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12-02-2007, 05:26 PM
Chozo Ruins 3 ? It's in Prime or Prime 2 ?

Good-Looking Guy
12-02-2007, 05:31 PM
It would be located in the original Prime (Prime 2 had no Chozo IIRC).

EDIT : Even though I believe the MDB and I have the same source, there appear to be some Prime 2 tracks missing. That won't be an issue soon, I just find it odd.

12-02-2007, 05:34 PM
Yeah, I'm stupid...
The real name of the track, it's "Chozo Chapel of Elders" or " Ancient Chozo Ruins" ? Because all tracks in the OST are in the game.

12-02-2007, 05:42 PM
Some missing tracks... Oh crap. :)
So, did you find the name of the track ?

EDIT : Just 2/3 missing tracks (Multiplyers).

Good-Looking Guy
12-02-2007, 05:50 PM
There's also a missing track not listed ... I like to call it "Almost at Temple Grounds" ... it's sort of like Burning Trail from Prime in that it's a "toned down" version of the area you're going to. It plays right before you're first entering the Temple Grounds main area and "Welcome to Temple Grounds" is played.

12-02-2007, 05:52 PM
There's also a missing track not listed ... I like to call it "Almost at Temple Grounds" ... it's sort of like Burning Trail from Prime in that it's a "toned down" version of the area you're going to. It plays right before you're first entering the Temple Grounds main area "Welcome to Temple Grounds".

Hmmm OK, thanks.
Then, for your question, all tracks in the OST are in the game, so "Chozo Ruins 3" must be in it :)

Good-Looking Guy
12-02-2007, 05:54 PM
Must be. I suppose I'll give another listen this afternoon or something.

12-02-2007, 05:58 PM
OK, then.
It's afternoon at your's home... LOL, it's evening at mine ^^ !! I have to work and I'll upload the missing tracks (MP2E) later, so like Samus likes to say : "See you next mission" ^^ ! Thanks again for your help !

12-03-2007, 03:22 AM
Thank you very much buddy!

12-04-2007, 02:25 AM
Well, I've no problem with this track, perhaps you had a problem during the download or the unrar... Try to re-download it and it'll certainly work.

Gee, that would be no problem if I had a good connection speed, but redownloading it would take me 7 or even more hours, as crazy as that may sound. I only wish it would've been Lava Caves the one with the problem, I really despise that track, one of worst arrangements I've heard, but Chozo Ruins is one of my favorite... too bad.

Good-Looking Guy
12-04-2007, 03:12 AM
Lava Caverns? You mean the Lower Norfair remix? Hahaha, funny thing is I love that track. Oh well, to each his own, right? As for getting your desired Chozo Ruins track, I recommend looking into a download manager. It's a separate program that will download files for you, just copy and paste you desired download link into it. Best of all, these are usually faster than a Web-Browser download, and are much, much less likely to become corrupt in transfer, or stop halfway through. I would recommend Download Accelerator Plus (Free Version) ( for Windows. But then again, if you say it takes "7 or even more hours", you may want to look at your internet plan. I'm guessing you are using dial-up?

12-04-2007, 10:49 AM
Yup, dial-up sucks, but where I live is better than nothing. Wouldn't it be possible to find that track in particular somewhere? I've searched the net for ages looking for this OST and now when I finally find it look what happens, talk about bad luck. :'( :sad:

12-04-2007, 05:45 PM
I can upload this track just for you by PM, it's more easy to download 1 track than the OST !

EDIT : Well, I've no memory : do you need "Lava Caverns" or "Ancient Chozo Ruins" ? ^^

EDIT 2 : OK, Ire-uploaded the song, there' is no problem !

12-05-2007, 03:46 AM
Ok I got it. Thanks a million.

12-05-2007, 07:35 AM
Does it work ??

12-05-2007, 04:04 PM
Yeah it works... but I just realized that's not the "Chozo Ruins" from the OST album, its from the game rip.

12-05-2007, 04:30 PM
Yeah it works... but I just realized that's not the "Chozo Ruins" from the OST album, its from the game rip.

Really ? The 2 versions I have shared are from the OST (one had a problem).

12-07-2007, 02:47 AM
I've seen the track list from a site that reviewed the OST and says Chozo Ruins lasts 4:12, the one from the rip is 4:49 minutes long.

Here's the list:

12-07-2007, 04:08 AM
Just want to say, two other notable Prime and Echoes remixes have been made by Darkesword (a.k.a. Shariq Ansari), and could be found on his site here ( These song files are under the "Listen" section, in the "Remixes" subsection, under the names "Just a Little More (Prime Edit)", a remix of Phendrana Drifts, and "Torvus Clockwork", a remixing of the Torvus and Hydrodynamo sections.
If you wanted to add it in, or whatever.

12-07-2007, 07:26 AM
Just want to say, two other notable Prime and Echoes remixes have been made by Darkesword (a.k.a. Shariq Ansari), and could be found on his site here ( These song files are under the "Listen" section, in the "Remixes" subsection, under the names "Just a Little More (Prime Edit)", a remix of Phendrana Drifts, and "Torvus Clockwork", a remixing of the Torvus and Hydrodynamo sections.
If you wanted to add it in, or whatever.

Yep, I'm a big fan of DarkeSword (an OcRemixer for those who wanted to know). His two Prime and Echoes remixes are in one of the 2 .rar of "Metroid and OCReMix".

12-07-2007, 07:27 AM
I've seen the track list from a site that reviewed the OST and says Chozo Ruins lasts 4:12, the one from the rip is 4:49 minutes long.

Here's the list:

WoW, it's strange because I phoned my friend to give me his Prime OST and I ripped the track from the CD...

12-07-2007, 10:40 AM
Maybe the list is wrong, but don't worry, I just found a site that has each track separately so no problems. Thanks.

12-07-2007, 05:50 PM
Maybe the list is wrong, but don't worry, I just found a site that has each track separately so no problems. Thanks.

Okay, you're welcome !

12-07-2007, 11:10 PM
@ Cherna': Thanks for telling me!

@ Cherna' and Hippo: Some sites with individual tracks are Metroid Recon ( and Metroid Database ( both have a wide library of BGMs from the series, but they require a FilePlanet subscription, which requires payment (unless you know how to get in for free,in which case don't reveal how! That's cheating!).

12-08-2007, 08:41 AM
@ Cherna': Thanks for telling me!

@ Cherna' and Hippo: Some sites with individual tracks are Metroid Recon ( and Metroid Database ( both have a wide library of BGMs from the series, but they require a FilePlanet subscription, which requires payment (unless you know how to get in for free,in which case don't reveal how! That's cheating!).

Yeah, the Metroid Database helped me A LOT because I haven't all the tracklists that I needed and they had some missing tracks of MP2E and MP3C ! It's a great website !

And for those who have a request (loop version, etc...), tell me !!

Good-Looking Guy
12-08-2007, 03:41 PM
I agree about the Metroid Database, it's where I originally got the lossy Metroid Prime 2 soundtrack. They have the majority of the music from the series now, so if anyone has individual missing tracks, I strongly suggest they look there first!

12-09-2007, 02:14 AM
been wondering if the OST to metroid prime was ever released - excelent soundtrack!.. thank a lot..

12-09-2007, 01:54 PM
the metroid prime have not a 41 TRACKS
the metroid prime have a 44 tracks

41 tracks is incmplete

44 tracks is complete

12-09-2007, 02:39 PM
the metroid prime have not a 41 TRACKS
the metroid prime have a 44 tracks

41 tracks is incmplete

44 tracks is complete

So, which tracks are missing ? Because I ripped the Original Soundtrack CD so if it's not complete, there'll be a big problem... (*getting mad about missing tracks LOL*)

12-09-2007, 09:38 PM
Under no circumstances am I crazy or want anybody becomes crazy.pero if it is true that your dir�s Mass but I have in my possession the 44 songs on the metroid prime.osea you have 41 and I 44.a certainly I also possess the cd original, perhaps you have a mere imitation of Chinese

Good-Looking Guy
12-09-2007, 11:05 PM
There are only 41 tracks on the Metroid Prime original soundtrack, as far as any sources I can find say. I find this very odd now. Could you possibly post a track listing?

