02-15-2002, 05:09 AM
Ok, I have beaten all the FF's exept VIII and VIIII. So I have started VIII. So far it is a good game, but if some one can list all the GFs and how/where it get them I would be grateful.

:D Thanks in advance....:D

02-15-2002, 05:34 AM
okay....let me think. I'll try to keep this spoiler free

shiva/quez-go to squall's computer in the classroom

ifrit-beat ifrit

diablos-use the magic lamp item, then beat him

siren-draw from the boss monster on the tower in dollet.

brothers-beat them in the tomb thing near deling city(sort of a puzzle)

carbunkle-draw from the lizard things guarding the sorceress

odin-beat odin at the cetra ruins

tonberry-fight 20(i think) tonberries at the cetra ruins, then the tonberry king should appear. beat him to get the gf

cactaur-fly to cactaur island (far southeast) and beat jumbo cactaur. i think you can see a cactus on the map, and you go to that to fight jumbo cactaur

pandemona-sorry, i never used this one. you might fall ass backwards into it. I don't remember.
bahamut-beat bahamut at the deep sea research center (bottom left of the map i think)

eden-draw from ultima weapon in the deep sea research center
doomtrain-get solomon's ring, 6 remedies, 6 malboro tentacles, and 6 steel pipes (think those are right), then use solomon's ring as an item.

cerberus-beat cerberus, i don't think you have a choice on this one, he's just standing there, and you walk up and fight him.

i guess that's it. i'm sure on most of these, and at least somewhat sure on all of them except pandemona.

02-15-2002, 09:26 AM
Draw Pandemona from 1 of the 2 people you fight in Balamb. You'll know what I mean when you get there (Dont want to give anything away).

You must draw Alexander from the boss you fight in the same building/complex as Cerberus and its not the Male boss, its the 1 after him.

G-Leath was mostly right about Doomtrain. You need 6 Remedy Plus' to get him. You get Remedy+'s buy refining Remedies using Alexanders Med LV Up ability

If Im wrong, can someone who knows, please correct me.

Edit: Forgot about Leviathan.

Draw him from the Boss at Balamb Garden on Disc 2. You'll know hwich one

02-15-2002, 02:10 PM
Pandemona: Draw from Fuijn in Balamb
Alexander: Draw from Edea I believe @ the end of disc 2 O_O
(dunno that one for sure, just check her with the draw command)
Doomtrain: Your right xD
Leviathan: Draw from Master NORG in the Garden basement.

That should give you some more idea of where to look when you want all the GF's
good luck :)

Tidus N Auron
02-15-2002, 05:40 PM
Tekno, i thoguth he said to keep this spoler free? By telling him he fights the girl in Balamb(you know who i mean) , thats spoiling it

Dark Messenger
02-15-2002, 05:57 PM
You probably don't know that you have to draw GF's from bosses during battle if you've just started so i'll tell you that for starters.

You can learn the draw ability from one of the two GF's which you automatically get near the beggining of the game ( Quezacotl and shiva).

Ifrit- You automatically get Ifrit in the fire cavern in the beggining of the first disc, you just have to beat him (not draw it from him).

Siren- The next GF is Siren, she/it is drawn during the assult on Dollet against the Evloret boss in the comm tower type thing.

Diablos- Once you return from the dollet assult you'll have a big ceremony, then as you leave to go to your next missio headmaster cid will give you a item called "Magic lamp" use this item to start to fight with Diablos, once you beat him he'll join you team.

Brothers-Towards the end of the first disc you will be asked to go to a place named "Tomb of the unknown king" in this place you will eventually find the brother and when you beat them they will also join your team (If you want help finding the brothers in the tomb of the unknown king then just ask).

Carbuncle- At the end of the first disc there are two lizard type bosses, you simply draw Carbucle from one of them.

Leviathon- Draw from NORG on the middle of the second disc.

Pandemona- On the second disc you will need to return to Balamb in Balamb you will fight two bosses called Fujin and Raijin, you can draw Pandemona from any one of these bosses.

Cerberus- Cerberus is easy enough to get, all you do is find the three headed dog creature in galbadia garden near the end of the second disc, the dog thing is Cerberus and by beating it you will gain it.

Alexander- On the last boss of the second disc, you just draw it.

