07-14-2014, 01:16 AM

Lilium Liberation3 (

Label: Lilium Records (
Catalog#: LLMR-028
Released: Apr 27, 2014


01. Freezer feat.mippai - Giganteum
02. colate - It May Be One Way Love
03. Gu-dara - Under The Skin
04. ETIA. - (Love is not)Logical
05. Nizikawa - Break It Down
06. Freezer vs gya9 - SH0KS
07. Sanaas - Drizzle
08. anubasu-anubasu - Our Impluse
09. Kakka - Virtues
10. Asterisk - Luna Lace
11. Arch - Rising to the sky
12. gya9 - rebirthed
13. Nizikawa vs ETIA. - GUR3N


Freezer (soundcloud (
mippai N/a
colate (soundcloud (
Gu-dara (soundcloud (
ETIA. (soundcloud (
Nizikawa (soundcloud (
gya9 (soundcloud (
Sanaas (soundcloud (
anubasu-anubasu (soundcloud (
Kakka (soundcloud (
Asterisk (soundcloud (
Arch (soundcloud (

Artwork By Lek



Pass: LiliumLiber@tion3