01-24-2012, 08:33 PM
67 tracks, all named.


Croc: Legend Of The Gobbos (PSX) Soundtrack (


1. Intro - 1:58
2. Title - 1:45
3. Volcano Island - 1:37
4. And So The Adventure Begins Area 1 - 2:10
5. And So The Adventure Begins Area 2 - 1:55
6. And So The Adventure Begins Area 3 - 2:03
7. And So The Adventure Begins Area 4 - 1:59
8. And So The Adventure Begins Colored Crystal Room - 1:43
9. Level Complete! - 0:06
10. Underground Overground Area 1 - 2:10
11. Underground Overground Area 2 - 2:15
12. Shoutin Lava Lava Lava Area 1 - 2:05
13. Shoutin Lava Lava Lava Area 2 - 2:09
14. Shoutin Lava Lava Lava Area 4 - 1:55
15. Shoutin Lava Lava Lava Colored Crystal Room - 2:08
16. Lair Of The Feeble Boss Battle - 1:44
17. The Curvy Caverns Area 1 - 2:47
18. The Curvy Caverns Area 4 - 2:10
19. Cave Fear Area 3 - 2:05
20. Darkness Descends Colored Crystal Room - Underwater - 2:23
21. Fight Night With Flibby Boss Battle - 2:11
22. Snow Island - 1:43
23. The Ice Of Life Area 1 - 2:39
24. The Ice Of Life Area 2 - 2:12
25. The Ice Of Life Area 3 - 2:18
26. The Ice Of Life Area 4 - 2:04
27. Be Wheely Careful Area 1 - 2:11
28. Be Wheely Careful Area 2 - 1:49
29. Be Wheely Careful Area 3 - 2:21
30. Riot Brrrrr Area 3 - 2:09
31. Riot Brrrrr Area 4 - 2:08
32. Riot Brrrrr Area 6 - 1:57
33. Chumly's Snow Den Area 2 - 2:12
34. Chumly's Snow Den Boss Battle - 2:14
35. Demon Itsy's Ice Palace Boss Battle - 2:14
36. Ice Bridge To Eternity Area 1 - 2:27
37. Desert Island - 1:29
38. Lights Camel Action Area 1 - 2:06
39. Lights Camel Action Area 2 - 2:48
40. Lights Camel Action Area 3 - 2:18
41. Lights Camel Action Area 4 - 2:20
42. Mud Pit Mania Area 1 - 2:16
43. Mud Pit Mania Area 2 - 2:12
44. The Deadly Tank Of Neptunia Boss Battle - 2:18
45. Sand And Freedom Area 1 - 2:00
46. Sand And Freedom Area 2 - 2:06
47. Sand And Freedom Area 5 - 2:06
48. Leap Of Faith Area 2 - 2:29
49. Cactus Jack's Ranch Boss Battle - 2:21
50. Castle Island - 1:39
51. The Tower Of Power Area 1 - 1:58
52. The Tower Of Power Area 2 - 2:06
53. The Tower Of Power Area 4 - 2:17
54. The Tower Of Power Area 6 - 1:34
55. Hassle In The Castle Area 1 - 2:32
56. Hassle In The Castle Area 2 - 1:53
57. Dungeon Of Defright Area 1 - 1:34
58. Dungeon Of Defright Area 2 - 2:08
59. Fosley's Freaky Donut Boss Battle - 2:42
60. Ballistic Meg's Fairway Area 4 - 2:15
61. Baron Dante Battle Phase 1 - 2:04
62. Baron Dante Battle Phase 2 - 1:27
63. Baron Dante Battle Phase 3 - 1:56
64. Ending Theme - 0:50
65. Staff Credits - 1:51
66. Crystal Island - 1:30
67. Game Over - 0:10

07-24-2012, 07:07 AM

07-28-2012, 11:11 AM

09-11-2014, 09:14 AM

09-11-2014, 02:00 PM
Thank you!

09-24-2014, 06:53 PM

09-24-2014, 09:36 PM
Thank you so much!!!

10-13-2014, 12:21 AM
nicee thanks, this ost is very dificult to have.

11-08-2014, 02:45 PM
Thanks! :)

11-08-2014, 03:27 PM

02-05-2016, 09:35 PM