05-16-2003, 02:09 AM
So what's your vote? I'm including Enemy Skill as a special type. It's my vote personally because I think skills like Big Guard and White Wind make things really easy. Command Materia in general is also a strong contender, with things like Flash attack and Double Cut. And some people might not think Support Materia, but Sneak Attack and Final Attack can be quite useful.

Neo Xzhan
05-16-2003, 11:52 AM
I'll have to go with Summon Materia, summons give a very big advantage. Hades hits with almost every status ailment, you can use elements at your advantage and stuff like that. And ofcourse there is the infamous Knights of the Round summon, I don't think I need to add on that one ;).

05-16-2003, 12:25 PM
Definately summon materia, or more specificall, Knights of the Round. The first time I played the game, I had KOTR and used it on the final Jenova boss.. it died after two rounds. Went back and did the last bit over, 'cause it was just no fun playing that way. @_@

Bahamut ZERO
05-16-2003, 01:30 PM
The Mega All Summon Materia. (The Master, Master, MASTER Summon Materia.) All sixteen summon spells on one piece of materia, each being able to cast an infinite number of times. Take your level 99 character in one party and go out and waste everything. Sorted.

That's why I always fought Emerald first. Get the Master Magic, Master Summon and Master Command materias, equip them on Cloud and watch him eat Ruby for breakfast.

Actually, W-Summon is quite useful in that regards too. Summon Hades, then KOTR, then repeat.

Of course you need Master Summon to be able to repeat that continuously. Or Mime.

I'll stick with Master Summon.

05-16-2003, 08:16 PM
kotrt is is most summons lots of em suck and take to dam long to deal damage a sense u can deal more damage then kotrt can just by attacking quick enough, the sequence takes to long...u can even just use counter attack materias...which is much faster and still do the same 9999 damage

G Unit
05-16-2003, 09:03 PM
Well I voted for magic materia because well full cure can get you out of most situations.......oh no down to 1hp......WOO back up to full;) and Ultima can be rather deadly if used right....but I also think summon materia along with mime etc is prob the most devastating.

05-16-2003, 11:48 PM
Well, I'll go against the croud and say Enemy Skills. Think about it, easy to get if you know where to look (like with all materia), and check out the different types. Big Guard, White Wind, Angel's Whisper, Beta, Pandora's Box, Bad Breath and even Death Force. All are awesome in battle. The most effective to me are Big Guard White Wind and Death Force.

Big Guard...Barrier, MBarrier AND haste. 3 turns in one, well actually it's 9 turns in one, doing all 3 characters.

Now White Wind restores health to characters, all characters. The HP restored determines the HP the character that used it has. Good for characters with 9999 health.

Bad Breath. BOOYA! Screws up most opponents bad, who wouldn't want that. Screw using 5 magics to screw an opponent, use Bad Breath, less MP cost too.

Finally, Death from death for a turn. Great when you've got 2 HP left and you're about to be attacked and killed. Then you get someone else to cure you.

These skills and the rest made the game too easy. They're like magic and summon in one.

05-17-2003, 04:28 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">I'm gonna go with Summons. KOtR can wipe out virtually any enemy in the game apart from the Weapons (and possibly Safer if you've done all the stuff to give him HP boosts), so taht's all you ever need. The earlier summons are fairly weak though, but I think KOTR could do it on its own, possibly with Odin's instant death move and Hades' status attack, they're the most powerful.

Vivi FF
05-18-2003, 03:57 PM
Command Materia is very overpowered... I mean things like W-Magic and W-Summon, you can do 2 Full Cures and 2 KotR! Plus things like Slash-All, Flash, 2x-Cut, 4x-Cut, and Mime are very powerful and useful...

Although one of the most powerfulest materias is the Mega All independent materia...

05-18-2003, 07:51 PM
I'll agree with everybody else (almost) Summons are the most overpowered, since they.... do pack a bunch

05-23-2003, 05:24 PM
4x Cut; 9999 for each hit, it takes just a few seconds to happen, so its quick, very strong, and very effective. Thus, command materia.

05-24-2003, 08:54 AM
I voted for Enemy Skills because it makes it too easy. I'm not going to bother explaining since Roukie has already given the pleasure of doing so.

06-14-2003, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by Surprentis
kotrt is is most summons lots of em suck and take to dam long to deal damage a sense u can deal more damage then kotrt can just by attacking quick enough, the sequence takes to long...u can even just use counter attack materias...which is much faster and still do the same 9999 damage

Well, the thing with KOTR, is you don't take damage, and still dish out 13 hits (all at 9,999 if your stats are high O_o)...

Anyway, yeah, I vote for either Summon (KOTR), or for independant, like HP plus, MP plus, luck plus, etc...

They made the game way to easy while you were still leveling up...

Divine Strike
07-12-2003, 10:43 PM
I voted summons......but as to you being able to deal as much damage as kotr in a shorter period of time....yes thats true but kotr is only one attack...but anyway summons really weren't what made the game so easy, it was all those multi attack Limits, there were quite a few of those that could cause as much damage if not more than kotr

07-12-2003, 11:14 PM
Also Summons

Neo Xzhan
07-13-2003, 10:25 AM
Enemy skill Materia also can be top notch, with skills as Big Guard (the most used skill by me throughout the game), Haste Barrier and MBarrier in one spell, or WhiteWind, cures all status ailments and if used by a high HP character alot of HP will be restored. Maybe the next skill doesn't sound as good but it actually one of my more faves: Magic Hammer, steal your enemies MP and add it to your own.

07-13-2003, 11:02 PM
The only time I ever used Magic Hammer was in the fight against Godo when I wanted to beat him really early in the game because it stops him from curing himself. I think Magic Hammer is buggy in the PC version of the game, it only takes away the opponent's MP, but doesn't add it to your own.

07-14-2003, 09:41 AM
I vote for mime, as long as your hp stays up then you can cast spells like Kotr every turn without wasting any mp.

The Wandering Knight
08-01-2003, 06:55 AM
I voted for Magic materia....just because i'm a magic fan:p...

I like using magic, it's cool, it's fun, it's fast....but not the best at dealing damage...yet it's the best at magic R O C K S..

Anyways, I hope this :mew: doesn't bite like the one in Azu Manga:P...I like it because it wan't here the last time i came (which is long ago:p)...


see ya...


Batman 2000
08-01-2003, 07:42 AM
Support materia ( HP absorb in particular) can make the game a lot easier for you. Think about it, if you link HP absorb to Knights of the Round, everytime you use Knights of the Round it will do 100,000+ damage and heal you all the way.

03-19-2004, 06:56 AM
command is fuckin boss. command is colder than a witches
tit in a brass bra. With 4 times cut and added cut materia junctioned together is fuckin beautiful its like a mini omnislash :notgood: