04-28-2012, 03:04 AM
<♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪>★★★★★ From a Fan to a Fan :)★★★★★<♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪>

Release date: 2012.04.28
Catalogue Number: IC-ST001
Label: Identity_Crisis_Chase

http://img2.uploadhouse.com/fileuploads/20143/20143162d115cc4acbb5a597e8ecdf473cfd47fa.pngIntrod uction:

Since day 1, that I got my copy for the 3DS, that I wanted to get the new re-made tracks and more; an actual soundtrack release. But Unfortunately there was no soundtrack release. So I got my hands at work.

"Dead Or Alive" for some is overated. I can agree that are games I love very much, and they are not that amazing in the eyes of critic. But there is a lot in "DOA" that stays hidden. Unfortunately, most of times it is hidden because of the stupid breast jokes.
I am a fan of "Dead Or Alive", and it is not the girls or "sexploitation" that makes me like this title. You just need to see that there is more then it shows. I am rather sad at sometimes when they make weird stuff with girls, be it weird positions or something else. I am more fond of the story itself and the character personalities evolution throughout the games.

http://img0.uploadhouse.com/fileuploads/20143/2014317093cbdeb99cbde927f969ddce286c54b6.pngThe Project:

I have been hooked in this project of mine for 4 months now. And it is finally here. This project, not only being a lot work for personal fun, it is also dedicated to "Dead Or Alive" fans, and that is what motivated me more for this project.
I had refusals from some people and I had help from others. The most stupid thing in the game, is the lack of a sound test in audio options, when in all previous titles they all had a sound test. This was one of the things that made me sad about "DOA Dimensions". So without a sound test to rip fine and with good quality, I had to go for the oldschool way.
I first needed someone to do video encoding, and with the best of their ability, with good audio quality. I ripped then the audio from those video encoding. Note that this encoding was only done in the Chronicle Mode,where we had some new compositions and other featured compositions from all previous 4 games. For Bad News to some, there was no way to rip the new tracks without sound effects or voices. I decided to let these rips be used as Drama Tracks. At the same time I did a concept of mine for the 3rd disc which I called "CHRONICLE Side"
Maybe it is me that demands too much, but for me the audio of the video encoding is not exactly what I wanted, in some rare seconds you can hear some noise. :( For this I am sorry for not being bette; it is the best we could do.
I also created a full booklet and back case as well, for the collection of some fans. :) The booklet was made in PNG files. I t was not easy too since I was not familiar with the software I used. I am still learning how to do some stuff there. :) Thank you cooljacker for this software. (Gimp)

:)This whole project was made with both Love and Dedication from a Fan to another Fan;)

http://img7.uploadhouse.com/fileuploads/20143/20143237928b8ae55f45638aba1ab9c9bc43d75a.pngThis project is divided in 4 sections, or CDs:


This disc consists of the new Remade Character themes from "Dead Or Alive 2" and the new music. The intro of the songs is not there. To rip the songs with the intros it would sound very weird because you will hear sfx and voices. Although I tried my best and worked on the files with some fades so it would not be a bit weird how they finished all of the sudden. Kasumi Alpha Theme and Shinden Theme are here as well as the Training mode track.
In this disc we have 4 bonus tracks. Ridley's theme from Metroid Other M (Thread 94851) and the 3 Original Released tracks of "Dead Or Alive Dimensions" in Nintendo 3DS The Fastest Sound Preview (http://vgmdb.net/album/24162). This cd was included in Nintendo-Dream magazine vol.204 of April 2011.


This disc collects all other character themes since DOA1 to 4. The cd starts with the original "Dead Or Alive 2" tracks that were remade in Dimensions. A total of 25 tracks with 77 minutes of good music. :)
I just could not let it out the original themes of "DOA2" not being in here. The original arrangements are still very "epic" in their own way. And I feel that these should be bundled together.


This disc, as the title says, consists of collecting all music that appears in this game mode. There were a lof tracks featured from all 4 games. I was really amazed that one of my favorite character themes in DOA4 (I feel for you, which is Tina's Theme) was used for Zack introduction of DOATEC in the Freedom Survivor boat. :)
We have both PSX and Arcade versions of Kasumi's theme of "Dead Or Alive", and some other tracks. ;)
The files saying "-drama tracks-" are the rips of the new tracks.
BE AWARE! These tracks have both Sound Effects and Voices. I wil again say that there was no way to rip the the music itself. The lack of sound test is really not helpfull, when in reality all games had that option.
I choosed to keep the Japanese voices for a lot of reasons:
1st: I always followed the games with Japanese voices, when there was no sad idea for English voice actors. I am familiar with japanese voices already.
2nd: The English voices are horribly disgusting and they do not match anyone voices. The translation of the game is bad as hell. And the guy who translated it should be fired. If you choose the Japanese audio and play with english subtitles, the subtitles are completely wrong and very far from what they are really saying in Japanese. I first notice this in "DOA3" in which the subs were not matching what they were saying...at all. Then I realized. The subtitles are not even translations from the japanese audio, they are sutitles ONLY for the bad English voices audio.
Just an example:
In "DOA Dimensions" La Mariposa, in the start of a fight it shows in the subtitle, and the English voicealso says "Let's dance!". This is wrong! In good Japanese translation she says "Let us dance with this rythm?". Please note that there is an exclamation sign and she is making a question and not affirming anything. I know I may be too cocky with this kind of things, but, or is it well done, or it is not done at all.
3rd: I have always been in favor of the original works. Never liked changed soundtracks, when there was one already in the first place, for example.

