05-13-2003, 09:00 PM
I figured I'd start with some old works, and maybe a monolouge or two. .
I wrote the following over a year ago. I was sitting at work, and I was overcome by a rage actually, and I had my notebook infront of me and each of the following lines was scribbled all over a single page a piece. I have no official title for it, although in the doc I saved it to, it was called Hate - Love. . .

Tears fall on the end of lonely roads

Trust only those who love you

Never turn your back on someone you love

Lie like the sun will never rise again

Believe in the power of Hate

Love is just another weakness

If pain is weakness leaving the body, than nothing makes you stronger than love

A man's education doesn't begin until his heart breaks

Turn away and save yourself the pain</center>
One Last Time

The Halo shone tonight
Surrounding the sun
Enveloping the mind

Taking us to another place
So far away
Where we could just be

Now the sun stands in a haze
The sky nearly blue and white
Still the grey rolls through

All these things bring natural highs
Like the explicit use
of far to much cocaine

So when it refreshens
One last step
Inject the dust of celestial heights

Feel the thrill of another high
Dream of flight in the sky
And die one last time</center>
. . .Crushed Me. . .

You like Pain
You like to Hurt
Leave me battered and bruised
Without leaving a mark

You know I'm weak
A fool who cares
Selfless, Sacraficing
All, all you wanted you took

Tease me with a touch
Drive me mad with a look
I was in the palm of your hand
You smashed me, crushed me

I was left for dead
I was dead inside
My eyes were hollow
My soul frozen

I'd take my life
But I'm afraid
I'd take yours
But you crushed me. . .</center>
This last one here for now, I saw the title of the doc and thought it something else, and then I read it and smiled, for I know not when I wrote such a piece, but I am honestly very proud of it. Still, it would not suprise me if I were to have wrote it when I were depressed. I seem to write the happy stuff when my own life is bleak, and the dark runs from my pen when smiles and rainbows should be all I see.

Tempest and Tears

Bid thee welcome into the abyss
Open your arms like a mother
A child I am in the world
Cry out the harkened honeysuckle
I will fight this fight

The torrent tempest rages on
Spewing forth tribulations in an already dark hour
I think of your voice and smile
You are my source of strength against the storm
I welcome the challanges with you by my side

The earth trembles a mass
Stand ready against it
For there is a silence more deafening than that
And it only falls between us
For some things play out in such a way

I could, have denied myself
But could never deny you
A part of me, my very soul
To which only truth can flow
I love you

I'm happy for the storm above
People can't tell from tears and rain drops
But you can; you own me
Wonderous how fragile a thing I truly am
I know now even mountains are brittle

I suppose the mountain needed to be shown
He too can crumble
But in the palm of your hand
You somehow hold what I thought I lost
My heart, my love

No trial stands to hard
No feat unaccomplishable
For I have met the fires before
I will brave the tempering again
There is nothing I wouldn't do for you</center>
Oh, I forgot a monolouge. . . Here, short and sweet, and about a habit I so enjoy. This was the opening to a movie I was writing about a man being chased by the law for a crime he had commited, and they killed his family, blah blah blah, rather cliche, but I had some good plot twists.

Tastes so Damn Good

It all begins with that first puff, than you inhale. Most cough. You do it again. The nicotine wraps around your brain, and than you get dizzy. Why even come back for more? And menthols, don't even get me started. They say that shit crystalizes and cuts your lungs. Why torture yourself like that? But it tastes so damn good. . .

05-14-2003, 09:46 PM
Heres a lovely one, a little short, I suppose it's not completed, but it is a good one worth putting up at the moment, yet again, all these will be old unreleased poems and the such.
I can't see

Tell me why it has to end this way
All these tears
And all this pain

Can't answer all your questions
Can't see the break of day
Night gets so heavy

I can't see

So what ever happened to happy beginings
All the plans we made
Nothing more in dreamscape

So turn my soul around and inside out
Break all the little things
Cry those goddamn tears

I can't see
. .. I just opened this one, and its fucking creepy. . .

Another Life - Another Place

I never asked for an ending like this
I never asked for the tale to end this way
I never asked God in Heaven to tear my soul out
and I never asked the only question the hung at my lips

I can't turn back the hands of time
I can't ask fate to ever be kind
I can't tell you everything is dead
and I can't tell you I still feel the same

I do not control what my heart dictates
I do not control what yours calls to you
I do not know what brought it all to this
and I do not wish to take any of it back

I could have seen it coming
I could have fought every bit of it
I could have cried the tears that filled my eyes
and I could have tore Heaven from the skies

I never told you I expected this out come
I can't ask your forgiveness
I do not forgive myself
and I could never say Goodbye, only Goodnight

Til the Next Dream that Comes; Another Life - Another Place
and one more I suppose, hmmmmmmm, how about this one, an opening to one of the stories I was writing:

Life is...