EDIT : Here are some links : Play Asia (, Chudah's Corner (, and Soundtrack Central ( all say 41 tracks.

12-10-2007, 04:48 PM
Really strange...

12-16-2007, 06:09 PM
Thanks! it was extremely annoying trying to find a source, you helped out a bunch!

12-16-2007, 07:03 PM
They say that ignorance is happiness, as well an image is worth more than a thousand words so upload my ost of metroid prime and well established that you are not 41 songs but 44

12-16-2007, 07:26 PM
Hope it's not too much to ask but can someone rip Metroid Prime OST in FLAC lossless? I didn't even know that the OST was out!

12-16-2007, 08:21 PM
Within barely one hour upload the ost of metroid prime with 44 songs.

I hope you will be of help

12-16-2007, 09:12 PM
As I said, what is promised debt here you have the ost of metroid prime with 44 songs (not 41) to prove that what I say is going to Mass and so I can prove

God be with all those who did not believe in my

Thread 44606

Good-Looking Guy
12-16-2007, 11:13 PM
Ah, I might request you don't use megaupload, both for your and your downloader's sanity! However, I might say it's not a case of people not believing you, it's just I had only seen 41 tracks, so I was rather confused when you said 44. I'm curious to know what the missing tracks are though. Is your upload in lossless or mp3?

Also CyberSpark, there was a two-disc set released with both the Prime and Fusion soundtracks (creatively called Metroid Prime & Fusion Original Soundtracks). However, along with Super Metroid - Sound in Action, those are the only official Metroid soundtracks to date.

12-18-2007, 02:10 PM
The ost that you have brought will be imitations of china, which already od say in advance that it is normal that not complete as mine that the shop japan.peor so happens to many games if shopping of china (SM records) will be always or almost always havent serious consideration

12-18-2007, 05:52 PM
My friend bought it on Playasia, so if Playasia is a bad website... Well, strange story... Which tracks are in your ost ? Can you give a tracklist ??

12-18-2007, 08:07 PM
I have already given the link to anyone who wants to download the ost of metroid prime, it's the tracklist which puts the name of all the songs in the ost.por true that they can sell in playasia does not mean having the ost Japanese china will have the most as the ost selling

12-19-2007, 07:33 AM
Yeah, but all your links are dead, but it's normal, it's Megaupload...

12-20-2007, 04:05 PM
Check out the below thread with MP Corruption songs, page 1 has a link to every track, and page 2 has a link to a .zip file of all the tracks. Is this the same tracks as on this thread?,6504.0.html

Interview with Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Sound Team at Retro Studios and Composer Kenji Yamamoto:

12-20-2007, 09:29 PM
Yeah, but all your links are dead, but it's normal, it's Megaupload...

My links work perfectly, that is not to say that you are dead, have never failed

12-21-2007, 06:38 PM
Sorry for the dead link but my connexion was bad during 2 days...
Mmmmh, I don't know what to say, because it's so strange... Your OST looks like an old gamerip I heard before on the web... But on the Metroid Prime & Fusion Original Soundtrack Back cover, we can see only 41 tracks...

12-23-2007, 12:58 PM
If izan's OST is really complete, why can't I find "Ice Chapel" in ? Adem�s, some tracks are not named like others I've found. I don't want to say someone is right, but what I can say, is that there is more tracks of Metroid Prime in Izan's OST. But it may not be an official OST, here, I think, is the problem.

12-24-2007, 08:48 AM
You're right, wexe15. Some tracks are missing in the 2 OST (izan's one and mine) so if we put our OSTs, we can make the REALLY COMPLETE MP OST ! LOL and merry Xmas to everyone !

Good-Looking Guy
12-25-2007, 03:36 AM
All righty guys, I have just assembled the incomplete Metroid Prime 2: Echoes FLAC soundtrack! It consists of 57 complete tracks, emulated and encoded to FLAC format! However, there are two missing tracks ... the Title Theme (:(), and the GF Troopers Story, due to emulation limitations. I was thinking I should release this as a Christmas gift to the public ... but compressed with 7zip, the soundtrack totals up to just over 1 GB. Now, I split this up into 100mb segments, but there are 12 of them (0_o), and I have a really crappy upload speed. Does anybody know how I could go about handling an upload of this magnitude?

12-25-2007, 10:58 AM
Hmmmm... Wow, 1 GB !! I don't know which host can share a 1 GB download. Megaupload (haha, LOL) has a 300 MB limit and I think that Mediafire has a 300 MB limit too, it'll be more easy to split it into 4 parts !

It could be a cool Christmas gift but you did some great job until here, you know ! Relax, we'll find a good host for your FLAC OST ! And some people requested MP1 OST in FLAC, can you do it ? If you can't, I'll try (I never ripped in FLAC, LOL).

And if anybody has a request (... not about FLAC Lossless for now!), just tell me !

Good-Looking Guy
12-25-2007, 06:40 PM
I'd love to rip the first Metroid Prime Soundtrack in FLAC, but I'm afraid I don't actually have the files to do this, nor the CD. As for a host ... Megaupload ... is Megaupload, but I thought Mediafire had a 100MB limit?

12-26-2007, 01:21 PM
Try FileFactory, they have a 300 MB limit. (Hey, it's the Metroid Thread's 300th post ! LOL)

Good-Looking Guy
12-26-2007, 03:40 PM
Hmm, yes, FileFactory does seem the way to go ... 300MB limit, 25 files at once ... I'll upload as soon as I can!

12-26-2007, 05:04 PM
Okay, can't wait to get it (and to add it in hte first post ! You'll have credit for this !)

Good-Looking Guy
12-28-2007, 02:01 AM
Okay, as an idea of progress for you, I've re-compressed the soundtrack into a 4-part version, the split files 300MB each, for the downloaders' convenience. Now, on my connection, it takes ~45 min-1 hr to upload 100MB files so I'm looking at around 12 hours in total (maybe a little less, as I think Part 4 is only about 70 MB). Now, I would just leave my computer on overnight, but someone in my family keeps turning it off, saying it's a waste of our electricity. So I'll try uploading starting tonight (or tomorrow morning, depends how work goes) to FileFactory, and I'll let you all know as soon as it's up of course!

Also, I'm planning on making the links anonymous when I post them, like they do in the Lossless VGM Glory thread. Apparently it extends file life (and believe me, I'm not looking forward to uploading twice!)

12-28-2007, 02:21 AM
I tell my friends that it is a great effort to upload the sire of 2 echoes metroid prime, but I advance that you are not 57 but 70 tracks so if you want the gift that i upload.
A picture is worth more than a thousand words and I can prove what I write

Good-Looking Guy
12-28-2007, 04:31 PM
I combined all of the ending tracks into one track, and I didn't put in all of the Luminoth voice effects. Also, there are two files missing, the Title Theme, and the Last Stand of the Federation Troopers (the hologram that plays when you first find the GF ship). So yes, I can see where the number 70 comes from, but I only uploaded 57 in FLAC Lossless (some of the Luminoth effects are ~2 seconds long, and in my opinion, would take up unnecessary space when encoded with lossless). However, I included a .txt file that compares the tracks in my soundtrack to those in the actual game, which is included in the 7zip archive, if anyone wants to see the omissions in detail. If you want to upload the other tracks or whatever, be my guest of course :)

Also, I am currently uploading, and I hope to have it complete by the end of the day (I'll post all four d/l links when it's ready).

12-28-2007, 05:26 PM
Would being on dial-up affect my downloading abilities?

12-28-2007, 06:49 PM
Yes. If it takes too long for you to download the huge ZIP files, it'll either complete downloading too early (and thus you get a corrupted ZIP file that won't open) or it'll just stop downloading... in which case you also get a corrupted file.
Here's a hint: get DSL.