The disc itself is sectioned by Chapters. The same chapters which are presented to us in the game. Some tracks are different in sfx and voices but with different events. I wanted this cd to have a vibe of telling us the story. Which it did worked out pretty well. If I may say so-

Disc4: SIDE for Bonus Selected Material

This disc is a bonus in which it consists of a collection of tracks covering all 4 games soundtracks. This disc it is, in my vision (as well for the fans for sure) a collection with some of the most important tracks of all games. And there is a reason for a lot of tracks be there too.
For example:
Tina and Ayane theme from "Dead Or Alive" are in this disc because the "DOA2" and "DOADimensions" themes were "sequels" of these 2 tracks. The compositions are different, but all the melody and rythm is there.
Also the track "Wired" from "DOAULTIMATE" is here as well. This music is played in "DOADimensions" Showcase.
I am sure you will find this disc very interesting. I planned for more in that disc, but the space for a real audio cd was limited. :)


I did a booklet of 12 pages, plus a back cover and a back tray for those who might be wanting to record this in audio for collection. :)
All files are high quality. Appart some pictures that were needed to be big, they will look like a bit low quality. But they still to the job that it is required of them.
This is a collection of 4 disc with 5hours of music. Enough to make you all enjoy it for the better. And to keep you addicted. ;)
I have hidden some stuff, in which I will soon know if you find those hidden things or not. :p

http://img8.uploadhouse.com/fileuploads/20143/20143238aa632b3f80e9baac87a92a1b2051f084.pngTHANKS / DEDICATED TO

I want to express my thanks to folowing users in which either directly and indirectly, helped me in this.
Some were not credited in the booklet, because of some hidden reason.
I wan to thank: !!!!!, alkaid001, Carl, cooljacker, DJKasumiNin, dzry1030, HCL., Jessie, Light-Angel, MidiGuyDP, NemesisTheory, nobunagaoda, REG, zedamex.

Project Dedicated to: � ΔΙΚRΩΙX �, docrate1, HCL., manny7546, Mewsie, Simon B.,




01 D.O.A.
02 Hitohira ~Reminiscent of Ketsui no Toki~
03 The Shooted
04 You are Under My Control ~Beautiful Version 00~
05 B-boy no ''B'' ~Evolved from ++~
06 Break the Age
07 Natural High
08 Tehu Tehu
09 YES or YES
10 Grand Style
11 Kasumi Alpha
12 Shiden
13 Training


-from Metroid Other M-

14 Ridley

-from "Nintendo 3DS The Fastest Sound Preview"-

15 D.O.A. ~dimensions mix~
16 Hitohira ~dimensions mix~
17 The shooted ~dimensions mix~



01 D.O.A. (Character Select)
02 Hitohira - reminiscent of ketsui no toki - (Kasumi Theme)
03 The shooted (Ryu Hayabusa Theme)
04 You are under my control - beautiful version 00 - (Tina Armstrong Theme)
05 B-boy no ''B'' - evolved from ++ - (Zack Theme)
06 Break the age (Gen Fu Theme)
07 Natural high (Jann Lee Theme)
08 Tehu Tehu (Ayane Theme)
09 YES or YES (Bass Armstrong Theme)
10 Grand style (Lei Fang Theme)


11 Tribal Beats (La Mariposa Theme / from DOA4)
12 Knifepoint (Bayman Theme / from DOA3)
13 Blood Tie (Helena Theme / from DOA3)
14 Red Moon (Leon Theme / from DOA3)
15 Turn On The Lights (Hitomi Theme / from DOA4)
16 Reincarnate (Hayate Theme / from DOA3)
17 DEAD OR ALIVE (Raidou Theme / from DOA)
18 Jintsuriki (Tengu Theme / from DOA2)
19 Alpha-152 (Alpha-152 Theme / from DOA4)
20 Monster (Christie Theme / from DOA3)
21 Moonlit Lady (Kokoro Theme / from DOA4)
22 Cracker (Brad wong Theme / from DOA3)
23 Successor (Eliot Theme / from DOA4)
24 Vigaku (Ein Theme / from DOA2)
25 Karma (Genra Theme / from DOA3)



01 Initiation -drama track- (Starting the Chronicle)
02 ketsui no toki (Kasumi VS Shiden / from DOA : Originally "Kasumi Theme")
03 Shinobi Path -drama track- (CGI Movie)
04 Rescue? -drama track- (Cutscene)


05 I Feel For You (Zack Introduction of DOATEC / from DOA4 : Originally "Tina Theme")
06 Dance Of The Angel (Freedom Survivor fireworks / from DOA4)
07 ketsui no toki ~pie-02 mix~ (Kasumi VS Raidou / from DOA : Originally "Kasumi Theme")


08 "Nii-chan?" -drama track- (Intro CGI Movie)
09 Bloody Song -drama track- (Helena Song CGI Movie)
10 Your Name is... (Introduction for Helena Speech / from DOA : Originaly "Name Entry Theme")
11 Result (Fighters Speech / from DOA : Originaly "Result Screen Theme")
12 Hidden Truth -drama track- (Cutscene)
13 Look Ahead (Hayabusa rescues Kasumi / from DOA3 : Originally "Hayabusa Theme")
14 Tengu-mai (Ein's Tengu Flashback / from DOA2 : Originaly "Ein's Tengu Flashback")


