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07-30-2012, 08:47 PM
I've heard that putlocker and zomgupload are pretty good.

Try those?

08-07-2012, 03:24 PM
Oh no, hold on. I still recommend MediaFire, since there're not any good enough file hosting. But what uploader should do is:
- Don't name files into what would be recognized as copyrighted material.
- Don't name folders into what would be recognized as copyrighted material.
- If you received 3-10 strikes (more strikes more dangers), you should backup your files, before they check your account.

08-10-2012, 02:51 AM
I'm doing that, do they notify about strikes? I'm thinking pass protecting them to add another layer. Would that work? What about Mirroupload, Mirrorstack and such? Is it ok to upload there?

08-10-2012, 03:59 AM
I'm doing that, do they notify about strikes?

MediaFire Account Received Strike

Hello [email here],

The file [file name here] violates the MediaFire Terms of Service. Due to it being distributed from your account, it has been removed. Also, a Strike has been placed against your account and can lead to a termination of service.
Check our policy violations page for more information. (http://policy_violation/terms_of_service.php)
Thank you for using MediaFire as your cloud based file sharing service provider.
The MediaFire Team
Please do not respond to this email, it does not accept incoming emails! Please review the Term of Service at Terms of Service (

08-10-2012, 04:01 AM
Well, ok, so far so good I guess.

08-30-2012, 06:55 PM
Regarding Mirroupload, Mirrorstack and other multi-mirror services, while they do work, I personally do not recommend them unless they create mirrors to reliable filehosts. Also, one should always keep the links to the filehosts. The reason for this is that multi-mirror services can die and the original link where the rest of individual links are placed could get lost, but the files themselves would still be working. I think that, for the purposes of rare music like the one shared here, a reliable host is one that last longer than six months, like Depositfiles or Mediafire, with easy access and good download speed (MF only). As I far as I have seen, the real problem with MF is only with popular files, but password protection and/or using a non-descriptive filename could be a good work-around, unless files are way too popular (I have seen these strategies fail with popular movies).

By the way, other services that I have found to work somewhat well are these:
*Minus - Free Image and File Sharing ( (IP anchored in Spain)
* Fast, safe and secure file hosting ( (IP anchored in Germany)
* ( (IP anchored in Denmark)
* - upload, email & send large files up to 1GB for free! ( (IP anchored in France)

The problem with them is to actually test them and see for how long unpopular files are kept online. Regardless, any multi-mirror service that provides links to any of these services plus Mediafire, Depositfiles or Rapidshare is a good option.

09-17-2012, 05:59 AM
I once got a strike on my mediafire folder because I shared an 8-bit cover of Rolling in the Deep with my friend. lol

09-19-2012, 08:44 PM
There's a new filehost that is apparently really good for free users.

It's call billionuploads.

You guys should try it and see how it works out.

09-23-2012, 05:46 AM
Minus now only supports multimedia files (old files remain available).


So that makes Minus pretty much useless. Once again the search for simple file sharing continues...

09-23-2012, 05:34 PM
Why not use dropbox or google drive?

10-05-2012, 12:43 AM
Because both services are anchored in the USA, which means that files there are easily threatened, like happened with other services since MU's downfall. Any service anchored in the USA, even not directly like was the case with MU, will be easly affected by any new legislation proposed by the MPAA and the RIAA. These two services that you proposed are good for backing up one's files, but I don't think they are particularly good for sharing and certainly not superior in any way to MF. The purpose of is to find a filehost where files can be safely shared and are hosted for a relatively long period of time. MF in that case is a better option, after all, it pretty much works as it always has, but it cannot be used to share music as safely as it was in the past since there is always the threat that any music could be taken down at any moment wthout warning.

10-20-2012, 07:49 AM
Special archives are normal archive files, such as ZIP or RAR files, that are encrypted, password protected, or span multiple volumes (i.e. are split into pieces). Free customers may share special archives no more than 10 times per file per week. Premium customers may share special archives, including archives over 200MB, as long as you have Content Distribution bandwidth. Premium memberships do not allow you to download special archives from non-premium users once they have reached the weekly limit.
MediaFire is becoming trashy, it just added some new rule to limit the password protected, splitted archives downloading.
Let's look forward to the new MegaUpload.

10-22-2012, 03:10 AM
Changing the extension name might work, everything needs testing.

10-22-2012, 04:11 AM
MediaFire has become unreliable for this site. Links from there seem to be deleted almost as soon as they go up. Pass protection makes no difference, I found. I suspect a snitch or two on the Shrine, making trouble. But even if that iS the case, sharing a MediaFire link here is almost guaranteeing it's removal. Oddly though I had one locked so that others can't use it, I can still access it myself....

10-22-2012, 04:27 AM
Probably they noted this site, links from here would be taken more care?
If changing the name + password protect is not enough. Do not give a click-able link would make it safe!

10-22-2012, 04:36 AM
I think there is something else going on. A member was giving links only via PM, and they were removed too. But there should have been no way for that to happen.I have been using MF for years, andit has only been in the last two or three weeks that there have been any problems.