Good-Looking Guy
12-28-2007, 08:57 PM
Ugh, parts 1 and 3 are supposedly up okay, but both parts 2 and 4 have had errors, and I need to re-upload them already :( Rest assured, they're coming at some point.

EDIT : Ugh, they deleted the first three links just as the fourth went up
Your files have been uploaded!

of size 0 Bytes
of size 0 Bytes
of size 0 Bytes
Metroid Prime 2 Echoes FLAC.7z.004 of size 231.969 MB

This is awful!

12-29-2007, 11:36 AM
Take your time, Good-Looking Guy ! Upload your files one by one if they delete them.

Good-Looking Guy
12-29-2007, 03:11 PM
Righty-o, I guess I'll reupload them part by part then :| At least we have part 4:

12-29-2007, 03:36 PM
Okay, great ! I'm adding it to the first post !

Good-Looking Guy
12-29-2007, 04:28 PM
Ahh, it's not working again though ... I tried uploading Part 1 and I get this message again :

Your file has been uploaded!

of size 0 Bytes

Do you think this is an issue on my end, or FileFactory?

12-29-2007, 04:35 PM
Hmmm... As I uploaded just one time to FileFactory, I think I can't solve your problem... I'm searching another host for you and if I find nothing good, you'll probably need to upload to Rapidshare and that's stupid to cut an OST in 12 parts... Hope that I find a good host !

Good-Looking Guy
12-29-2007, 04:36 PM
Okay, let me know as soon as you can find a good host ... I think it'll be a pain for both of us if the download is indeed in 12 parts though!

12-29-2007, 04:39 PM
Yeah and as Rapidshare doesn't allow multiple downloads if you're not a premium user, I imagine how it'll be hard to download the whole thing !!! Try zupload ( ), I really don't know if it's good but it has a good MB limit.

Good-Looking Guy
12-29-2007, 04:41 PM
Okay, I'll try uploading Part 1 right now, I'll let you know what happens when it finishes.

12-29-2007, 04:59 PM
Hey, Gigasize ( ) has a 600 MB limit ! Just if zupload doesn't work.

Good-Looking Guy
12-29-2007, 11:33 PM
zupload just gave me a blank screen, but Gigasize simply stopped at this :

Uploading: 811.34MB / 900MB
Upload speed: 69.99KB/s
Total time remaining: 00:22:34

(For over two hours, then the browser stopped responding when I clicked the window)

I think there's something on my end preventing me from uploading successfully; I'm not sure why so many sites just wouldn't work. I've disabled my firewall, are there any other issues anyone can think of that I may have?

12-29-2007, 11:42 PM
Uh... That's very strange... Maybe your connection has been too satured (does that word really exist ?) and/or used too long. You should try with a pause and whithout any activity needing network connection. If it doesn't work with it, I can't say you more, sorry =/.

12-30-2007, 01:03 PM
another next time

Good-Looking Guy
12-30-2007, 05:50 PM
Thanks wexe15 .... uploading of the Metroid Prime 2: Echoes FLAC Lossless Game Rip is complete now!

FLAC Lossless Version ~Incomplete~
Part 1 :
Part 2 :
Part 3 :
Part 4 :
(All four parts must be downloaded for the archive to open!)

Links have been made anonymous to extend the file life. Chernabogue54, if you could add these links to the first page, that would be excellent! I even formatted them like you have it in the first page to make it easier ;)

Happy downloading!

01-01-2008, 11:18 AM
Links added to the first post, great job and happy new year !

01-02-2008, 05:26 PM
A little new thing : DarkeSword (from OCReMix) did a new ReMix, it's the theme of the GF Valhalla from MP3C and it's called "Yellow Valkyrie". Enjoy it !
And for the Metroid Fans that check (or have checked) many times my thread, I have re-done the first post : it's more easy to read and separate with colours ! Hope you'll like it !

01-02-2008, 05:41 PM
Thanks. I'll be dling every single one to put on a compilation disc(s) for my stereo :) Thanks guy for sharing!

Good-Looking Guy
01-03-2008, 04:34 PM
Hahaha that DarkeSword is the first and only person to do remixes for the Prime series on that site! Downloading now. Also, I think we should add a link to so that people can download the tracks individually if they want to, seeing as how the tracks come from so many different Metroid games (we have a link to the Metroid Database).

01-03-2008, 04:37 PM
Yeah, good idea ! I did it for the Metroid Database, OCReMix and DoD so I can do it for Metroid Metal ! Haha, I love your sig ! :)

Good-Looking Guy
01-03-2008, 11:59 PM
Yeah I thought it would be a good way to promote the thread, despite the fact that this is the place where I make 99% of my posts anyway hahaha.

01-04-2008, 10:57 AM
Yeah, LOL, that's a good idea ! I did it at the beginning of the thread. I think that (except FLAC Lossless Versions or a new ReMix) we won't have any new updade until a moment.

Good-Looking Guy
01-05-2008, 04:51 PM
Just a little note, the Metroid Prime 2: Echoes FLAC lossless links you posted in the first post don't work ... I think it's because you copied the link incorrectly? I checked the links in my original post and they work fine ... try right clicking and choosing copy link or something like that; if you just copied directly from the post I think they were cut off. Or maybe try quoting my post and taking the code for the links directly from there?

Either way, they don't work as they are currently posted :(

EDIT : I noticed in one of your earlier posts you don't know how to rip in FLAC. If you ever just get a chance to rip the CDs again in WAV format and upload them I can convert to FLAC for you. But the WAV might be so big it's not worth it I dunno hahaha. Just a thought.

01-05-2008, 05:18 PM
Uh ? Really ? Oh, I'm fixing it now. Thanks to tell me !

Good-Looking Guy
01-05-2008, 05:20 PM
No problems, now people can enjoy and download it properly if they want to/have the time to download it! It's so big :O Of course, the 81 tracks of Super Mario Galaxy OST will be pretty big when it comes up as FLAC too, and I know I must download that!

01-05-2008, 05:26 PM
Eh, it's strange but (well the website where you uploaded the MP2E FLAC) can't redirect us to gigasize to download the files. Are the links OK ?

And for the fact that I don't know how to rip in FLAC : it's better to say that I never read CyberSpark's explications... LOL

EDIT : BIG IDEA ! I CAN UPLOAD Metroid Prime OST in WAV and you can convert it in FLAC !

Good-Looking Guy
01-05-2008, 05:33 PM
Yes, I just checked myself ... have you tried pressing quote and copying the code from my original post?

On the subject of FLAC, I just hope it wouldn't be too much of a strain on your connection to upload WAV files. I'm not too busy until week of the 28th, when I have exams so converting to FLAC shouldn't be a problem.

01-05-2008, 05:37 PM
OK, the problem is fixed... I was scared because if I didn't change the links, nobody could download your wonderful job ;) !

Uploading is not a problem for me, french connexions are really good :D ! I can begin to convert the OST in WAV and perhaps upload it today !

Good-Looking Guy
01-05-2008, 05:38 PM
Cool! I'd recommend gigasize like you told me. I'll keep checking this thread for an upload! (I'm subscribed anyway hahaha).

01-05-2008, 05:39 PM
OK, it's done. I'm uploading it ; it's a ~750 MB .rar :D splitted in 2 parts. Uploading to Gigasize.
You'll put the 2 Metroid Prime FLAC Lossless on the "VGM Lossless Thread" ?

01-05-2008, 06:49 PM
Metroid Prime in WAV - Part 1 :
Metroid Prime in WAV - Part 2 :
Enjoy !

01-05-2008, 08:31 PM
OK, it's done ! How many time will you take to convert it in FLAC ?

Good-Looking Guy
01-05-2008, 11:02 PM
Downloaded successfully! Now, as for time ... I should have it done tomorrow I think.

EDIT : Wait, did these come from the disc? The WAV files seem awful small ... are you sure these weren't just converted from mp3? Because you can't gain any quality by going mp3 to WAV to FLAC, as the mp3s lost some quality in the first place (FLAC is meant to avoid this). You'd need to rip directly to WAV. Unless this is what you did, and if it is, my bad. The files themselves are just smaller than I expected hahaha.

