08-18-2014, 08:08 PM
Surprisingly good example of how you should do your score for a sequel (hello, Expendables 3, how you're doing with all your copy-pasting stuff?), this soundtrack not only continues the tendencies from the first movie, it gives a new sound to the old theme and motifs, always remaining making all sense and great impression.


1. Main Title
2. Johnny On The Spot
3. Johnny Enters Bar
4. Marv VS. Frat Boys
5. Nancy�s Kiss Of Death
6. Joey
7. Kadie�s
8. Ava
9. Dwight Spies On Ava
10. Ava In Bed
11. Uh Huh
12. Marv & Dwight
13. Ava Seduces Mort
14. Mort�s Descent
15. Sin City Waltz
16. The End Of Ava
17. Dr. Kroenig
18. Johnny Down & Out
19. I�m Lonely
20. Nancy Visits Grave
21. Skin City (feat. Steven Tyler)
22. Marv & Nancy Ride
23. Marv Attacks
24. Roark
25. End Titles

Password is my forum name.

Feel free to leave your comments about the music, any words of gratitude are highly welcomed. And, as always, enjoy the music!

08-18-2014, 08:13 PM
Thanks for sharing.

08-18-2014, 08:29 PM
Thank you for this...

08-18-2014, 09:17 PM

08-18-2014, 10:04 PM
Big thanks for this

08-18-2014, 10:08 PM
Awesome share! I loved the score for the first film, and I had forgotten to even consider that the second one would have one. Thiel is a good match for Rodriguez.

08-18-2014, 10:12 PM
FUCK YES!!! My day has just been made. I've been Googling around and couldn't find anything - but stupid me forgot to check Carl Thiel's site, that probably would've helped. Thanks so much caball, can't wait to hear it. I heard Rodriguez scored the film using his iPhone. Not sure how accurate that is, but I'm sure some of it's a possibility.

Regarding the film, I'm so bummed out Clive Owen didn't return as Dwight, Devon Aoki as Miho (she was prego during filming and yet the film was delayed 10 months anyway, this pissed me off), and it's heartbreaking about Michael Clarke Duncan and Brittany Murphy, two great actors from the first film who are no longer with us. But thrilled that Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke (one of my all-time favorite actors), Jessica Alba and Rosario Dawson all returned. Not loving Gail's new look, but Nancy's new look is badass!!

08-18-2014, 11:02 PM
Thanks for the share.

08-18-2014, 11:11 PM
Thanks, caball!

08-18-2014, 11:29 PM

08-18-2014, 11:29 PM
Thank you

08-19-2014, 01:23 AM
Thank you!

08-19-2014, 02:06 AM
FUCK YES!!! My day has just been made. I've been Googling around and couldn't find anything - but stupid me forgot to check Carl Thiel's site, that probably would've helped. Thanks so much caball, can't wait to hear it. I heard Rodriguez scored the film using his iPhone. Not sure how accurate that is, but I'm sure some of it's a possibility.

Regarding the film, I'm so bummed out Clive Owen didn't return as Dwight, Devon Aoki as Miho (she was prego during filming and yet the film was delayed 10 months anyway, this pissed me off), and it's heartbreaking about Michael Clarke Duncan and Brittany Murphy, two great actors from the first film who are no longer with us. But thrilled that Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke (one of my all-time favorite actors), Jessica Alba and Rosario Dawson all returned. Not loving Gail's new look, but Nancy's new look is badass!!

Clive Owen returning as Dwight wouldn't make any sense. The events in the film/graphic novel are a prequel to the first film, and are what lead to Dwight getting plastic surgery and a new face.

They also replaced Michael Madsen with Jeremy Piven, supposedly because Madsen hated the green screen work on the original film, and I hear he's kinda of a pain in the ass to work with.

08-19-2014, 02:32 AM
Clive Owen returning as Dwight wouldn't make any sense. The events in the film/graphic novel are a prequel to the first film, and are what lead to Dwight getting plastic surgery and a new face.

Ahhhh really? I didn't know that. Ok, that explains it. So I suppose that the events featuring Dwight and Ava Lord in A Dame to Kill For take place after The Big Fat Kill? I never read the graphic novels so I have no idea what's going on.

They also replaced Michael Madsen with Jeremy Piven, supposedly because Madsen hated the green screen work on the original film, and I hear he's kinda of a pain in the ass to work with.

Ahh man, really? I saw Jeremy Piven on IMDb as "Bob", but I didn't even make the connection. Damnit. Well it's better than replacing Bruce Willis, Jessica Alba, Mickey Rourke or Rosario Dawson

08-19-2014, 02:56 AM
Thank you share!