10-22-2012, 05:03 AM
I think there is something else going on. A member was giving links only via PM, and they were removed too. But there should have been no way for that to happen.I have been using MF for years, andit has only been in the last two or three weeks that there have been any problems.
If the link is hotlink that could be recorded cause the browser of the one who clicked the link would sent some info to the server.

10-22-2012, 08:23 AM
MediaFire is becoming trashy, it just added some new rule to limit the password protected, splitted archives downloading.
Let's look forward to the new MegaUpload.

Yeah thats what happened with Thread 110839
The first part is now unaccessable without paying, but the parts 2&3 are still downloadable oddly enough. You could circumvent this by first making the set on mediafire and when it gets nuked, set identical first part rar on some other site. (Which is what I hope nobunagaoda will do at some point, pretty please? I really like the music in Orochi 3 )

10-22-2012, 08:29 AM
People seem to be obsessed with FLAC files, they could have an option of FLAC/OGG/MP3 people don't like to be made to choose only one option... i've looked around for a particular ost i really want but ITS ALWAYS FLAC! GAHHHHHH and I'm not wasting time on a file conversion

10-22-2012, 08:37 PM
I've heard of a few more filehosts that are apparently good for free users. Try them out for yourself and see if you like them or not:


10-22-2012, 09:22 PM
I'm doing that, do they notify about strikes? I'm thinking pass protecting them to add another layer. Would that work? What about Mirroupload, Mirrorstack and such? Is it ok to upload there?

I have not received any kind of notifications from their strikes at me.

---------- Post added at 07:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 AM ----------

MediaFire has become unreliable for this site. Links from there seem to be deleted almost as soon as they go up. Pass protection makes no difference, I found. I suspect a snitch or two on the Shrine, making trouble. But even if that iS the case, sharing a MediaFire link here is almost guaranteeing it's removal. Oddly though I had one locked so that others can't use it, I can still access it myself....

I suspect we have a bitch reporting our uploads. Recently I upload in 1 day, and 5 hours later, the was removed.

---------- Post added at 07:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:19 AM ----------

I think there is something else going on. A member was giving links only via PM, and they were removed too. But there should have been no way for that to happen.I have been using MF for years, andit has only been in the last two or three weeks that there have been any problems.

I share the same issue as you. Mediafire is pretty much the only sharing site I can use in my country. And a friend of mine who lives in very stricted cyberpolice country, he can only use mediafire with his countermeasures against the cyberpolice. I can't share nothing with him, if not through mediafire.
If mediafire goes down on me, all my shits and houndreds of shares I have in the forum will go down for good. Because My life is not uploading, and re-uploading 10 gb of stuff I have shared or even more..... makes me have and headache

This guy here ( talked that the mediafire links were not working, but, he tried at a different hour, and he downloaded it fine.

More weird is when people tell me "file not available" and I check and teh link is working fine with me. Other times I can only see the link if I am logged in my mediafire account.
The file is in my account , yes, but I had no notification whatsoever of having a file taken down.

Because of these issues, I am starting to think in a system of share like this, that for some might not be soo good. But this is just an idea.
I was thiking of creating groups, specific groups.
no wait. Explaning better:
Sharing using DC++ (whatever is called) and sharing the adress or how we are to suposed to do so we can share. Ok, it would make threads useless and the downloading share would be working in private, but to be honest.... I think we are getting in a bridge in where we have to protect it as much as we can.
I have tried several sharing sites, and I do not recommend Pejeeshare. Really!!!!

11-15-2012, 12:46 AM
RapidShare is better than a few years ago, a full 30 days to delete, and 1MB per 2 seconds download. It is one of the oldest and longest-running Upload Sites of all.

SendSpace looks great also, and you can do stuff without login or account.

12-10-2012, 08:44 AM
Just wanted to say this site is great.....I applaud all the people who spend there time uploading these sound-tracks, you better download them now, you never know when the links will die or the sites could go bye-bye for good.

I hope your all have a nice Christmas/Holiday and I know this has little to do with the topic, but I just wanted to say the world needs more love and compassion, I've seen to many people in need of aid and help, I see a world that desperately needs help, so please let us work together to make it a better place, and I thank the site owner who put all there time into making it and all the people who helped.


12-24-2012, 02:32 AM
Then how about online storage services?

Size per file:

Google Drive, IDK.

SkyDrive allows 2GB via client uploading, 300MB via web uploading. allows 2GB.

These services could keep your files permanently, and I think doesn't have strict rules like MediaFire.

12-24-2012, 09:47 PM
So . . . someone educate me a bit on this stuff. I've already benefited from the generosity of others on this site, and would like to be able to return the favor. I have no experience with, or knowledge of, the whole file-sharing thing. What's the best way to get started? I've found RapidShare to be a great resource in downloading, but reading this thread makes me think that's not such a good option anymore. If I want to upload a score, post it here, and feel relatively confident it'll be there for at least a few days, what do I do?

Thanks in advance for enlightening the newbie.