01-06-2008, 11:52 AM
Yeah, thre're from the disc. That's cool that you can do it quickly ! We could make the same with MP3C LOL !

Good-Looking Guy
01-06-2008, 03:57 PM
I'm afraid it'd be pretty difficult to do MP3C though, if only because it'd have to all be re-recorded into WAV or something, and I don't know if Wii music is emulated yet or not. Also, I'm converting all these into FLAC, should be able to upload very soon.

EDIT : There seems to be a problem with track 11 again ... that is 1:48 as opposed to 4:12. I believe there was a problem with it in your lossless rip too, albeit a different length. Could you perhaps try ripping it from the disc again?

01-07-2008, 05:48 AM
Are you talking about the original soundtrack or are you recording the music from the game, saving the waves and converting to FLAC?

01-07-2008, 09:13 AM
@Good-Looking Guy : It's the end of the holidays, so I'll have less time to rip, but I'll re-rip track 11 as fast as I can.

@CyberSpark : Yeah, it's the Original Soundtrack.

01-07-2008, 05:51 PM
Chozo Ruins :
Good luck !

Good-Looking Guy
01-09-2008, 01:20 AM
Okay, I've converted to FLAC and uploaded!

Part 1 :
Part 2 :

Sorry for the lack of tags, but I can't figure out how on earth to tag a FLAC file.

01-09-2008, 07:39 AM
That's perfect ! Great job ! I dunno anymore how to tag a FLAC file... Links added to first post ! Thanks again !

01-11-2008, 12:08 AM
Use Mp3Tag ( to tag FLAC files.

The Doctor
01-12-2008, 03:51 AM
Question: has there ever been a Symphonic Suite-style Metroid album? I've seen them for Actraiser, Resident Evil, and various Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest games, but I've never seen one for Metroid.

01-12-2008, 02:35 PM
Question: has there ever been a Symphonic Suite-style Metroid album? I've seen them for Actraiser, Resident Evil, and various Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest games, but I've never seen one for Metroid.

No, there's no Symphonic Suite about Metroid, sorry. However, in the 4th album of Orchestral Game Concert, you can find a Super Metroid Medley named "Samus Aran's Theme" with "Theme of Super Metroid", "Brinstar Depths" and "Space Pirates".

The Doctor
01-12-2008, 04:23 PM
It's actually the medley on Orchestral Game Concert 4 that inspired me to ask. The Metroid series really deserves a full symphonic album.

01-12-2008, 09:15 PM
Awesome, I was just fighting Rundas today in Corruption and instantly wanted, thank you so much!

01-18-2008, 11:38 AM
Well, I see that this thread has gone a long way! Sorry that I have not come back for a while now.... I did not have any Internet access as I was camping near Mount Fuji. LOL, but it looks as though you all gotten along fine without me. I hope that I did not cause any inconveniences by not being present. This thread looks great, by the way, and you added FLAC files too! Well, they finished downloading now, but I wonder how to open them? After an hour of downloading (for each one! We really need to find a better upload website, LOL) and trying various archived extractor programs, I had no luck. I did not understand the file extensions, ".7z.001", ".7z.002", ".7z.003", & ".7z.004". So, how exactly do you do it? LOL. (Oh, and thank you very much, Chernabogue54 and Good-Looking Guy!!!)

01-18-2008, 05:54 PM
Oh, you're back ^^ ! Yeah, the Metroid Thread continues his way and we uploaded some great stuff. For your problem, you need the program "7zip" and you need to download all the parts to unarchive the files. Well, I hope it's that ^^ !

01-19-2008, 12:56 AM
I am so sorry, but I cannot seem to get it right. Could a patient someone please give me incredibly detailed and specific instructions on how to do it? LOL, I deeply apologize for any inconveniences. I already downloaded them all into one folder and opened the folder with the 7z File manager. However, it does not seem to recognize the files, other than the ".7z.001" extension. I have tried re-downloading the other files, but to no avail. Please help... LOL.

01-19-2008, 08:40 AM
Ok, I'll try help you. First, what OST are you trying unarchive ? It's the MP2E FLAC Version ?

01-19-2008, 09:06 AM
Bingo! Yes, that's the one. I already have all four of the downloads. I checked all of the files to make sure that they had downloaded all of the way through. I apologize for my inconsistence, or if I was not clear enough on my earlier post. Thank you for your consideration,

01-19-2008, 02:25 PM
You know, when Good-Looking Guy posted it, I didn't know how to unarchive the files too LOL ^^ ! So, you downloaded the 4 files, you put them in the same folder, you "right-click" on the file ".001" and you select "unarchive here" or something like that. I hope it'll work because it worked like that for me.

01-19-2008, 04:21 PM
I love this TC. I've been looking for this for soo long :D

01-19-2008, 07:11 PM
how do I unzip the metroid prime 1 lossless files. FLAC unzippers and burners don't evern recognize these as .FLAC files.

01-20-2008, 12:01 AM
Chozo Ruins :
Good luck !

this link doesn't work.

**edit - it works now!

01-20-2008, 08:52 AM
I can't even get the download of Prime OST to start >__>

I did once, but it died at 91%. IV worked just fine, though.

EDIT: It works just fine on rapidshare... Just skip the "broken" song :P

01-20-2008, 05:03 PM
I hope it'll help people who have problems with .001/.002/etc... files. (from the first post)

Some people asked me about how to unarchive some OST (the FLAC Lossless Versions for best example) that have .7zip.001 or .7zip.002 in their names. Follow those instructions and it'll work :
- Download the all thing (all parts of the OST, if you prefer) or it won't work
- Put the files in the same folder
- "Right-click" on the file named "-----".7zip.001 and select "Unarchive here"
- Listen the music ;)
Hope it'll help people who have problems with those files.

01-20-2008, 05:23 PM
A couple of questions: is the entire OST in lossless or are some songs not encoded in that format, are all of the songs in the OST directly from the CD(s)?

Couple of suggestions: if this music is ripped directly from the CD(s) then maybe ripping the ISO Image ( and uploading to FileFront ( (1GB limit and doesn't delete files). If You don't know how to rip the ISO image send me a PM and I'll send the info.

01-20-2008, 06:32 PM
Maybe if people are having too many problems with the split files, you could have just separate WinRAR, 7-Zip, or Zipped files uploaded instead. Although that would be very inconvenient for the uploader and would consume a lot of time.

01-21-2008, 08:23 AM
@CyberSpark : Ripping the ISO image from the OST or the game ? Because I just heard ISO Images about games, so...

@EKFXE : Don't worry ! I'm working on mirrors and I'll re-do the first post to make everything easier !

Good-Looking Guy
01-22-2008, 12:04 AM
ISO Images can be from CDs, DVDs, games ... anything on a disc pretty much haha. On a side note, raw music is beginning to come in, so it's only a matter of time now until I can do a lossless rip for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Also, apologies to all of those having trouble with opening split files ... but EKFXE hit the nail on the head; it's awfully inconvenient, and at the time, I never thought it would be a problem.

01-22-2008, 12:40 AM
I was wondering, if you converted FLAC Lossless into M4A Apple Lossless, would it retain its quality? Size does not matter, as I have terabytes worth of free memory left. Does anyone know about Apple Lossless? I have been trying to go completely lossless for almost a year now and I should probably obtain this information.

01-22-2008, 12:43 AM
Sorry, Chernabogue54, but I just have to know who your sprite is. I know I've seen that character somewhere, but I cannot put my finger on it. LOL. It has been bugging me for quite a bit, I should say.

01-22-2008, 02:09 AM

Good-Looking Guy
01-22-2008, 03:47 AM
I was wondering, if you converted FLAC Lossless into M4A Apple Lossless, would it retain its quality? Size does not matter, as I have terabytes worth of free memory left. Does anyone know about Apple Lossless? I have been trying to go completely lossless for almost a year now and I should probably obtain this information.