15 ''The Cursed Child'' -drama track- (Cutscene : Ayane knows the truth)
16 Hajinmon -drama track- (Cutscene : Ayane & Hayate Ninpo spell)
17 Tokkosho Momento -drama track- (Cutscene : Ayane Finale)


18 DOATEC (Irene Chopters toward DOATEC / from DOA 4 : Originally "Kasumi 1st CGi Movie in Story Mode")
19 Brave Heart (Hayabusa fighting DOATEC Aerial Troops / from DOA 4 : Originally "Ryu Hayabusa Ending")
20 The Broken Arrows (Hayate enters DOATEC in Showdown / from DOA 4 : Originally "Hayate Ending")
21 Unbroken Chains (Ayane & Hayate fighting DOA TEC troops / from DOA 4 : Originally "Ayane Ending")


22 Curtains Down & a Last Showdown -drama track- (CGI Movie : Helena's Resolve)
23 ENDING THEME -drama track- (Staff Roll)
24 Sayonara -drama track- (Cutscene : Zack rescues Helena)
25 Mask -drama track- (Cutscene : Genra Mask?)

Disc4: SIDE for Bonus Selected Material

02 The New Century (Opening Movie / from DOA)
03 Hitohira Remix (DOA2 Kasumi Theme / from DOA ULTIMATE)
04 Physical System (Training Mode / from DOA)
05 The Shooted Remix (DOA2 Ryu Hayabusa Theme / from DOA ULTIMATE)
06 Power is Beauty (Tina Armstrong Theme / from DOA -PSX-)
07 You Are Under My Control Remix (DOA2 Tina Armstrong Theme / from DOA ULTIMATE)
08 SAYONARA (Ending Movie / from DOA)
09 Transcendence (Opening Movie / from DOA2)
10 YES Or YES Remix (DOA2 Bass Armstrong Theme / from DOA ULTIMATE)
11 Excelsior (Sparring Mode / from DOA2)
12 Blazed Up Melpomene Remix (DOA2 Helena Theme / from DOA ULTIMATE)
13 Memoir (Helena Ending / from DOA2)
14 Grand Style Remix (DOA2 Lei Fang Theme / from DOA ULTIMATE)
15 Perfume of forest (Lei Fang Ending Theme / from DOA2)
16 Glorious victory (Staff Roll / from DOA2)
17 B-boy No ''B'' Remix (DOA2 Zack Theme / from DOA ULTIMATE)
18 X-ray (Opening Movie / from DOA3)
19 Ultimate Weapon Remix (DOA2 Leon Theme / from DOA ULTIMATE)
20 Conditioning (Training Mode / from DOA3)
21 Break The Age Remix (DOA2 Gen FU Theme / from DOA ULTIMATE)
22 Circle (Game Trailers / from DOA4)
23 Achoism Remix (DOA2 Jann Lee Ending / from DOA ULTIMATE)
24 Evolution (Sparring Mode / from DOA4)
25 Turn On The Lights Remix (DOA4 Hitomi Theme / from DOA4)
26 Link (from DOA ULTIMATE)
27 AYA (Ayane Theme / from DOA)
28 Tehu Tehu Remix (DOA2 Ayane Theme / from DOA ULTIMATE)
29 Wired (from DOA ULTIMATE / featured in DOA DIMENSIONS Showcase)
30 Vigaku Remix (DOA2 Eien Theme / from DOA ULTIMATE)
31 Type-XXX (from DOA & DOA2 -PSX-)
32 Jintsuriki Remix (DOA2 Tengu Theme / from DOA ULTIMATE)
33 Power is Beauty ~more beautiful mix~ (Tina Theme / from DOA -PSX-)
34 SAYONARA ~master version~ (Ending Movie / from DOA -PSX-)
35 Dead or Alive Overture ~renewal mix~ (Opening Movie / from DOA -PSX-)



All Composed by: Shigekiyo Okuda, Makoto Hosoi
All Arranged by: Makoto Hosoi


Track 14 Composed by Kenji Yamamoto & Arranged by Ryo Koike

Tracks 11, 12, 13
Composed & Arranged by: Makoto Hosoi, Ryo Koike

Tracks 01 to 13:
Ripped & Encoded by dzry1030

Track 14:
Ripped & Encoded by !!!!! (demon2warrior)

Tracks 15 to 17
Ripped & Encoded by Carl @GamingForce


Tracks 01 to 10, 18, 24
Composed & Arranged by: Shigekiyo Okuda, Makoto Hosoi

Track 17
Composed & Arranged by: Kazuhiko Inaba, Makoto Hosoi

Tracks 12, 13, 14, 16, 20, 22, 25
Composed & Arranged by: Makoto Hosoi, Takafumi Inamori, Ryo Koike

Tracks 11, 15, 19, 21, 23
Composed & Arranged by: Makoto Hosoi, Takafumi Inamori, Ryo Koike, Hiroyuki Akiyama, Takumi Saito

All Tracks Ripped & Encoded by #gamemp3s
(#gamemp3s (http://www.gamemp3s.net/))


Tracks 01, 03, 04, 08, 09, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25
Composed & Arranged by: Makoto Hosoi, Ryo Koike

Tracks 02, 07, 10, 11
Composed & Arranged by: Kazuhiko Inaba, Makoto Hosoi

Tracks 05, 18
Composed & Arranged by: Makoto Hosoi, Takafumi Inamori, Ryo Koike, Hiroyuki Akiyama, Takumi Saito

