia hace mucho.

08-27-2013, 03:31 PM
part 1 is deleted

i really need the part 1

it awesome

08-31-2013, 04:45 PM
missed this =(

06-11-2014, 01:28 AM
I will re-upload this soon.

Meanwhile a project of mine :

TV Series Unreleased Music (Thread 174974)

09-21-2014, 08:18 AM
Re-uploaded 2014.09.21
Re-uploaded in 6 parts.
After you have all parts, you will be able to unpack correctly.

Enjoy :)

02-01-2015, 01:01 PM
This is all MP3

02-02-2015, 01:15 AM
Thank you share!

02-23-2015, 04:52 AM
Holy crap this is like the dream soundtrack, thanks!!!

03-06-2015, 07:47 AM
Is the live action film coming to english? Also, I think i've already shared, but this is phenomenal. I don't have the space now, but I'll be reliving my past for a few weeks it looks like!

Glad to see someone still thinks its a good show!

05-04-2015, 03:30 AM
Thank you so much for this! :D

06-19-2015, 06:20 AM
Amazing Collection! Thanks!

02-11-2016, 06:52 PM
I'm getting an error with Part 4 so the entire upload is kaput for me.

02-13-2016, 08:55 PM
you might have a problem on your end. link is working, and it downloaded fine

02-14-2016, 02:28 PM
They all downloaded now, but I'm confused as to exactly what to do with the files to get them to form a zip. Sorry, haven't had to actually deal with something like this before.

02-14-2016, 10:10 PM
if you have a loader for the zip file, it normally does that for you. They just need to be in the same folder and finish with part1-n etc... (this'll be specific to the file name)

02-15-2016, 02:12 PM
if you have a loader for the zip file, it normally does that for you. They just need to be in the same folder and finish with part1-n etc... (this'll be specific to the file name)

That's normally what happens when I download partitions. They all end in the individual number; so .zip.001, .zip.002. Should I change the file name to .zip.part1/.zip.part2?

02-16-2016, 01:28 AM
No, this is fine. just have them in the same folder.

02-16-2016, 03:01 PM
Well, that is what normally happens. I have winrar. They open individually in it but the files are inaccessible.

02-17-2016, 05:03 AM
Well, that is what normally happens. I have winrar. They open individually in it but the files are inaccessible.
It sounds like a corrupt file. One part being corrupt will mean the files are unreadable. Also, winrar is great! Load part 1 and then extract and winrar will do the rest. It will get to the end of one part and continue on with the next when extracting

02-17-2016, 01:59 PM
Well, now the links aren't working for me to see if the files were corrupt.

03-03-2016, 03:05 PM
I managed to finally extract some of the files after rebuilding the zip in winrar but it doesn't get me all of them.
However, after downloading and using 7zip, it opened it without a problem. Sorry for all the posts.

07-17-2018, 03:53 PM
July 17 2018 Time has passed and i'm downloading this piece of art. As beautiful as the series. Just an impeccable work that beats the flow of time . Thank you so much.

01-13-2019, 05:35 PM
Thank you so much :'(