12-26-2012, 02:43 AM
So . . . someone educate me a bit on this stuff. I've already benefited from the generosity of others on this site, and would like to be able to return the favor. I have no experience with, or knowledge of, the whole file-sharing thing. What's the best way to get started? I've found RapidShare to be a great resource in downloading, but reading this thread makes me think that's not such a good option anymore. If I want to upload a score, post it here, and feel relatively confident it'll be there for at least a few days, what do I do?

Thanks in advance for enlightening the newbie.
My suggestion is that you use a multi-mirror service like uploadmirrors or directmirror, keep a copy of all mirror urls and post the link given by the multi-mirror service. Since the content will be spread in several servers, it has a higher chance of lasting longer than using a single server and if the multi-mirror service fails, you can post the backed-up urls. I do not recommend RapidShare because it now limits the amount of downloads per day, so, although it is great for uploaders, it is quite limited for downloaders. MF will have the content there if it is not popular, though there may be some problems with hotlinking since MF does forbid some domains from downloading with hotlinking. If you want to use a single host, the ones I have found to work well for a very long time (months at least, if not years) try Depositfiles or FreakShare, although they are not as fast for downloading as MF, but they are quite reliable regarding storage longevity.

12-26-2012, 03:15 AM
Multi-mirror services are dead too quickly. I recommend using some powerful ones, at least they are not careless works.

mirrorcreator (
ExoShare (
FlashMirrors ( (
EmbedUpload (

Some of them supports account, you can upload, and you can save your file into one storage space which doesn't delete your files even it was not active.

12-28-2012, 03:44 PM
That was an excellent breakdown, Mr. jfgslo . . . and in fluent, flowing Greek, no less.

You have to remember: I'm asking to be educated on this stuff, which means you have to proceed from the (correct) assumption that I don't know the first thing about the first thing when it comes to file uploading. The only "multi-mirror" service I've encountered before now was in a fun house maze. I don't know what the term means in this context. I was just quick enough to make the connection that MF is MediaFire, but that's about it.

I did follow up on your Depositfiles suggestion. Looks like all I have to do is drag & drop files in order to upload them. Seems simple enough. Do I do this with an entire folder (containing all the tracks), or do I have to do it one track at a time?

I trust you're beginning to see what sort of neophyte you're dealing with here. . . .

01-05-2013, 05:32 PM
YOU GUYS! :) are all silly. Make an uploading account named after your username so it's [email protected]. MAKE sure that it is google gmail. Now go to google drive, upload your files and enjoy. Unlimited size upload limit, with a nice 5gb for starting. Run out of space? Make a new account called [email protected] and continue on there! Has a whopping 3 - 5 mb download rate PER SECOND!! Enjoy my friends. Its how I roll now

01-16-2013, 09:39 PM


^^^These are both similar in terms of download speeds for free users.

Why these aren't being used already... is unknown to me.

Perhaps a detailed explanation as to why instead of simply "No" or "lolnope" is necessary?

I'd say... yes.

01-22-2013, 11:16 PM

01-22-2013, 11:24 PM
Is it worth checking Mega out at all?

01-23-2013, 03:54 AM
That was an excellent breakdown, Mr. jfgslo . . . and in fluent, flowing Greek, no less.

You have to remember: I'm asking to be educated on this stuff, which means you have to proceed from the (correct) assumption that I don't know the first thing about the first thing when it comes to file uploading. The only "multi-mirror" service I've encountered before now was in a fun house maze. I don't know what the term means in this context. I was just quick enough to make the connection that MF is MediaFire, but that's about it.

I did follow up on your Depositfiles suggestion. Looks like all I have to do is drag & drop files in order to upload them. Seems simple enough. Do I do this with an entire folder (containing all the tracks), or do I have to do it one track at a time?

I trust you're beginning to see what sort of neophyte you're dealing with here. . . .

Simply said, a multi-mirror is a service through which you can upload files to different filehosting services with a single upload. The advantage is that you only need to upload a file once and the service will give you multiple links. For example, a single upload to Mirrorcreator will give you links to Bayfiles, RapidGator, TurboBit and many others without having to upload the file several times and with no registration required. As mentioned in previous posts, this services tend to die from time to time, but not the links to said filehosts.

In depositfiles, I believe that you can upload multiple files without problem, but if you have problems you can use zoom's File & Image Uploader, which is an upload manager for multiple services, including depositfiles. However, If you are uploading single songs, I believe that there is little problem with MF or Google Drive since individual tracks aren't regularly targeted to be taken down for some reason, unless they are really popular.

YOU GUYS! :) are all silly. Make an uploading account named after your username so it's [email protected]. MAKE sure that it is google gmail. Now go to google drive, upload your files and enjoy. Unlimited size upload limit, with a nice 5gb for starting. Run out of space? Make a new account called [email protected] and continue on there! Has a whopping 3 - 5 mb download rate PER SECOND!! Enjoy my friends. Its how I roll now
As I mentioned, the problem with Google Drive is that it is a service US-based, so at any moment they can restrict access if they are requested to do so. Also, remember that Google runs YouTube, a service which is very well known to take down videos and music as soon as someone complains even if the complaining party doesn't actually hold the copyright. Google Drive does work, but no better than MF and MF is far better for sharing in my opinion. For backing up, Google Drive is a great option, but not for sharing popular material, the kind that is taken down by MF. After all, the main purpose of this forum is to share material that is not easily available otherwise and it helps if links last for a long time. I have used Google Drive both for uploading and downloading, but my opinion is that it really isn't better than MF for sharing. Note that very few people use Google Drive for sharing material in forums or blogs.



