01-29-2002, 05:09 PM
Some person gave me a genie bottle and it says to save it before using it. I did use and there was a dragon looking like thing. Who is that?

01-29-2002, 05:36 PM
That was a Summon called Diablos.
If you beat the summon, it's yourse to use
If you can draw cast Demi from him .. he will cast curage on your party.. instant win if I remember correctly :D

01-29-2002, 09:07 PM
Really That Easy

01-29-2002, 09:12 PM
he doesn't cast cure on your party, but use demi on him, it'll make the fight a lot quicker, use it again and again, and have Squall thwack him until he can limit break

01-30-2002, 12:04 PM
Well, i think i hate when i fight Diablos, that's is Graviton and that's very annoying because it'll make much harder . :mad:

01-30-2002, 12:19 PM
actually he will cast curage on one of you r party members every time you cast demi on him. I would advise you though to stock insted of casting since it's qiute hard to succesfully draw from him at that point in the game. So stock some demi's and cast them on him and when they do about 100 maybe start pummiling with physical attacks.

01-30-2002, 12:37 PM
Wait until the end of disc one to use it. Reason; You can draw carbuncle from one of the ignuna bosses. Carbuncle makes you invincible against him.

01-30-2002, 05:55 PM
thats Diablos, a summon.
You have to beat him to get it though, you have to cast Demi on him, he is really easy to beat...well he was for me :D

02-01-2002, 03:06 AM
How far were you when you used it. I have
Squall 1020
Rinoa 826
Zell 855

You think i could beat him

02-01-2002, 12:40 PM
Yeah, you can beat him with that. It doesn't matter if you wait, the stronger you are, the stronger he gets.
If I were you, I'd wait till you have Carbunkle though, like Jamie said. Also stock lots and lots of demi's ^_^;;;

02-01-2002, 12:43 PM
Is that hp? Anyway it doesn't matter, just matters on your characters total level. The higher, the harder. Btw, Diablos can become psycho near the end of the batte, and loves to attack like crazy, so smash him with everything you got after demi inflects very little damage. Also carbuncle is great to have. And he is far from easy to beat, I can barely beat him if I don't have carbuncle.

02-05-2002, 09:53 PM
When you fight him I would have the abilities;
because if you draw the magic straight to him he does gravija on your party if you stock the demis and cast it from you magic deck then he will use curaga
you might want someone with the item command if you have no life magics so oyu can use pheonix downs

Black Mage
02-06-2002, 12:52 AM
Diablos, wait til u got carbuncle like i did then hes easy, well he wasnt that hard anyway, as soon as Cid give me thas thing i beat him

02-08-2002, 05:28 PM
wheres carbunacle?

02-09-2002, 07:13 AM

02-09-2002, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by Zachary
wheres carbunacle? <font color=red face="comic sans ms">Carbuncle can be drawn from the Iguions you fight near the end of disc 1 in Deling City. If you missed it then, you will be able to get it again on disc 4. And I didn't find Carbuncle that useful when fighting Diablos. I can also beat Diablos as soon as I get the magical lamp, and it's not too hard.

If you have Selphie in your party when fighting Diablos, it shouldn't be too hard at any level. Gravija will reduce all allies' HP by 3/4, which means all 3 characters will be able to use limit breaks (just about). Use limits with Squall and your other character (I would suggest Zell) and then use Full-Cure with Selphie. Repeat throughout the battle. ;) Near the end of the battle he will start using his physical attack a lot more, and sometimes gets 2 attacks in a row. It gets harder at this point, although it means he is close to losing. Just keep attacking and healing with Full-Cure. :)