I wasn't always like this you know; married, kids, PTA, mini-van. Funny how things change; funny how one moment you're racing across the country for a slick million and the next, the next you're holding your baby girl in your arms.

I don't even know what - what to say about the life I've lived. If you knew half of what I've done most of you would look at me, eyes wide, mouth slightly agape, complete shock. The rest, well you simply wouldn't believe it. Sometimes I don't even know if I believe it.

Life's thrown me a few curves, and I've thrown a few back. Hell, I don't even know if there is a begining to the story of my life.

Some would say to start with conception, but what lead to conception eh? Lets just say its a safe assumption to assume I was concieved in love, but after that, heh, life is never roses.

Gotta remember theres an entire thorn covered stem to lead to that single flower.

Entertaining too, to think of how many metaphors to life there is. Life is a rose, a pen, a cigarette, a slow song, life is a million bucks.

I could go on and on and not even come close to scratching the surface of this. . .this life.

Bahamut ZERO
05-14-2003, 10:18 PM
There is some very good work written here Merl. Very good.

In your first post, I really liked the works written in Tempest and Tears. The archaic language caught me at first, and then I kinda got lost on the rollercoaster of words and feelings from there.

No trial stands to hard
No feat unaccomplishable
For I have met the fires before
I will brave the tempering again
There is nothing I wouldn't do for you

An absolutely stunning ending to that piece of work. I can relate to those words. I can understand that feeling, in a strange way...

2nd post, Another Life, Another Place...

I could have seen it coming
I could have fought every bit of it
I could have cried the tears that filled my eyes
and I could have tore Heaven from the skies

That's just so powerful and moving. It just kinda hit home. Once again, a very moving piece of work.

Keep it up, my friend.

05-17-2003, 02:13 PM
Amazing poems Merl or should I say words of wisdom? I could find a connection with your poems which must mean something so whatever you're doing to make your poems work keep doing it. Great job.

05-18-2003, 04:10 AM
I humbly and gratefully Thank both of you for your opinions and compliments to what I consider simply an extension of my soul.

So now I'll put out a few more pieces of my work.
I'll start this one with a wedding toast I wrote:

A Wedding Toast

The fire of the furnace tempers the blade as the fires of our disputes temper our love. May it always find yours the stronger in the end my friends. That what we set forth with you on this day never be torn asunder and never be forgotten until you dance among the stars.
This next one I wrote in a state or turmoil and I was in a mood to make a more intellectual poem with the use of proper space terminology.

My Event Horizon

I'm not what I seem
Deep within theres another universe
Boiling inside of me

My soul can be an eclipse
With a few small glimpses
Through out the Bailey Beads
Enjoy the light when you can

So welcome to my Event Horizon
Dare not come to close
I'll pull you in

There is no escape from the darkness
It is another space
You could never hear my screams
Pushing one step closer to the brink

A million parsecs between body and mind
Breaking down and traveling
Where distance no longer exists

Surrounding my thoughts
In another proplyd of questions
Reaching the Roche Limit around me
Tears in another deep black bastion

Welcome to my Event Horizon
Pull back before its to late
Not another second to breathe

This is still just another space
You never heard my screams
Slip away into the wormhole
No more white dwarf to stay

Blink twice and pray
For tomorrow is another day
It's only my Event Horizon</center>
The next is simply the KotR Oath

The Oath of the Knights of the Round

I am Arix Cole
Bearer of the Deus Immortale
Knight of the Round

My place is in the darkness
- where no other man
- no other angel
Is willing to bring the light

When I stand in the threshold
None may enter

When my place is taken apon the bridge
None may pass

My blade is drawn only to protect

My life is given so others may live

I am Arix Cole
Bearer of the Deus Immortale
Knight of the Round

05-18-2003, 08:33 AM
I love them, merlly. I think that I like Another Life - Another Place best... it's just the one that got to me most, it's kool. I think your a real good writer, and your thoughts are good to be put on paper. I really like them merlly.

And in one last time, I really like how you wrote it. I dunno... it's like it's got this certain thing to it that makes me like it so much. Good job

05-19-2003, 03:56 PM
I remember seeing "Crushed Me" and "Another Life - Another Place" before. But anyway... they're great a second time around.


^__^ Great to see you're putting pen to paper again and writing great stuff like this. Missed your work, btw...

05-25-2003, 12:59 AM
The new collection of poems are very good especially My Event Horizon. I liked the theme in it and I liked the way your poems don't rhyme because they seem more heartfelt. Another great job Merl.