^^^These are both similar in terms of download speeds for free users.

Why these aren't being used already... is unknown to me.

Perhaps a detailed explanation as to why instead of simply "No" or "lolnope" is necessary?

I'd say... yes.

SendSpace is good except that files that aren't popular don't tend to last as seen in some of the topics here. Also, it is a US-based domain so there is always that fear that a link will be taken down. BatShare, I used it once for download, it works ok, but it is mostly unknown, so we don't really know how reliable it is in the long run.

Is it worth checking Mega out at all?
I believe that yes, since it theoretically is a much improved and more secure version of Google Drive without being US-based. But at the moment it's no good since it is kind of crowded, so the service at the moment is somehow difficult to use. Give it a few weeks and it should be good to use. It's going to be a very interesting service for sharing purposes.

01-23-2013, 03:44 PM

01-23-2013, 09:39 PM

Now go.


01-24-2013, 03:31 AM

02-01-2013, 01:07 AM

There is a Temporary Error Retrying thing. Why?

How good is this site about many different things? Will it be better than old MegaUpload?

Wow, there are so many of these upload sites.

02-02-2013, 11:17 PM
Those old file hosting sites always tell you to buy premium, have slow speed for free users, have limited file storage time. Please check their FAQ before using, this might let you avoid many re-up requests.

Unlike them, cloud services are fast and seems don't have many limitation.

Some cloud services:
SkyDrive has 7GB per user and it is fast.
4Shared has 15GB per user (but will delete your account if you are not logged in for 180 days).
Yandex.Disk (Russia) has 3GB (can be upgrade easily to 8GB by free) but the download speed is not stable.
Baidu Cloud (China) has 5GB, but only in Simplified Chinese language.
Google Drive has been mentioned above.

I don't know much about 4Shared, but other 4 has a good background (large company hehind).
Generally, China and Russia does not have some strict rules for copyright as US and many western countries.
Google has an online extracting system, which can let you view zip and rar online ATM. So I guess it is easy for Google to check your compressed files. If you don't want your files to be checked and got banning, I guess you must add password to protect filenames, the filenames must not be visiable!

Anyone using rapidshare? Is there still a limit on how many free downloads can be made?

Limit 1GB download bandwidth for each file per day.

There is a Temporary Error Retrying thing. Why?

How good is this site about many different things? Will it be better than old MegaUpload?

Wow, there are so many of these upload sites.
IDK what the hell Kim Dotcom are thinking. There're still many online storage service on the internet. MEGA is that powerful to popularize Chrome like this? I don't think so. I will say don't use it if you don't want people complaining to you that they don't want installing Chrome for download a file.

02-11-2013, 09:36 PM

02-12-2013, 12:06 AM
My hobbies all involve an online file host and these are the ones I use the most :)

Free Online Storage - MediaFire (
PackUpload - Free upload and file sharing (

I try to urge people to stay away from places like File Factory, Rapidshare, Rapidgator, Uploaded, and Deposit Files due to their poor downloading times and lack of care for free users. It is a huge hassle having to download from their servers.

02-12-2013, 11:03 PM
Mega now works with Firefox. There is an option to install a plug-in.

03-07-2013, 03:49 AM
Hey, all. Newbie ripper here with a question.

Shortly after I uploaded and linked to my first rip (MediaFire, in case that's relevant), it was taken down due to a Terms of Service violation. I know this whole ripping thing falls into a legal gray area, but this isn't a problem I see often around here; does anyone have any recommendations for avoiding it?

03-07-2013, 04:47 AM
Hey, all. Newbie ripper here with a question.

Shortly after I uploaded and linked to my first rip (MediaFire, in case that's relevant), it was taken down due to a Terms of Service violation. I know this whole ripping thing falls into a legal gray area, but this isn't a problem I see often around here; does anyone have any recommendations for avoiding it?

Usually that will happen if your link gets a lot of downloads in my exp but sometimes its just random unluckiness. What I decided to do was ask people if they wanted my link they should pm me that way you avoid a very large number of downloads. The way I figure if the person really wants the link they would pm me for it.

03-07-2013, 04:57 AM
Hey, all. Newbie ripper here with a question.

Shortly after I uploaded and linked to my first rip (MediaFire, in case that's relevant), it was taken down due to a Terms of Service violation. I know this whole ripping thing falls into a legal gray area, but this isn't a problem I see often around here; does anyone have any recommendations for avoiding it?
We really should stop using MediaFire IMO.

03-07-2013, 03:02 PM
Usually that will happen if your link gets a lot of downloads in my exp but sometimes its just random unluckiness. What I decided to do was ask people if they wanted my link they should pm me that way you avoid a very large number of downloads. The way I figure if the person really wants the link they would pm me for it.I don't think it got many downloads, so I guess I was just unlucky. I'm assuming it's safe for me just to try again and hope for the best?

We really should stop using MediaFire IMO....on a different host website, perhaps?

03-22-2013, 11:49 AM
That boy Kim must have brass balls to be thumbing his nose at interpol like he is. :lol:

03-24-2013, 02:24 PM
Well, I was all set for MEGA but their STRONG SUGGESTION to use Google Chrome screwed THAT pooch (Google Chrome destablized my Windows 7). I am going to spread stuff from my music blog across several free hosters, I guess.

With 200+ things backlogged to share, stuff will probably go out of availability before I am very far along. *sigh*

Right now I am on Rapidshare, but will only use FREE which restricts me to 5G of files (their prices are too high, I could only go about $60 per year).

I WAS on Mediafire until I started getting the same crap that you guys mentioned above. I am going to investigate some of the suggestions here. Thanks for all of them.

Mark's Super Blog (
Spock?s Record Round-Up (

04-12-2013, 08:44 AM
HI, everyone,

I expect soon to make a massive upload in the anime section so I would like to know what is the best Uploading site that will keep my files the longest available, and won't require a premium account (I am ok to get a free member accoutn on the site u suggest though). I have mediafire but I worry it easily supress my files.

So what do you suggest me folks?

04-12-2013, 02:20 PM
This is a pretty good one. Hotfile (

04-12-2013, 08:33 PM
I've been using Rapidshare (5G for free). I guess what I will do is, go through everybody's suggestions and spread the stuff between several hosts.

I really enjoy the sharing that I do since it is oddball stuff that is (I try to check) not readily available or for sale, meaning it's not only fun to stumble across, I'm not as likely to be targeted as an encroacher.

Mark's Super Blog (
Spock?s Record Round-Up (

04-16-2013, 04:19 AM
HI, everyone,

I expect soon to make a massive upload in the anime section so I would like to know what is the best Uploading site that will keep my files the longest available, and won't require a premium account (I am ok to get a free member accoutn on the site u suggest though). I have mediafire but I worry it easily supress my files.

So what do you suggest me folks?In my opinion, for longevity, Depositfiles. Also TurboBit and Rapidshare are good hosts for longevity, although Rapidshare limits how much free users can download per day. Hotfile is also good as long as the archive is downloaded regularly and there are no DMCA complains. Mega does seem to be the best option regarding download speed, security and longevity, but bear in mind that the upload and download process is resource-intensive, that is, there is a high chance of failure if you are using your connection for other uploads/downloads at the same time. You don't actually need to use Chrome or a browser to upload and download. Zoom fileuploader can upload to Mega and Mipony and similar download managers can download from Mega easily.

In general, MF is relatively safe and excellent for longevity, but the newer and more popular a file is, the chances of it being deleted get higher. If you plan to share material from obscure anime series, feel free to use MF. Copyright holders rarely try to take down soundtracks from obscure series of the 1980s or older, like Govarian, for example. But anything from a large studio, particularly Toei, a popular artist, a popular mainstream series or something that is on iTunes is at risk of being taken down at any moment. You can try to protect these files by changing their filename, but MF seems to regularly scan the content and MF now severely limits encrypted files even if you try to hide it by changing their filetype, so you can only split files with HJSplit if you want to do something like that.

04-18-2013, 04:45 PM
I've discovered another service. Filedropper (

04-19-2013, 12:27 PM
All files stored on MEGA are encrypted. All data transfers from and to MEGA are encrypted. And while most cloud storage providers can and do claim the same, MEGA is different – unlike the industry norm where the cloud storage provider holds the decryption key, with MEGA, you control the encryption, you hold the keys, and you decide who you grant or deny access to your files, without requiring any risky software installs. It’s all happening in your web browser!
MEGA claims this. So it means they can't check your file's legality unless they got your public link? Hope this is true.

I've been using Rapidshare (5G for free). I guess what I will do is, go through everybody's suggestions and spread the stuff between several hosts.[/url]
RapidShare? It has daily bandwidth limitation, and if you don't remember logging in your account within 90 days all your stuff would be gone.

05-26-2013, 09:22 PM
Any tips for uploading something on Mediafire and avoiding it blocks the download?

05-26-2013, 09:38 PM
Any tips for uploading something on Mediafire and avoiding it blocks the download?

Just don't be stupid. Put the name in code like "74832".

05-27-2013, 07:31 AM
Just don't be stupid. Put the name in code like "74832".

I named the files as "P2D1" (as in Portal 2 - Disk 1), used 7-zip to split the zip in more files and put a password.
For every file I uploaded and shared, Mediafire says: "Sharing of this file is restricted because it is a (corrupted | multivolume | encrypted/password protected) file".

Should I create archive in 7z format?

05-27-2013, 10:20 PM

For a while there I was in a funk when MediaFire started getting snoopy and blocking things. I was getting pretty miffed. I canceled my account on MediaFire, deleting all the files I had there. Also deleted all my posts for MediaFire.

I started investigating others and settled on Rapidshare. I have quickly filled up their 5g "free" and think their paid membership is too overpriced. Now I am mostly on PackUpload - Free upload and file sharing ( because they claim to keep stuff SIX YEARS.