Lossless to Lossless (or WAV, assuming you have the right settings) does not cause any loss of quality. That's the great thing about Lossless codecs. However, just to let you know, to convert FLAC to Apple Lossless, you need to convert the FLAC files to WAV (foobar2000 is great for this), import the WAV files to iTunes, and convert them there. Apple Lossless is only ~1-2 MB bigger than a FLAC file on average, and lets you play your music on an iPod (the reason I use it), or in iTunes.

I actually only use Apple Lossless (bet nobody knew that), I just deal in FLAC because it's more commonplace! I like iTunes more than any other media player, and having my songs available on the go is a huge plus. Only problem is it's closed source, and has potential to have DRM applied, but that's never been an issue for me.

01-22-2008, 05:29 AM
iTunes is also my preferred media player; I abstain from using any other. I converted straight to Apple Lossless, though. Is that a problem? I do not believe so, but who knows. I use the program dBpoweramp to convert all of my sound media with no problems. Even MP3s can be converted to higher quality MP3s or even lossless, but I do not believe converting them from MP3 to lossless is nearly as good of quality as ripping them straight from the source as lossless. Soon, I would like to replace my entire library's lossy media with lossless media. That would sound awesome on my iPod, LOL.

01-22-2008, 05:56 PM
Wow, as Lossless and me makes 2 (french expression, sorry), I can't help with encoding musics from FLAC to I don't know what !

Good-Looking Guy, as you uploaded the .001 files, I hope my explications are OK because, as you see it, many people have problem with it. So, if they're not correct (the informations not people LOL), help me, thanks.

And EKFXE, my avatar is Simon Belmont's sprite from the Original Castlevania ! And it won't change soon !! LOL

Also, OCReMix released a new ReMix : it's from SM, made by Beckett007 : the Mother Brain Suite ! Enjoy !

EDIT : Mirrors and CD Covers added !! Enjoy !

01-23-2008, 12:09 AM
I've searched high and low for MP3 bgms for so long! Thank you so much!!

01-23-2008, 12:47 AM
Man it's good to be able to download FLAC lossless versions of the Metroid songs, but it was strange to not see the Metroid Fusion up as a FLAC as well considering it is from the same soundtrack...if anyone could do it that would be cool, if not then it's cool.

01-23-2008, 02:35 AM
this link doesn't work.

**edit - it works now!

thank you, the MP 1 wav files are amazing. Could you possibly post the MP Corruption soundtrack in lossless wav files?

Also, one track from the Metroid Prime 1 soundtrack seems to not be in the WAV files. It's called "Crashed Frigate Entrace", the song that plays when you first enter the crashed frigate.

01-23-2008, 07:39 AM
@enuman : It's normal, it's not in the OST, it's in the gamerip. As I did the wav version of the OST, "Crashed Orpheon Entrance" isn't in it. As far as I understood, you can make FLAC files just from CDs or if you rip the game in wav. To make a FLAC/wav version of MP3C, I'll have to re-rip in wav the game = too much time, sorry...

@thewoz : Metroid Prime has a fantasic music, because it's from GameCube. Fusion has a GBA sound quality = not very great. If you really want the Fusion LAC or wav version, then we'll do it.

01-23-2008, 10:57 AM
...And EKFXE, my avatar is Simon Belmont's sprite from the Original Castlevania ! And it won't change soon !! LOL...

Oh yeah! I remember now! LOL! That was a really fun game for the NES, LOL! Cool!

01-23-2008, 02:08 PM
you don't have to if you don't want to, but if it's not to much trouble it would be nice, plus considering i love to collect as many FLAC music that i know and love, it would be nice.

Good-Looking Guy
01-23-2008, 11:28 PM
I'll personally get to work on the Metroid Prime 3: Corruption FLAC soundtrack after exams (Friday-Tuesday).

01-24-2008, 12:56 AM
You have the Metroid Prime 3 Corruption Original Soundtrack? I didn't even know that it was out. :D Can I help you with this? I can send you some info on ripping an identical copy of the CD onto your computer with some extra data like a CUE sheet so that others can easily burn it to their CD(s). I'll be willing to do the Mp3s if anybody wants once your FLAC version is up. :)

Good-Looking Guy
01-24-2008, 01:18 AM
Ah, there is no original soundtrack sadly, I have simply obtained the original source files from the game itself, and converted them to WAV (FLAC comes soon). Now I must figure out the correct order of the tracks then convert to FLAC and upload. It'll be slow progress for now, due to having exams to study for and whatnot, but expect it in the second week (first full week) of February or so.

Though Chernabogue54 does have access to all of the original soundtracks IIRC, so they may benefit from your instructions :)

01-24-2008, 03:34 AM
Thanks for clearing that up. I will gladly help anyone that wants to rip their music in lossless. I'm supposed to be updating my tutorial but I haven't had time on a computer recently.

01-28-2008, 05:12 AM
What is a RAR file? I really want the full soundtrack and it sounds like you have something good here, but I'm kind of touchy when it comes to downloading things to my old and only computer that holds so much important info, all my artwork and stories. I want to be able to put it onto my ipod so how would I exactly go about doing that off of the site? Thanks!

01-28-2008, 09:01 AM
.rar files are archive files : you need the free program "Winrar" to unarchive the .mp3 files.

bobo smith
02-01-2008, 08:16 PM
What is a RAR file? I really want the full soundtrack and it sounds like you have something good here, but I'm kind of touchy when it comes to downloading things to my old and only computer that holds so much important info, all my artwork and stories. I want to be able to put it onto my ipod so how would I exactly go about doing that off of the site? Thanks!

Also, you might want to think about backing up your stuff if it means that much to you! Nothing on here will screw your computer up... but general use and the possibility of old harddrive failure are enough to scare me!
External HDs are cheap now, or I'm sure you could just put the really important stuff on dvd.

02-01-2008, 08:38 PM
I know all too well the loss when a hard drive fails on you (including external ones); back it up on DVDs and store them in a safe place. Even before doing that make various checks on the files to assure that there are no errors (CRC mismatches, RAR/7Zip broken files, ect) so that there are no further disappointments if things are to go wrong with your drive. Trust me, I'm speaking from experience. :erm:

02-05-2008, 01:34 AM
i love Metriod Music.. i got Metriod Prime 1,2,3 and music is getting better and better... thank you so much chernaboue54 your a true life saver :)

02-05-2008, 01:35 AM
bah.. *Chernabogue54* my bad lol ^^

02-12-2008, 07:46 PM
What a sweet thread! However, the FLAC links to metroid and metroid 2 have been deleted. Any chance for a reup?


02-13-2008, 07:43 AM
I'l re-up them, no problem.

02-14-2008, 06:40 PM
Part 1 : Soon (this week-end perhaps... I've problems with FileFactory, nothing important)
Part 2 :
For the MP2E FLAC Lossless Version, I deleted it from my computer, so if someone can re-upload it for me (filefactory'll be good), please do it. Thanks.

02-17-2008, 05:41 AM
MP FLAC Lossless Part 1 :
I update the first post with the new links but I need some help with the MP2E FLAC Lossless.

02-24-2008, 11:49 PM
Umm, is it possible to get a Metroid Prime Soundtrack in .zip format?

02-25-2008, 07:00 PM
Yeah, I'll upload it to .zip format.

02-26-2008, 03:01 AM
Yeah, I'll upload it to .zip format.

Thanks =D

Will you post it on the main page or in a new post?

02-26-2008, 10:37 AM
In a new post and I'll add the links to the first post after.

Metroid (<br />

02-26-2008, 06:50 PM
Thanks n_n

That made my day =D

02-26-2008, 06:51 PM
Thanks n_n

That made my day =D

You're welcome !

Next update for the Metroid Thread : Metroid in SSBB !!

02-27-2008, 09:07 PM
EDIT: nvm about the echoes OST, Thanks again for the zip album, I'll keep in touch with this thread.

02-27-2008, 10:09 PM

02-28-2008, 06:15 PM
this is amazing! what a great collection of music!
thanx so much for sharing all this with us!

btw, there a new metroid metal songs up!

