06-18-2015, 07:48 PM
SYMPHONIC FANTASY of JUNGLE EMPEROR "LEO" (http://vgmdb.net/album/24747)
交響(シンフォニック)ファンタジー ジャングル大帝



FLAC (https://mega.co.nz/#!FBZXyYoI!jlZkKVpBSwOJLKjm_cN4sw0Gbwwz5inCtIl23oI MzjM)

As the album cover suggests, this album more than a true symphonic suite, is the original soundtrack of the 1989-1990 anime series of Jungle Taitei/Jungle Emperor (aka Kimba the White Lion). Herr Salat already shared another album (Thread 136346) that contained music, in extended symphonic suites, of the same score. There are differences between these two releases; the Symphonic Fantasy album is the original cues and source music of the anime series organized in thematic 'chapters' (Birth, Fight, Tragedy, etc), in addition to the Opening and Ending songs; and the Symphonic Suite album is more or less the same material but presented in symphonic form, in four movements or suites.

Tomoyuki Asakawa, probably the most in-demand harpist of the whole world, was surprisingly in charge of the music of this anime series, whose previous anime adaptations had had as music composer to Isao Tomita. The music roots of this series has always been symphonic, unashamedly symphonic, and this installment holds true to that legacy. This is pure and simple a grand orchestral score, written in the classic style of the great masters, sumptuously orchestrated and with a variety of moods. The album may sound old fashioned to some people, because this sort of score is almost extinct nowadays, but is inspired in the tradition of true orchestral composers and is a joy to listen to.

Anyway, the only flaw that I could mention on this score is the brevity of its cues, on average no longer than one or two minutes, which means that the chapters are composed of several cues glued together with no transitions or any link between them. It's too bad, because some of the themes and motifs deserved more developed pieces to better appreciate the polished work of Tomoyuki Asakawa.

All in all, I hope you enjoy it.

06-19-2015, 07:44 PM
Thank you.

04-29-2016, 06:00 PM
Thanks! :D

04-29-2016, 06:10 PM
I bought a copy of the CD years ago. It's got good music.

10-05-2018, 10:11 PM
Thank you very much!

10-08-2018, 07:07 PM
Thanks mate.