Anyway, for a while I wasn't posting stuff and that may have given you the impression that I was laying dormant. Now I am sharing stuff Mondays and Thursdays, old stuff and new thrift-store finds and my compilations.

So, you might try PackUpload - Free upload and file sharing ( .

Mark's Super Blog (
Spock?s Record Round-Up (

05-29-2013, 07:24 AM

For a while there I was in a funk when MediaFire started getting snoopy and blocking things. I was getting pretty miffed. I canceled my account on MediaFire, deleting all the files I had there. Also deleted all my posts for MediaFire.

I started investigating others and settled on Rapidshare. I have quickly filled up their 5g "free" and think their paid membership is too overpriced. Now I am mostly on PackUpload - Free upload and file sharing ( because they claim to keep stuff SIX YEARS.

Anyway, for a while I wasn't posting stuff and that may have given you the impression that I was laying dormant. Now I am sharing stuff Mondays and Thursdays, old stuff and new thrift-store finds and my compilations.

So, you might try PackUpload - Free upload and file sharing ( .

Mark's Super Blog (
Spock?s Record Round-Up (

05-29-2013, 11:09 PM
Keep calm and carry on.

Mark's Super Blog (
Spock?s Record Round-Up (

06-15-2013, 06:57 PM
adrive is pretty good. it gives you 50 gb for free.

downside is the links you share expire after a few months. so you have to log in and re allow them.

09-01-2013, 06:10 PM
since I want to upload a bunch of different OSTs:

what is the most simple and easy uploader at the moment?

09-01-2013, 06:23 PM
since I want to upload a bunch of different OSTs:

what is the most simple and easy uploader at the moment?

You could try Mega.Co. or Mediafire...allows you drag and drop your files for upload, I sometimes will add 10 at a time and then just leave it to do it's thing.

09-01-2013, 06:42 PM
I agree Mega is simply the easiest: Limitless file size (while 200MB for a free mediafire account).

I let my computer upload during 3 days 14Go of music

09-02-2013, 12:07 AM
I've been using Yandex -- Yandex.Disk - upload, store and share files ( -- lately. it's been working fine. You get something like 5 or 6 G to start and it's $50 for 100G more for a year.

Mark's Super Blog (
Spock?s Record Round-Up (

09-26-2013, 11:49 PM
After testing I can say that it is not a reliable host. Avoid it if you plan on sharing material for a long time. MEGA does seem to be best one at the moment. MF still works fine, but it depends on the content and popularity of the shared material. Depositfiles is also a good option, particularly for longevity. I've seen RyuShare commonly used for anime/manga related files, but my experience with it was not that good. I've also seen TusFiles used recently, but I can only say that it seems to work well from a download perspective as I have not used it and I don't see the need with MEGA, MF and Depositfiles.

09-27-2013, 09:47 PM
I've been using Yandex -- Yandex.Disk - upload, store and share files ( -- lately. it's been working fine. You get something like 5 or 6 G to start and it's $50 for 100G more for a year.

Mark's Super Blog (
Spock?s Record Round-Up (

I bit the bullet and spent the $50 for a year on Yandex ( Nobody has reported any problems with downloading from them.

I have wondered if encrypting a file or giving it a code name is simply a red flag for MediaFire. When I did those things they started restricting them right and left. This was several months ago when I started this thread. I think that they are eager to find reasons to suspend a file. Probably a case of CYA. But this made them useless.

So far much happier with Yandex.

Mark's Super Blog (
Spock?s Record Round-Up (

10-02-2013, 08:10 PM
Where can I place requests? I've checked every link for this OST(Thread 48902) I could find and they're all dead. Also the search is a tad broken, refusing to give me results because of a word being too short or too common, etc. Why is every other search engine in message boards still this bad?

Leon Scott Kennedy
10-02-2013, 08:23 PM
Where can I place requests?
You can either try to request a reupload in that thread, or here: Video Game Music Requests (

I think that box was posted by Jessie, but I'm not sure of it.

Kermit The Frog
08-04-2014, 09:38 PM
It seems MEGA is the popular file uploading site. I use Dropbox ( for all of my file uploads.

08-04-2014, 09:53 PM
Mega works and the links stay active..are there limitations with Dropbox?

Kermit The Frog
08-04-2014, 11:42 PM
Mega works and the links stay active..are there limitations with Dropbox?

Nope! They give you 5gb to start and you can earn some by doing little things, like getting the app on your phone, or installing the program onto your computer.

08-06-2014, 09:39 AM
Zoom fileuploader can upload to Mega and Mipony and similar download managers can download from Mega easily.

Yeah, don't use is why:
Z_o_o_m uploader tool scam! (

12-09-2014, 05:37 AM
Can people PLEASE not use Mega?

It is terrible. I would say, on average, about 80-90% of the time I try to download something from Mega, it fails. It either just stops totally or loops back once it gets to around 95. It usually loops back to about 90% then goes up again, down again etc. on an infinite loop.

Mega is infuriating to use.