03-04-2008, 12:15 AM
BIG big thanks!

03-04-2008, 02:30 AM
sweet the metroid metal stuff been looking fr it all in one place thank you man *bows*

03-10-2008, 02:03 PM
ka t�nks

03-10-2008, 03:22 PM
Could someone please reup the metroid prime 2 echoes flac? thanks.

03-10-2008, 06:22 PM
Could someone please reup the metroid prime 2 echoes flac? thanks.

As I don't have anymore the tracks, I can't do it, sorry. Perhaps, Good-Looking Guy have them...

03-13-2008, 05:52 PM
OK, it's not really Metroid time...

But two new updates !
First, a new ReMix, by Armcannon, from OCR : Cranial Syphon [Kay-raid] !

Second, as promised, Metroid in SSBB (from my tagged rip) !! :
ENJOY ;) !

03-17-2008, 05:51 PM
Good to see OCRemixes getting attention too.

Torvus Clockwork is one of my favorite OCRs.

03-17-2008, 09:34 PM
I love the metroid games

thanks a lot

EDIT: Do you have the lossless version from Metroid Fusion OST??

03-18-2008, 07:46 AM
I love the metroid games

thanks a lot

EDIT: Do you have the lossless version from Metroid Fusion OST??

Metroid Fusion has a GBA-quality soundtrack, so in FLAC LOSSLESS, it won't be better. But if you really want it, I'll see what I can do...

03-18-2008, 08:03 AM
i know it wont turn it into Prime music, but it would still sound better then the mp3 files of them, so if u can get them...YES PLEASE!!

03-18-2008, 01:14 PM
Metroid Fusion has a GBA-quality soundtrack, so in FLAC LOSSLESS, it won't be better. But if you really want it, I'll see what I can do...

I really want the FLAC lossless please :)

03-18-2008, 06:20 PM
OK, after some requests, I'll add the Metroid Fusion FLAC Lossless Soundtrack. But, I won't get it soon, so please, wait a little and you'll get it !

03-18-2008, 10:13 PM
OK, after some requests, I'll add the Metroid Prime Fusion FLAC Lossless Soundtrack. But, I won't get it soon, so please, wait a little and you'll get it !


thanks a lot

Secret Society
03-21-2008, 04:13 AM
Thank you Good-Looking Guy for the Metroid Prime Flacs!

03-21-2008, 06:12 AM
Any chance please for a re-up of the Metroid 2 flac? Thanks!

03-21-2008, 09:27 AM
Quoting from myself :

As I don't have anymore the tracks, I can't do it, sorry. Perhaps, Good-Looking Guy have them...

03-22-2008, 03:49 AM
metroid metal got a new song up 2 days ago. Does anyone have it?

03-22-2008, 08:33 AM
metroid metal got a new song up 2 days ago. Does anyone have it?

I'll get it later, I'll uploadit this afternoon or tomorrow ! ;)

03-25-2008, 02:41 PM
Thanks man , goodness bless you.

03-26-2008, 10:27 AM
Thanks, you are the best =).

Haipa Doragon
03-30-2008, 01:45 PM

03-30-2008, 03:53 PM
The link to the SSBB music is broken, it leads to OCRemix music.

Uh? Did you check the good link ? Because it works perfectly for me.

Haipa Doragon
03-30-2008, 05:05 PM

03-30-2008, 05:14 PM
Thanks for these!

|\|0\/4 4|_4|\/|4|<
04-07-2008, 06:48 PM
Thanks A TON!!!! By the way can you reupload Prime 2, but to FileFactory? The FLAC version please!

04-07-2008, 09:37 PM
Metroid forever =)!!!!

04-10-2008, 09:50 PM
Nice dude!! Great Collection you have there!! I just hope that Nintendo makes a sequel to the Metroid Prime series. Thanks for the MP3 OST!!!

|\|0\/4 4|_4|\/|4|<
04-11-2008, 07:22 PM
FYI, they said MP3 was the last one...sorry... Metroid Dread is confirmed though.

04-12-2008, 07:38 AM
good stuff

04-12-2008, 07:46 AM
You're all welcome ;) !

Also, for everyone, I can't re-upload MP2:E's FLAC Lossless Version, I don't have the files anymore, sorry.

FYI, they said MP3 was the last one...sorry... Metroid Dread is confirmed though.

Yeah, another OST to get ;)

05-10-2008, 04:36 AM
Is there a difference in the rapidshare and filefactory links in MP3 for the Music from Bonus/Extra Menu?

05-10-2008, 07:38 AM
Is there a difference in the rapidshare and filefactory links in MP3 for the Music from Bonus/Extra Menu?

No diffrences, they're the same.

06-08-2008, 03:17 PM
Sorry for double posting, but GOOD NEW : Stemage (Metroid Metal) did a new song, with MP3:C's "Title" and "Bryyo" Songs.
Enjoy it !

06-10-2008, 07:24 PM
as of right now, I am WORSHIPPING YOU. thank you so much for this; I've been looking all over for these OSTs, especially of the Primes.

06-14-2008, 01:36 AM
Can anyone reupload the MP2 FLAC version please??

06-21-2008, 10:53 PM
this whole rapid share thing doesnt work for me, it tells me i have to wait 2.5 minutes then after i wait it makes me type the letters that have cats on it which is hard for me to see then it tells me the download like timed out even though i did it as soon as the 2.5 minutes ended. is there an easier way to do this? i just want to listen to the prime 3 music and its frustrating that i cant

06-22-2008, 01:31 AM
Can anyone reupload the MP2 FLAC version please??

Good to see you're still alive Spagnutty. :) makes me type the letters that have cats on it....

That's all that you needed to say. Yeah, stupid RapidShare thing. :rolleyes: The ones with the curled up tail are dogs and the cats have the straight tails, also their ears are a bit bigger. If you look closely enough you'll see the difference, just type the characters that have the cats in it starting from left to right.

Maxx Skywalker
06-22-2008, 02:43 AM
It's probably best to just go to OCR seeing how it's updated every week. You never know when another Metroid remix is going to put up. I would check for more remixes as well.

Red Arremer
06-22-2008, 09:10 PM
Is there a possibility to get Metroid Prime 2 without dealing with Rapidshit?

06-23-2008, 11:30 AM
OK, I gonna reup' MP2 to FileFactory. Sorry for the Rapidshare links, but there're here since the beginning of this thread.

06-23-2008, 12:32 PM
Thanks a bunch Chern!

Red Arremer
06-23-2008, 01:54 PM
Thank you! :3

06-25-2008, 05:41 PM
Thanks a lot for the ost collection!

if anyone is interesed i could make a mirror for this files on megaupload

06-25-2008, 07:39 PM
Thanks a lot for the ost collection!

if anyone is interesed i could make a mirror for this files on megaupload

Megaupload deletes every VGM hosted on it. At the beginning of this thread, I shared on Megaupload and they deleted twice my files and ruined my week-end, but thanks for proposing.

06-26-2008, 07:25 AM
Thanks a million! I loves the Metroid Music! :D

07-07-2008, 11:49 PM
Well thats it i got every metroid soundtrack now thanks to Chernabogue54

07-08-2008, 07:11 AM

07-08-2008, 06:46 PM
Thanks a lot for this awsome collection!!

07-09-2008, 05:20 AM
thx for all of it

07-13-2008, 05:28 AM
Thank you!!! Very much appreciated.

07-13-2008, 05:41 AM
Hmmm is the Metroid Prime 2 FLAC rip lost forever?

Who's this Good-Looking Guy and how can I contact him to beg for a reupload?

Good-Looking Guy
07-31-2008, 02:22 AM
I'm this Good-Looking Guy, and to contact me PM is best :)

On that note, hello everyone! Sorry I pretty much vanished off the face of this earth for like, seven months, but there have been things in life I could not control, the site was down, etc. I see that the MP2E links are all dead. This is a shame for reasons I'll get into later.

