Red Arremer
06-08-2008, 09:36 PM
Original Gamerip, Tunes will follow soon.

Game Info
Name: Rockman ZX, Megaman ZX
Platform: Nintendo DS
Publisher: Capcom


07-16-2008, 04:04 AM
Did you rip these yourself?

If you did, good work! The sound quality of the songs in this rip is far better than that of the songs in the Rockman ZX rip that was posted on GH quite some time ago.

The songs in this rip are crisp and don't contain any sound FX or instances where parts of the song suddenly drop in volume.

Also, in the other rip (the one posted on GH), the sound is muddled to the point that you don't always hear the instruments/synthetic tunes playing in the background.

Kudos man! (assuming you're the one who ripped)

Red Arremer
07-16-2008, 06:57 AM
Kudos man! (assuming you're the one who ripped)

I'm no man, I'm a girl... And there I thought my profile would be indicating enough, but it seems to be still assumed that girls and vgm are like the devil and holy water. <_<

No, this wasn't ripped by me, I found it somewhere, I think it was Atomic Fire before it went down.