08-19-2014, 03:11 AM
thank you very much

08-19-2014, 04:36 AM
Ahhhh really? I didn't know that. Ok, that explains it. So I suppose that the events featuring Dwight and Ava Lord in A Dame to Kill For take place after The Big Fat Kill? I never read the graphic novels so I have no idea what's going on.

A Dame to Kill For (the graphic novel) takes place before The Big Fat Kill and The Hard Goodbye. This explains Shellie's line in The Big Fat Kill where she tells Dwight that her and Jack hooked up before Dwight returned to town with his new face. It also explains why Marv is still alive. He and Dwight team up in A Dame to Kill For at one point. Things don't exactly go Dwight's way, and he's forced to leave town and change his appearance. The movie adapts this graphic novel, as well as the short one-shot Just Another Saturday Night (which shows what Marv was up to the night Hartigan returns to town and meets up with Nancy; we see a snippet of this in the original film where Marv sees Nancy throw her arms around Hartigan). There are two other stories in the movie: one brand-new and one based on a never published comic.

08-19-2014, 04:43 AM
Ya I knew it was part prequel and part sequel, due to certain characters still being around. It sounds interesting. I can't wait to see how it all connects. Thanks for all the info

08-19-2014, 06:19 AM
thanks for the share caball

Secret Society
08-19-2014, 06:54 AM

08-19-2014, 09:59 AM
Thanks for uploading this. Can't wait to see the film on Friday. Can't believe its been nine years since the first one was released.

08-19-2014, 01:21 PM

Sin City: A Dame To Kill For (2014) Soundtrack Score
Composed by: Robert Rodriguez

Link 320kbps: (229,29 MB) - (

01. Main Title (01:28)
02. Johnny on the Spot (01:47)
03. Johnny Enters Bar (01:34)
04. Marv vs Frat Boys (03:35)
05. Nancy's Kiss of Death (01:52)
06. Joey (02:37)
07. Kadie's (01:18)
08. Ava (02:51)
09. Dwight Spies on Ava (03:24)
10. Ava in Bed (01:34)
11. Uh Huh (feat. Marci Madison) (01:11)
12. Marv & Dwight (02:20)
13. Ava Seduces Mort (01:47)
14. Mort's Descent (02:01)
15. Sin City Waltz (01:39)
16. The End of Ava (01:43)
17. Dr. Kroenig (02:06)
18. Johnny Down & Out (02:17)
19. I'm Lonely (01:33)
20. Nancy Visits Grave (01:31)
21. Skin City (feat. Steven Tyler) (02:38)
22. Marv & Nancy Ride (02:01)
23. Marv Attacks (01:03)
24. Roark (02:25)
25. End Titles (02:12)

08-19-2014, 02:14 PM

08-19-2014, 02:15 PM
Muchos gracious.

08-19-2014, 02:57 PM
Thank You

08-19-2014, 04:24 PM
Great, the first score wasn't that good or original but it was doing the job. let's try this one while waiting for the film, thanks guys! ;)

08-19-2014, 04:41 PM
A Dame to Kill For (the graphic novel) takes place before The Big Fat Kill and The Hard Goodbye. This explains Shellie's line in The Big Fat Kill where she tells Dwight that her and Jack hooked up before Dwight returned to town with his new face. It also explains why Marv is still alive. He and Dwight team up in A Dame to Kill For at one point. Things don't exactly go Dwight's way, and he's forced to leave town and change his appearance. The movie adapts this graphic novel, as well as the short one-shot Just Another Saturday Night (which shows what Marv was up to the night Hartigan returns to town and meets up with Nancy; we see a snippet of this in the original film where Marv sees Nancy throw her arms around Hartigan). There are two other stories in the movie: one brand-new and one based on a never published comic.

The character Levitt plays, Johnny, was created for the film (unless there is a one shot comic I'm unaware of.) However, I'm afraid with the lack of buzz surrounding ADTKF this film may fall into the category of "sequel no-one wanted." (That and GOTG & TMNT are sucking up all the movie goer's oxygen.) The same sort of fate that befell 300: Rise of Empire: a film that showed up ten years too late to its own party.

Coincidently that film and ADTKF are Frank Miller properties and both starred Eva Green. If I see ADTKF it will be on the strength of Green's acting. (Levitt's also.) She owned Rise (could have watched an entire movie based on her character) and was fantastic in Penny Dreadful. The episode featuring her possession and descent into madness was a tour de force.

BTW, beside Piven taking over for another actor, Dennis Haysbert (he'll always be 24's President Palmer to me) is filling the shoes Michael Duncan Clarke. (May he R.I.P.)

08-19-2014, 05:02 PM
So yes, Rise of Empire, with all it's R-17 bloody glory, gained 330 millions . No-one wanted this sequel, defenitely. ;)

And yes, Penny Dreadful is great, I'm really happy it will have a second season (the mistery of cowboy-werewolf-bisexual-exorcist MUST be solved!!!) And hey, it's Abel Korzeniowski doing a music for a big american horror TV-series. That's pretty unusual!