On the third at fourth disc the GF's aren't so siple to get, if you wish to get them you will post likely have to go somewhat out of your and you will probably go down a seed rank level, anyway:

Cactuar- To get Cactuar you will need to have the Ragnorak which you don't get until over half way through the third disc, what you do is go to the most southern continent on the world map and there will be a small island called "Cactuar island" on this island you'll see a small green creature that keeps dissapearing if you make contact with this you will fight jumbo Cactuar, this boss has a lot of health and is a right pain in the ass because if you take too long battling him then he will run away so try to beat him fast. By beating him you will automatically gain the cactuar GF.

Tonberry- In the centra ruins (also on the most southern island) there are absolutely hundreds of Tonberrys, beat approximately 20 and you will be transport to fight the Tonberry king, this is basically an over sized Tonberry, just beat this and you will automatically get the Tonberry GF.

Doomtrain- To get Doomtrain you will need to combine loads of item, which I cant remember right now but if you really want to know then just PM me asking.

Bahamut- Hidden right on the south west of the map there is a secret oil rig, enter the oil rig and you will fing a small room with a flashing light in, when the light is dimmed walk towards its core, when you make it you will be asked a question answer with the first reply to fight with a ruby dragon beat this and you will be asked another question, reply with the second answer to fight another ruby dragon beat this only to get asked another question, respond to this question with the invisible third reply to fight Bahamut, beating him will give you him as a GF.

Eden- After beating Bahamut return to the deep sea oil rig and have Zell lower you into the depths at the bottom you will find Ultima weapon which will have to battle, draw Eden from ultima weapon to gain it apon Ultima weapons defeat.

Well that just about does it, but remember if you need anymore help then I am happy to give it to you.

02-15-2002, 10:16 PM
You can draw and fight them...

Dram some and fight some, i wont say witch ones but i dont want to spoil anything.

02-16-2002, 01:28 AM
PLACE: You can get her by checking out Squall's Classroom
ATTACK: Blasts the enemy with ice.

Quetzelcoatl Lightning GF
PLACE: Same as Shiva
ATTACK: Creates an orb around the enemies and blasts them with a thunderbolt.

PLACE: Fire Cave during your field mission
ATTACK: Sends a gigantic ball of fire into the enemies.

SIREN Silence GF
PLACE: You draw him from the Satellite Tower boss in Dollet.
ATTACK: She plays her harp then waves from the sea sweep the enemy and gives them silence.

PLACE: Cid will give you a magic lamp. Use it and you will challenge him.
ATTACK: The sky turns dark and kinda purplish. Then bats gather to form one huge ball of black matter. Diablo comes out from the ball, grabs it and sends it flying into the enemies. Looks REALLY COOL!

PLACE: Draw it from one of the monsters that attacked Rinoa during the Sorcerres parade in Delling City.
ATTACK: He comes out from the ground and gives reflect to your party.

PLACE: In the King's Tomb.
ATTACK: The enemies are lifted from the ground and tossed into the air. The Brothers play rock, papers, sciccors. The older brother wins(the smaller one). The older one tosses the younger one into the enemies. The enemies fall down back to the ground and get damaged.

PLACE: Challenge the monster in the middle of Galbadia Gardens lobby. Do this before challengin Edea.
ATTACK: Cereberus comes out from the graveyard. He thhen shoots counter rockets into the air. this will give your each member of your party double and triple.

PLACE: Draw it from the Shumi boss in Balamb garden in Floor B1.
ATTACK: Leviathan comes out from a portal in mid-air. Then it flies up and a mountain comes up from the ground. Leviathan then turns to water turning the mountain into a waterfall. The water sweeps away any enemy that died during that attack.

PLACE: Draw it when you battle Raijin and Fujin.
ATTACK: He sucks in the enemies into a large sack. Then he blows them out creating a twister.

PLACE: Draw it from Edea.
ATTACK: He climbs out from the beach and leans up against a mountain. He then shoots homing missiles with holy elemental on the enemies.