Tracks 06, 19, 20, 21
Composed & Arranged by: Hiro Nagasawa
Lyrics: EMI (06, 21) / BANANA ICE (20)
Chorus: Yoichi Ichinose (19)
Vocals: Kumiko Endo (06) / Janelle Sadler (21)
Rap: Shimatachi Kyodai (20)

Key: Yasuharu Nakanishi
Oboe: Masaaki Kawamura

Tracks 12, 13
Composed & Arranged by: Makoto Hosoi, Takafumi Inamori, Ryo Koike

Track 14
Composed & Arranged by: Shigekiyo Okuda, Makoto Hosoi

-drama tracks-
Ripped & Encoded by morrigan666=alucard_aenslaed

from video encoding by zedamex
(zedamex - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/user/zedamex))

Tracks 02, 05, 06, 07, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21
Ripped & Encoded by #gamemp3s
(#gamemp3s (http://www.gamemp3s.net/))


Tracks 01, 18, 20, 26, 29
Composed & Arranged by: Makoto Hosoi, Takafumi Inamori, Ryo Koike

Tracks 02, 04, 06, 08, 27, 31, 33, 34, 35
Composed & Arranged by: Kazuhiko Inaba, Makoto Hosoi

Tracks 03, 05, 07, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 21, 23, 28, 30, 32
Composed by: Shigekiyo Okuda, Makoto Hosoi
Arranged by: Makoto Hosoi, Takafumi Inamori, Ryo Koike

Tracks 09, 11, 13, 15, 16
Composed & Arranged by: Shigekiyo Okuda, Makoto Hosoi

Tracks 22, 24, 25
Composed & Arranged by: Makoto Hosoi, Takafumi Inamori, Ryo Koike, Hiroyuki Akiyama, Takumi Saito

All Tracks Ripped & Encoded by #gamemp3s
(#gamemp3s (http://www.gamemp3s.net/))


>MP3 VBR / PNG Booklet<
2012 First Version Release / MEGA Link (528MB): Download Full Package (https://mega.co.nz/#!3sEgiSZS!pdNbZpZuDbSeBmbH33LJ7xVDT0YbYGQ5njfR_WB Vlcc)
2014 Second Version Updated / MEGA Link (540MB): Download Full Package (https://mega.co.nz/#!n0l0RSLb!n6uJg7U90F8W_VXrgq-dZNMqZeKMHfDIqkGK1TlxfAw)

04-28-2012, 03:30 AM
Orie forever changed the theory and practice of dedication. While so many arrogant and stingy people are living in the grips of being super selfish, a behavior that will just add more corruption to the world. Orie shines with his comprehensive and master pieces of several music collection. He is not just guiding people's thoughts to more dedication but he also laid out a clear road map for the required sharing spirit that we should all follow.

04-28-2012, 03:38 AM
Thank you very much for those words, my friend. :) I make feel myself a tomatoe again. XD
Dedication is the key for a lot of things unless the motivations have been compromised in some way. In majority of times, True Dedication brakes every obstacle, and leads down to the goal. In case, I wantd to achieve a lto of goals. Not just for me, but for all the fans. :)
Human Motivations, some said. ;)

04-28-2012, 08:03 AM
Congratz on completion of the project Orie.
I haven't read this whole thing nor listened to the soundtrack yet, but looks like you have accomplished quite a task.

By the way Dead Or Alive 4 is the only DOA game I've ever played and it was great fun. Hopefully Team Ninja can still produce a worthy follow up (DOA5) even with T.Itagaki being gone from the company.

04-28-2012, 12:51 PM
4 Months!!!! 4 Montsh to make this. I happy now. :)

To tell the truth, I am not very hopefull with DO5. The character Design is horrible in some characters. Hitomi is horrible. :s
They messed up Ninja Gaiden 3..... T.Itagaki had another story for Ninja Gaiden 3. All DOA ninjas were to come together. Specially Kasumi, which made some appearance in Ninja Gaiden 2. After all these Ninja Gaiden games were the visions of T.Itagaki.
Ninja Gaiden 3 sucks big time. And I a fan...
DOA5, I am having a lot of fears. It seems there will be no more music Character based and it will me stage msuic only. That kills the magic of DOA. The music was always and extent of the personalities in the game, and there was not only the story in the game you would decipher. Theire character themes also started to give you more hints if hear with the right attention to it.
But the DOA5 game is still being developed so, there may be changes.

By the way, your lossless requests. I had a guy that had them, but he was a bitch. :/ I am still trying to look for that for you.

more then 20 downloads, and a lot of thanks in this thread. XDXD

Simon B
04-28-2012, 04:59 PM
dling as i write this.


04-28-2012, 05:10 PM

Good work :)

04-28-2012, 07:52 PM
http://i2.lulzimg.com/f3a0a2e04f.gif http://i2.lulzimg.com/f3a0a2e04f.gif
I'm so going to check the new stuff & remixes...
Thank you http://i2.lulzimg.com/3e5b7f394c.gif

04-28-2012, 09:18 PM
I am sure you guys are going to maybe like the hidden stuff. ;)
Manny thanks to all too. :)
Let me know what you think of the final work :)

04-28-2012, 10:20 PM
Thank you so much Orie for your hard work, dedication and generosity. I cannot thank you enough for making this happen. I almost got a little shinkoteared up when I saw your project finally reached. I'M SO SHINKOHAPPY!!!(^O^)

04-28-2012, 10:35 PM
Yes SHINKOBUDDY!!!! I am happy too. So much hard work for this.