08-19-2014, 05:50 PM
$330 million. That much? Well, I stand corrected. A lesson in letting one's assumptions and prejudices hold sway. I think ADTKF will be very happy if they make $330 million.

Penny Dreadful was a very pleasant surprise. (I was afraid it was going to be like that dreadful (pun intended) film version of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Great comic, horrible film.) Everybody brought their "A" game. Dalton was great (no surprise there). Can you believe the man is 70? Doesn't carry himself like a septuagenarian.

And Hartnett (our bisexual cowboy werewolf - a great name for punk country band - and raise your hand if you guessed he was the series' wolf-man) did his best acting ever. Until now I didn't pay him much attention but he's got my attention now. My guess Ethan's conflict with his father stems from his bi-sexuality (if you're going to snog a guy he should at least be as good looking as Dorian Gray.) not his unfortunate hirsute condition which I gather he acquired during his travels in the West. (Ran into a not-so-friendly skin-walker?)

Billie Piper's Brona Croft was a light years from Rose Tyler but in a good way and managed to avoid the hooker-with-a-heart-of-gold stereotype. What would the Tenth Doctor say? (Again hands up if you knew she was going to be the monster's bride.) And Kinnear as Frankenstein's first creation, Caliban, was both monstrous and sympathetic. (Victor was the ultimate deadbeat dad to Caliban.)

My one gripe is the killing of David Warner's Van Helsing. One of my favorite actors and characters. I wanted more of Warner's Van Helsing. (It was a nice touch having Van Helsing reference the first vampire amongst the penny dreadfuls: Varney the Vampire. He predates Dracula by almost 50 years. The entire serial runs almost 900 pages.)

And Showtime ordered season two be ten episodes not eight. Maybe we'll get to see Dorian's portrait at last.

08-19-2014, 06:29 PM
The character Levitt plays, Johnny, was created for the film (unless there is a one shot comic I'm unaware of).

You're correct. The part was originally written for Johnny Depp, but he passed.

08-19-2014, 06:31 PM
Levitt is a better choice than Depp. And right now the better actor.

08-19-2014, 06:57 PM

08-19-2014, 11:28 PM

08-20-2014, 02:08 AM
Thanks! Can't wait to see this.

08-20-2014, 02:47 AM

08-20-2014, 02:55 AM
Levitt is a better choice than Depp. And right now the better actor.

Agreed. I haven't been able to stand Depp for the better part of the past decade.

08-20-2014, 03:23 AM

08-20-2014, 12:34 PM
Thanks very much!

08-20-2014, 09:00 PM
Agreed. I haven't been able to stand Depp for the better part of the past decade.

He seems to have become a victim of success. I remember admiring him for the non-commercial choices he made: Fear and Loathing, Edward Scissorhands, Dead Man Walking, Ed Wood etc. He'd get excellent critical reviews and was an art house favorite but big box success always seem to elude him. (Many of his movies made money but no one was going to built a franchise around Depp.)

Even when he made a more traditional Hollywood film like Donnie Brasco, which was ostensibly a mob movie but was really about the relationship and trust or lack thereof, between Brasco and his mobster friend, it wasn't the same old, same old.

Of course that all changed with POTC. The film, in its own way, is really quite amazing: a movie based on a ride has plot that works, a decent script bolstered by actors who elevated the material, some memorable visuals and Depp's take on Capt. Jack Sparrow. The franchise now is a license to print money and an example of the law of diminishing returns: each film weaker than its predecessor.

Then there is the fustercluck that is The Lone Ranger . That film did no one any favors. (I'll grant the train chase finale was a fantastic piece of movie logistics and effects but since I didn't give a flying damn about any of the characters - I mean who wants a Lone Ranger who's channeling Nathan Lane from The Birdcage and a Tonto who acts like he's permanently pixelated on peyote. (Say that three times fast.) - I viewed it with all the detached interest of watching ice melt. (Add to that turns in Alice in Wonderland, Transcendence and The Rum Diaries and Depp's box office luster has faded.)

But he remains Disney's go-to-guy as evident with Into The Woods and POTC 5.

08-22-2014, 01:47 AM
Thanks for the share caball.

08-29-2014, 10:01 AM
Didn't even know this came out. Thanks!

09-12-2014, 02:56 AM
Thx 4 sharing

09-12-2014, 02:37 PM
Thanks so much for this great share!

09-12-2014, 03:55 PM
Many thanks !!!

09-12-2014, 10:13 PM
Thanks for this. Appreciate it, Monkfoot

06-27-2016, 07:55 PM
Thanks for the share.

08-31-2016, 06:20 PM
Please RE-up