First off I'd like to apologize for leaving you all hanging on the Metroid Prime 3: Corrupution soundtrack. However, after playing some of the WAV files I noticed that the program produced noticeable distortion (almost as though the files were played in a sewer tunnel ... does that make any sense?) in many of the tracks, especially the ones with vocal effects (such as the Credits theme). The emulated playback of the tracks was not perfected, and as of right now, Halley's Comet Software has not fixed this, making a true lossless rip impossible at this time.

Now, on the subject of the Metroid Prime 2 rip. Unfortunately, one of the things keeping me from this site was the crash of my hard drive. On it, among other things, was the FLAC lossless version of the Metroid Prime 2 soundtrack. I do not know how many people downloaded it when it was up, and still have it, but to get it in its FLAC form would require outside assistance. See, the ripping was done with programs exclusively for Windows, but I am now running on a Mac. This makes both an eventual Prime 3 rip, and a re-rip of Echoes impossible for me to do over this summer, at least. Fortunately, the school computers do run Windows (never thought I'd say that) so I may be able to spend some time with that if they have not blocked downloads.

Luckily, I did think to back up some things. One of them was an Apple Lossless version of the Metroid Prime 2 soundtrack (as I explained earlier in this thread, I use Apple Lossless as my format of choice). Since it went from FLAC to Apple Lossless, it is still the exact same quality, and I even tagged it properly (I did not know how to tag FLAC at the time, so that went undone). However, it was backed up on DVD, and my organization skills are not that great. Meaning I do have the soundtrack, but not at a known location lol.

My internet has also gotten worse somehow, so if someone else could re-upload MP2E lossless that would be ideal. I can however, dig through all my backup stuff and find the MP2E Apple Lossless rip, and attempt to re-upload, if there is demand from people like Spagnutty. I'm actually surprised people want Echoes' soundtrack in lossless, given that it's pretty much 80% ambience, with a couple good tracks. But hey, I did a lot of hard work on it lol.

EDIT: By reading through this thread again, it seems that EKFXE has the soundtrack in Apple Lossless ... perhaps you might be able to convince them to upload sooner? Assuming they still have the soundtrack that is.

08-27-2008, 05:04 AM
Any chance of having new links posted for the Metroid Prime 1 lossless audio?

Good-Looking Guy
09-02-2008, 01:21 AM
I'm afraid I can't post it again, as it was one of the things that was purged in my hard drive crash. Hopefully other people should still have it though? I'd love to re-download it myself lol.

11-13-2008, 06:20 PM
Man it's been a while since anyone's been in here, but i have managed to find some new songs in Metroid Prime 3 Corruption, and also an extended version of Battle In Phaze Orbit (GF Tension) - which now actually plays the whole song and can be looped, so i might upload them here whenever i can...well thats if anyone wants them :)

11-13-2008, 11:13 PM
That would be great, thewoz

11-14-2008, 07:19 AM
Here is the link for the Metroid Prime 3 Songs

I am also uploading a bunch of new Prime 2 songs i have found aswell, and will be up very soon

Tracklist Prime 3

1. Kenji Yamamoto - Admiral Dane on the Pirate Homeworld (1:56)
2. Kenji Yamamoto - Phazon (0:33)
3. Kenji Yamamoto - Phazon Pool (0:40)
4. Kenji Yamamoto - Pirate Aerial Attack (1:06)
5. Kenji Yamamoto - Reptilicus (0:46)
6. Kenji Yamamoto - Seed Destroyed (0:09)
7. Kenji Yamamoto - Tension (2:01)
8. Kenji Yamamoto - Tone SFX (0:05)
9. Kenji Yamamoto - Valhalla II (2:00)
10. Kenji Yamamoto - Wii Menu Jingle (0:08)
11. Kenji Yamamoto - Xenoresearch (2:39)
12. Kenji Yamamoto - Beat Hunter (0:24)
13. Kenji Yamamoto - Ending - 75 Percent (1:10)
14. Kenji Yamamoto - Ending - 100 Percent (0:53)
15. Kenji Yamamoto - GF Calm (2:13)
16. Kenji Yamamoto - GF Tension (1:28)
17. Kenji Yamamoto - Higher Tension (2:51)
18. Kenji Yamamoto - Intro Cutscene (0:26)

Note: some of these songs, are slight variations of other songs in the Prime 3 OST thats on here already

& Here is the Prime 2 Music aswell

Tracklist Prime 2

1. Kenji Yamamoto - Arrival at Aether (1:06)
2. Kenji Yamamoto - Ending Part 1 (0:46)
3. Kenji Yamamoto - Ending Part 2 (0:43)
4. Kenji Yamamoto - Ending Part 3 (0:26)
5. Kenji Yamamoto - Ending Part 4 (0:53)
6. Kenji Yamamoto - Ending Part 5 (0:25)
7. Kenji Yamamoto - Ending Part 6 (0:27)
8. Kenji Yamamoto - Landing on Aether (0:21)
9. Kenji Yamamoto - Light Energy Controller (Revise) (1:42)
10. Kenji Yamamoto - Miniboss Theme (3:07)
11. Kenji Yamamoto - Multiplayer - Deathball (2:05)
12. Kenji Yamamoto - Multiplayer - Game Over (0:05)
13. Kenji Yamamoto - Portal SFX (0:22)
14. Kenji Yamamoto - Riding on Beams of Light (0:27)
15. Kenji Yamamoto - Tone SFX (0:04)
16. Kenji Yamamoto - Death SFX (0:10)
17. Kenji Yamamoto - Doomed Mission (2:11)
18. Kenji Yamamoto - Elevator SFX (0:17)

Also there is 2 Folders in there which have:

Luminoth Voice SFX
Other Voice SFX

11-14-2008, 07:29 AM
Also i have managed to upload some Extra Metroid Fusion tracks, which have certain events, variations and SFX which werent in the Official OST, so its here if anyone wants it

Tracklist Metroid Fushion Extras

1. Kenji Yamamoto - Opening (SFX) (0:56)
2. Kenji Yamamoto - Unused 3 (Alarm) (0:16)
3. Kenji Yamamoto - Systems Recharged SFX (0:03)
4. Kenji Yamamoto - Power Down SFX (0:03)
5. Kenji Yamamoto - Metroid Fusion E3 2002 Demo (1:34)
6. Kenji Yamamoto - Opening (Part 1) (GSF) (0:33)
7. Kenji Yamamoto - Opening (Part 2) (0:07)
8. Kenji Yamamoto - Flying to BSL (SFX) (0:08)
9. Kenji Yamamoto - Landing at BSL (SFX) (0:20)
10. Kenji Yamamoto - Environmental Sound 1 (Silence + SFX) (0:45)
11. Kenji Yamamoto - Landing Bay - Ambience (1:06)
12. Kenji Yamamoto - Environmental Sound (Tension - SFX Version) (1:13)
13. Kenji Yamamoto - Environmental Sound (Tension - SFX Version) (0:41)
14. Kenji Yamamoto - Environmental Sound (Shock - Alarm Version) (0:23)
15. Kenji Yamamoto - Navigation Room (Alternate) (0:40)
16. Kenji Yamamoto - Environmental Sound (Disquieting) (Alternate) (0:38)
17. Kenji Yamamoto - VS Barrier Core X (Alternate) (1:51)
18. Kenji Yamamoto - VS Barrier Core X (Alternate) (1:04)
19. Kenji Yamamoto - Electrical Interference (0:24)
20. Kenji Yamamoto - Power Down (0:27)
21. Kenji Yamamoto - Objective Complete Jingle (0:04)
22. Kenji Yamamoto - Sector 4 (AQA) Underwater Area (Short Variant) (0:30)
23. Kenji Yamamoto - Death of Samus (0:05)
24. Kenji Yamamoto - Game Over (0:40)
25. Kenji Yamamoto - Game Over (0:31)
26. Kenji Yamamoto - Navigation Deck (0:38)
27. Kenji Yamamoto - Navigation Deck (0:30)
28. Kenji Yamamoto - Destination - SR388 (0:18)
29. Kenji Yamamoto - Destination - SR388 (0:09)
30. Kenji Yamamoto - Escape Theme (Timer Runs Out) (3:16)
31. Kenji Yamamoto - BSL Explodes (Samus Escapes) (0:09)
32. Kenji Yamamoto - BSL Explodes (Samus Dies) (0:06)
33. Kenji Yamamoto - Escape From BSL (0:08)
34. Kenji Yamamoto - Epilogue (Extended) (1:16)
35. Kenji Yamamoto - Epilogue 2 (0:11)
36. Kenji Yamamoto - Unused 1 (0:24)
37. Kenji Yamamoto - Unused 2 (Metroids Escape) (1:08)
38. Kenji Yamamoto - Unused 2 (Metroids Escape) (0:43)

so i hope some people find this useful, and i hope more people start posting in here, as Metroid is awesome, so i dont want this thread to die out

