10-25-2016, 01:43 PM
Anyone have this? I'd love to have it. Very underrated supernatural thriller imo.

11-09-2016, 03:20 PM
Bump. Anyone?

11-09-2016, 05:46 PM
Hello Dave,

I'm going to search for it immediately, 'cause I'm also very interested in this! :D

Well, regarding your private message, you need to make some space in your inbox first. ;)
Please let me know when you're ready.

11-09-2016, 05:47 PM
here's the white noise, but in mp3, unfortunately, it�s incomplete.

together comes other files from other movies, not much.... :)


11-10-2016, 01:32 AM
Unfortunately I couldn't find it anywhere. It seems that some scores simply doesn't want to be found... :/
Well, I'll try again on occasion, but in the meantime, I hope that some friendly soul responds to this request. :)

And thank you very much, blackie74! ^^ After all, this incomplete score is better than nothing and (for me) greatly appreciated.
So, many thanks for adding it with these extras! :D Very nice!

11-10-2016, 05:29 AM
here's the white noise, but in mp3, unfortunately, it�s incomplete.

together comes other files from other movies, not much.... :)


grateful thanks for sharing blackie74

11-10-2016, 07:40 PM
Well, I found out I new version I have, it's 320 mp3, 38 unnamed tracks.


11-10-2016, 08:46 PM
Thank you very much for this, blackie74!!! :D

11-11-2016, 07:03 AM
Well, I found out I new version I have, it's 320 mp3, 38 unnamed tracks.


once again, grateful thanks blackie74 for sharing!!!

12-01-2016, 04:53 PM
blackie, wow, amazing! :)

EDIT: Some of the cues you found in your first link are duplicates, others are film versions or alternates. I've deleted the dupes, but if we can identify all songs in the nameless album you found, then we can match the film versions and alternates to those tracks and get a very nice, beefed up expanded White Noise score! :D

EDIT 2: The unnamed 38 track version does seem to be a dvd channel rip? I'm not sure, but there's MASSIVE sfx in track 3 (in between two tracks), clear dialogue. I haven't heard the rest of the album yet. This can easily be cut out however. I don't understand why the original creator didn't do that... It's still better than nothing though. I'd be happy to sort out what can be removed and reupload what remains.

I also did a rear channel rip of my 28 Weeks Later dvd which is surprisingly clean. Once it's cleaned up some more I'll create a thread for that too. Although, in comparison, the LLL release does seem as complete as it gets.