The booklet is what took much of my time. I had so many different ideas and colors. But I could not vary that much, because I wanted to use colors that were matching the game title. In this way I wanted the booklet to be felt has as it. :)
Some pictures I used for the booklet, I originally thougt I would NEVER got it on the web. But somehow I manage to get them all that I needed and imagined for the booklet.
I am just sad that I had know way to get, or did not exist, the pixel character for Shinden or the artwork pictures of the corners of the booklet for him. :(
I had to remade some pages again on the booklet, because I was not yet used to the software. Some settings on the pictures where very different and the quality was seeming low to me compared to the next pages of the booklet. I think it turned out better now.
Also, for each character artwork of the corners, I put their respective sentences that they say when you finish a fight with a PERFECT. :P
That was one of the touches I liked more when working on the booklet. It was both for fans and those who latelly played the game. :p

04-28-2012, 10:41 PM
I guess downloading these files without showing my thanks to you was a little bit rude. I really love the third CD (especially the hidden remixes, and Helena's new ending).
I still hope that one day someone will find the name of Helena and Maria's opera theme.
Anyway, thanks for the time dedicated to that project and to us, fans.
That's the kind of things I really like about DOA community. :)

Hopefully, all these tracks will be available in a "music collection" mode in DOA5. Among artworks and old video. That would be a nice gallery mode!

04-28-2012, 10:46 PM
I agree!Yahoooooooooooooo!

04-28-2012, 11:17 PM
I guess downloading these files without showing my thanks to you was a little bit rude. I really love the third CD (especially the hidden remixes, and Helena's new ending).
I still hope that one day someone will find the name of Helena and Maria's opera theme.
Anyway, thanks for the time dedicated to that project and to us, fans.
That's the kind of things I really like about DOA community. :)

Hopefully, all these tracks will be available in a "music collection" mode in DOA5. Among artworks and old video. That would be a nice gallery mode!

Helena and Maria's opera theme it was what also made me delay this project.
I asked a lot of people with a lot of knownledge in opera and classical compositions. But they only gave me hints, and with those hints I started to look for myself. But the most frustrating thing is that I heard that song Long Before "DOA 4" (it first apears there....right?) My brother also said he heard that before, but even him could not figure out the composition, since he's having music classes and he has been learning for himself a lot about classical composers and their original compositions.
If I had this track, it was going to be Sectioned for the "CHRONICLE Side" disc. As I did with "Look Ahead". I rip it out the cutscene with that track, and put the original track right next on the tracklist.
Some cutscenes and CGI movies were fun to rip, because I really felt that the sound effects and voices were really important, special in how I was trying to keep the "DOA" magic in it. To be faithfull to it as possibly near as I could.

The cd you loved, is exactly the one I was afraid to have bad comments. :) I am happy for that you liking it. ;)
I think the Identity is all there. ;)

Giga Man
04-29-2012, 01:58 AM
What a thread! That is some serious effort put into just the first post alone. I'm totally downloading this behemoth of a sound track. Such dedication deserves praise.

04-29-2012, 02:05 AM
Thank you very much for the praise. :)
I hope you like the surprises hidden inside :D ;) :p

04-29-2012, 02:21 AM
Thank you very much Orie. :D Another great rip!
Excited to hear the quality of the music on this OST. :D

04-29-2012, 04:38 AM
Long time no see. :)

04-29-2012, 06:26 AM
To tell the truth, I am not very hopefull with DO5. The character Design is horrible in some characters. Hitomi is horrible. :s
They messed up Ninja Gaiden 3..... T.Itagaki had another story for Ninja Gaiden 3. All DOA ninjas were to come together. Specially Kasumi, which made some appearance in Ninja Gaiden 2. After all these Ninja Gaiden games were the visions of T.Itagaki.
Ninja Gaiden 3 sucks big time. And I a fan...
DOA5, I am having a lot of fears. It seems there will be no more music Character based and it will me stage msuic only. That kills the magic of DOA. The music was always and extent of the personalities in the game, and there was not only the story in the game you would decipher. Theire character themes also started to give you more hints if hear with the right attention to it.
But the DOA5 game is still being developed so, there may be changes.
I'm just glad that at least you're not a blind fanboy who would accept any kind of new entry in your beloved franchise.
Ninja Gaiden 3 is an epic fail. Like you said Itagaki had a different story for it and I would guess that he wasn't going to unmask Ryu Hayabusa just like that after all these years. It's a serious matter that changes the way we see the main protagonist. And if it's not done properly - it could ruin the whole experience. If Tecmo decided to take that step - they should have made NG3 to be the best in the series so far, but instead it's the weakest.
I think if I was Mr.Itagaki, I'd be pretty upset to see what has become of my work after leaving the company.

04-29-2012, 02:36 PM
I agree with you.
Itagaki made the environment, both in game scenario as in personalities in the game. So he put you already inside the story with those matters. It is like you know Ryu in the first person, therefore you know him enough in both games. NG3 just does not make sense..... and the blood thing...its just too much. I really don't know whatthe hell they smoked while making the game. I have seen videos and I tried to see if I liked something.... and I do not.
Itagaki must have vomiting so much if he bought a copy for himself just to see what they made.