12-09-2014, 02:49 PM
if using jdownloader for mega, pause/resume option automatic, so can resuming broken DL without need input. fixed problem mine, and now liking mega. (more than uploaded.... 50kbs, :()

12-09-2014, 10:16 PM
Alternatively, if you are having troubles downloading from MEGA and do not like Java-based JDownloader, you can use MiPony to pause and resume downloads and automatically capture MEGA links from the clipboard. Be warned, while MiPony itself is safe to use, it's always bundled with crapware that will be installed. You'll have to run Malwarebytes Anti-Malware or a similar application to remove that easily, but once you do, you'll have no problems with MiPony. pyLoad supposedly can download from MEGA too without using either Java or installing crapware, but I haven't tried it out.

12-10-2014, 06:18 AM
Download Them All! on Firefox also works in the the same way.

02-04-2015, 02:21 AM
Should just unsticky. The list is outdated and most people wither use Mega or mediafire anyway.

02-04-2015, 03:29 AM
Should just unsticky. The list is outdated and most people wither use Mega or mediafire anyway.

I'm not "most people" -- I use FileFactory -- but I agree this doesn't need Sticky status.

Mark's Super Blog (
Spock's Record Round-Up (

02-04-2015, 07:19 PM
I would suggest that only the first post be updated since, as seen in the history of this thread, file hosting sites can be gone quickly at the whim of the MPAA and the RIAA, so this thread has some value. On top of that, in many countries MF or Mega don't work as good as in other ones, which makes very useful to have this thread on top as a sticky to let users know alternatives to the most popular options.

02-06-2015, 08:21 PM
Why not try some PLGs?

05-11-2015, 10:10 PM
Not really so much as a thing about uploading sites, but a related thanks from over half a decade ago and beyond for everyone's efforts in both creating and uploading these soundtracks. I had just been thinking about you guys recently and was glad to see my account still works. So thanks everyone for all that you've done here.

05-12-2015, 01:41 AM
Now that you know the way. don't be a stranger!

Mark's Super Blog (
Spock's Record Round-Up (

06-07-2015, 08:50 PM
I have no idea where a question like this goes, so I'm just going to try putting it here:

So I'm noticing a discrepancy in file sizes for my MP3 files. I have tracks from both the Xenoblade OST ( and the Xenoblade X OST ( in my iTunes playlist. But I noticed that the file sizes for the XCX files are positively massive compared to the XC files; the XCX tracks take up more than twice the file size that XC does. (XC = not even 300 MB; XCX = just over 600 MB) And yet, if you look at track times, the two albums are fairly similar--in fact, the original XC has a little *longer* playing time despite XCX taking up more twice the data space.

Does anyone know why this is? What factors into MP3 file size other than track time length? Is there a way to compress the file size of those XCX tracks?

06-07-2015, 11:17 PM
I have no idea where a question like this goes, so I'm just going to try putting it here:

So I'm noticing a discrepancy in file sizes for my MP3 files. I have tracks from both the Xenoblade OST ( and the Xenoblade X OST ( in my iTunes playlist. But I noticed that the file sizes for the XCX files are positively massive compared to the XC files; the XCX tracks take up more than twice the file size that XC does. (XC = not even 300 MB; XCX = just over 600 MB) And yet, if you look at track times, the two albums are fairly similar--in fact, the original XC has a little *longer* playing time despite XCX taking up more twice the data space.

Does anyone know why this is? What factors into MP3 file size other than track time length? Is there a way to compress the file size of those XCX tracks?

I'm no expert, but of course the bit rate would make a difference in file size, 128 or 320 kbps etc ... Does Bitrate Really Make a Difference In My Music? (

QUOTE FROM ARTICLE: "The higher the bitrate of a track, the more space it will take up on your computer." END QUOTE

Mark's Super Blog (
Spock's Record Round-Up (

06-07-2015, 11:29 PM
Thanks Mark, it turns out that's exactly what it was. I was able to find a freeware program (WinFF for those who are curious) that was able to mass-convert MP3 files to a set bit rate. Problem solved. :)

06-08-2015, 08:50 PM
Thanks Mark, it turns out that's exactly what it was. I was able to find a freeware program (WinFF for those who are curious) that was able to mass-convert MP3 files to a set bit rate. Problem solved. :)

Happy to hear it!

Mark's Super Blog (
Spock's Record Round-Up (

02-24-2016, 03:23 AM
Suggestion, make a sticky post about Freegal service
Those who are US Based users, if you are not aware of the service Freegal:
Free Music service supported by many local libraries across the nation.

Key Facts:

Legal Free Downloads of Popular/In Demand Music (Mainly from Sony Music Catalog)
Given 5 Free Downloads a Week (At least my library does, yours may vary)
Quality is 256 Kbps MP3 CBR
Legal Ad Free Streaming for 3 Hours a Week
Resets Once a Week on Mondays
Can Get more Downloads per library card/account in a week

Some examples of their popular Soundtrack titles would be:
Star Wars 1-6
X-Men Film OSTs

Recent Releases
Kung Fu Panda 3
The Martian Score
+Ton of normal artists music, For Ex. Adele newest album on there legally for free

All can legally be downloaded and played back for personal use (sure 5 tracks at a time is a bit of a pain, but at least its a step towards legalizing your Music Collection, or making sure you are getting them through proper sources, and better than hoping for a re-upload for a given title)

For more in depth look here
Plus some info about other free services many libraries have (free LEGAL audiobooks/ebooks/comics/magazines, movies etc)

As I understand it the labels are reimbursed via Freegal with some fixed fee, and therefore all music is paid for, and you may be paying for this service via your Local taxes and have access to the service via your local library and may not even be aware of it. Why not take advantage of something that is available to you, especially for those of us who sometimes nab music here because we want to enjoy the stuff for free. (it's just another way to help support the labels through proper means!)