PLACE: Go to Tears Point in Eshtar before the Lunar Cry. You will find an item called Solomon's Ring. After you get this you must collect these items. Molboro Tentacles x6, Remedy+ x6, Steel Pipe x6. After you get these items go to your items menu and use it in the anywhere other than in a battle. Then you'll get him.
ATTACK: Doomtrain moves on a track made of fire. He then runs over the enemies. The enemies get all types of status ailments. This affects even those enemies with protection from a certain ailment.

BAHAMUT King of GF's
PLACE: Go to the GF laboratory in the Southwest. You can't find it in the map but it's in the ocean somewhere southeast. Go inside and walk to the glowing pillar. Don't move when the pillar's lights are flashing. When you reach it answer the questions in this order.Question#1-First answer. You will fight a ruby dragon between each questions. Question#2-Second answer. Then Question#3- Third answer(you can't see any third answer but just pick the hidden answer under the second answer.). After this You will fight Bahamut.
ATTACK: He shoots 4 fireballs into the enemies. Then he shoots them with a large Mega Flare.

JUMBO CACTUAR Non-elemental GF
PLACE: East of Edea's house there is a small island called Cactuar Island. Land Ragnarok on this island. You will see a cactus popping out of the sand. Walk to this cactus and you will fight Jumbo Cactuar.( I recommend that you shoul learn the revive command before fighting him.).
ATTACK: Cactuar Jumps into the air and shoots needles at the enemies.

PLACE: You must have odin first.Somewhere in Centra you can find a tower called Centra Ruins.After getting odin return here and fight around 20 Tonberries. The 20th Tonberry you kill will summon King Tonberry. Kill him and he'll join you.
ATTACK: He crawls out of a black hole in the ground and stabbs the enemy.

EDEN ALL-elements GF
PLACE:After defeating Bahamut return to the laboratory and go down the hole in the ground. Continue going down by opening steamm locked doors. When you reach a machine, you will be asked if you want to let Zell use it (make sure you have Zell in your party.). Zell will do something allowing you to go down further. You will eventuall reach the end where there is a machine. Equip your move-find ability to find a saving point next to the machine. Use the machine, you need 10 points to use it. The rocks will start to glow and you will be attacked by Ultima Weapon. Draw Eden from Ultima Weapon. You can also draw ULTIMA's! I killed him in one turn by using my limit break Lion Heart!!(very hard opponent, i was just lucky. Use aura so your characters can use their limit breaks.)
ATTACK: Eden comes from a digital world through a portal. She then turns the whole planet into a gigantic cannon. She shoots the enemies into the Sun. If you make her learn boost you can do more than 20,000 damage in one turn.

Other Guardian Forces


ODIN Holy Knight GF
PLACE: In The Centra Ruins.
ATTACK: He comes in randomly in the beginning of a battle. He comes in riding his horse holding his sword. He charges at the enemies and cut's them to pieces. Japanes Kanji (characters) appear after each slash.

GILGAMESH Heavenly Warrior
PLACE:You must have Odin before going to Pandora's Fortress. When you fight Seifer Odin will charge at him. Seifer will cut him in half and Odin's sword will fly into the sky. The sky will part and a hand will catch the sword. Later on during the battle, Gilgamesh will come down from the sky seeking revenge. He blasts Seifer away. Gigamesh will now come out randomly in the middle of battles instead of Odin coming out.
ATTACK: Excalipoor - he slashes the enemy dealing 1 damage, Zantetsuken - instant death on the enemy, and there are 2 more that I haven't seen..

PLACE:Muy some Gyshall Greens from the person in the Chocobo Forests. Use the greens during battle and a chocobo will come out.
ATTACK: The chocbo only attacks one enemy. The chocobo gets angry and covers itself with a shield of fire. Then the chocobo charges at the enemy.

Phoenix Firebird/Resurrection GF
PLACE: Go to Shumi Village and help finish the statue. Then talk to the village leader. OR you can transform phoenix downs to mega phoenix by using the level up medicine ability, then transform lots of mega phoenixes into a phoenix pinion by using the Forbidden items refinement ability.
ATTACK: Phoenix revives any dead party members.

02-16-2002, 12:28 PM
Hey Rinoa, as per the "G" gf that appears randomly.
He asked for no spoilers.
That is a MAJOR spoiler.
Might wanna edit.

02-18-2002, 12:19 PM
Ahhh , you can draw them from disc 4, inside Ultimecia Castle......