04-29-2012, 03:24 PM

05-02-2012, 09:37 PM
Thank you very much! So much soul-searching for someone to get the music from Dimensions and my mission has finally come to an end. Thank you very much for your dedication and of course, for having as much love for the music in this game as I do :)

05-02-2012, 10:30 PM
Lovers are needed in this world :D

05-17-2012, 08:08 PM
WoW your the best ! what a true fan you are so dedicated on doing this project :)
(Tehu tehu) is my fav "ayane"
Thank you so much ;)

05-17-2012, 09:39 PM
Ayane is my favorite character since... Always. and I also love Tehu Tehu. :)

05-18-2012, 12:52 AM
Tina has always been my favlicious. Her combos are so awesome!

05-18-2012, 01:02 AM
Since... I am alive!!!
Since... I love Purple!
Since... I love her songs!!!!
SInce... DOA PSX!!!! XDXD

05-18-2012, 01:23 AM
Shinkosince the shinkobeginning of shinkotime!!!!xD

---------- Post added at 07:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:12 PM ----------

Shinkosince the shinkobeginning of shinkotime!!!!xD
That makes no sense! But I like it.XD

05-18-2012, 02:22 AM
weird 0.o???

or i am seeing Gremlin Letters in my computer or....
I could almots beleive you had not written that post about Tina before.....and I replied to you in that stupid "since" way. 0.o????

Weeeeiiiiird!!!! 0.0

05-18-2012, 05:07 AM
Wow, man. This is quite a project you put together. Thank you for sharing it with us. :)

05-18-2012, 08:47 PM
that was the idea :P

05-20-2012, 01:54 AM
nice 1

Sol-Ratcht Saporro
05-20-2012, 07:11 AM
Thank you so much! I am an avid fan of the Dead or Alive series and now I have a complete set of music to add to my VGM collection.

Argroh Valdios
05-21-2012, 07:06 AM
hot DANG this is awesome!

05-29-2012, 06:14 AM
Thanks for putting this together. I'm not a big fan of the series, but I did like the music quite a bit. It's great how you put all this work into making an "ultimate" CD set.

05-29-2012, 02:43 PM
I also loved teh time I went to do it. :)

Alucard from Hellsing
07-21-2012, 06:42 AM
Man this is friggin awesome! Orie thank you so much for the Dimensions Soundtrack. I loved remixes there. Especially You are under my control-beatiful version 00- & Tehu Tehu.

I love DoA since DoA2 Hardcore on PS2 and I pretty much got 3DS for it RE games. And I think this is franchise is SO underrated, hopefully DoA 5 will do Great. My favorite fighting game.

08-14-2012, 09:53 AM
ayane remix is awesome, thanks for posting this!

Dragoon Luna
08-18-2012, 01:53 AM
Thank you so much for doing this soundtrack. 4 months is a really long time, i admire your patience, determination, and motivation to do this. Sadly, i could only get part 1 fully extracted. For some reason the other three parts all have bad blocks on them. I'm sorry but I really wanna hear the rest of the songs but the damn program won't let me! I just thought you would like to know and if you could fix it please? I Hope I'm not sounding greedy.

08-18-2012, 01:58 AM
yes, you are sounding greedy. Because you would never post anything if didn't had problems with the downloads. Might be wrong, but that is what everyone do.

oh, and if you are extracting just part 1....... then you are lame all the way down. Donwload EVERYTHING , and then you can extract everything.

Dragoon Luna
08-18-2012, 02:41 AM
I did download everything. But like i said for some reason part 2, 3 and 4 won't be extracted because of the bad blocks i mentioned. That's why I said only part 1 would only fully extract. I already had the other three parts. Don't see a reason for me to be called lame when i was trying to speak politely. If i sounded mean then I'm sorry that wasn't my intention.

08-18-2012, 02:43 AM
try to extract in root C of the hardrive.
maybe the problem can be because of the folder name to be too long.

Dragoon Luna
08-18-2012, 03:46 AM
Okay i think i got it to work with your suggestion. I'm not positive because this is my first time using WINRar, after both IZArc and 7-zip failed me. And the only reason they didn't work was because IZArc said bad blocks, 7-zip translated it as broken files. Thank you for your suggestion, and once again, thank you for making the soundtrack.

08-18-2012, 03:49 AM
IZArc ? 0.0 Never heard of that. The reason why I was not understanding your "bad blocks" thing. I was thiking if english was not your language because I wa snot getting what you were meaning in that subject.
Great that it works. Hope you like the surprises and the booklet. :)

Dragoon Luna
08-18-2012, 03:55 AM
Sadly i didn't get the hidden files, if they were the surprises you were referring to. WINRar refused to download them so i have to go through it and get those. But I have to say the booklet is very well made. I almost though Team Ninja/Temco really did this. The four months really paid off.

EDIT: Tecmo. *beep* Typos.

08-18-2012, 03:59 AM
The hidden files.....are..... Hidden. :p YOu will have to workout a way to see them :)
everyone else already got to him ;)
just a hint. the hidden files are in the folders.

09-24-2012, 06:15 PM
Thank you really much for your hard work, so awesome!!!!!