Also i might be able to upload the Prime 1 Lossless, if i have the time (as i actually downloaded the 1st one), but i do not have the Echoes Lossless

11-14-2008, 09:35 AM
I have uploaded the Metroid Prime in Lossless & it is in 5 Part Files, so here it is

Part 1 - - OK NOW I HOPE IT's FIXED haha
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -

Note: For people who dont know, for Part folders you will need to download ALL 5 parts before you can extract it
other then that, i hope i have helped a few people with some of their Metroid music stuff

PS: Will upload Metroid Metal (FLAC) soon aswell

11-14-2008, 11:28 AM
Here is the Metroid Metal (FLAC) it's in 3 Parts

Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -

11-14-2008, 11:34 AM
Nice, I've always wanted this album in FLAC. Thanks.
Hmm, I wonder....

11-15-2008, 01:00 AM
I have uploaded the Metroid Prime in Lossless & it is in 5 Part Files, so here it is

Excellent, thanks so much

EDIT: Oh, um... part 1 of Prime points to part 1 of Metroid Metal...

11-16-2008, 11:54 AM
OK i am uploading part 1 again, and will have it up very soon :)

11-16-2008, 12:03 PM
Here is the Metroid Prime 1 Part 1 again, sorry for the problems, but it should work now

11-17-2008, 01:37 AM
Thanks again, thewoz!

11-19-2008, 05:05 AM
I have uploaded the Metroid Prime in Lossless & it is in 5 Part Files, so here it is

Part 1 - - OK NOW I HOPE IT's FIXED haha
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -

Note: For people who dont know, for Part folders you will need to download ALL 5 parts before you can extract it
other then that, i hope i have helped a few people with some of their Metroid music stuff

PS: Will upload Metroid Metal (FLAC) soon aswell

Thank you again!! =)

HG Montgomery
11-26-2008, 04:38 PM
im probably gonna get myself in trouble here but - no original version of super metroid OST? im not interested in the remixes, i want the original soundtrack! has someone else posted it since? or did i miss a link? cheers for the NES metroid & zero mission, much appreciated! an excellent soundtrack indeed.

11-26-2008, 04:42 PM
On the first page, the text in Orange that Says Metroid Sound In Action, that is the Super Metroid Soundtrack, which also has the Metroid soundtrack and a few remixes in it too, but if i can recall, i think it does have most of the Super Metroid songs in there

11-26-2008, 09:10 PM
thanks for the OC remixes!!

HG Montgomery
11-27-2008, 10:11 AM
On the first page, the text in Orange that Says Metroid Sound In Action, that is the Super Metroid Soundtrack, which also has the Metroid soundtrack and a few remixes in it too, but if i can recall, i think it does have most of the Super Metroid songs in there
thanks for replying, i found it today, i'm a terrible skim-reader so i missed that the first time round. i would have been a lot more sarcastic in pointing it out to me probably too.

Good-Looking Guy
12-01-2008, 12:26 AM
Here is the Metroid Metal (FLAC) it's in 3 Parts

Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -

Late to the party here, but sweet, thanks! Did you know someone who ordered the CD or something? If so, is this the version that has the re-mastered Metroid Tracks?

12-03-2008, 03:39 AM
I have uploaded the Metroid Prime in Lossless & it is in 5 Part Files, so here it is

Part 1 - - OK NOW I HOPE IT's FIXED haha
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -

Note: For people who dont know, for Part folders you will need to download ALL 5 parts before you can extract it
other then that, i hope i have helped a few people with some of their Metroid music stuff

Thanks for this, but for some reason I can't get tracks 12 & 16 to play...
(renaming/redownloading the files doesn't seem to help)

12-03-2008, 10:18 PM
Um no i didnt know anyone who ordered the CD, i would love to order it myself if i ever have money, and can be bothered to go online shopping lol, but i just managed to find it out of pure luck, grabbed it and uploaded it here for everybody to enjoy.

As for the tracklisting of Metroid Metal it's just got only all the songs he did On the Original Metroid

and as for Tracks 12 & 16 on the Prime 1 Lossless, i didnt notice anything wrong with the files, but i am re-uploading just those 2 songs :)

12-04-2008, 03:34 AM
Here is the Tracks 12 & 16 reuploaded

12-04-2008, 02:48 PM
What about MP3 again? I lost them =(

12-24-2008, 05:25 AM
Here is the Tracks 12 & 16 reuploaded

Hey can you reupload Metroid Prime 1 (for the gamecube) again? It says that the music has been removed due to terms of violation when I click on it.

03-23-2009, 10:12 AM
Thank you very much ^-^

03-31-2009, 08:11 AM
The data is... corrupt... (not found)..... :(

La Puerta
04-06-2009, 08:30 AM
Yeah, can you repost the Metroid Prime 1 Soundtrack since the links are invalid. Much appreciated.

04-09-2009, 06:06 PM
good list!

04-10-2009, 11:06 AM
Metroid prime 3 ost! i want T_T

04-12-2009, 10:15 AM

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.

05-27-2009, 04:26 AM

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.
I was wondering if this has the missing tracks included.


06-08-2009, 03:07 PM
almost everything of metroid prime 1 2 and 3 have dead links. please reup.

06-16-2009, 01:16 AM
Both the Prime 2 links are dead....

Captain Antonio Falcon
06-23-2009, 01:22 PM
The Metroid Fusion links are dead too...

06-23-2009, 08:35 PM
very cool

06-23-2009, 10:39 PM
Here's a fairly new remix of red brinstar

Captain Antonio Falcon
06-24-2009, 10:54 AM
Ok, never mind. I just had some connection problems...

07-05-2009, 11:29 AM
The version from Smash Bros. Brawl is still invalid, corrupt data... I'm only curious if there's any remix of Samus vs Ridley in there? (names misspelt?)

09-11-2009, 09:42 PM
Can we get a reupload on Metroid Prime & Fusion Original Soundtrack?

09-21-2009, 04:41 PM
And, by the way, nice Collection.

09-26-2009, 04:00 PM
thanks for uploading prime 1 lossless. is there anything on the lossless versions of prime 2 and 3? also has anyone played the prime trilogy yet?

11-23-2009, 11:33 PM
bump for any metroid prime 2 OST flac owners out there! please post for the sake of humanity!

11-24-2009, 03:59 AM
Thanks, now I have Metroid II and Zero Mission added to my collection.

11-28-2009, 11:06 PM
Does anyone here have anything from the Metroid Prime Trilogy? I know there's new stuff... if it's up here already, then I must've breezed right past it.

12-13-2009, 11:50 AM
can we reupload metroid prime plz

edit: nvm I found it here

12-19-2009, 06:43 PM
Still looking for new music from the Trilogy...

Does anyone have a complete rip of Metroid Prime? I found a link on Metroid Database, but I can't download the file. After counting, if I add it to what I already have, I'll end up with something around 70 tracks. Does anyone have this? Also, the early demo music would be nice. I've never heard any of it before.

Here's the link:

EDIT: If anyone happens to have scans from the Metroid Prime soundtrack, or can scan it, I would love those. I'm trying to complete my soundtrack collection. If anyone needs anything, I'd be happy to upload/reupload anything in return.