The only downside of this that I have seen so far is that the mp3s you download can be tagged or labeled horribly, but thankfully we have free apps like MP3tag to help clean those up, and also you can upload these tracks without worry to your cloud services like Amazon music account or Google Music account to legally stream without worrying.

Hope you guys consider it!

05-20-2016, 10:07 PM
What's up with this PMing links business in almost every thread?

Why not just upload to mega?

05-20-2016, 10:27 PM
What's up with this PMing links business in almost every thread?

Why not just upload to mega?

Silly newbie!
1) It's a violation of the law to duplicate some items. So PM is theoretically more sub rosa.
2) Some people derive ego gratification from the attention.

Another attention-deficit sufferer,

Mark's Super Blog (
Spock's Record Round-Up (

05-20-2016, 10:31 PM
And compared to the film and classical music section, PM sharing here is basically non-existent.

06-25-2016, 03:06 AM
What is the best filehost to use that is accessible worldwide? I want to use MEGA because it has a convenient desktop application, but I am not sure if it is available to every country?

06-25-2016, 10:53 AM
What is the best filehost to use that is accessible worldwide? I want to use MEGA because it has a convenient desktop application, but I am not sure if it is available to every country?

It does not have any country restrictions that I am aware of and today is easily the best file host next to the one I am about to mention.

I just discovered 1fichier a couple of months and much to my surprise it does not throttle your download speed just because you are a free user!
Also it has the most reasonable rates that I have ever seen as well.

1 Year 10 € = 11.12 USD
Lifetime 99 € = 110.07 USD

09-19-2017, 07:32 PM
I just discovered 1fichier a couple of months and much to my surprise it does not throttle your download speed just because you are a free user!

How are their file retention and take-down policies? I find that Mega, Mediafire, and Uploaded are terrible in these respects. Mega & Mediafire may be fast, but they're notorious for taking down files due to DMCA requests. I think they would take down a file named "Eagles Greatest Hits" even if it did not contain any songs from the album. I've posted files to MEGA and they were taken down within hours. If anyone has any secrets to preserving uploads on MEGA, I'm all ears. I've tried giving them random file names, password protecting them, and putting them on sites like Embedupload, to no avail. UMG seems to have my number, even though I've shared only 3 albums or so. The only thing I haven't tried is requiring people to PM me for the links because I don't have time for that. I recommend Rapidgator, Depositfiles, Turbobit, or Yandex. Their take-down policies seem rather weak. I have found files on RG, DF & Yandex especially 5 or more years after they were posted. While most of their speeds for free accounts are pitiful, Yandex speeds are pretty good, as are premium accounts for the others. Getting a premium account for some of them can be difficult, since they may not take US credit cards, but most of them can be obtained through resellers, often at a discount. I'm open to any other suggestions.

12-28-2018, 08:29 PM
It's been a long while since anyone posted in this thread. I've been thinking of uploading some stuff, any current recommendations of a place to use?

Ideally I'm looking for this criteria (in descending order of importance):

Free to upload
Free to download
Doesn't require a program/browser add-on
Doesn't need a sign up (or can use a throwaway email address)
Ability to host lots of stuff/generous storage space
Fast upload speed for me
Fast download speed for you
Not a burdensome level of captcha/affiliate links (some are ok, so long as they aren't likely to had people downloading a lot of unwanted junk instead of the files)
Decent file retention
Works with Tor

I think that's everything, but I may have overlooked some considerations.


12-28-2018, 09:10 PM
It's been a long while since anyone posted in this thread. I've been thinking of uploading some stuff, any current recommendations of a place to use?

Ideally I'm looking for this criteria (in descending order of importance):

Free to upload
Free to download
Doesn't require a program/browser add-on
Doesn't need a sign up (or can use a throwaway email address)
Ability to host lots of stuff/generous storage space
Fast upload speed for me
Fast download speed for you
Not a burdensome level of captcha/affiliate links (some are ok, so long as they aren't likely to had people downloading a lot of unwanted junk instead of the files)
Decent file retention
Works with Tor

I think that's everything, but I may have overlooked some considerations.


No idea if it works with Tor (it probably does) but it hits all of your other criterias. Best content hosting site of all time, imo. You may need to download their app or JDownloader for big (5 GB+ I think) files because of a browser limitation (not their fault).

12-29-2018, 12:35 AM
For the last three years or so I've been using Filefactory with no problems. They periodically have sales so you can get a full year of hosting for half price.

Yes, I pay good bucks to share the music. Of course, most times you will find that on the Record Round-Up, and not specifically announced HERE. So as my tagline says,