09-24-2012, 07:51 PM
I have noticed something interesting about games and games music. Whenever a new game or a sequel for one game is about to be released, people will start seeking prior games music.
Wonder if this is because of two things. The first one people using the search option upstairs to see if music is updated. The second is that people have the tendency to revive their old nostalgic factor by reverting back to the roots of the game. Moreover, I doubt that the first one is correct because less people, perhaps only the very educated, use the search options more :)
My scattered thoughts only, hoping that everyone is enjoying the fun part of music and gaming :)

09-24-2012, 08:23 PM
I agree more with second option. :)
If the search option was being used, we would not have useless requests spreaded throughout the forum.
But I only hope too they have fun listening it.:)

09-28-2012, 09:27 AM
Thanks very much for this. This is the only complete collection I can find regarding Dimensions.

I love the hidden tracks especially, They add so much more depth to the atmosphere, and help make this a true compilation of the DOA series.

09-29-2012, 12:52 PM
Glad you are happy with it ;)

12-15-2012, 09:59 AM
Is it possible for anyone to reupload this? Thanks in advance.

12-15-2012, 02:34 PM
My mediafire account has been suspended. So no more uploads. But I will try to keep alive my projects.

12-17-2012, 10:52 PM
Re-uploaded in 3 part files.
Enjoy it ;)

12-21-2012, 09:41 PM
Thank you very much!

12-29-2012, 12:42 PM

05-25-2013, 11:44 PM

07-27-2013, 05:30 AM
Do you mind if you upload this soundtrack to another website and then post an alternative link set just for that site? I'm just wondering because I don't really trust Uptobox due to the fact that it has Adblock detection, and I really don't want to disable Adblock due to my hatred of pop-up window ads.

07-27-2013, 09:34 AM
is Mega good for you?

07-27-2013, 05:50 PM
The only sites I usually go to are Rapidshare, Mediafire, 4shared, or Uploading.com, so I don't know about Mega.

07-27-2013, 07:02 PM
Beggars can't be choosers; you have an alternative that only your unfounded paranoia isn't letting you use.

I, too, have AdBlock and I often download from Uptobox - just click on either of the links Orie provided, and in the ADP menu click "Disable on uptobox.com". Uptobox has really nice download speeds, so there's no need for a re-upload if the links are active and working properly.

07-27-2013, 08:28 PM
Heck, just download from Uptobox already, your computer is not gonna blow up from it, it's safe, there are much worse file hosting sites out there. Also Mega is as good of an alternative as anyone could hope for.

07-27-2013, 09:30 PM
I can try tomorrow to p it in mega.
I broke up with mediafire. she was banging on me too much XD


I have to re-up anyway. Uptobox is deleting my files. Sooner or later I will have to re-up this. :/

03-03-2014, 04:31 PM
DIOSS NO en las caritas al final la de mi personaje favorito no esta porfavor ponganla para compeltar la coleccion mi personaje es BAYMAN

03-03-2014, 06:56 PM

03-06-2014, 09:51 PM
This is wonderful! Thank you SO much. The music is so good and you, for taking a large amount of time in doing this, earned such a large amount of my appreciation. Cheers. :)

Gonna listen to Kasumi, Helena, Leifang, and Ayane's themes so hard now.

03-07-2014, 02:37 AM
Glad you are happy my friend :)

03-07-2014, 04:56 AM
going to check this out thanks orie

05-10-2014, 07:50 PM
DIOSS NO en las caritas al final la de mi personaje favorito no esta porfavor ponganla para compeltar la coleccion mi personaje es BAYMAN


Here's a translation I put up via Google Translator incase you don't understand:
DIOSS NO in the faces at the end of my favorite character please do not lay it to the collection compeltar my character is BAYMAN
Although the translation is particularly a train wreck, it does mean "At the end, my favorite character is Bayman."
I don't know the rest, though.

05-10-2014, 08:12 PM
I know what he said....
That translation is a wreck yes.

He said: "GOD NO!! On the last covers my favorite character is not there. Please put it to complete the collection. Bayman is my favorite character."

First: I had to put some orthographic pointers so it could be easy to read and understand.
Second: He needs glasses.

And to translate my "????": "What the hell are you talking about?"
Now translating for the guy:
"que demonios estas hablando?

Primero: estas en un forum que se habla ingles. por essi intienta hablar ingles.
Segundo: usted necesita gafas "

05-11-2014, 12:40 PM
Is it possible to get a Mega Download?

05-11-2014, 01:55 PM
Yes it is.
I was planing on doing that, but since no one complained about the links I left them as they are.

05-12-2014, 07:41 AM
Yes it is.
I was planing on doing that, but since no one complained about the links I left them as they are.

If you be so kind to create one there please. Your currently one isn't friendly with me lol.

05-12-2014, 02:08 PM
Added a mirror Link in MEGA :)

05-15-2014, 01:23 AM
Added a mirror Link in MEGA :)

Thank You Orie! Give you some rep in return! :D

05-25-2014, 12:25 PM

08-11-2014, 06:05 PM
Great work !

10-29-2014, 03:44 AM
sons of bitches of imageshack that deleted all my pictures of the main post...>_<

Project will be updated with new rips soon.
Stay tuned.

11-03-2014, 02:25 AM

After 2 years (more or less) of releasing this project, you can now all enjoy it even more. New rips were made with better sound quality and full "dimensions mix" character themes. The previous rips were cut off of the intro parts of the songs because of character speech. Tracks are new, no voices or background sfx.

What's New?)

Tracks 01 to 14 were completely re-ripped, and replaced the old tracks.
A new track was added as track "00". (The Nintendo 3DS icon jingle).
3 of the last hidden tracks were moved to Disc3 due to the tracks length. It was not possible to included them the same way as a Audio d of 70mn.

