05-17-2003, 03:03 PM

05-17-2003, 07:07 PM
Mecha Tama! (From Love Hina) A failed invention of Su's, patterned after Mutsumi's 'gift' to Keitaro and Naru for accompnying her back to Okinawa - a sentinent, flying turtle named Tama - Su's mechanical copy resembles Tama in physical appearence, except it has lightning fast speed, strong armour, and a flare cannon in it's mouth.

However, the first one went berserk and somehow started 'eating' metal and electronic devices before growing to monsterous size and causing havoc around the Hinata, well, that is before Motoko destroys it with her ki sword attack.

Then, it's discovered that they've somehow become sentinent and have built a 'civillisation' of sorts under the Hinata Sou, stealing technology from humans and using the parts to build more of them! Then, bumbling Seta and the others inadverently stumble onto them, and chaos ensures!

I also have a soft spot for Skuld's all-purpose robot companion Banpei in Oh, My Goddess! (he appears in the managa and the movie, but not in the OVA however.). He resembles something akin to a cross between a red and white rubbish bin and a bicycle with a stupidly large black hat.

Normally, Skuld uses him as a kind of 'man friday', doing her share of the chores so she can do more important things like annoying Urd and eating ice-cream. He can, however, turn into cycle mode, giving Skuld vehicular transportation to places she can't go to using her 'water teleportation'. Finally, although he's often used for menial labour around Keiichi's temple, when a demon or some other supernatural entity shows up looking for trouble with the three goddesses living there, Banpei goes straight into 'battle mode', and can unleash a vertiable arsenal capable of taking out most enemies with ease, especially his ultimate 'Doomsday' attack!

For a little guy, like Vivi in FFIX, he sure can pack a mighty wallop!

Darth Revan
05-18-2003, 04:18 AM

Favourite mecha eh? Well, I've got a few, so here goes :

Mecha Tama (Love Hina) - The Hinata Sou's resident mad scientist, Kaolla Su, created the first Mecha Tama, in an effort to fight Tama. (In the manga at least.) In the anime, it was running around collecting inanimate objects, then devouring them, growing into a Godzilla sized Mecha Tama. Then, the Turtle civilisation Seta and the others find, created by another mecha Tama Su had created.

Veritechs/Valkyries (Macross/Robotech) - I just love them. From the standard trainer, to the heavy armoured ones, they carry a LOT of weaponry and kick ass.

Unit 00, 01 and 02 (Evangelion) - Impressive. However, I like Unit 01 the best, because of the way it's eyes narrow, before it goes beserk. Heh, heh, heh, never piss of Shinji's mom, yes?

And finally, my favourite mecha of all time, is of course, THE TRANSFORMERS, GENERATION 1. Now, a lot of people may not consider Transformers to be a 'true' anime, but it was in the beginning. Besides, a planet sized Transformer (Unicron, voiced by Orson Welles, in the movie), chewing up planets all over. He makes the Death Star look like a tennis ball.