Disc3 - CHRONICLE Side
Track 01 and 23 were completely re-ripped, and replaced the old tracks.
Renamed the tracks suffix "-drama track-" to "-original track-". These tracks are not part of the drama side of this disc. I had it like that before, because it was ripped from the video files that were provided for this project, being "Drama" , the video were I ripped the tracks.

The track "00" in disc1, I decided to put it like that, as an unlisted track on the booklet, because I did not felt like re-making the booklet. Though I should, because now the credits for this work have changed. But I kept both track-listing and info .txt files of old and new version of credits.

Thanks MiL� for your heads-up. :)

11-03-2014, 02:30 AM

Just seeing the cover, well it is nostalgic having to remember how I got the game and well.... :') The music was really something nice after all :') Thanks..

11-03-2014, 02:33 AM
This and the swap notes. :) You know what Mean very well.
I hope you may enjoy the "new" sound. All songs have now a different feeling then they had, because... now we have the intro on all songs. :D
I am so sucker for Kasumi Alpha theme.

La Grenouille
11-03-2014, 05:18 PM

After 2 years (more or less) of releasing this project, you can now all enjoy it even more. New rips were made with better sound quality and full "dimensions mix" character themes. The previous rips were cut off of the intro parts of the songs because of character speech. Tracks are new, no voices or background sfx.

Thanks a lot for the two versions ! It's a BIG and precious (and long...) work ! We all appreciate your effort ! A BIG THANX !

11-04-2014, 01:21 AM
Just the fact that you guy stay happy with this project, makes me happy enough about :)

11-04-2014, 04:02 AM
DOA Dimensions has several tracks that recently became my favorite. Very good soundtrack.

11-04-2014, 01:47 PM
name them. Now I am curious. :)

11-05-2014, 12:46 AM
These ones (from your 2014 revised edition):

10 - Grand Style

12 - Knifepoint
20 - Monster
22 - Cracker

11-05-2014, 01:14 AM

almost all of DOA2 soundtrack are my favorites. I can't point the real them I like the most (referring to Grand Style which is from doa2). :)
With this "revised edition" I manage to enjoy even more new remade themes. "09 YES or YES" was originally no such a good of a rip in my opinion, but it was the best I could manage, and now I like this song much more then I thought I did in the game.
"Kasumi Alpha", damn... that intro is badass, and so love this song, more then I already had. The musical background is just well made and blending with the rest, and percussion... I really love this.

"Knifepoint" was firstly and originally played in DOA2 Japanese limited edition on Dreamcast. Bayman was a secret character. I have that game :) and I did loved when they used that track for DOA3.
DOA3 has it's up and downs for me in terms of character theme, but it does have it's good moments. More good then bad, yes.

I heard those tracks you pointed, I think the little details in them are what caught your attention. I confess, they caught my attention much better in the soundtrack then in the game. :)
The DOA4 tracks are mostly amazing, and I was amazed with its soundtrack when the game was released:
11 Tribal Beats,
15 Turn On The Lights,
23 Successor,
21 Moonlit Lady

Oh Moonlit Lady.... Be my Velentine? xD please?

05 I Feel For You
That track was love at first hearing. Its just my favorite..... forever. :)

11-13-2014, 09:56 AM
Ah didn't realize Knifepoint was that old... back from Dreamcast days, that's cool.

I Feel For You is a big favorite of mine too. But since I knew it was from DOA4, I didn't mention it. :)

04-04-2015, 05:00 PM

Thanks a lot for this great collection. Words can't express how much I admire your passion and dedication on making these rips and sharing it to the DOA fans all over the world. :)

I myself, don't own a 3DS and only looked into this when I was searching for DOA 3 soundtrack. I looked into the DOA soundtrack more after obsessing with the DOA 2 soundtrack.

Loved this soundtrack even if I listen mostly to the DOA 2 tracks. Artwork covers were amazing too. ;)
Hmm...I might even have to buy a 3DS someday and get this game because the music pumps me up real good!

04-04-2015, 07:29 PM
It really gives me joy seeing you guys enjoy this so much ^^

04-06-2015, 02:52 AM
Thanks for making an updated version and custom OST of Dimensions :)

Love it!! Really appreciate you doing this!!!!

Love the new cover as well! You should put it on front of the page as well!

05-10-2015, 06:05 PM
This is amazing, thank you!!!! I tried to make my own DOA: dimensions rip a while ago, just for character themes, but it ended up being poor quality, and of course I couldn't get rid of the voices at the beginning of the tracks. With the sheer amount of music you've collected here this was way better than I could have imagined.

What did you do to get such great quality audio?

Thanks again!! I've been looking everywhere for this.

07-26-2015, 08:24 PM
re please.

02-02-2016, 12:09 AM

02-20-2016, 04:51 AM
Thank You.

02-20-2016, 05:34 AM

12-14-2016, 08:27 PM

12-15-2016, 01:00 PM

03-14-2019, 08:16 AM
ty so much!

03-14-2019, 11:53 PM
You are all very welcome ^_^

03-16-2019, 04:06 AM
Oh wow, been looking for this forever. Thanks a lot!

08-30-2019, 05:02 PM
WOW, that's an amazing project you have here, and thank you so much for sharing your work with us !

08-30-2019, 09:14 PM
Thank you very much for your words ^_^

09-07-2019, 12:49 PM
Thanks for updated version!!!